XmeDrawIndicator — Draws a Motif-style indicator (either a check mark or a cross) at the specified location in the drawable
#include <Xm/DrawP.h>
void XmeDrawIndicator
(display, drawable, gc, x, y, width, height, margin, indicator_type);XmeDrawIndicator draws an indicator inside the specified drawable. The indicator_type argument determines whether the indicator will be a check mark or a cross. The arguments x, y, width, and height define a bounding box; the indicator is rendered inside this bounding box. The margin argument determines the offset of the indicator from the sides of the bounding box.
display | Specifies the display. | |||||||
drawable | Specifies the drawable on which the indicator is to be drawn. Typically, the drawable will be a widget window. | |||||||
gc | Specifies the graphics context used to render the indicator. | |||||||
x | Specifies the x-coordinate, in pixels, of the leftmost point of the bounding box. | |||||||
y | Specifies the y-coordinate, in pixels, of the top point of the bounding box. | |||||||
width | Specifies the width, in pixels, of the bounding box. | |||||||
height | Specifies the height, in pixels, of the bounding box. | |||||||
margin | Specifies the size of the blank space between the sides of the bounding box and the indicator. For example, a margin of 0 would tell XmeDrawIndicator to draw the indicator so that its sides touched the sides of the bounding box. | |||||||
indicator_type | Specifies the kind of indicator to render. You must specify one of the following: