The X server communicates with clients by means of various classes of events. Among these are events denoting input from the keyboard and mouse (and, in some X extensions, input from other devices). Each event is associated with a window, and the X server sends the event to any client that has expressed interest in events of that type on that window.
In the simplest case, when a keyboard or pointer event occurs, the X server sends the event to the client that has expressed interest in events of that type on the window that contains the pointer. If no such client exists, the server searches up the window's hierarchy until it finds a client that has expressed interest in events of that type on an ancestor window. In many cases, however, event processing is more complex:
A client can grab a pointer button or key, the pointer or keyboard, or the entire server. The grabbing client then receives the relevant events for the duration of the grab.
A client can set the keyboard focus to some window. Keyboard events that would normally be reported to this window or one of its inferiors are reported as usual, but other events are reported with respect to the focus window. Window managers typically use this technique to implement a "click-to-type" interaction style, in which the user clicks the pointer on some window, and that window retains the keyboard focus regardless of the position of the pointer. Other clients, often in cooperation with the window manager, can set the focus to a particular window within the application hierarchy.
To insulate applications from the complexities of X event handling, Xt and Motif have developed higher-level facilities based on widgets:
Motif supplies a VendorShell resource, XmNkeyboardFocusPolicy, to allow a user or application to control the model of keyboard focus in the VendorShell and its descendants. Keyboard focus can be with the widget the contains the pointer or with the widget in which the user presses Btn1.
In the click-to-type model, the user can also use keys to navigate from widget to widget. Motif provides a model of tab groups, which are widgets or sets of widgets to which the user moves by using osfNextField and osfPrevField. Within a tab group, the user traverses between widgets by using osfUp, osfDown, osfLeft, and osfRight. Motif supplies resources to control whether or not a widget constitutes a tab group and whether or not the user can traverse to it using the keyboard. Motif also has a general routine, XmProcessTraversal, for use by the application in moving keyboard focus to a widget or tab group. The Motif menu system has a specialized traversal mechanism.
Xt provides the basic event-dispatching loop used by most applications. Xt takes events out of the application's queue and dispatches them to the appropriate widget, usually the widget that has input focus. Xt usually invokes an action associated with the particular event through a table of translations from event specifications to action routines. The action, in turn, often invokes a callback list. An application primarily responds to events by means of its callback routines. At a lower level, it can also provide its own event handler, a routine invoked by the Xt dispatching loop when the widget receives events of the specified type.
Motif and Xt provide mnemonics and accelerators, which are shortcuts for taking actions associated with a widget when the widget does not have input focus. A mnemonic is a keysym for a key that activates a visible button in a menu. An accelerator is a description for an event that invokes an action routine through a translation.
Motif provides two models for determining which widget within an application receives keyboard events. The focus model is determined for all descendants of a VendorShell by the value of the VendorShell resource XmNkeyboardFocusPolicy:
When the value is XmEXPLICIT, the widget under the pointer does not necessarily receive keyboard events. The user must take an action other than moving the pointer to transfer keyboard focus to a widget. The user can usually transfer focus to a widget by pressing Btn1 on that widget or by using a keyboard navigation action to traverse to the widget.
When the value is XmEXPLICIT, a widget must be traversable to receive keyboard events. In general, a widget is traversable when its XmNsensitive, XmNancestorSensitive, and XmNtraversalOn resources are True and when the widget and its ancestors are managed, realized, mapped, and viewable. See Section 13.2 for more information.
When the value is XmPOINTER, the widget under the pointer receives keyboard events, unless that widget is insensitive. Keyboard navigation operations are not available. However, the user can still use the keyboard to traverse a menu system. Pressing osfMenuBar moves focus to the MenuBar, and osfMenu posts a PopupMenu if available. When the user posts a menu by using osfMenu or Btn1Up, osfActivate, or osfSelect in a CascadeButton, keyboard navigation operations are available in the menu until the menu is unposted. When the user exits the menu system, keyboard focus returns to the widget under the pointer.
MWM provides two parallel focus models for determining which top-level window receives keyboard events. The focus model is determined by the value of the mwm resource keyboardFocusPolicy:
When the value is "explicit", the window under the pointer does not necessarily receive keyboard events. The user must take an action other than moving the pointer to transfer keyboard focus to a window. The user can usually transfer focus to a window by pressing osfSelect on that window or by using AltF6, AltTab, AltShiftTab, AltShiftF6, AltShiftEsc, or AltEsc to traverse to the window.
When the value is "pointer", the widget under the pointer receives keyboard events. Keyboard window navigation operations are not available.
When the focus policy is "explicit", four Boolean mwm resources can be set to True to allow a window to receive keyboard focus automatically at specified times:
autoKeyFocus | When the window with focus is iconified or unmapped (gives focus to the window that last had it) | |
deiconifyKeyFocus | When the window is iconified | |
raiseKeyFocus | When the window is raised to the top of the stack | |
startupKeyFocus | When the window is mapped |
In order to receive keyboard focus when the shell's XmNkeyboardFocusPolicy is XmEXPLICIT, a widget or gadget must meet the following conditions:
The widget and its ancestors must not be in the process of being destroyed.
The widget and its ancestors must be sensitive. A widget is sensitive when its XmNsensitive and XmNancestorSensitive resources are both True.
The XmNtraversalOn resource for the widget and its ancestors must be True.
The widget must be viewable. This means that the widget and its ancestors must be managed, realized, and (except for gadgets) mapped. Furthermore, in general, some part of the widget's rectangular area must be unobscured by the widget's ancestors.
