IRIX contains a programming library, called dslib, that allows you to control SCSI devices from a user-level process. This chapter documents the functions in dslib, including the following topics:
“Overview of the dsreq Driver” gives a summary of the features and use of the generic SCSI device driver.
“Generic SCSI Device Special Files” documents the format of the names and major and minor numbers of generic SCSI files.
“The dsreq Structure” gives details of the request structure that is the primary input to the generic SCSI driver.
“Testing the Driver Configuration” documents the use of the DS_CONF ioctl() operation.
“Using the Special DS_RESET and DS_ABORT Calls” describes two special functions of the generic SCSI driver.
“Using dslib Functions” describes the functions that make it simpler to use the generic SCSI driver.
“Example dslib Program” shows a simple example of use.
You must understand the SCSI interface in order to command a SCSI device. For several SCSI information resources, see “Other Sources of Information”.
If you are specifically interested in using audio data from a CDROM or DAT drive, you should use the special-purpose libraries for CDROM and DAT that are included in the IRIS Digital Media Development Environment. These libraries are built upon the generic SCSI driver, but provide convenient, audio-oriented functions. For more information on these libraries, see the IRIS Digital Media Programming Guide, document number 008-1799-040.
If your interest is in controlling SCSI devices at the kernel level, see Part V, “SCSI Device Drivers”.
IRIX includes a generic SCSI device driver, the dsreq driver, through which a user-level program can issue SCSI commands to SCSI devices. This is a character device driver that supports only open(), close() and ioctl() operations (see “Kinds of Kernel-Level Drivers” in Chapter 3, and also the open(2), close(2) and ioctl(2) reference pages).
The formal documentation of the dsreq driver is found in the ds(7) reference page. In order to invoke its services, you prepare a dsreq data structure describing the operation and pass it to the device driver using an ioctl() call. The device driver issues the SCSI command you specify, and sleeps until it has completed. Then it returns the status in the dsreq structure.
You can request operations for input and output as well as issuing control and diagnostic commands. The dsreq structure for input and output operations specifies a buffer in memory for data transfer. The dsreq driver handles the task of locking the buffer into memory (if necessary) and managing a DMA transfer of data.
The programming interface supported by the generic SCSI driver is quite primitive. A library of higher-level functions makes it easier to use. This library is formally documented in the dslib(3) reference page, and is described under “Using dslib Functions”.
The creation and use of device special files is discussed under “Device Special Files” in Chapter 2. A device special file represents a device, and is the mechanism for associating a device with a kernel-level device driver.
The device special files in the /dev/scsi directory are all associated with the dsreq driver. A basic set of these names is created automatically by the /dev/MAKEDEV script (see “The Script MAKEDEV” in Chapter 2). You have to create additional device special files if you need to control logical units other than logical unit 0.
Device special files in /dev/scsi have one of the following major device numbers:
195 for devices on a SCSI bus (files /dev/scsi/sc*).
196 for devices on a jag (VME) SCSI bridge (files /dev/scsi/jag*).
The minor number of these files encodes the adapter number, the SCSI ID, and the LUN, using the bit assignments shown in Figure 5-1.
Each device special filename in the /dev/scsi directory reflects the values of the device's adapter (bus) number, SCSI ID, and logical unit number (LUN).
![]() | Tip: The character between the SCSI ID and the LUN in these names is the letter “l.” When reading or copying these device names, take care not to write a digit 1 instead. This is a frequent error. |
Devices attached directly to a SCSI bus have names in this form:
A typical device name would be /dev/scsi/sc1d3l0 meaning a SCSI device configured as ID 3 on SCSI bus 1. Either this device has no logical units, or this is the first logical unit on device 3.
Machines in the Challenge and Onyx systems can optionally have SCSI devices attached to the VME bus through a bridge using the jag device driver. These devices are also represented in /dev/scsi with names of the following form:
jag | Prefix “jag” for VME/SCSI attachment. |
0 to 4 | |
d | Constant letter “d” for device. |
0 to 7 (to 15 for wide SCSI) | SCSI ID of the target device or control unit, as set by switches on the device itself. |
l (letter ell) | Constant letter “l” for logical unit. |
0 to 7 | Logical unit number (LUN) of this device, typically 0. |
A typical device name would be /dev/scsi/jag1d3l0 meaning a SCSI device configured as ID 3 on VME bus 1. Either the device has no logical units, or this is the first logical unit on device 3.
The script /dev/MAKEDEV, which runs each time the system boots, creates 16 files for each existing SCSI or jag bus. These files represent the possible SCSI ID numbers 0-15 on each bus, with a logical number of 0. If you want to control a device with LUN 0, the device special file exists.
In order to control a device with a LUN of 1-7, you must create an additional device special file, using the mknode or install command (see the install(1) reference page). For example, before you can operate logical unit 2 of device 5 on SCSI bus 1, you must create /dev/scsi/sc1d5l2 using a command such as
install -F /dev/scsi -m 600 -u root -g sys \ -chr 195,165 sc1d5l2 |
The files in /dev/scsi describe many of the same devices that are described by files in /dev/dsk, /dev/tape, and other directories. There is a security exposure in that a user-level program could use a /dev/scsi file to do almost anything to a disk or tape, including total erasure.
The dsreq device driver forces exclusivity with itself; that is, a given /dev/scsi file can be opened only by one process at a time. However, a device could be open through the dsreq driver at the same time it is open by another process, or by a filesystem, through a different device special file and device driver. For example, a disk volume could be simultaneously open through the name /dev/scsi/sc0d0l0 and through /dev/rdsk/dks0d1s0.
The process that opens a generic SCSI device can request exclusivity using the O_EXCL option to open(). In that case, the open is rejected when the device is already open through another driver; and no other driver can open the device until the generic device file is closed.
