This appendix summarizes Video Library controls and Compression Library parameters for the Indigo2 IMPACT Compression option:
device node
codec node
memory node
memory node DMA
analog input and output device
Table A-1 summarizes device node controls
Table A-1. Indigo2 IMPACT Compression Device Node Controls
Control | Default | Type | Use |
VL_MGC_DEFAULT_ANALOG | VL_MGC_SYNC_SOURCE | intVal | Sets default value of sync source for playback to analog destination. Values are VL_MGC_SYNC_SOURCE_DEFAULT, |
VL_MGC_DEFAULT_DIGITAL | VL_MGC_SYNC_SOURCE | intVal | Sets default value of sync source for playback to digital destination. Values are VL_MGC_SYNC_SOURCE_DEFAULT or
Codec parameters fall into several categories:
image frame dimensions
data formats
buffer characteristics
compression ratio and quality control
compression algorithms
For more information on these categories, see “Compression Library Parameter Definitions” in Chapter 6.
Table A-2 summarizes codec parameters.
Table A-2. Indigo2 IMPACT Compression Image Format Parameters
Parameter | Values or Range | Use |
CL_ALGORITHM_ID | Current ID | Returns ID of current algorithm. |
CL_ALGORITHM_VERSION | Current version | Returns version of current algorithm. |
CL_BITRATE | 10,000 to 100,000,000 bits per second of compressed data (default 0: no bitrate control) | Specifies a target bit rate to which to approximate the compressed data. |
CL_BITS_PER_COMPONENT | Always 8 for Indigo2 IMPACT Compression | Number of bits per component. |
CL_BLOCK_SIZE | 0–2 billion | Natural block size of algorithm in samples. It is most efficient to specify numberOfFrames to be a multiple of the block size when calling clCompress() or clDecompress(). |
CL_COMPONENTS | Always 3 for Indigo2 IMPACT Compression | Read-only value indicating number of components in the data. |
CL_COMPRESSED_BUFFER | 0–2 billion Default: maximum possible size, taking into account all the factors such as algorithm, encoding method, data type, and so on. | Maximum number of bytes in compressed data buffer. For a smaller buffer than the default, set this value explicitly. If clCompress() is called with numberOfFrames larger than 1, set this value to the maximum compressed size of one frame × numberOfFrames. |
CL_COMPRESSION_RATIO | JPEG: 15.0:1 Default depends on original format and algorithm | Determines whether compression ratio is a target or is exact. Some algorithms (MVC1, JPEG, and MPEG) are tunable, that is, they allow quality to be traded for compression ratio. |
CL_ENABLE_IMAGEINFO | 0 (FALSE (default)), 1 (TRUE) | Set to TRUE before getting compressed image information (hardware-assisted JPEG operations). |
CL_END_OF_SEQUENCE | 0 (FALSE (default)), 1 (TRUE) | Set by decompressor when it arrives at end of sequence. |
CL_EXACT_COMPRESSION | Always 0 for Indigo2 IMPACT Compression | Determines whether compression ratio is a target or must be exact. |
CL_FRAME_BUFFER_SIZE | 0–2 billion Default: size of one frame | Maximum amount of compressed data needed for one frame. If clDecompress() is called with numberOfFrames larger than 1, this value should be the frame size × numberOfFrames. |
CL_FRAME_RATE | 0–1 million; default: 30.0 | Requested number of frames per second. |
CL_FRAME_TYPE | 0–2 | Supplied by decompressor. |
CL_IMAGE_HEIGHT CL_IMAGE_WIDTH | Range: 16–4088, in multiples of 8 (NTSC must
use either 240 or 248; default is 248) Range: 16-4080 in multiples of 16 (default: 640) | Compression: height in pixels of original
uncompressed image. Compression: width in pixels of original
uncompressed image. |
DM_IMAGE_INTERLACING | NTSC or CCIR(525): PAL or CCIR(625): | Interlacing: the option operates on interlaced NTSC or PAL video data for video-to-memory compression and memory-to-video decompression. Even and odd fields are compressed as separate images. |
