- <Alt\> key
- The Menu Bar and Pull-Down Menus
- 3D applications
- Using Modifier Keys in 3D Applications
- for view overlay
- View Overlay
- <Alt\>-<Insert\> keys
- Supporting the Primary Transfer Model
- <Begin\> key
- Mouse and Keyboard Hardware
- <Cancel\> key
- Mouse and Keyboard Hardware
- <Ctrl\> key
- The Menu Bar and Pull-Down Menus
- Choosing Keyboard Accelerators
- 3D applications
- Using Modifier Keys in 3D Applications
- <Ctrl\><Page Down\> keys
- Scrollbar Guidelines
- <Ctrl\><Page Up\> keys
- Scrollbar Guidelines
- <Ctrl\><Shift\><Tab\> keys
- Keyboard Navigation
- <Ctrl\><Tab\> keys
- Keyboard Navigation
- <down arrow\> key
- Keyboard Navigation
- Using the Keyboard to Manipulate Menus
- <Enter\> key
- Using the Keyboard to Manipulate Menus
- Mouse and Keyboard Hardware
- <Esc\> key
- Using Modifier Keys in 3D Applications
- for view mode
- Separate View and Edit Modes
- <Escape\> key
- IRIX Interactive Desktop Scale Guidelines
- Mouse and Keyboard Hardware
- Scrollbar Guidelines
- Using the Keyboard to Manipulate Menus
- Text Field Guidelines
- <F10\> key
- Using the Keyboard to Manipulate Menus
- Keyboard Navigation
- Using the Keyboard to Manipulate Menus
- <F1\> key
- Mouse and Keyboard Hardware
- <Help\> key
- Mouse and Keyboard Hardware
- <Home\> key
- Mouse and Keyboard Hardware
- <left arrow\> key
- Keyboard Navigation
- Using the Keyboard to Manipulate Menus
- <Menu\> key
- Mouse and Keyboard Hardware
- <Page Down\> key
- Scrollbar Guidelines
- <Page Up\> key
- Scrollbar Guidelines
- <Return\> key
- Mouse and Keyboard Hardware
- <right arrow\> key
- Using the Keyboard to Manipulate Menus
- Keyboard Navigation
- <Shift\> key
- Using Modifier Keys in 3D Applications
- for constrained (axial) translation
- Translation Constrained to One Axis of the Plane
- Translation Constrained to the Normal of the Selected Plane
- free rotation
- Free 3D Rotation
- <Shift\><F10\> key
- Keyboard Navigation
- <Shift\><F10\> keys
- Using the Keyboard to Manipulate Menus
- Mouse and Keyboard Hardware
- <Shift\><F1\> keys
- Providing Help through a Help Menu
- Context-Sensitive Information
- <Shift\><Tab\> keys
- Keyboard Navigation
- <Tab\> key
- Keyboard Navigation
- <up arrow\> key
- Using the Keyboard to Manipulate Menus
- Keyboard Navigation
- 3D applications
- frame rate
- 3D Viewing Performance and Scene Fidelity
- modifier keys
- Using Modifier Keys in 3D Applications
- mouse input
- Designing Mouse Input for 3D Applications
- selection
- Selection in 3D Applications
- viewing techniques
- 3D Viewing Functions
- 3D applications
- manipulation phases
- Phases of 3D Manipulation
- 3D object hierarchy
- Selection in Hierarchies of Objects
- Indirect Selection in 3D Applications
- 3D user interface design
- Making 3D Functionality Available
- 3D viewing
- performance
- 3D Viewing Performance and Scene Fidelity
- trade-offs
- 3D Viewing Interface Trade-Offs
- 4-directional arrow pointer
- Standard Pointer Shapes and Colors
- 4Dwm window manager
- default setting
- Application Windows
- activation
- menus
- Menu Traversal and Activation
- adaptive rendering
- 3D Viewing Performance and Scene Fidelity
- AIFF sound file icon
- File Icon Design
- appearance, Indigo Magic. See Indigo Magic look
- The IRIX Interactive Desktop Look: Graphic Features and Schemes
- application icons
- guidelines
- Application Icon Accessibility Guidelines
- application icons (Desktop icons)
- Application Icon Design
- application models
- Application Models
- Standard Application Models
- application-modal dialogs
- Dialog Modes
- applications
- 3D
- Introduction to 3D Style Guidelines
- appearance
- The IRIX Interactive Desktop Look: Graphic Features and Schemes
- data exchange
- Data Exchange on the IRIX Interactive Desktop
- data exchange guidelines
- Data Exchange Guidelines
- editing text
- Editor Preference Setting
- locations
- Naming and Locating Executables for the
Find an Icon Tool
- naming
- Naming and Locating Executables for the
Find an Icon Tool
- processing while minimized
- Processing While Minimized
- Desks
- session management, and
- Session Management
- windows
- Windows in the IRIX Interactive Desktop Environment
- approach phase
- rotation
- Free 3D Rotation
- Scaling Around the Opposite Corner or Side
- Scaling Around the Opposite Corner or Side
- Constrained 3D Rotation
- Axial 3D Scaling (Stretching)
- scaling
- Uniform 3D Scaling
- translation
- Simple (Planar) 3D Translation
- Translation Constrained to the Normal of the Selected Plane
- Translation Constrained to One Axis of the Plane
- approach phase (3D manipulation)
- Phases of 3D Manipulation
- archive file icon
- File Icon Design
- ASCII file icon
- File Icon Design
- Auto Window Placement
- Window Placement
- Auto Window Placement Setting
- axial scaling
- 3D Scaling Basics
- phases
- Scaling Around the Opposite Corner or Side
- Scaling Around the Opposite Corner or Side
- Axial 3D Scaling (Stretching)
- backgrounds
- and desks
- Desks
- bars
- path navigation
- File Finder
- scrollbars
- Scrollbars
- binding keys
- Popup Menu Guidelines
- BMenu
- Mouse and Keyboard Hardware
- bounding box
- 3D Translation Basics
- bounding volume
- Bounding Box Selection Feedback
- browse selection model
- Selection Models—What Can Be Selected and How To Select It
- BSelect
- Mouse and Keyboard Hardware
- BTransfer
- Mouse and Keyboard Hardware
- buttons
- Pushbuttons
- dialogs, and
- Pushbutton Guidelines
- dynamic
- Pushbutton Guidelines
- option buttons
- Option Menus
- Option Buttons
- pull-down menus, and
- What to Put in the Pull-Down Menus
- right justification
- Enhanced Graphics in the IRIX Interactive Desktop Look
- C program file icon
- File Icon Design
- Cancel/Close button
- Pushbutton Guidelines
- cards
- Popup Menu Guidelines
- cascading menus
- Using Cascading Menus
- Pull Down Menus
- catalog
- icon
- Overview of the Desktop
- categories
- windows
- Window Types
- Application Window Categories
- center of rotation
- changing
- Changing the Center of Rotation and Scaling for 3D Objects
- changing center of rotation
- Changing the Center of Rotation and Scaling for 3D Objects
- checkboxes
- Checkboxes
- in menus
- Using Radio Buttons and Checkboxes in Pull-Down Menus
- Naming Menu Entries in the Pull-Down Menus
- Indigo Magic look
- Enhanced Graphics in the IRIX Interactive Desktop Look
- Providing Graphic Feedback
- choice feedback (3D)
- 3D Manipulation Feedback
- “Clear” option (in Edit menu)
- Edit Menu
- “Click for Help” option (in Help menu)
- Context-Sensitive Information
- Providing Help through a Help Menu
- clipboard data, nonpersistent
- Supporting the Clipboard Transfer Model
- clipboard transfer model
- Supporting the Clipboard Transfer Model
- example
- Supporting the Clipboard Transfer Model
- primary transfer model, independence
- Supporting the Clipboard Transfer Model
- Supporting the Primary Transfer Model
- “Close” option (in File menu)
- File Menu
- Invoking Dialogs When Manipulating Files
- “Close” option (in window menu)
- Window Decorations and the Window Menu
- Window Decorations and the Window Menu
- co-primary windows
- Application Window Categories
- Window Types
- Main and Co-Primary Windows
- 0
- Application Window Categories
- command line input
- Control Areas in Primary Windows
- control areas
- Control Areas in Primary Windows
- decorations
- Window Decorations and the Window Menu
- Help button
- Providing Help Through a Help Button
- keyboard shortcuts
- Menu Bars in Primary Windows
- menu (in title bar)
- Window Decorations and the Window Menu
- menu bars
- Menu Bars in Primary Windows
- panes
- Splitting Primary Windows Into Panes
- popup menus
- Popup Menus in Primary Windows
- status areas
- Status Areas in Primary Windows
- title bar labels
- Rules for Labeling the Title Bar in Windows Other Than Main
- work areas, scrollable
- Scrollable Work Areas in Primary Windows
- collections
- Selection Models—What Can Be Selected and How To Select It
- multiple
- Multiple Collections in One Application Window
- color chooser
- A Specific Standard Support Window: The IRIX Interactive Desktop Color Chooser
- “Color Editor” option (in Edit menu)
- A Specific Standard Support Window: The IRIX Interactive Desktop Color Chooser
- Edit Menu
- color schemes
- Schemes for Colors and Fonts
- colors
- Desktop icons
- Icon Colors
- text fields
- Text Fields
- command line input
- windows
- Control Areas in Primary Windows
- command script file icon
- File Icon Design
- constrained translation
- phases
- Translation Constrained to One Axis of the Plane
- Translation Constrained to the Normal of the Selected Plane
- to normal of plane
- Translation Constrained to the Normal of the Selected Plane
- constrained translation
- illustration
- Translation Constrained to One Axis of the Plane
- context-sensitive help
- Context-Sensitive Information
- Providing Help through a Help Menu
- writing help content
- Writing Context-Sensitive Help
- “Context-Sensitive Help” option (in Help menu)
- Providing Help through a Help Menu
- control areas
- co-primary windows
- Control Areas in Primary Windows
- main windows
- Control Areas in Primary Windows
- control panels
- Desktop
- Editor Preference Setting
- Providing Messages to the User
- Language
- Language Setting
- Mouse Settings
- Pointer Behavior in a Window
- Mouse Double-Click Speed Setting
- Window Settings
- Window Placement
- Session Management
- controls
- Controls
- buttons
- Pushbuttons
- checkboxes
- Checkboxes
- dials
- Dials
- File Finder
- Drag and Drop for Non-Text Objects
- File Finder
- labels
- Labels
- LED buttons
- LED Indicators
- lists
- Lists
- option buttons
- Option Buttons
- radio buttons
- Radio Buttons
- scales
- IRIX Interactive Desktop Scales
- scrollbars
- Scrollbars
- text fields
- Text Fields
- thumbwheels
- Thumbwheels
- “Copy” option (in Edit menu)
- Supporting the Clipboard Transfer Model
- Edit Menu
- copying data
- Supporting the Primary Transfer Model
- Supporting the Clipboard Transfer Model
- cross hair pointer
- Standard Pointer Shapes and Colors
- cursors
- location
- Keyboard Focus Policy and Navigation Within a Window
- customize
- desktop
- Desktop Variables
- cut and paste. See data exchange
- Data Exchange on the IRIX Interactive Desktop
- “Cut” option (in Edit menu)
- Edit Menu
- Supporting the Clipboard Transfer Model
- cutting data
- Supporting the Clipboard Transfer Model
- data exchange
- Data Exchange on the IRIX Interactive Desktop
- <Alt\>-<Insert\> keys
- Supporting the Primary Transfer Model
- application guidelines
- Data Exchange Guidelines
- clipboard data, nonpersistent
- Supporting the Clipboard Transfer Model
- clipboard transfer
- example
- Supporting the Clipboard Transfer Model
- clipboard transfer model
- Supporting the Clipboard Transfer Model
- primary transfer model, independence
- Supporting the Primary Transfer Model
- Supporting the Clipboard Transfer Model
- copying data
- Supporting the Primary Transfer Model
- Supporting the Clipboard Transfer Model
- cutting data
- Supporting the Clipboard Transfer Model
- data types supported
- Data Types Supported for Inter-Application Transfer
- drag and drop
- Drag and Drop
- highlighting selected data
- Providing Graphic Feedback
- Supporting the Primary Transfer Model
- nonpersistent selection model
- Supporting the Primary Transfer Model
- pasting data
- Supporting the Clipboard Transfer Model
- Supporting the Primary Transfer Model
- persistent always selection model
- Supporting the Primary Transfer Model
- primary selection
- Supporting the Primary Transfer Model
- reinstating
- Supporting the Primary Transfer Model
- primary selection example
- Supporting the Primary Transfer Model
- primary transfer example
- Supporting the Primary Transfer Model
- primary transfer model
- Supporting the Primary Transfer Model
- clipboard transfer model, independence
- Supporting the Clipboard Transfer Model
- Supporting the Primary Transfer Model
- selections
- Selection
- data types
- data exchange, supported
- Data Types Supported for Inter-Application Transfer
- data, selecting
- Selection Models—What Can Be Selected and How To Select It
- decorations
- dialogs
- Window Decorations and the Window Menu
- Decorations, Initial State, and Layout of Dialogs
- windows
- Window Decorations and the Window Menu
- “Delete” option (in Edit menu)
- Edit Menu
- “Deselect All” option (in Edit menu)
- Edit Menu
- deselecting data
- Selection Models—What Can Be Selected and How To Select It
- Desks
- Desks
- Desks Overview
- Desks
- example
- Desks
- window titles, and
- Window Title Bar
- Desks Overview window
- Overview of the Desktop
- desktop
- Desks Overview window
- Overview of the Desktop
- Icon Catalog
- Overview of the Desktop
- overview
- Overview of the IRIX Interactive Desktop
- windows. See windows
- Windows in the IRIX Interactive Desktop Environment
- Desktop control panel
- Editor Preference Setting
- stderr messages
- Providing Messages to the User
- Desktop icons
- Icons
- Providing Graphic Feedback
- 0
- Icons
- accessibility guidelines
- Application Icon Accessibility Guidelines
- appearance
- Designing the Appearance of Icons
- appearance design guidelines
- Icon Appearance Design Guidelines
- application icons
- Application Icon Design
- behavior guidelines
- Icon Behavior Guidelines
- behavior, programming
- Defining the Behavior of Icons With FTRs
- colors
- Icon Colors
- File Icon Design
- components
- Icon Components
- creating with IconSmith
- Icon Components
- data icons
