This chapter explains how to use digital media data structures that facilitate data specification and setting, getting, and passing parameters.
The DM Library provides type definitions for digital media that are useful when programming with the family of Digital Media Libraries. Data types and constant names have an uppercase DM prefix; routines have a lowercase dm prefix.
The dmedia/dmedia.h header file provides these type definitions:
DMboolean | integer for conditionals; DM_FALSE is 0 and DM_TRUE is 1 | |
DMfraction | integer numerator divided by integer denominator | |
DMstatus | enumerated type consisting of DM_SUCCESS and DM_FAILURE |
It is good programming practice to check the return values of functions. DMstatus provides a way to check return values. When a function succeeds, DM_SUCCESS is returned. When a function fails, DM_FAILURE is returned and a system error code is set that can be interpreted using the functions described in the next section.
Errors encountered while using the Digital Media Libraries can be diagnosed with the help of two routines. The function dmGetError() retrieves the number, summary, and detailed description of an error generated by the execution of the current process. The current process in this case is the same as determined by getpid(). The companion function, dmGetErrorForPID(), gets the same type of error information for a process your application specifies.
const char *dmGetError ( int *errornum, char error_detail[DM_MAX_ERROR_DETAIL] ) const char *dmGetErrorForPID ( pid_t pid, int *errornum, char error_detail[DM_MAX_ERROR_DETAIL] ) |
The functions dmGetError() and dmGetErrorForPID() enable your application to handle in a consistent manner errors generated while using the digital media libraries. Both functions return a pointer to a null-terminated character string that summarizes the error. The setting of the errors by the libraries and the retrieval of them by your application is guaranteed to be thread-safe. Only the most recent error for a given thread is returned. If there are no errors, the functions return NULL.
The parameter pid in dmGetErrorForPID() is the id of the process in which to check for an error. The last parameter in both functions, error_detail, is the address of a null-terminated character array of size DM_MAX_ERROR_DETAIL. If one exists, a detailed description of the error is loaded into the array. If you set error_detail to NULL, no description is loaded. The remaining parameter, errornum, is a pointer to an integer into which the number of the current error is loaded. If your application sets errornum to NULL, no number is loaded. The error numbers returned in errornum fall into ranges according to the digital media libraries that generated them. The currently defined error ranges and their libraries are as follows:
0-999 | UNIX® System (The error numbers are identical to those returned by oserror(3C).) |
1000-1999 | Color Space Library in libdmedia |
2000-2999 | Movie Library in libmoviefile or libmovieplay |
3000-3999 | Audio File Library in libaudiofile |
4000-4999 | DMbuffer in libdmedia |
5000-5999 | Audio Converter in libdmedia |
6000-6999 | Image Converter in libdmedia |
10000-10999 | Global Digital Media Library in libdmedia |
11000-11999 | FX Plug-in Utility Library in libfxplugutils |
12000-12999 | FX Plug-in Manager Library in libfxplugmgr |
The DM Library provides definitions for the digital media parameter data types. Table 3-1 lists the digital media parameter type definitions that are defined in dmedia/dm_params.h.
Table 3-1. Digital Media Parameter Data Types
Parameter Type | Meaning |
DM_TYPE_BINARY | Binary data |
DM_TYPE_ENUM | Enumerated type |
DM_TYPE_ENUM_ARRAY | Array of enumerated types |
DM_TYPE_FLOAT | Floating point value (double) |
DM_TYPE_FLOAT_ARRAY | Array of floats |
DM_TYPE_FLOAT_RANGE | Range of floats |
DM_TYPE_FRACTION_ARRAY | Array of fractions |
DM_TYPE_FRACTION_RANGE | Range of fractions |
DM_TYPE_INT | Integer value |
DM_TYPE_INT_ARRAY | Array of integers |
DM_TYPE_INT_RANGE | Range of integers |
DM_TYPE_LONG_LONG | Long long (64-bits) |
DM_TYPE_PARAMS | DMparams list |
DM_TYPE_STRING_ARRAY | Array of strings |
DM_TYPE_TOC_ENTRY | Table-of-contents entry for ring buffers |
Parameter-value lists, which are contained in a DMparams structure supply configuration information for digital media objects such as audio ports, movie tracks, and video devices. A DMparams list is a list of pairs, where each pair contains the name of a parameter and the corresponding value for that parameter.
