The GIO bus is a synchronous, multiplexed address-data bus connecting high-speed devices to main memory and CPU for SGI workstations. This chapter gives an overview of the GIO architecture, and describes the special kernel functions used to manage a device on the GIO bus. The main topics are as follows:
“GIO Bus Overview” describes the hardware implementation of the GIO bus.
“Configuring a GIO Device” discusses the use of the VECTOR line to describe a GIO device to IRIX.
“Writing a GIO Driver” discusses the work done in each entry point of a GIO device driver.
“Memory Parity Workarounds” covers an important hardware issue.
“Example GIO Driver” displays major parts of a driver for a hypothetical GIO device.
The GIO bus is a family of buses with different electrical requirements and form factors. However, the only systems that use GIO and are supported by IRIX 6.5 are the Indigo2, Power Indigo2, and Indigo2 Maximum Impact workstations. These systems support the GIO64 bus, a 64-bit, synchronous, multiplexed address-data bus that can run at speeds up to 33 MHz. It supports both 32- and 64-bit devices. GIO64 has two slightly different varieties: non-pipelined for internal system memory, and pipelined for graphics and pipelined GIO64 slot devices.
Older systems (Indigo, Indy) used a 32-bit version of the GIO bus.
The Indigo2 has three physical sockets, but the lower two are paired as a single logical slot—the double socket provides extra electrical and mechanical support for heavy cards. The Indigo2 Maximum Impact has four physical sockets, with each pair ganged as one logical slot. Thus all systems have two GIO slots, electrically speaking.
The form factor depends on the specific platform in which the device is installed. GIO64 boards are the size of an EISA board. Slots in Indigo2 systems can accept either an EISA board or a GIO64 board. These two types of boards share common board dimensions but have different connectors for attaching to their respective buses. GIO devices can be either single or double-wide (that is, taking one or two sockets).
Each GIO device has a range of bus addresses to which it responds. These addresses correspond to device registers or on-board memory, depending on the GIO device.
The address range for a GIO bus device is determined in part by the slot number of the device. The hardware must be designed to determine which slot the device is in and make the appropriate adjustments to respond to that slot's address range.
Indigo2 systems support three GIO address spaces, referred to as gfx, exp0, and exp1. The gfx address space is used by the graphics card.
Table 19-1 shows the slot names and address spaces available on the Indigo2 systems.
Table 19-1. GIO Slot Names and Addresses
Slot Name | 32-bit Address | 64-bit Address |
gfx | 0x1f00 0000–0x1f3f ffff | 0x9000 0000 1f00 0000–0x9000 0000 1f3f ffff |
exp0 | 0x1f40 0000–0x1f5f ffff | 0x9000 0000 1f40 0000–0x9000 0000 1f5f ffff |
exp1 | 0x1f60 0000–0x1f9f ffff | 0x9000 0000 1f60 0000–0x9000 0000 1f9f ffff |
In 64-bit systems (Indigo2 Maximum Impact), two additional high-order bits are needed to select the physical address of the GIO space, so each of the above addresses is prefixed by 0x9000 0000.
GIO-bus devices use only one interrupt level — interrupt 1. Interrupts 0 and 2 are used by the graphics system and may not be used by GIO-bus devices.
A GIO device is described to the system, and related to its device driver, using a VECTOR line in a file in the /var/sysgen/system directory (see “Configuring a Kernel” in Chapter 9).
The VECTOR line for a GIO device uses the “old style” syntax documented in /var/sysgen/system/ The important elements in a VECTOR line for GIO are as follows:
bustype | Specified as GIO for GIO devices. The VECTOR statement can be used for other types of buses as well. |
module | The base name of the device driver for this device, as used in the /var/sysgen/master.d database (see “Master Configuration Database” in Chapter 2 and “How Names Are Used in Configuration” in Chapter 9 ). |
adapter | Always 0, or omitted, for GIO, since there is never more than one GIO bus adapter in current systems. |
ctlr | The “controller” number is simply an integer parameter that is passed to the device driver at boot time. It can be used, for example, to specify a logical unit number. |
base | Device base address, as shown in Table 19-1 . |
probe or exprobe | Specify a hardware test that can be applied at boot time to find out if the device exists. |
You use the probe or exprobe parameter to program a test for the existence of the device at boot time. If the device does not respond (because it is offline or because it has been removed from the system), the lboot command will not invoke the device driver for this device. This facility is used in distributed /var/sysgen/system/ files in order to choose between the graphics board in slot gfx or in slot exp0.
GIO bus devices are controlled only from kernel-level drivers; there is no provision for memory-mapping GIO devices into user-level address spaces.
A GIO device driver is a kernel-level driver compiled, linked, and loaded into the kernel as described in Chapter 9, “Building and Installing a Driver”. A GIO driver can call on the kernel functions described in Chapter 7, “Structure of a Kernel-Level Driver”. However, a GIO driver has to use some special features in its pfxedtinit() and pfxintr() entry points.
