This publication documents the ProDev WorkShop ProMP product, version 2.9.2, which runs on IRIX systems. The ProMP product is a companion to the WorkShop suite of tools. It is used to analyze a program that has been parallelized; before using ProMP, you must first compile your program with an auto-parallelizing option. After the compiler generates an output file, you can use ProMP to analyze that file.
ProMP is integrated with WorkShop to let you examine a program's loops in conjunction with a performance experiment on either a single processor or multiprocessor run.
![]() | Note: This product was formerly called WorkShop Pro MPF. |
The following topics are discussed in this guide:
Chapter 1, “Getting Started With ProMP”, describes (in general) how to use ProMP.
Chapter 2, “Tutorial: Examining Loops for FORTRAN 77”, describes how to analyze FORTRAN 77 loops.
Chapter 3, “Tutorial: Examining Loops for Fortran 90 Code”, describes how to analyze Fortran 90 loops.
Chapter 4, “Tutorial: Examining Loops for C Code”, describes how to analyze C loops.
Chapter 5, “Using WorkShop With Parallel Analyzer View”, describes how ProMP can be used with other WorkShop tools.
Chapter 6, “Parallel Analyzer View Reference”, is a reference guide to the ProMP product.
The following documents contain additional information that may be helpful:
SpeedShop User's Guide
C Language Reference Manual
MIPSpro C++ Programmer's Guide
MIPSpro Fortran 90 Commands and Directives Reference Manual
MIPSpro Fortran Language Reference Manual, Volume 1
MIPSpro Fortran Language Reference Manual, Volume 2
MIPSpro Fortran Language Reference Manual, Volume 3
MIPSpro Fortran 77 Language Reference Manual
MIPSpro Fortran 77 Programmer's Guide
ProDev WorkShop: ProMP User's Guide
ProDev WorkShop: Debugger User's Guide
ProDev WorkShop: Debugger Reference Manual
ProDev WorkShop: Static Analyzer User's Guide
ProDev WorkShop: Overview
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