The geometry of a widget consists of its size, location, and stacking order. Widgets often have preferred sizes and perhaps locations. For example, a Label widget may prefer to be just large enough to display the text of the label. But composite widgets usually have preferences or constraints in laying out their children, and these may conflict with the preferences of the child widgets. Furthermore, the user or the application can change a widget's geometry at any time; for example, by resizing the top-level window. Geometry management is the process by which the user, parent widgets, and child widgets negotiate the actual sizes and locations of the widgets in the application.
Following are some common occasions for geometry changes:
The application manages or unmanages a child widget.
The application sets a geometry resource.
The application sets a resource that causes one of the geometry resources to change. For example, setting a new label for a Label widget may cause a geometry change.
The user resizes a top-level window using the window manager.
Following are the basic Core and RectObj resources that determine widget geometry:
Shell widgets encapsulate application widgets, principally to communicate with the window manager. Motif has three shell classes based on Intrinsics shell classes:
A shell has only one managed child. Except when a shell contains an off-the-spot input method, the shell's window is coincident with the child's window. The geometry_manager procedures of the shell classes treat geometry requests from the child as geometry requests for the shell, and the resize procedures of the shell classes make the child the same size as the shell. Applications should usually change the geometry of the child, not of the shell.
In particular, setting XmNheight, XmNwidth, or XmNborderWidth for either a shell or its child sets that resource to the same value in both the parent and the child. For a child of a shell, setting XmNx or XmNy sets the corresponding resource of the parent but does not change the child's position relative to the parent. XtGetValues for the child's XmNx or XmNy yields the value of the corresponding resource in the parent. The x and y coordinates of the child's upper left outside corner relative to the parent's upper left inside corner are both zero minus the value of XmNborderWidth.
The exception is a VendorShell or DialogShell that contains an off-the-spot input method. In this case, the input method appears inside the shell and below the application widget. The conventions for geometry parameters are the same as for other shells, except that the values of XmNheight for the child and the shell are not identical. The height of the shell is the sum of the height and border width of the application window and the height of the area occupied by the input method.
When the Shell resource XmNallowShellResize is False, a shell's geometry_manager procedure returns XtGeometryNo for all geometry requests from a realized child.
Each Primitive widget has resources that determine its layout or contents. For example, the size of a Text widget depends on the values of the XmNrows, XmNcolumns, XmNmarginHeight, and XmNmarginWidth Text resources; the XmNhighlightThickness and XmNshadowThickness Primitive resources; and the basic Core geometry resources. In addition, when the Text XmNresizeHeight or XmNresizeWidth resource is True, the size of the widget can depend on the size of the text (the XmNvalue resource). Setting any of these resources can cause Text to generate a geometry request.
Manager widgets have their own layout policies, which they use in responding to geometry requests from their children or to resizing by their parents. These policies are determined by the Manager's own resources and, for some Managers, by its constraint resources.
Constraints are resources defined by the Manager but associated with each child. An application or user initializes, sets, or gets constraint resources for the child as if they were resources defined by the child's class. Initialization, XtSetValues, and XtGetValues for the child operate on the parent's constraint resources associated with that child. The Manager has constraint initialize and set_values procedures that allow it to set other constraints and recompute its layout.
Motif uses constraints in determining the layout of Form, PanedWindow, and Frame widgets. Motif also uses constraints to adjust the positions of child widgets in PanedWindow and RowColumn. The Form widget is discussed in Section 14.5. PanedWindow and Frame are discussed in Chapter 8.
In addition to its role as the menu widget, RowColumn provides general-purpose layout and geometry management for child widgets arranged in rows, columns, or grids. The default RowColumn type, XmWORK_AREA, provides the layout features but not the menu semantics.
RowColumn's layout is controlled by two sets of resources. One set determines the position of children within the parent. The other set specifies whether RowColumn adjusts the internal layout characteristics of the children, such as margins and text alignment.
The two primary resources that control child positioning are XmNorientation and XmNpacking. XmNorientation determines whether RowColumn lays out its children in rows or columns. When XmNorientation is XmVERTICAL—the default for a WorkArea—the layout is column-major. When XmNorientation is XmHORIZONTAL the layout is row-major.