Three GIO-specific functions are used in setting up a GIO device. They are only documented here; there are no reference pages for them. The functions are declared as external in the CPU-specific include files sys/IP20.h and sys/IP22.h. (When compiling for a Power Indigo2, which uses an IP26 CPU, you include sys/IP22.h as well as sys/IP26.h.)
The setgiovector() function registers an interrupt service function for a GIO device interrupt with the kernel's interrupt dispatcher, or unregisters one. The function prototype is
void setgiovector(int level, int slot, void (*func)(__psint_t, struct eframe_s *), __psint_t arg); |
The arguments are as follows:
level | The interrupt level; must be GIO_INTERRUPT_1 for all devices except the graphics board. |
slot | The slot number, 0 or 1. |
func | The address of the interrupt handling function (typically the pfxintr() entry point of the device driver), or else NULL to unregister. |
arg | A “pointer-sized integer” value to be passed as the first argument of the interrupt handler when it is invoked. |
![]() | Note: If either the level or slot number is out of range, setgiovector() issues an error message with the CE_PANIC level, causing a kernel panic. |
When func is not NULL, the specified function is registered to receive interrupts at the given level from the given slot. When an interrupt occurs, the function is called with two arguments. The first is the value specified as arg, a “pointer-sized integer,” typically the address of device-specific information. The second is the interrupt registers. The structure eframe_s is declared in sys/reg.h. However, this structure is of no interest.
This function can be used with a NULL for the func argument to unregister an interrupt routine that was previously registered. You must unregister an interrupt handler in a loadable device driver prior to unloading, when called at the pfxunload() entry point (see “Entry Point unload()” in Chapter 7).
The function setgioconfig() configures the GIO slot for a particular use. The function prototype is
void setgioconfig(int slot, int flags); |
The arguments are as follows:
slot | The slot number, 0 or 1. |
flags | A set of bit-flags from the constants GIO_ARB_* declared in sys/mc.h. |
![]() | Note: If the slot number is out of range, setgioconfig() either issues an error message with the CE_PANIC level or suffers an assertion failure, causing a kernel panic. |
The flags that can be combined to make the flags argument are
GIO64_ARB_EXP0_SIZE_64 | Configure for 64-bit transfers; otherwise transfers will be 32-bit. |
GIO64_ARB_EXP0_RT | Configure as a real-time device; otherwise it will be a long burst device. |
GIO64_ARB_EXP0_MST | Configure as a bus master; otherwise it will be a slave. |
GIO64_ARB_EXP0_PIPED | Configure slot as a pipelined device, otherwise it will be a non-pipelined device. For Indigo2 systems, this must be set. |
Three functions can be used to set the processor interrupt mask to block GIO-bus interrupts. As of IRIX 6.2, the only systems that support the GIO bus are uniprocessor systems, in which spl()-type functions are effective. When writing a device driver that might be ported to a multiprocessor, you should avoid functions of this type, and use other means of getting mutual exclusion (see “Priority Level Functions” in Chapter 8).
The prototypes of the GIO spl() functions are
long splgio0(); long splgio1(); long splgio2(); |
Devices other than graphics drivers would typically only have a reason to use splgio1(), because 1 is the interrupt level of non-graphics GIO devices.
The device driver specified by the module parameter is invoked at its pfxedtinit() entry point, where it receives most of the other information specified in the VECTOR statement (see “Entry Point edtinit()” in Chapter 7).
The pfxedtinit() entry point is called only in response to a VECTOR line. However, a VECTOR line need not contain a probe or exprobe test of the hardware.
The driver should not assume that its hardware exists; instead it should use the badaddr() kernel function to test the addresses passed in the edt_t object to make sure they are usable (see “Testing Device Physical Addresses” in Chapter 8).
Example 19-1 displays a skeleton version of the pfxedtinit() entry point of a hypothetical GIO device driver. This example uses GIO-specific functions that are described in a following section, “GIO-Specific Kernel Functions”.
Example 19-1. GIO Driver edtinit() Entry Point
#include <sys/edt.h> void hypoth_edtinit(register struct edt *e) { int slot, val; /* Check to see if the device is present */ if(badaddr_val(e->e_base, sizeof(int), &val) || (val && GBD_MASK) != GBD_BOARD_ID) { if (showconfig) cmn_err (CE_CONT, "gbdedtinit: board not installed."); return; } /* figure out slot from base on VECTOR line in /* system file*/ if(e->e_base == (caddr_t)0xBf400000) slot = GIO_SLOT_0; else if(e->e_base == (caddr_t)0xBF600000) slot = GIO_SLOT_1; else { cmn_err (CE_NOTE, "ERROR from edtinit: Bad base address %x\n",e->e_base); return; } #ifdef IP20 /* For Indigo R4000, set up board as a realtime bus master */ setgioconfig(slot,GIO64_ARB_EXP0_RT|GIO64_ARB_EXP0_MST); #endif #ifdef (IP22|IP26) /* For Indy, Indigo2, set up board as a pipelined realtime bus master */ setgioconfig(slot,GIO64_ARB_EXP0_RT|GIO64_ARB_EXP0_PIPED); #endif /* Save the device addresses, because * they won't be available later. */ gbd_device[slot == GIO_SLOT_0 ? 0 : 1] = (struct gbd_device *)e->e_base; gbd_memory[slot == GIO_SLOT_0 ? 0 : 1] = (char *)e->e_base2; /* Where "unit_#" is any parameter passed to /* the interrupt handler (gbdintr) */ setgiovector(GIO_INTERRUPT_1,slot,gbdintr,unit_#); } |
A GIO driver must contain an interrupt entry point. It does not have to be named pfxintr() because it is registered using the giosetvector() function.