The primary input to most dsreq ioctl() calls, as well as the primary input to most dslib functions, is the dsreq structure. This structure is declared in /usr/include/sys/dsreq.h, a header file that rewards careful study.
The important fields of the dsreq structure are shown in Table 5-1. Some of the field values are expanded in the following topics. The sys/dsreq.h file declares macros for access to many of the fields. Use these macros (listed in Table 5-1) in both expressions and assignments in order to insulate your code against future changes.
Table 5-1. Fields of the dsreq Structure
Field Name | Macro | Purpose |
ds_flags | FLAGS(dp) | Bits used to determine device driver actions. See “Values for ds_flags” . |
ds_time | TIME(dp) | Timeout value in milliseconds. If the command does not complete, it is ended with an error code. The driver sets a default of 5000 (5 seconds) when this is set to zero. dsopen() initializes it to 10000. |
ds_private | PRIVATE(dp) | Field for use by the calling program. dsopen() uses this field to point to its “context” data (see “Using dsopen() and dsclose()” ). |
ds_cmdbuf | CMDBUF(dp) | Address of SCSI command string to be sent. |
ds_cmdlen | CMDLEN(dp) | Length of the SCSI command string. |
ds_databuf | DATABUF(dp) | Address of a single data buffer. See “Data Transfer Options” . |
ds_datalen | DATALEN(dp) | Length of data buffer. |
ds_sense buf | SENSEBUF(dp) | Address to receive sense data after an error. |
ds_sense len | SENSELEN(dp) | Length of sense buffer in bytes. |
ds_iovbuf | IOVBUF(dp) | Address of an iov_t structure. See “Data Transfer Options” . |
ds_iovlen | IOVLEN(dp) | Length of data described by ds_iovbuf. |
ds_link |
| This field is not supported, and should be zero-filled. |
ds_synch |
| This field is not supported, and should be zero-filled. |
ds_revcode |
| Intended for the version code of the dsreq driver, not currently set to a useful value. |
ds_ret | RET(dp) | Return code for the requested operation. See Table 5-3 . |
ds_status | STATUS(dp) | SCSI status byte from the operation. See Table 5-4 . |
ds_msg | MSG(dp) | The first byte of a message returned by the target. See Table 5-5 . |
ds_cmdsent | CMDSENT(dp) | Length of command string actually sent (same as ds_cmdlen, unless an error occurs). |
ds_datasent | DATASENT(dp) | Length of data transferred. |
ds_sensesent | SENSESENT(dp) | Length of sense data received. |
The dslib library contains functions to simplify the preparation and execution of a dsreq request; see “Using dslib Functions”.
The possible flag values in the ds_flags field are listed in Table 5-2. The flag values are designed for the most flexible, capable type of bus, device, and device driver. Not all values are supported, and different host adapters can support different combinations.
Table 5-2. Flag Values for ds_flags
| Supported by Any Driver? |
DSRQ_ASYNC | Yes | Return at once, do not sleep until the operation is complete. |
DSRQ_SENSE | Yes | Get sense data following an error on the requested command. |
DSRQ_TARGET | No | Act as the SCSI target, not the SCSI initiator. |
DSRQ_SELATN | Yes | Select with ATN. |
DSRQ_DISC | Yes | Allow identify disconnect. |
DSRQ_SYNXFR | Yes | Negotiate a synchronous transfer if possible. Needed only to switch into synchronous mode. Repeated negotiation is wasteful. |
DSRQ_ASYNXFR | Yes | Negotiate an asynchronous transfer. Needed only to return to asynch after a synchronous transfer. Repeated negotiation is wasteful. |
DSRQ_SELMSG | No | A specific select is coded in the message. This feature is not supported. |
DSRQ_IOV | Yes | Use the iov_t from ds_iovbuf, not the single buffer from ds_databuf (see “Data Transfer Options” ). |
DSRQ_READ | Yes | This is a data input command (as opposed to an immediate command or an output). |
DSRQ_WRITE | Yes | This is a data output command (as opposed to an immediate command or an input). |
DSRQ_MIXRDWR | No | This command can both read and write. |
DSRQ_BUF | No | Buffer the input and copy to the supplied buffer, instead of direct input to the buffer. |
DSRQ_CALL | No | Notify completion (with DSRQ_ASYNC). |
DSRQ_ACKH | No | Hold ACK asserted. |
DSRQ_ATNH | No | Hold ATN asserted. |
DSRQ_ABORT | No | Send ABORT messages until the bus is clear.Useful only with SCSI commands that have the immediate bit set. |
DSRQ_TRACE | Yes | Trace this request (accepted but has no effect). |
DSRQ_PRINT | Yes | Print this request (accepted but has no effect). |
DSRQ_CTRL1 | Yes | Request with host control bit 1. |
DSRQ_CTRL2 | Yes | Request with host control bit 2. |
In order to find out which flags are supported by a particular driver, use the DS_CONF operation (see “Testing the Driver Configuration”).
When reading or writing data, you have two design options:
You can transfer a single segment of data directly between the device and a buffer you supply (set neither DSRQ_BUF nor DSRQ_IOV).
You can transfer segments of data between the device and a series of one or more memory locations based on an iov_t object (set DSRQ_IOV).
All read/write requests are done using DMA. The “scatter/gather” support of DSRQ_IOV is presently restricted to only one memory segment, so it is not greatly different from single-buffer I/O. If you elect to use it, the iov_t structure is declared in sys/iov.h (see also the part of the read(2) reference page that deals with the readv() function).
During a direct transfer using either a single buffer or scatter/gather, the data buffer spaces are locked in memory.
