A network device driver is a kernel-level driver that connects a communications device to the IRIX TCP/IP protocol stack using the ifnet interface established by BSD UNIX. This chapter contains these major topics:
“Overview of Network Drivers” gives an overview of the IRIX networking subsystem and the role of an ifnet driver in it.
“Network Driver Interfaces” summarizes the unique interfaces used by an ifnet driver.
“Multiprocessor Considerations” discusses writing device drivers in a symmetric multiprocessing environment.
“Example ifnet Driver” displays the code of a network driver, omitting all device-specific features.
![]() | Note: If your interest is in creating a network application based on sockets, TLI, or streams, this chapter offers little but background information. Refer to the IRIX Network Programming Guide, document Number 007-0810-080, for a complete review of all application-level services. |
Even if your interest is in creating a kernel-level network driver, you should be familiar with the facilities documented in the IRIX Network Programming Guide. This chapter assumes that your are familiar with them.
A network driver is a kernel-level driver module that connects a communications device such as an Ethernet board to the IRIX implementation of TCP/IP. An overview of the IRIX networking subsystem is shown in Figure 17-1.
User-level processes access the network in one of three ways:
using the BSD socket interface (top left of Figure 17-1)
using the SVR4 TLI interface through compatibility libraries that convert TLI operations into socket operations (top center of Figure 17-1)
using a STREAMS interface to a STREAMS-based protocol stack (top right of Figure 17-1)
These three interfaces are documented in the IRIX Network Programming Guide.
The native socket-based TCP/IP protocol code, the socket layer, and a number of ifnet-based device drivers are bundled in the basic IRIX system. Socket-based applications such as rlogin, rcp, NFS client and server, and the socket-based RPC library operate directly over this native networking framework.
Compatibility support is included for applications written to the STREAMS Transport Layer Interface (TLI). tpisocket is a kernel library module used by protocol-specific STREAMS pseudo-drivers, such as tpitcp, tpiudp, and so on, providing a TPI interface above the native kernel sockets-based network protocol stack.
A STREAMS pseudo-driver that supports the Data Link Provider Interface (DLPI) for STREAMS-based kernel protocol stacks is delivered in the optional dlpi package.
A protocol stack is the software subsystem that manages data traffic according to the rules of a particular communications protocol. There are two ways in which a protocol stack can be integrated into the IRIX kernel. The TCP/IP stack creates and uses the ifnet interface to drivers (bottom left of Figure 17-1) and the socket interface to applications (top left of Figure 17-1).
Alternatively, a stack written to the DLPI architecture can communicate with STREAMS drivers (bottom right of Figure 17-1).
A network driver uses the methods and facilities of other kernel-level device drivers, as described in Part III, “Kernel-Level Drivers” of this book. A network driver is compiled and linked like other drivers, configured using the same configuration files, and loaded into the kernel by lboot like other drivers.
However, other device drivers support the UNIX filesystem, transferring data in response to calls to their pfxread(), pfxwrite(), or pfxstrategy() entry points. This is not the case with a network driver; it supports protocol stacks, and it transfers data in response to calls from the ifnet interface.
The IRIX kernel networking design is based on the kernel networking framework in 4.3BSD. If you are familiar with the 4.3BSD kernel networking design, then you are already familiar with the IRIX kernel networking design because they are basically the same.
The IRIX networking design is based on the socket interface: mbuf objects are used to exchange messages within the kernel, and device drivers support the TCP/IP internet protocol suite by supporting the ifnet interface.
Since the BSD-based networking framework and the implementation of the TCP/IP protocol suite have changed little from previous releases of IRIX, porting your ifnet device driver to this release of IRIX should be straightforward.
![]() | Note: Although the general kernel facilities documented in Chapter 8, “Device Driver/Kernel Interface”, are standardized and stable, this is not the case with network interfaces. The ifnet and other interfaces summarized in this topic are subject to change without notice. |
A network driver is structured like any kernel-level device driver, much as described in Chapter 7, “Structure of a Kernel-Level Driver”, but with the following similarities and differences:
A network driver is loaded by lboot in response to either a USE or VECTOR line in a file in /var/sysgen/system (see “Configuring a Nonloadable Driver” in Chapter 9).
A network driver is initialized by a call to either its pfxinit() or pfxedtinit() entry point when it is loaded.
A network driver does not need to provide any other entry points (see “Entry Point Summary” in Chapter 7).
A network driver does not need to provide a driver flag constant pfxdevflag because a network driver is always assumed to be multiprocessor-aware (see “Driver Flag Constant” in Chapter 7).
Although a network driver can use the kernel functions for synchronization and locking (see “Waiting and Mutual Exclusion” in Chapter 8), it normally does not because the ifnet interface includes special-purpose locking facilities that are more convenient (see “Multiprocessor Considerations”).
The software interface to network facilities is declared in the following important header files:
net/if.h | Basic ifnet facilities and data structures, including the ifnet structure, the basic driver interface object. |
net/if_types.h | Constants for interface types, used in decoding address headers. |
sys/mbuf.h | The mbuf structure with related constants and macros, and declarations of functions to allocate, manipulate, and free mbuf objects. |
net/netisr.h | Declarations related to software interrupts, including schednetisr() to schedule an interrupt, and the IP input queue ipintrq. |
net/multi.h | Routines defining a generic filter for use by drivers whose devices cannot perfectly filter multicast packets. |
net/soioctl.h | Socket ioctl() function numbers, some of which reach a driver for action. |
net/raw.h | The interface to the raw protocol family members snoop and drain. |
net/if_arp.h | Generic ARP declarations. |
netinet/if_et her.h | Essential declarations for Ethernet drivers, including ARP protocol for Ethernet. |
sys/dlsap_reg ister.h | DLPI interface declarations. |
When your driver is operating under a debugging kernel, you can use the facilities of symmon and idbg to display a variety of network-related data structures. See “Preparing the System for Debugging” in Chapter 10, and see “Commands to Display Network-Related Structures” in Chapter 10.
Aside from comments in header files, the complete ifnet interface and related interfaces have never been documented. In prior years, most people working on ifnet drivers have had access to the Berkeley UNIX source distribution and have been able to answer questions by referring to the code.
Referring to the code is an even more common option today, thanks to the release of 4.4BSD-Lite, a software distribution of BSD UNIX that does not require a source license, now widely available at a reasonable price. To obtain a copy, order the following:
4.4BSD-Lite Berkeley Software Distribution CD-ROM Companion, published by USENIX and O'Reilly & Associates; ISBN 1-56592-081-3 (US domestic) or ISBN 1-56592-092-9 (non-US).
The ifnet source code in this software is functionally compatible with IRIX ifnet, although some protocols (for example, snoop and drain) are not implemented in BSD-Lite.
Finally, the IRIX reference pages contain a wealth of detail regarding network interfaces. Some reference pages that are related to the interests of driver designers are listed in Table 17-1. Click on the name of a page to read it.
Table 17-1. Important Reference Pages Related to Network Drivers
Reference Page | Contents |
arp(7) | Operation of the ARP protocol, with details of ioctl() functions. |
drain(7) | Operation of the drain driver, which receives unwanted packets, with details of its ioctl() functions. |
ethernet(7) | Overview of the IRIX Ethernet drivers, including error messages and the use of VECTOR lines to configure them. |
fddi(7) | Cursory overview of IRIX FDDI drivers, with naming conventions. |
ifconfig(1) | Management program used to enable and disable network interfaces (drivers) and change their runtime parameters. |
netintro(7) | Overview of network facilities; mentions the role of the network interface (driver); has extensive detail on routing ioctl() calls. |
network(1) | Documents the network initialization script that runs when the system is booted up. |
raw(7) | Overview of the Raw protocol family whose members are snoop and drain. |
routed(1) | Documents operation of the routing daemon, including ioctl() use. |
snoop(7) | Operation of the snoop driver, which allows inspection of packets, with details of its ioctl() features. |
ticlts(7) | Operation and use of the ticlts, ticots, and ticotsord loopback drivers. |
tokenring(7) | Overview of the IRIX token-ring drivers, including packet formats. |
The driver must call device_inventory_add() from its attach() entry point to label the device hardware vertex with the appropriate inventory information. The device configuration program ioconfig requires this information in order to assign a unique controller number and communicate this to the device driver by opening the device (see “Using ioconfig for Global Controller Numbers” in Chapter 2).
The driver can use the following parameters when calling device_inventory_add():
vhdl | The vertex handle of the attached device. |
class | INV_NETWORK |
type | The packet type, for example INV_NET_ETHER. See sys/invent.h for the possible “types for class network” list. |
controller | The kind of network controller from the “controllers for network types” list in sys/invent.h. |
unit | Any distinguishing number for this device. The hinv command does not decode this field. |
state | Any characteristic number for this device. The hinv command does not decode this field. |
For details see sys/invent.h and “Attaching Device Information” in Chapter 8.
The if_output() routine now takes a fourth parameter, rte to specify routing table entry. See /usr/include/net/if.h for details. The IFNET_LOCK() and IFNET_UNLOCK() macros now take only one argument instead of two.
The implementation of ip_arpresolve() has changed, but its functionality has not. Calling ip_arpresolve() used to cause another call to if_output() with a destination address family of AF_UNSPEC, as an ARP broadcast request. Now, ip_arpresolve() never calls if_output() itself, other functions do. In particular, arp_rtrequest() may call arprequest() which calls send_arp(), and arpresolve() calls arprequest() which calls send_arp().
The networking packet input interface was changed to support higher parallelism for TCP/IP implementations. Especially on Origin systems, this improves the performance of Web benchmarks and TCP-centric applications. The interface is defined as follows:
/* * This is the data structure for each network input process. */ struct per_netproc { struct ifqueue netproc_q; /* input queue */ struct route netproc_rt; /* forwarding cache */ thd_int_t netproc_thread; /* “interrupt” thread data */ } **netproc_data; /* * Called once per address family to set up input function. * Just store it in the above table. */ void network_input_setup(int af, network_input_t func) { if (af > AF_MAX) cmn_err(CE_PANIC, “address family %d out of range”, af); input_table[af] = func; } extern int max_netprocs; /* * Called from network interface device drivers when packets come in. * Use the direction policy wake up the right network input process. * Returns error code (zero is OK). * This is a critical performance path! */ int network_input(struct mbuf *m, int af, int flags) { int n = cpuid(); struct ifqueue *ifq; int s; METER(nproc_stats.intr++); mtod(m, struct ifheader *)->ifh_af = af; ifq = &(netproc_data[n]->netproc_q); if (IF_QFULL(ifq)) { IF_DROP(ifq); NETIN_UTRACE(UTN(`neti','drop'), m, __return_address); m_freem(m); return ENOBUFS; } NETIN_UTRACE(UTN(`neti','que `), m, __return_address); IFQ_LOCK(ifq, s); IF_ENQUEUE_NOLOCK(ifq, m); IFQ_UNLOCK(ifq, s); if ((flags & NETPROC_MORETOCOME) == 0) { cvsema(&(netproc_data[n]->netproc_thread.thd_isync)); } return 0; } |
Prior to IRIX 5.3, the kernel BSD framework code and TCP/IP protocol stack executed under a single kernel lock, creating a single-threaded implementation. Beginning with IRIX 5.3, the BSD framework and TCP/IP protocol suite have been multi-threaded to support symmetric multiprocessing. The code uses different kernel locks to protect different critical sections.
IRIX now supports multiple, concurrent threads of execution within the TCP/UDP/IP protocol suite and the kernel socket layer. In addition, network device drivers run on any available CPU, concurrently with the network software, applications, and other drivers. This means that any ifnet-based network driver must be prepared to run asynchronously and concurrently with other drivers and with the protocol stack.
The spl*() functions were the traditional UNIX method of gaining exclusive use of data. In single-threaded ifnet drivers, the splimp() or splnet() functions were used to get exclusive use of the ifnet structure.
In a multiprocessor, spl*() functions like splimp() or splnet() do block interrupts on the local CPU, but they do not prevent interrupts from occurring on other processors in the system, nor do they prevent other processes on other CPUs from executing code that refers to the same data.
If you are porting a driver from a uniprocessor environment, search for any use of an spl*() function and plan to replace it with effective mutual exclusion locking macros.