When the device generates an interrupt, the general GIO interrupt handler calls your driver's registered interrupt routine and passes it the argument that was specified to setgiovector() as the argument. This is typically a unit number, or the address of a device-specific information structure.
Within the interrupt routine, the driver must wake up the sleeping upper-half process, if one is waiting on the transfer to complete. In a block device driver, the interrupt routine calls iodone() to indicate that a block type I/O transfer for the buffer is complete (see “Waiting for Block I/O to Complete” in Chapter 8).
Programmed I/O (PIO) is used to transfer small amounts of data between memory and device registers. PIO is typically used for control functions and to set up device registers prior to DMA (see “Using DMA”).
PIO can be as simple as storing a variable into a bus address (as passed to the pfxedtinit() entry point). Example 19-2 displays fragmentary code of a hypothetical character device driver for a GIO device that controls a printer. This pfxwrite() entry point copies data from the user address space to device memory using the uiomove() function (see “Transferring Data Through a uio_t Object” in Chapter 8). Then it stores an explicit command in the device to start it, and sleeps until the device interrupts.
Example 19-2. Hypothetical PIO Routine for GIO
/* device write routine entry point (for character devices)*/ int hypoth_write(dev_t dev, uio_t *uio) { int unit = geteminor(dev)&1; int size, err=0, s; /* while there is data to transfer */ while((size=uio->uio_resid) > 0) { /* Transfer no more than GBD_MEMSIZE bytes */ size = size < GBD_MEMSIZE ? size : GBD_MEMSIZE; /* decrements size, updates uio fields, copies data */ if(err=uiomove(gbd_memory[unit], size, UIO_WRITE, uio)) break; /* prevent interrupts until we sleep */ s = splgio1(); /* Transfer is complete; start output */ gbd_device[unit]->count = size; gbd_device[unit]->command = GBD_GO; gbd_state[unit] = GBD_SLEEPING; while (gbd_state[unit] != GBD_DONE) { sleep(&gbd_state[unit], PRIBIO); } /* restore the interrupt level after waking up */ splx(s); } return err; } |
An expression like gdb_device[unit]->command=GBD_GO represents storing a command value in a device register. Presumably the gdb_device array is set up with a device address for each slot in the pfxedtinit() entry point.
The code in Example 19-2 uses splgio1() to block an interrupt from occurring after it has started the device in operation and before it has entered the blocked state using sleep(). If this was not done, there is a small window of time during which an interrupt could occur and be handled before the upper-half routine had begun sleeping. Then it would sleep forever.
An alternate way to handle this same situation in a multiprocessor system is to use a mutual-exclusion lock to get exclusive use of the device registers, and a synchronization variable to wait for the interrupt (see “Using Synchronization Variables” in Chapter 8).
DMA access achieves higher throughput than PIO when the device transfers more than a few words of data at a time. DMA is typically set up by programming device registers with the target address and length, and leaving the device to generate a series of stores or loads from memory. The details of device control are hardware-dependent.
The direction of a DMA transfer is measured with respect to the device, which operates independently. A DMA operation is either a DMA read (of memory data out to the device) or a DMA write (by the device, of data into memory).
DMA buffers should be cache-aligned in memory (see “Setting Up a DMA Transfer” in Chapter 8). Prior to a DMA read, the driver should make sure that cached data has been written to memory using dki_cache_wb(). Prior to a DMA write, the driver should make sure the CPU knows that cached data is invalid (or is about to become invalid) using dki_cache_inval() (see “Managing Memory for Cache Coherency” in Chapter 8).
Some devices can perform DMA only in a single transfer of data to a range of contiguous addresses. Such a device must be programmed separately for each individual page of data. Other devices are capable of transferring a series of page units to different addresses; that is, they support “scatter/gather” capability. These devices can be programmed once to transfer an entire buffer of data, regardless of whether the buffer spans multiple pages.
In either case, the pfxstrategy() entry point of a block device driver must calculate the physical addresses of a series of one or more pages, and program them into the device. When the device does not support scatter/gather, it is set up and started on each page of data individually, with an interrupt after each page. When the device supports scatter/gather, it is programmed with a list of page addresses all at once.
Example 19-3 shows the skeleton of a pfxstrategy() entry point for a block device driver for a hypothetical GIO device that supports scatter/gather capability.
