Motif uses colors and pixmaps for several general purposes:
To fill window backgrounds and borders
To draw text and graphics in window foregrounds
To generate shadows with a three-dimensional appearance
To highlight the widget that has keyboard focus
To indicate that a button is armed or selected
Motif uses other pixmaps for specific purposes:
All of these colors and pixmaps are represented as resources. The user or application can set the resource values using resource files, and the application can set them using XtSetValues.
Motif also uses a number of pixmaps that are not represented as resources. The user and application cannot change these. Among these fixed pixmaps are the pixmaps used to draw arrows in ScrollBars.
The following resources determine the colors or pixmaps generally used in Motif:
The following sections describe these groups of resources and their defaults.
The border color or border pixmap is used to fill the border of a widget if XmNborderWidth is greater than 0. Note that the border is outside the widget; that is, it is not within the area determined by the widget's XmNheight and XmNwidth. If the user or application supplies a value for XmNborderPixmap, that pixmap is used to fill the border; otherwise, XmNborderColor is used.
If the application resource reverseVideo is False or unspecified, the default for XmNborderColor is the black pixel of the widget's screen. If reverseVideo is True, the default for XmNborderColor is the white pixel of the widget's screen.
The background color or background pixmap is used to fill a widget before anything else is displayed in it. If the user or application supplies a value for XmNbackgroundPixmap, that pixmap is used to fill the background; otherwise, the XmNbackground color is used. A gadget inherits the background color and background pixmap of its parent, if those resources are not set.
The foreground color is used to display text and most graphics in a widget. Most widgets use the XmNforeground color for this purpose. Label, LabelGadget, and their subclasses (except for ToggleButton and ToggleButtonGadget which are special cases described later in this chapter) have pixmap resources that are used for the face of the label or button when XmNlabelType is set to XmPIXMAP. In this case, XmNlabelPixmap is used for the face when the widget is sensitive, and XmNlabelInsensitivePixmap is used when the widget is insensitive. A gadget inherits the foreground color of its parent (if none is set).
The default for XmNforeground is a color that contrasts with the background color, based on the XmScreen resource XmNforegroundThreshold. The value of this resource is an integer between 0 and 100, inclusive, that specifies a level of perceived brightness for a color. If the perceived brightness of the background color is equal to or below this level, Motif treats the background as "dark" when computing the default foreground color. If the perceived brightness of the background color is above this level, Motif treats the background as "light" when computing the default foreground color. When the background is "dark," the default foreground is white; when the background is "light," the default foreground is black.
The top shadow color or top shadow pixmap is used to draw the top and left sides of the three-dimensional shadow at the edge of some widgets. If the user or application supplies a value for XmNtopShadowPixmap, that pixmap is used for the top and left sides; otherwise, XmNtopShadowColor is used.
The bottom shadow color or bottom shadow pixmap is used to draw the bottom and right sides of the three-dimensional shadow. If the user or application supplies a value for XmNbottomShadowPixmap, that pixmap is used for the bottom and right sides; otherwise, XmNbottomShadowColor is used.
A gadget inherits the top and bottom shadow colors and pixmaps of its parent, if those resources are not set.
In computing the defaults for XmNtopShadowColor and XmNbottomShadowColor, Motif uses the XmScreen resources XmNdarkThreshold and XmNlightThreshold. The value of each resource is an integer between 0 and 100, inclusive, that specifies a level of perceived brightness for a color. If the perceived brightness of the background color is equal to or below the XmNdarkThreshold, Motif treats the background as "dark" when computing the default shadow colors. If the perceived brightness of the background color is above the XmNlightThreshold, Motif treats the background as "light" when computing the default shadow colors. Otherwise, Motif treats the background as "medium" when computing the defaults.
Motif computes the defaults in the following way, depending on the perceived brightness of the background:
Dark background | The top and bottom shadow colors are interpolated toward white from the background, with the top shadow color shifted more toward white than the bottom shadow color. | |
Light background | The top and bottom shadow colors are interpolated toward black from the background, with the bottom shadow color shifted more toward black than the top shadow color. | |
Medium background | The top shadow color is interpolated toward white from the background, and the bottom shadow color is interpolated toward black from the background. |
The highlight color or highlight pixmap is used to draw the highlighting rectangle around widgets that have keyboard focus. If the user or application supplies a value for XmNhighlightPixmap, that pixmap is used for the highlight; otherwise, XmNhighlightColor is used. The highlight color is also used to draw the location cursor around List items that have keyboard focus. A gadget inherits the highlight color and highlight pixmap of its parent if those resources are not set.
The default highlight color is the same as the default foreground color.
In PushButtons and PushButtonGadgets outside menus, XmNarmColor is used as the button background when the XmNfillOnArm resource is True and the user arms the button. In PushButtons and PushButtonGadgets outside menus, XmNarmPixmap is used as the button face (the label area) when XmNlabelType is XmPIXMAP and the user arms the button. These also work inside menus if the XmNenableEtchedInMenu resource of XmDisplay is True.
Selection rules in ToggleButton and ToggleButtonGadget are rather complicated. Many different resources control the colors and pixmaps displayed by ToggleButtons. Before getting into the selection rules, we should define a few terms. ToggleButton and ToggleButtonGadgets display the following visual areas:
A label, which consists of either text or a pixmap.
An optional indicator, which consists of an optional glyph, an enclosing border, and the background area between the enclosing border and the glyph. XmNindicatorOn specifies whether or not the ToggleButton or ToggleButtonGadget contains an indicator area. If it does, XmNindicatorOn also specifies the kind of indicator. The optional glyph is either a checkmark or a cross. If XmNindicatorType is XmN_OF_MANY, then the glyph is included as part of the indicator area. If XmNindicatorType is something other than XmN_OF_MANY, then the indicator area does not contain a glyph.
Figure 12-1 illustrates a ToggleButton displaying these two visual areas:
XmNset specifies whether a user or application has set or unset a ToggleButton or ToggleButtonGadget. A third possibility is that the ToggleButton or ToggleButtonGadget is neither set nor unset, but is in an indeterminate state. ToggleButton and ToggleButtonGadget must visually convey the value of XmNset through colors and pixmaps.
Table 12-1 summarizes the color used to paint various "background areas" in ToggleButtons or ToggleButtonGadgets. For example, the background area of an indicator is the area surrounding the glyph. Table 12-1 assumes that the ToggleButton or ToggleButtonGadget is outside of a menu and that XmNindicatorOn is something other than XmINDICATOR_NONE.
Table 12-1. Color of Various Background Areas in ToggleButton
XmNfillOnSelect | XmNset | Resulting Color of "Background Area" | |
= | |||
True | XmSET | XmNselectColor | |
True | XmUNSET | XmNunselectColor | |
True | XmINDETERMINATE | Stipple of XmNselectColor and XmNunselectColor | |
False | any value | XmNbackground |
If XmNindicatorOn is XmINDICATOR_NONE, then the ToggleButton or ToggleButtonGadget displays no indicator area. In this case, the colors in Table 12-1 apply to the background area of the label.
If the XmNindicatorType is XmN_OF_MANY, then the indicator area contains a glyph. Table 12-2 summarizes the color of the glyph.
Table 12-2. Color of Glyph in ToggleButton
XmNset | Resulting Glyph Color | |
= | ||
XmSET | XmNforeground | |
XmUNSET | No glyph is drawn | |
XmINDETERMINATE | Stipple of XmNforeground and XmNbackground |
If a user or application does not specify a value for XmNselectColor, then the XmNenableToggleColor resource of XmDisplay determines the background color.
If the label area is a pixmap, then the ToggleButton's sensitivity and the value of its XmNset resource determines which pixmap is rendered. Table 12-3 summarizes these combinations.
Table 12-3. Pixmap Used in Label Area of ToggleButton
XmNset | Sensitive? | Resulting Pixmap |
= | ||
XmSET | Yes | XmNselectPixmap |
XmUNSET | Yes | XmNlabelPixmap |
XmINDETERMINATE | Yes | XmNindeterminatePixmap |
XmSET | No | XmNselectInsensitivePixmap |
XmUNSET | No | XmNlabelInsensitivePixmap |
XmINDETERMINATE | No | XmNindeterminateInsensitivePixmap |
In ScrollBars, XmNtroughColor is used to fill the part of the slider area that is not taken up by the slider.
Motif computes a single default, known as the select color, for XmNarmColor, XmNselectColor, and XmNtroughColor. Motif uses the XmScreen resources XmNdarkThreshold and XmNlightThreshold to determine whether the background is "dark," "light," or "medium" in the same way as for shadow colors. Motif then computes the default in the following way:
Dark background | The select color is interpolated toward white from the background. | |
Light background | The select color is interpolated toward black from the background. | |
Medium background | The select color is interpolated toward black from the background. |
Motif generates default colors whenever the application creates a widget that has no specified value for one or more of the color resources. Motif does not regenerate default colors when an application changes the value of XmNbackground using XtSetValues.
An application can use XmChangeColor to recalculate default colors for a widget based on a new background and set the appropriate color resources in the widget. For primitives and managers, XmChangeColor sets XmNbackground, XmNforeground, XmNtopShadowColor, and XmNbottomShadowColor. For widgets and gadgets with select colors, XmChangeColor also sets the appropriate resources for those colors.
An application can use XmGetColors to produce default colors for a given background color without setting any resources. XmGetColors takes as arguments a screen pointer, a colormap, and a background pixel representing a color allocated in the colormap. XmGetColors also has return arguments that are pointers to pixel values for the foreground, top shadow, bottom shadow, and select colors. The function generates default colors for the given background. For each of the return arguments that is not NULL, XmGetColors allocates a color in the colormap and returns the pixel value at the address specified by the argument.
By default, XmChangeColor and XmGetColors calculate colors as described in the previous discussion of default colors. An application can use XmSetColorCalculation to change the procedure that these routines use and that Motif uses to calculate default colors when the application creates a widget. XmSetColorCalculation takes as its only argument a procedure of type XmColorProc. It sets Motif's color-calculation procedure to the new XmColorProc and returns the color-calculation procedure used previously. XmSetColorCalculation does not change the procedure used by XmChangeColor, XmGetColors, and Motif to calculate default colors for a monochrome screen.
Motif calls the XmColorProc when it needs to compute default colors or when the application calls XmChangeColor or XmGetColors. The XmColorProc takes five arguments, all pointers to XColor structures. The red, green, blue, and pixel members of the first structure are filled in with the background color. The procedure calculates red, green, and blue values for the foreground, select, top shadow, and bottom shadow colors and fills in the other four XColor structures with these values.
The procedure should not allocate color cells for any of these colors. Motif caches the returned XColor structures and allocates a color when it needs a pixel value. Usually Motif allocates a color when it computes the default value for a resource, when the application calls XmChangeColor, or when the application calls XmGetColors with a non-NULL value for one of the return pixel values. When allocating colors as a result of widget creation or a call to XmChangeColor, Motif uses the colormap of the widget. When allocating colors as a result of a call to XmGetColors, Motif uses the colormap passed as an argument to the function.
XmGetColorCalculation returns the color-calculation procedure being used at the time of the call to that routine. Calling XmSetColorCalculation with an argument of NULL restores the Motif default color-calculation procedure.
The colormap used by a widget is the value of the Core resource XmNcolormap. An application that does not supply its own colormap does not need to set this resource. The default for a top-level shell is the default colormap of the screen. For other widgets, the default is copied from the parent.
An application that uses its own colormap should not use XtAppInitialize to create the top-level shell, because the shell would then use the screen's default colormap. Instead, the application should open the display, create the colormap, and then call XtAppCreateShell with the colormap as the XmNcolormap argument.
If an application uses different colormaps for some windows in its hierarchy, it must tell the window manager about those colormaps by setting a WM_COLORMAP_WINDOWS property on the top-level window. See Chapter 18 for more information.
For more information about colormaps, see Xlib—C Language X Interface.
Motif uses pixmaps supplied by the application or the user for widget borders, backgrounds, labels, shadows, focus highlights, and button arming or selection indicators. Motif also uses other pixmaps that the application or user can supply for more specific purposes: as application icons, drag icons, CascadeButton menu indicators, MessageBox symbols, and labels for insensitive buttons.
Motif provides facilities for an application to install and cache images and pixmaps. Motif also has string-to-pixmap resource converters that retrieve pixmaps from the cache or install them from files in X bitmap format or in X pixmap format. Because of these converters, both applications and users can specify pixmaps as resource values from resource files or the command line.
An application can use XmGetPixmapByDepth to retrieve or create a pixmap with a specified name, screen, foreground, background, and depth. XmGetPixmapByDepth finds or creates a pixmap in the following way:
It searches the pixmap cache for a pixmap matching the specified name, screen, foreground, background, and depth. If it finds a matching pixmap, it returns the pixmap.
If it does not find a matching pixmap in the cache, it searches the image cache for an image matching the specified name. If it finds a matching image, it creates and caches a pixmap of the specified depth on the specified screen, transfers the image to the pixmap, and returns the pixmap.
If it does not find a matching image in the cache, it uses XtResolvePathname to search for a file of the specified name. The search path comes from the environment variable XBMLANGPATH or, if XBMLANGPATH is not set, from a default search path. Performance is usually better when XBMLANGPATH is set to a short list of directories than when the system uses the default search path. If it finds such a file, it assumes that the file is in X bitmap format, reads the file, and creates and caches an image in XYBitmap format. It then creates and caches a pixmap of the specified depth on the specified screen, transfers the image to the pixmap, and returns the pixmap. (Since images are cached after they are found, the performance improvement from setting XBMLANGPATH only affects the initial search for an image.)
If it does not find a matching X bitmap file, it returns XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP.
Motif preinstalls a number of images in the image cache. The names and characteristics of these images are documented in the XmInstallImage(3) reference page. Motif offers two ways for an application to provide its own image as the source for a pixmap to be created by XmGetPixmapByDepth:
The application can create its own image, usually by using XCreateImage or XGetImage. The image can be of any depth. The application can then call XmInstallImage to install the image in the image cache by name.
The application or user can create a file in X bitmap format and install the file under an appropriate name in a directory that is in the search path used by XmGetPixmapByDepth. For a description of the X bitmap format, see Xlib—C Language X Interface.
Both of these mechanisms have advantages and disadvantages. An application using XmInstallImage can create an image of any depth. However, if it intends to use the image name in a resource specification, it must be sure to call XmInstallImage before creating any widgets that use the image.
An application using an X bitmap file is limited to creating an image of depth 1. However, the image is always available for use by a resource converter, and the application can use the search path mechanism of XtResolvePathname for such purposes as supplying different images for different locales.
XmInstallImage does not make a copy of the image when it caches it. The application must not destroy the image until it removes the image from the cache, using XmUninstallImage. An application can use XmDestroyPixmap to free a pixmap cached by XmGetPixmapByDepth. XmDestroyPixmap does not actually destroy the pixmap until all references to it are freed.