Chapter 6, "Menus and Options" and Chapter 7, "Dialogs" discuss the OSF/Motif Manager widgets used to construct menus and dialogs. Motif also provides more general-purpose managers intended for use in main application windows and some dialogs. This chapter discusses widgets that perform the following functions:
Establishing a viewport for a larger underlying scroll
Providing a main application window with a combination of standard and custom components
Placing a shadowed frame around a widget and an optional title at the top
Creating multiple subwindows for a composite with adjustable boundaries between the subwindows
Frequently a collection occupies an area that is too large to display within an application or that may grow or shrink as the user adds or deletes data. Examples include text in a Text widget, items in a List, and graphical objects in a DrawingArea or other canvas. Three approaches exist for handling this problem:
Set a fixed size for the widget. The disadvantage of this approach is that when the collection grows beyond the bounds of the widget, part of the collection is not visible.
Allow the widget to make geometry requests to expand or contract, perhaps up to some maximum or down to some minimum size. The disadvantages of this approach are that it may disrupt the application's visual layout and that the widget is able to grow only within limits, perhaps not at all.
Treat the collection as a virtual scroll, with the widget acting as a (more or less) fixed-size viewport onto the scroll. The user can move the viewport to expose obscured portions of the scroll.
The ScrolledWindow widget implements the last approach. It is a Manager with one or two ScrollBar children, a child widget that acts as the virtual scroll, and in some cases another child that acts as a viewport onto the scroll. By using the ScrollBars or keyboard scrolling commands, the user moves the viewport to expose part of the scroll.
ScrolledWindow implements two scrolling models: automatic and application defined.
In automatic scrolling, the application creates a widget to serve as the virtual scroll, and the ScrolledWindow creates the ScrollBars and a widget to serve as a fixed-size viewport onto the scroll. The application adjusts the size of the scroll widget as necessary to contain the entire collection. The ScrolledWindow adjusts the appropriate ScrollBar resources so that the size and position of the slider reflect the position of the viewport in relation to the scroll and the proportion of the scroll's entire size that the viewport represents. The ScrolledWindow also handles the user's interaction with the ScrollBars, moving the viewport in relation to the scroll as the user manipulates the ScrollBars. Usually the application need have no interaction with the ScrollBars or the widget that serves as the viewport.
In application-defined scrolling, the application must create the ScrollBars as well as the widget that acts as the virtual scroll and, if necessary, a separate viewport widget. The application must determine how large to make the viewport widget and what portion of the data to display in the viewport. The application handles all interaction with the ScrollBars. It must adjust the appropriate ScrollBar resources if it wants the size and position of the slider to reflect the relation of the viewport to the underlying scroll. It must also move the viewport in relation to the scroll as the user interacts with the ScrollBars.
The ScrolledWindow resource XmNscrollingPolicy determines the scrolling model. Possible values for this resource are XmAUTOMATIC and XmAPPLICATION_DEFINED. The default value is XmAPPLICATION_DEFINED.
In addition to XmNscrollingPolicy, ScrolledWindow has two sets of resources.
One set of resources holds the components of the ScrolledWindow. An application usually does not have to set any of these resources; the ScrolledWindow examines the class and other characteristics of each child as it is created and sets the appropriate resource. If the application needs to supply a new ScrollBar or scroll widget after creating the initial component, it can use either XtSetValues or XmScrolledWindowSetAreas.
Following are the resources that hold components of the ScrolledWindow:
The second set of resources specifies the layout of the ScrolledWindow:
In the automatic scrolling model, the ScrolledWindow creates a fixed-size viewport and handles all interaction with the ScrollBars. The application usually needs to take only the following steps:
Create and manage a ScrolledWindow, supplying a value of XmAUTOMATIC for XmNscrollingPolicy in the argument list passed to the creation function
Create and manage a widget child of the ScrolledWindow to serve as the scroll
Adjust the size of the scroll widget, typically using XtSetValues of XmNheight and XmNwidth, as necessary to contain all the data in the scroll
The ScrolledWindow automatically creates a widget to serve as the viewport and sets XmNclipWindow to the ID of this widget. It also creates horizontal and vertical ScrollBars and sets XmNhorizontalScrollBar and XmNverticalScrollBar to the appropriate IDs of the ScrollBars. The ScrolledWindow attaches callback procedures to the ScrollBars to handle user interaction with the ScrollBars.
The ScrolledWindow sets the ScrollBar resource XmNincrement to a small fraction of the height or width of the viewport. It sets the ScrollBar resource XmNpageIncrement to a large fraction of the height or width of the viewport. If the ScrolledWindow resizes the viewport, it recomputes the values of these resources.
The ScrolledWindow sets the ScrollBar resources XmNmaximum, XmNminimum, and XmNsliderSize so that the size of the slider reflects the proportion of the entire scroll that the viewport represents. If the application resizes the scroll or if the ScrolledWindow resizes the viewport, the ScrolledWindow recomputes the values of some or all of these resources.
If the value of XmNscrollBarDisplayPolicy is XmAS_NEEDED, as it is by default in automatic scrolling, the ScrolledWindow displays a ScrollBar only if the size of the scroll exceeds the size of the viewport in the relevant dimension. If the value of XmNscrollBarDisplayPolicy is XmSTATIC, the ScrolledWindow always displays both ScrollBars.
As the user manipulates a ScrollBar and changes its XmNvalue, the ScrolledWindow moves the scroll with respect to the viewport. For example, if the user moves the slider down in a vertical ScrollBar, the ScrolledWindow moves the scroll up with respect to the viewport.
The ScrolledWindow may need to move the scroll (and set a ScrollBar's XmNvalue) in circumstances other than the user's interaction with the ScrollBar. For example, if the viewport is at the bottom of the scroll and the application reduces the height of the scroll, the ScrolledWindow must move the scroll down with respect to the viewport. In this case, it reduces the ScrollBar's XmNmaximum and XmNvalue.
In automatic scrolling, the application should not try to set any of the following resources:
The application can add callbacks of its own to a ScrollBar, but because the ScrolledWindow adds its own callbacks, the application must not call XtRemoveAllCallbacks for a ScrollBar.
The application or user can specify other resources, such as those that determine appearance, for the ScrolledWindow or its children. The names of the automatically created ScrollBars are "HorScrollBar" and "VertScrollBar".
By default, it is not possible to use keyboard traversal to move to a widget that is inside the scroll but outside the viewport. For example, if the user presses KNextField and the next field is not within the viewport, focus does not move to that field. The user must first use the ScrollBars or a scrolling command to position the viewport so that the target widget is no longer obscured.
ScrolledWindow has a callback list, XmNtraverseObscuredCallback, that allows an application to make it possible to traverse to widgets that are in the scroll but not in the viewport. The callback list is invoked when the user tries to traverse to such a widget in a ScrolledWindow with automatic scrolling. The callback procedure is passed a pointer to an XmTraverseObscuredCallbackStruct structure, which contains the reason (XmCR_OBSCURED_TRAVERSAL), the event, the widget that is the target of the traversal, and the traversal direction passed to XmProcessTraversal.
Usually the callback procedure can allow traversal to the target widget simply by calling XmScrollVisible. This function takes as arguments the ScrolledWindow, the target widget, and requested margins between the target widget and the edges of the viewport. The function moves the work area with respect to the viewport to make the obscured widget visible. This function applies only to ScrolledWidgets with automatic scrolling.
When ScrolledWindows are nested and focus is in an inner ScrolledWindow, the XmNtraverseObscuredCallback callbacks of the inner ScrolledWindow are invoked first if necessary. If the destination widget remains outside the viewport of the first ancestor ScrolledWindow, that ScrolledWindow's XmNtraverseObscuredCallback callbacks are invoked, and so on up the widget hierarchy.
This section contains the scrolling-related portions of an example program that uses a ScrolledWindow with an automatic scrolling policy. The ScrolledWindow is actually a MainWindow, a subclass of ScrolledWindow that is often the containing manager for the primary window of an application. (MainWindow is discussed in Section 9.4, "MainWindow." ) The scroll widget is a DrawingArea.
The application allows the user to create a simple map in the DrawingArea. The user can use the mouse to establish points representing cities and to draw lines between the cities. The application contains a TextField that allows the user to enter the name of a city and then to create a button child of the DrawingArea located at the city and containing the city's name as its label. The user can adjust the size of the DrawingArea by manipulating two Scales, one for the height of the DrawingArea and the other for the width. Other parts of the application save and retrieve the map data.