In a ScrolledWindow with an XmNscrollingPolicy of XmAUTOMATIC, a widget that is obscured because it is not within the clip window may be traversable if some part of the widget is within the work area and if an XmNtraverseObscuredCallback routine can make the widget unobscured by scrolling the window.
Most managers cannot receive focus even if they meet all these conditions. In general only primitives and gadgets are eligible to receive focus. A DrawingArea can receive focus if it meets the conditions above and if, in addition, it has no child whose XmNtraversalOn resource is True.
XmGetFocusWidget takes a widget argument that identifies a widget hierarchy, up to the nearest shell ancestor. It returns the widget in that hierarchy that has keyboard focus or that last had focus when the user navigated away from that hierarchy.
An application can use XmIsTraversable and XmGetVisibility to determine whether a widget is eligible to receive focus. XmIsTraversable returns True if the widget argument meets all the conditions described in this section. Otherwise, it returns False. This routine generally returns False if the widget argument is a composite, even if it has traversable children.
![]() | Note: When all widgets in a shell hierarchy have been made untraversable, they are considered to have lost focus. When a widget in this hierarchy is made traversable again, it regains focus. |
XmGetVisibility returns a value indicating the visibility of the widget argument:
Note that a fully obscured widget may be traversable if it is inside the work area of an automatic ScrolledWindow with an XmNtraverseObscuredCallback list. See Section 13.2.5 for more information.
Unless a widget is sensitive, Xt does not dispatch keyboard or pointer events to the widget. An insensitive widget, therefore, cannot receive keyboard focus.
A widget can be sensitive only when all its ancestors are sensitive. Two Boolean resources determine sensitivity: XmNsensitive and XmNancestorSensitive. XmNsensitive indicates whether the widget itself is sensitive, and XmNancestorSensitive indicates whether all ancestors are sensitive.
An application uses the function XtIsSensitive to find out whether a widget is sensitive. This function returns True when XmNsensitive and XmNancestorSensitive are both True; otherwise, it returns False.
The function XtSetSensitive changes the sensitivity of a widget. With an argument of False, this function sets XmNsensitive to False and sets each child's XmNancestorSensitive to False. With an argument of True, this function sets XmNsensitive to True and, if the widget's XmNancestorSensitive is also True, it sets each child's XmNancestorSensitive to True. The function then recursively descends the widget tree. For each descendant whose XmNsensitive and XmNancestorSensitive are both True, it sets XmNancestorSensitive to True for that widget's children. Otherwise, it sets XmNancestorSensitive to False for the descendant widget's children.
In this way, XtSetSensitive ensures that each widget's XmNancestorSensitive is True only when the parent's XmNsensitive and XmNancestorSensitive are both True. In other words, the widget is sensitive only when it and all its ancestors are sensitive. To maintain this relation, an application should always use XtSetSensitive to change a widget's sensitivity instead of calling XtSetValues on the widget's resources.
Note that XtSetSensitive does not modify any resources for pop-up children. If the parent widget is insensitive when a pop-up child is created, the child's XmNancestorSensitive will be False. XtSetSensitive on the parent widget will not change this value, and the child will remain insensitive. To avoid this problem, an application that creates a DialogShell or a MenuShell should either ensure that the parent is sensitive when the child is created, or specify a value of True for the child's XmNancestorSensitive. One way to do this is in a resource file:
*XmMenuShell.ancestorSensitive: True *XmDialogShell.ancestorSensitive: True |
When a widget or gadget is insensitive, Motif indicates the insensitivity to the user by stippling or graying the widget.
XmNtraversalOn determines whether or not a widget is eligible to receive keyboard focus when XmNkeyboardFocusPolicy is XmEXPLICIT. When XmNtraversalOn is False and XmNkeyboardFocusPolicy is XmEXPLICIT, it is not possible for the user to give keyboard focus to the widget, even if the widget is sensitive and viewable. XmNtraversalOn has no effect when XmNkeyboardFocusPolicy is XmPOINTER.
The default value for XmNtraversalOn is True for most Motif widgets. Following are the exceptions:
Separator and SeparatorGadget, where XmNtraversalOn is forced to False
ScrollBar, where XmNtraversalOn defaults to True when it is the child of a ScrolledWindow whose XmNscrollingPolicy is XmAUTOMATIC and to False otherwise
Label and LabelGadget, where XmNtraversalOn is forced to False inside menus and defaults to False otherwise
RowColumn, where XmNtraversalOn defaults to True in a WorkArea and is not applicable otherwise
A tab group is a collection of traversable widgets or a single widget that contains a collection of traversable elements. When the shell's XmNkeyboardFocusPolicy is XmEXPLICIT and the Display's XmNenableButtonTab is False, the user traverses to a tab group by using osfNextField or osfPrevField. Within a tab group, when the focus is on a non-tab-group widget or an element, the user traverses to another non-tab-group widget or another element by using osfUp, osfDown, osfLeft, or osfRight.
A tab group is always represented by a widget or gadget. When the group is a collection of widgets, the tab group is typically the manager that is the parent of the widgets. When the group is a single widget like List or Text, the tab group is that widget itself.
The arrow keys do not traverse to tab groups or to non-tab-group widgets or elements outside the current tab group.