Example 19-3. Strategy Code for Hypothetical Scatter/Gather GIO Device
/* Actual device setup for DMA, etc., if your board has * hardware scatter/gather DMA support. * Called from the hypo_write() routine via physio(). */ void hypo_strategy(struct buf *bp) { int unit = geteminor(bp->b_dev)&1; int npages; volatile unsigned *sgregisters; /* ->device regs */ int i, v_addr; /* MISSING: any checking for initial state. */ /* Get address of the scatter/gather registers */ sgregisters = gbd_device[unit]->sgregisters; /* Get the kernel virtual address of the data; note * b_dmaaddr may be NULL if the BP_ISMAPPED(bp) macro * indicates false; in that case, the field bp->b_pages * is a pointer to a linked list of pfdat structure pointers; * that saves creating a virtual mapping and then decoding * that mapping back to physical addresses. BP_ISMAPPED will * never be false for character devices, only block devices. */ if(!BP_ISMAPPED(bp)) { cmn_err(CE_WARN, "gbd driver can't handle unmapped buffers"); bioerror(bp, EIO); biodone(bp); return; } v_addr = bp->b_dmaaddr; /* Compute number of pages affected by this request. * The numpages() macro (sysmacros.h) returns the number of pages * that span a given length starting at a given address, allowing * for partial pages. Unrealistically, we limit this to the * number of scatter/gather registers on board. * Note that this sample driver doesn't handle the * case of requests > than # of registers! */ npages = numpages (v_addr, bp->b_bcount); if(npages > GBD_NUM_DMA_PGS) { bp->b_resid = IO_NBPP * (npages - GBD_NUM_DMA_PGS); npages = GBD_NUM_DMA_PGS; cmn_err(CE_WARN, “request too large, only %d pages max”, npages); } /* Translate the virtual address of each page to a * physical page number and load it into the next * scatter/gather register. * btop() converts the byte value to a page value after * rounding down the byte value to a full page. */ for (i = 0; i < npages; i++) { *sgregisters++ = btop(kvtophys(v_addr)); v_addr += IO_NBPP; } /* Program the device for input or output */ if ((bp->b_flags & B_READ) == 0) gbd_device[unit]->direction = GBD_WRITE; else gbd_device[unit]->direction = GBD_READ; /* Start the device going and return. The caller, either a * file system or uiophysio(), waits for the iodone() call * from the interrupt routine. */ gbd_device[unit]->command = GBD_GO; } |
When the GIO device does not provide scatter/gather capability, the driver must program the transfer of each memory page individually, ensuring that the device does not attempt to store or load across a page boundary. The usual method is as follows:
In the pfxstrategy() routine, save the address of the buf_t for use by the pfxintr() entry point.
In the pfxstrategy() routine, program the device to transfer the data for the first page, and start the device going.
In the pfxintr() entry point, calculate the number of bytes remaining to transfer. If the count is zero, signal biodone(). If the count is nonzero, program the device to transfer the next page of data.
Under this design, there is no explicit loop over the successive pages of the transfer visible in the code. The loop is implicit in the fact that the pfxintr() entry point starts a new transfer, and so will be called again, until the transfer is complete.
Example 19-4 shows the code of the pfxstrategy() routine for a hypothetical GIO device without scatter/gather.
Example 19-4. Strategy() Code for GIO Device Without Scatter/Gather
/* Actual device setup for DMA, etc., when the board * does NOT have hardware scatter/gather DMA support. * Called from the hypo_write() routine via physio(). */ void hypo_strategy(struct buf *bp) { int unit = geteminor(bp->b_dev)&1; /* MISSING: any checking for initial state. */ /* Get the kernel virtual address of the data; note * b_dmaaddr may be NULL if the BP_ISMAPPED(bp) macro * indicates false; in that case, the field bp->b_pages * is a pointer to a linked list of pfdat structure * pointers; that saves creating a virtual mapping and * then decoding that mapping back to physical addresses. * BP_ISMAPPED will never be false for character devices, * only block devices. */ if(!BP_ISMAPPED(bp)) { cmn_err(CE_WARN, "gbd driver can't handle unmapped buffers"); bioerror(bp, EIO); biodone(bp); return; } /* Save ->buf_t where interrupt handler can find it */ gbd_curbp[unit] = bp; /* * Initialize the current transfer address and count. * The first transfer should finish the rest of the * page, but do no more than the total byte count. */ gbd_curaddr[unit] = bp->b_dmaaddr; gbd_totcount[unit] = bp->b_count; gbd_curcount[unit] = IO_NBPP- ((unsigned int)gbd_curaddr[unit] & (IO_NBPP-1)); if (bp->b_count < gbd_curcount[unit]) gbd_curcount[unit] = bp->b_count; /* Tell the device starting physical address, count, * and direction */ gbd_device[unit]->startaddr = kvtophys(gbd_curaddr[unit]); gbd_device[unit]->count = gbd_curcount[unit]; if (bp->b_flags & B_READ) == 0) gbd_device[unit]->direction = GBD_WRITE; else gbd_device[unit]->direction = GBD_READ; gbd_device[unit]->command = GBD_GO; /* start DMA */ /* and return; upper layers of kernel wait for iodone(bp) */ } |
An alternate design might seem conceptually simpler: to put an explicit loop in the pfxstrategy() routine, starting each page transfer and waiting on a semaphore until the pfxintr() routine is called. Such a design keeps the complexity in the pfxstrategy() routine, making the pfxintr() routine as simple as possible. However, it has a high cost in performance because the pfxstrategy routine must wake up and be dispatched for every page.
Scatter/gather programming can be simplified by the use of the sgset() function, which calculates the physical addresses and lengths for each page in the transfer (see the sgset(D3) reference page). The sgset() function is limited to use with hardware that uses a fixed mapping of bus addresses to memory addresses, which is the case in the workstations supporting GIO. For example, sgset() cannot be used in the Challenge or Onyx line; it always returns -1 in those systems.
Beginning with IRIX 5.3, parity checking is enabled on the SysAD bus, which connects the CPU to memory in workstations that use the GIO bus (see Figure 19-1). Unfortunately, with certain GIO cards, errors can occur if memory reads complete before the Memory Controller (MC) finishes calculating parity.
Some GIO cards do not drive all 32 GIO data lines during CPU PIO reads. These reads from the GIO card are either 8-bit or 16-bit transfers, so the lines are left floating. The problem is that to generate parity bits for the SysAD bus, the Memory Controller (MC) must calculate parity for all 32 bits. Since the calculation must occur before the CPU read completes, it is possible that one (or more) of the floating bits may change while parity is being calculated. Thus, when the CPU read completes, it may be received as a parity error on the SysAD bus.
![]() | Note: Diagnosis is complicated by the fact that this problem may not show up on every transaction. It occurs only when one of the data lines that is left floating happens to change state between the start of the MC parity calculation and the completion of the CPU read. A device and its driver can appear to function correctly for some time before the problem occurs. |
When writing a driver for a GIO card that does not drive all 32 data lines, you must either disable SysAD parity checking completely, or disable it during the time your driver is performing PIO transfers. Three kernel functions are supplied for these purposes; none of them take arguments.
is_sysad_parity_enabled() returns a nonzero value if SysAD parity checking is enabled.
disable_sysad_parity() turns off parity checking on the SysAD bus.
enable_sysad_parity() returns SysAD parity checking to normal.
To completely disable SysAD parity checking removes the system's ability to recover from a parity error in main memory. As a short-term fix, a driver could simply call disable_sysad_parity() in the pfxinit() or pfxedtinit() entry point.
It is much better to disable parity checking only during the time the device is being used. The advantage here is that the software recovery procedures for memory parity errors are almost always in effect.
To selectively disable parity checking, put wrappers around your driver's PIO transactions to disable SysAD parity checking before a transfer, and to re-enable it after the PIO completes. Example 19-5 shows a skeleton of such a wrapper.
Example 19-5. Disabling SysAD Parity Checking During PIO
void do_PIO_without_parity() { int was_enabled = is_sysad_parity_enabled(); if (was_enabled) disable_sysad_parity(); /* do driver PIO transfers */ if (was_enabled) enable_sysad_parity(); } |
The reason that the function in Example 19-5 saves the current state of parity, and only re-enables parity when it was enabled on entry, is that parity checking could have been turned off in some higher-level routine. For example, an interrupt handler could be entered during execution of a device driver function that disables parity checking. If the interrupt handler turned parity checking back on regardless of its former state, errors would occur.
The code in Example 19-6 displays a complete device driver for a hypothetical device. The driver prefix is gbd (for “GIO board”).
Example 19-6. Complete Driver for Hypothetical GIO Device
/* Source for a hypothetical GIO board device; it can be compiled for * devices that support DMA (with or without scatter gather support), * or for PIO mode only. This version is designed for IRIX 6.2 or later. * Dave Olson, 5/93. 6.2 port by Dave Cortesi 9/95. */ /* Compilation: Define the environment variable CPUBOARD as IP20, IP22, * or IP26 (the only GIO platforms). Then include the build rules from * /var/sysgen/Makefile.kernio to set $CFLAGS including: # _K32U32 kernel in 32 bit mode running only 32 bit binaries # _K64U64 kernel in 64 bit mode running 32/64 bit binaries (IP26) # -DR4000 R4000 machine (IP20, IP22) # -DTFP R8000 machine (IP26) # -G 8 global pointer set to 8 (GIO drivers cannot be loadable) # -elf produce an elf executable */ /* the following definitions choose between PIO vs DMA supporting * boards, and if DMA is supported, whether hardware scatter/gather * is supported. */ #define GBD_NODMA 0 /* non-zero for PIO version of driver */ #define GBD_NUM_DMA_PGS 8 /* 0 for no hardware scatter/gather * support, else number of pages of * scatter/gather per request */ #include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/systm.h> #include <sys/cpu.h> #include <sys/buf.h> #include <sys/cred.h> #include <sys/uio.h> #include <sys/ddi.h> #include <sys/errno.h> #include <sys/cmn_err.h> #include <sys/edt.h> #include <sys/conf.h> /* for flags D_MP */ /* gbd (for Gio BoarD) is the driver prefix, specified in the * file /var/sysgen/master.d/gbd and in VECTOR module=gbd lines. * This driver is multiprocessor-safe (even though no GIO platform * is a multiprocessor). */ int gbddevflags = D_MP; /* these defines and structures defining the (hypothetical) hardware * interface would normally be in a separate header file */ #define GBD_BOARD_ID 0x75 #define GBD_MASK 0xff /* use 0xff if using only first byte * of ID word, use 0xffff if using * whole ID word */ #define GBD_MEMSIZE 0x8000 /* command definitions */ #define GBD_GO 1 /* state definitions */ #define GBD_SLEEPING 1 #define GBD_DONE 2 /* direction of DMA definitions */ #define GBD_READ 0 #define GBD_WRITE 1 /* status defines */ #define GBD_INTR_PEND 0x80 /* device register interface to the board */ typedef struct gbd_device { __uint32_t command; __uint32_t count; __uint32_t direction; __uint32_t offset; __uint32_t status; /* errors, interrupt pending, etc. */ #if (!GBD_NODMA) /* if hardware DMA */ #if (GBD_NUM_DMA_PGS) /* if hardware scatter/gather */ /* board register points to array of GBD_NUM_DMA_PGS target * addresses in board memory. Board can relocate the array * by changing the content of sgregisters. */ volatile paddr_t *sgregisters; #else /* dma to contiguous segment only */ paddr_t startaddr; #endif #endif } gbd_regs; static struct gbd_info { gbd_regs *gbd_device; /* ->board regs */ char *gbd_memory; /* ->on-board memory */ sema_t use_lock; /* upper-half exclusion from board */ lock_t reg_lock; /* spinlock for interrupt exclusion */ #if GBD_NODMA int gbd_state; /* transfer state of PIO driver */ sv_t intr_wait; /* sync var for waiting on intr */ #else /* DMA supported somehow */ buf_t *curbp; /* current buf struct */ #if (0 == GBD_NUM_DMA_PGS) /* software scatter/gather */ caddr_t curaddr; /* current address to transfer */ int curcount; /* count being transferred */ int totcount; /* total size this transfer */ #endif #endif } gbd_globals[2]; void gbdintr(int, struct eframe_s *); /* early device table initialization routine. Validate the values * from a VECTOR line and save in the per-device info structure. */ void gbdedtinit(register edt_t *e) { int slot; /* which slot this device is in */ __uint32_t val = 0; /* board ID value */ register struct gbd_info *inf; /* Check to see if the device is present */ if(!badaddr(e->e_base, sizeof(__uint32_t))) val = *(__uint32_t *)(e->e_base); if ((val && GBD_MASK) != GBD_BOARD_ID) { if (showconfig) { cmn_err (CE_CONT, “gbdedtinit: board not installed.”); } return; } /* figure out slot from VECTOR base= value */ if(e->e_base == (caddr_t)0xBF400000) slot = GIO_SLOT_0; else if(e->e_base == (caddr_t)0xBF600000) slot = GIO_SLOT_1; else { cmn_err (CE_NOTE, “ERROR from edtinit: Bad base address %x\n”, e->e_base); return; } #if IP20 /* for Indigo R4000, set up board as a realtime bus master */ setgioconfig(slot,GIO64_ARB_EXP0_RT | GIO64_ARB_EXP0_MST); #endif #if (IP22|IP26) /* for Indigo2, set up as a pipelined, realtime bus master */ setgioconfig(slot,GIO64_ARB_EXP0_RT | GIO64_ARB_EXP0_MST); #endif /* Initialize the per-device (per-slot) info, including the * device addresses from the edt_t. */ inf = &gbd_globals[GIO_SLOT_0 ? 0 : 1]; inf->gbd_device = (struct gbd_device *)e->e_base; inf->gbd_memory = (char *)e->e_base2; initsema(&inf->use_lock,1); spinlock_init(&inf->reg_lock,NULL); setgiovector(GIO_INTERRUPT_1,slot,gbdintr,0); if (showconfig) { cmn_err (CE_CONT, “gbdedtinit: board %x installed\n”, e->e_base); } } /* OPEN: minor number used to select slot. Merely test that * the device was initialized. */ /* ARGSUSED */ gbdopen(dev_t *devp, int flag, int otyp, cred_t *crp) { if(! (gbd_globals[geteminor(*devp)&1].gbd_device) ) return ENXIO; /* board not present */ return 0; /* OK */ } /* CLOSE: Nothing to do. */ /* ARGSUSED */ gbdclose(dev_t dev, int flag, int otyp, cred_t *crp) { return 0; } #if (GBD_NODMA) /***** Non-DMA, therefore character, device ******/ /* WRITE: for character device using PIO */ /* READ entry point same except for direction of transfer */ int gbdwrite(dev_t dev, uio_t *uio) { int unit = geteminor(dev)&1; struct gbd_info *inf = &gbd_globals[unit]; int