This section contains only the portions of the application that relate directly to creating and maintaining the ScrolledWindow. These include:
Resizing the DrawingArea in response to the user's interaction with the Scales
Establishing an XmNtraverseObscuredCallback procedure
/*------------------------------------------------------------- ** Create a Main Window with a menubar, a command panel ** containing 2 scales and a textfied, and a workarea. ** Also put in the graphic structure the workarea info and the ** textfield ids. */ void CreateApplication ( Widget parent, Graphic * graph ) { Widget main_window, menu_bar, menu_pane, cascade, button, comw, scale ; Arg args[5]; int n ; /* Create automatic MainWindow. */ n = 0; XtSetArg (args[n], XmNscrollingPolicy, XmAUTOMATIC); n++; main_window = XmCreateMainWindow (parent, "main_window", args, n); XtAddCallback (main_window, XmNtraverseObscuredCallback, TravCB, NULL); XtManageChild (main_window); ... /* Create work_area in MainWindow */ n = 0; XtSetArg (args[n], XmNresizePolicy, XmRESIZE_NONE); n++ ; XtSetArg (args[n], XmNmarginWidth, 0); n++ ; XtSetArg (args[n], XmNmarginHeight, 0); n++ ; graph->work_area = XmCreateDrawingArea(main_window, "work_area", args, n); XtAddCallback (graph->work_area, XmNexposeCallback, DrawCB, (XtPointer)graph); XtAddCallback (graph->work_area, XmNresizeCallback, DrawCB, (XtPointer)graph); XtAddCallback (graph->work_area, XmNinputCallback, DrawCB, (XtPointer)graph); XtManageChild (graph->work_area); /* Create a commandWindow in MainWindow with text and scales */ n = 0; comw = XmCreateRowColumn(main_window, "comw", args, n); XtManageChild (comw); n = 0; XtSetArg (args[n], XmNcommandWindow, comw); n++; XtSetValues (main_window, args, n); /* find initial size of the work_area and report to the scales */ n = 0; XtSetArg (args[n], XmNwidth, &graph->old_width); n++; XtSetArg (args[n], XmNheight, &graph->old_height); n++; XtGetValues (graph->work_area, args, n); n = 0; XtSetArg (args[n], XmNorientation, XmHORIZONTAL); n++; XtSetArg (args[n], XmNvalue, graph->old_width); n++; /* scale_w is the name */ scale = XmCreateScale(comw, "scale_w", args, n); XtAddCallback (scale, XmNvalueChangedCallback, ValueCB, (XtPointer)graph->work_area); XtManageChild (scale); n = 0; XtSetArg (args[n], XmNorientation, XmHORIZONTAL); n++; XtSetArg (args[n], XmNvalue, graph->old_height); n++; scale = XmCreateScale(comw, "scale_h", args, n); XtAddCallback (scale, XmNvalueChangedCallback, ValueCB, (XtPointer)graph->work_area); XtManageChild (scale); n = 0; graph->textf = XmCreateTextField(comw, "textf", args, n); XtManageChild (graph->textf); /* Set MainWindow areas */ XmMainWindowSetAreas (main_window, menu_bar, comw, NULL, NULL, graph->work_area); } /*------------------------------------------------------------- ** TravCB - callback for traverseObscure */ void TravCB ( Widget w, /* widget id */ XtPointer client_data, /* data from application */ XtPointer call_data ) /* data from widget class */ { XmTraverseObscuredCallbackStruct * tocs = (XmTraverseObscuredCallbackStruct *) call_data ; XmScrollVisible(w, tocs->traversal_destination, 20, 20) ; } /*------------------------------------------------------------- ** ValueCB - callback for scales */ void ValueCB ( Widget w, /* widget id */ XtPointer client_data, /* data from application */ XtPointer call_data ) /* data from widget class */ { Arg args[5]; int n ; int value ; Widget workarea = (Widget) client_data ; /* get the value outof the Scale */ n = 0; XtSetArg (args[n], XmNvalue, &value); n++; XtGetValues (w, args, n); n = 0; if (strcmp(XtName(w), "scale_w") == 0 ) { /* width scale */ XtSetArg (args[n], XmNwidth, value); n++; } else { XtSetArg (args[n], XmNheight, value); n++; } XtSetValues (workarea, args, n); } |
In application-defined scrolling, the application is responsible for all aspects of the interactions among the scroll, the viewport, and the ScrollBars. The ScrolledWindow remains responsible for geometry and layout, but the application must adjust both the ScrollBars and the scroll position in response to the user's scrolling actions.