Under BSD networking, drivers interface with the protocol stacks by queueing incoming packets on a per-protocol input queue. In a multiprocessor, each protocol input queue must be protected by the locking macros defined in the file net/if.h.
All the locking macros that protect the input queue are assumed to be called at the proper processor interrupt masking level, splimp. All input queue locking macros also take an input parameter ifq, which is a pointer to the protocol input queue that must be defined as a struct ifqueue.
The _MP_NETLOCKS and MP compiler variables must be defined in order to enable the macros necessary to run under multi-threaded TCP/IP (see “Compiler Variables” in Chapter 9).
The macros for mutual exclusion defined in net/if.h are listed in Table 17-2.
Table 17-2. Mutual Exclusion Macros for ifnet Drivers
Macro Prototype | Purpose |
IFNET_INITLOCKS(ifp) | Initialize locks with mutex_init() and structure *ifp. |
IFNET_LOCK(ifp) | Get exclusive use of the structure *ifp. splimp() is called to raise the interrupt level if necessary. |
IFNET_UNLOCK(ifp) | Release use of *ifp and return to previous interrupt level. |
IFNET_ISLOCKED(ifp) | Test whether *ifp is locked. |
IFQ_LOCK(ifq) | Get exclusive use of an input queue *ifq. |
IFQ_UNLOCK(ifq) | Release use of *ifq. |
IF_ENQUEUE(ifq, mp) | Lock the queue *ifq; post the mbuf *mp; release the queue. |
IF_ENQUEUE_NOLOCK(ifq,mp) | Post the mbuf *mp without locking. |
The variables used in Table 17-2 are as follows:
ifp | Address of a struct ifnet to be used exclusively. |
s | Integer variable to store the current interrupt mask level. |
ifq | Address of a struct ifqueue to be posted. |
mp | Address of a struct mbuf to be posted. |
The TCP/IP protocol stack automatically acquires the ifnet structure before calling a network driver routine through that structure. Thus the driver's init(), stop(), start(), output(), and ioctl() functions do not need to use IFNET_LOCK or IFNET_UNLOCK. Look for expressions
in the example driver (“Example ifnet Driver”) to see places where this is the case. Explicit use of IFNET_LOCK is needed in the interrupt handler.
The code in Example 17-1 represents the skeleton of an ifnet driver, showing its entry points, data structures, required ioctl() functions, address format conventions, and its use of kernel utility routines and locking primitives.
A comment beginning “MISSING:” represents a point at which a complete driver would contain code related to the device or bus it manages.
Example 17-1. Skeleton ifnet Driver
/* * if_sk - skeleton IRIX 6.5 ifnet device driver * * This is a skeleton ifnet driver for IRIX 6.5 meant to demonstrate ifnet * driver entry points, data structures, required ioctls, address format * conventions, kernel utility routines, and locking primitives. * These kernel data structures and routines are SUBJECT TO CHANGE * without notice. * * Refer to the IRIX 6.5 Device Driver Programming Guide and Device Driver * Reference Pages for complete information on writing PCI, GIO, VME * and EISA bus device drivers for SGI systems. * * "MISSING" is used to designate places where device/bus/driver-specific * code sections are required. * * Locking strategy: * * There are TWO different approaches supported in Irix 6.5 regarding * device driver locking. The two approaches are designated via the presence * or absense of the IFF_DRVRLOCK flag in bsd/net/if.h for this driver. * This flag indicates whether the network device driver is responsible for * performing it's own MP locking or whether it depends on the upper level * to serialize access to the network device driver. * * If you have a high performance networking device which is to be supported * under Irix, then your drive should set and implement the locking * required when using the IFF_DRVRLOCK flag. The flag is set in the sk_attach * procedure. * * This device driver example will demonstrate this type of locking support. * * In the event you choose to NOT implement the IFF_DRVRLOCK flag then the * IFNET_LOCK() and IFNET_UNLOCK() macro's are used acquire/release the lock * on a given ifnet structure. The ifnet lock must be held while modifying * any fields within the associated ifnet data structure. The ifnet lock can * also be used to single thread portions of the device driver if so required. * * The driver xxinit, xxreset, xxoutput, xxwatchdog, and xxioctl entry points * are called with the driver lock already acquired thus only a single thread * of execution is allowed in these portions of the driver for each interface. * * It is the driver's responsibility to obtain a lock within its xxintr() * procedure and other private routines to single thread any critical sections. * * Notes: * - don't forget appropriate machine-specific cache flushing operations * (refer to IRIX Device Driver Programming guide) * - declare pointers to device registers as "volatile" * * Caveat Emptor: * No guarantees are made with respect to correctness nor completeness * of this source code. * * Copyright 1998 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All rights reserved. */ #ident "$Revision: 1.17 $" #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/systm.h> #include <sys/sysmacros.h> #include <sys/cmn_err.h> #include <sys/debug.h> #include <sys/hwgraph.h> #include <sys/iograph.h> #include <sys/errno.h> #include <sys/PCI/pciio.h> #include <sys/idbgentry.h> #include <sys/tcp-param.h> #include <sys/mbuf.h> #include <sys/immu.h> #include <sys/sbd.h> #include <sys/ddi.h> #include <sys/kmem.h> #include <sys/cpu.h> #include <sys/invent.h> #include <net/if.h> #include <net/if_types.h> #include <net/netisr.h> #include <netinet/if_ether.h> #include <net/raw.h> #include <net/multi.h> #include <netinet/in_var.h> #include <net/soioctl.h> #include <sys/dlsap_register.h> /* MISSING: driver-specific header includes go here */ /* * driver-specific and device-specific data structure * declarations and definitions might go here. */ #define SK_MAX_UNITS 8 #define SK_MTU 4096 #define SK_DOG (2*IFNET_SLOWHZ) /* watchdog duration in seconds */ #define SK_IFT (IFT_FDDI) /* refer to <net/if_types.h> */ #define SK_INV (INV_NET_FDDI) /* refer to <sys/invent.h> */ #define INV_FDDI_SK (23) /* refer to <sys/invent.h> */ #define IFF_ALIVE (IFF_UP|IFF_RUNNING) #define iff_alive(flags) (((flags) & IFF_ALIVE) == IFF_ALIVE) #define iff_dead(flags) (((flags) & IFF_ALIVE) != IFF_ALIVE) #define SK_ISBROAD(addr) (!bcmp((addr), &skbroadcastaddr, SKADDRLEN)) #define SK_ISGROUP(addr) ((addr)[0] & 01) /* * MISSING media-specific definitions of address size and header format. */ #define SKADDRLEN (6) #define SKHEADERLEN (sizeof (struct skheader)) /* * Our fictional media has an IEEE 802-looking header.. */ struct skaddr { u_int8_t sk_vec[SKADDRLEN]; }; struct skheader { struct skaddr sh_dhost; struct skaddr sh_shost; u_int16_t sh_type; }; struct skaddr skbroadcastaddr = { 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff }; /* * Each interface is represented by a private * network interface data structure that maintains * the device hardware resource addresses, pointers * to device registers, allocated dma_alloc maps, * lists of mbufs pending transmit or reception, etc, etc. * We use ARP and have an 802 address. */ struct sk_info { struct arpcom si_ac; /* common ifnet and arp */ struct skaddr si_ouraddr; /* our individual media address */ struct mfilter si_filter; /* AF_RAW sw snoop filter */ struct rawif si_rawif; /* raw snoop interface */ int si_flags; caddr_t si_regs; /* pointer to device registers */ vertex_hdl_t si_our_vhdl; /* our vertex */ vertex_hdl_t si_conn_vhdl; /* our parent vertex */ pciio_intr_t si_intr; /* interrupt handle */ /* MISSING additional driver-specific data structures */ }; #define SK_IF_LOCK 0x1000 /* private driver bitlock */ #define si_if si_ac.ac_if #define sktoifp(si) (&(si)->si_ac.ac_if) #define ifptosk(ifp)((struct sk_info *)ifp) #define ALIGNED(addr, alignment) (((u_long)(addr) & (alignment-1)) == 0) #define sk_info_set(v,i) hwgraph_fastinfo_set((v),(arbitrary_info_t)(i)) #define sk_info_get(v) ((struct sk_info *)hwgraph_fastinfo_get((v))) /* * The start of an mbuf containing an input frame */ struct sk_ibuf { struct ifheader sib_ifh; struct snoopheader sib_snoop; struct skheader sib_skh; }; #define SK_IBUFSZ (sizeof (struct sk_ibuf)) /* * Multicast filter request for SIOCADDMULTI/SIOCDELMULTI . */ struct mfreq { union mkey *mfr_key; /* pointer to socket ioctl arg */ mval_t mfr_value; /* associated value */ }; void sk_init(void); static int sk_ifinit(struct ifnet *ifp); int sk_attach(vertex_hdl_t conn_vhdl); static void sk_reset(struct sk_info *si); static void sk_intr(struct sk_info *si); static int sk_output(struct ifnet *ifp, struct mbuf *m, struct sockaddr *dst); static void sk_input(struct sk_info *si, struct mbuf *m, int totlen); static int sk_ioctl(struct ifnet *ifp, int cmd, void *data); static void sk_watchdog(struct ifnet *ifp); static void sk_stop(struct sk_info *si); static int sk_start(struct sk_info *si, int flags); static int sk_add_da(struct sk_info *si, union mkey *key, int ismulti); static int sk_del_da(struct sk_info *si, union mkey *key, int ismulti); static int sk_dstaddr_hash(char *addr); static int sk_dlp(struct sk_info *si,int port,int encap,struct mbuf *m,int len); static void sk_dump(int unit); /* MISSING additional driver-specific routine prototypes */ extern void bitswapcopy(void *, void *, int); extern int mutex_bitlock(unsigned int bitlock, unsigned int lock_flag); extern void mutex_bitunlock(unsigned int bitlock, unsigned int lock_flag, int rtn_bitlock); extern struct ifnet loif; /* loopback driver if */ int sk_devflag = D_MP; /* * xxinit() routine called early during boot. */ void sk_init(void) { /* register ourselves with the pci i/o infrastructure */ pciio_driver_register(0x10A9, 0x0003, "sk_", 0); /* * register a handy debugging routine so we can call it * from idbg(1) and the kernel debugger. */ idbg_addfunc("sk_dump", (void (*)())sk_dump); return; } /* * xxattach() routine is called by the i/o infrastructure * when a hardware device matches our pci vendor and device ids. */ int sk_attach(vertex_hdl_t conn_vhdl) { graph_error_t rc; vertex_hdl_t our_vhdl; struct sk_info *si; struct ifnet *ifp; device_desc_t sk_dev_desc; /* add a char device vertex to the hardware graph