XmNpacking controls the general style of the layout. The resource has three possible values:
XmPACK_TIGHT | RowColumn places children one after the other along the major dimension (for example, in a column when XmNorientation is XmVERTICAL). It proceeds until no more children fit along that dimension and then begins a new row or column. When XmNorientation is XmVERTICAL and the vertical distance remaining in the current column is too small to accommodate the child being placed, RowColumn begins a new column if XmNresizeHeight is False or the RowColumn cannot become larger. When placing children in a column, RowColumn does not alter their heights, but it makes the width of each child in the column equal to the width of the widest child in that column. Analogous rules apply to row-major layouts. XmPACK_TIGHT is the default value for XmNpacking in a WorkArea. | |
XmPACK_COLUMN | RowColumn makes the width and height of each child identical. The width is the maximum width of all children, and the height is the maximum height. RowColumn uses the value of XmNnumColumns to determine the maximum number of columns (in XmVERTICAL orientation) or rows (in XmHORIZONTAL orientation) to produce. RowColumn tries to create XmNnumColumns columns (or rows) with an equal number of children in each column (or row). | |
XmPACK_NONE | RowColumn does not change the position of any child. Unless XmNresizeWidth is False, it tries to grow large enough to enclose the greatest x extent of any child. Unless XmNresizeHeight is False, it tries to grow large enough to enclose the greatest y extent of any child. |
Several other resources influence the position and size of children:
RowColumn also has several resources that can cause the RowColumn to change the internal layout of some classes of children:
BulletinBoard and DrawingArea are two container widgets with similar geometry policies. These widgets have three geometry-related resources in common:
XmNmarginHeight | Specifies the amount of space between the top shadow of the widget and the top edge of any child, and between the bottom shadow of the widget and the bottom edge of any child. When the value of this resource is greater than 0, the widget ensures that the top edges of all children are below the widget's top margin. | ||||||||||
XmNmarginWidth | Specifies the amount of space between the left shadow of the widget and the left edge of any child, and between the right shadow of the widget and the right edge of any child. When the value of this resource is greater than 0, the widget ensures that the left edges of all children are to the right of the widget's left margin. | ||||||||||
XmNresizePolicy | Determines the widget's policy with regard to resize requests from its children. Following are the possible values:
In addition to these policies, BulletinBoard has geometry facilities that allow it to interact with subclasses in laying out complex collections of children. For example, SelectionBox has a List containing choices, a Text selection area, labels for the list and selection area, and three or four buttons. Usually the list appears above the selection area. The buttons appear equally spaced in a row below the selection area.
Additional children may be added to the SelectionBox after creation. The first child is used as a work area. The value of XmNchildPlacement determines if the work area is placed above or below the Text area, or above or below the List area. Additional children are laid out in the following manner:
MenuBar | The first MenuBar child is placed at the top of the window. | |
Buttons | All XmArrowButton, XmDrawnButton, XmPushButton, and XmToggleButton widgets or gadgets, and their subclasses are placed after the OK button in the order of their creation. | |
Others | The layout of additional children that are not in the above categories is undefined. |
Form is a container widget that provides the most comprehensive facilities for controlling the layout of children. Constraints are placed on children of the Form to define attachments for each of the child's four sides. These attachments can be to the Form, to another child widget or gadget, to a relative position within the Form, or to the initial position of the child. The attachments determine the layout behavior of the Form when resizing occurs. Form is a subclass of BulletinBoard, so the resources and general geometry policies of BulletinBoard apply to Form as well.
Each child has 17 Form constraint resources, four for each side of the child and one, XmNresizable, that applies to the child as a whole. Following is a description of XmNresizable and the constraint resources that apply to the top side of a child:
XmNresizable | This Boolean resource specifies whether or not a child's request for a new size is (conditionally) granted by the Form. If this resource is set to True, the request is granted if possible. If this resource is set to False, the request is always refused. If a child has both left and right attachments, its width is completely controlled by the Form, regardless of the value of the child's XmNresizable resource. Similarly, if a child has both top and bottom attachments, its height is completely controlled by the Form, regardless of the value of the child's XmNresizable resource. If a child has a left or right attachment but not both, the child's XmNwidth is used in setting its width if the value of the child's XmNresizable resource is True. These conditions are also true for top and bottom attachments, with height acting like width. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
XmNtopAttachment | Specifies attachment of the top side of the child. It can have the following values:
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
XmNtopOffset | Specifies the constant offset between the top side of the child and the object to which it is attached. The relationship established remains, regardless of any resizing operations that occur. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
XmNtopPosition | This resource is used to determine the position of the top side of the child when the child's XmNtopAttachment is set to XmATTACH_POSITION. In this case, the position of the top side of the child is relative to the top side of the Form and is a fraction of the height of the Form. This fraction is the value of the child's XmNtopPosition resource divided by the value of the Form's XmNfractionBase. For example, if the child's XmNtopPosition is 50, the Form's XmNfractionBase is 100, and the Form's height is 200, the position of the top side of the child is 100. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
XmNtopWidget | Specifies the widget or gadget to which the top side of the child is attached. This resource is used if XmNtopAttachment is set to either XmATTACH_WIDGET or XmATTACH_OPPOSITE_WIDGET. |
These constraint resources interact with the following resources of the Form itself:
XmNfractionBase | Specifies the denominator used in calculating the relative position of a child widget using XmATTACH_POSITION constraints. The value must not be 0. If the value of a child's XmNleftAttachment (or XmNrightAttachment) is XmATTACH_POSITION, the position of the left (or right) side of the child is relative to the left side of the Form and is a fraction of the width of the Form. This fraction is the value of the child's XmNleftPosition (or XmNrightPosition) resource divided by the value of the Form's XmNfractionBase. If the value of a child's XmNtopAttachment (or XmNbottomAttachment) is XmATTACH_POSITION, the position of the top (or bottom) side of the child is relative to the top side of the Form and is a fraction of the height of the Form. This fraction is the value of the child's XmNtopPosition (or XmNbottomPosition) resource divided by the value of the Form's XmNfractionBase. | |||
XmNhorizontalSpacing | Specifies the offset for right and left attachments. | |||
XmNrubberPositioning | Indicates the default near (left) and top attachments for a child of the Form.
The default left attachment is applied whenever initialization or XtSetValues leaves the child without either a left or right attachment. The default top attachment is applied whenever initialization or XtSetValues leaves the child without either a top or bottom attachment. If this Boolean resource is set to False, XmNleftAttachment and XmNtopAttachment default to XmATTACH_FORM, XmNleftOffset defaults to the current x value of the left side of the child, and XmNtopOffset defaults to the current y value of the child. The effect is to position the child according to its absolute distance from the left or top side of the Form. If this resource is set to True, XmNleftAttachment and XmNtopAttachment default to XmATTACH_POSITION, XmNleftPosition defaults to a value proportional to the current x value of the left side of the child divided by the width of the Form, and XmNtopPosition defaults to a value proportional to the current y value of the child divided by the height of the Form. The effect is to position the child relative to the left or top side of the Form and in proportion to the width or height of the Form. | |||
XmNverticalSpacing | Specifies the offset for top and bottom attachments. |
Following are some important considerations in using a Form:
Every child must have an attachment on either the left or the right. If initialization or XtSetValues leaves a widget without such an attachment, the result depends upon the value of XmNrubberPositioning.
If XmNrubberPositioning is False, the child is given an XmNleftAttachment of XmATTACH_FORM and an XmNleftOffset equal to its current x value.
If XmNrubberPositioning is True, the child is given an XmNleftAttachment of XmATTACH_POSITION and an XmNleftPosition proportional to the current x value divided by the width of the Form.
In either case, if the child has not been previously given an x value, its x value is taken to be 0, which places the child at the left side of the Form.
If you want to create a child without any attachments, and then later (for example, after creating and managing it, but before realizing it) give it a right attachment using XtSetValues, you must set its XmNleftAttachment to XmATTACH_NONE at the same time.
The XmNresizable resource controls only whether a geometry request by the child will be granted. It has no effect on whether the child's size can be changed because of changes in geometry of the Form or of other children.
Every child has a preferred width, based on geometry requests it makes (whether they are granted or not).
If a child has attachments on both the left and the right sides, its width is completely controlled by the Form. It can be shrunk below its preferred width or enlarged above it, if necessary, due to other constraints. In addition, the child's geometry requests to change its own width may be refused.
If a child has attachments on only its left or right side, it will always be at its preferred width (if resizable, otherwise at is current width). This may cause it to be clipped by the Form or by other children.
If a child's left (or right) attachment is set to XmATTACH_SELF, its corresponding left (or right) offset is forced to 0. The attachment is then changed to XmATTACH_POSITION, with a position that corresponds to the x value of the child's left (or right) edge. To fix the position of a side at a specific x value, use XmATTACH_FORM or XmATTACH_OPPOSITE_FORM with the x value as the left (or right) offset.
Unmapping a child has no effect on the Form except that the child is not mapped.
Unmanaging a child unmaps it. If no other child is attached to it, or if all children attached to it and all children recursively attached to them are also all unmanaged, all of those children are treated as if they did not exist in determining the size of the Form.
When using XtSetValues to change the XmNx resource of a child, you must simultaneously set its left attachment to either XmATTACH_SELF or XmATTACH_NONE. Otherwise, the request is not granted. If XmNresizable is False, the request is granted only if the child's size can remain the same.
A left (or right) attachment of XmATTACH_WIDGET, where XmNleftWidget (or XmNrightWidget) is NULL, acts like an attachment of XmATTACH_FORM.
If an attachment is made to a widget that is not a child of the Form, but an ancestor of the widget is a child of the Form, the attachment is made to the ancestor.
All these considerations are true of top and bottom attachments as well, with top acting like left, bottom acting like right, y acting like x, and height acting like width.