Statement functions and subprograms are program units that receive control when referenced or called by a statement in a main program or another subprogram. A subprogram is either written by the user or supplied with the Fortran compiler. This chapter discusses user-written subprograms; compiler-supplied functions and subroutines are discussed in Appendix A, “Intrinsic Functions”
This chapter discusses the following topics:
an overview of syntax and rules, “Overview”
statement functions, “Statement Functions”
parameter passing, “Parameter Passing”
function and subroutine subprograms, “Function and Subroutine Subprograms”
the FUNCTION statement, “FUNCTION”
the ENTRY statement, “ENTRY”
the INCLUDE statement, “INCLUDE”
This chapter explains the syntax and rules for defining three types of program units:
Statement functions consist of a single arithmetic statement defined within the main program unit or a subprogram.
Function subprograms consist of one or more statements defined external to the main program unit. They are invoked when referenced as a primary in an expression contained in another program unit.
Subroutine subprograms consist of one or more program statements defined as external to the main program unit. It is invoked when referenced in a CALL statement (see Chapter 6, “Control Statements”) in another program unit.
This chapter also explains the syntax and rules for the FUNCTION , SUBROUTINE, ENTRY, and INCLUDE statements, that are used to specify function and subroutine subprograms.
A statement function definition is similar in form to an arithmetic, logical, or character assignment statement. The name of a statement function is local to the program unit in which it is defined. A statement function definition must appear only after the specification statements and before the first executable statement of the program unit in which it appears.
A statement function statement has the following form:
fun ([d [,d]...]) = e |
The following arguments are used:
fun | a symbolic name of the function. |
d | a dummy argument. |
e | an expression. |
Each dummy argument d is a variable name called a statement function dummy argument. The statement function dummy argument list indicates the order, number, and type of arguments for the statement function. All arguments need not have the same data type. A specific dummy argument may appear only once in the list. A variable name that serves as a dummy argument can also be the name of a local variable or common block in the same program unit.
Each primary of the expression e can include
symbolic names of constants
variable references
array element references
library function references
references to other statement functions
function subprogram references
dummy subprogram references
an expression composed of the above forms and enclosed in parentheses
If a statement function dummy argument name is the same as the name of another entity, the appearance of that name in the expression of a function is a reference to the statement function dummy argument. A dummy argument that appears in a FUNCTION or SUBROUTINE statement may be referenced in the expression of a function statement with the subprogram.
A dummy argument that appears in an ENTRY statement may be referenced in the expression of the statement function only if the dummy argument name appears in a FUNCTION, SUBROUTINE , or ENTRY statement preceding the statement function definition.
A statement function is referenced by using its name with actual arguments, if any, enclosed in parentheses. The form of a statement function reference is the following:
fun([exp[,exp]...]) |
where fun is a statement function name and exp is an expression.
Expressions must agree in order, number, and type with the corresponding dummy arguments. An expression can be any expression except a character expression involving concatenation in which the length attribute of one of the operands is specified with an asterisk.
Execution of a statement function reference results in
Evaluation of actual arguments (exp) that are expressions.
Association of actual arguments with their corresponding dummy arguments.
Evaluation of the expression e in the statement function definition.
Type conversion of the resulting value to the data type of the function, if necessary. This value is returned as the value of the statement function reference.
A statement function can be referenced only in the program unit that contains its definition. A statement function can reference another statement function that has been defined before the referencing function but not one that is defined after the referencing function.
A statement function name is local to the program unit and must not be used as the name of any other entity in the program unit except the name of a common block.
The symbolic name used to identify a statement function cannot appear as a symbolic name in any specification statement except a type statement (to specify the type of the function) or as the name of a common block in the same program unit.
A dummy argument of a statement function must not be redefined or become undefined through a function subprogram reference in the expression of a statement function.
The symbolic name of a statement function cannot be an actual argument and must not appear in an EXTERNAL statement.
A statement function in a function subprogram cannot contain a function reference to the name of an entry to the function subprogram.
The length specification of a statement function dummy argument of type character must be an integer constant.
Parameter passing involves function and subroutine arguments. This section explains the difference between actual and dummy arguments. It also describes the special intrinsic functions %VAL, %REF and %LOC.
Dummy arguments are used in function subprograms, subroutine programs, and statement functions to indicate the types of actual arguments and whether each argument is a single value, an array of values, a subprogram, or a statement label. Dummy argument names must not appear in EQUIVALENCE, DATA, PARAMETER, SAVE, INTRINSIC, or COMMON statements, except as common block names. Dummy argument names must not be the same as the subprogram names in FUNCTION, SUBROUTINE, ENTRY , or statement function statements in the same program unit.
Actual arguments are the items that are specified in the call to the function. Actual arguments are bound to the corresponding dummy arguments when the subprogram call is reached. Actual arguments can change with each call to the subprogram. Of course, the types of the paired actual argument and the dummy argument must match. The types do not have to match if the actual argument is a subroutine name or an alternate return specifier.
When a function or a subroutine reference is executed, an association is established between the corresponding dummy and actual arguments. The first dummy argument becomes associated with the first actual argument, the second dummy argument becomes associated with the second actual argument, and so on.
An array can be passed to a function or subroutine as an actual argument if the corresponding dummy argument is also an array declared in a DIMENSION or type statement but not in a COMMON statement. The size of the array in the calling program unit must be smaller than or equal to the size of the corresponding dummy array in the subprogram. The array in the function or subroutine can also have adjustable dimensions.
Four special intrinsic functions provide communication with non-Fortran programs that use different parameter-passing conventions than Fortran. See the MIPSpro Fortran 77 Programmer's Guide for information about communicating with programs written in other languages.
Use the functions %VAL, %REF, and %DESCR to qualify arguments within an argument list. The built-in function %LOC can be applied to any espression.
The %VAL function causes an argument to be passed as a 64-bit value (normally arguments are passed by address). The function extends arguments smaller than 64 bits to 64-bit signed values. The function has the following syntax:
%VAL(a) |
where a is an expression that is valid as an argument at this point in the parameter list. %VAL can only be applied to arithmetic data types. It cannot be applied to CHARACTER*n values (n>1) nor to RECORD names.
The %REF function passes an argument by reference. It has the syntax
%REF(a) |
where a is an expression that is valid as an argument at this point in the parameter list. Fortran normally passes arguments by reference (that is, passes the address of the parameter). Hence, there is no difference in the generated code for a parameter %REF( a) and the parameter a alone. However, %REF is useful as documentation, and may become effective when code is ported to a different system with other parameter conventions.
The built-in %DESCR function has no functionality, but is included for compatibility with VAX Fortran. It has the syntax
%DESCR(a) |
where a is an expression that is valid as an argument at this point in the parameter list.
The built-in %LOC function returns a 64-bit run-time address of its argument. It has the syntax
%LOC(a) |
where a is an expression. %LOC can be applied to any expression. Its result is the address of the expression value, which is usually assigned to a POINTER variable, but which can be assigned to any INTEGER*8, or which can be passed as a parameter.
A function subprogram consists of a FUNCTION statement followed by a program body that terminates with an END statement. It has the following characteristics:
defined external to the main program unit
referenced as a primary in an expression contained in another program unit
considered part of the calling program
A Fortran program can call a subroutine subprogram written in any language supported by the RISCompiler System.
A subroutine subprogram consists of a SUBROUTINE statement, followed by a program body that terminates with an END statement (see Chapter 6, “Control Statements”) and is defined external to the main program.
A function subprogram is referenced as a primary in an expression, while a subroutine subprogram is referenced with a CALL statement (see Chapter 6, “Control Statements”) contained in another program. A reference to a function subprogram has the following form:
fun([a[,a]...]) |
where fun is a symbolic name of the function subprogram and a is an actual argument.
If fun is of type character, then its length must not have been specified with an asterisk (*) in the calling subprogram.
You can write subroutines that call themselves either directly or through a chain of other subprograms if the automatic storage of variables is in effect. The -automatic command line option, by default, causes the automatic storage of variables. See the f77(1) manual page for details.
The actual arguments comprise an argument list and must agree in order, number, and type with the corresponding dummy arguments in the referenced function or subroutine. An actual argument in a function reference must be one of the following:
an expression, except a character expression, involving concatenation of an operand whose length is specified by an asterisk
an array name
an intrinsic function name
an external function or subroutine name
a dummy function or subroutine name
a Hollerith constant
An actual argument may be a dummy argument that appears in a dummy argument list within the subprogram containing the reference.
The use of a dummy name allows actual names to be passed through several levels of program units.
If a Hollerith constant is used as an actual argument in a CALL statement, the corresponding dummy argument must not be a dummy array and must be of arithmetic or logical data type.
The same rules apply to the actual arguments in a subroutine reference, except that in addition to the forms described above, the actual dummy argument of a subroutine may be an alternate return specifier. An alternate return specifier has the form *s, where s is the statement label of an executable statement appearing in the same program unit as the CALL statement.
