The selection model determines how elements are selected from a group of elements. This chapter describes the selection models that are used by the various components of an application. OSF/Motif compliant applications use an object-action selection model. In an object-action selection model, the user first selects an object and then performs an action on it. The object-action selection model mimics real life, so it is a familiar process to the user and increases the user's sense of control over applications.
Objects include not only recognizable objects like windows, PushButtons, and List elements, but also component elements that are not always recognized as discrete objects, like individual letters of a text file. Applications can also treat a group of elements as a single element, either in a contiguous range or as a noncontiguous group. This chapter describes the following topics:
Section 4.1, "Selection Models," which determine how elements in a collection are selected for later action.
Section 4.2, "Selection Actions," which perform actions directly on a selection, such as cut, copy, and paste.
Selection is used to mark one or more of a group of elements simply for highlighting the elements, or so they can be moved, copied, or otherwise manipulated by the application.
Groups of elements can be organized into the following three types of collections:
In list-like collections, when the pointer or location cursor is in the collection, the pointer or location cursor is considered to be on an element.
In text-like collections, when the pointer or location cursor is in the collection, the pointer or location cursor is considered to be between two elements. The name "text-like" refers to Text components in insert mode where the insertion cursor is always between two letters. List-like and text-like collections are usually ordered as linear collections; that is, the collections are treated as if the elements were connected as a series of elements in one dimension.
In graphics-like collections, the pointer and location cursor can be either on or between elements. Graphics-like collections are usually ordered as 2-dimensional collections. That is, the ordering of elements in the collection depends on both the horizontal and vertical position of the element within each collection.
The notion of "on" depends on the manipulation model presented by the control. For example, "on" can mean that the cursor is within the bounds of the element, or it can mean that the cursor is on the boundary of the element, or the element can have handles, and "on" means that the cursor is on one of the handles.
OSF/Motif compliant systems must support the five different selection models. Each model is used where appropriate in applications to limit the type of selections the user can make. For example, a List can limit selection to a single element where the user is only allowed to make one choice.
The five selection models are as follows:
Single Selection |
| |
Browse Selection |
| |
Multiple Selection |
| |
Range Selection |
| |
Discontiguous Selection |
The choice of the selection model should be made on a collection-by-collection basis. Some components, like Text, enforce a selection model. Other components, like a List, allow the application or the user to determine the selection model.
Variants of these selection models may be needed for collections that are especially dense, when elements are organized in layers, when 3-dimensional selection is needed, when elements are hierarchically organized, or in other situations not covered by this guide. Selection models for such cases should not deviate unnecessarily from the standard selection models.
In all selection models, the selected element or group of elements should be visually highlighted in some way. Highlighting the selection can be done in the following ways:
Using any one of the location cursor mechanisms
Inverting the colors of the selection
Drawing a solid or dashed box around the elements of the selection
The selection can also be an empty selection; that is, it is possible for no items to be selected in a collection. This commonly occurs in text-like collections where the location cursor is between two elements, or when the user has deselected all the elements.
The single selection model is the simplest selection model. In the single selection model, when BSelect is clicked in a deselected element, the location cursor must move to that element, that element must be selected, and any other selection in the collection must be deselected.
The browse selection model is very similar to the single selection model. In browse selection, like single selection, only a single element is selected at a time. In the browse selection model, when BSelect is released in a selectable element, that element must be selected, and any other selection in the collection must be deselected. As BSelect is dragged through selectable elements, each element under the pointer must be selected, and the previously selected element must be deselected. The selection must remain on the element where BSelect is released, and the location cursor must be moved there. The browse selection model gives the application an opportunity to provide information about each element as it is highlighted.
Multiple selection allows the user to select or deselect multiple single elements of a collection. Clicking BSelect on an unselected element must add that element to the current selection in the collection. Clicking BSelect on a selected element must remove that element from the current selection in the collection. Clicking BSelect on an element must move the location cursor to that element.
With multiple selection, the user can select any group of elements in a collection, including discontiguous groups, all the elements, or none of the elements. Because multiple selection requires one mouse click for each element selected, although a simple model, it is not well-suited for selecting large groups of elements. BSelect Motion can optionally toggle a range of elements. (See Section 4.1.5, "Mouse-Based Discontiguous Selection" for a description of range toggling.)
The range selection model allows the user to select multiple contiguous elements of a collection. The description of this selection model assumes that drag and drop is not integrated with selection. Integrating dragging and selection is described in Section 4.3, "Transfer Models."
In the range selection model, pressing BSelect must set an anchor on the element, or at the position where BSelect was pressed, and must deselect all elements in the collection. The anchor and the current position of the pointer determine the current range. As BSelect is dragged through the collection, the current range must be highlighted. When BSelect is released, the anchor must not move, and all the elements within the current range must be selected.
In text-like collections, elements are ordered linearly, and a text pointer is always considered to be between elements at a point near the actual pointer position. The anchor point must be the text pointer position when BSelect is pressed, and the current range must consist of all elements between the anchor point and the current text pointer position.
In graphics-like and list-like collections, a marquee, or highlighted rectangle, is typically used to indicate the current range of the selection. The current range must consist of those elements that fall completely within the marquee. If a marquee selection is started when the pointer is on an element, that element can be used as an anchor element, and should be used as an anchor element if the collection is arranged as a list or matrix. If there is an anchor element, the marquee must always be made large enough to completely enclose it. Otherwise, an anchor point is used, which must be the point at which BSelect was pressed, and must determine one corner of the marquee. If the collection is arranged as a list or matrix, and the pointer is on an element, the marquee should be extended to completely enclose the element under the pointer. Otherwise, the marquee must be extended to the pointer position.
Marquee selection can be implemented so that it is used only when BSelect is pressed in the background; other selection models, not described in this style guide, can be used when BSelect is pressed on an element. If marquee selection is used, even if only when started in the background, clicking BSelect on a selectable element must make it an anchor element, select it, and deselect all other elements.
The user can extend the range selection using <Shift> BSelect. When <Shift> BSelect is pressed, the anchor remains unchanged, and an extended range for the selection is determined, based on one of the following extension models:
As <Shift> BSelect is dragged through the collection, the extended range should be highlighted, and selected elements outside of it should be dehighlighted. When BSelect is released, the anchor must not move, all the elements within the extended range must be selected, and all the elements outside of it must be deselected.
Text-like collections should use the balance beam model. The extension model used by other collections depends on the purpose of the collection.
In the range selection model, clicking <Ctrl> BSelect should move the location cursor to the position of the pointer without affecting the current selection.
The discontiguous selection mechanism allows the user to make multiple simultaneous range selections. It is an extension of the range selection model. The description of this selection model assumes that drag and drop is not integrated with selection. Integrating dragging and selection is described in Section 4.3, "Transfer Models."
The behavior of BSelect in the discontiguous selection model must be exactly the same as in the range selection model, and after setting the anchor with BSelect, <Shift> BSelect must work exactly as in the range selection model.
The primary difference between the range selection model and the discontiguous selection model is the use of <Ctrl> BSelect. In the range selection model, <Ctrl> BSelect is only used to move the position of the location cursor without disrupting the current selection. In the discontiguous model, <Ctrl> BSelect is used to toggle the selection state of an element or a range of elements.
If the current selection is empty, <Ctrl> BSelect Click can simply move the location cursor, but leave the anchor alone and leave all elements deselected. Otherwise, if <Ctrl> BSelect is clicked, the anchor and location cursor must move to that point, and if <Ctrl> BSelect is clicked on an element, the selection state of that element must be toggled, and that element must become the anchor element.
<Ctrl> BSelect Motion must be used to toggle the selection state of a range of elements. The range itself must be determined exactly as for BSelect Motion. Releasing <Ctrl> BSelect must toggle the selection state of the elements in the range according to one of two models:
Anchor Toggle |
| |
Full Toggle | The selection state of each element in the extended range must be toggled. |
As <Ctrl> BSelect is dragged through the collection, highlighting should be used to indicate the current range and the selection state of each element that would result from releasing <Ctrl> BSelect at the current position.
After using <Ctrl> BSelect to toggle a selection, <Shift> BSelect or <Ctrl> <Shift> BSelect must be able to be used to extend the range of toggled elements. The extended range must be determined in exactly the same way as when <Shift> BSelect is used to extend a range selection.
When <Ctrl> <Shift> BSelect is released, the selection state of elements added to the range must be determined by the toggle model as previously described. If elements are removed from the range, they must either revert to their state prior to the last use of <Ctrl> BSelect, or change to the state opposite from the elements remaining within the extended range.
As <Shift> BSelect or <Ctrl> <Shift> BSelect is dragged through the collection, highlighting should be used to indicate the current range and the selection state of each element that would result from releasing <Shift> BSelect or <Ctrl> <Shift> BSelect at the current position.
Selections can be made by using the keyboard as well as the mouse. Two keyboard selection models are available: normal mode and add mode.
Normal mode is used for making simple contiguous selections from the keyboard. Normal mode is a navigation/selection mode where the location cursor is never disjoint from the current selection. In collections where the location cursor is on an element, the element with the location cursor is ordinarily selected; if it is not, pressing <Select> or <Space> moves the selection to the cursored element.
Add mode is used for making more complex and possibly disjoint selections. Add mode is a navigation/selection mode where the location cursor can move independent of the current selection. Even in collections that do not support discontiguous selections, add mode allows the selection to be unaffected by keyboard navigation.