size, err=0, lk; /* Exclude any other top-half (read/write) user */ psema(&inf->use_lock,PZERO) /* while there is data to transfer */ while((size=uio->uio_resid) > 0) { /* Transfer no more than GBD_MEMSIZE bytes per operation */ size = (size < GBD_MEMSIZE) ? size : GBD_MEMSIZE; /* Copy data from user-process memory to board memory. * uiomove() updates uio fields and copies data */ if(! (err=uiomove(inf->gbd_memory, size, UIO_WRITE, uio)) ) break; /* Block out the interrupt handler with a spinlock, then * program the device to start the transfer. */ lk = mutex_spinlock(&inf->reg_lock); inf->gbd_device->count = size; inf->gbd_device->command = GBD_GO; inf->gbd_state = GBD_INTR_PEND; /* validate an interrupt */ /* Give up the spinlock and sleep until gdbintr() signals */ sv_wait(&inf->intr_wait,PZERO,&inf->reg_lock,lk); } /* while(size) */ vsema(&inf->use_lock); /* let another process use board */ return err; } /* INTERRUPT: for PIO only board */ /* ARGSUSED1 */ void gbdintr(int unit, struct eframe_s *ef) { register struct gbd_info *inf = &gbd_globals[unit]; int lk; /* get exclusive use of device regs from upper-half */ lk = mutex_spinlock(&inf->reg_lock); /* if the interrupt is not from our device, ignore it */ if(inf->gbd_device->status & GBD_INTR_PEND) { /* MISSING: test device status, clean up after interrupt, * post errors into inf->state for upper-half to see. */ /* Provided the upper-half expected this, wake it up */ if (inf->gbd_state & GBD_INTR_PEND) sv_signal(&inf->intr_wait); } mutex_spinunlock(&inf->reg_lock,lk); } #else /******** DMA version of driver ************/ void gbd_strategy(struct buf *); /* WRITE entry point (for character driver of DMA board). * Call uiophysio() to set up and call gbd_strategy routine, * where the transfer is actually done. */ int gbdwrite(dev_t dev, uio_t *uiop) { return uiophysio((int (*)())gbd_strategy, 0, dev, B_WRITE, uiop); } /* READ entry point same except for direction of transfer */ #if GBD_NUM_DMA_PGS > 0 /* STRATEGY for hardware scatter/gather DMA support. * Called from gbdwrite()/gbdread() via physio(). * Called from file-system/paging code directly. */ void gbd_strategy(register struct buf *bp) { int unit = geteminor(bp->b_edev)&1; register struct gbd_info *inf = &gbd_globals[unit]; register gbd_regs *regs = inf->gbd_device; volatile paddr_t *sgregisters; int npages; int i, lk; caddr_t v_addr; /* Get the kernel virtual address of the data. Note that * b_dmaaddr is NULL when the BP_ISMAPPED(bp) macro * indicates false; in that case, the field bp->b_pages * is a pointer to a linked list of pfdat structure * pointers; that saves creating a virtual mapping and * then decoding that mapping back to physical addresses. * BP_ISMAPPED will never be false for character devices, * only block devices. */ if(!BP_ISMAPPED(bp)) { cmn_err(CE_WARN, “gbd driver can't handle unmapped buffers”); bp->b_flags |= B_ERROR; iodone(bp); return; } v_addr = bp->b_dmaaddr; /* Compute number of pages affected by this request. * The numpages() macro (sysmacros.h) returns the number of pages * that span a given length starting at a given address, allowing * for partial pages. Unrealistically, we limit this to the * number of scatter/gather registers on board. * Note that this sample driver doesn't handle the * case of requests > than # of registers! */ npages = numpages (v_addr, bp->b_bcount); if(npages > GBD_NUM_DMA_PGS) { bp->b_resid = IO_NBPP * (npages - GBD_NUM_DMA_PGS); npages = GBD_NUM_DMA_PGS; cmn_err(CE_WARN, “request too large, only %d pages max”, npages); } /* Get exclusive upper-half use of device. The sema is released * wherever iodone() is called, here or in the int handler. */ psema(&inf->use_lock,PZERO) inf->curbp = bp; /* Get exclusive use of the device regs, blocking the int handler */ lk = mutex_spinlock(&inf->reg_lock); /* MISSING: set up board to transfer npages discreet segments. */ /* Get address of the scatter-gather registers */ sgregisters = regs->sgregisters; /* Provide the beginning byte offset and count to the device. */ regs->offset = io_poff(bp->b_dmaaddr); /* in immu.h */ regs->count = (IO_NBPP - inf->gbd_device->offset) + (npages-1)*IO_NBPP; /* Translate the virtual address of each page to a * physical page number and load it into the next * scatter-gather register. The btoct(K) macro * converts the byte value to a page value after * rounding down the byte value to a full page. */ for (i = 0; i < npages; i++) { *sgregisters++ = btoct(kvtophys(v_addr)); v_addr += IO_NBPP; } if ((bp->b_flags & B_READ) == 0) regs->direction = GBD_WRITE; else regs->direction = GBD_READ; regs->command = GBD_GO; /* start DMA */ /* release use of the device regs to the interrupt