For example,
The actual argument list passed in the CALL must include alternate return arguments in the corresponding positions of the form *s. The value specified for s must be the label of an executable statement in the program unit that issued the call.
An actual argument can also be omitted by specifying only the comma delimiters without an argument in between. In this case, the omitted argument is treated as if it were %VAL (0).
CALL MAXX (A(1), B(1), *100, *200, C(1)) |
Note that the use of a subroutine name or an alternate return specifier as an actual argument is an exception to the rule requiring agreement of type. If an external function or subroutine or dummy name is used as an actual argument, the name must appear in an EXTERNAL statement. If an intrinsic name is used as an actual argument, the name must appear in an INTRINSIC statement and must be one of those listed in Appendix A, “Intrinsic Functions”, as a specific name. It must not be one of the intrinsics for type conversion, for choosing the largest or smallest value, or for lexical relationship.
Execution of an reference to a function subprogram and subroutine subprogram results in
evaluation of expressions that constitute actual arguments
association of actual arguments from the calling program unit with the corresponding dummy arguments in the subprogram
execution of the statements comprising the subprogram based on the execution control sequence of the program unit
return of program control to the calling program unit when either a RETURN statement is encountered or the execution control flows into the END statement
The name of a function subprogram must appear as a variable at least once in the subprogram and must be defined at least once during each subprogram execution. Once the variable is defined, it may be referenced elsewhere in the subprogram and become redefined. When program control is returned to the calling program, this value is returned as the value of the function reference. If this variable is a character variable with a length specified by an asterisk, it may not appear as an operand in a concatenation operation but can be defined in an assignment statement.
A subroutine does not return an explicit value to the point of invocation in the calling program unit. However, both the subroutine and the function can return values to the calling program unit by defining their dummy arguments during execution.
The FUNCTION statement is the first statement of a function subprogram. It specifies the symbolic name of the function and its type.
[typ] FUNCTION fun [*len] ([d[,d]...]) |
The following arguments are used:
typ | optionally specifies the data type of the function name, which determines the value returned to the calling program. The following forms for typ are allowed:
| |
fun | is a symbolic name of the function subprogram in which the FUNCTION statement appears. | |
len | specifies the length of the data type; fun must be a nonzero, unsigned constant. Do not specify len when the function is type CHARACTER with an explicit length following the keyword CHARACTER. | |
d | is a dummy argument and can be a variable, array name, or dummy subprogram name. |
A FUNCTION statement must appear only as the first statement of a function subprogram.
The type specification may be omitted from the FUNCTION statement, and the function name may be specified in a type statement in the same program unit. If neither of these options is used, the function is implicitly typed.
The symbolic name of a function is a global name and must not be the same as any other global or local name, except a variable name, in the function subprogram.
If the function type is specified in the FUNCTION statement, the function name must not appear in a type statement.
In the type specification CHARACTER, len can have any of the forms allowed in a CHARACTER statement, except that an integer constant expression must not include the symbolic name of a constant. If the name of the function is type character, then each entry name in the function subprogram must be type character. If the length is declared as an asterisk, all such entries must have a length declared with an asterisk.
A function specified as a subprogram may be referenced within any other subprogram or in the main program of the executable program.
A function subprogram cannot contain a BLOCK DATA , SUBROUTINE, or PROGRAM statement.
A function name cannot have its type explicitly specified more than once in a program unit.
In a function subprogram, a dummy argument name cannot appear in an EQUIVALENCE, PARAMETER, SAVE, INTRINSIC, DATA, or COMMON statement, except as a common block name.
A character dummy argument with a length specified as an asterisk must not appear as an operand for concatenation, except in a character assignment statement.
The compiler system permits recursion if the automatic storage of variables is in effect. By default, the -automatic command line option (described in Chapter 11, “Compiler Options”) causes the automatic storage of variables.
A SUBROUTINE statement must be the first statement of a subroutine subprogram.
SUBROUTINE sub[( [d [,d]...])] |
The following arguments are used:
sub | a symbolic name of the subroutine program unit . |
d | a dummy argument and may be a variable name, array name, dummy subprogram name, or asterisk. The asterisk denotes an alternate return. |
A SUBROUTINE statement must be the first statement of a subroutine subprogram.
If there are no dummy arguments, use either of the following forms:
One or more dummy arguments can become defined or redefined to return results.
The symbolic name of a subroutine is global and cannot be the same as any other global or local name in the program unit.
