Motif permits experienced application programmers to extend or override the data transfer capabilities of many Motif widgets. However, data transfer is typically the responsibility of widgets rather than applications. For this reason, complete details of UTM data transfer are found in the Motif Widget Writer's Guide. The UTM information in that book is a prerequisite for understanding this chapter. Nevertheless, we do begin this chapter with a brief overview of UTM from the application programmer's perspective. After this overview, the chapter suggests a few relatively straightforward ways in which an application might use UTM.
Motif widgets support none, some, or all of the following data transfer mechanisms:
Primary transfer
Secondary transfer
Clipboard transfer
Drag and drop
The Uniform Transfer Method (UTM) is not the fifth mechanism. Rather, UTM unifies and simplifies the way in which the four mechanisms are implemented. For example, consider an application that uses UTM to implement primary transfer. To add support for a UTM clipboard transfer, the application programmer need only write a little extra code. That is because UTM makes it easy for the different data transfer mechanisms to share code.
As of Motif Release 2.0, all widgets and applications that implement data transfer should use UTM for that implementation. As of Motif Release 2.0, the Motif toolkit implements data transfer exclusively through UTM.
Most applications will be satisfied with the supported target lists. However, some applications may want to support additional targets. In fact, this is the primary reason for using UTM.
Consider the XmDrawingArea widget. This widget does not know how to convert any targets. Therefore, the standard XmDrawingArea cannot serve as a useful source for data transfer. However, XmDrawingArea does provide a UTM infrastructure. This infrastructure allows an application programmer to use UTM to supplement the data transfer capabilities of XmDrawingArea. For example, an application could supplement XmDrawingArea such that a user could copy text from an XmText widget to an XmDrawingArea widget. Similarly, an application could supplement XmDrawingArea such that a user could copy a pixmap from one XmDrawingArea to another.
Your application can use two new callbacks, XmNconvertCallback and XmNdestinationCallback, to extend or override the data transfer capabilities of any Motif widget. In order to override the data transfer capability of a widget, an application has to provide the same data transfer code that a widget would. So, if those are your intentions, we refer you back to the Motif Widget Writer's Guide for complete details.
If, however, your intention is to extend the data transfer capabilities of a widget, then the section you are now reading should be helpful. The following suggest several ways in which an application could extend the data transfer capabilities of a widget:
Your application can extend the list of targets supported by a widget. For example, perhaps your application can support a target called _FORMATTED_TEXT, which transfers text in some kind of justified formatted.
Your application can extend the widget to support a new form of data transfer. For example, perhaps your application could extend a particular widget so that it supports Drag and Drop.
Your application can provide a customized data transfer that improves runtime performance. For example, Motif toolkit widgets typically transfer only one target at a time. If your application always needs to transfer the same group of three targets, your application could request a special multiple transfer.
Before undertaking a UTM project in your application, you should consider the following:
Data transfer code is relatively complicated to write.
By extending a widget, you may run into some consistency problems. For example, suppose your application extends the data transfer capabilities of an XmLabel widget. Since other applications probably will not extend XmLabel in the same way yours has, you run the risk of confusing users. Your application's documentation will have to explain the ways in which XmLabel widgets in your application are different from standard XmLabel widgets.
This section provides an overview of UTM from an application programmer's perspective. For complete details, see the Motif Widget Writer's Guide. This section explores the following three kinds of routines that an application might write in order to implement a UTM data transfer:
An XmNconvertCallback procedure associated with the source widget
An XmNdestinationCallback procedure associated with the destination widget
A transfer procedure associated with the XmNdestinationCallback procedure
In brief, an XmNdestinationCallback procedure requests specific targets. An XmNconvertCallback procedure converts selections to the requested targets. A transfer procedure pastes the converted selections into the destination widget.
