This chapter presents another interactive sample session with the Parallel Analyzer View. The session illustrates aspects of the MIPSpro C compiler.
Analyzing a C program is very similar to analyzing a Fortran program. See Chapter 1, “Getting Started With ProMP”, for reference information that applies to both languages.
The following sections are included in this tutorial:
The topics are introduced in this chapter by going through the process of starting the ProMP Parallel Analyzer View and stepping through the loops and routines in the sample code. The chapter is most useful if you perform the operations as they are described.
For more details about the ProMP interface, see Chapter 6, “Parallel Analyzer View Reference”.
To use the sample sessions discussed in this guide, note the following:
/usr/demos/ProMP is the demonstration directory
ProMP.sw.demos must be installed
The sample session discussed in this chapter uses the c_tutorial.c_orig file in the directory /usr/demos/ProMP/c_tutorial. The source file contains many loops, each of which exemplifies an aspect of the parallelization process.
The directory /usr/demos/ProMP/c_tutorial also includes Makefile to compile the source files.
Prepare for the session by opening a shell window and entering the following:
% cd /usr/demos/ProMP/c_tutorial % make |
These commands create the following files:
c_tutorial.c from c_tutorial.c_orig
c_tutorial.m: a transformed source file, which you can view with the Parallel Analyzer View, and print
c_tutorial.l: a listing file
c_tutorial.anl: an analysis file used by the Parallel Analyzer View
After you have the appropriate files from the compiler, start the session by entering the cvpav(1) command, which opens the main window of the Parallel Analyzer View loaded with the sample file data:
% cvpav -f c_tutorial.c |
If at any time during the tutorial you should want to restart from the beginning, do the following:
Quit the Parallel Analyzer View by choosing Admin -> Exit from the menu bar.
Clean up the tutorial directory by entering the following command:
% make clean |
The loops in this section are the simplest kinds of C loops:
Two other sections discuss more complicated loops:
![]() | : The loops in the next sections are referred to by their Olid numbers. Changes to the Parallel Analyzer View, such as, the implementation of updated OpenMP standards, may cause the Olid numbers you see on your system to differ from those in the tutorial. The Olid numbers in the tutorial are not in the same order as in the program. Example code, which you can find in the Source View, is included in the tutorial to clarify the discussion. |
Scroll to the top of the list of loops and select loop Olid 5, either by advancing by using the Next Loop and Previous Loop buttons or by double-clicking the line at the top of the display.
Example 4-1. C: simple parallel loop
nsize = sizeof(a); for (i = 0; i < nsize; i++) { a[i] = b[i]*c[i]; } |
This is a simple loop; computations in each iteration are independent of each other. It was transformed by the compiler to run concurrently. Notice in the Transformed Source window the directives added by the compiler.
Move to the next loop by selecting Olid 6.
Olid 6 is a simple loop with too little content to justify running it in parallel. The compiler determined that the overhead of parallelizing would exceed the benefits; the original loop and the transformed loop are identical.
Move to the Olid 2 loop.
Loop Olid 2 is parallelized because it contains an explicit #pragma omp parallel for directive in the source, as shown in the Loop Parallelization Controls area of the window (see Figure 4-1). The compiler passes the directive through to the transformed source.
Example 4-3. C: explicitly parallelized loop
#pragma omp parallel for shared(a,b,c) for (i = 0; i < nsize; i++) a[i] = b[i]*c[i]; |
The loop parallelization status option button is set to #pragma omp parallel for..., and it is shown with a highlight button. Clicking the highlight button brings up both the Source View and the Parallelization Control View, which shows more information about the parallelization directive.
If you clicked on the highlight button, close the Parallelization Control View. (Using the Parallelization Control View is discussed in “Adding #pragma omp parallel for Directives and Clauses”.) Close the Source View and move to the next loop by clicking the Next Loop button.
