XmeDrawHighlight — Draws a Motif-style highlight around a given widget to show that it has been selected
#include <Xm/DrawP.h>
void XmeDrawHighlight
(display, drawable, gc, x, y, width, height, highlight_thickness);XmeDrawHighlight draws a highlight rectangle immediately inside the boundaries of the specified drawable (which is typically a widget window). The highlight rectangle around a widget symbolizes that the widget has the keyboard focus.
display | Specifies the display on which d is rendered. | |
drawable | Specifies the drawable on which the border highlight is to be rendered. (Typically, this is a widget window.) | |
gc | Specifies the graphics context for the border highlight. | |
x | Specifies the x-coordinate in pixels of the leftmost point of the highlight box. Typically, the value of x will be 0. | |
y | Specifies the y-coordinate in pixels of the top point of the highlight box. Typically, the value of y will be 0. | |
width | Specifies the width in pixels of the highlight box. Typically, width will be the width of the widget. | |
height | Specifies the height in pixels of the highlight box. Typically, height will be the height of the widget. | |
highlight_thickness | Specifies the thickness in pixels of the highlight box. |