CL_IMPACT_CODEC | CL_IMPACT_START (default) CL_IMPACT_STOP | Initializes and configures hardware for compression or decompression. For more information, see |
CL_IMPACT_FRAME | 0 (FALSE (default)), 1 (TRUE) | Determines whether to interleave fields as they are being decompressed to memory. |
CL_IMPACT_INTERLEAVE | CL_IMPACT_INTERLEAVE_EVEN (use for PAL and CCIR(625) CL_IMPACT_INTERLEAVE_ODD (default; use for NTSC and CCIR(525)) | Sets type of frame interleaving (whether odd or even field occupies top line of uncompressed region of memory), when CL_IMPACT_FRAME_INTERLEAVE is TRUE. |
CL_IMPACT_VIDEO_INPUT | CL_IMPACT_VIDEO_CHANNEL0 CL_IMPACT_VIDEO_CHANNEL1 | Determines which codec was allocated. When CL_EXTERNAL_DEVICE is used, it specifies the CL_CODEC node to be used by the VL. |
CL_INTERNAL_FORMAT | Always CL_FORMAT_YCbCr422 for Indigo2 IMPACT Compression | Selects “natural” format for the video algorithm in use, which can be compressed without color-space conversion. |
CL_INTERNAL_IMAGE CL_INTERNAL_IMAGE | Range: 16–4088 Range: 16-4080 | Compression: height in pixels of final
uncompressed image height. Compression: width in pixels of final
uncompressed image. |
CL_JPEG_COMPONENT | 0, 1; set by CL_INTERNAL_FORMAT | Specifies IDs of AC or C Huffman table for each component. |
CL_JPEG_QUALITY_FACTOR | 0-100 (default 75) | Specifies an overall JPEG quality factor for scaling the default JPEG quantization tables: CL_JPEG_QUALITY_DEFAULT to set default compression quality; range 1-100, with 25-95 being the most useful quality factor range. CL_JPEG_QUALITY_NO_SCALE to bypass quantization table scaling. |
CL_JPEG_QUANTIZATION | 0-100 See | Sets the quantization tables manually to custom-designed tables stored as reference tables, which this control downloads to codec. |
CL_ORIENTATION | CL_TOP_DOWN (default) | Image orientation: compress or decompress images that have top-to-bottom or bottom-to-top orientation. Compressed data is always top down unless specified otherwise. |
CL_ORIGINAL_FORMAT | CL_RGB, | Symbolic constant from the following, depending on its data type. Compression: sets format of original video. Decompression: sets format desired after decompression for video. |
CL_PREROLL | 0–2 billion Default: 0, depends on algorithm | Number of blocks of frames to supply to clDecompress() before decompressed frames are returned. |
Table A-3 summarizes memory node controls.
Table A-3. Indigo2 IMPACT Compression Memory Node Controls
Control | Values or Range | Type | Use |
VL_FORMAT | VL_FORMAT_SMPTE_YUV: 8-bit YCrCb VL_FORMAT_RGB: full-range 8-bit (0-255) RGBA | intVal | Video format on the physical connector |
VL_FREEZE | 0,1 | boolVal | Data transfer freeze; suspends transfer at the drain node, used only for analog video out |
VL_MGC_HASPECT | 0 < value ≤ 1/VL_ZOOM
| fractVal | Fraction less than or equal to 1 that shrinks the horizontal or vertical aspect, respectively |
VL_MGC_PAD_TOP | \xb3 0 | intVal | Number of lines to pad at the top or bottom (respectively) of the image on capture |
VL_MGC_PAD_LEFT | \xb3 0 | intVal | Number of pixels to pad at the left or right (respectively) of the image on capture |
VL_MGC_ENABLE | 0, 1 | boolVal | Boolean value that activates or deactivates padding |
VL_MGC_PAD_Y | 1 ≤ value ≤ 254 | intVal | Value between 16 and 235 that specifies the padding color of the Y, U, or V value, respectively; default is black |
VL_MGC_VIDEO_TOP_CLIP | \xb3 0 | intVal | Number of lines to clip from the top on playback to video output |
VL_MGC_F1_EXTRA_OFFSET | Range depends on other controls | intVal | Number of lines to offset on capture and playback of frame 1 or 2, respectively |
VL_MGC_VOUT | VL_MGV_DMA_VO_STARV_RPT (default) VL_MGV_DMA_VO_STARV_FLD | intVal | See Table A-4 |
VL_OFFSET | (0,0) | xyVal | Position within larger area |
VL_PACKING | See Table 3-7 for values | intVal | Pixel packing (conversion) format |
VL_RATE | Depends on capture type as specified by VL_CAP_TYPE | fractVal | Field or frame transfer speed |
VL_SIZE | Depends on timing and capture type | xyVal | Clipping size |
VL_TIMING | See Table 3-5 for values | intVal | Video timing |
VL_ZOOM | Memory nodes only: n/m where n ≤ m | fractVal | Decimation ratio |
Table A-4 summarizes memory node DMA controls
Table A-4. Indigo2 IMPACT Compression Memory Node DMA Controls
Control | Values | Type | Use |
| intVal | For capture and compression only, when the source is 10-bit digital video from the Indigo2 IMPACT Video board, this control sets GIO DMA memory drain or codec drain to round from 10-bit to 8-bit as follows: VL_MGC_DMA_RND_OFF: disables rounding, truncates instead. VL_MGC_DMA_RND_ON: enables rounding. Only active area data is rounded. |
VL_MGC_DMA | VL_MGC_DMA_RND_SMPLE (default) VL_MGC_DMA_RND_RAND | intVal | For GIO DMA memory drain and codec drain nodes only, sets the rounding type: VL_MGC_DMA_RND_SMPLE (simple rounding): rounds up if bit 1 is one, or rounds down if bit 1 is zero. VL_MGC_DMA_RND_RAND: (randomized rounding): makes the decision whether or not to round up based on comparing the two least significant bits to a random sequence. |
VL_MGC_DMA | VL_MGC_DMA_RND_RAND VL_MGC_DMA_RND_RAND | intVal | For GIO DMA memory drain or codec drain, determines whether or not the random sequence used for randomized rounding is repeated. VL_MGC_DMA_RND_RAND_RPT: repeats the random sequence; in this case a shift register is seeded to a fixed value at the start of each odd field. VL_MGC_DMA_RND_RAND_FREE: causes the random sequence to free-wheel. |
VL_MGC | VL_MGC_DOMINANCE_F1 (default) VL_MGC_DOMINANCE_F2 | intVal | Sets the field dominance mode, which determines the order in which the fields are read from memory. This control applies only to the frame-oriented capture types (VL_CAPTURE_INTERLEAVED and VL_CAPTURE_NONINTERLEAVED). For more information, see “Setting Field Dominance” in Chapter 3. |
VL_MGC_BUFFER | Default: 1 | intVal | The granularity, or quantum, of data transfer required by the application. The video data is padded at the end so that the size of a field/frame is a multiple of VL_MGC_BUFFER_QUANTUM. This control is intended for applications that do I/O directly from the ring buffer, and may consequently require the frame or field size to be a multiple of the device block size. Direct I/O, for example, usually requires that 512 bytes of data be transferred at a time. |
VL_MGC_VOUT | VL_MGV_DMA_VO_STARV_RPT (default) VL_MGV_DMA_VO_STARV_FLD The default value for this control is
Therefore, the ring buffer used in the
transfer must contain a minimum of
two buffer entries (four for
VL_CAPTURE | intVal | For memory and codec source nodes only, sets the video output policy to use in data transfer using a GIO DMA channel when the memory node underflows the ring buffer (that is, the application has not filled the ring buffer at the rate that the memory node consumes it, or is repeating data because of rate control). An application can choose between two starvation policies: VL_MGV_DMA_VO_STARV_RPT: Repeats the last unit transferred (field or frame), until the next transfer unit becomes available. For this repetition, the unit is DMAed continuously. VL_MGV_DMA_VO_STARV_FLD: For frames, repeat only the last field until the next transfer unit is available. Once starvation is detected, the nondominant field is output as both the F1 and F2 fields. This policy halves the vertical resolution but eliminates interfield motion blur. In order to repeat, the field is DMAed continuously. If the capture type is a field, this control value causes identical behavior identical to VL_MGV_DMA_VO_STARV_RPT. In each case, video output from system memory resumes when the application places the next field/frame in the ring buffer via vlPutValid(). |
Table A-5 summarizes analog input device (that is, video) controls.