Loops Olid 7 and Olid 8 are simple parallel loops that have similar structures. The compiler combines these loops to decrease overhead. Note that loop Olid 8 is described as fused in the loop information display, and in the Transformed Loops View, it is incorporated into Olid 7. If you look at the Transformed Source window and select Olid 7 and Olid 8, the same lines of code are highlighted for each loop.
nsize = sizeof(a); for (i = 0; i < nsize; i++) a[i] = b[i]+c[i]; for (i = 0; i < nsize; i++) a[i] = b[i]+c[i]; |
Move to the next loop by clicking Next Loop twice.
Loop Olid 9 is an example of a loop that the compiler can eliminate entirely. The compiler determines that the body is independent of the rest of the loop. It moves the body outside of the loop and eliminates the loop. The transformed source is not scrolled and highlighted when you select Olid 9 because there is no transformed loop derived from the original loop.
Move to the next loop, Olid 10, by clicking the Next Loop button. This loop is discussed in “Unparallelizable Carried Data Dependence”.
There are a number of reasons why a loop may not be parallelized. The loops in the following sections illustrate some of the reasons, along with variants that allow parallelization:
Carried Data Dependence, see“Obstacles to Parallelization: Carried Data Dependence”.
Input/Output Operations, see “Obstacles to Parallelization: I/O Operations”.
Function Calls, see “Obstacles to Parallelization: Function Calls”.
Permutation Vectors, see “Obstacles to Parallelization: Permutation Vectors”.
These loops are a few specific examples of the obstacles to parallelization recognized by the compiler.
Messages that appear in the graphical user interface offer further tips on obstacles to parallelization. See “Obstacles to Parallelization Messages” in Chapter 2 for two tables that list messages generated by the compiler that concern obstacles to parallelization.
Carried data dependence typically arises when recurrence of a variable occurs in a loop. Depending on the nature of the recurrence, parallelizing the loop may be impossible. The following loops illustrate four kinds of data dependence:
Unparallelizable Carried Data Dependence, see “Unparallelizable Carried Data Dependence”.
Parallelizable Carried Data Dependence, see “Parallelizable Carried Data Dependence”.
Multi-line Data Dependence, see “Multi-line Data Dependence”.
Reductions, see “Reductions”.
Loop Olid 10 is a loop that cannot be parallelized because of a data dependence; one element of an array is used to set another in a recurrence.
nsize = sizeof(a); for (i = 0; i < nsize -1; i++) a[i] = a[i+1]; |
If the loop were nontrivial (if nsize were greater than two) and if the loop were run in parallel, iterations might execute out of order. For example, iteration 4, which sets a[4] to a[5]), might occur after iteration 5, which resets the value of a[5]; the computation would be unpredictable.
The loop information display in Figure 4-2, lists the obstacle to parallelization.
Click the highlight button that accompanies it. Two kinds of highlighting occur in the Source View:
The relevant line that has the dependence.
The uses of the variable that obstruct parallelization; only the uses of the variable within the loop are highlighted.
Move to the next loop by clicking Next Loop.
Loop Olid 11 has a structure similar to loop Olid 10. Despite the similarity, however, Olid 11 can be parallelized.
nsize = sizeof(a); #pragma concurrent for (i = 0; i < nsize ; i++) a[i]= a[i+m]; |
Note that the array indices differ by offset m. If m is equal to nsize and the array is twice nsize, the code is actually copying the upper half of the array into the lower half, a process that can be run in parallel. The compiler cannot recognize this from the source, but the code has the assertion #pragma concurrent, so the loop is parallelized.
Click the highlight button to show the assertion in the Source View.
Move to the next loop by clicking the Next Loop button.
Data dependence can involve more than one line of a program. In loop Olid 12, a dependence similar to that in Olid 11 occurs, but the variable is set and used on different lines.
nsize = sizeof(a); for (i = 0; i < nsize-1; i++) { b[i] = a[i]; a[i+1] = b[i]; } |
Click the highlight button on the obstacle line.
In the Source View, highlighting shows the dependency variable on two lines. Of course, real programs usually have far more complex dependences than this.
Move to the next loop by clicking Next Loop.