- Designing the Appearance of Icons
- design guidelines
- Icon Appearance Design Guidelines
- designing appearance
- Designing the Appearance of Icons
- examples
- Application Icon Design
- file icons
- File Icon Design
- Find an Icon tool
- Naming and Locating Executables for the
Find an Icon Tool
- generic data file symbol
- File Icon Design
- generic executable symbol (magic carpet)
- Application Icon Design
- Icon Components
- icon accessibility guidelines
- Application Icon Accessibility Guidelines
- icon behavior guidelines
- Icon Behavior Guidelines
- Icon Catalog
- Making Application Icons Accessible
- icon color
- Icon Colors
- implementation hints
- User and Icon Interaction
- launching applications
- How Users Interact with Desktop Icons
- User and Icon Interaction
- orientation
- Icon Orientation
- outline color
- Icon Colors
- predefined templates
- Icon Components
- printing files
- User and Icon Interaction
- shadow color
- File Icon Design
- size
- Icon Size
- states
- Icon Colors
- Providing Graphic Feedback
- How Users Interact with Desktop Icons
- Application Icon Design
- templates
- Icon Components
- user interaction
- How Users Interact with Desktop Icons
- Desktop services
- IRIX Interactive Desktop Services
- Auto Window Placement
- Auto Window Placement Setting
- customize
- Desktop Variables
- desktop variables
- Desktop Variables
- desktop variables guideline
- Desktop Variables Guidelines
- editor, preferred
- Editor Preference Setting
- File Alteration Monitor (FAM)
- File Alteration Monitor (FAM)
- Language control panel
- Language Setting
- mouse
- double-click speed
- Mouse Double-Click Speed Setting
- online documentation
- Online Documentation
- online help
- Online Help
- context-sensitive
- Context-Sensitive Information
- Providing Help through a Help Menu
- design guidelines
- Guidelines for Designing Online Help
- Help button
- Providing Help Through a Help Button
- Overview Information
- Help button guidelines
- Guidelines for Designing Online Help
- help card guidelines
- Guidelines for Creating SGIHelp Content
- Help menu
- Providing Help through a Help Menu
- index
- Index of Help Topics
- Providing Help through a Help Menu
- index guidelines
- Guidelines for Creating SGIHelp Content
- keyboard shortcuts
- Keyboard Shortcut Information
- Providing Help through a Help Menu
- keyboard shortcuts guidelines
- Guidelines for Creating SGIHelp Content
- overview
- Providing Help through a Help Menu
- Overview Information
- product information
- Product Information
- Providing Help through a Help Menu
- task-oriented
- Providing Help through a Help Menu
- Task-Oriented Information
- types of, guidelines
- Guidelines for Designing Online Help
- writing help content
- Writing Online Help Content for SGIHelp
- schemes
- Scheme Setting
- software installation
- Software Installation
- user control
- Desktop Variables
- dialogs
- Application Window Categories
- Dialogs
- Window Types
- actions
- Standard Dialog Actions
- choosing
- Choosing Specific Actions for Your Dialogs
- default
- Choosing Default Actions
- standard
- Standard Dialog Actions
- button labels
- Labeling Dialog Buttons
- buttons, and
- Pushbutton Guidelines
- decorations
- Decorations, Initial State, and Layout of Dialogs
- Window Decorations and the Window Menu
- designing
- Designing Dialogs
- desks, and
- Desks
- error
- Types and Modes of Dialogs
- Error Dialogs
- file selection
- Types and Modes of Dialogs
- Invoking Dialogs When Manipulating Files
- Help button
- Providing Help Through a Help Button
- information
- Types and Modes of Dialogs
- invoking
- Invoking Dialogs
- justification of buttons
- Enhanced Graphics in the IRIX Interactive Desktop Look
- menu (in title bar)
- Decorations, Initial State, and Layout of Dialogs
- Window Decorations and the Window Menu
- modes
- Dialog Modes
- placement
- Decorations, Initial State, and Layout of Dialogs
- prompt
- Prompt Dialogs
- Types and Modes of Dialogs
- pull-down menus, and
- What to Put in the Pull-Down Menus
- Naming Menu Entries in the Pull-Down Menus
- question
- Types and Modes of Dialogs
- Question Dialogs
- size
- Decorations, Initial State, and Layout of Dialogs
- title bar labels
- Rules for Labeling the Title Bar in Windows Other Than Main
- types
- Types and Modes of Dialogs
- user feedback
- Providing Messages to the User
- warning
- Types and Modes of Dialogs
- Warning Dialogs
- working
- Other Situations for Invoking Dialogs
- Types and Modes of Dialogs
- Working Dialogs