Because this model requires more work on the part of the application, it is most suitable for programs in which automatic scrolling is not adequate. For example, an application may contain a text editor or browser that reads only enough of a file to fill the viewport. This application must be informed of the user's scrolling actions so that it can read more of the file when necessary.
The application implements a scheme of its choosing for the relationship between the scroll and the viewport. Following are two common models:
A fixed-size viewport widget as the parent of a variable-sized scroll widget that contains the data. The application resizes the scroll widget as necessary to contain all the data. As the user interacts with the ScrollBar, the application moves the scroll widget with respect to the viewport, which clips the scroll. This is the model that ScrolledWindow uses for automatic scrolling.
A single widget that serves as the viewport, with the scroll contained in internal data structures or a combination of data structures and files. The application expands the internal structures as necessary to contain all the data. As the user interacts with the ScrollBar, the application retrieves the appropriate portion of the data from the internal structures or files and displays that portion of the data in the viewport. This is the model that the Motif ScrolledList and ScrolledText widgets use.
In both models, the application must be notified when the viewport is resized. It may need to adjust the scroll with respect to the viewport, and it must recompute ScrollBar resources to reflect the new relation between the viewport and the scroll. If the viewport is a DrawingArea the application can use the XmNresizeCallback callbacks for this purpose. Otherwise, the application can establish an event handler for ConfigureNotify events.
The application needs to take the following steps to use application-defined scrolling:
Create and manage a ScrolledWindow, horizontal and vertical ScrollBar children, and a child to serve as the viewport.
If the application is using a separate widget as the scroll, create and manage that widget as a child of the viewport widget.
Add callbacks to the ScrollBars to notify the application when the user interacts with the ScrollBars. The application should at least provide a procedure for the XmNvalueChangedCallback list.
Add a callback (such as the DrawingArea XmNresizeCallback) or an event handler to the viewport widget to notify the application when the widget is resized.
Based on the initial relationship between the viewport and the scroll, supply initial values for the ScrollBars' XmNincrement, XmNpageIncrement, XmNmaximum, XmNminimum, XmNvalue, and XmNsliderSize resources.
Adjust the size of the scroll widget or internal data structures as necessary to contain the data in the scroll.
As the data in the scroll changes, recompute the ScrollBars' XmNmaximum and XmNsliderSize and perhaps XmNminimum and XmNvalue to reflect the new relation between the viewport and the scroll.
When the viewport is resized, reposition and resize the scroll with respect to the viewport if necessary. Recompute the ScrollBars' XmNsliderSize and XmNpageIncrement and possibly other resources to reflect the new relationship between the viewport and the scroll.
As the user interacts with the ScrollBars, if a separate scroll widget exists, reposition the scroll with respect to the viewport. If no separate scroll widget exists, bring in additional data from files if necessary, recompute which portion of the data to make visible, and redisplay the viewport. If the size of the scroll has changed, recompute the ScrollBar resources to reflect the new relationship between the viewport and the scroll.
This section contains the scrolling-related portions of an example program that uses a ScrolledWindow with an application-defined scrolling policy. As in the example of automatic scrolling, the ScrolledWindow is a MainWindow, and the scroll widget is a DrawingArea. In this example, the scroll widget also serves as the viewport widget, and the scroll data is maintained in internal data structures.
The application is a simple file browser for C source code. The user selects a filename. The program reads the file and parses it (in the C locale) into an internal table of lines. The application displays in the DrawingArea as many lines as will fit into the current dimensions of the DrawingArea.
The application uses only a vertical ScrollBar, which allows the user to browse through the file. After reading the file, the program sets the ScrollBar's XmNminimum and XmNvalue to 0, its XmNmaximum to the number of lines in the file, and its XmNsliderSize to the lesser of the number of lines in the file and the number of lines that can be displayed in the viewport.
The program establishes a ScrollBar XmNvalueChangedCallback and a DrawingArea XmNexposeCallback that redisplay the lines in the viewport. The redisplay procedure fetches and displays lines from the internal data structure, starting with the line indicated by the ScrollBar's XmNvalue and proceeding to the last line that fits in the viewport. The program also establishes a DrawingArea XmNresizeCallback that recomputes the ScrollBar's XmNsliderSize and XmNvalue based on the number of lines that can be displayed in the viewport. The application does not resize the DrawingArea itself.