Browse selections must only support normal mode. Single and multiple selections must only support add mode. Range selection must support normal mode and can also support add mode. Discontiguous selections must support both modes. The default mode for range and discontiguous selections must be normal mode. <Shift> <F8> must switch between add mode and normal mode if both modes are supported. When switching from normal to add mode, if the cursored element is the only element selected in the collection, it should be deselected. Mouse-based selection must not change based on the keyboard selection mode.
In editable components, add mode is a temporary mode that must be exited when an operation is performed on the selection or when the selection is deselected.
Collections using the single selection model must use add mode. In add mode, the navigation keys for the collection must move the location cursor independent from the selected element. If <Select> or <Space> is pressed on an unselected element, it must select the element with the location cursor, and it must deselect any previous selection in the collection.
Collections using the browse selection model must use normal mode. The navigation keys must move the location cursor and select the cursored element, deselecting any other element. If the application has deselected all elements or if the cursor is left disjoint from the selection, <Select> or <Space> must select the cursored element and deselect any other element.
Collections using the multiple selection model must use add mode. The navigation keys for the collection must move the location cursor independent from the current selection. <Select> or <Space> on an unselected element must add the element to the current selection. <Select> or <Space> on a selected element must remove the element from the current selection.
Collections using the range selection model must initially use normal mode. This allows a keyboard-based behavior similar to dragging with the mouse.
In normal mode, navigation keys must move the location cursor and deselect the current selection. If the cursor is on an element, it must be selected. The anchor must move with the location cursor. However, in text-like collections, a different model can be used in which the anchor must instead remain at its current location, except that, if the current selection is not empty, it must be deselected and the anchor must be moved to the location of the cursor prior to navigation. <Select>
or <Space> (except in a Text component) must move the anchor to the cursor, deselect the current selection, and, if the cursor is on an element, select the element. Unless the anchor is on a deselected item, <Shift> <Select> or <Shift> <Space> (except in Text) must extend the selection from the anchor to the cursor, based on the extension model used by <Shift> BSelect.
Using <Shift> in conjunction with the navigation keys must extend the selection, based on the extension model used by <Shift> BSelect. If the current selection is empty, the anchor must first be moved to the cursor. The cursor must then be moved according to the navigation keys, and the selection must be extended based on the extension model used by <Shift> BSelect.
In add mode, <Select>,<Space>,<Shift> <Select>,and <Shift> <Space> must work exactly as in normal mode. However, ordinary navigation must simply move the location cursor, but must leave the anchor unchanged. Shifted navigation must move the location cursor according to the navigation keys, and the selection must be extended based on the extension model used by <Shift> BSelect.
In Text, both <Space> and <Shift> <Space> must insert a space character.
Collections using the discontiguous selection model must initially use normal mode. In the discontiguous selection model, add mode is not only a separate model of interaction but also an extension to the range selection model that allows the user to select discontiguous elements.
In normal mode, all keyboard operations must have the same effect as in the range selection model. In normal mode, discontiguous selections cannot be made using the keyboard.
In add mode, <Select> or <Space> must move the anchor to the location cursor and initiate toggling. If the location cursor is on an element, the selection state of that element must be toggled, but the selection state of all other elements must remain unchanged. <Shift> <Select> or <Shift> <Space> and shifted navigation operations must extend the selection between the anchor and the location cursor, based on the toggle mechanism used by <Ctrl> BSelect.
<Cancel> must cancel or undo any incomplete motion operation used for selection. Once <Cancel> is pressed to cancel a motion operation, the application must ignore subsequent key and button releases until after all buttons and keys are released. <Cancel> during a range selection should leave all elements, except possibly for the cursored element, deselected. <Cancel> while extending or toggling must leave the selection state of all elements as they were prior to the button press.
If the user drags the pointer out of a scrollable collection during a motion-based selection operation, autoscrolling must be used to scroll the collection in the direction of the pointer. If the user presses <Cancel> with BSelect pressed, the selection operation must be canceled as described in Section 4.1.7, "Canceling a Selection."
There are two special keyboard-based selection mechanisms for selecting (via <Ctrl> </> ) and deselecting (via <Ctrl> <\> ) all the elements in a collection. <Ctrl> </> in a collection using multiple, range,
or discontiguous selection must select all the elements in a collection, place the anchor at the beginning of the collection, and leave the location cursor at its previous position.
Deselection differs between add mode and normal mode. In add mode, <Ctrl> <\> must deselect all the elements in a collection. In normal mode, <Ctrl> <\> must deselect all the elements in a collection, except the element with the location cursor if the location cursor is being displayed. In either case, it must leave the location cursor at its current location and move the anchor to the location cursor. An application can deselect all elements in a collection regardless of the state of add mode or the selection model.