The Display resource XmNenableButtonTab influences the meaning of osfNextField and osfPrevField. In brief, setting XmNenableButtonTab to True lets a user navigate through an entire application using only one key. To examine XmNenableButtonTab more closely, consider an application containing the two tab groups shown in Figure 13-1. As the figure shows, each tab group contains three widgets. You can assume that the XmNlayoutDirection resource is set to XmLEFT_TO_RIGHT_TOP_TO_BOTTOM.
Suppose that XmNenableButtonTab is False. Further suppose Widget B of Tab Group 1 has traversal focus. If XmNenableButtonTab is False, then an osfNextField event will send traversal focus to the first widget in Tab Group 1 (probably Widget D). That is, the application responds to the osfNextField event by traversing to the next tab group. If the user provides a second osfNextField event, Motif traverses back to the first widget in Tab Group 1 (probably Widget A).
Now suppose that XmNenableButtonTab is True and that traversal focus is at Widget B. Whenever the user provides an osfNextField event, Motif traverses to the next traversable widget in the application, whether or not that field is in the current tab group. Therefore, pressing osfNextField six times would send traversal focus to Widget C, then Widget D, then Widget E, then Widget F, then Widget A, and then back to Widget B.
To be eligible for traversal, a tab group must meet all the conditions discussed in Section 13.2, except that a manager that is a tab group and meets the other conditions is eligible for traversal as long as it contains a descendant that can receive focus. If the tab group does not meet these conditions, the osfNextField and osfPrevField actions ignore the tab group.
Within a tab group, non-tab-group widgets must also meet all the conditions discussed in Section 13.2 to be eligible for traversal. If they do not meet these conditions, the arrow key actions ignore the widgets.
Whether or not a widget is a tab group is determined by the value of the XmNnavigationType resource. The two primary values for this resource are XmTAB_GROUP, which indicates that the widget is a tab group, and XmNONE, which indicates that it is not.
When the user traverses to the next or previous tab group, the direction of the traversal is usually determined by the relative locations of the current and target groups. In a left-to-right language environment, traversal to each subsequent tab group proceeds from left to right and top to bottom. At the bottom right, traversal wraps to the tab group at the top left. Traversal to previous tab groups proceeds in the opposite direction.
The application can control the order of traversal by specifying an XmNnavigationType of XmEXCLUSIVE_TAB_GROUP for a widget in the hierarchy. When any widget in a hierarchy has an XmNnavigationType of XmEXCLUSIVE_TAB_GROUP, osfNextField and osfPrevField do not move to any widgets in that hierarchy that have been designated tab groups by means of an XmNnavigationType of XmTAB_GROUP. But osfNextField and osfPrevField do move to widgets whose XmNnavigationType is XmSTICKY_TAB_GROUP, even if some widgets are exclusive tab groups. Thus, an application that uses XmEXCLUSIVE_TAB_GROUP to control traversal must be sure that all tab groups have an XmNnavigationType of either XmEXCLUSIVE_TAB_GROUP or XmSTICKY_TAB_GROUP.
When any widget in a hierarchy has an XmNnavigationType of XmEXCLUSIVE_TAB_GROUP, traversal to subsequent tab groups does not depend on the relative locations of the groups. Instead, it proceeds to widgets in the order in which their XmNnavigationType resources were specified as XmEXCLUSIVE_TAB_GROUP or XmSTICKY_TAB_GROUP, either by creating the widgets with that value or by calling XtSetValues. That is, traversal proceeds to the widget whose XmNnavigationType was next specified to be XmEXCLUSIVE_TAB_GROUP or XmSTICKY_TAB_GROUP. Traversal to previous tab groups proceeds in the opposite direction.
Within a tab group whose XmNnavigationType is XmEXCLUSIVE_TAB_GROUP, the arrow keys do not behave the same way as they would if the XmNnavigationType were either XmTAB_GROUP or XmSTICKY_TAB_GROUP. With XmTAB_GROUP or XmSTICKY_TAB_GROUP, the direction of traversal using the arrow keys depends on the relative locations of the tab group's children. Pressing osfRight moves to the next traversable child to the right of the child with the focus; osfDown moves to the next traversable child below the child with the focus; and so on.
With XmEXCLUSIVE_TAB_GROUP, traversal using the arrow keys depends on the order of the tab group's list of children, not on the relative locations of the children. Pressing osfRight has the same effect as osfDown: both move to the next traversable child in the tab group's list of children. Pressing osfLeft has the same effect as osfUp: both move to the previous traversable child in the tab group's list of children.
There are three principal differences between XmEXCLUSIVE_TAB_GROUP and XmSTICKY_TAB_GROUP:
XmEXCLUSIVE_TAB_GROUP has the effect of disabling traversal to tab groups that have an XmNnavigationType of XmTAB_GROUP. XmSTICKY_TAB_GROUP does not; it simply ensures that traversal to that tab group is possible, even when some widget in the hierarchy has an XmNnavigationType of XmEXCLUSIVE_TAB_GROUP.
XmEXCLUSIVE_TAB_GROUP changes the order of traversal of tab groups within the widget hierarchy. XmSTICKY_TAB_GROUP does not.
XmEXCLUSIVE_TAB_GROUP changes the order of traversal of widgets inside the tab group. XmSTICKY_TAB_GROUP does not.
The function XmAddTabGroup has the same effect as calling XtSetValues with an XmNnavigationType of XmEXCLUSIVE_TAB_GROUP. The function XmRemoveTabGroup has the same effect as calling XtSetValues with an XmNnavigationType of XmNONE. XmAddTabGroup and XmRemoveTabGroup are obsolete and exist for compatibility with earlier releases of Motif.