- dialogs:See also windows
- Application Window Categories
- dials
- Dials
- direct selection
- Direct Selection in 3D Applications
- directories
- monitoring changes
- File Alteration Monitor (FAM)
- disabling menu entries
- Disabling Popup Menu Entries
- Disabling Menu Entries
- discontiguous selection model
- Selection Models—What Can Be Selected and How To Select It
- in 3D applications
- 3D Selection Models
- displays, updating
- Keeping Information Up to Date
- documentation, online
- Online Documentation
- dolly pointer
- Pointer Shapes for 3D Functions
- dollying
- Dollying
- moving through object
- Dollying
- double-click speed, mouse
- Mouse Double-Click Speed Setting
- drag and drop
- Drag and Drop
- non-text objects
- Drag and Drop for Non-Text Objects
- pointers
- Pointers for Drag Operations
- text
- Drag and Drop for Text
- drag icons
- Pointers for Drag Operations
- drag phase
- free rotation
- Free 3D Rotation
- rotation
- Constrained 3D Rotation
- scaling
- Uniform 3D Scaling
- stretching
- Scaling Around the Opposite Corner or Side
- Axial 3D Scaling (Stretching)
- Scaling Around the Opposite Corner or Side
- translation
- Simple (Planar) 3D Translation
- drag phase (3D manipulation)
- Phases of 3D Manipulation
- drag state, Desktop icons
- How Users Interact with Desktop Icons
- drop pocket
- File Finder
- drop-accepting state, Desktop icons
- How Users Interact with Desktop Icons
- dynamic buttons
- Pushbutton Guidelines
- dynamic menu entries
- Dynamic Menu Entries
- Edit menu
- Edit Menu
- edit mode
- Separate View and Edit Modes
- edit pointer
- Pointer Shapes for 3D Functions
- editing and viewing (3D)
- 3D Viewing Interface Trade-Offs
- editor, preferred
- Editor Preference Setting
- ellipsis
- in menus
- The Menu Bar and Pull-Down Menus
- in pull-down menus
- Naming Menu Entries in the Pull-Down Menus
- in pushbuttons
- Pushbutton Guidelines
- enabling menu entries
- Disabling Menu Entries
- Disabling Popup Menu Entries
- error dialogs
- Types and Modes of Dialogs
- Error Dialogs
- “Exit” option (in File menu)
- File Menu
- Invoking Dialogs When Manipulating Files
- “Exit” option (in window menu)
- Window Decorations and the Window Menu
- Window Decorations and the Window Menu
- explicit focus
- Keyboard Focus and Navigation
- Keyboard Focus Across Windows
- eyepoint during tumbling
- Tumbling
- FAM (File Alteration Monitor)
- File Alteration Monitor (FAM)
- feedback styles
- choice feedback
- 3D Manipulation Feedback
- path feedback
- 3D Manipulation Feedback
- selection feedback
- 3D Manipulation Feedback
- 3D Manipulation Feedback
- 3D Manipulation Feedback
- feedback,3D manipulation
- 3D Manipulation Feedback
- feedback. See user feedback
- User Feedback
- File Alteration Monitor (FAM)
- File Alteration Monitor (FAM)
- File Finder
- Drag and Drop for Non-Text Objects
- File Finder
- file icons (Desktop icons)
- File Icon Design
- File menu
- File Menu
- file selection dialogs
- Invoking Dialogs When Manipulating Files
- Types and Modes of Dialogs
- File Typing Rules (FTRs)
- Defining the Behavior of Icons With FTRs
- files
- finding
- File Finder
- monitoring changes
- File Alteration Monitor (FAM)
- printing
- User and Icon Interaction
- Find an Icon tool
- Naming and Locating Executables for the
Find an Icon Tool
- focus, keyboard. See keyboard focus
- Keyboard Focus and Navigation
- font schemes
- Schemes for Colors and Fonts
- frame rate
- 3D applications
- 3D Viewing Performance and Scene Fidelity
- free rotation
- Free 3D Rotation
- free rotation
- illustration
- Free 3D Rotation
- phases
- Free 3D Rotation
- FTRs (File Typing Rules)
- Defining the Behavior of Icons With FTRs
- generic data file symbol (Desktop icons)
- File Icon Design
- generic executable symbol (Desktop Icons)
- Icon Components
- Application Icon Design
- grab phase
- axial translation
- Translation Constrained to One Axis of the Plane
- free rotation
- Free 3D Rotation
- rotation
- Constrained 3D Rotation
- scaling
- Uniform 3D Scaling
- stretching
- Scaling Around the Opposite Corner or Side
- Scaling Around the Opposite Corner or Side
- Axial 3D Scaling (Stretching)
- grab phase (3D manipulation)
- Phases of 3D Manipulation
- grab phase (translation)
- Simple (Planar) 3D Translation
- graphic feedback
- Providing Graphic Feedback
- grouping,and lead objects
- Lead Object During Grouping and Ungrouping
- hardware description
- Mouse and Keyboard Hardware
- Help button
- Providing Help Through a Help Button
- Overview Information
- writing help content