Each collection maintains its own selection. A selection need not contain any elements, in which case it is said to be an empty selection. At any time, there is one selection called the primary selection, which is the last selection explicitly started by the user.
Clicking BSelect or <Ctrl> BSelect moves the primary selection to a collection only when it results in making a selection that is not empty. When <Shift> BSelect is clicked, an implementation can move the primary selection to the component even if the resulting selection is empty. Dragging BSelect, <Shift> BSelect, or <Ctrl> BSelect must move the primary selection to the component if a button release during the pointer motion could have potentially selected any element.
A selection is said to be persistent if it is highlighted even when it is not the primary selection.
Persistent | There are two variants of persistent selections: persistent always, in which the current selection is always highlighted, and persistent on focus, in which the current selection is only highlighted when it is the primary selection or when the collection has the keyboard focus. In either case, stronger highlighting should be used when the current selection is also the primary selection. When focus is in the collection, <Alt> <Insert> can be used to promote the current selection to the primary selection. | |
Nonpersistent |
Collections that are never editable (such as noneditable Lists) should always use persistent selections. Collections that are editable can use either persistent or non-persistent selections.
When the user makes or changes a selection, the application can display information about the selection, but it should not perform any other action that uses the selected elements. For example, selecting a file from a List of files should not automatically open the file. Such actions should require additional user interaction.
The destination component is used to identify the component on which certain operations, primarily data transfer operations, act. There is only one destination component at a time. When using an explicit focus policy, the destination component must be the editable component that last had focus. When using a pointer focus policy, the destination component must be the editable component that last received mouse button or keyboard input.
Special highlighting should be used to identify the destination component. In Text, a solid insertion cursor can be shown.
Once a selection is made, the elements of the selection can be acted on using selection actions. Some common selection actions are delete, cut, copy, and paste, although your application is not limited to these. This section and the following one describe the way many selection operations work. Operations that transfer data are described in greater detail in Section 4.3, "Transfer Models."
The user may invoke an operation that can act on a selection in some component. A keyboard operation can be used, or a control can be activated, which performs the operation. There can be a number of components in a window to which the action could be applied, and it may not be clear which component is the target. This could be the case, for example, when selecting Copy from the Edit Menu, or when typing <Ctrl> <Insert>,the accelerator for Copy. For operations that act on selections, use the following hierarchy of rules to determine which component's selection to act on:
If the keyboard focus is in a component (or a Popup Menu of a component) that supports selections, the action must act on that component.
Otherwise, if the keyboard focus is in a window (or a Menu of a window) with a main component that has a persistent selection, it should act on the main component.
Otherwise, if the keyboard focus is in the window (or a Menu of the window) that has the destination component, and the destination component contains a persistent selection that is not empty, it should act on the destination component.
Otherwise, if the keyboard focus is in the same window (or a Menu of the window) that has the primary selection, it should act on the component with the primary selection.
Otherwise, if the keyboard focus is in a window (or a Menu of a window) that has only one editable component with a persistent selection, then it can act on that component.
Otherwise, invoking the action should have no effect, except to signal an error or post a DialogBox.
Similarly, the user may invoke an operation that transfers data to a component or otherwise uses a component in some way, and, again, it may not be clear which component should be used. This could be the case, for example, when selecting Paste from the Edit Menu, or when typing <Shift> <Insert>,the accelerator for Paste. For operations that do not act on selections, use the following hierarchy of rules:
If the keyboard focus is in a component (or a Popup Menu of a component) that supports the action, the action must be applied to that component.
Otherwise, if the keyboard focus is in a window (or a Menu of a window) with a main component that supports the action, it should be applied to the main component.
Otherwise, if the keyboard focus is in the window (or a Menu of the window) that has the destination component, and the destination component supports the action, it should be applied to the destination component.
Otherwise, invoking the action should have no effect, except to signal an error or post a DialogBox.
This subsection describes some of the standard operations available through the Edit Menu and through standard keyboard bindings that operate on selections.
A collection can either enable or disable pending delete, which controls the circumstances under which the selection is deleted. By default, pending delete should be enabled.
Inserting or pasting elements into a selection, except for a primary transfer operation at the bounds of the primary selection, must first delete the selection if pending delete is enabled.
In normal mode, inserting or pasting elements disjoint from the selection must also deselect the selection, except for primary transfer operations whose source and destination are in the same collection. In add mode, the selection must not be deselected.
In editable list-like and graphics-like collections, <Delete> must delete the selected elements. In editable text-like collections, <Delete> and <BackSpace> must behave as follows:
If the selection is not empty and the control is in normal mode, the selection must be deleted.