All Motif managers except RowColumn have a default XmNnavigationType of XmTAB_GROUP. In RowColumn, XmNnavigationType is not applicable for MenuBars, PulldownMenus, and PopupMenus. For a WorkArea the default is XmTAB_GROUP, and for an OptionMenu the default is XmNONE.
All Motif primitives except List, ScrollBar, Text, and TextField have a default XmNnavigationType of XmNONE. The default for List, Text, and TextField is XmTAB_GROUP, and the default for ScrollBar is XmSTICKY_TAB_GROUP. These are all controls that have their own internal navigation.
Motif sets the navigation type of widgets in some situations. In particular:
The child of a shell always behaves as a tab group, no matter what the value of its XmNnavigationType.
Panes and sashes inside PanedWindows have a default XmNnavigationType of XmTAB_GROUP. If the XmNnavigationType of a pane is XmNONE when the pane is created, Motif sets the value of that resource to XmTAB_GROUP.
SelectionBox and its subclasses set the XmNnavigationType of their automatically created List and Text children to XmSTICKY_TAB_GROUP.
The function XmGetTabGroup returns the tab group that contains a widget. If the widget itself is a tab group or a shell, it returns that widget. If neither the widget nor any ancestor up to the nearest shell is a tab group, it returns the nearest ancestor that is a shell. Otherwise, it returns the nearest ancestor that is a tab group.
By default, osfNextField and osfPrevField traverse to successive tab groups in order of layout, from left to right and top to bottom, within a parent tab group, before proceeding in layout order to the next tab group that is a sibling of the parent. Traversal order changes when any widget in a shell hierarchy has an XmNnavigationType of XmEXCLUSIVE_TAB_GROUP. In this case, osfNextField and osfPrevField traverse only to widgets in the hierarchy whose XmNnavigationType is either XmEXCLUSIVE_TAB_GROUP or XmSTICKY_TAB_GROUP. The traversal order is the order in which the widgets' XmNnavigationType was specified to be either XmEXCLUSIVE_TAB_GROUP or XmSTICKY_TAB_GROUP.
This mechanism gives an application the means to control tab group traversal order. An application must do the following:
Ensure that at least one widget in the shell hierarchy has an XmNnavigationType of XmEXCLUSIVE_TAB_GROUP
Ensure that all widgets that the application wants to be tab groups have an XmNnavigationType of either XmEXCLUSIVE_TAB_GROUP or XmSTICKY_TAB_GROUP
Specify values for the tab groups' XmNnavigationType, using either creation argument lists or XtSetValues, in the order in which the tab groups are to be traversed
Note that, when a tab group has an XmNnavigationType of XmEXCLUSIVE_TAB_GROUP, traversal to non-tab-group widgets inside that tab group proceeds in the order in which the children appear in their parents' XmNchildren lists. If the application wants to specify the order of tab group traversal but still wants traversal of non-tab-group widgets to proceed according to layout, it should select one widget in the hierarchy to have an XmNnavigationType of XmEXCLUSIVE_TAB_GROUP. This tab group should contain no non-tab-group widgets. For example, it could be the MainWindow if the MainWindow contains only tab groups, or it could be a primitive tab group, such as List or Text. The application should then specify an XmNnavigationType of XmSTICKY_TAB_GROUP for all other tab groups in the hierarchy.
A tab group may contain any combination of tab group and non-tab-group widgets. A tab group that contains other widgets cannot receive focus itself. When the user traverses to a composite tab group, Motif gives focus to some widget within the tab group.
Motif uses the Manager resource XmNinitialFocus in determining which widget receives focus. The value of XmNinitialFocus is a widget that meets the following conditions:
The widget must be either a tab group or a non-tab-group widget that can receive keyboard focus. In general, a widget can receive keyboard focus when it is a primitive, a gadget, or a manager (such as a DrawingArea with no traversable children) that acts as a primitive.
The widget must not be a descendant of a tab group that is itself a descendant of the manager. That is, the widget cannot be contained within a tab group that is nested inside the manager.
The widget and its ancestors must have a value of True for their XmNtraversalOn resources.
If the widget does not meet these conditions, XmNinitialFocus is treated as if the value were NULL.
Motif uses XmNinitialFocus to determine which widget receives focus in these situations:
When the manager is the child of a shell and the shell hierarchy receives focus for the first time
When focus is inside the shell hierarchy, the manager is a composite tab group, and the user traverses to the manager using the keyboard
Motif then determines focus as follows:
If XmNinitialFocus is a traversable non-tab-group widget, that widget receives focus.
If XmNinitialFocus is a traversable tab group, that tab group receives focus. If that tab group is a composite with descendant tab groups or traversable non-tab-group widgets, these procedures are used recursively to assign focus to a descendant of that tab group.
If XmNinitialFocus is NULL, the first traversable non-tab-group widget that is not contained within a nested tab group receives focus.
If XmNinitialFocus is NULL and no traversable non-tab-group widget exists, the first traversable tab group that is not contained within a nested tab group receives focus. If that tab group is a composite with descendant tab groups or traversable non-tab-group widgets, these procedures are used recursively to assign focus to a descendant of that tab group.
If a shell hierarchy regains focus after losing it, focus returns to the widget that had the focus at the time it left the hierarchy.
The use of XmNinitialFocus is undefined if the manager is a MenuBar, PulldownMenu, PopupMenu, or OptionMenu.
