- actions and callbacks for widgets
- Actions and Callbacks
- actions and events in Tcl Motif
- Actions and Translations
- add a timer to Tcl Motif
- The Root Widget
- add input handler to Tcl Motif
- The Root Widget
- application resources in Tcl Motif
- The Root Widget
- ApplicationShell resources
- Shell Classes
- audience type
- Intended Audience
- automatic execution of Tcl scripts
- Getting Started
- backslash substitution in Tcl
- Tcl Syntax and Semantics
- bibliographic information
- Additional Reading
- Boolean types in Tcl Motif
- Basic Types: Integer, Boolean, and String
- Bourne shell and Tcl
- Tcl—Tool Command Language
- braces in Tcl
- Tcl Syntax and Semantics
- brackets in Tcl
- Tcl Syntax and Semantics
- buffed Motif style
- Enhanced Motif Style
- C shell and Tcl
- Tcl—Tool Command Language
- C++ classes and Tcl
- C++ Classes and Tcl
- call and init for dlopen
- Other Features of dlopen
- callActionProc
- Triggering Actions
- callback substitution
- Callback Substitution
- callbacks for text widgets
- Text Verify Callbacks
- callbacks in Tcl Motif
- Callbacks
- classes of Motif widgets
- Widget Creation Commands
- command separators
- Tcl Syntax and Semantics
- command substitution
- Tcl Syntax and Semantics
- command terminators
- Tcl Syntax and Semantics
- comments in Tcl
- Tcl Syntax and Semantics
- comp.lang.tcl
- Internet Resources for Tcl
- content overview
- What This Guide Contains
- Core class in Tcl Motif
- The Core Class
- creating a widget class
- Creating a Widget
- data types in Tcl
- Tcl—Tool Command Language
- dimensions in Tcl Motif
- Dimensions
- dlopen call
- Creating a Shared Library
- dollar signs in Tcl
- Tcl Syntax and Semantics
- double quotes in Tcl
- Tcl Syntax and Semantics
- drag and drop in Tcl Motif
- Drag and Drop
- dynamic shared object
- Creating a Shared Library
- enhanced Motif style
- Enhanced Motif Style
- evaluation of Tcl commands
- Tcl Syntax and Semantics
- events and actions in Tcl Motif
- Actions and Translations
- expect remote control program
- Expect—Remote Control
- Overview of Components
- expectk, expect with Tk widgets
- Expectk—Remote Control Tk
- extended Tcl, TclX
- What Tcl Offers
- extended Tcl, TclX
- TclX—General Purpose Extensions
- extension packages for Tcl
- Common Tcl Extensions
- extensions for Tcl, finding
- Finding Existing Extensions
- font list in Tcl Motif
- Font List
- font resources in Tcl Motif
- Font Resources
- GLXAux library
- GLXaux and glxwin
- glxwin procedure
- GLXaux and glxwin
- group YP map
- sautil—for Network Maps
- header files in sgitcl.dev
- Installing Header Files
- hosts YP map
- sautil—for Network Maps
- incrTcl, object-oriented Tcl
- incrTcl—Object-Oriented Tcl
- init and call for dlopen
- Other Features of dlopen
- installing SGITCL option
- Installing SGITCL
- integer types in Tcl Motif
- Basic Types: Integer, Boolean, and String
- intended audience
- Intended Audience
- Internet resources
- Internet Resources for Tcl
- itcl library for incrTcl
- incrTcl—Object-Oriented Tcl
- methods for Motif widgets
- Widget Methods
- moat Tcl Motif shell
- Overview of Components
- moat—Motif and Tcl Shell
- Getting Started
- Tm—Tcl Motif
- networks YP map
- sautil—for Network Maps
- NIS maps and sautil
- sautil—for Network Maps
- object-oriented incrTcl
- incrTcl—Object-Oriented Tcl
- objectserver support
- tclObjSrv—for Objectserver
- ORACLE database access, oratcl
- Oratcl and Sybtcl—Database Access
- overview of contents
- What This Guide Contains
- passwd YP map
- sautil—for Network Maps
- pixmap resources in Tcl Motif
- Pixmap Resources
- Primitive class in Tcl Motif
- The Primitive Class
- procedures in Tcl
- Tcl—Tool Command Language
- protocols YP map
- sautil—for Network Maps
- radio buttons in Tcl Motif
- xmToggleButton
- reading more about Tcl
- Additional Reading
- recursive substitutions in Tcl
- Tcl Syntax and Semantics
- releases of Tcl, finding
- Finding Existing Extensions
- resource inheritance in Tcl Motif
- Resources
- resources for Motif widgets
- Widget Resources
- root widget (dot) in Tcl Motif
- The Root Widget
- rstat library interface to rstatd
- rstat—Kernel Statistics
- sautil library for YP maps
- sautil—for Network Maps
- semantic rules of Tcl
- Tcl Syntax and Semantics
- send primitive in Tcl Motif
- Send Primitive
- services YP map
- sautil—for Network Maps
- sgiHelp library
- sgiHelp—ViewKit Help
- SGITCL and Tcl
- What Tcl Offers
- sgitcl command
- Tcl—Tool Command Language
- sgitcl.dev product image
- Installing Header Files
- sgitcl.dev product image
- Installing SGITCL
- sgitcl.eoe product image
- Installing SGITCL
- SGm custom widgets
- Support for Silicon Graphics Widgets
- shared library
- Creating a Shared Library
- Shell classes in Tcl Motif
- Shell Classes
- sliders in Tcl Motif
- xmScale
- SNMP support in SGITCL
- SNMP—Simple Network Management
- string types in Tcl Motif
- Basic Types: Integer, Boolean, and String
- Sybase database support, sybtcl
- Oratcl and Sybtcl—Database Access
- syntax features of Tcl
- Tcl—Tool Command Language
- Tcl Syntax and Semantics
- Tcl and SGITCL
- What Tcl Offers
- Tcl Motif toolkit, Tm
- Using Tcl Motif
- Tm—Tcl Motif
- Tcl Motif toolkit, Tm
- Overview of Components
- Tcl_AppInit routine
- Existing Tcl Extension Packages
- Tcl_CreateCommand routine
- Developing a New Library
- tclObjSrv library
- tclObjSrv—for Objectserver
- tclsh command
- Tcl—Tool Command Language
- TclX, extended Tcl
- TclX—General Purpose Extensions
- TclX, extended Tcl
- What Tcl Offers
- Tk GUI toolkit
- Overview of Components
- Tk—User Interface Toolkit
- Tm, Tcl Motif toolkit
- Overview of Components
- Tm, Tcl Motif toolkit
- Using Tcl Motif
- Tm—Tcl Motif
- TopLevelShell resources
- Shell Classes
- TransientShell resources
- Shell Classes
- translations for Motif widgets
- Translations
- typographic conventions
- Conventions Used in This Guide
- Usenet newsgroup
- Internet Resources for Tcl
- variable substitution
- Tcl Syntax and Semantics
- VendorShell resources
- Shell Classes
- versions of Tcl components
- Tcl Versions Used
- ViewKit help support
- sgiHelp—ViewKit Help
- Web browser help
- wwwHelp—Web Browser Help
- Web pages about Tcl
- Finding Existing Extensions
- Internet Resources for Tcl
- widget hierarchy and naming
- Widget Basics
- widget path names
- Widget Names
- wishx windowing shell
- Tk—User Interface Toolkit
- wishx—Windowing Shell
- Overview of Components
- WMShell resources
- Shell Classes
- word boundaries after substitution
- Tcl Syntax and Semantics
- word separators
- Tcl Syntax and Semantics
- wwwHelp library
- wwwHelp—Web Browser Help
- X defaults mechanism
- X Defaults
- xmArrowButton widget
- xmArrowButton
- xmBulletinBoard widget
- xmBulletinBoard
- xmCascadeButton widget
- xmCascadeButton
- xmCommand widget
- xmCommand
- xmDrawingArea widget
- xmDrawingArea and xmDrawnButton
- xmDrawnButton widget
- xmDrawingArea and xmDrawnButton
- xmErrorDialog widget
- Simple Message Dialogs
- xmFileSelectionBox widget
- xmFileSelectionBox
- xmForm widget
- xmForm
- xmFrame widget
- Decorative Widgets
- xmInformationDialog widget
- Simple Message Dialogs
- xmLabel widget
- xmLabel
- xmList widget
- xmList
- xmMainWindow widget
- xmMainWindow
- xmManager abstract class
- The xmManager Abstract Class
- xmMenuBar widget
- xmMenuBar
- xmMessageBox widget
- xmMessageBox
- xmMessageDialog widget
- Simple Message Dialogs
- xmPanedWindow widget
- xmPanedWindow
- xmPromptDialog widget
- Simple Message Dialogs
- xmPulldownMenu widget
- xmPulldownMenu
- xmPushButton widget
- xmPushButton
- xmQuestionDialog widget
- Simple Message Dialogs
- xmRowColumn widget
- xmRowColumn
- xmScale widget
- xmScale
- xmScrollBar widget
- xmScrollBar
- xmScrolledList widget
- xmList
- xmScrolledText widget
- xmText, xmScrolledText, and xmTextField
- xmSelectionBox widget
- xmSelectionBox
- xmSeparator widget
- Decorative Widgets
- xmText widget
- xmText, xmScrolledText, and xmTextField
- xmTextField widget
- xmText, xmScrolledText, and xmTextField
- xmToggleButton widget
- xmToggleButton
- xmWarningDialog widget
- Simple Message Dialogs
- xmWorkingDialog widget
- Simple Message Dialogs
- YP maps and sautil
- sautil—for Network Maps