The maximum amount of data you can transfer in one operation is set by the host adapter driver for the bus, and can be retrieved with an ioctl() (see “Testing the Driver Configuration”). The maximum length for a buffered transfer is returned by the same ioctl(). It can be less than the direct-transfer size because there may be a limit on the size of kernel memory that can be allocated.
A zero return code in the ds_ret field signifies success. The possible nonzero return codes are summarized in Table 5-3 and are declared in sys/dsreq.h. Not all return codes are possible with every driver.
Table 5-3. Return Codes From SCSI Operations
Constant Name | Meaning |
DSRT_DEVSCSI | General failure from SCSI driver. |
DSRT_MULT | General software failure, typically a SCSI-bus request. |
DSRT_CANCEL | Operation cancelled in host adapter driver. |
DSRT_REVCODE | Software level mismatch, recompile application. |
DSRT_AGAIN | Try again, recoverable SCSI-bus error. |
DSRT_HOST | Failure reported by host adapter driver for the bus in use. |
DSRT_NOSEL | No unit responded to select. |
DSRT_SHORT | Incomplete transfer (not an error). See ds_datasent. |
DSRT_OK | Not returned at this time. |
DSRT_SENSE | Command returned with status; sense data successfully retrieved from SCSI host (see ds_sensesent). |
DSRT_NOSENSE | Command with status, error occurred while trying to get sense data from SCSI host. |
DSRT_TIMEOUT | Command did not complete in the time allowed by ds_timeout. |
DSRT_LONG | Data transfer overran bounds (ds_datalen). |
DSRT_PROTO | Miscellaneous protocol failure. |
DSRT_EBSY | Busy dropped unexpectedly; protocol error. |
DSRT_REJECT | Message rejected; protocol error. |
DSRT_PARITY | Parity error on SCSI bus; protocol error. |
DSRT_MEMORY | Memory error in system memory. |
DSRT_CMDO | Protocol error during command phase. |
DSRT_STAI | Protocol error during status phase. |
DSRT_UNIMPL | Command not implemented; protocol error. |
The possible SCSI status value in the ds_status field are summarized in Table 5-4.
Constant Name | Meaning |
STA_GOOD | The target has successfully completed the SCSI command. |
STA_CHECK | An error or exception was detected. Sense was attempted if DSRQ_SENSE was specified. |
STA_BUSY | Command not attempted; addressed unit is busy. |
STA_IGOOD | Linked SCSI command completed. |
STA_RESERV | Command aborted because it tried to access a logical unit or an extent within a logical unit that reserves that type of access to another SCSI device. |
The possible SCSI message byte values in the ds_msg field are summarized in Table 5-5.
Table 5-5. SCSI Message Byte Values
Constant Name | Meaning |
MSG_COMPL | Command complete. |
MSG_XMSG | Extended message (only byte returned). |
MSG_SAVEP | Initiator should save data pointers. |
MSG_RESTP | Initiator restore data pointers. |
MSG_DISC | Disconnect. |
MSG_IERR | Initiator detected error. |
MSG_ABORT | Abort. |
MSG_REJECT | Optional message rejected, not supported. |
MSG_NOOP | Empty message. |
MSG_MPARITY | Parity error during Message In phase. |
MSG_LINK | Linked command complete. |
MSG_LINKF | Linked command complete with flag. |
MSG_BRESET | Bus device reset. |
MSG_IDENT | Value 0x80, first of the 0x80-0xFF identifier messages. |
Different buses have different host adapter drivers that can have different features. The dsreq device driver supports an ioctl() call that retrieves the configuration of the driver for the bus where the device resides. This call fills in the fields of a structure of type dsconf (declared in sys/dsreq.h) listed in Table 5-6.
Table 5-6. Fields of the dsconf Structure
Field Name | Contents |
dsc_flags | DSRQ flags honored by this driver (see Table 5-2 ). |
dsc_preset | DSRQ preset values (defaults) that are merged with the input ds_flags using logical OR in any request. |
dsc_bus | Number of this SCSI bus, as encoded in the device minor number. |
dsc_imax | Maximum target ID for this bus (7 for SCSI, 15 for wide SCSI). |
dsc_lmax | Maximum number LUN values per ID on this bus. |
dsc_iomax | Maximum length of a single I/O transfer. |
dsc_biomax | Maximum length of a buffered I/O transfer. |
The code in Example 5-1 shows a function that tests if a particular flag is supported by a particular bus. The input arguments are a file descriptor for an open device special file, and a flag value (or values) from sys/dsreq.h.
Example 5-1. Testing the Generic SCSI Configuration
uint test_dsreq_flags(int dev_fd, uint flag) { dsconf_t config; int ret; ret = ioctl(dev_fd, DS_CONF, &config); if (!ret) { /* no problem in ioctl */ return (flag & config.dsc_flags); } else { /* ioctl failure */ return 0; /* not supported, it seems */ } } |
A program could use the function in Example 5-1 to find out if a particular feature is supported. For example, a test of support for the DSRQ_SYNXFER feature could be coded as follows:
if (test_dsreq_flags(the_dev, DSRQ_SYNXFER)) { /* synchronous negotiation is supported */... |
Two special functions of the generic SCSI driver are available only as ioctl() calls, not through dslib functions.
The DS_ABORT ioctl() sends a SCSI ABORT message to the bus, target, and LUN defined by the file descriptor. The resulting status is returned in the dsreq that is also specified. The host adapter driver waits until no commands are pending on that bus, so there is no point in using this function to cancel anything but an immediate command such as a rewind. And example of this call is as follows:
ioctl(dev_fd, DS_ABORT, &some_dsreq); |
The functions in the dslib library are built upon calls to the dsreq device driver, and simplify the process of allocating a dsreq structure, setting values in it, and executing commands. The formal documentation of the library is found in dslib(3) . The source code is distributed with the system in the /usr/share/src/irix/examples/scsi directory so that you can read and extend it. (This directory installs as part of the irix_dev software component, and the examples directory does not install by default.)
In order to use the functions in the library, you include /usr/include/dslib.h in your code, and link with the -lds option so as to link /usr/lib/ Then the functions summarized in Table 5-7 are available.
Table 5-7. dslib Function Summary
Function Name | Purpose |
ds_ctostr | Look up a string in a table using an integer key. |
ds_vtostr | Look up a string in a table using an integer key. |
dsopen | Open a device special file and allocate a dsreq for use with it. |
dsclose | Free the dsreq structure and close the device. |
doscsireq | Perform an operation on a device as specified in a dsreq. |
filldsreq | Set values in fields of a dsreq structure. |
fillg0cmd | Set up the dsreq structure for a group 0 SCSI command. |
fillg1cmd | Set up the dsreq structure for a group 1 SCSI command. |
inquiry12 | Issue an Inquiry command and retrieve information from the device concerning such things as its type. |
modeselect15 | Issue a group 0 Mode Select command to a SCSI device. |
modesense1a | Send a group 0 Mode Sense command to a device to retrieve a parameter page from the device. |
read08 | Issue a group 0 Read command in disk-drive form. |
readextended28 | Issue a group 1 Read command in disk-drive form. |
readcapacity25 | Issue a Read Capacity command. |
requestsense03 | Issue a Request Sense command and test or probe for the device. |
reserveunit16 | Issue a Reserve Unit command. |
releaseunit17 | Issue a Release Unit command. |
senddiagnostic1d | Issue a Send Diagnostic command to test if the device or the SCSI bus is online, or run a self-test on the device. |
testunitready00 | Issue a Test Unit Ready command to the SCSI device. |
write0a | Issue a group 0 Write command to the SCSI device. |
writeextended2a | Issue an extended Write command to the SCSI device. |
The dsopen() function opens a device special file for a generic SCSI device, and allocates a dsreq structure initialized for use with that device. The function prototype is
struct dsreq* dsopen(char *opath, int oflags); |
The arguments are
opath | The name of the device special file as a character string, for example “/dev/scsi/jag0d7l0” (see “Form of Filenames in /dev/scsi” ). |
oflags | The oflag value expected by open() when opening this device special file. O_EXCL has special meaning; see “Relationship to Other Device Special Files” . |
If the open() call fails or memory cannot be allocated, the function returns NULL. Otherwise it allocates a dsreq structure as well as generous buffers for command and sense strings. The following fields of the dsreq are initialized:
ds_time | Set to 10000 (10 second timeout). |
ds_private | Set to the address of the context that contains the dsreq as well as the command and sense buffers. |
ds_cmdbuf | Set to the address of the command buffer. |
ds_cmdlen | Set to the length of the allocated command buffer. |
ds_sensebuf | Set to the address of the allocated sense buffer. |
ds_senselen | Set to the length of the sense buffer. |
Other fields of the dsreq are cleared to zero.
![]() | Note: Other functions in dslib assume that a dsreq has been initialized by dsopen(). In particular they assume the ds_private value points to a context block. You should not attempt to use any dsreq structure with a dslib function except one returned by dsopen(); and you should not use a dsreq opened for one file with another file. |
The dsclose() function releases the dsreq structure and close the device. Its prototype is
void dsclose(struct dsreq *dsp); |
The only argument is the dsreq created by dsopen().
The doscsireq() function issues a SCSI request by passing a dsreq to the SCSI device driver using an ioctl() call. The dsreq must have been prepared completely beforehand. The function prototype is
int doscsireq(int fd, struct dsreq *dsp); |
The arguments are as follows:
fd | The file descriptor for the open device file. |
dsp | The address of the dsreq prepared by dsopen(). |
Normally the returned value is the SCSI status byte. When the requested operation ends with Busy or Reserve Conflict status, the function sleeps 2 seconds and tries the operation up to four times. The returned value is -1 when the device driver rejects the ioctl() or the third retry ends in failure.
The functions filldsreq(), fillg0cmd(), fillg1cmd(), ds_vtostr(), and ds_ctostr() are not oriented toward particular SCSI operations, but are used to construct your own task-oriented SCSI functions.
The filldsreq() function is used to set the ds_flags, ds_databuf, and ds_datalen members of a dsreq structure. Its prototype is
void filldsreq(struct dsreq *dsp, uchar_t *data,long datalen, long flags) |
The arguments are as follows:
dsp | The address of a dsreq prepared by dsopen(). |
data | The address of a buffer area. |
datalen | The length of the buffer area. |
flags | Flag values for ds_flags (see “Values for ds_flags” ). |
The bits in flags are added to ds_flags with an OR; they do not replace the contents of the field.
![]() | Note: Besides the specified values, the function also sets 10000 in ds_timeout and clears ds_link, ds_synch, and ds_ret to zero. |
The fillg0cmd() function stores a group 0 (6-byte) SCSI command in a command buffer. The fillg1cmd() stores a group 1 (10-byte) SCSI command in the buffer. Both functions set the ds_cmdbuf and ds_cmdlen fields of a dsreq. The function prototypes are:
void fillg0cmd(struct dsreq *dsp, uchar_t *cmdbuf, b0, ..., b5) void fillg1cmd(struct dsreq *dsp, uchar_t *cmdbuf, b0, ..., b9) |
The arguments are as follows:
dsp | The address of any dsreq. |
cmdbuf | The address of a buffer to receive the command string. |
b0, b1,... | Expressions for the successive bytes of a SCSI command. |
In typical use, the arguments are as follows:
dsp | The address of a dsreq initialized by dsopen(). |
cmdbuf | The command buffer allocated by dsopen(), whose address is stored in the ds_cmdbuf field of the dsreq. |
b0 | A SCSI command verb expressed as one of the constants declared in dslib.h, for example G0_INQU. |
A typical call resembles the following:
fillg0cmd(dsp, (uchar_t *)CMDBUF(dsp), G0_INQU, 1, inq_page, 0, B1(datalen),0); |
The macros B1(), B2(), and B4() defined in sys/dsreq.h are useful for expressing halfword and word values as byte sequences.
The dslib library module contains six static tables that can be used to convert between numeric values and character strings for message display. The tables are summarized in Table 5-8. The table definitions are in the source file dstab.c.
Table 5-8. Lookup Tables in dslib
External Name | Type | Table Contents |
cmdnametab | vtab | Names for SCSI command bytes, for example “Test Unit.” |
cmdstatustab | vtab | Names for SCSI status byte codes, for example “BUSY.” |
dsrqnametab | vtab | Descriptions of flag values from ds_flags, for example “select with (without) atn” for DSRQ_SELATN. |
dsrtnametab | vtab | Descriptions of return values in ds_ret, for example “parity error on SCSI bus” for DSRT_PARITY. |
msgnametab | vtab | Descriptions of SCSI message bytes, for example “Save Pointers.” |
sensekeytab | ctab | Descriptions of SCSI sense byte values, for example “Illegal Request.” |
The ds_vtostr() function searches any of the five vtab tables for the string matching an integer key. The ds_ctostr() function searches a ctab (currently, only sensekeytab is a ctab) for the string matching a key. The function prototypes are
char * ds_vtostr(unsigned long v, struct vtab *table); char * ds_ctostr(unsigned long v, struct ctab *table); |
Each function searches the specified table for a row containing the numeric value v, and returns address of the corresponding string. If there is no such row, the functions return the address of a zero-length string.
The remaining functions in dslib each construct and execute a specific type of common SCSI command. Each function follows this general pattern:
Use fillg0cmd() or fillg1cmd() to set up the command string, based on the function's arguments.
Use filldsreq() to set up the remaining fields of the dsreq structure.
Execute the command using doscsireq().
Return the value returned by doscsireq().
You can construct similar, additional functions using the utility functions in this same way. In particular you are likely to need to construct your own function to issue Read commands.
The inquiry12() function prepares and issues an Inquiry command to retrieve device-specific information. The function prototype is
int inquiry12(struct dsreq *dsp, caddr_t data, long datalen, int vu); |
The arguments are as follows:
dsp | The address of a dsreq structure prepared by dsopen(). |
data | The address of a buffer to receive the inquiry response. |
datalen | The length of the buffer, at least 36 and typically 64. |
vu | The least-significant two bits are used to set the vendor-specific bits in the Control byte in the command. |
The modeselect15() function prepares and issues a group 0 Mode Select command. This command is used to control a variety of standard and vendor-specific device parameters. Typically, modesense1A() is first used to retrieve the current parameters. The function prototype is
int modeselect15(struct dsreq *dsp, caddr_t data, long datalen, int save, int vu); |
The arguments are as follows:
dsp | The address of a dsreq structure prepared by dsopen(). |
data | The address of a mode data page to send. |
datalen | The length of the data. |
save | The least significant bit sets the SP bit in the command. |
vu | The least-significant two bits are used to set the vendor-specific bits in the Control byte in the command. |
The modesense1a() function prepares and issues a group 0 Mode Sense command to a SCSI device to retrieve a page of device-dependent information. The function prototype:
int modesense1a(struct dsreq *dsp, caddr_t data, long datalen, int pagectrl, int pagecode, int vu); |
The arguments are as follows:
dsp | The address of a dsreq structure prepared by dsopen(). |
data | The address of a buffer to receive the page of data. |
datalen | The length of the buffer. |
pagectrl | The least significant 2 bits are set as the PCF bits in the command. |
pagecode | The least significant 6 bits are set as the page number. |
vu | The least-significant two bits are used to set the vendor-specific bits in the Control byte in the command. |
For reference, the PCF codes are as follows:
0 | Current values. |
1 | Changeable values. |
2 | Default values. |
3 | Saved values. |
For reference, some page numbers are as follows:
0 | Vendor unique. |
1 | Read/write error recovery. |
2 | Disconnect/reconnect. |
3 | Direct access device format; parallel interface; measurement units. |
4 | Rigid disk geometry; serial interface. |
5 | Flexible disk; printer options. |
6 | Optical memory. |
7 | Verification error. |
8 | Caching. |
9 | Peripheral device. |
63 (0x3f) | Return all pages supported. |
The read08() and readextended28() functions prepare and issue particular forms of SCSI Read commands. The Read and extended Read commands have so many variations that it is unlikely that either of these functions will work with your device. However, you can use them as models to build additional variations on Read. Do not preempt the function names.
The function prototypes are
int read08(struct dsreq *dsp, caddr_t data, long datalen, long lba, int vu); int readextended28(struct dsreq *dsp, caddr_t data, long datalen, long lba, int vu); |
The arguments are as follows:
dsp | The address of a dsreq structure prepared by dsopen(). |
data | The address of a buffer to receive the data. |
datalen | The length of the buffer (not exceeding 255 for read08). |
lba | The logical block address for the start of the read (not exceeding 16 bits for read08). |
vu | The least-significant two bits are used to set the vendor-specific bits in the Control byte in the command. |
The functions set the transfer length in the command to the number of bytes given by datalen. This is often incorrect; many devices want a number of blocks of some size. Function read08() sets only 16 bits from lba as the logical block number, although the SCSI command format permits another 5 bits to be encoded in the command. For these and other reasons you are likely to need to create customized Read functions of your own.
The readcapacity25() function prepares and issues a Read Capacity command to a SCSI device. The function prototype is
int readcapacity25(struct dsreq *dsp, caddr_t data, long datalen, long lba, int pmi, int vu); |
The arguments are as follows:
dsp | The address of a dsreq structure prepared by dsopen(). |
data | The address of a buffer to receive the capacity data. |
datalen | The length of the buffer, typically 8. |
lba | Last block address, 0 unless pmi is nonzero. |
pmi | The least-significant bit is used to set the partial medium indicator (PMI) bit of the command. |
vu | The least-significant two bits are used to set the vendor-specific bits in the Control byte in the command. |
When pmi is 0, lba should be given as 0 and the command returns the device capacity. When pmi is 1, the command returns the last block following block lba before which a delay (seek) will occur.
The requestsense03() function prepares and issues a Request Sense command. If you include DSRQ_SENSE in the flag argument to doscsireq(), a Request Sense is sent automatically after an error in a command. The function prototype is
int requestsense03(struct dsreq *dsp, caddr_t data, long datalen, int vu); |
The arguments are:
dsp | The address of a dsreq structure prepared by dsopen(). |
data | The address of a buffer to receive the sense data. |
datalen | The length of the buffer. |
vu | The least-significant two bits are used to set the vendor-specific bits in the Control byte in the command. |
The reserveunit16() function prepares and issues a Reserve Unit command to reserve a logical unit, causing it to return Reservation Conflict status to requests from other initiators. The releaseunit17() function prepares and issues a Release Unit command to release a reserved unit. The function prototypes are
int reservunit16(struct dsreq *dsp, caddr_t data, long datalen, int tpr, int tpdid, int extent, int res_id, int vu); int releaseunit17(struct dsreq *dsp, int tpr, int tpdid, int extent, int res_id, int vu); |
The arguments are as follows:
dsp | The address of a dsreq structure prepared by dsopen(). |
data | The address of data to send with the Reserve Unit. (This may be NULL for reservunit16() which does not normally transfer data.) |
datalen | The length of the data (typically 0). |
tpr | The least-significant bit is used to set the Third-Party Reservation bit in the command: 1 means the reservation is on behalf of another initiator. |
tpdid | The device ID for the device to hold the reservation: 0 unless tpr is 1. |
extent | The least-significant bit sets the least-significant bit of byte 1 of the command string. |
res_id | Passed as byte 2 of the command string. |
vu | The least-significant two bits are used to set the vendor-specific bits in the Control byte in the command. |
The senddiagnostic1d() function prepares and issues a Send Diagnostic command. The function prototype is
int senddiagnostic1d(struct dsreq *dsp, caddr_t data, long datalen, int self, int dofl, int uofl, int vu); |
The arguments are as follows:
dsp | The address of a dsreq structure prepared by dsopen(). |
data | The address of a page or pages of diagnostic parameter data to be sent. |
datalen | The length of the data (0 if none). |
self | The least-significant bit sets the Self Test (ST) bit in the command: 1 means return status from the self-test; 0 means hold the results. |
dofl | The least-significant bit sets the Device Offline bit of the command: 1 authorizes tests that can change the status of other logical units. |
uofl | The least-significant bit sets the Unit Offline bit of the command: 1 authorizes tests that can change the status of the logical unit. |
vu | The least-significant two bits are used to set the vendor-specific bits in the Control byte in the command. |
When self is 1, the status reflects the success of the self-test. You should either set the DSRQ_SENSE flag in the dsreq so that if the self-test fails, a Sense command will be issued, or be prepared to call requestsense03(). When self is 0, you can use a Read Diagnostic command to return detailed results of the test (however, dslib does not contain a predefined function for Read Diagnostic).
The testunitready00() function prepares and issues a Test Unit Ready command to a SCSI device. The function prototype is
int testunitready00(struct dsreq *dsp); |
This function is reproduced here in Example 5-2 as an example of how other command-oriented functions can be created.
Example 5-2. Code of the testunitread00() Function
int testunitready00(struct dsreq *dsp) { fillg0cmd(dsp, CMDBUF(dsp), G0_TEST, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); filldsreq(dsp, 0, 0, DSRQ_READ|DSRQ_SENSE); return(doscsireq(getfd(dsp), dsp)); } |
The write0a() function prepares and issues a group 0 Write command. The writeextended2a() function prepares and issues an extended (10-byte) Write command. As with Read commands (see “read08() and readextended28()—Issue a Read Command”), Write commands have many device-specific features, and you will very likely have to create your own customized version of these functions.
The function prototypes are
int write0a(struct dsreq *dsp, caddr_t data, long datalen, long lba, int vu); int writeextended2a(struct dsreq *dsp, caddr_t data, long datalen, long lba, int vu); |
The arguments are as follows:
dsp | The address of a dsreq structure prepared by dsopen(). |
data | The address of the data to be sent. |
datalen | The length of the data (at most 255 for write0a). |
lba | The logical block address (at most 16 bits for write0a). |
vu | The least-significant two bits are used to set the vendor-specific bits in the Control byte in the command. |
The program in Example 5-3 illustrates the use of the dslib functions. This is an edited version of a program that can be obtained in full from Dave Olson's home page,
Example 5-3. Program That Uses dslib Functions
#ident "scsicontrol.c: $Revision $" #include <sys/types.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <errno.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <dslib.h> typedef struct { unchar pqt:3; /* peripheral qual type */ unchar pdt:5; /* peripheral device type */ unchar rmb:1, /* removable media bit */ dtq:7; /* device type qualifier */ unchar iso:2, /* ISO version */ ecma:3, /* ECMA version */ ansi:3; /* ANSI version */ unchar aenc:1, /* async event notification supported */ trmiop:1, /* device supports 'terminate io process' msg */ res0:2, /* reserved */ respfmt:3; /* SCSI 1, CCS, SCSI 2 inq data format */ unchar ailen; /* additional inquiry length */ unchar res1; /* reserved */ unchar res2; /* reserved */ unchar reladr:1, /* supports relative addressing (linked cmds) */ wide32:1, /* supports 32 bit wide SCSI bus */ wide16:1, /* supports 16 bit wide SCSI bus */ synch:1, /* supports synch mode */ link:1, /* supports linked commands */ res3:1, /* reserved */ cmdq:1, /* supports cmd queuing */ softre:1; /* supports soft reset */ unchar vid[8]; /* vendor ID */ unchar pid[16]; /* product ID */ unchar prl[4]; /* product revision level*/ unchar vendsp[20]; /* vendor specific; typically firmware info */ unchar res4[40]; /* reserved for scsi 3, etc. */ /* more vendor specific information may follow */ } inqdata; struct msel { unsigned char rsv, mtype, vendspec, blkdesclen; /* header */ unsigned char dens, nblks[3], rsv1, bsize[3]; /* block desc */ unsigned char pgnum, pglen; /* modesel page num and length */ unsigned char data[240]; /* some drives get upset if no data requested on sense*/ }; #define hex(x) "0123456789ABCDEF" [ (x) & 0xF ] /* only looks OK if nperline a multiple of 4, but that's OK. * value of space must be 0 <= space <= 3; */ void hprint(unsigned char *s, int n, int nperline, int space) { int i, x, startl; for(startl=i=0;i<n;i++) { x = s[i]; printf("%c%c", hex(x>>4), hex(x)); if(space) printf("%.*s", ((i%4)==3)+space, " "); if ( i%nperline == (nperline - 1) ) { putchar('\t'); while(startl < i) { if(isprint(s[startl])) putchar(s[startl]); else putchar('.'); startl++; } putchar('\n'); } } if(space && (i%nperline)) putchar('\n'); } /* aenc, trmiop, reladr, wbus*, synch, linkq, softre are only valid if * if respfmt has the value 2 (or possibly larger values for future * versions of the SCSI standard). */ static char pdt_types[][16] = { "Disk", "Tape", "Printer", "Processor", "WORM", "CD-ROM", "Scanner", "Optical", "Jukebox", "Comm", "Unknown" }; #define NPDT (sizeof pdt_types / sizeof pdt_types[0]) void printinq(struct dsreq *dsp, inqdata *inq, int allinq) { if(DATASENT(dsp) < 1) { printf("No inquiry data returned\n"); return; } printf("%-10s", pdt_types[(inq->pdt<NPDT) ? inq->pdt : NPDT-1]); if (DATASENT(dsp) > 8) printf("%12.8s", inq->vid); if (DATASENT(dsp) > 16) printf("%.16s", inq->pid); if (DATASENT(dsp) > 32) printf("%.4s", inq->prl); printf("\n"); if(DATASENT(dsp) > 1) printf("ANSI vers %d, ISO ver: %d, ECMA ver: %d; ", inq->ansi, inq->iso, inq->ecma); if(DATASENT(dsp) > 2) { unchar special = *(inq->vid-1); if(inq->respfmt >= 2 || special) { if(inq->respfmt < 2) printf("\nResponse format type %d, but has " "SCSI-2 capability bits set\n", inq->respfmt); printf("supports: "); if(inq->aenc) printf(" AENC"); if(inq->trmiop) printf(" termiop"); if(inq->reladr) printf(" reladdr"); if(inq->wide32) printf(" 32bit"); if(inq->wide16) printf(" 16bit"); if(inq->synch) printf(" synch"); if(inq->synch) printf(" linkedcmds"); if(inq->cmdq) printf(" cmdqueing"); if(inq->softre) printf(" softreset"); } if(inq->respfmt < 2) { if(special) printf(". "); printf("inquiry format is %s", inq->respfmt ? "SCSI 1" : "CCS"); } } putchar('\n'); printf("Device is "); /* do test unit ready only if inquiry successful, since many devices, such as tapes, return inquiry info, even if not ready (i.e., no tape in a tape drive). */ if(testunitready00(dsp) != 0) printf("%s\n", (RET(dsp)==DSRT_NOSEL) ? "not responding" : "not ready"); else printf("ready"); printf("\n"); } /* inquiry cmd that does vital product data as spec'ed in SCSI2 */ int vpinquiry12( struct dsreq *dsp, caddr_t data, long datalen, char vu, int page) { fillg0cmd(dsp, (uchar_t *)CMDBUF(dsp), G0_INQU, 1, page, 0, B1(datalen), B1(vu<<6)); filldsreq(dsp, (uchar_t *)data, datalen, DSRQ_READ|DSRQ_SENSE); return(doscsireq(getfd(dsp), dsp)); } int startunit1b(struct dsreq *dsp, int startstop, int vu) { fillg0cmd(dsp,(uchar_t *)CMDBUF(dsp),0x1b,0,0,0,(uchar_t)startstop,B1(vu<<6)); filldsreq(dsp, NULL, 0, DSRQ_READ|DSRQ_SENSE); dsp->ds_time = 1000 * 90; /* 90 seconds */ return(doscsireq(getfd(dsp), dsp)); } int myinquiry12(struct dsreq *dsp, uchar_t *data, long datalen, int vu, int neg) { fillg0cmd(dsp, (uchar_t *)CMDBUF(dsp), G0_INQU, 0,0,0, B1(datalen), B1(vu<<6)); filldsreq(dsp, data, datalen, DSRQ_READ|DSRQ_SENSE|neg); dsp->ds_time = 1000 * 30; /* 90 seconds */ return(doscsireq(getfd(dsp), dsp)); } int dsreset(struct dsreq *dsp) { return ioctl(getfd(dsp), DS_RESET, dsp); } void usage(char *prog) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-i (inquiry)] [-e (exclusive)] [-s (sync) | -a (async)]\n" "\t[-l (long inq)] [-v (vital proddata)] [-r (reset)] [-D (diagselftest)]\n" "\t[-H (halt/stop)] [-b blksize]\n" "\t[-g (get host flags)] [-d (debug)] [-q (quiet)] scsidevice [...]\n", prog); exit(1); } main(int argc, char **argv) { struct dsreq *dsp; char *fn; /* int because they must be word aligned. */ int errs = 0, c; int vital=0, doreset=0, exclusive=0, dosync=0; int dostart = 0, dostop = 0, dosenddiag = 0; int doinq = 0, printname = 1; unsigned bsize = 0; extern char *optarg; extern int optind, opterr; opterr = 0; /* handle errors ourselves. */ while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "b:HDSaserdvlgCiq")) != -1) switch(c) { case 'i': doinq = 1; /* do inquiry */ break; case 'D': dosenddiag = 1; break; case 'r': doreset = 1; /* do a scsi bus reset */ break; case 'e': exclusive = O_EXCL; break; case 'd': dsdebug++; /* enable debug info */ break; case 'q': printname = 0; /* print devicename only if error */ break; case 'v': vital = 1; /* set evpd bit for scsi 2 vital product data */ break; case 'H': dostop = 1; /* send a stop (Halt) command */ break; case 'S': dostart = 1; /* send a startunit/spinup command */ break; case 's': dosync = DSRQ_SYNXFR; /* attempt to negotiate sync scsi */ break; case 'a': dosync = DSRQ_ASYNXFR; /* attempt to negotiate async scsi */ break; default: usage(argv[0]); } if(optind >= argc || optind == 1) /* need at 1 arg and one option */ usage(argv[0]); while (optind < argc) { /* loop over each filename */ fn = argv[optind++]; if(printname) printf("%s: ", fn); if((dsp = dsopen(fn, O_RDONLY|exclusive)) == NULL) { /* if open fails, try pre-pending /dev/scsi */ char buf[256]; strcpy(buf, "/dev/scsi/"); if((strlen(buf) + strlen(fn)) < sizeof(buf)) { strcat(buf, fn); dsp = dsopen(buf, O_RDONLY|exclusive); } if(!dsp) { if(!printname) printf("%s: ", fn); fflush(stdout); perror("cannot open"); errs++; continue; } } /* try to order for reasonableness; reset first in case * hung, then inquiry, etc. */ if(doreset) { if(dsreset(dsp) != 0) { if(!printname) printf("%s: ", fn); printf("reset failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); errs++; } } if(doinq) { int inqbuf[sizeof(inqdata)/sizeof(int)]; if(myinquiry12(dsp, (uchar_t *)inqbuf, sizeof inqbuf, 0, dosync)) { if(!printname) printf("%s: ", fn); printf("inquiry failure\n"); errs++; } else printinq(dsp, (inqdata *)inqbuf, 0); } if(vital) { unsigned char *vpinq; int vpinqbuf[sizeof(inqdata)/sizeof(int)]; int vpinqbuf0[sizeof(inqdata)/sizeof(int)]; int i, serial = 0, asciidef = 0; if(vpinquiry12(dsp, (char *)vpinqbuf0, sizeof(vpinqbuf)-1, 0, 0)) { if(!printname) printf("%s: ", fn); printf("inquiry (vital data) failure\n"); errs++; continue; } if(DATASENT(dsp) <4) { printf("vital data inquiry OK, but says no" "pages supported (page 0)\n"); continue; } vpinq = (unsigned char *)vpinqbuf0; printf("Supported vital product pages: "); for(i = vpinq[3]+3; i>3; i--) { if(vpinq[i] == 0x80) serial = 1; if(vpinq[i] == 0x82) asciidef = 1; printf("%2x ", vpinq[i]); } printf("\n"); vpinq = (unsigned char *)vpinqbuf; if(serial) { if(vpinquiry12(dsp, (char *)vpinqbuf, sizeof(vpinqbuf)-1, 0, 0x80) != 0) { if(!printname) printf("%s: ", fn); printf("inquiry (serial #) failure\n"); errs++; } else if(DATASENT(dsp)>3) { printf("Serial #: "); fflush(stdout); /* use write, because there may well be *nulls; don't bother to strip them out */ write(1, vpinq+4, vpinq[3]); printf("\n"); } } if(asciidef) { if(vpinquiry12(dsp, (char *)vpinqbuf, sizeof(vpinqbuf)-1, 0, 0x82) != 0) { if(!printname) printf("%s: ", fn); printf("inquiry (ascii definition) failure\n"); errs++; } else if(DATASENT(dsp)>3) { printf("Ascii definition: "); fflush(stdout); /* use write, because there may well be *nulls; don't bother to strip them out */ write(1, vpinq+4, vpinq[3]); printf("\n"); } } } if(dostop && startunit1b(dsp, 0, 0)) { if(!printname) printf("%s: ", fn); printf("stopunit fails\n"); errs++; } if(dostart && startunit1b(dsp, 1, 0)) { if(!printname) printf("%s: ", fn); printf("startunit fails\n"); errs++; } if(dosenddiag && senddiagnostic1d(dsp, NULL, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0)) { if(!printname) printf("%s: ", fn); printf("self test fails\n"); errs++; } dsclose(dsp); } return(errs); } |