In general, a widget is not eligible to receive focus unless some part of its rectangular area is unobscured by its ancestors. However, it may be possible to traverse to a widget that is a descendant of a ScrolledWindow whose XmNscrollingPolicy is XmAUTOMATIC, even if that widget is not within the ScrolledWindow's clip window. Traversal to such a widget is possible under the following conditions:
Some part of the widget's rectangular area is within the bounds of the ScrolledWindow's work window.
The ScrolledWindow's clip window is completely unobscured by its ancestors. If the ScrolledWindow is a descendant of another ScrolledWindow, it must be unobscured by the ancestor's work window but may be outside the ancestor's clip window.
The ScrolledWindow has a procedure on its XmNtraverseObscuredCallback list that can bring some part of the widget's rectangular area into the clip window.
The widget meets the other conditions for receiving focus described in Section 13.2.
Whenever the user attempts to traverse to such a widget and the widget is partially or fully obscured by the clip window, Motif calls the ScrolledWindow's XmNtraverseObscuredCallback procedures. If the ScrolledWindow has one or more ancestor ScrolledWindows, Motif calls the XmNtraverseObscuredCallback list for each ScrolledWindow whose clip window obscures the traversal target, from the lowest level of the hierarchy to the highest. The XmNtraverseObscuredCallback procedure can try to bring the widget into the clip window if necessary, usually by calling XmScrollVisible. If the target widget is traversable after the XmNtraverseObscuredCallback procedures are invoked, that widget receives focus.
A procedure can determine the visibility of a widget by calling XmGetVisibility.
The principal routine for traversing to a widget is XmProcessTraversal. Motif uses this routine to effect traversal when the user presses an arrow key, osfNextField, or osfPrevField. An application can use XmProcessTraversal to implement its own traversal actions.
XmProcessTraversal takes two arguments, a widget and a constant specifying a traversal action. The routine uses the widget argument to identify the hierarchy that contains the widget and that has its root at the nearest shell. If that shell does not currently have the focus, any changes to the element with focus within that shell will not occur until the next time the shell receives focus.
The traversal action argument identifies one of three kinds of action to take. The following descriptions of these actions refer to traversable non-tab-group widgets and traversable tab groups. A traversable non-tab-group widget is a widget that is not a tab group and that meets all the conditions for receiving focus discussed in Section 13.2. A traversable tab group is a tab group widget that meets the same conditions, except that a manager that is a tab group and meets the other conditions is also traversable as long as it contains a descendant that can receive focus.
The routine begins the traversal action from the widget in the hierarchy that currently has keyboard focus or that last had focus when the user traversed away from the shell hierarchy.
Note that XmProcessTraversal cannot be called recursively. In particular, an application cannot call this routine from an XmNfocusCallback or XmNlosingFocusCallback procedure.
The descriptions in the following three subsections all assume that XmNlayoutDirection is set to XmLEFT_TO_RIGHT_TOP_TO_BOTTOM. Later in this section, we will explore the influence of XmNlayoutDirection in greater detail.
This kind of traversal is possible only when the widget that currently has focus is not a tab group. Also, these actions do not move focus from one tab group to another. The actions first determine the containing tab group. This is the tab group containing the widget that currently has focus. The actions traverse only to a non-tab-group widget within the containing tab group.
The following actions begin by determining the current widget hierarchy and the containing tab group. The current widget hierarchy is the widget hierarchy whose root is the nearest shell ancestor of the widget that currently has focus. The containing tab group is is the tab group containing the widget that currently has focus.
In the following case, the widget argument is the widget to which XmProcessTraversal tries to give focus.
The descriptions in the preceding subsections all assumed that XmNlayoutDirection was set to XmLEFT_TO_RIGHT_TOP_TO_BOTTOM. When XmNlayoutDirection is set to some other direction, the navigation rules are somewhat different. To help explain these differences, consider the application shown in Figure 13-2. This application consists of one tab group. This one tab group consists of 12 widgets.
Given the application shown in Figure 13-2, Table 13-1 summarizes what happens when the application calls XmProcessTraversal with a direction argument of XmTRAVERSE_HOME.
Table 13-1. Effect of XmNlayoutDirection on XmTRAVERSE_HOME
XmNlayoutDirection | Home Widget | |
= | ||
Table 13-2 summarizes the influence of XmNlayoutDirection on XmProcessTraversal in the application shown in Figure 13-2. For example, suppose that the second argument to XmProcessTraversal is XmTRAVERSE_RIGHT and that the XmNlayoutDirection resource is set to XmRIGHT_TO_LEFT_TOP_TO_BOTTOM. If XmNinitialFocus for the tab group manager is NULL, Table 13-2 says that initial focus will default to widget B. When XmProcessTraversal is called again with XmTRAVERSE_RIGHT as its direction argument, the application will navigate to widget K, then to widget L, and so on. After navigating through all 12 widgets, the application will navigate around to the starting widget, which in this case is widget B.
One way to understand the navigation rules is to ask yourself whether the application is trying to traverse forwards or traverse backwards. To understand forwards and backwards, suppose that XmNlayoutDirection is set to XmLEFT_TO_RIGHT_TOP_TO_BOTTOM. In this case
XmTRAVERSE_RIGHT and XmTRAVERSE_DOWN are forward traversals (with the flow)
XmTRAVERSE_LEFT and XmTRAVERSE_UP are backwards traversals (against the flow)
Understanding forwards and backwards helps you understand what Motif does when the application wants to traverse past the last widget in a particular direction. For example, what happens when the application wants to traverse right but there are no widgets to the right of the current widget? If the traversal is forwards, then upon reaching the last widget in given direction, Motif navigates towards the direction specified by XmNlayoutDirection. If the traversal is backwards, Motif navigates away from the direction specified by XmNlayoutDirection.