This section contains only the portions of the application that relate directly to creating and maintaining the ScrolledWindow. These include:
Creating the MainWindow with an application-defined scrolling policy
Creating the DrawingArea and vertical ScrollBar children of the ScrolledWindow
Establishing an XmNactivateCallback callback for the OK button of the FileSelectionBox invoked from the file menu Open button
Establishing a DrawingArea XmNexposeCallback callback and an XmNresizeCallback callback
/*------------------------------------------------------------ ** Internal data structure to hold file info. */ typedef struct { Widget work_area ; Widget v_scrb ; String file_name ; XFontStruct * font_struct ; GC draw_gc ; char ** lines ; int num_lines ; } FileData ; /*------------------------------------------------------------ ** Create a MainWindow with a MenuBar to load a file. ** Add the vertical scrollbar and the workarea to filedata. */ void CreateApplication ( Widget parent, FileData * filedata ) { Widget main_window, menu_bar, menu_pane, cascade, button ; Arg args[5]; int n ; /* Create app_defined MainWindow. * XmAPPLICATION_DEFINED is the default; not necessary * to specify it here. */ n = 0; XtSetArg (args[n], XmNscrollingPolicy, XmAPPLICATION_DEFINED); n++; main_window = XmCreateMainWindow (parent, "main_window", args, n); XtManageChild (main_window); /* Create MenuBar in MainWindow. */ ... /* Create "File" PulldownMenu with Open and Quit buttons */ n = 0; menu_pane = XmCreatePulldownMenu (menu_bar, "menu_pane", args, n); n = 0; button = XmCreatePushButton (menu_pane, "Open...", args, n); XtManageChild (button); /* pass the file data to the Open callback */ XtAddCallback (button, XmNactivateCallback, OpenCB, (XtPointer)filedata); n = 0; button = XmCreatePushButton (menu_pane, "Quit", args, n); XtManageChild (button); XtAddCallback (button, XmNactivateCallback, QuitCB, NULL); n = 0; XtSetArg (args[n], XmNsubMenuId, menu_pane); n++; cascade = XmCreateCascadeButton (menu_bar, "File", args, n); XtManageChild (cascade); /* Create "Help" PulldownMenu with Help button. */ /* Create vertical scrollbar only */ n = 0; XtSetArg (args[n], XmNorientation, XmVERTICAL); n++; filedata->v_scrb = XmCreateScrollBar (main_window, "v_scrb", args, n); XtAddCallback (filedata->v_scrb, XmNvalueChangedCallback, ValueCB, (XtPointer)filedata); XtManageChild (filedata->v_scrb); /* Create work_area in MainWindow */ n = 0; filedata->work_area = XmCreateDrawingArea(main_window, "work_area", args, n); XtAddCallback (filedata->work_area, XmNexposeCallback, DrawCB, (XtPointer)filedata); XtAddCallback (filedata->work_area, XmNresizeCallback, DrawCB, (XtPointer)filedata); XtManageChild (filedata->work_area); /* Set MainWindow areas */ XmMainWindowSetAreas (main_window, menu_bar, NULL, NULL, filedata->v_scrb, filedata->work_area); } /*------------------------------------------------------------- ** OpenCB - callback for Open button */ void OpenCB ( Widget w, /* widget id */ XtPointer client_data, /* data from application */ XtPointer call_data ) /* data from widget class */ { static Widget fsb_box = NULL ; if (!fsb_box) { fsb_box = XmCreateFileSelectionDialog (w, "Load file", NULL, 0); /* just propagate the file information */ XtAddCallback (fsb_box, XmNokCallback, ReadCB, client_data); } XtManageChild (fsb_box); } /*------------------------------------------------------------- ** ReadCB - callback for fsb activate */ void ReadCB ( Widget w, /* widget id */ XtPointer client_data, /* data from application */ XtPointer call_data ) /* data from widget class */ { FileData * filedata = (FileData *) client_data ; String file_name ; Arg args[5]; int n, slider_size ; Dimension height ; file_name = XmTextGetString( XmFileSelectionBoxGetChild(w, XmDIALOG_TEXT)); if (!BuildLineTable(filedata, file_name)) { WarnUser (w, "Cannot open %s, file_name); } else { filedata->file_name = file_name ; /* ok, we have a new file, so reset some values */ n = 0; XtSetArg (args[n], XmNheight, &height); n++; XtGetValues (filedata->work_area, args, n); slider_size = (height - 4) / (filedata->font_struct->ascent + filedata->font_struct->descent); if (slider_size <= 0) slider_size = 1 ; if (slider_size > filedata->num_lines) slider_size = filedata->num_lines ; n = 0 ; XtSetArg (args[n], XmNsliderSize, slider_size); n++; XtSetArg (args[n], XmNmaximum, filedata->num_lines); n++; XtSetArg (args[n], XmNvalue, 0); n++; XtSetValues (filedata->v_scrb, args, n); /* clear and redraw */ XClearWindow(XtDisplay(filedata->work_area), XtWindow(filedata->work_area)); ReDraw (filedata); } } /*------------------------------------------------------------- ** ValueCB - callback for scrollbar */ void ValueCB ( Widget w, /* widget id */ XtPointer client_data, /* data from application */ XtPointer call_data ) /* data from widget class */ { FileData * filedata = (FileData *) client_data ; /* clear and redraw, dumb dumb.. */ XClearWindow(XtDisplay(filedata->work_area), XtWindow(filedata->work_area)); ReDraw(filedata); } /*------------------------------------------------------------- ** DrawCB - callback for drawing area */ void DrawCB ( Widget w, /* widget id */ XtPointer client_data, /* data from application */ XtPointer call_data ) /* data from widget class */ { XmDrawingAreaCallbackStruct * dacs = (XmDrawingAreaCallbackStruct *) call_data ; FileData * filedata = (FileData *) client_data ; XSetWindowAttributes xswa; static Boolean first_time = True ; switch (dacs->reason) { case XmCR_EXPOSE: if (first_time) { /* Change once the bit gravity of the Drawing Area; default is north west and we want forget, so that resize always generates exposure events */ first_time = False ; xswa.bit_gravity = ForgetGravity ; XChangeWindowAttributes(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w), CWBitGravity, &xswa); } ReDraw(filedata) ; break ; case XmCR_RESIZE: ReSize(filedata) ; break ; } } void ReDraw( FileData * filedata ) { /* Display as many line as slider_size actually shows, since slider_size is computed relative to the work_area height */ Cardinal i ; int value, slider_size ; Arg args[5]; int n ; Position y ; if (filedata->num_lines == 0) return ; n = 0; XtSetArg (args[n], XmNvalue, &value); n++; XtSetArg (args[n], XmNsliderSize, &slider_size); n++; XtGetValues (filedata->v_scrb, args, n); for (i = value, y = 2 + filedata->font_struct->ascent; i < value + slider_size ; i++, y += (filedata->font_struct->ascent + filedata->font_struct->descent)) { XDrawString(XtDisplay(filedata->work_area), XtWindow(filedata->work_area), filedata->draw_gc, 4, y, filedata->lines[i], strlen(filedata->lines[i])); } } void ReSize( FileData * filedata ) { /* Just update the scrollbar internals here, don't bother to redisplay since the gravity is none */ Arg args[5]; int n ; int value, slider_size ; Dimension height ; if (filedata->num_lines == 0) return ; n = 0; XtSetArg (args[n], XmNheight, &height); n++; XtGetValues (filedata->work_area, args, n); /* sliderSize is the number of visible lines */ slider_size = (height - 4) / (filedata->font_struct->ascent + filedata->font_struct->descent); if (slider_size <= 0) slider_size = 1 ; if (slider_size > filedata->num_lines) slider_size = filedata->num_lines ; n = 0; XtSetArg (args[n], XmNvalue, &value); n++; XtGetValues (filedata->v_scrb, args, n); /* value shouldn't change that often but there are cases where it matters */ if (value > filedata->num_lines - slider_size) value = filedata->num_lines - slider_size; n = 0; XtSetArg (args[n], XmNsliderSize, slider_size); n++; XtSetArg (args[n], XmNvalue, value); n++; XtSetArg (args[n], XmNmaximum, filedata->num_lines); n++; XtSetValues (filedata->v_scrb, args, n); } |
Motif provides a widget, MainWindow, that serves as a template for the primary window of most applications. MainWindow is a subclass of ScrolledWindow. In addition to the viewport and ScrollBar components of the ScrolledWindow, MainWindow has an optional MenuBar, Command window, and Message window.
