Table A-1 contains a list of equivalent calls that you might find useful while porting. The first column is an alphabetical list of IRIS GL calls, the second column contains the corresponding calls to use with OpenGL, and the third column contains pointers to any relevant discussion in the text.
![]() | Note: In many cases the OpenGL commands listed will function somewhat differently from the IRIS GL commands, and the parameters may be different as well. |
Be sure to refer to the OpenGL reference pages in the OpenGL Reference Manual for detailed descriptions of the functions of the these commands and the parameters they take.
You might also need to refer to X or IRIS IM documentation; some appropriate X and IRIS IM manuals are listed in “Where to Get More Information”.
Table A-1. IRIS GL Commands and Their OpenGL Equivalents
IRIS GL Call | OpenGL/glu/glX Equivalent | Where Discussed |
acbuf() | glAccum() | |
acsize() | glXChooseVisual() | |
addtopup() | glutCreateMenu, glutAddmenuEntry, glutAttachmenu, or use X or IRIS IM for menus |
Chapter 4, glXIntro reference page, X documentation, IRIS IM documentation |
afunction() | glAlphaFunc() | |
arc(), arcf() | gluPartialDisk()[a] | “Editing toogl Output: An Example” and “Porting Arcs and Circles” |
backbuffer() | glDrawBuffer(GL_BACK) | glDrawBuffer reference page |
backface() | glCullFace(GL_BACK) | glCullFace reference page |
bbox2() | Not supported | |
bgnclosedline() | glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP) | |
bgncurve() | gluBeginCurve() | |
bgnline() | glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP) | |
bgnpoint() | glBegin(GL_POINTS) | |
bgnpolygon() | glBegin(GL_POLYGON) | “Porting bgn/end Commands”, “Porting Polygons and Quadrilaterals”, and “Porting Tessellated Polygons” |
bgnqstrip() | glBegin(GL_QUAD_STRIP) | “Porting bgn/end Commands” and “Porting Polygons and Quadrilaterals” |
bgnsurface() | gluBeginSurface() | |
bgntmesh() | glBegin( GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP) | |
bgntrim() | gluBeginTrim() | |
blankscreen() | Use X for windowing. | Chapter 4 and glXIntro reference page |
blanktime() | Use X for windowing. | Chapter 4 and glXIntro reference page |
blendcolor() | glBlendColorEXT() | |
blendfunction() | glBlendFunc() | |
blink() | Use GLUT or X for color maps. | “GLX and GLUT Documentation”, Chapter 4 and glXIntro reference page |
blkqread() | Use GLUT or X for event handling. | “GLX and GLUT Documentation”, Chapter 4 and glXIntro reference page |
c3*(), c4*() | glColor*() | |
callfunc() | Not supported. | |
callobj() | glCallList() | |
charstr() | glCallLists() | |
chunksize() | Not needed. | |
circ(), circf() | gluDisk() | |
clear() | glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) | “Windowing, Device, and Event Calls” and “Porting Screen and Buffer Clearing Commands” |
clearhitcode() | Not supported | |
clipplane() | glClipPlane() | |
clkon() | XChangeKeyboardControl() | See X documentation. |
clkoff() | XChangeKeyboardControl() | See X documentation. |
closeobj() | glEndList() | |
cmode() | glutInitDisplayMode, glXChooseVisual() | GLX and GLUT Documentation, Chapter 4 and glXIntro and glXChooseVisual() reference pages |
cmov(), cmov2() | glRasterPos3()a, glRasterPos2()a | |
color(), colorf() | glIndex*() | “Porting bgn/end Commands” and “Porting Color, Shading, and Writemask Commands” |
compactify() | Not needed. |
concave() | gluBeginPolygon()a |
convolve() | glConvolutionFilter2DEXT(), glSeparableFilter2DEXT(), glConvolutionParameterEXT(), glPixelTransfer() | |
cpack() | glColor*()a | “Porting bgn/end Commands” and “Porting Color, Shading, and Writemask Commands” |
crv() | Not supported. | |
crvn() | Not supported. | |
curorigin() | Use X for cursors. | Chapter 4, glXIntro reference page, X documentation |
cursoff() | Use X for cursors. | Chapter 4, glXIntro reference page, X documentation |
curson() | Use X for cursors. | Chapter 4, glXIntro reference page, X documentation |
curstype() | glutSetCursor, or use X for cursors | GLX and GLUT Documentation, Chapter 4, glXIntro reference page, X documentation |
curvebasis() | glMap1() | |
curveit() | glEvalMesh1() | |
curveprecision() | Not supported. | |
cyclemap() | Use GLUT or use X for color maps. | “GLX and GLUT Documentation”, Chapter 4, and glXIntro reference page |
czclear() | glClear( GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) | |
dbtext() | Not supported | IRIS GL Dial and Button Box documentation |
defbasis() | glMap1() | |
defcursor() | glutSetCursor, or use X for cursors | GLX and GLUT Documentation, Chapter 4, glXIntro reference page, X documentation |
deflinestyle() | glLineStipple() | “Porting Lines” and “Porting defs, binds, and sets: Replacing `Tables' of Stored Definitions” |
defpattern() | glPolygonStipple() | “Porting Polygons and Quadrilaterals” and “Porting defs, binds, and sets: Replacing `Tables' of Stored Definitions” |
defpup() | Use GLUT or use X for menus. | “GLX and GLUT Documentation”, Chapter 4, glXIntro reference page, X documentation |
defrasterfont() | GLUT font rendering functions, glXUseXFont()a | |
delobj() | glDeleteLists() | |
deltag() | Not supported. | |
depthcue() | glFog()a | |
dglclose() | Not needed—OpenGL is network transparent. |
dglopen() | Not needed—OpenGL is network transparent. |
displacepolygon() | glPolygonOffsetEXT() glPolygonOffset()—OpenGL 1.1 | |
dither() | glEnable(GL_DITHER) | |
dopup() | Use GLUT or use X for menus. | GLX and GLUT Documentation, Chapter 4, glXIntro reference page, X documentation |
doublebuffer() | glXChooseVisual() | Chapter 4 and glXIntro reference page |
draw() | glBegin(GL_LINES)a | “Porting Commands That Required Current Graphics Positions” and “Porting Lines” |
drawmode() | glXMakeCurrent()a |
editobj() | Not supported. | |
endclosedline() | glEnd() | |
endcurve() | gluEndCurve() | |
endfeedback() | glRenderMode(GL_RENDER) | |
endfullscreen() | Not supported. |
endline() | glEnd() | |
endpick() | glRenderMode(GL_RENDER) | |
endpoint() | glEnd() | |
endpolygon() | glEnd() | “Porting bgn/end Commands” and “Porting Polygons and Quadrilaterals” |
endpupmode() | Use GLUT or use X for menus. | GLX and GLUT Documentation, Chapter 4, glXIntro reference page, X documentation |
endqstrip() | glEnd() | “Porting bgn/end Commands” and “Porting Polygons and Quadrilaterals” |
endselect() | glRenderMode(GL_RENDER) | |
endsurface() | gluEndSurface() | |
endtmesh() | glEnd() | |
endtrim() | gluEndTrim() | |
fbsubtexload() | Not supported in OpenGL 1.0. Use glSubTexture*() in OpenGL 1.1. | |
feedback() | glFeedbackBuffer() | |
finish() | glFinish() |
fogvertex() | glFog() | |
font() | See glListBase(). |
foreground() | glutSwapBuffers, glutPushWindow, glutPopWindow, or use X for windowing | GLX and GLUT Documentation, Chapter 4 and glXIntro reference page |
freepup() | Use GLUT or X for menus. | GLX and GLUT Documentation, Chapter 4, glXIntro reference page, X documentation |
frontbuffer() | glDrawBuffer(GL_FRONT) |
frontface() | See glCullFace(). |
fsubtexload() | glCopyTexSubImage2D()— OpenGL 1.1 |
fudge() | Use X for windowing. |
fullscrn() | glutFullScreen | |
gammaramp() | Use GLUT or X for color maps. | GLX and GLUT Documentation, Chapter 4 and glXIntro reference page |
gbegin() | Use X for windowing. | Chapter 4 and glXIntro reference page |
gconfig() | No equivalent (not needed). | Chapter 4 and glXIntro reference page |
genobj() | glGenLists() | |
gentag() | Not supported. |
getbackface() | glGet*() | |
getbuffer() | glGet*() | |
getbutton() | Use X for windowing. | “Porting IRIS GL get* Commands”, Chapter 4, and glXIntro reference page |
getcmmode() | glXGetCurrentContext() | “Porting IRIS GL get* Commands”, Chapter 4 and “Porting Color, Shading, and Writemask Commands” |
getcolor() | glGet*() |
getcpos() | glGet*() | |
getcursor() | Not supported. | |
getdcm() | glIsEnabled() | “Porting IRIS GL get* Commands” and “Porting Depth Cueing and Fog Commands” |
getdepth() | glGet*() | |
getdescender() | Use X for fonts. | |
getdev() | Not supported. | |
getdisplaymode() | glGet*() | |
getdrawmode() | glXGetCurrentContext() | |
getfont() | Use GLUT or X for fonts. | GLX and GLUT Documentation, “Porting IRIS GL get* Commands” and “Fonts and Strings” |
getgdesc() | glGet*(), glXGetConfig(), glXGetCurrentContext(), glXGetCurrentDrawable() | |
getgpos() | Not supported. | “Porting Commands That Required Current Graphics Positions” and “Porting IRIS GL get* Commands” |
getheight() | Use X for fonts. | GLX and GLUT Documentation, “Fonts and Strings” and “Porting IRIS GL get* Commands” |
gethgram() | glGetHistogramEXT() | |
gethitcode() | Not supported. | |
getlsbackup() | Not supported. | |
getlsrepeat() | glGet*() | |
getlstyle() | glGet*() | |
getlwidth() | glGet*() | |
getmap(void) | Not supported. | “Porting IRIS GL get* Commands”, Chapter 4 and “Porting Color, Shading, and Writemask Commands” |
getmatrix() | glGet*(GL_MODELVIEW_ MATRIX), glGet*(GL_PROJECTION_ MATRIX) | “Porting IRIS GL get* Commands” and “Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls” |
getmcolor() | Not supported. | “Porting IRIS GL get* Commands”, “Porting Color, Shading, and Writemask Commands”, Chapter 4 and glXIntro reference page |
getminmax() | glGetMinmaxEXT() | |
getmmode() | glGet*(GL_MATRIX_MODE) | |
getmonitor() | Not supported. | |
getnurbsproperty() | gluGetNurbsProperty() | |
getopenobj() | Not supported. | |
getorigin() | Use X for windowing. | “Porting IRIS GL get* Commands” and Chapter 4 and glXIntro reference page |
getpattern() | glGetPolygonStipple() | “Porting IRIS GL get* Commands” and “Porting Polygons and Quadrilaterals” |
getplanes() | glGet*(GL_RED_BITS), glGet*(GL_GREEN_BITS), glGet*(GL_BLUE_BITS) | |
getport() | Use X for windowing. | “Porting IRIS GL get* Commands”, Chapter 4, and glXIntro reference page |
getresetls() | Not supported. | |
getscrbox() | Not supported. | “Porting IRIS GL get* Commands” and “Porting Viewports, Screenmasks, and Scrboxes” |
getscrmask() | glGet*(GL_SCISSOR_BOX) | “Porting IRIS GL get* Commands” and “Porting Viewports, Screenmasks, and Scrboxes” |
getshade() | glGet*( GL_CURRENT_INDEX) | |
getsize() | Use X for windowing. | “Porting IRIS GL get* Commands”, Chapter 4, and glXIntro reference page |
getsm() | glGet*(GL_SHADE_MODEL) | “Porting IRIS GL get* Commands” and “Porting Color, Shading, and Writemask Commands” |
getvaluator() | Use glutMainLoop() or use X for event handling. | GLX and GLUT Documentation, “Porting IRIS GL get* Commands”, Chapter 4, and glXIntro reference page |
getvideo() | Not supported. | |
getviewport() | glGet*(GL_VIEWPORT) | “Porting IRIS GL get* Commands” and “Porting Viewports, Screenmasks, and Scrboxes” |
getwritemask() | glGet*( GL_INDEX_WRITEMASK) | “Porting IRIS GL get* Commands” and “Porting Color, Shading, and Writemask Commands” |
getwscrn() | Use X for windowing. | “Porting IRIS GL get* Commands”, Chapter 4 and glXIntro reference page |
getzbuffer() | glIsEnabled( GL_DEPTH_TEST) | |
gexit() | Use X for windowing. |
gflush() | glFlush() |
ginit() | Use GLUT or use X for windowing. | GLX and GLUT Documentation, Chapter 4, and glXIntro reference page |
glcompat() | Not supported. |
GLXgetconfig() | glXChooseVisual(), glXGetConfig() | Chapter 4 and glXIntro reference page |
GLXlink() | Combination of glXCreateContext() and glXMakeCurrent() | Chapter 4 and glXIntro reference page |
GLXunlink() | glXMakeCurrent(display_name, None, NULL) | Chapter 4 and glXIntro reference page |
GLXwinset() | glXMakeCurrent() has some of the functionality. | Chapter 4 and glXIntro reference page |
greset() | Not supported. | |
gRGBcolor() | glGet*(GL_CURRENT_ RASTER_COLOR) | |
gRGBcursor() | Use GLUT or use X for cursors. | GLX and GLUT Documentation, Chapter 4, glXIntro reference page, X documentation |
gRGBmask() | glGet*( GL_COLOR_WRITEMASK) | |
gselect() | glSelectBuffer() |
gsync() | Use GLUt or use X for windowing. | GLX and GLUT Documentation, Chapter 4 and glXIntro reference page |
gversion() | glGetString( GL_RENDERER)a | Chapter 4 and glXIntro reference page |
hgram() | glHistogramEXT(), glResetHistogramEXT() | |
iconsize() | glutIconifyWindow, or use X | GLX and GLUT Documentation or X documentation for XIconSize() |
icontitle() | glutSetIconTitle, or use X | GLX and GLUT Documentation or X documentation for XSetIconName() |
ilbuffer() | Not supported. | |
ildraw() | Not supported. | |
imakebackground() | Use X for event handling. | Chapter 4 and glXIntro reference page |
initnames() | glInitNames() |
ismex() | Not supported. |
isobj() | glIsList() | |
isqueued() | Use X for event handling. | Chapter 4 and glXIntro reference page |
istag() | Not supported. | |
istexloaded() | glAreTexturesResident() — OpenGL 1.1 | |
keepaspect() | Use X for windowing. | Chapter 4 and glXIntro reference page |
lampoff() | Not supported. | See X documentation for XChangeKeyboardControl(). |
lampon() | Not supported. | See X documentation for XChangeKeyboardControl(). |
leftbuffer() | glDrawBuffer(GL_LEFT) | |
linesmooth() | glEnable( GL_LINE_SMOOTH) | |
linewidth() linewidthf*() | glLineWidth() | |
lmbind() | glEnable(GL_LIGHTING) glEnable(GL_LIGHTi) | “Porting bgn/end Commands”, “Porting defs, binds, and sets: Replacing `Tables' of Stored Definitions”, and “Porting Lighting and Materials Calls” |
lmcolor() | glColorMaterial() | |
lmdef() | glMaterial() glLight() glLightModel() | “Porting defs, binds, and sets: Replacing `Tables' of Stored Definitions” and “Porting Lighting and Materials Calls” |
loadmatrix() | glLoadMatrix() | |
loadname() | glLoadName() | |
logicop() | glLogicOp() | |
lookat() | gluLookAt()a | |
lrectread() | glReadPixels() | |
lrectwrite() | glDrawPixels() | |
lRGBrange() | Not supported; see glFog(). | |
lsbackup() | Not supported. | |
lsetdepth() | glDepthRange() | |
lshaderange() | Not supported; see glFog(). | |
lsrepeat() | glLineStipple() | |
makeobj() | glNewList() | |
maketag() | Not supported. | |
mapcolor() | XStoreColor() | |
mapw() | gluProject() | |
maxsize() | Use GLUT or use X for windowing. | GLX and GLUT Documentation, Chapter 4 and glXIntro reference page |
minmax() | glMinmaxEXT() | |
minsize() | Use GLUT or use X for windowing. | GLX and GLUT Documentation, Chapter 4 and glXIntro reference page |
mmode() | glMatrixMode() | |
monobuffer() | Superseded by selection of an appropriate GLX visual. | glXChooseVisual() reference page and “Porting RealityEngine Graphics Features” |
move() | Not supported. | |
msalpha() | glEnable(GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_T O_MASK_SGIS), glEnable(GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_T O_ONE_SGIS) | |
msmask() | glSampleMaskSGIS() | |
mspattern() | glSamplePatternSGIS() | |
mssize() | glXChooseVisual with attribute GLX_SAMPLE_BUFFERS_SGIS | |
mswapbuffers() | glutSwapBuffers, glxSwapbuffers | GLX and GLUT Documentation or X documentation |
multimap() | Use X for color maps. | “Porting Color, Shading, and Writemask Commands”, also Chapter 4, glXIntro reference page |
multisample() | glEnable( GL_MULTISAMPLE_SGIS) | |
multmatrix() | glMultMatrix() |
n3f() | glNormal3fv() | |
newpup() | Use GLUT or X for menus. | GLX and GLUT Documentation, Chapter 4, glXIntro reference page, X documentation |
newtag() | Not supported. | |
nmode() | glEnable(GL_NORMALIZE) |
noborder() | Use X for windowing. | Chapter 4 and glXIntro reference page |
noise() | Use X for event handling. | Chapter 4 and glXIntro reference page |
noport() | Use X for windowing. | Chapter 4 and glXIntro reference page |
normal() | glNormal3fv() |
nurbscurve() | gluNurbsCurve()a | |
nurbssurface() | gluNurbsSurface()a | |
objdelete() | Not supported. | |
objinsert() | Not supported. | |
objreplace() | Not supported. | |
onemap() | Use GLUT or X for color maps. | “GLX and GLUT Documentation”, “Porting Color, Shading, and Writemask Commands”, and Chapter 4 and glXIntro reference page |
ortho() | glOrtho() | |
ortho2() | gluOrtho2D() | |
overlay() | Use GLUT overlay functions or | “GLX and GLUT Documentation”, Chapter 4, glXIntro reference pages, and glXChooseVisual() |
pagecolor() | Not supported. |
passthrough() | glPassThrough() | |
patch() | glEvalMesh2()a | |
patchbasis() | glMap2()a | |
patchcurves() | glMap2()a | |
patchprecision() | Not supported. | |
pclos() | Not supported; see glEnd(). | “Porting Commands That Required Current Graphics Positions” and “Porting Polygons and Quadrilaterals” |
pdr() | Not supported; see glVertex(). | “Porting Commands That Required Current Graphics Positions” and “Porting Polygons and Quadrilaterals” |
perspective() | gluPerspective() | |
pick() | gluPickMatrix()a and glRenderMode(GL_SELECT) | |
picksize() | gluPickMatrix() | “Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls” and “Porting Picking Calls” |
pixelmap() | glPixelMap() | |
pixeltransfer() | glPixelTransfer() | |
pixmode() | glPixelTransfer() and glPixelStore() | |
pmv() | Not supported; see glBegin() and glVertex(). | “Porting Commands That Required Current Graphics Positions” and “Porting Polygons and Quadrilaterals” |
pnt*() | glBegin(GL_POINTS)a | |
pntsize(), pntsizef() | glPointSize() | |
pntsmooth() | glEnable( GL_POINT_SMOOTH) | |
polarview() | Not supported; see glRotate() and glTranslate(). | |
polf() | Not supported. | |
poly() | Not supported. | |
polymode() | glPolygonMode() | |
polysmooth() | glEnable( GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH) | |
popattributes() | glPopAttrib(), glPopClientAttrib() | “Porting greset()” explains how to use glPopAttrib() |
popmatrix() | glPopMatrix() | |
popname() | glPopName() | |
popviewport() | glPopAttrib() | |
prefposition() | Use X for windowing. | Chapter 4 and glXIntro reference page |
prefsize() | Use X for windowing. | Chapter 4 and glXIntro reference page |
pupmode() | Use X for windowing. | Chapter 4 and glXIntro reference page |
pushattributes() | glPushAttrib(), glPushClientAttrib() |
pushmatrix() | glPushMatrix() | |
pushname() | glPushName() | |
pushviewport() | glPushAttrib(GL_VIEWPORT) | |
pwlcurve() | gluPWLCurve() | |
qcontrol() | Use X for event handling. | Chapter 4 and glXIntro reference page |
qdevice() | Use X for event handling. | Chapter 4 and glXIntro reference page |
qenter() | Use X for event handling. | Chapter 4 and glXIntro reference page |
qgetfd() | Use X for event handling. | Chapter 4 and glXIntro reference page |
qread() | Use X for event handling. | Chapter 4 and glXIntro reference page |
qreset() | Use X for event handling. | Chapter 4 and glXIntro reference page |
qtest() | Use X for event handling. | Chapter 4 and glXIntro reference page |
rcrv(), rcrvn() | Not supported. | |
rdr() | Not supported. | |
readcomponent() | glReadPixels() gives partial support; some readcomponent() features aren't supported. | |
readdisplay() | Not supported. |
readpixels() | glReadPixels() | |
readRGB() | Not supported. | |
readsource() | glReadBuffer() | |
rect(), rectf() | See glRect() and glPolygonMode(). | |
rectcopy() | glCopyPixels() | |
rectread() | glReadPixels() | |
rectwrite() | glDrawPixels() | |
rectzoom() | glPixelZoom() | |
resetls() | Not supported. | |
reshapeviewport() | Not supported. | Chapter 4 and glXIntro reference page |
RGBcolor() | glColor() | “Porting bgn/end Commands” and “Porting Color, Shading, and Writemask Commands” |
RGBcursor() | Use glutSetCursor or use X for cursors. | GLX and GLUT Documentation, Chapter 4, glXIntro reference page, X documentation |
RGBmode() | Use X for windowing. | Chapter 4 and glXIntro reference page |
RGBrange() | Not supported. |
RGBsize() | Not supported, but the glXChooseVisual() function does some similar things. | glXChooseVisual() reference page |
RGBwritemask() | glColorMask() | |
rightbuffer() | glDrawBuffer(GL_RIGHT) | |
ringbell() | Not supported. | X documentation for XBell() |
rmv() | Not supported. | |
rot() | glRotate() | |
rotate() | glRotate() | |
rpatch() | Not supported. | |
rpdr() | Not supported. | “Porting Commands That Required Current Graphics Positions” and “Porting Polygons and Quadrilaterals” |
rpmv() | Not supported. | “Porting Commands That Required Current Graphics Positions” and “Porting Polygons and Quadrilaterals” |
sbox(), sboxf() | glRect()a | |
scale() | glScale() | |
sclear() | glClear( GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT) | “Porting Screen and Buffer Clearing Commands” and “Stencil Plane Calls” |
scrbox() | Not supported. | |
screenspace() | Not supported. | |
scrmask() | glScissor() | |
scrnattach() | Use X for windowing. | Chapter 4 and glXIntro reference page |
scrnselect() | Use X for windowing. | Chapter 4 and glXIntro reference page |
scrsubdivide() | Not supported. |
select() | glRenderMode() | |
setbell() | Not supported. | X documentation for XChangeKeyboardControl() |
setcursor() | glutSetCursor, or use X for cursors | GLX and GLUT Documentation, Chapter 4, glXIntro reference page, and X documentation |
setdblights() | Not supported. | dial and button box documentation |
setdepth() | glDepthRange()a |
setlinestyle() | glLineStipple() | “Porting Lines” and “Porting defs, binds, and sets: Replacing `Tables' of Stored Definitions” |
setmap() | Use GLUT or X for color maps. | GLX and GLUT Documentation, “Porting Color, Shading, and Writemask Commands”, Chapter 4, and glXIntro reference page |
setmonitor() | Not supported. |
setnurbsproperty() | gluNurbsProperty() |
setpattern() | glPolygonStipple() | “Porting Polygons and Quadrilaterals” and “Porting defs, binds, and sets: Replacing `Tables' of Stored Definitions” |
setpup() | Use GLUT or X for menus. | GLX and GLUT Documentation, Chapter 4, glXIntro reference page, X documentation |
setvaluator() | Use GLUT or X for devices. | GLX and GLUT Documentation, Chapter 4, glXIntro reference page, X documentation |
setvideo() | Not supported. |
shademodel() | glShadeModel() | |
shaderange() | glFog() |
singlebuffer() | Use X for windowing. | GLX and GLUT Documentation, Chapter 4 and glXIntro reference page |
smoothline() | glEnable( GL_LINE_SMOOTH) | |
spclos() | Not supported. | |
splf() | Not supported see glBegin(). | |
stencil() | glStencilFunc(), glStencilOp() | |
stensize() | glStencilMask() | |
stepunit() | Use X for windowing. | Chapter 4 and glXIntro reference page |
stereobuffer() | Superseded by selection of an appropriate GLX visual. | glXChooseVisual() reference page and “Porting RealityEngine Graphics Features” |
strwidth() | Use X for fonts and strings. | |
subpixel() | Not needed. | |
subtexload() | glTexSubImage2DEXT()—OpenGL 1.0 glTexSubImage2D()—OpenGL 1.1 | |
swapbuffers() | glXSwapBuffers() | glXIntro and glXSwapBuffers() reference pages |
swapinterval() | Not supported. |
swaptmesh() | Not supported; see glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN) | |
swinopen() | Use X for windowing | Chapter 4 and glXIntro reference page |
swritemask() | glStencilMask() | |
t2*(), t3*(), t4*() | glTexCoord*() | |
tevbind() | glTexEnv() | “Porting defs, binds, and sets: Replacing `Tables' of Stored Definitions” and “Porting Lighting and Materials Calls” |
tevdef() | glTexEnv() | “Porting defs, binds, and sets: Replacing `Tables' of Stored Definitions”, “Porting Lighting and Materials Calls”, and “Translating tevdef()” |
texbind() | glTexImage2D(), glTexParameter(), gluBuild2DMipmaps(), | “Porting defs, binds, and sets: Replacing `Tables' of Stored Definitions” and “Porting Texture Calls” |
texdef2d() | glTexImage2D(), glTexParameter(), gluBuild2DMipmaps() | “Porting defs, binds, and sets: Replacing `Tables' of Stored Definitions”, “Porting Lighting and Materials Calls”, and “Translating texdef()” |
texdef3d() | glTexImage3DEXT() | |
texgen() | glTexGen() | “Porting Lighting and Materials Calls” and “Translating texgen()” |
textcolor() | Not supported. |
textinit() | Not supported. |
textport() | Not supported. |
tie() | Use X for event handling. | Chapter 4 and glXIntro reference page |
tlutbind() | Not supported. | |
tlutdef() | Not supported. | |
tpoff() | Not supported. |
tpon() | Not supported. |
translate() | glTranslate() | |
underlay() | glXChooseVisual() |
unqdevice() | Use X for event handling. | Chapter 4 and glXIntro reference page |
v2*(), v3*(), v4*() | glVertex*() | |
videocmd() | Not supported. |
viewport() | glViewport() | |
winattach() | Use GLUT or X for windowing. | GLX and GLUT Documentation, Chapter 4, and glXIntro reference page |
winclose() | glXDestroyContext(), XCloseDisplay() |
winconstraints() | Use X for windowing. | Chapter 4 and glXIntro reference page |
windepth() | Use X for windowing. | Chapter 4 and glXIntro reference page |
window() | glFrustum() | |
winget() | glXGetCurrentContext() |
winmove() | glutPositionWindow(), or use X for windowing | GLX and GLUT Documentation, Chapter 4 and glXIntro reference page |
winopen() | glutShowWindow(), or use X for windowing | GLX and GLUT Documentation, Chapter 4 and glXIntro reference page |
winpop() | glutPopWindow, or use X for windowing | GLX and GLUT Documentation, Chapter 4 and glXIntro reference page |
winposition() | glutPositionWindow, or use X for windowing | GLX and GLUT Documentation, Chapter 4 and glXIntro reference page |
winpush() | glutPushWindow, or use X for windowing | GLX and GLUT Documentation, Chapter 4 and glXIntro reference page |
winset() | Use GLUT or use X for windowing. | GLX and GLUT Documentation, Chapter 4 and glXIntro and glXMakeCurrent() reference pages |
wintitle() | glutSetWindowTitle, or use X for windowing | GLX and GLUT Documentation Chapter 4 and glXIntro reference page |
wmpack() | glColorMask() | |
writemask() | glIndexMask() |
writepixels() | glDrawPixels() |
writeRGB() | glDrawPixels() |
xfpt*() | Not supported. | |
zbsize() | Superseded by selection of an appropriate GLX visual. | glXChooseVisual() reference page and “Porting RealityEngine Graphics Features” |
zbuffer() | glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) |
zclear() | glClear( GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) | |
zdraw() | Not supported. |
zfunction() | glDepthFunc() |
zsource() | Not supported. |
zwritemask() | glDepthMask() | |
[a] Note that this is not a direct equivalent of IRIS GL functionality—be careful when porting. |