Table 13-2. Effect of XmNlayoutDirection on XmProcessTraversal
XmProcessTraversal | XmNlayoutDirection | Sequence | |
= | |||
BulletinBoard, Text, and TextField have XmNfocusCallback callback lists. Motif invokes the procedures on these lists when these widgets receive keyboard focus. A callback procedure may change the widget's state to reflect the new focus, but it should not try to change the focus and, in particular, must not call XmProcessTraversal.
Text and TextField also have XmNlosingFocusCallback callback lists. The Text and TextField traversal actions invoke these procedures before traversing to another widget. The third argument to each procedure is a pointer to an XmTextVerifyCallbackStruct structure whose reason member is XmCR_LOSING_FOCUS. If a callback procedure sets the doit member of this structure to False, the traversal action does not carry out the traversal. In this way the application can prevent a user from traversing out of the widget by means of these actions.
Motif also invokes the XmNlosingFocusCallback procedures when the widget loses focus by some other means. For example, the user might click Btn1 in another traversable widget, or when the shell's XmNkeyboardFocusPolicy is XmPOINTER, the user might move the pointer into another widget. In such cases, setting the doit member of the callback structure has no effect.
In Xt, the primary means of associating an input event with a widget-specific procedure is the combination of translations and actions. Each widget (but not gadget) instance contains a table of translations that maps event descriptions to procedure names. Each widget instance also has a table of actions that maps these procedure names to actual procedures. When a widget receives an input event, the Xt event-dispatching facility looks up the event in the translation table, looks up the associated procedure in the action table, and invokes the action procedure itself. This procedure usually takes some action to change the widget state and often invokes callback procedures.
An application or user specifies a translation table as a string whose format is defined in X Toolkit Intrinsics—C Language Interface. In general, the table consists of individual translations separated by "\n". Each translation consists of an event description sequence, a colon, and one or more associated procedure names. Each procedure name also has a list of parameters within parentheses to be passed to the procedure when it is invoked as a result of that translation.
An event description in general consists of an optional list of modifiers, an event type within angle brackets (< and >), an optional repeat count within parentheses, and an optional event detail. Modifiers apply only to key, button, motion, enter, and leave events. If an exclamation point (!) precedes the modifiers, then the modifiers in the list and no others must be asserted for the action to be invoked. Otherwise, the modifiers in the list must be asserted, but others may be as well. A tilde (~) before any modifier means that that modifier must not be asserted. If the modifier list is empty, any modifiers may be asserted.
The detail field varies depending on the event type. The most common use is to identify the keysym for a KeyPress or KeyRelease event.
Event descriptions in a sequence are separated by commas. Mouse motion is discarded if it occurs between events in a sequence that does not include explicit motion events. This allows the following sort of translation to invoke an action even if the mouse moves between button press and release:
<Btn1Down>,<Btn1Up>: action() |
Following are some important considerations in using translations:
More specific events should always precede less specific events in the table:
Ctrl<Key>space: action_1() <Key>space: action_2() |
Translations with event sequences that are noninitial subsequences of other translations are not invoked when the events occur as part of the longer sequence. For instance, up_action() in the following example would not be invoked on a button release that followed a button press:
<Btn1Down>,<Btn1Up>: click_action() <Btn1Up>: up_action() |
Event descriptions that use a repeat count expand into longer sequences. For example, the following descriptions are more or less equivalent:
<Btn1Up>(2): double_click() <Btn1Up>,<Btn1Down>,<Btn1Up>: double_click() |
This result, combined with the implicit insertion of motion events between any two other events, means that motion translations cannot exist in a table with multiclick translations.
See X Toolkit Intrinsics—C Language Interface for more information on the format of translation tables.
One translation table frequently needs to be merged with another. For example, a user may want to add one or more translations to a widget's default translations. A translation table may begin with one of three directives that specifies how the table is to be merged with an existing table:
#replace | The new translation table should completely replace any existing table. This is the default if no directive is specified. | |
#augment | The new translation table should be added to any existing table. If the two tables contain duplicate event descriptions, the translations in the existing table are used. | |
#override | The new translation table should be added to any existing table. If the two tables contain duplicate event descriptions, the translations in the new table are used. |
A widget's translation table is the value of the Core XmNtranslations resource. The initial value is determined in the following way:
To take advantage of this initialization ordering, an application should usually provide any translations of its own by specifying a value for baseTranslations rather than XmNtranslations in an application class defaults file or a fallback resource list. This essentially reserves XmNtranslations to the user. The application can change the widget class translations by specifying baseTranslations, and the user can change the application's translations by specifying XmNtranslations.
As the value of a widget's XmNtranslations, a translation table must be in a parsed format rather than a string. The string-to-translation-table converter parses a resource string into a translation table. An application can also use XtParseTranslationTable to compile a translation table string into the parsed format. The application can then merge the parsed table with a widget's XmNtranslations in three ways:
Some Motif widgets merge additional translations in their initialize and set_values methods. This process may make it impossible for an application or user to override some translations by means of resource files. For example, for some widgets it may not be possible to change traversal translations in this way.
Each widget instance has a table that maps action procedure names, as they appear in translation tables, to actual action procedures. When an action is invoked through a translation, Xt looks up the action procedure name in this table and calls the associated procedure.
Each widget class may have its own action table. In addition, an application can use XtAppAddActions to add entries to an action table associated with the application context. Only one such table exists per application context. If a call to XtAppAddActions contains an action name that is already in the table, the action name becomes associated with the action procedure supplied in the call to XtAppAddActions, overriding the existing action.
Xt creates a widget's action table when the widget is realized. It uses actions from the following action tables, those listed first having highest precedence:
This ordering means that an application cannot use XtAppAddActions to provide a new action procedure for an action name that is already registered by a widget class. To do that, the application must supply a translation that maps the event to an action name that is not registered by the class. The application must then call XtAppAddActions to supply a procedure for the action name.
An action procedure is a function of type XtActionProc. This function receives four arguments:
The widget
The event, or the last event of a sequence, that caused the procedure to be invoked
A list of strings representing the parameters specified for this action in the translation table
An integer representing the number of parameters in the parameter list
An application can use the parameter list to perform a number of related actions in a single action routine. For example, a widget might have the following translations:
c <Key> osfLeft: move-object(left) \n\ c <Key> osfRight: move-object(right) \n\ c <Key> osfUp: move-object(up) \n\ c <Key> osfDown: move-object(down) |
The routine implementing the move-object() action is passed one of the strings "left", "right", "up", and "down" as the only item in the parameter list, depending on which key event invoked the action. The routine performs the action appropriate for this parameter.
Motif maintains a client-side mechanism for mapping one set of keysyms to another set. This mapping allows Motif widgets and applications to use a single set of keysyms in translation tables and also allows applications and users to customize the keysyms used in the translations for the particular keyboard used with the display.
The names of keysyms eligible for use in translations in this way begin with the prefix "osf" and are referred to as osf keysyms. Motif maintains a mapping between these "virtual" keysyms and the "actual" keysyms that correspond to keys on a particular keyboard. When Xt receives a keyboard event, the function XmTranslateKey translates the keycode of the event to the appropriate osf keysym if a mapping exists for that keysym. Xt then dispatches the event to the appropriate action routine if a translation exists for that osf keysym.
The mapping between osf and actual keysyms is determined at application startup based on information obtained from one of the following sources, listed in order of precedence:
A defaultVirtualBindings application resource in the resource database.
A property on the root window, which can be set by mwm on startup, by the xmbind client, or on prior startup of a Motif application.
A default binding based on the vendor string and optionally the vendor release of the X server. Motif searches the file xmbind.alias in the user's home directory, the directory specified by the environment variable XMBINDDIR, or the directory /usr/lib/Xm/bindings.
The file xmbind.alias maps combinations of vendor strings and vendor release numbers to pathnames. Each pathname represents a file that contains keysym bindings for a particular vendor string and optional vendor release number. If Motif fails to find a bindings file for the current display, it uses a set of hard-coded fallback bindings.
The format of the defaultVirtualBindings resource is similar to that of a string specifying translations. Each binding consists of an osf keysym, a colon, a list of key event descriptions (with optional modifiers) for actual keysyms, and "\n". Use a comma to separate multiple key event descriptions. The format of a .motifbind file or a file containing vendor bindings is the same, except that each binding is on a separate line.
Following is an example of a specification for the defaultVirtualBindings resource in a resource file:
*defaultVirtualBindings: \ osfBackSpace: <Key>BackSpace \n\ osfInsert: <Key>InsertChar \n\ ... osfDelete: <Key>DeleteChar |
The example specification above appears as follows in a .motifbind or vendor bindings file:
osfBackSpace: <Key>BackSpace osfInsert: <Key>InsertChar ... osfDelete: <Key>DeleteChar |
For more information, see the VirtualBindings(3) and xmbind(1) reference pages in the Motif Programmer's Reference.
Sometimes it is desirable for an event received by one widget to activate an action in another. For example, the application may establish a shortcut for activating a button in a menu; the user can activate the menu item even when focus is not in the menu. Motif has two facilities, mnemonics and accelerators, for allowing events in one widget to invoke actions in another.
A mnemonic is a keysym that identifies a key the user can press to activate a menu item when the menu is posted. A button in a MenuBar, PulldownMenu, or PopupMenu can have a mnemonic. When the button is in a PulldownMenu or PopupMenu that is the most recently posted menu, the user activates the button by pressing the key associated with the mnemonic. When the button is in a MenuBar, the MenuBar must have focus for the mnemonic to activate the button. However, the user can activate the button from within the hierarchy that contains the MenuBar, even if the MenuBar does not have focus, by pressing the key while holding the Alt modifier.
An application or user supplies a mnemonic for a button by specifying a value for the Label or LabelGadget resource XmNmnemonic. When the button is displayed, Motif underlines the first character in the label string that exactly matches the mnemonic in the character set specified by XmNmnemonicCharSet. Although the mnemonic must match a character in the label string exactly in order to be underlined, the user can activate the mnemonic by pressing either the shifted or the unshifted key.
An accelerator allows the user to activate a menu item when focus is anywhere in the hierarchy containing the menu, even if the menu is not posted. Accelerators are supported only for PushButtons and ToggleButtons (or their gadget equivalents) in PulldownMenus and PopupMenus.
An application or user supplies an accelerator for a button by specifying a value for the Label or LabelGadget resource XmNaccelerator. The value is a string in the same format as an event description in a translation table, except that only KeyPress events are allowed. Thus, an accelerator can have a modifier like Ctrl or Alt. XmNacceleratorText is a compound string that describes the accelerator event, for example, "Ctrl+A". Motif displays the accelerator text to the side of the button's label string or pixmap.
The following example creates a button with a mnemonic and an accelerator:
n = 0; XtSetArg(args[n], XmNmnemonic, XStringToKeysym("A"); n++; XtSetArg(args[n], XmNaccelerator, "Ctrl<Key>A"); n++; XtSetArg(args[n], XmNacceleratorText, XmStringCreateLocalized("Ctrl+A"); n++; button1 = XmCreatePushButton(file_pane, "Answer", args, n); |
Motif's button accelerators and mnemonics are supported only for buttons in certain menus. Xt has a more general facility, also called accelerators, for allowing events in one widget to invoke actions in another.
Xt accelerators are mappings of event descriptions to actions, in the same format as a translation table. An application or user supplies accelerators for a widget as the value of the Core resource XmNaccelerators. The accelerators map events to actions of this widget, called the source widget. The application must then install the accelerators on a destination widget, using XtInstallAccelerators. This routine takes two arguments: the source widget, whose XmNaccelerators resource contains the accelerator table; and the destination widget, where the accelerators are to be installed. When the user produces an event in the destination widget that maps to an accelerator in the table, the event invokes the corresponding action in the source widget.
XtInstallAccelerators merges the accelerators with the destination widget's existing translations (the value of XmNtranslations). Accelerators can be merged in either #augment mode, the default, or #override mode. An accelerator table may begin with an #augment directive or a #override directive. The #replace directive is ignored.
As with translations, accelerators must be in an internal format when they are the value of XmNaccelerators. A string-to-accelerator-table converter parses an accelerator table string from a resource file. An application can use XtParseAcceleratorTable to compile an accelerator table string explicitly.
Accelerators are often defined for a parent source widget and installed on one or more child destination widgets. The SelectionBox and FileSelectionBox widgets install accelerators, the value of XmNtextAccelerators, on their text children. The default accelerators bind osfUp, osfDown, osfBeginLine, osfEndLine, and osfRestore events in the Text widget to SelectionBox or FileSelectionBox actions that select an item in the List and replace the Text widget value with that List item.
Many applications can implement their entire input processing by adding procedures to widget callback lists and by adding mnemonics and accelerators for menu buttons. Some applications change translations, accelerators, or actions. More rarely, an application needs finer control over event processing. Such an application can register an event handler with the Xt event dispatcher.
An event handler is a procedure that the Xt event dispatcher calls when the application receives events of one or more types. An event handler procedure is of type XtEventHandler. It receives four arguments: the widget for which the event arrived; any client data registered with the event handler; a pointer to the event; and a Boolean return argument telling the Xt dispatch facility whether or not to call the remaining event handlers registered for this event. This argument is initialized to True and should rarely be changed.
An application usually registers an event handler by using the function XtAddEventHandler. The arguments are the widget, an event mask, an indication whether or not the hander should be called for nonmaskable events, the procedure itself, and any client data to be passed to the event handler when it is called. The order in which event handlers are called is undefined when more than one handler exists for a given widget and event type. However, if the application registers the event handler by using XtInsertEventHandler, it can specify that the procedure is to be called either before or after all currently registered event handlers.
Motif requires an application to provide an event handler if it wants to post a PopupMenu on a button press. The call to XtAddEventHandler should specify ButtonPressMask as the event mask and the popup RowColumn as the client data. The event handler should use XmMenuPosition to position the menu at the x and y location of the button press event. It should then manage the RowColumn. If the button press matches the event specified by the RowColumn's XmNmenuPost resource, Motif posts the PopupMenu. See Chapter 6 for more information.
Following is a summary of the restrictions on Motif programs regarding the posting and unposting of shell widgets and the use of grabs:
The functions XtAddGrab and XtRemoveGrab cannot be used by a Motif application.
The Intrinsics convenience popup callback functions XtCallbackNonexclusive and XtCallbackExclusive cannot be used by Motif applications.
The functions XtPopup, XtPopupSpringLoaded, and XtPopdown can only be used on shell widgets created with the functions XtCreatePopupShell or XtVaCreatePopupShell. XtMapWidget and XtUnmapWidget should never be used on shells created in this manner.
For Motif applications, the value of the second argument of XtPopup must always be XtGrabNone.
Never use XtManageChild and XtUnmanageChild on shell widgets.
Use XtMapWidget and XtUnmapWidget only on widgets with the XmNmappedWhenManaged resource set to False.
By default, top level shells (those shells created with XtAppCreateShell and XtVaAppCreateShell) are mapped at the time that they are realized. Generally, only shells of classes applicationShellWidgetClass and topLevelShellWidgetClass are created in this manner. Except for iconification, these shells are generally expected to remain mapped until they are destroyed or until the application is terminated. (Transient shells should use the "popup" interfaces).
For unconventional uses of these top level shells, control of posting and unposting can be achieved by creating these shells with the XmNmappedWhenManaged resource set to False, and then using XtMapWidget and XtUnmapWidget to post and unpost them. Note that neither the XtSetValues nor the XtSetMappedWhenManaged interfaces are effective for this resource on shell widgets; these widgets must be created with XmNmappedWhenManaged set to False in order to use XtMapWidget and XtUnmapWidget.