MainWindow lays out these components in a manner compliant with the OSF/Motif Style Guide specifications for the primary window of an application. The MenuBar, if present, spans the top of the MainWindow horizontally. By default, the Command window, if present, spans the MainWindow horizontally just below the MenuBar. The ScrolledWindow viewport and ScrollBars are below the Command window, and the Message window is below the ScrolledWindow viewport or horizontal ScrollBar. If the MainWindow resource XmNcommandWindowLocation is set to XmCOMMAND_BELOW_WORKSPACE at the time the MainWindow is created, the Command window is located below the ScrolledWindow viewport or horizontal ScrollBar.
If the MainWindow resource XmNshowSeparator is True, the MainWindow automatically creates up to three SeparatorGadgets to separate the components. The names of these automatically created SeparatorGadgets are "Separator1", "Separator2", and "Separator3". The application can retrieve the widget IDs of the SeparatorGadgets by using the functions XmMainWindowSep1, XmMainWindowSep2, and XmMainWindowSep3.
In addition to the ScrolledWindow resources that hold the widget IDs of the ScrollBars, scroll widget, and viewport widget, MainWindow has resources that hold the widget IDs of the other MainWindow components:
MainWindow has a convenience routine, XmMainWindowSetAreas, to establish both the MainWindow and the ScrolledWindow components. XmMainWindowSetAreas does not set the Message window; an application must use XtSetValues of XmNmessageWindow to set the Message window. An application that has no Message window and uses only standard components for the other MainWindow children may not need to call XmMainWindowSetAreas or XtSetValues for the component resources, but it is good practice to make these calls. If an application uses a Message window or has additional MainWindow children beyond the standard components, it must call XmMainWindowSetAreas and XtSetValues for XmNmessageWindow.
An application takes the following steps to use MainWindow:
Create and manage the MainWindow, usually as a child of the ApplicationShell. If the scrolling mode is to be automatic, supply an initial value of XmAUTOMATIC for XmNscrollingPolicy.
If necessary, call XmMainWindowSetAreas or XtSetValues for the MainWindow components.
Take any other actions needed to regulate the ScrolledWindow components. These actions are discussed in the previous descriptions of automatic and application-defined scrolling.
For examples of using MainWindow with both automatic and application-defined scrolling policies, see the ScrolledWindow examples in the previous sections.
Frame is a simple manager that encloses a child and displays a shadow around it. An application usually uses a Frame to provide a shadow for a widget, such as a RowColumn WorkArea, that does not display a shadow itself. The Frame resource XmNshadowType determines the type of shadow to draw. The resources XmNmarginHeight and XmNmarginWidth specify the margin between the shadow and the border of the child.
Frame can also have one other child that serves as a title. Frame places the title above the principal child of the Frame. The following constraint resources determine the Frame's treatment of the child:
Following is a UIL specification for an example Frame with a Label title and a Form child (not defined here):
object exampleFrame : XmFrame { controls { XmLabel { arguments { XmNchildType = XmFRAME_TITLE_CHILD; XmNchildHorizontalSpacing = 4; XmNchildVerticalAlignment = XmALIGNMENT_WIDGET_BOTTOM; }; }; XmForm exampleForm; }; }; |
PanedWindow is a manager that lays out its children vertically from top to bottom and, by default, places a separator between each pair of children. Each child spans the width of the PanedWindow, which resizes children to be as wide as the widest child. When possible, the PanedWindow grows to accommodate the width of the widest child and the heights of all the children.
Usually PanedWindow allows the user to adjust the height of each pane. When a pane is adjustable, PanedWindow creates a control called a sash and places it below the pane that it controls. By manipulating the sash with the mouse or keyboard commands, the user changes the height of the pane above. This may also change the height of a pane below the sash.
PanedWindow has the following resources to control general appearance:
The following PanedWindow resources control the appearance of the sashes:
PanedWindow has one other resource, XmNrefigureMode. When this resource is set to False, the PanedWindow does not recompute its layout when either the user or the application resizes a pane or when the PanedWindow is resized.
PanedWindow children have a number of constraint resources that PanedWindow uses to determine the positions and size limitations of the panes: