Used in conjunction with your OCTANE Personal Video option, Video Library (VL) calls let you capture any part of the screen display and scale it down, output computer-generated graphics to videotape or the O2Cam digital camera, and output the input video source to the graphics monitor, to a video device such as a VCR, or both.
This chapter explains the first steps for creating video programs for OCTANE Personal Video:
Syntax elements are as follows:
VL types and constants begin with uppercase VL; for example, VLServer
VL functions begin with lowercase vl; for example, vlOpenVideo()
Data transfers fall into two categories:
transfers involving memory (video to memory, memory to video), which require setting up a buffer
transfers not involving memory (such as video to screen and graphics to video), which do not require a buffer
For the two categories of data transfer, based on the VL programming model, the process of creating a VL application consists of these steps:
Open a connection to the video daemon (vlOpenVideo()); if necessary, determine which device the application will use (vlGetDevice(), vlGetDeviceList()).
Specify nodes on the data path (vlGetNode()).
Create the path (vlCreatePath()).
(Optional step) Add more connections to a path (vlAddNode()).
Set up the hardware for the path (vlSetupPaths()).
Specify path-related events to be captured (vlSelectEvents()).
Set input and output parameters (controls) for the nodes on the path (vlSetControl()).
For transfers involving memory, create a VL buffer to hold data for memory transfers (vlGetTransferSize(), dmBufferCreatePool() or vlCreateBuffer()).
For transfers involving memory, register the buffer (vlRegisterBuffer()) or (video-to-memory only) vlDMBufferPoolRegister()
Start the data transfer (vlBeginTransfer()).
For transfers involving memory, get the data and manipulate it (DMbuffers: vlDMBufferGetValid(), vlGetActiveRegion(), dmBufferFree(); VL buffers: vlGetNextValid(), vlGetLatestValid(), vlGetActiveRegion(), vlPutFree()).
Clean up (vlEndTransfer(), vlDeregisterBuffer(), vlDestroyPath(), dmBuffer() or vlDestroyBuffer(), vlCloseVideo()).
To build programs that run under VL, you must
install the dmedia_dev option
link with
include vl.h and dev_evo.h
The client library is /usr/lib/ The header files for the VL are in /usr/include/dmedia. The header file for the VL, vl.h, contains the main definition of the VL API and controls. The header file for OCTANE Personal Video is /usr/include/dmedia/vl_evo.h (linked to /usr/include/vl/dev_evo.h).
The first thing a VL application must do is open the device with vlOpenVideo(). Its function prototype is
VLServer vlOpenVideo(const char *sName) |
where sName is the name of the server to which to connect; set it to a NULL string for the local server. For example:
vlSvr = vlOpenVideo("") |
Use vlGetNode() to specify nodes; this call returns the node's handle. Its function prototype is
VLNode vlGetNode(VLServer vlSvr, int type, int kind, int number) |
VLNode | is a handle for the node, used when setting controls or setting up paths | |||
vlSvr | names the server (as returned by vlOpenVideo()) | |||
type | specifies the type of node:
| |||
kind | specifies the kind of node:
| |||
number | is the number of the node in cases of two or more identical nodes, such as three video source nodes |
To discover which node the default is, use the control VL_DEFAULT_SOURCE after getting the node handle the normal way. The default video source is maintained by the VL. For example:
vlGetControl(vlSvr, path, VL_ANY, VL_DEFAULT_SOURCE, &ctrlval); nodehandle = vlGetNode(vlSvr, VL_SRC, VL_VIDEO, ctrlval.intVal); |
In the first line above, the last argument is a struct that retrieves the value. Corresponding to VL_DEFAULT_SOURCE, the control VL_DEFAULT_DRAIN gets the default VL_SRC node.
Once nodes are specified, use VL calls to
create the path
get the device ID
add nodes (optional step)
set up the data path
specify the path-related events to be captured
Use vlCreatePath() to create the data path. Its function prototype is
VLPath vlCreatePath(VLServer vlSvr, VLDev vlDev VLNode src, VLNode drn) |
This code fragment creates a path if the device is unknown:
if ((path = vlCreatePath(vlSvr, VL_ANY, src, drn)) < 0) { vlPerror(_progName); exit(1); } |
This code fragment creates a path that uses a device specified by parsing a devlist:
if ((path = vlCreatePath(vlSvr, devlist[devicenum].dev, src, drn)) < 0) { vlPerror(_progName); exit(1); } |
![]() | Note: If the path contains one or more invalid nodes, vlCreatePath() returns VLBadNode. |
If you specify VL_ANY as the device when you create the path, use vlGetDevice() to discover the device ID selected. Its function prototype is
VLDev vlGetDevice(VLServer vlSvr, VLPath path) |
For example:
devicenum = vlGetDevice(vlSvr, path); deviceName = devlist.devices[devicenum].name; printf("Device is: %s/n", deviceName); |
For this optional step, use vlAddNode(). Its function prototype is
int vlAddNode(VLServer vlSvr, VLPath vlPath, VLNodeId node) |
vlSvr | names the server to which the path is connected | |
vlPath | is the path as defined with vlCreatePath() | |
node | is the node ID |
This example fragment adds a video source node and a device node:
vlAddNode(vlSvr, vlPath, src_vid); vlAddNode(vlSvr, vlPath, dev_node); |
Use vlSetupPaths() to set up the data path. Its function prototype is
int vlSetupPaths(VLServer vlSvr, VLPathList paths, u_int count, VLUsageType ctrlusage, VLUsageType streamusage) |
This example fragment sets up a path with shared controls and a locked stream:
if (vlSetupPaths(vlSvr, (VLPathList)&path, 1, VL_SHARE, VL_LOCK) < 0) { vlPerror(_progName); exit(1); } |
Use vlSelectEvents() to specify the events you want to receive. Its function prototype is
int vlSelectEvents(VLServer vlSvr, VLPath path, VLEventMask eventmask) |
vlSvr | names the server to which the path is connected | |
path | specifies the data path. | |
eventmask | specifies the event mask; Table 2-1 lists the possibilities |
Table 2-1 lists and describes the VL event masks
Symbol | Meaning |
VLStreamBusyMask | Stream is locked |
VLStreamPreemptedMask | Stream was grabbed by another path |
VLStreamChangedMask | Video routing on this path has been changed by another path |
VLAdvanceMissedMask | Time was already reached |
VLSyncLostMask | Irregular or interrupted signal |
VLSequenceLostMask | Field or frame dropped |
VLControlChangedMask | A control has changed |
VLControlRangeChangedMask | A control range has changed |
VLControlPreemptedMask | Control of a node has been preempted, typically by another user setting VL_LOCK on a path that was previously set with VL_SHARE |
VLControlAvailableMask | Access is now available |
VLTransferCompleteMask | Transfer of field or frame complete |
VLTransferFailedMask | Error; transfer terminated; perform cleanup at this point, including vlEndTransfer() |
VLEvenVerticalRetraceMask | Vertical retrace event, even field |
VLOddVerticalRetraceMask | Vertical retrace event, odd field |
VLFrameVerticalRetraceMask | Frame vertical retrace event |
VLDeviceEventMask | Device-specific event, such as a trigger |
VLDefaultSourceMask | Default source changed
For example:
vlSelectEvents(vlSvr, path, VLTransferCompleteMask); |
Event masks can be Or'ed; for example:
vlSelectEvents(vlSvr, path, VLTransferCompleteMask | VLTransferFailedMask); |
For more details on VL event handling, see Chapter 7, “Event Handling.”