If the selection is not empty, the control is in add mode, and the cursor is not disjoint from the selection, the selection must be deleted.
If the selection is not empty and the control is in add mode, but the cursor is disjoint from the selection, <Delete> must delete one character forward, and <BackSpace> must delete one character backward.
If the selection is empty, <Delete> must delete one character forward, and <BackSpace> must delete one character backward.
More generally, any operation that deletes a region (for example, a word or line) behaves as follows:
If the selection is not empty and the control is in normal mode, the selection must be deleted.
If selection is not empty, the control is in add mode, and the cursor is not disjoint from the selection, the selection must be deleted.
If the selection is not empty and the control is in add mode, but the cursor is disjoint from the selection, the operation must delete the region.
If the selection is empty, the operation must delete the region.
If the region deleted (in add mode) partially overlaps the selection, then the overlapped part of the selection must be deleted.
Generally, whenever an action causes data to be removed from a component, what to do with the space left by the data is up to the component. In cases where the surrounding data can be reformatted to fill in the space left by the removed data (such as in Text components), the delete action should cause this reformatting. In this case, a clear action should delete the data without reformatting any surrounding data. In Text components, the clear action deletes the selected text and replaces it with white space. In cases where the surrounding data cannot be reformatted to fill in the space left by the removed data (such as in bitmap graphics), the delete action should remove the data but not cause any reformatting. The Cut entry from the Edit Menu should behave like the delete action.
In cases where an action adds data to a component, the effect the new data has on the surrounding data depends on the component. In cases where the surrounding data can be reformatted to allow the new data to fit in (such as in Text components), insert actions should cause this reformatting. The Paste entry from the Edit Menu should behave like insert actions.
<Undo> or <Alt> <BackSpace> should undo the last operation on a selection.
This section describes the four techniques available for transferring data:
Clipboard Transfer |
| |
Primary Transfer |
| |
Quick Transfer |
| |
Drag Transfer or Drag and Drop |
Clipboard and primary transfer operations can be invoked from Pulldown or Popup Menus and have standard keyboard bindings as well. Primary, quick, and drag transfer operations can also be invoked using BTransfer.
There are three transfer operations generally available:
Copy, which copies elements from the source to the destination.
Move, which moves elements from the source to the destination.
Link, which inserts a link in the destination to elements in the source.
The default operation for primary and quick transfer using BTransfer is copy. The default operation for drag transfer is generally move, though it depends on the characteristics of the source and the destination. Modifiers can be used to force an operation different from the default:
<Ctrl> must force a copy.
<Shift> must force a move.
<Ctrl> <Shift> must force a link.
If the move, copy, or link operation the user requests is not available, the transfer operation must fail.
When data is moved or copied, it can change its appearance or representation. The destination can determine the representation of the transferred data as it chooses. For example, if a graphic element representing a file is transferred to a Text component, the name of the file (or possibly the contents, if it is a text file) can be inserted. If possible, the source must transfer the format that the destination requests. Otherwise, the destination can use any heuristic to determine the best format to transfer the data in. That heuristic can even be, if the source cannot transfer in the preferred format, fail. If the destination decides that a transfer in its chosen format could possibly cause a loss of data between the source and the destination, the destination should notify the user of the possible loss of data and confirm the action before proceeding.
If there is a choice of the exact representation of data to be inserted, there should be some visual means that clearly indicates to the user which representation the application will use. If there is no such indication, then when the user performs the transfer operation, the application can post a Popup Menu or a DialogBox to allow the user to choose the representation.
A transfer can also cause the destination to take related actions. For example, transferring an element to a printer icon can cause the element to be printed.
The insertion position is the position in the destination at which transferred data is placed. The insertion position is determined in the following way:
Some collections have a fixed insertion point (as in append-only text) or keep the elements in the collection ordered in a specific way. In those cases, the collection can determine where to place the data.
If the collection does not have a fixed insertion point or keep elements ordered in a specific way, the insertion position for BTransfer-based primary and drag transfer operations must be the position at which the user releases BTransfer.
If the collection does not have a fixed insertion point or keep elements ordered in a specific way, the insertion position for other transfer operations, including keyboard-based transfer operations, is determined as follows:
In text-like collections, the insertion position must be the location cursor, and the data must be pasted before it.
In list-like collections, the insertion position must be the element with the location cursor, and the data must be pasted before it.
In graphics-like collections, the insertion position should be at the location cursor, but the exact placement of the data with respect to the location cursor is unspecified.
The clipboard transfer operations Cut, Copy, and Paste, are usually performed using the Edit Menu of an application. They also have standard keyboard bindings that must be available in every editable collection.
<Cut> or <Shift> <Delete> and the Cut entry of the Edit Menu must cut selected elements of the target component to the clipboard.