You can use a DMparams list to
configure a digital media structure upon initialization by passing a complete list containing all the parameters and values needed to configure that object to a creation routine
change the settings of an existing digital media structure by providing a list of parameters and corresponding values to replace
Most Digital Media Libraries provide convenience routines for setting, adjusting, and getting relevant parameter values.
Every DMparams list that describes a format includes the parameter DM_MEDIUM to indicate what kind of data it describes. DM_MEDIUM is an enumerated type consisting of:
DM_IMAGE | which represents image data |
DM_AUDIO | which represents audio data |
DM_TIMECODE | which represents a timecode |
DM_TEXT | which represents text |
Another common parameter, DM_CODEC, is an enumerated type that describes whether a codec is synchronous (DM_SYNC_CODEC) or asynchronous (DM_ASYNC_CODEC). The compressor and decompressor of a synchronous codec are linked such that there must be both uncompressed input available to the compressor and compressed input available to the decompressor before either can generate output. An asynchronous codec has no such linkage.
This section explains how to use the DM Library routines for
creating and destroying DMparams lists
creating default audio and image configurations
setting and getting values in DMparams lists
manipulating DMparams lists
The routines described in this section follow the general rule that ownership of data is not passed during procedure calls, except in the routines that create and destroy DMparams lists. Functions that take strings copy the strings if they want to keep them. Functions that return strings or other structures retain ownership and the caller must not free them.
In the initialization section of your application, you create and use DMparams lists to configure data structures for your application as described in the following steps:
Create an empty DMparams list by calling dmParamsCreate().
Set the parameter values by one of the methods listed below:
Use a function that sets up a standard configuration for a particular type of data: dmSetImageDefaults() for images, dmSetAudioDefaults() for audio.
Use a generic function such as dmParamsSetInt() to set the values of individual parameters within an empty DMparams list or one that has already been initialized with the standard audio or image configuration. See “Setting and Getting Individual Parameter Values” for a description of this method.
Use a library function such as mvSetMovieDefaults() to set a group of parameters specific to that library.
Free the DMparams list and its contents by calling dmParamsDestroy().
These steps are described in detail in the sections that follow.
Some libraries require you to allocate memory for DMparams lists, but with the DM library, you need not allocate memory for DMparams lists, because memory management is provided for you by the dmParamsCreate() and dmParamsDestroy() routines. These routines work together as a self-contained block within which you create the DMparams list, set the parameter value(s) and use them, and then destroy the structure, freeing its associated memory.
Only the dmParamsCreate() function can create a DMparams list, and only the dmParamsDestroy() function can free one. This means that DMparams lists are managed correctly when every call to create one is balanced by a call to destroy one. The creation function can fail because of lack of memory, so it returns an error code. The destructor can never fail.
To create an empty DMparams list, call dmParamsCreate(). Its function prototype is:
DMstatus dmParamsCreate ( DMparams** returnNewList ) |
returnNewList | is a pointer to a handle that is returned by the DM Library |
If there is sufficient memory to allocate the structure, a pointer to the newly created structure is put into *returnNewList and DM_SUCCESS is returned; otherwise, DM_FAILURE is returned.
When you have finished using the DMparams list, you must destroy it to free the associated memory. To free both the DMparams list structure and its contents, call dmParamsDestroy(). Its function prototype is:
void dmParamsDestroy ( DMparams* params ) |
Example 3-1 is a code fragment that creates a DMparams list called params, then calls a Movie Library routine, mvSetMovieDefaults(), to initialize the default movie parameters, and finally destroys the list, freeing both the structure and its contents.
DMparams* params; if ( dmParamsCreate( ¶ms ) != DM_SUCCESS ) { printf( "s\n", dmGetError(NULL, NULL) ); exit( 1 ); } if ( mvSetMovieDefaults(params, MV_FORMAT_SGI_3) != DM_SUCCESS ) { printf( “s\n”, mvGetErrorStr(mvGetErrno())); exit( 1 ); } dmParamsDestroy ( params ); |
After creating an empty DMparams list or a default audio or image configuration, you can use the routines described in this section to set and get values for individual elements of a DMparams list.
There is a routine for setting and getting the parameter values for each parameter data type defined in the DM Library, as listed in Table 3-1.
All of these functions store and retrieve entries in a DMparams list. They assume that the named parameter is present and is of the specified type; the debugging version of the library asserts that this is the case. All functions that can possibly fail return an error code indicating success or failure. Insufficient memory is the only reason these routines can fail. Type mismatch causes a failed assertion in the debug library and undefined results in the non-debug library.
Table 3-2 lists the DM Library routines for setting parameter values. All the routines except dmParamsSetBinary() require three arguments:
These routines return either DM_SUCCESS or DM_FAILURE.
Table 3-3 lists the DM Library routines for getting parameter values. All the routines except dmParamsGetBinary() require two arguments:
params | a pointer to a DMparams list | |
paramName | the name of the parameter whose value you want to get |
Routines that get values return either a pointer to a value or the value itself. For strings, DMparams lists, and table-of-contents entries, the pointer that is returned points into the internal data structure of the DMparams list. This pointer should never be freed and is only guaranteed to remain valid until the next time the list is changed. In general, if you need to keep a string value around after getting it from a DMparams list, it should be copied.
Table 3-3. DM Library Routines for Getting Parameter Values
Routine | Purpose |
dmParamsGetBinary() | Returns a pointer to binary data. See dmParamsSetInt(3dm). |
dmParamsGetEnum() | |
dmParamsGetEnumArray() | Returns a pointer to a value of type DMenumarray. |
dmParamsGetFloat() | |
dmParamsGetFloatArray() | Returns a pointer to a value of type DMfloatarray. |
dmParamsGetFloatRange() | Returns a pointer to a value of type DMfloatrange. |
dmParamsGetFract() | |
dmParamsGetFractArray() | Returns a pointer to a value of type DMfractionarray. |
dmParamsGetFractRange() | Returns a pointer to a value of type DMfractionrange. |
dmParamsGetInt() | |
dmParamsGetIntArray() | Returns a pointer to a value of type DMintarray for the parameter. |
dmParamsGetIntRange() | Returns a pointer to a value of type DMintrange for the parameter. |
dmParamsGetLongLong() | |
dmParamsGetParams() | Returns a pointer to a value of type DMparams for the parameter. |
dmParamsGetString() | Returns a pointer to a value of type const char for the parameter. |
dmParamsGetStringArray() | Returns a pointer to a value of type DMstringarray. |
To initialize a DMparams list with the default image configuration, call dmSetImageDefaults(), passing in the width and height of the image frame, and the image packing format. Its function prototype is:
DMstatus dmSetImageDefaults ( DMparams* params, int width, int height, DMpacking packing ) |
params | is a pointer to a DMparams list that was returned by dmParamsCreate() | |
width | is the width of the image in pixels | |
height | is the height of the image in pixels | |
packing | is the image packing format |
Table 3-4 lists the parameters and values set by dmSetImageDefaults().
Parameter | Default |
DM_IMAGE_WIDTH | width |
DM_IMAGE_HEIGHT | height |
DM_IMAGE_RATE | 15.0 frames per second (Hz) |
DM_IMAGE_PACKING | packing |
To determine the image frame size for a given DMparams list, call dmImageFrameSize(). dmImageFrameSize() returns the number of bytes needed to store one uncompressed image frame in the given format. Its function prototype is:
size_t dmImageFrameSize ( const DMparams* params ) |
Example 3-2 is a code fragment that creates a DMparams list, fills in the image defaults, and then frees the structure and its contents.
DMparams* imageParams; if ( dmParamsCreate( &imageParams ) != DM_SUCCESS ) { printf( "s\n", dmGetError(NULL, NULL) ); exit( 1 ); } if ( dmSetImageDefaults( imageParams, 320, /* width */ 240, /* height */ DM_PACKING_RGBX ) != DM_SUCCESS ) { printf( "s\n", dmGetError(NULL, NULL) ); exit( 1 ); } printf( "%d bytes per image frame.\n", dmImageFrameSize( imageParams ) ); dmParamsDestroy( imageParams ); |
To initialize a DMparams list with the default audio configuration, call dmSetAudioDefaults(), passing in the desired sample width, sample rate, and number of channels. Its function prototype is:
DMstatus dmSetAudioDefaults ( DMparams* params, int width, double rate, int channels ) |
params | is a pointer to a DMparams list that was returned from dmParamsCreate() | |
width | is the number of bits per audio sample: 8, 16, or 24 | |
rate | is the audio sample rate; the native audio sample rates are 8000, 11025, 16000, 22050, 32000, 44100, and 48000 Hz | |
channels | is the number of audio channels |
dmSetAudioDefaults() returns DM_SUCCESS if there was enough memory available to set up the parameters; otherwise, it returns DM_FAILURE.
Table 3-5 lists the parameters and values set by dmSetAudioDefaults().
Parameter | Default |
DM_AUDIO_WIDTH | width |
DM_AUDIO_RATE | rate |
DM_AUDIO_CHANNELS | channels |
To determine the audio frame size for a given DMparams list, call dmAudioFrameSize(). dmAudioFrameSize() returns the number of bytes needed to store one audio frame (one sample from each channel). Its function prototype is:
size_t dmAudioFrameSize ( DMparams* params ) |
Example 3-3 is a code fragment that creates a DMparams list, fills in the audio defaults, and then frees the structure and its contents.
Example 3-3. Setting Audio Defaults
DMparams* audioParams; if ( dmParamsCreate( &audioParams ) != DM_SUCCESS ) { printf( "s\n", dmGetError(NULL, NULL) ); exit( 1 ); } if ( dmSetAudioDefaults ( audioParams, 16, /* width (in bits/sample) */ 22050, /* sampling rate */ 2 /* # channels (stereo) */ ) != DM_SUCCESS ) { printf( "s/n", dmGetError(NULL, NULL) ); exit( 1 ); } printf( "%d bytes per audio frame.\n", dmAudioFrameSize( audioParams ) ); dmParamsDestroy( audioParams ); |
Example 3-4 shows two equivalent ways of setting up a complete image format description; the first sets the parameter values individually, the second creates a default image configuration with the appropriate values.
Example 3-4. Setting Individual Parameter Values
DMparams* format; dmParamsCreate( &format ); dmParamsSetInt ( format, DM_IMAGE_WIDTH, 320 ); dmParamsSetInt ( format, DM_IMAGE_HEIGHT, 240 ); dmParamsSetFloat ( format, DM_IMAGE_RATE, 15.0 ); dmParamsSetString( format, DM_IMAGE_COMPRESSION, DM_IMAGE_UNCOMPRESSED ); dmParamsSetEnum( format, DM_IMAGE_INTERLACING, DM_IMAGE_NONINTERLEAVED ); dmParamsSetEnum ( format, DM_IMAGE_PACKING, DM_PACKING_RGBX ); dmParamsSetEnum ( format, DM_IMAGE_ORIENTATION, DM_BOTTOM_TO_TOP );dmParamsDestroy ( format ); |
The following is equivalent:
DMparams* format; dmParamsCreate ( &format ); dmSetImageDefaults ( format, 320, 240, DM_PACKING_RGBX ); dmParamsDestroy ( format ); |
This section explains how to manipulate DMparams lists. Some of the tasks you can two with DMparams lists include:
testing two parameter values for equality
copying either individual parameter-value pairs or entire DMparams lists
determine how many parameter-value pairs are in a particular DMparams list
getting information about parameter names, data types
Table 3-6 lists the routines that perform operations on DMparams lists and the entries within them.
Table 3-6. Routines for Manipulating DMparams Lists and Entries
Routine | Purpose |
dmParamsAreEqual() | Determine if the values of two parameters are equal |
dmParamsCopyAllElems() | Copy the entire contents of one list to another |
dmParamsCopyElem() | Copy one parameter-value pair from one DMparams list to another |
dmParamsGetElem() | Get the name of a given parameter |
dmParamsGetElemType() | Get the data type of a given parameter |
dmParamsGetNumElems() | Get the number of parameters in a list |
dmParamsGetType() | Get the data type of the named parameter |
dmParamsIsPresent() | Determine if a given parameter is in the list |
dmParamsRemoveElem() | Remove a given parameter from the list |
dmParamsScan() | Scan all the entries of a digital media parameter list |
The sections that follow explain how to use each routine.
The function dmParamsAreEqual() compares two DMparams structures and tests for equality. Its function prototype is:
DMboolean dmParamsAreEqual ( const DMparams *params1, const DMparams *params2 ) |
If params1 and params2 have the same number of parameter-value pairs, and if the parameters of the same name have the same type and value in both lists, then the function returns DM_TRUE.
To perform any task that requires your application to loop through the contents of a DMparams list (for example, to print out a list of parameters and their values) you need to know how many parameters are in the list in order to set up a loop to step through the entries one-by-one.
To get the total number of elements present in a DMparams list, call dmParamsGetNumElems(). Its function prototype is:
int dmParamsGetNumElems ( const DMparams* params ) |
The number of elements and their position in a list is guaranteed to remain stable unless the list is changed by using one of the “set” functions, by copying an element into it, or by removing an element from it.
There is also a convenience function, dmParamsScan(), for looping through the contents of a DMparams list and performing the same operation on each element of the list. See for more information on
To copy the entire contents of the fromParams list into the toParams list, call dmParamsCopyAllElems(). Its function prototype is:
DMstatus dmParamsCopyAllElems ( const DMparams* fromParams, DMparams* toParams ) |
If there are any parameters of the same name in both lists, the corresponding value(s) in the destination list are overwritten. DM_SUCCESS is returned if there is enough memory to hold the copied data; otherwise, DM_FAILURE is returned. Type mismatch causes a failed assertion in the debug version of the library.
If a parameter appears in more than one DMparams list, it is sometimes more convenient to copy the individual parameter or group of parameters from one list to another, rather than individually setting the parameter value(s) for each list.
To copy the parameter-value pair for the parameter named paramName from the fromParams list into the toParams list, call dmParamsCopyElem(). Its function prototype is:
DMstatus dmParamsCopyElem ( const DMparams* fromParams, const char* paramName, DMparams* toParams ) |
If there is a preexisting parameter with the same name in the destination list, that value is overwritten. DM_SUCCESS is returned if there is enough memory to hold the copied element; otherwise, DM_FAILURE is returned.
To get the name of the entry occupying the position given by index in the params list, call dmParamsGetElem(). Its function prototype is:
const char* dmParamsGetElem ( const DMparams* params, const int index ) |
The index must be from 0 to one less than the number of elements in the list.
To get the data type of the value occupying the position given by index in the params list, call dmParamsGetElemType(). Its function prototype is:
DMparamtype dmParamsGetElemType ( const DMparams* params, const int index ) |
Similarly, to get the data type of the parameter given by name in the params list, call dmParamsGetType(). Its function prototype is:
DMparamtype dmParamsGetType ( const DMparams* params, const char* paramName ) |
See Table 3-1 for a list of valid return values.
To determine whether the element named paramName exists in the params list, call dmParamsIsPresent(). Its function prototype is:
DMboolean dmParamsIsPresent ( const DMparams* params, const char* paramName ) |
DM_TRUE is returned if paramName is in params; otherwise, DM_FALSE is returned.
Instead of creating your own loop to cycle through the contents of a DMparams list, you can use the convenience routine dmParamsScan(), which performs a specified operation on each element of the list. Its function prototype is:
DMstatus dmParamsScan ( const DMparams* params, DMstatus (*scanFunc) ( const DMparams* params, const char* paramName, void* scanArg, DMboolean* stopScan ), void* scanArg ) |
The function dmParamsScan() passes the name of each entry in a DMparams list and scanArg as parameters to scanFunc. If scanFunc sets the value of stopScan to DM_TRUE, dmParamsScan() stops the DMparams list scan and returns the value returned by scanFunc. Otherwise, dmParamsScan() processes all elements in the list and returns DM_SUCCESS.
To remove the paramName entry from the params list, call dmParamsRemoveElem(). Its function prototype is:
const char* dmParamsRemoveElem ( DMparams* params, const char* paramName) |
The element named paramName must be present.
Example 3-5 prints the contents of a DMparams list.
Example 3-5. Printing the Contents of a Digital Media DMparams List
void PrintParams( DMparams* params ) { int i; int numElems = dmParamsGetNumElems( params ); for ( i = 0; i < numElems; i++ ) { const char* name = dmParamsGetElem( params, i ); DMparamtype type = dmParamsGetElemType( params, i ); printf( " %20s: ", name ); switch( type ) { case DM_TYPE_ENUM: printf( "%d", dmParamsGetEnum( params, name ) ); break; case DM_TYPE_INT: printf( "%d", dmParamsGetInt( params, name ) ); break; case DM_TYPE_STRING: printf( "%s", dmParamsGetString( params, name ) ); break; case DM_TYPE_FLOAT: printf( "%f", dmParamsGetFloat( params, name ) ); break; case DM_TYPE_FRACTION: DMfraction f = dmParamsGetFract( params, name ); printf( "%d/%d", f.numerator, f.denominator ); break; case DM_TYPE_PARAMS: printf( "... param list ... " ); break; case DM_TYPE_TOC_ENTRY: printf( "... toc entry ..." ); break; default: assert( DM_FALSE ); } printf( "\n" ); } } |
Applications that call DM Library routines must include the libdmedia header files to obtain definitions for the library; however, these files are usually included in the header file of the library you are using.
This code fragment includes all the libdmedia header files:
#include <dmedia/dmedia.h> #include <dmedia/dm_audio.h> #include <dmedia/dm_image.h> #include <dmedia/dm_params.h> #include <dmedia/dm_buffer.h> #include <dmedia/dm_imageconvert.h> #include <dmedia/dm_audioconvert.h> |
Link with the DM Library when compiling an application that makes DM Library calls by including -ldmedia on the link line. It's likely that you'll be linking with other libraries as well, and because the linking order is usually specific, follow the linking instructions for the library you are using.
The debugging version of the DM Library checks for library usage violations by setting assertions that state the requirements for a parameter or value.
To debug your DM application, link with the debugging version of the DM Library,, by setting your LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to the directory containing the debug library before linking with -ldmedia, and then run your program. For example, use setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/lib/debug to set the path.
Your application will abort with an error message if it fails an assertion. The message explains the situation that caused the error and, by implication or by explicit description, suggests a corrective action.
When you have finished debugging your application, you should relink with the nondebugging library, libdmedia.a, because the runtime checks imposed by the debugging library cause an undesirable size and performance overhead for a packaged application.