- Writing for Windows With Help Buttons
- help cards
- Learning About SGIHelp
- Help menu
- Help menu
- Providing Help through a Help Menu
- “Click for Help” option
- Context-Sensitive Information
- examples
- Types of Online Help
- “Index” option
- Index of Help Topics
- “Keys & Shortcuts” option
- Keyboard Shortcut Information
- “Overview” option
- Overview Information
- “Product Information” option
- Product Information
- task options
- Task-Oriented Information
- help. See online help
- Online Help
- highlighting selected data
- Highlighting a Selection
- Providing Graphic Feedback
- Supporting the Primary Transfer Model
- history button
- File Finder
- home button
- Thumbwheels
- hourglass pointer
- Standard Pointer Shapes and Colors
- I-beam pointer
- Standard Pointer Shapes and Colors
- Icon Catalog
- Making Application Icons Accessible
- Application page
- Putting Icons Into the Icon Catalog
- Collaboration page
- Putting Icons Into the Icon Catalog
- Control Panels page
- Putting Icons Into the Icon Catalog
- Demos page
- Putting Icons Into the Icon Catalog
- Desktop Tools page
- Putting Icons Into the Icon Catalog
- Media Tools page
- Putting Icons Into the Icon Catalog
- Web Tools page
- Putting Icons Into the Icon Catalog
- Icon Catalog window
- Overview of the Desktop
- icon color, Desktop icons
- Icon Colors
- icons. See Desktop icons
- Icons
- images
- examples of minimized windows
- Choosing an Image for Your Minimized Window
- minimized windows
- Choosing an Image for Your Minimized Window
- implicit focus
- Keyboard Focus and Navigation
- Keyboard Focus Across Windows
- “Import” option (in File menu)
- File Menu
- “Index” option (in Help menu)
- Providing Help through a Help Menu
- Index of Help Topics
- index, help topics
- Providing Help through a Help Menu
- Index of Help Topics
- writing help content
- Writing Index Information
- indicators
- scales
- IRIX Interactive Desktop Scales
- Indigo Magic look
- The IRIX Interactive Desktop Look: Graphic Features and Schemes
- examples
- Enhanced Graphics in the IRIX Interactive Desktop Look
- indirect selection
- Indirect Selection in 3D Applications
- information dialogs
- Types and Modes of Dialogs
- input focus. See keyboard focus
- Keyboard Focus and Navigation
- inspection
- dollying
- Dollying
- panning
- Panning
- tumbling
- Tumbling
- inspection
- overview
- Inspection Overview
- inspection pointer
- Pointer Shapes for 3D Functions
- installing software
- Software Installation
- internationalization
- Language Setting
- Inventor file icon
- File Icon Design
- justification
- dialog buttons
- Enhanced Graphics in the IRIX Interactive Desktop Look
- keyboard accelerators
- Choosing Keyboard Accelerators
- The Menu Bar and Pull-Down Menus
- keyboard binding
- Popup Menu Guidelines
- keyboard description
- Mouse and Keyboard Hardware
- keyboard focus
- Keyboard Focus and Navigation
- Keyboard Focus Across Windows
- dialogs
- Decorations, Initial State, and Layout of Dialogs
- guidelines
- Guidelines for Keyboard Focus Across Windows
- keyboard navigation
- Keyboard Focus and Navigation
- keyboard shortcuts
- co-primary windows
- Menu Bars in Primary Windows
- help
- Keyboard Shortcut Information
- Providing Help through a Help Menu
- writing help content
- Writing Keyboard Shortcut Information
- main windows
- Menu Bars in Primary Windows
- support windows
- General Support Window Design
- keys
- special
- Choosing Mnemonics
- The Menu Bar and Pull-Down Menus
- Mouse and Keyboard Hardware
- The Menu Bar and Pull-Down Menus
- Using the Keyboard to Manipulate Menus
- Scrollbar Guidelines
- Keyboard Navigation
- Context-Sensitive Information
- substitutes to Motif-compliant keys
- Mouse and Keyboard Hardware
- “Keys & Shortcuts” option (in Help menu)
- Keyboard Shortcut Information
- Providing Help through a Help Menu
- labels
- Labels
- buttons
- Pushbutton Guidelines
- checkboxes
- Checkbox Guidelines
- dialog buttons
- Labeling Dialog Buttons
- dials
- Dial Guidelines
- ellipsis in button
- Pushbutton Guidelines
- LED buttons
- LED Indicators
- lists
- List Guidelines
- minimized windows
- Labeling a Minimized Window
- Desks
- Providing Messages to the User
- option buttons
- Option Button Guidelines
- radio buttons
- Radio Button Guidelines
- scales
- IRIX Interactive Desktop Scale Guidelines
- text fields
- Text Field Guidelines
- Language control panel
- Language Setting
- launching applications
- Desktop icons
- How Users Interact with Desktop Icons
- User and Icon Interaction
- lead object
- when grouping and ungrouping
- Lead Object During Grouping and Ungrouping
- when selecting multiple objects
- Lead Object When Selecting Multiple Objects
- LED buttons
- LED Indicators
- left mouse button
- Mouse and Keyboard Hardware
- data exchange
- Supporting the Primary Transfer Model
- in 3D applications
- Designing Mouse Input for 3D Applications
- lists
- Lists
- locate highlight
- Providing Graphic Feedback
- Enhanced Graphics in the IRIX Interactive Desktop Look
- located state, Desktop icons
- How Users Interact with Desktop Icons
- location cursor
- Keyboard Focus Policy and Navigation Within a Window
- locations
- applications
- Naming and Locating Executables for the
Find an Icon Tool
- look, Indigo Magic. See Indigo Magic look
- The IRIX Interactive Desktop Look: Graphic Features and Schemes
- look-at point during tumbling
- Tumbling
- “Lower” option (in window menu)
- Window Decorations and the Window Menu
- magic carpet, icon component
- Icon Components
- Application Icon Design
- main windows
- Window Types
- Application Window Categories
- Main and Co-Primary Windows
- 0
- Application Window Categories
- command line input
- Control Areas in Primary Windows
- control areas
- Control Areas in Primary Windows
- decorations
- Window Decorations and the Window Menu
- example
- Window Decorations and the Window Menu
- Help button
- Providing Help Through a Help Button
- keyboard shortcuts
- Menu Bars in Primary Windows
- menu (in title bar)
- Window Decorations and the Window Menu
- menu bars
- Menu Bars in Primary Windows
- panes
- Splitting Primary Windows Into Panes
- popup menus
- Popup Menus in Primary Windows
- status areas
- Status Areas in Primary Windows
- title bar labels
- Rules for Labeling the Title Bar in Main Primary Windows
- work areas, scrollable
- Scrollable Work Areas in Primary Windows
- manipulation of 3D objects
- phases
- Phases of 3D Manipulation
- manipulation of 3D objects
- feedback
- 3D Manipulation Feedback
- overview of techniques
- Free and Constrained 3D Manipulation
- manipulators
- rotation
- 3D Rotation Basics
- translation
- 3D Translation Basics
- manipulators
- scaling
- 3D Scaling Basics
- maximize button (in title bar)
- Window Decorations and the Window Menu
- “Maximize” option (in window menu)
- Window Decorations and the Window Menu
- maximum window size
- Window Size
- menu bars
- The Menu Bar and Pull-Down Menus
- Types of Menus
- co-primary windows
- Menu Bars in Primary Windows
- main windows
- Menu Bars in Primary Windows
- menus
- naming
- Naming Menus in the Menu Bar
- ordering
- Ordering Menus and Menu Entries in the Pull-Down Menus
- menus
- Menus
- activation
- Menu Traversal and Activation
- cascading menus
- Pull Down Menus
- Using Cascading Menus
- ellipsis
- The Menu Bar and Pull-Down Menus
- entries
- checkboxes
- Naming Menu Entries in the Pull-Down Menus
- Using Radio Buttons and Checkboxes in Pull-Down Menus
- disabling
- Disabling Popup Menu Entries
- Disabling Menu Entries
- dynamic
- Dynamic Menu Entries
- enabling
- Disabling Popup Menu Entries
- Disabling Menu Entries
- naming
- Naming Menu Entries in the Pull-Down Menus
- ordering
- Ordering Menus and Menu Entries in the Pull-Down Menus
- radio buttons
- Using Radio Buttons and Checkboxes in Pull-Down Menus
- Naming Menu Entries in the Pull-Down Menus
- toggles
- Naming Menu Entries in the Pull-Down Menus
- Indigo Magic look
- Enhanced Graphics in the IRIX Interactive Desktop Look
- keyboard accelerators
- Choosing Keyboard Accelerators
- The Menu Bar and Pull-Down Menus
- menu bars
- Types of Menus
- Menu Bars in Primary Windows
- The Menu Bar and Pull-Down Menus
- mnemonics
- Choosing Mnemonics
- The Menu Bar and Pull-Down Menus
- naming, in menu bars
- Naming Menus in the Menu Bar
- option menus
- Option Buttons
- Option Menus
- naming entries
- Option Button Guidelines
- ordering, in menu bars
- Ordering Menus and Menu Entries in the Pull-Down Menus
- popup
- Popup Menus in Primary Windows
- Keyboard Navigation
- Popup Menus
- contents
- What to Put in Popup Menus
- popup menus
- Popup Menus
- posted
- Posted Manner
- pull-down
- Types of Menus
- The Menu Bar and Pull-Down Menus
- buttons, and
- What to Put in the Pull-Down Menus
- contents
- What to Put in the Pull-Down Menus
- dialogs, and
- What to Put in the Pull-Down Menus
- Naming Menu Entries in the Pull-Down Menus
- naming entries
- Naming Menu Entries in the Pull-Down Menus
- naming, in menu bars
- Naming Menus in the Menu Bar