In order to be the source of a UTM data transfer, a widget must provide a callback resource named XmNconvertCallback. The following Motif toolkit widgets hold this resource:
XmPrimitive and all its subclasses
Your application can attach an XmNconvertCallback procedure to any widget holding the XmNconvertCallback resource. UTM calls any XmNconvertCallback procedures in your application whenever the associated widget is asked to convert a selection. After calling these callbacks, UTM typically calls the widget's own internal conversion routine (the convertProc trait method of the XmQTtransfer trait)
When UTM calls your application's XmNconvertCallback procedures, UTM passes a pointer to a XmConvertCallbackStruct as the client_data argument. This callback structure is defined as follows:
typedef struct { int reason; XEvent *event; Atom selection; Atom target; XtPointer source_data; XtPointer location_data; int flags; XtPointer parm; int parm_format; unsigned long parm_length; Atom parm_type; int status; XtPointer value; Atom type; int format; unsigned long length; } XmConvertCallbackStruct; |
reason | Indicates why the callback was invoked. | |||||||||||||
event | Points to the XEvent that triggered the callback. It can be NULL. | |||||||||||||
selection | Indicates the selection for which conversion is being requested. Possible values are CLIPBOARD, PRIMARY, SECONDARY, and _MOTIF_DROP. | |||||||||||||
target | Indicates the target to convert. | |||||||||||||
source_data | Contains information about the selection source. When the selection is _MOTIF_DROP, source_data is the DragContext. Otherwise, source_data is NULL. | |||||||||||||
location_data | Contains information about the location of data to be converted. If the value is NULL, the data to be transferred consists of the widget's current selection. Otherwise, the type and interpretation of the value are specific to the widget class. | |||||||||||||
flags | Indicates the status of the conversion. Following are the possible values:
| |||||||||||||
parm | Contains parameter data for this target. If no parameter data exists, the value is NULL. When selection is CLIPBOARD and target is _MOTIF_CLIPBOARD_TARGETS or _MOTIF_DEFERRED_CLIPBOARD_TARGETS, the value is the requested operation (XmCOPY, XmMOVE, or XmLINK). | |||||||||||||
parm_format | Specifies whether the data in parm should be viewed as a list of char, short, or long quantities. Possible values are 0 (when parm is NULL), 8 (when the data in parm should be viewed as a list of chars), 16 (when the data in parm should be viewed as a list of shorts), or 32 (when the data in parm should be viewed as a list of longs). Note that parm_format symbolizes a data type, not the number of bits in each list element. For example, on some machines, a parm_format of 32 means that the data in parm should be viewed as a list of 64-bit quantities, not 32-bit quantities. | |||||||||||||
parm_length | Specifies the number of elements of data in parm, where each element has the size specified by parm_format. When parm is NULL, the value is 0. | |||||||||||||
parm_type | Specifies the parameter type of parm. | |||||||||||||
status | An IN/OUT member that specifies the status of the conversion. The initial value is XmCONVERT_DEFAULT. The callback procedure can set this member to one of the following values:
| |||||||||||||
value | An IN/OUT parameter that contains any data that the callback procedure produces as a result of the conversion. The initial value is NULL. If the callback procedure sets this member, it must ensure that the type, format, and length members correspond to the data in value. The callback procedure is responsible for allocating memory when it sets this member. The toolkit frees this memory when it is no longer needed. | |||||||||||||
type | An IN/OUT parameter that indicates the type of the data in the value member. The initial value is INTEGER. | |||||||||||||
format | An IN/OUT parameter that specifies whether the data in value should be viewed as a list of char, short, or long quantities. The initial value is 8. The callback procedure can set this member to 8 (for a list of char), 16 (for a list of short), or 32 (for a list of long). | |||||||||||||
length | An IN/OUT member that specifies the number of elements of data in value, where each element has the size symbolized by format. The initial value is 0. |
If your application does not define any XmNconvertCallback procedures, UTM automatically calls the widget's convertProc trait method. If your application does define at least one XmNconvertCallback procedures, UTM conditionally calls the widget's convertProc trait method. Here are the conditions:
If your XmNconvertCallback procedures are taking full responsibility for converting the selection to a particular target, then UTM will not call the widget's convertProc trait method. An XmNconvertCallback procedure notes that it is taking full responsibility by setting the status member of the XmConvertCallbackStruct to XmCONVERT_DONE or XmCONVERT_REFUSE.
If your XmNconvertCallback procedures are not taking full responsibility for converting the selection to a particular target, then UTM will call the widget's convertProc trait method. An XmNconvertCallback procedure notes that it is not taking full responsibility by setting the status member of the XmConvertCallbackStruct to XmCONVERT_DEFAULT or XmCONVERT_MERGE.
If UTM does call your widget's convertProc trait method, UTM passes it the same XmConvertCallbackStruct used by the application's XmNconvertCallback procedures. Thus, the XmConvertCallbackStruct provides a convenient conduit for the XmNconvertCallback procedures to communicate with the widget's convertProc trait method.
In order to be the destination for a UTM data transfer, a widget must provide a callback resource named XmNdestinationCallback. Appendix B lists the widgets in the standard Motif toolkit that hold this callback resource.
Your application can attach an XmNdestinationCallback procedure to any widget holding the XmNdestinationCallback resource. UTM calls any XmNdestinationCallback procedures in your application whenever the associated widget is the destination of a data transfer. After calling these callbacks, UTM typically calls the destination widget's own internal destination routine (the destinationProc trait method of the XmQTtransfer trait).
When UTM calls your application's XmNdestinationCallback procedures, UTM passes a pointer to a XmDestinationCallbackStruct as the client_data argument. This callback structure is defined as follows:
typedef struct { int reason; XEvent *event; Atom selection; XtEnum operation; int flags; XtPointer transfer_id; XtPointer destination_data; XtPointer location_data; Time time; } XmDestinationCallbackStruct; |
reason | Indicates why the callback was invoked. | |||||||
event | Points to the XEvent that triggered the callback. It can be NULL. | |||||||
selection | Indicates the selection for which data transfer is being requested. Possible values are PRIMARY, SECONDARY, CLIPBOARD, and _MOTIF_DROP. | |||||||
operation | Indicates the type of transfer operation requested.
| |||||||
flags | Indicates whether or not the destination widget is also the source of the data to be transferred. Following are the possible values:
| |||||||
transfer_id | Serves as a unique ID to identify the transfer transaction. | |||||||
destination_data | Contains information about the destination. When the selection is _MOTIF_DROP, the callback procedures are called by the drop site's XmNdropProc, and destination_data is a pointer to the XmDropProcCallbackStruct passed to the XmNdropProc procedure. When the selection is SECONDARY, destination_data is an Atom representing a target recommended by the selection owner for use in converting the selection. Otherwise, destination_data is NULL. | |||||||
location_data | Contains information about the location where data is to be transferred. The interpretation of this value varies considerably from widget to widget. Once XmTransferDone procedures start to be called, location_data will no longer be stable. | |||||||
time | Indicates the time when the transfer operation began. |
The fields in an XmConvertCallbackStruct are far more dynamic than the fields in an XmDestinationCallbackStruct. In other words, an XmNconvertCallback procedure typically modifies many of the fields of its XmConvertCallbackStruct; however, an XmNdestinationCallback procedure typically leaves all the fields of its XmDestinationCallbackStruct untouched.
A typical XmNdestinationCallback procedure requests a list of targets supported by the source widget. To make this request, the procedure calls XmTransferValue. For example, here is a typical XmNdestinationCallback procedure:
void DestinationCallback(w, ignore, cs) Widget w; XtPointer ignore; XmDestinationCallbackStruct *cs; { Atom TARGETS = XInternAtom(XtDisplay(w), "TARGETS", False); /* Request TARGETS that the source widget can convert. */ XmTransferValue(cs -> transfer_id, TARGETS, (XtCallbackProc) TransferProcedure, NULL, XtLastTimestampProcessed() ); } |
The transfer procedure is a companion routine to the XmNdestinationCallback procedure. Typically,
The XmNdestinationCallback procedure calls XmTransferValue to ask for a list of targets supported by the source.
When the source completes the conversion, UTM returns control to the transfer procedure.
The transfer procedure examines the returned list of targets. If the list contains a desired target, the transfer procedure requests it by calling XmTransferValue.
Steps 2 and 3 may repeat several times.
Unlike the XmNconvertCallback and XmNdestinationCallback routines, the transfer procedure is not identified by a resource. Rather, the transfer procedure is identified by the third argument in a call to XmTransferValue.
When UTM calls your application's transfer procedure, UTM passes a pointer to an XmSelectionCallbackStruct as the client_data argument. This callback structure is defined as follows:
typedef struct { int reason; XEvent *event; Atom selection; Atom target; Atom type; XtPointer transfer_id; int flags; int remaining; XtPointer value; unsigned long length; int format; } XmSelectionCallbackStruct; |
reason | Indicates why the callback was invoked. | |
event | Points to the XEvent that triggered the callback. It can be NULL. | |
selection | Specifies the selection that has been converted. | |
target | Specifies the target to which XmTransferValue requested conversion. The value is the same as the value of the target argument to XmTransferValue. | |
type | Specifies the type of the selection value. This is not the target, but the type used to represent the target. The value XT_CONVERT_FAIL means that the selection owner did not respond to the conversion request within the Intrinsics selection timeout interval. | |
transfer_id | Specifies a unique indentifier for the data transfer operation. The value is the same as the value of the transfer_id argument to XmTransferValue. | |
flags | This member is currently unused. The value is always XmSELECTION_DEFAULT. | |
remaining | Indicates the number of transfers remaining for the operation specified by transfer_id. | |
value | Represents the data transferred by this request. The application is responsible for freeing the value by calling XtFree. | |
length | Indicates the number of elements of data in value, where each element has the size symbolized by format. If value is NULL, length is 0. | |
format | Indicates whether the data in value should be viewed as a list of char, short, or long quantities. Possible values are 8 (for a list of char), 16 (for a list of short), or 32 (for a list of long). |
This section illustrates how an application can use UTM to supplement the list of targets that an XmText widget can convert.
Here is the scenario. The application instantiates two XmText widgets. We will refer to one of these widgets as TextSource and the other as TextDestination. TextDestination has a rather unusual requirement; namely, it expects that any text transferred to it must not contain any lowercase letters. In other words, the source of a data transfer is responsible for converting any lowercase letters to uppercase before transferring the data.
The standard XmText widget does not provide any targets that can do this conversion. Therefore, the application must temporarily extend XmText to handle a new target named MYTEXT. The application must do the following:
The application must associate an XmNconvertCallback procedure with TextSource. This procedure must be able to convert the MYTEXT target.
The application must associate an XmNdestinationCallback procedure and a transfer procedure with TextDestination. These procedures are responsible for requesting that the selection be converted to MYTEXT and for pasting the transferred data into TextDestination.
The application will support three different forms of data transfer: primary, clipboard, and drag and drop.
The following subsections explains how the application accomplishes its goals.
The application must associate an XmNconvertCallback procedure with widget TextSource. The following code does just that:
XtAddCallback(TextSource, XmNconvertCallback, ConvertCallback, NULL); |
The application must provide an XmNconvertCallback procedure named ConvertCallback. This procedure must handle the following requests:
The destination could request the list of targets that the source can convert.
The destination could request that the selection be converted to MYTEXT.
Following are the relevant parts of the ConvertCallback routine:
void ConvertCallback(Widget w, XtPointer ignore, XtPointer call_data) { XmConvertCallbackStruct *ccs = (XmConvertCallbackStruct *)call_data; char *selected_text; char *copy_of_selected_text; Atom TARGETS = XInternAtom(XtDisplay(w), "TARGETS", False); Atom _MOTIF_CLIPBOARD_TARGETS = XInternAtom(XtDisplay(w), "_MOTIF_CLIPBOARD_TARGETS", False); Atom MYTEXT = XInternAtom(XtDisplay(w), "MYTEXT", False); int n=0; Atom *targs = (Atom *)XtMalloc(sizeof(Atom) * 2); if ((ccs->target == TARGETS) || (ccs->target == _MOTIF_CLIPBOARD_TARGETS)) { /* Use targs to hold a list of targets that my application can convert. This list will be merged with the targets that the XmText widget can convert. */ targs[n] = MYTEXT; n++; ccs->value = (XtPointer) targs; ccs->type = XA_ATOM; ccs->format = 32; ccs->length = n; ccs->status = XmCONVERT_MERGE; } else if (ccs->target == MYTEXT) { /* Get the selection. */ selected_text = XmTextGetSelection(w); copy_of_selected_text = selected_text; /* Convert any lowercase letters in the selection to uppercase. */ while (*selected_text++) { if (islower(*selected_text)) *selected_text = toupper(*selected_text); } /* Place the converted text into the XmConvertCallbackStruct. */ ccs->value = copy_of_selected_text; ccs->type = ccs->target; ccs->format = 8; ccs->length = strlen(copy_of_selected_text); ccs->status = XmCONVERT_DONE; } } |
Notice how ConvertCallback sets the value of the status member of the XmConvertCallbackStruct. For example, when the destination requests TARGETS or _MOTIF_CLIPBOARD_TARGETS, ConvertCallback sets status to XmCONVERT_MERGE. This status tells UTM to call the convertProc trait method of XmText. This trait method will add MYTEXT to the list of supported targets. As another example, consider that ConvertCallback is taking full responsibility to convert the selection to MYTEXT. For this case, ConvertCallback sets status to XmCONVERT_DONE. This status tells UTM not to bother calling the convertProc trait method of XmText. Finally, consider what happens when ConvertCallback is asked to convert a target other than TARGETS, _MOTIF_CLIPBOARD_TARGETS, or MYTEXT. In this case, the status member will retain its default value of XmCONVERT_DEFAULT. This status tells UTM to call the convertProc trait method of XmText, and that the trait method will be reponsible for converting the target.
The application must associate an XmNdestinationCallback procedure with widget TextDestination. The following code does just that:
XtAddCallback(TextDestination, XmNdestinationCallback, DestinationCallback, NULL); |
The application must provide an XmNdestinationCallback procedure named DestinationCallback. We have implemented this procedure in a very basic fashion. This procedure merely requests a list of the targets that the source widget supports:
void DestinationCallback(Widget w, XtPointer ignore, XtPointer call_data) { XmDestinationCallbackStruct *dcs = (XmDestinationCallbackStruct *)call_data; Atom TARGETS = XInternAtom(XtDisplay(w), "TARGETS", False); /* Ask the source to return a list of all the targets supported. */ XmTransferValue(dcs->transfer_id, TARGETS, (XtCallbackProc)TransferProc, NULL, XtLastTimestampProcessed() ); } |
When the source returns the list of TARGETS, UTM calls the application's transfer procedure. The transfer procedure, TransferProc in this case, is named by the third argument to XmTransferValue.
Here is the algorithm for the transfer procedure. The transfer procedure must examine the returned list of targets to see if the list contains MYTEXT. If it does, ask the source to convert the selection to MYTEXT. When the source completes the conversion, the transfer procedure must paste the converted text into the TextDestination widget.
Following is the code for TransferProc:
void TransferProc(Widget w, XtPointer ignore, XtPointer call_data) { XmSelectionCallbackStruct *scs = (XmSelectionCallbackStruct *) call_data; Atom TARGETS = XInternAtom(XtDisplay(w), "TARGETS", False); Atom MYTEXT = XInternAtom(XtDisplay(w), "MYTEXT", False); Atom *targets = (Atom *)scs->value; int MYTEXT_is_supported = 0; unsigned long n; if ((scs->target == TARGETS) && (scs->type == XA_ATOM)) { for (n=0; n<=scs->length; n++) { /* Look through list of returned TARGETS to see if MYTEXT is there. */ if (targets[n] == MYTEXT) MYTEXT_is_supported = 1; } if (MYTEXT_is_supported) /* Now ask the source widget to convert the selection to MYTEXT. */ XmTransferValue(scs->transfer_id, MYTEXT, (XtCallbackProc)TransferProc, NULL, XtLastTimestampProcessed() ); } if ((scs->target == MYTEXT)) { XmTextPosition current_insertion_position; /* Source widget has converted MYTEXT, paste it into the destination widget. */ current_insertion_position = XmTextGetInsertionPosition(w); XmTextInsert(w, current_insertion_position, (char *)scs->value); XmTransferDone(scs->transfer_id, XmTRANSFER_DONE_SUCCEED); } } |
Notice how TransferProc calls XmTransferDone. This call marks the end of the transfer. Therefore, UTM will not call the destinationProc trait method inside the TextDestination widget.
If the source does not know how to convert MYTEXT, UTM will call the destinationProc trait method inside the TextDestination widget.