A CALL statement within the body of a subroutine may reference the subroutine itself (recursion) if the automatic storage attribute is specified. See Chapter 4, “Specification Statements”, for more information.
A subroutine subprogram cannot contain a BLOCK DATA , FUNCTION, or PROGRAM statement.
In a subroutine, a dummy argument name is local to the program unit and cannot appear in an EQUIVALENCE, SAVE , INTRINSIC, DATA, or COMMON statement, except as a common block name.
A character dummy argument whose length is specified as an asterisk cannot appear as an operand for concatenation, except in a character assignment statement.
The ENTRY statement specifies a secondary entry point in a function or subroutine subprogram. It allows a subprogram reference to begin with a particular executable statement within the function or subroutine subprogram in which the ENTRY statement appears.
ENTRY en[( [d[,d]...])] |
where en is a symbolic name of the entry point and d is a dummy argument.
If there are no dummy arguments, use either of the following forms:
ENTRY en ENTRY en() |
Each ENTRY statement in a function or subroutine provides an additional name you can use to invoke that subprogram. When you invoke it with one of these names, it begins execution at the first executable statement following the entry statement that provided the name.
Within a function, each of its names (the one provided by the FUNCTION statement, plus the ones provided by the ENTRY statements) acts like a variable. By the time the function returns, you must have defined the function return value by assigning it to one of these variables.
If any of these variables is of type character, all must be of type character; otherwise, the variables need not all have the same data type. Such variables are in effect equivalenced, and therefore
You need not assign the return value to the name you used to invoke the function; instead, you can assign it to any of the names of the same data type.
If you assign the return value a name that does not have the same data type as the one you used to invoke the function, then the return value becomes undefined.
The ENTRY statement may appear anywhere within a function subprogram after the FUNCTION statement or within a subroutine after a SUBROUTINE statement.
A subprogram can have one or more ENTRY statements.
The entry name en in a function subprogram can appear in a type statement.
In a function, a local variable with the same name as one of the entries can be referenced.
A subprogram can call itself directly if the automatic storage of variables is in effect. By default, the -automatic command line option causes the automatic storage of variables.
The order, number, type, and names of the dummy arguments in an ENTRY statement can be different from the dummy arguments in the FUNCTION, SUBROUTINE, or other ENTRY statements in the same subprogram. However, each reference to a function or subroutine must use an actual argument list that agrees in order, number, and type with the dummy argument list in the corresponding FUNCTION, SUBROUTINE, or ENTRY statement.
An ENTRY statement must not appear between a block IF statement and its corresponding END IF statement or between a DO statement and the terminal statement of the DO loop.
Within a subprogram, an entry name may not also serve as a dummy argument in a FUNCTION, SUBROUTINE, or ENTRY statement or be in an EXTERNAL statement.
In a function subprogram, an entry name may also be a variable name provided the variable name is not in any statement (except a type statement) preceding the ENTRY statement of that name. After the ENTRY statement, the name can be used as a variable name.
In a function subprogram, if an entry name is of type character, each entry name and the name of the function subprogram must also be of type character and must have the same length declared. If any are of length (*), then all must be of length (*).
In a subprogram, a name that appears as a dummy argument in an ENTRY statement is subject to the following restrictions:
It must not appear in an executable statement preceding that ENTRY statement unless it also appears in a FUNCTION, SUBROUTINE, or ENTRY statement preceding the executable statement.
It must not appear in the expression of a statement function unless the name is also a dummy argument of the statement function. It can appear in a FUNCTION or SUBROUTINE statement or in an ENTRY statement preceding the statement function.
The INCLUDE statement incorporates the contents of a designated file into the Fortran compilation directly following this statement.
INCLUDE "filename" |
where filename is a character string constant that specifies the file to be included.
An INCLUDE statement can appear anywhere within a program unit.
On encountering an INCLUDE statement, the compiler stops reading statements from the current file and reads the statements in the included file. At the end of the included file, the compiler resumes reading the current file with the statement following the INCLUDE statement.
On encountering an INCLUDE statement, the compiler searches:
for a file called filename in the same directory as the source file
the directories specified in any -I command line options (in the order specified)
in /usr/include
An included file or module cannot begin with a continuation line. Each Fortran statement must be completely contained within a single file.
An INCLUDE statement cannot contain continuation lines. The first non comment line following the INCLUDE statement cannot be a continuation line.
An INCLUDE statement cannot be labeled. It must not have a statement number in the statement number field.