Table A-5. Indigo2 IMPACT Compression Analog Input Device Controls
Control | Default | Type | Use |
VL_MGC_APERTURE | 2 = 0.5 | intVal | Sets aperture factors for luminance for composite and Y/C inputs |
VL_MGC_AUFD | 0 = off | boolVal | Sets automatic field detect |
VL_MGC_BANDPASS | 1 = one | intVal | Selects bandpass filters for luminance for composite and Y/C inputs |
VL_MGC_CHROMA_AGC | 0 = slow | intVal | Sets automatic gain control speed for chrominance for composite or Y/C |
VL_MGC_CHROMA_GAIN | 44/255 | fractVal | Adjusts burst and chrominance output level of composite and Y/C simultaneously |
VL_MGC_COLOR_KILL_THRES | -938/42 | fractVal | Controls level at which burst amplitude decides if composite or Y/C input is color or monochrome when color mode is automatically set |
VL_MGC_CORING | 1 | intVal | Selects coring levels for luminance for composite and Y/C inputs |
VL_MGC_FORCE_COLOR | 1 = FALSE | boolVal | Forces color input |
VL_MGC_LUMA_DELAY | Depends on format | intVal | Changes composite or Y/C luminance delay without affecting chrominance delay |
VL_MGC_PAL_SENS | Fraction range: | intVal | In PAL timing, the chroma modulation phase inverts every line. Dropouts off the tape can disrupt this pattern. Use this control to set the recovery time constant (maximum for poor quality tape). |
VL_MGC_PREFILTER | 0 - off | boolVal | Boosts luminance frequency response for composite and Y/C formats |
VL_MGC_VNOISE_REDUCER | normal | intVal | Selects mode of vertical noise reduction |
VL_MGC_VTR_LOCK | 1 = on | boolVal | Locks videotape recorder |
Table A-6 summarizes analog output device controls.
Table A-6. Indigo2 IMPACT Compression Analog Output Device Controls
Control | Default | Type | Use |
VL_MGC_ANTI_DITHER | Off | boolVal | Removes interference between frequency components generated by dithered graphics images (Y/C and composite out only) and chrominance frequency present in video signals by using a notch filter in luminance |
VL_MGC_CHROMA_BAND | 0 = standard | boolVal | Selects standard chrominance bandwidth of about 1.3 MHz or enhanced bandwidth (nonstandard) of about 2.5 MHz for composite and Y/C outputs |
VL_MGC_COLOR_OUT_KILL | Off | boolVal | Makes composite or Y/C output into monochrome by turning off color burst and chrominance |
VL_MGC_DELAY_SYNC | 0 | fractVal | Like VL_MGC_H_OFFSET or VL_MGC_V_OFFSET, delays timing of entire video signal (sync and picture) relative to timing reference such as genlock; no effect in slave mode for output timing, but with a narrow range: resolution in pixel clock steps |
VL_MGC_C_GAIN | 1 | fractVal | Adjusts burst and chrominance output level of composite and C or Y/C (respectively) simultaneously |
VL_MGC_H_OFFSET | 0 | fractVal | Delays timing of entire video signal (sync and picture) relative to timing reference such as genlock; no effect in slave mode for output timing |
VL_MGC_SCH_PHASE | 0 | fractVal | Adjusts SC-H phase +/- 180 degrees |
VL_MGC_SUB_FREQ | 0 | fractVal | Provides fine adjustment of composite and Y/C output color subcarrier frequency |