This manual describes the ToolTalk™ 1.0 service, an inter-application message service, and how you modify your application to send and receive ToolTalk messages. After you have read this manual you should have an understanding of:
What the ToolTalk service is and how it works
What is required to integrate with the ToolTalk service
How to modify your application to send messages addressed to processes or ToolTalk objects
How to register message pattern information for the messages you want to receive
How to receive and handle messages delivered to your application by the ToolTalk service
How to create and manage ToolTalk objects in your application's data
This manual is intended for users running IRIX 5.2 or later. This manual does not provide separate ToolTalk installation procedures. To install the ToolTalk service, see the ToolTalk Setup and Administration Guide.
This manual is for application developers who create or maintain applications and wish to use the ToolTalk message service. This manual assumes familiarity with the IRIX operating environment.
This manual is organized as follows:
Chapter 1, “ToolTalk Overview,” describes how the ToolTalk service works and how it uses information that your application supplies to deliver messages. This chapter also lists the files installed in the ToolTalk product.
Chapter 2, “Participating in ToolTalk Sessions,” describes the location of the ToolTalk API header file; how you initialize your application and start a session with the ToolTalk service; how you provide file and session information to the ToolTalk service; how to manage storage and handle errors; and how to unregister your message patterns and close your communication with the ToolTalk service when your process is ready to quit.
Chapter 3, “Dynamic Message Patterns,” describes dynamic message pattern attributes. This chapter also describes how to create a dynamic message pattern and register it with the ToolTalk service; and how to add callbacks to your dynamic message patterns.
Chapter 4, “Static Message Patterns,” describes static message pattern attributes. This chapter also describes how to provide process and object type information at installation time; how to make a static message pattern available to the ToolTalk Service; how to declare a ptype.
Chapter 5, “Sending Messages,” describes the complete ToolTalk message structure; the ToolTalk message delivery algorithm; how to create, fill in, and send a ToolTalk message; and how to attach a callback to requests that will automatically call your callback routine when the reply to your request is delivered to your application.
Chapter 6, “Receiving Messages,” describes how to retrieve messages delivered to your application; how to handle the message once you have examined it; how to send replies; and when to destroy messages.
Chapter 7, “Objects,” describes how to create ToolTalk specification objects for the objects your process creates and manages.
Chapter 8, “Managing Information Storage,” describes how to manage and remove objects.
Chapter 9, “Handling Errors,” describes how to handle error conditions.
Chapter 10, “ToolTalk API,” describes each of the ToolTalk functions and the ToolTalk enumerated types.
Appendix A, “Quick Reference to ToolTalk API,” describes the ToolTalk functions in alphabetical order.
Appendix B, “ToolTalk API Summary (Functional Grouping),” describes the ToolTalk functions by the task to be performed such as registering with the ToolTalk service, sending a message, or creating a message pattern.
Appendix C, “Initialization Error Messages,” describes the ToolTalk errors that may occur during initialization or startup.
Appendix D, “ToolTalk Error Messages,” describes the ToolTalk error messages found in the message catalog.
The ToolTalk Setup and Administration Guide is aimed at system administrators. It tells them how to set up the ToolTalk service and maintain its files.
Table In-1 describes the typographical conventions and symbols used in this manual.
Table 1. Typographical Conventions
Typeface | Description | Example |
Monospaced | The names of commands; also on-screen computer output; also code samples | Use ls -a to list all files. system% You have mail. |
Boldface monospaced | What you type, contrasted with on-screen computer output | system% supassword: |
Italics | Book titles, new words or terms, file and directory names, variables (to be replaced by a real name or value), and words to be emphasized | Read Chapter 6 in User's Manual. |
The following characters, when they appear in command-line examples, are prompts indicating attributes of the shell to be used: |
% | UNIX C shell prompt | system% |
$ | UNIX Bourne shell prompt | system$ |
# | Superuser prompt, either shell | system# |