tree ("/hw") */ if ((rc = hwgraph_char_device_add(conn_vhdl, "sk", "sk_", &our_vhdl)) != GRAPH_SUCCESS) { cmn_err(CE_ALERT, "skattach: hwgraph_char_device_add error %d", rc); return EIO; } /* fix up device descriptor */ sk_dev_desc = device_desc_dup(our_vhdl); device_desc_intr_name_set(sk_dev_desc, "sk device"); device_desc_default_set(our_vhdl, sk_dev_desc); si = (struct sk_info*)kmem_zalloc(sizeof (struct sk_info), KM_SLEEP); if (si == NULL) { cmn_err(CE_ALERT, "skattach: kmem_alloc failed\n"); return ENOMEM; } /* save our vertex and our parent's vertex for later */ si->si_our_vhdl = our_vhdl; si->si_conn_vhdl = conn_vhdl; /* save a pointer to our sk_info structure in our vertex */ sk_info_set(our_vhdl, si); /* * MISSING * Driver-specific actions that might go here: * * - call sk_reset to disable the device * - pciio_pio map in the device registers * - allocate a new sk_info structure * - allocate device host memory buffers and descriptors * and create any static dma mappings (pciio_dmamap_xx ) * ... */ /* register our interrupt handler */ si->si_intr = pciio_intr_alloc(conn_vhdl, sk_dev_desc, PCIIO_INTR_LINE_A, our_vhdl); pciio_intr_connect(si->si_intr, (intr_func_t)sk_intr, (intr_arg_t) si, (void *)0); /* * MISSING your address translation protocol goes here. * Save a copy of our MAC address in the arpcom structure. */ bcopy((caddr_t)&si->si_ouraddr, (caddr_t)si->si_ac.ac_enaddr, SKADDRLEN); /* * Initialize ifnet structure with our name, type, mtu size, * supported flags, pointers to our entry points, * and attach to the available ifnet drivers list. */ ifp = sktoifp(si); ifp->if_name = "sk"; ifp->if_unit = -1; ifp->if_type = SK_IFT; ifp->if_mtu = SK_MTU; ifp->if_flags = IFF_BROADCAST | IFF_MULTICAST | IFF_DRVRLOCK |IFF_NOTRAILERS; ifp->if_output = sk_output; ifp->if_ioctl = (int (*)(struct ifnet*, int, void*))sk_ioctl; ifp->if_watchdog = sk_watchdog; /* * A note about unit numbering and when to call if_attach: * * Starting with IRIX 6.4 a boot-time command ioconfig(1M) is * provided which walks the hardware device tree ("/hw"), allocates * and assigns a controller number (unit number) to each * device vertex it finds which has an inventory record. * * So we do everything but the if_attach() call now, * since we don't yet have our unit number, and call * if_attach() from our xxopen() routine when it is * called by the ioconfig(1M) command during booting. */ /* * Allocate a multicast filter table with an initial * size of 10. See <net/multi.h> for a description * of the support for generic sw multicast filtering. * Use of these mf routines is purely optional - * if you're not supporting multicast addresses or * your device does perfect filtering or you think * you can roll your own better, feel free. */ if (!mfnew(&si->si_filter, 10)) cmn_err(CE_PANIC, "sk_edtinit: no memory for frame filter\n"); /* * You must create an inventory record for this vertex now * or ioconfig(1M) will not call our xxopen() routine to * pass in an allocated unit number later. */ device_inventory_add(our_vhdl, INV_NETWORK, INV_NET_FDDI, 100, -1, 0); return 0; } /* * Driver xxopen() routine exists only to take unit# which has now been * assigned to the vertex by ioconfig(1M) and if_attach() the device. */ /* ARGSUSED */ int sk_open(dev_t *devp, int flag, int otyp, struct cred *crp) { vertex_hdl_t our_vhdl; struct sk_info *si; int unit; our_vhdl = dev_to_vhdl(*devp); if ((si = sk_info_get(our_vhdl)) == NULL) return EIO; /* if already if_attached, just return */ if (si->si_if.if_unit != -1) return 0; /* get our unit number from the vertex label */ if ((unit = device_controller_num_get(our_vhdl)) < 0) { cmn_err(CE_ALERT, "sk_open: vertex missing ctlr number"); return EIO; } si->si_if.if_unit = unit; /* * Install this device in the list of IRIX ifnet structures. */ if_attach(&si->si_if); /* * Initialize the raw socket interface. See <net/raw.h> * and the man pages for descriptions of the SNOOP * and DRAIN raw protocols. */ rawif_attach(&si->si_rawif, &si->si_if, (caddr_t) &si->si_ouraddr, (caddr_t) &skbroadcastaddr, SKADDRLEN, SKHEADERLEN, structoff(skheader, sh_shost), structoff(skheader, sh_dhost)); return 0; } static int sk_ifinit(struct ifnet *ifp) { struct sk_info *si = ifptosk(ifp); int s; s = mutex_bitlock(&si->si_flags, SK_IF_LOCK); /* * Reset the device first, ask questions later.. */ sk_reset(si); /* * - free or reuse any pending xmit/recv mbufs * - initialize device configuration registers, etc. * - allocate and post receive buffers * * Refer to Device Driver Programming guide for * descriptions on use of kvtophys() (GIO) or * dma_map/dma_mapaddr() (VME) routines for * obtaining DMA addresses and system-specific * issues like flushing caches or write buffers. */ /* * MISSING * enable if_flags device behavior (IFF_DEBUG on/off, etc.) */ ifp->if_timer = SK_DOG; /* turn on watchdog */ /* MISSING: turn device "on" now */ mutex_bitunlock(&si->si_flags, EIF_LOCK, s); return 0; } /* * Reset the interface. */ static void sk_reset(struct sk_info *si) { struct ifnet *ifp = sktoifp(si); int s; s = mutex_bitlock(&si->si_flags, SK_IF_LOCK); ifp->if_timer = 0; /* turn off watchdog */ mutex_bitunlock(&si->si_flags, EIF_LOCK, s); /* * MISSING * - reset device * - reset device receive descriptor ring * - free any enqueued transmit mbufs * - create device xmit descriptor ring */ return; } static void sk_intr(struct sk_info *si) { struct ifnet *ifp; struct mbuf *m; int totlen, s; ifp = &si->si_if; s = mutex_bitlock(&si->si_flags, SK_IF_LOCK); /* * Ignore early interrupts. */ if (iff_dead(ifp->if_flags)) { sk_stop(si); mutex_bitunlock(&si->si_flags, EIF_LOCK, s); return; } /* * MISSING: read and clear the device interrupt status register. */ /* * process any received packets. */ while (0 /* MISSING: received packets available */) { /* * MISSING * Do device-specific receive processing here. * Allocate and post a replacement receive buffer. */ sk_input(si, m, totlen); } while (0 /* MISSING mbufs completed transmission */) { /* * MISSING * Reclaim any completed device transmit resources * freeing completed mbufs, checking for errors, * and maintaining if_opackets, if_oerrors, * if_collisions, etc. */ } /* MISSING: process any other interrupt conditions */ mutex_bitunlock(&si->si_flags, EIF_LOCK, s); return; } /* * Transmit packet. If the destination is this system or * broadcast, send the packet to the loop-back device if * we cannot hear ourself transmit. Return 0 or errno. */ static int sk_output( struct ifnet *ifp, struct mbuf *m0, struct sockaddr *dst) { struct sk_info *si = ifptosk(ifp); struct skheader *sh; struct mbuf *m, *m1; struct mbuf *mloop; struct sockaddr_sdl *sdl; int error, s; mloop = NULL; s = mutex_bitlock(&si->si_flags, SK_IF_LOCK); if (iff_dead(ifp->if_flags)) { error = EHOSTDOWN; goto bad; } /* * If snd queue full, try reclaiming some completed * mbufs. If it's still full, then just drop the * packet and return ENOBUFS. */ if (IF_QFULL(&si->si_if.if_snd)) { while (0 /* MISSING xmits done */) { /* * MISSING: Reclaim completed xmit descriptors. */ IF_DEQUEUE_NOLOCK(&si->si_if.if_snd, m); m_freem(m); } if (IF_QFULL(&si->si_if.if_snd)) { m_freem(m0); si->si_if.if_odrops++; IF_DROP(&si->si_if.if_snd); mutex_bitunlock(&si->si_flags, EIF_LOCK, s); return ENOBUFS; } } switch (dst->sa_family) { case AF_INET: { /* * Get room for media header, * use this mbuf if possible. */ if (!M_HASCL(m0) && m0->m_off >= MMINOFF+sizeof(*sh) && (sh = mtod(m0, struct skheader*)) && ALIGNED(sh, sizeof (int))) { ASSERT(m0->m_off <= MSIZE); m1 = 0; --sh; } else { m1 = m_get(M_DONTWAIT, MT_DATA); if (m1 == NULL) { m_freem(m0); si->si_if.if_odrops++; IF_DROP(&si->si_if.if_snd); mutex_bitunlock(&si->si_flags, EIF_LOCK, s); return ENOBUFS; } sh = mtod(m1, struct skheader*); m1->m_len = sizeof (*sh); } bcopy(&si->si_ouraddr, &sh->sh_shost, SKADDRLEN); /* * translate dst IP address to media address. */ mutex_bitunlock(&si->si_flags, EIF_LOCK, s); if (!ip_arpresolve(&si->si_ac, m0, &((struct sockaddr_in *)dst)->sin_addr, (u_char*)&sh->sh_dhost)) { m_freem(m1); return 0; /* just wait if not yet resolved */ } if (m1 == 0) { m0->m_off -= sizeof (*sh); m0->m_len += sizeof (*sh); } else { m1->m_next = m0; m0 = m1; } /* * Listen to ourself, if we are supposed to. */ if (SK_ISBROAD(&sh->sh_shost)) { mloop = m_copy(m0, sizeof (*sh), M_COPYALL); if (mloop == NULL) { m_freem(m0); si->si_if.if_odrops++; IF_DROP(&si->si_if.if_snd); mutex_bitunlock(&si->si_flags, EIF_LOCK, s); return ENOBUFS; } } break; } case AF_UNSPEC: #define EP ((struct ether_header *)&dst->sa_data[0]) /* * Translate an ARP packet using RFC-1042. * Require the entire ARP packet be in the first mbuf. */ sh = mtod(m0, struct skheader*); if (M_HASCL(m0) || !ALIGNED(sh, sizeof (int)) || m0->m_len < sizeof(struct ether_arp) || m0->m_off < MMINOFF+sizeof(*sh) || EP->ether_type != ETHERTYPE_ARP) { printf("sk_output: bad ARP output\n"); m_freem(m0); si->si_if.if_oerrors++; IF_DROP(&si->si_if.if_snd); mutex_bitunlock(&si->si_flags, EIF_LOCK, s); return EAFNOSUPPORT; } ASSERT(m0->m_off <= MSIZE); m0->m_len += sizeof(*sh); m0->m_off -= sizeof(*sh); --sh; bcopy(&si->si_ouraddr, &sh->sh_shost, SKADDRLEN); bcopy(&EP->ether_dhost[0], &sh->sh_dhost, SKADDRLEN); sh->sh_type = EP->ether_type; #undef EP break; case AF_RAW: /* The mbuf chain contains the raw frame incl header. */ sh = mtod(m0, struct skheader*); if (M_HASCL(m0) || m0->m_len < sizeof(*sh) || !ALIGNED(sh, sizeof (int))) { m0 = m_pullup(m0, SKHEADERLEN); if (m0 == NULL) { si->si_if.if_odrops++; IF_DROP(&si->si_if.if_snd); return ENOBUFS; }; sh = mtod(m0, struct skheader*); } break; case AF_SDL: /* * Send an 802 packet for DLPI. * mbuf chain should already have everything * but MAC header. */ sdl = (struct sockaddr_sdl*) dst; /* sanity check the MAC address */ if (sdl->ssdl_addr_len != SKADDRLEN) { m_freem(m0); return EAFNOSUPPORT; } sh = mtod(m0, struct skheader*); if (!M_HASCL(m0) && m1->m_off >= MMINOFF+SKHEADERLEN && ALIGNED(sh, sizeof(int))) { ASSERT(m0->m_off <= MSIZE); m0->m_len += SKHEADERLEN; m0->m_off -= SKHEADERLEN; } else { m1 = m_get(M_DONTWAIT,MT_DATA); if (!m1) { m_freem(m0); si->si_if.if_odrops++; IF_DROP(&si->si_if.if_snd); return ENOBUFS; } m1->m_len = SKHEADERLEN; m1->m_next = m0; m0 = m1; sh = mtod(m0, struct skheader*); } sh->sh_type = htons(ETHERTYPE_IP); bcopy(&si->si_ouraddr, &sh->sh_shost, SKADDRLEN); bcopy(sdl->ssdl_addr, &sh->sh_dhost, SKADDRLEN); break; default: mutex_bitunlock(&si->si_flags, EIF_LOCK, s); printf("sk_output: bad af %u\n", dst->sa_family); m_freem(m0); return EAFNOSUPPORT; } /* * Check whether snoopers want to copy this packet. */ if (RAWIF_SNOOPING(&si->si_rawif) && snoop_match(&si->si_rawif, (caddr_t)sh, m0->m_len)) { struct mbuf *ms, *mt; int len; /* m0 bytes to copy */ int lenoff; int curlen; len = m_length(m0); lenoff = 0; curlen = len + SK_IBUFSZ; if (curlen > MCLBYTES) curlen = MCLBYTES; ms = m_vget(M_DONTWAIT, MAX(curlen, SK_IBUFSZ), MT_DATA); if (ms) { IF_INITHEADER(mtod(ms,caddr_t), &si->si_if, SK_IBUFSZ); curlen = m_datacopy(m0, lenoff, curlen - SK_IBUFSZ, mtod(ms,caddr_t) + SK_IBUFSZ); mt = ms; for (;;) { lenoff += curlen; len -= curlen; if (len <= 0) break; curlen = MIN(len, MCLBYTES); m1 = m_vget(M_DONTWAIT, curlen, MT_DATA); if (0 == m1) { m_freem(ms); ms = 0; break; } mt->m_next = m1; mt = m1; curlen = m_datacopy(m0, lenoff, curlen, mtod(m1, caddr_t)); } } if (ms == NULL) { snoop_drop(&si->si_rawif, SN_PROMISC, mtod(m0,caddr_t), m0->m_len); } else { (void)snoop_input(&si->si_rawif, SN_PROMISC, mtod(m0, caddr_t), ms, (lenoff > SKHEADERLEN)? (lenoff - SKHEADERLEN) : 0); } } /* * Save a copy of the mbuf chain to free later. */ IF_ENQUEUE_NOLOCK(&si->si_if.if_snd, m0); /* * MISSING * Allocate and initialize transmit descriptor resources * and kick the chip to start DMA reads for transmitting. */ if (error) goto bad; ifp->if_opackets++; if (mloop) { si->si_if.if_omcasts++; mutex_bitunlock(&si->si_flags, EIF_LOCK, s); (void) looutput(&loif, mloop, dst); } else { if (SK_ISGROUP(sh->sh_dhost.sk_vec)) si->si_if.if_omcasts++; mutex_bitunlock(&si->si_flags, EIF_LOCK, s); } return 0; bad: ifp->if_oerrors++; mutex_bitunlock(&si->si_flags, EIF_LOCK, s); m_freem(m); m_freem(mloop); return error; } /* * deal with a complete input frame in a string of mbufs. * mbuf points at a (struct sk_ibuf), totlen is #bytes * in user data portion of the mbuf. */ static void sk_input(struct sk_info *si, struct mbuf *m, int totlen) { struct sk_ibuf *sib; int snoopflags = 0; uint port; /* * MISSING: set local variables 'snoopflags' and * 'if_ierrors' as appropriate */ sib = mtod(m, struct sk_ibuf*); IF_INITHEADER(sib, &si->si_if, SK_IBUFSZ); si->si_if.if_ibytes += totlen; si->si_if.if_ipackets++; /* * If it is a broadcast or multicast frame, * get rid of imperfectly filtered multicasts. */ if (SK_ISGROUP(sib->sib_skh.sh_dhost.sk_vec)) { if (SK_ISBROAD(sib->sib_skh.sh_dhost.sk_vec)) m->m_flags |= M_BCAST; else { if (((si->si_ac.ac_if.if_flags & IFF_ALLMULTI) == 0) && !mfethermatch(&si->si_filter, sib->sib_skh.sh_dhost.sk_vec, 0)) { if (RAWIF_SNOOPING(&si->si_rawif) && snoop_match(&si->si_rawif, (caddr_t) &sib->sib_skh, totlen)) snoopflags = SN_PROMISC; else { m_freem(m); return; } m->m_flags |= M_MCAST; } } si->si_if.if_imcasts++; } else { if (RAWIF_SNOOPING(&si->si_rawif) && snoop_match(&si->si_rawif, (caddr_t) &sib->sib_skh, totlen)) snoopflags = SN_PROMISC; else { m_freem(m); return; } } /* * Set 'port' . For us, just sh_type. */ port = ntohs(sib->sib_skh.sh_type); /* * do raw snooping. */ if (RAWIF_SNOOPING(&si->si_rawif)) { if (!snoop_input(&si->si_rawif, snoopflags, (caddr_t)&sib->sib_skh, m, (totlen>sizeof(struct skheader) ? totlen-sizeof(struct skheader) : 0))) { } if (snoopflags) return; } else if (snoopflags) { goto drop; /* if bad, count and skip it */ } /* * If it is a frame we understand, then give it to the * correct protocol code. */ switch (port) { case ETHERTYPE_IP: network_input(m, AF_INET, 0); break; case ETHERTYPE_ARP: arpinput(&si->si_ac, m); return; default: (void)(sk_dlp(si, port, DL_ETHER_ENCAP, m, totlen)) break; } return; drop: m_freem(m); if (RAWIF_SNOOPING(&si->si_rawif)) snoop_drop(&si->si_rawif, snoopflags, (caddr_t)&sib->sib_skh, totlen); if (RAWIF_DRAINING(&si->si_rawif)) drain_drop(&si->si_rawif, port); return; } /* * See if a DLPI function wants a frame. */ static int sk_dlp(struct sk_info *si, int port, int encap, struct mbuf *m, int len) { dlsap_family_t *dlp; struct mbuf *m2; struct sk_ibuf *sib; if ((dlp = dlsap_find(port, encap)) == NULL) return 0; /* * The DLPI code wants the entire MAC and LLC headers. * It needs the total length of the mbuf chain to reflect * the actual data length, not to be extended to contain a fake, * zeroed LLC header which keeps the snoop code from crashing. */ if ((m2 = m_copy(m, 0, len+sizeof(struct skheader))) == NULL) return 0; if (M_HASCL(m2)) { m2 = m_pullup(m2, SK_IBUFSZ); if (m2 == NULL) return 0; } sib = mtod(m2, struct sk_ibuf*); /* * MISSING: The DLPI code wants the MAC address in canonical bit order. * Convert here if necessary. */ /* * MISSING: * The DLPI code wants the LLC header, if present, * not to be hidden with the MAC header. Decrement * LLC header size from ifh_hdrlen if necessary. */ if ((*dlp->dl_infunc)(dlp, &si->si_if, m2, &sib->sib_skh)) { m_freem(m); return 1; } m_freem(m2); return 0; } /* * Process an ioctl request. * Return 0 or errno. */ static int sk_ioctl( struct ifnet *ifp, int cmd, void *data) { struct sk_info *si; int error = 0; int flags, s; si = ifptosk(ifp); s = mutex_bitlock(&si->si_flags, SK_IF_LOCK); switch (cmd) { case SIOCSIFADDR: { struct ifaddr *ifa = (struct ifaddr *)data; switch (ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family) { case AF_INET: sk_stop(si); si->si_ac.ac_ipaddr = IA_SIN(ifa)->sin_addr; sk_start(si, ifp->if_flags); break; case AF_RAW: /* * Not safe to change addr while the * board is alive. */ if (!iff_dead(ifp->if_flags)) error = EINVAL; else { bcopy(ifa->ifa_addr->sa_data, si->si_ac.ac_enaddr, SKADDRLEN); error = sk_start(si, ifp->if_flags); } break; default: error = EINVAL; break; } break; } case SIOCSIFFLAGS: { flags = ((struct ifreq *)data)->ifr_flags; if (((struct ifreq*)data)->ifr_flags & IFF_UP) error = sk_start(si, flags); else sk_stop(si); break; } case SIOCADDMULTI: case SIOCDELMULTI: { #define MKEY ((union mkey*)data) int allmulti; /* * Convert an internet multicast socket address * into an 802-type address. */ error = ether_cvtmulti((struct sockaddr *)data, &allmulti); if (0 == error) { if (allmulti) { if (SIOCADDMULTI == cmd) si->si_if.if_flags |= IFF_ALLMULTI; else si->si_if.if_flags &= ~IFF_ALLMULTI; /* MISSING enable hw all multicast addrs */ } else { bitswapcopy(MKEY->mk_dhost, MKEY->mk_dhost, sizeof (MKEY->mk_dhost)); if (SIOCADDMULTI == cmd) error = sk_add_da(si, MKEY, 1); else error = sk_del_da(si, MKEY, 1); } } break; #undef MKEY } case SIOCADDSNOOP: case SIOCDELSNOOP: { #define SF(nm) ((struct skheader*)&(((struct snoopfilter *)data)->nm)) /* * raw protocol snoop filter. See <net/raw.h> * and <net/multi.h> and the snoop(7P) man page. */ u_char *a; union mkey key; a = &SF(sf_mask[0])->sh_dhost.sk_vec[0]; if (!SK_ISBROAD(a)) { /* * cannot filter on device unless mask is trivial. */ error = EINVAL; } else { /* * Filter individual destination addresses. * Use a different address family to avoid * damaging an ordinary multi-cast filter. * MISSING You'll have to invent your own * mulicast filter routines if this doesn't * fit your address size or needs. */ a = &SF(sf_match[0])->sh_dhost.sk_vec[0]; key.mk_family = AF_RAW; bcopy(a, key.mk_dhost, sizeof (key.mk_dhost)); if (cmd == SIOCADDSNOOP) { error = sk_add_da(si, &key, SK_ISGROUP(a)); } else { error = sk_del_da(si, &key, SK_ISGROUP(a)); } } break; } /* * MISSING: add any driver-specific ioctls here. */ default: error = EINVAL; } return error; } /* * Add a destination address. * Add address to the sw multicast filter table and to * our hw device address (if applicable). */ /* ARGSUSED */ static int sk_add_da( struct sk_info *si, union mkey *key, int ismulti) { struct mfreq mfr; /* * mfmatchcnt() looks up key in our multicast filter * and, if found, just increments its refcnt and * returns true. */ if (mfmatchcnt(&si->si_filter, 1, key, 0)) return 0; mfr.mfr_key = key; mfr.mfr_value = (mval_t) sk_dstaddr_hash((char*)key->mk_dhost); if (!mfadd(&si->si_filter, key, mfr.mfr_value)) return ENOMEM; /* MISSING: poke this hash into device's hw address filter */ return 0; } /* * Delete an address filter. If key is unassociated, do nothing. * Otherwise delete software filter first, then hardware filter. */ /* ARGSUSED */ static int sk_del_da( struct sk_info *si, union mkey *key, int ismulti) { struct mfreq mfr; /* * Decrement refcnt of this address in our multicast filter * and reclaim the entry if refcnt == 0. */ if (mfmatchcnt(&si->si_filter, -1, key, &mfr.mfr_value)) return 0; mfdel(&si->si_filter, key); /* MISSING: disable this hash value from the device if necessary */ return 0; } /* * compute a hash value for destination address */ static int sk_dstaddr_hash(char *addr) { int hv; hv = addr[0] ^ addr[1] ^ addr[2] ^ addr[3] ^ addr[4] ^ addr[5]; return (hv & 0xff); } /* * Periodically poll the device for input packets * in case an interrupt gets lost or the device * somehow gets wedged. Reset if necessary. */ static void sk_watchdog(struct ifnet *ifp) { struct sk_info *si; int s; si = ifptosk(ifp); /* check for a missed interrupt */ sk_intr(si); s = mutex_bitlock(&si->si_flags, SK_IF_LOCK); si->si_if.if_timer = SK_DOG; mutex_bitunlock(&si->si_flags, EIF_LOCK, s); return; } /* * Disable the interface. */ static void sk_stop(struct sk_info *si) { struct ifnet *ifp = sktoifp(si); ifp->if_flags &= ~IFF_ALIVE; /* * Mark an interface down and notify protocols * of the transition. */ if_down(ifp); sk_reset(si); return; } /* * Enable the interface. */ static int sk_start(struct sk_info *si, int flags) { struct ifnet *ifp = sktoifp(si); int error, s; if ((error = sk_ifinit(ifp))) { return error; } s = mutex_bitlock(&si->si_flags, SK_IF_LOCK); ifp->if_flags = flags | IFF_ALIVE; mutex_bitunlock(&si->si_flags, EIF_LOCK, s); /* * Broadcast an ARP packet, asking who has addr * on interface ac. */ arpwhohas(&si->si_ac, &si->si_ac.ac_ipaddr); return 0; } /* * private debugging routine. */ static void sk_dump(int unit) { struct sk_info *si; struct ifnet *ifp; char name[128]; if (unit == -1) unit = 0; sprintf(name, "sk%d", unit); if ((ifp = ifunit(name)) == NULL) { qprintf("sk_dump: %s not found in ifnet list\n", name); return; } si = ifptosk(ifp); qprintf("si 0x%x\n", si); /* MISSING: qprintf() whatever you want here */ return; } |