<Copy> or <Ctrl> <Insert> and the Copy entry of the Edit Menu must copy selected elements of the target component to the clipboard and can mark the selection for subsequent use with Paste Link.
A Copy Link entry of the Edit Menu can be used to place a link in the clipboard to selected elements of the target component so that the link can be placed in a destination by subsequent use of Paste or Paste Link.
See the rules for operations that act on selections in Section 4.2.2, "Operation Targets" for determining which component in a window is targeted by a Cut, Copy, or Copy Link operation.
<Paste> or <Shift> <Insert> and the Paste entry of the Edit Menu must paste the contents of the clipboard at the insertion position of the target component.
The Paste Link entry of the Edit Menu can place a link at the insertion position of the target component to the selection last marked by a Copy or Copy Link operation.
See the rules for operations that do not act on selections in Section 4.2.2, "Operation Targets" for determining which collection in a window is targeted by a Paste or Paste Link operation.
If the last data cut was the primary selection, pasting it can make it the primary selection if there is no current primary selection. Otherwise, pasting data should not select it. However, if the collection is in normal mode, the anchor and the cursor should be placed at opposite ends of the pasted data so that subsequent use of <Shift> <Select> or <Shift> <Space> can be used to select it.
If Paste or Paste Link is invoked using a component's Popup Menu, the data must be pasted at the insertion position of the component. However, if the Popup Menu is popped up over a selection, the selection must first be deleted, even if pending delete is disabled, and the pasted data must replace it, if possible.
If Paste or Paste Link is invoked from the Edit Menu or by a keyboard operation, and the insertion position in the target component is not disjoint from a selection, the pasted data must replace the selection contents if pending delete is enabled.
Primary transfer can be invoked by clicking BTransfer or through standard keyboard bindings. There are three primary transfer operations:
Primary Copy |
| |
Primary Move |
| |
Primary Link |
Transferring data to the destination by a Primary Copy or Primary Link must not select it. However, if the source and the destination components are different, and if the collection is in normal mode, the anchor and the cursor should be placed at opposite ends of the transferred data, so that subsequent use of <Shift> <Select> or <Shift> <Space> can be used to select it.
A Primary Move must move the primary selection as well as the elements selected; that is, the element moved to the destination must become selected as the primary selection.
If a primary transfer operation is invoked using a component's Popup Menu, the data must be transferred to the insertion position of the component. However, if the Popup Menu is popped up over a persistent nonprimary selection, the selection must first be deleted, even if pending delete is disabled, and the transferred data must replace it. When a primary transfer transfers data into a nonprimary selection, the transferred data must replace the selection contents if pending delete is enabled.
When a Primary Copy or Primary Link is invoked by using BTransfer with the pointer at the edge of the primary selection, by popping up a Popup Menu at the edge of a primary selection, or by a keyboard operation when the insertion position is at the edge of the primary selection, the data should be transferred, and the selection should be left unchanged, even if pending delete is enabled. If a Primary Copy or Primary Link is invoked inside the primary selection, the operation should have no effect.
If BTransfer is pressed outside a primary selection, but at a position both where a drag can be initiated and where data can be pasted by a primary transfer, a user-settable timeout and motion threshold should be used in the following way to distinguish drag initiation from primary transfer:
If BTransfer Motion exceeding the motion threshold occurs following the BTransfer Press, a drag should be initiated.
Otherwise, if the BTransfer Release follows the BTransfer Press within the timeout period, a primary transfer should be done.
Otherwise, when the timeout period expires, a drag should be initiated. However, if BTransfer Release is then done without motion exceeding the threshold, the drag should be canceled.
If BTransfer is pressed within a draggable primary selection, the drag should be initiated on the BTransfer Press.
Quick transfer is used to make a temporary (or secondary) selection and then immediately copy, move, or link that selection to the insertion position of the destination component. Quick transfer is implemented using <Alt> BTransfer Motion, with the standard modifiers used to force the various transfer operations.
Text components must support quick transfer.
There are three quick transfer operations:
The range of the temporary selection must be determined by using exactly the same model used when BSelect Motion determines the range of a primary selection.
If the insertion position of the destination component is not disjoint from the selection, the transferred data must replace the selection contents if pending delete is enabled. Transferring data to the destination component by a quick transfer must not select it. However, if the destination component is in normal mode, the anchor and the cursor should be placed at opposite ends of the transferred data so that subsequent use of <Shift> <Select> or <Shift> <Space> can be used to select it.
Quick transfer can be used to transfer static text or graphics that are not ordinarily selectable. For example, a portion of the text label of a PushButton is not ordinarily selectable, since BSelect Click, <Select> or <Space> activate the PushButton instead.
While dragging out the quick selection, the range should be highlighted in some way. The highlighting mechanism should be different from that used for the primary selection. In text, the highlight should be underlining.
If the pointer is dragged out of a scrollable collection while making the temporary selection, autoscrolling must be used to scroll the collection in the direction of the pointer. If BTransfer is released with the pointer outside of the collection, or if <Cancel> is pressed with BTransfer pressed, the highlighting must be removed and a transfer must not be performed.
Drag transfer, also known as drag and drop, provides a quick and simple model for transferring data within and between applications. Depending on where it is initiated, drag transfer can be used to transfer the selected elements of a collection, a single unselected element, an entire collection, and even unselectable static textual and graphics labels.
A user performs a drag transfer by pressing BTransfer in the source, moving the pointer to the destination (called the drop site), and releasing BTransfer. This transfers the data from the source to the destination. The usual modifier keys can be used to force a copy, move, or link:
<Ctrl> BTransfer Motion must force a drag copy.
<Shift> BTransfer Motion must force a drag move.
<Ctrl> <Shift> BTransfer Motion must force a drag link.
If no modifier key is chosen, the default operation should be a move, although it depends on the characteristics of the source and the destination. In particular, the default should be copy if the source is not editable, or if the destination is a copying or transformation device; for example, if the drop occurs over an icon for a printer or a compiler.
When a drag move moves the primary selection, the primary selection should move to the destination, as well as the elements selected; that is, the element moved to the destination should become selected as the primary selection.
When a drag move moves a selection within the same component, the selection must move along with the elements selected.
In other cases, data transferred by a drag transfer must not become selected at the destination. However, if the destination is in normal mode, then except when drag copy and drag link transfer a selection within the same component, the anchor and the cursor should be placed at opposite ends of the transferred data so that subsequent use of <Shift> <Select> or <Shift> <Space> can be used to select it.
Within a collection, drag transfer can be used to either drag a selected set of elements, a single unselected element, or the entire collection. This is determined in the following way:
In text-like collections, initiating a drag in a selected region must drag the text selection (including all pieces if it is discontiguous).
In list-like and graphics-like collections, initiating a drag on a selected element must drag the entire selection.
In list-like and graphics-like collections, initiating a drag on an unselected element must drag just that element. If the collection contains a selection, the selection must not be affected (except if the drop occurs in the same collection).
In graphics-like collections, initiating a drag in the background of a contiguous selected region can drag the selection. Otherwise, BTransfer Motion beginning in the background of a collection can drag the entire collection or, if the collection is scrollable, can be used to pan the collection.
If a drag is initiated in an unselected region and the pointer is over two possible draggable elements, the drag must occur on the highest draggable element in the stacking order. This also implies that with nested draggable elements, the drag occurs on the smallest draggable element under the pointer.
All collections should support drag transfer and should allow elements to be dragged to or from other collections, including those in different applications. A collection can support only drag (particularly if it is not editable) or only drop.
If a collection only allows elements dragged from it to be dropped in the same collection, then, during the drag, it can prevent the pointer from moving outside of the collection. If so, and if the collection is scrollable, holding the pointer at the edge of the collection should cause autoscrolling.
When a drag operation is started, the pointer must be replaced with a drag icon. A drag icon provides visual feedback that a drag is in progress. It can be composed of three parts:
A source indicator
An operation indicator
A state indicator
Figure 4-1 shows move, copy, and link drag icons for graphical and textual information. The bulk of the icon is the source indicator. When defining new drag icons, you should follow the same rules as for defining new pointers described in Section 2.2.2, "Pointer Shapes."
All drag icons must include a source indicator. A source indicator should give a visual representation of the type of elements being dragged; for example, horizontal lines in a rectangle for representing text. The source indicator can include a fragment of the actual data being dragged, such as the first few characters of some text.
An operation indicator shows whether the drag operation will result in a move, copy, or link operation. Most drag icons should include an operation indicator. An operation indicator can be shown either as a separate element of the drag icon or as a variation of a graphic used for the source indicator.
The source of the dragged elements can also provide visual indications of the result of a drop. For example, if the default operation for the dragged elements is a move, the source can be hidden or deemphasized; or if the default operation of the dragged elements is a link, a line can be drawn from the source to the pointer.
A state indicator shows whether the current pointer location is over a valid drop site for the dragged elements. All drag icons can include a state indicator. A state indicator should be coincident with the hotspot of the pointer.
Systems should provide help operations during drag and drop. If a system provides drag and drop help, pressing <Help> (followed by releasing BTransfer) during a drag and drop operation should allow the posting of a DialogBox with the help information and the possible choices for concluding the drag and drop operation. The DialogBox should allow for canceling the drag and drop operation or for dropping the elements at the current location as a move, copy, or link.
Pressing <Cancel> during a drag operation must cancel the current drag operation and return the system to the state prior to the start of the drag operation.
It can be difficult during a drag and drop operation to make both the drag source and drop site visible to the user at the same time. A system can alleviate this problem by making it possible to navigate to drop sites that were not visibly available at the start of the drag operation. For example, a system can scroll a scrollable region when the pointer rests on the edge of that scrollable region. A system can open an icon view when the pointer rests on that icon. A system can also raise a window when the pointer rests in that window.
During a drag and drop interaction, the system should indicate dynamically whether the current pointer location is a possible valid drop site for the data that the user is dragging. This is done using drag-over effects, and drag-under effects. A drag-over effect is a change in the visual state of the drag icon. This change is usually represented in the drag icon's state indicator. If a drag icon has a state indicator, it should be coincident with the pointer's hotspot. The state indicator should be emphasized for valid drop sites and deemphasized for invalid drops sites. The state indicator can also indicate that there is no drop site under the pointer.
A drag-under effect is a change to the visual state of a possible valid drop site when the drag icon pointer is over the drop site. All drop sites should use some kind of drag-under effect. Drop sites can use a solid line around the site, or a raised or lowered beveled edge around the drop site as a drag-under effect. Drop sites can also change any visual component of the drop site, or even animate those changes, as a drag-under effect. For example, an icon representing a folder might show an animated image of the folder opening as a user drags a file onto it. Drop sites can also use other media (for example, audio effects) to provide feedback.
Releasing BTransfer (or BSelect when transfer and selection are integrated) must end a drag and drop operation. In addition, as mentioned in the previous section, pressing <Cancel> must also end a drag and drop operation by canceling the drag in progress. When a user releases BTransfer, the drop operation must occur at the location of the hotspot of the drag icon pointer. The drop must occur into the highest drop site in the stacking order. This also implies that in a group of nested drop sites the drop occurs into the smallest drop site under the pointer.
However, if a drop occurs within a selection at any level, the transferred data must replace the contents of the entire selection if pending delete is enabled.
Every drop operation, even when there was a visual indication of a valid drop site, can result in either success, failure, or partial failure (in the case of dragging multiple elements). While the transfer is in progress, that is until the drop site determines the success of the drag and drop operation, the data must not leave the source. While the transfer is in progress, a transfer icon representing the type of data being transferred should appear at the drop site.
After a successful transfer, the data must be placed in the drop site and the transfer icon must be removed. The removal of the transfer icon can be accompanied by an animation that shows the icon transforming into the drop site. For example, the transfer icon can melt into the drop site.
After a failed transfer, the data must remain at the drag source, the data must not be placed in the drop site, and the transfer icon must be removed. The removal of the transfer icon should be accompanied by an animation that shows the icon returning to the source location. For example, the transfer icon can snap back to the location of the drag source.
When multiple elements are involved in a drag and drop operation, the success or failure of the operation can be determined for the group as a whole or for each individual element in the group. If the group is transferred as a whole, there should only be one transfer icon at the drop site while the transfer is in progress. If the elements in the group succeed or fail individually, there can either be a transfer icon for each element or one transfer icon for the whole group. In either case, if partial success or failure is allowed, the drop site should post a message for each individual failure or otherwise indicate which transfers succeeded or failed.
Instead of using BTransfer, transfer operations can be integrated with BSelect. When BSelect is used for dragging operations, its use partially supersedes the use of BSelect Motion in the selection models described in Section 4.1, "Selection Models." The following rules are designed to make the integration of selection and transfer less restrictive:
In text-like collections, BSelect Motion starting in a selected region must drag the text selection; starting outside the selected region, it must be used for making selections.
In list-like and graphics-like collections, BSelect Motion starting on a selected element must drag the entire selection.
In dense list-like or graphics-like collections, in which background space around elements is not generally available and in which BSelect Motion is used for browsing or for selecting or toggling a range of elements, BSelect Motion starting on an unselected element must be used for making selections.
In less dense list-like or graphics-like collections, BSelect Motion in the background must be used for making marquee selections; if they are not supported, BSelect Motion can be used to drag the entire collection, or to pan if the collection is scrollable.
BSelect Click must always be used for selection.
When BSelect is used for dragging, the <Ctrl> and <Shift> modifiers must be used to force the transfer operation as for BTransfer. When BSelect is only used for selection, the <Ctrl> and <Shift> modifiers have their usual selection-specific meanings.
If BMenu is not available for Popup Menus, <Alt> BSelect must be used instead.
If BMenu is available, then when transfer is integrated with selection, <Alt> BSelect Click should be used for primary transfer, and <Alt> BSelect Motion should be used for quick transfer, with <Ctrl> and <Shift> forcing the transfer operation as usual.