handler */ mutex_spinunlock(inf->reg_lock,lk); /* and return; upper layers of kernel wait for iodone(bp) */ } /* INTERRUPT: for hardware DMA support. This is over-simplified * because the above strategy routine never accepts a transfer * larger than the device can handle in a single operation. */ /* ARGSUSED1 */ void gbdintr(int unit, struct eframe_s *ef) { register struct gbd_info *inf = &gbd_globals[unit]; register gbd_regs *regs = inf->gbd_device; int error = 0; int lk; /* get exclusive use if device regs from upper-half */ lk = mutex_spinlock(&inf->reg_lock); /* If interrupt was not from this device, exit quick */ if (! (regs->status & GBD_INTR_PEND) ) { mutex_spinunlock(&inf->reg_lock,lk); return; } /* MISSING: read board registers, clear interrupt, * and note any errors in the “error” variable. */ if(error) inf->curbp->b_flags |= B_ERROR; /* release lock on exclusive use of device regs */ mutex_spinunlock(&inf->reg_lock,lk); /* wake up any kernel/file-system waiting for this I/O */ iodone(inf->curbp); /* unlock use of device to other upper-half driver code */ vsema(&inf->use_lock); } #else /****** GBD_NUM_DMA_PGS == 0; no hardware scatter/gather ******/ /* STRATEGY: for software-controlled scatter/gather. * Called from the gbdwrite() routine via uiophysio(). */ void gbd_strategy(struct buf *bp) { int unit = geteminor(bp->b_edev)&1; register struct gbd_info *inf = &gbd_globals[unit]; register gbd_regs *regs = inf->gbd_device; int lk; /* Get the kernel virtual address of the data; note * b_dmaaddr may be NULL if the BP_ISMAPPED(bp) macro * indicates false; in that case, the field bp->b_pages * is a pointer to a linked list of pfdat structure * pointers; that saves creating a virtual mapping and * then decoding that mapping back to physical addresses. * BP_ISMAPPED will never be false for character devices, * only block devices. */ if(!BP_ISMAPPED(bp)) { cmn_err(CE_WARN, “gbd driver can't handle unmapped buffers”); bp->b_flags |= B_ERROR; iodone(bp); return; } /* Get exclusive upper-half use of device. The sema is released * wherever iodone() is called, here or in the int handler. */ psema(&inf->use_lock,PZERO) inf->curbp = bp; /* Initialize the current transfer address and count. * The first transfer should finish the rest of the * page, but do no more than the total byte count. */ inf->curaddr = bp->b_dmaaddr; inf->totcount = bp->b_bcount; inf->curcount = IO_NBPP - io_poff(inf->curaddr); if (bp->b_bcount < inf->curcount) inf->curcount = bp->b_bcount; /* Get exclusive use of the device regs and start the transfer * of the first/only segment of data. */ lk = mutex_spinlock(&inf->reg_lock); regs->startaddr = kvtophys(inf->curaddr); regs->count = inf->curcount; regs->direction = (bp->b_flags & B_READ) ? GBD_READ : GBD_WRITE; regs->command = GBD_GO; /* start DMA */ /* release use of the device regs to the interrupt handler */ mutex_spinunlock(inf->reg_lock,lk); /* and return; upper layers of kernel wait for iodone(bp) */ } /* INTERRUPT: for software scatter/gather. This version is more typical * of boards that do have DMA, and more typical of devices that support * block i/o, as opposed to character i/o. */ /* ARGSUSED1 */ void gbdintr(int unit, struct eframe_s *ef) { register struct gbd_info *inf = &gbd_globals[unit]; register gbd_regs *regs = inf->gbd_device; register buf_t *bp = inf->curbp; int error = 0; int lk; /* get exclusive use if device regs from upper-half */ lk = mutex_spinlock(&inf->reg_lock); /* If interrupt was not from this device, exit quick */ if (! (regs->status & GBD_INTR_PEND) ) { mutex_spinunlock(&inf->reg_lock,lk); return; } /* MISSING: read board registers, clear interrupt, * and note any errors in the “error” variable. */ if(error) { bp->b_resid = inf->totcount; /* show bytes undone */ bp->b_flags |= B_ERROR; /* flag error in transfer */ iodone(bp); /* we are done, tell upper layers */ vsema(&inf->use_lock); /* make device available */ } else { /* Note the successful transfer of one segment. */ inf->curaddr += inf->curcount; inf->totcount -= inf->curcount; if(inf->totcount <= 0) { iodone(bp); /* we are done, tell upper layers */ vsema(&inf->use_lock); /* make device available */ } else { /* More data to transfer. Reprogram the board for * the next segment and start the next DMA. */ inf->curcount = (inf->totcount < IO_NBPP) ? inf->totcount : IO_NBPP; regs->startaddr = kvtophys(inf->curaddr); regs->count = inf->curcount; regs->direction = (bp->b_flags & B_READ) ? GBD_READ : GBD_WRITE; regs->command = GBD_GO; /* start next DMA */ } } /* release lock on exclusive use of device regs */ mutex_spinunlock(&inf->reg_lock,lk); } #endif /* GBD_NUM_DMA_PGS */ #endif /* GBD_NODMA */ |