Loop Olid 13 shows a data dependence that is called a reduction: the variable responsible for the data dependence is being accumulated or reduced in some fashion. A reduction can be a summation, a multiplication, or a minimum or maximum determination. For a summation, as shown in this loop, the code could accumulate partial sums in each processor and then add the partial sums at the end.
nsize = array_size; x = 0; for (i = 0; i < nsize; i++) x = b[i]*c[i] + x; |
However, because floating-point arithmetic is inexact, the order of addition might give different answers due to roundoff error. This does not imply that the serial execution answer is correct and the parallel execution answer is incorrect; they are equally valid within the limits of roundoff error. With the -O3 optimization level, the compiler assumes it is permissible to introduce roundoff error, and it parallelizes the loop. If you do not want a loop parallelized because of the difference caused by roundoff error, compile with the -OPT:roundoff=0 or -OPT:roundoff=1 option.
Move to the next loop by clicking Next Loop.
Loop Olid 14 has an input/output (I/O) operation in it. It cannot be parallelized because the output would appear in a different order, depending on the scheduling of the individual CPUs.
for (i = 0; i < nsize; i++) printf( "Element A[%d] = %f\n",i,a[i]); |
Click the button indicating the obstacle and note the highlighting of the print statement in the Source View.
Move to the next loop by clicking Next Loop.
Unless you make an assertion, a loop with a function call cannot be parallelized; the compiler cannot determine whether a call has side effects, such as creating data dependencies.
Although loop Olid 15 has a function call, it can be parallelized. You can add an assertion that the call has no side effects that will prevent concurrent processing.
nsize = sizeof(ARRAYSIZE); #pragma concurrent call for (i = 0; i < nsize; i++) a[i] = b[i] + foo(); |
Click the highlight button on the assertion line in the loop information display to highlight the line in the Source View containing the assertion.
Move to the next loop by clicking Next Loop.
If you specify array index values by values in another array (referred to as a permutation vector), the compiler cannot determine if the values in the permutation vector are distinct. If the values are distinct, loop iterations do not depend on each other, and the loop can be parallelized; if they are not distinct, the loop cannot be parallelized. Without an assertion, a loop with a permutation vector is not parallelized.
Loop Olid 16 has a permutation vector, ic[i], and cannot be parallelized.
for (i = 0; i < nsize-1; i++) a[ic[i]] = a[ic[i]] + DELTA; |
Move to the next loop by clicking the Next Loop button.
An assertion, #pragma permutation(ib), that the index array ib[i] is indeed a permutation vector has been added before loop Olid 17. Therefore, the loop is parallelized.
#pragma permutation(ib) for (i = 0; i < nsize; i++) a[ib[i]] = a[ib[i]] + DELTA; |
Move to the next loop, Olid 18, by clicking Next Loop. This loop is discussed in “Nested Loop”.
The loops in this section illustrate more complicated situations, involving nested and interchanged loops.
Loop Olid 18 is the outer loop of a pair of loops, and it runs in parallel. The inner loop runs in serial because the compiler knows that one parallel loop should not be nested inside another. However, you can force parallelization in for the inner loop by inserting a #pragma omp parallel for directive in front of the outer loop. For example, see “Distributed and Reshaped Arrays: #pragma distribute_reshape”.
Click Next Loop to move to Olid 19.
The inner loop, Olid 20, is shown in the loop information display as a serial loop inside a parallel loop. Olid 19 is labelled as parallel. Explanatory messages appear in the loop information display.
Example 4-7. C: doubly nested loop
nsize = array_size; for (i = 0; i < nsize; i++) { for (j = 0; j < nsize; j++) aa[i][j] = bb[i][j]; } |
Move to the inner loop, Olid 20, by clicking the Next Loop button. Click Next Loop once again to move to the following triple-nested loop.
The following triple-nested loop, with Olids 21, 22, and 23, is transformed into two serial loops executing under parallel loop Olid 21:
Example 4-8. C: triple nested loop
for (i = 0; i < nsize; i++) { for (j = 0; j < nsize; j++) { cc[i][j] = 0.0; for (k = 0; k < nsize; k++) cc[i][j] = cc[i][j] + aa[i][k] * bb[k][j]; } } |
Double-click on Olid 21, Olid 22, and Olid 23 in the loop list and note that the loop information display shows that Olid 22 and Olid 23 are serial loops inside a parallel loop, Olid 21.
Because the innermost serial loop, Olid 23, depends without recurrence on the indices of Olid 21 and Olid 22, iterations can run concurrently. The compiler does not recognize this possibility. This brings us to the subject of the next section, the use of the Parallel Analyzer View tools to modify the source.
Return to Olid 21, if necessary, by using the Previous Loop button.
So far, the discussion has focused on ways to view the source and parallelization effects. This section discusses controls that can change the source code by adding directives or assertions, allowing a subsequent pass of the compiler to do a better job of parallelizing your code.
You control most of the directives and some of the assertions available from the Parallel Analyzer View with the Operations menu . You control most of the assertions and the more complex directives, #pragma omp for and #pragma omp parallel for, with the loop parallelization status option button (see Figure 4-3).
There are two steps to modifying source files:
Making changes using the Parallel Analyzer View controls, discussed in the next subsection, “Making Changes”.
Modifying the source and rebuilding the program and its analysis files, discussed in “Updating the Source File”.
You make changes by one of the following actions:
Adding or deleting assertions and directives using the Operations menu or the Loop Parallelization Controls.
Adding clauses to or otherwise modifying directives using the Parallelization Control View window.
Modifying the PFA analysis parameters in the PFA Analysis Parameters View (o32 only.)
You can request changes in any order; there are no dependencies implied by the order of requests.
The following changes are discussed:
Loop Olid 22, shown in “Triple Nested Loop”, is a serial loop nested inside a parallel loop. It is not parallelized, but its iterations could run concurrently.
To add a #pragma omp parallel for directive to Olid 22, do the following:
Make sure loop Olid 22 is selected.
Click on the loop parallelization status option button (see Figure 4-3) and choose omp parallel for to parallelize Olid 22.
This sequence requests a change in the source code and opens the Parallelization Control View (see Figure 4-4). You can now look at variables in the loop and attach clauses to the directive, if needed.
Notice that in the loop list there is now a red plus sign next to this loop, indicating that a change has been requested.
Close the Parallelization Control View by using its Admin > Close option.
To add a new assertion to a loop, do the following:
Find loop Olid 15 either by scrolling the loop list or by using the search feature. (Go to the Search field and enter 15.)
Double-click the highlighted line in the loop list to select it.
Pull down Operations -> Add Assertion -> ASSERT CONCURRENT CALL to request a new assertion.
This adds the assertion #pragma assert concurrent call. The assertion indicates that it is safe to parallelize the loop despite the call to the function foo, which the compiler considers a possible obstacle to parallelization.
The loop information display shows the new assertion, along with an Insert button to indicate the state of the assertion when you modify the code. (See Figure 4-5.)
The procedure for adding OpenMP directives is similar. To start, choose Operations > Add OMP Directive.
Move to loop Olid 17 (shown in “Parallelizable Loop With a Permutation Vector”).
To delete an assertion, follow these steps:
Figure 4-6, shows the state of the assertion in the information display. A similar procedure is used to delete directives.
For information on applying changes and viewing the changes in a gdiff window, see “Updating the Source File”.
Choose Update > Update All Files to update the source file to include the changes made in this tutorial. Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut for this operation, Ctrl+U, with the cursor anywhere in the main view.
If you have set the checkbox and opened the gdiff window or an editor, examine the changes or edit the file as you wish. When you exit these tools, the Parallel Analyzer View spawns the WorkShop Build Manager.
![]() | : If you edited any files, verify when the Build Manager comes up that the directory shown is the one in which you are running the sample session; if the directory is different, change it. |
Click the Build button in the Build Manager window, and the Build Manager will reprocess the changed file.
When the build completes, the Parallel Analyzer View updates to reflect the changes. You can now examine the new version of the file to see the effect of the requested changes.
Scroll to Olid 15 to see the effect of the assertion request made in “Adding New Assertions or Directives With the Operations Menu”. Notice the icon indicating that loop Olid 15, which previously was unparallelizable because of the call to the function foo, is now parallel.
Double-click the line and note the new loop information. The source code also has the assertion that was added.
Move to the next loop by clicking the Next Loop button.
Note that the assertion in loop Olid 16 is gone, as requested in “Deleting Assertions or Directives”, and that the loop no longer runs in parallel. Recall that the loop previously had the assertion that ib was not an obstacle to parallelization.
This section examines the function omp_demo, which contains parallel regions and a serial section that illustrate the use of OpenMP directives:
For more information on OpenMP directives, see the compiler documentation or the OpenMP Architecture Review Board Web site:
Go to the first parallel region of omp_demo by scrolling down the loop list or using the Search field and entering parallel.
To select the first parallel region, double-click the highlighted line in the loop list, Olid 53.
The omp_demo function declares a parallel region containing three loops, the third of which is nested in the second. The first two loops are explicitly parallelized with #pragma omp for directives.
Example 4-9. C: explicitly parallelized loops
#pragma omp parallel shared(a,b) { #pragma omp for schedule(dynamic,10-2*2) for (i=0; i < ARRAYSIZE; i++) a[i] = i; #pragma omp for schedule(static) for (i=0; i < ARRAYSIZE; i++) { b[i] = 3 * a[i]; a[i] = b[i] * a[i]; for (j = 0; j < ARRAYSIZE; j++) c[j][i] = a[i] + b[j]; } } |
Notice in Figure 4-7 that the controls in the loop information display are now labelled Region Controls. The controls now affect the entire region. The Keep option button and the highlight buttons function the same way as in the Loop Parallelization Controls.
Notice in the Source View that both loops contain a #pragma omp parallel for directive. Click Next Loop to step to the second parallel region.
Olid 58 contains a pair of loops with a barrier between them. Because of the barrier, all iterations of the first for loop must complete before any iteration of the second loop can begin.
Example 4-10. C: loops with barriers
#pragma omp parallel shared(a,b) { #pragma omp for schedule(static, 10-2*2) nowait for (i=0; i < ARRAYSIZE; i++) a[i] = i; #pragma omp barrier #pragma omp for schedule(static) for (i=0; i< ARRAYSIZE; i++) b[i] = 3 * a[i]; } /*omp end parallel */ |
Click Next Loop twice to go to the third parallel region.
Click Next Loop to view the first of the two loops in the third parallel region. This loop contains a critical section.
Example 4-11. C: critical sections
#pragma omp for for (i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE; i++) { #pragma omp critical(s3) { s1 = s1 + i; } } |
Click Next Loop twice to view the critical section. The critical section uses a named locking variable (s3) to prevent simultaneous updates of s1 from multiple threads. This is a standard construct for performing a reduction.
Move to the next loop by using Next Loop.
This loop has a single process section, which ensures that only one thread will execute the statement in the section. Highlighting in the Source View shows the begin and end directives.
Example 4-12. C: single process sections
for (i=0; i <ARRAYSIZE; i++) { #pragma omp single s2 = s2 + i; } } /* omp end parallel */ |
Move to the final parallel region in omp_demo by clicking the Next Loop button.
The fourth parallel region of omp_demo provides an example of parallel sections.
In this case, there are three parallel subsections, each of which calls a function. Each function is called once by a single thread. If there are three or more threads in the program, each function may be called from a different thread. The compiler treats this directive as a single-process directive, which guarantees correct semantics.
Example 4-13. C: parallel sections
#pragma omp sections { dst1d(n,a); #pragma omp section rshape2d(n,c); #pragma omp section baz(); } /* omp sections */ |
Click Next Loop to view the entire #pragma omp sections region. Click Next Loop to view a #pragma omp section region. Move to the next subroutine by clicking Next Loop twice.
The next series of functions illustrates directives that control data distribution and cache storage. The following topics are described in this section:
Distributed Arrays: #pragma distribute, see “Distributed Arrays: #pragma distribute”.
Distributed and Reshaped Arrays: #pragma distribute_reshape, see “Distributed and Reshaped Arrays: #pragma distribute_reshape”.
Prefetching Data From Cache: #pragma prefetch_ref, see “Prefetching Data From Cache: #pragma prefetch_ref”.
When you select the function dst1d(), a parallelized loop icon is listed in the loop information display. The #pragma distribute directive specifies placement of array members in distributed, shared memory. (See Figure 4-8.)
In the editable text field adjacent to the directive name is the argument for the directive, which in this case distributes the one-dimensional array a among the local memories of the available processors. To highlight the directive in the Source View, click the highlight button.
Click Next Loop to move to the parallel loop.
The loop has a #pragma parallel for directive, which works with #pragma distribute to ensure that each processor manipulates locally stored data.
Example 4-14. C: distributed arrays
void dst1d(int m,int a[m]) { int i; #pragma distribute a[block] #pragma omp for for (i=1; i < m; i++) a[i] = i; } |
You can highlight the #pragma parallel for directive in the Source View with either of the highlight buttons in the loop information display. If you use the highlight button in the Loop Parallelization Controls, the Parallelization Control View window presents more information about the directive and lets you to change the #pragma parallel for clauses. In this example, it confirms what you see in the code: that the index variable i is local.
Click Next Loop until the next function (rshape2d) is selected.
When you select the function rshape2d, the function's global directive is listed in the loop information display. The #pragma distribute_reshape directive specifies placement of array members in distributed, shared memory. It differs from the #pragma distribute directive in that it causes the compiler to reorganize the layout of the array in memory to guarantee the desired distribution. Furthermore, the unit of memory allocation is not necessarily a page.
In the text field adjacent to the directive name is the argument for the directive, which in this case distributes the columns of the two-dimensional array c among the local memories of the available processors. To highlight the directive in the Source View, click the highlight button.
Click the Next Loop button to move to the parallel loop.
The loop has a #pragma parallel for directive (see the following example), which works with #pragma distribute_reshape to enable each processor to manipulate locally stored data.
Example 4-15. C: distributed and reshaped arrays
static void rshape2d(int m, int c[m][m]) { int i,j; #pragma distribute_reshape c[*][block] #pragma omp for for (i=1; i < m; i++) { for (j = 1; j < m; j++) { c[i][j] = i*j; } } } |
If you use the highlight button in the Loop Parallelization Controls, the Parallelization Control View presents more information. In this example, it confirms what you see in the code: that the index variable i is local.
For more information on the #pragma distribute_reshape directive, see the C Language Reference Manual.
Click Next Loop to move to the nested loop. Notice that this loop has an icon in the loop list and in the loop information display indicating that it does not run in parallel.
Click Next Loop to view the prfetch function.
Click Next Loop to go to the first loop in prfetch().
Example 4-16. C: prefetching data from cache
static void prfetch( int n, int a[n][n], int b[n][n]) { int i, j; for (i =0; i < n ; i++) { for (j =0; j < n ; j++) { a[i][j] = b[i][j]; #pragma prefetch_ref=b[i][j],stride=2,2 level=1,2 kind=rd, size=4 #pragma prefetch_ref=b[i][j],stride=2,2 level=1,2 kind=rd, size=4 } } } |
Click Next Loop to move to the nested loop. The list of directives in the loop information display shows #pragma prefetch_ref with a highlight button to locate the directive in the Source View. The directive allows you to place appropriate portions of the array in cache.
This completes the sample session. Quit the Parallel Analyzer View by choosing Admin > Exit.
Not all windows opened during the session close when you quit the Parallel Analyzer View. In particular, the Source View remains open because all the tools interoperate, and other tools may share the Source View window. You must close the Source View separately.
To clean up the directory so that the session can be rerun, enter the following in your shell window:
% make clean |