- ordering entries
- Ordering Menus and Menu Entries in the Pull-Down Menus
- ordering, in menu bars
- Ordering Menus and Menu Entries in the Pull-Down Menus
- support windows, and
- What to Put in the Pull-Down Menus
- spring-loaded
- Spring-Loaded Manner
- standard
- Standard Menus
- submenus
- Using Cascading Menus
- Pull Down Menus
- tear-off
- What to Put in the Pull-Down Menus
- traversal
- Menu Traversal and Activation
- types
- Types of Menus
- window (in title bar)
- Window Decorations and the Window Menu
- Decorations, Initial State, and Layout of Dialogs
- messages, user
- Providing Messages to the User
- middle mouse button
- Mouse and Keyboard Hardware
- data exchange
- Supporting the Primary Transfer Model
- in 3D applications
- Designing Mouse Input for 3D Applications
- minimize button (in title bar)
- Window Decorations and the Window Menu
- “Minimize” option (in window menu)
- Window Decorations and the Window Menu
- minimized windows
- Minimized Windows
- 0
- Icons
- behavior guidelines
- Minimized Window Guidelines
- images
- Choosing an Image for Your Minimized Window
- images examples
- Choosing an Image for Your Minimized Window
- images guidelines
- Minimized Window Guidelines
- labels
- Providing Messages to the User
- Labeling a Minimized Window
- Desks
- labels guidelines
- Minimized Window Guidelines
- processing while minimized
- Desks
- Processing While Minimized
- showing status
- Using the Minimized Window to Show Status
- status example
- Using the Minimized Window to Show Status
- minimum window size
- Window Size
- mnemonics, menus
- The Menu Bar and Pull-Down Menus
- Choosing Mnemonics
- modeless dialogs
- Dialog Modes
- modes
- dialogs
- Dialog Modes
- supports windows, and
- General Support Window Design
- modifier keys
- Using Modifier Keys in 3D Applications
- monitoring, files and directories
- File Alteration Monitor (FAM)
- mouse
- 3D applications
- Designing Mouse Input for 3D Applications
- buttons
- Mouse and Keyboard Hardware
- data exchange
- Supporting the Primary Transfer Model
- description
- Mouse and Keyboard Hardware
- double-click speed
- Mouse Double-Click Speed Setting
- movement
- Pointer Behavior in a Window
- mouse navigation
- Mouse Navigation
- Mouse Settings control panel
- Pointer Behavior in a Window
- Mouse Double-Click Speed Setting
- “Move” option (in window menu)
- Window Decorations and the Window Menu
- movie file icon
- File Icon Design
- multi-viewport viewing
- Single-Viewport and Multi-Viewport Viewing in 3D Applications
- multi-viewport viewing
- adaptive rendering
- 3D Viewing Performance and Scene Fidelity
- advantages
- Multi-Viewport Viewing
- multiple collections
- Multiple Collections in One Application Window
- “multiple document, no visible main” application model
- “Multiple Document, No Visible Main” Application Model
- “Multiple Document, No Visible Main” Application Model
- “multiple document, visible main” application model
- “Multiple Document, Visible Main” Application Model
- “Multiple Document, Visible Main” Application Model
- multiple objects
- rotation
- Rotation of Multiple Selected 3D Objects
- scaling
- Scaling of Multiple Selected 3D Objects
- translation
- Translation of Multiple Selected 3D Objects
- multiple selection model
- Selection Models—What Can Be Selected and How To Select It
- multiple-action pointer grab model
- Multiple-Action Pointer Grab Model
- Keyboard Focus Across Windows
- multiple-action pointer grab, example
- Multiple-Action Pointer Grab Model
- naming
- applications
- Naming and Locating Executables for the
Find an Icon Tool
- navigation
- sidling
- Sidling
- navigation
- overview
- Navigation Overview
- navigation. See keyboard navigation, mouse navigation
- Keyboard Focus and Navigation
- neutral state, Desktop icons
- How Users Interact with Desktop Icons
- “New” option (in File menu)
- Invoking Dialogs When Manipulating Files
- File Menu
- nonpersistent selection model
- Highlighting a Selection
- Supporting the Primary Transfer Model
- object hierarchy
- selecting up and down
- Indirect Selection in 3D Applications
- Selection in Hierarchies of Objects
- object-action paradigm
- The Object-Action Paradigm in 3D Applications
- online documentation
- Online Documentation
- online help
- Online Help
- context-sensitive
- Context-Sensitive Information
- Providing Help through a Help Menu
- writing help content
- Writing Context-Sensitive Help
- design guidelines
- Guidelines for Designing Online Help
- Help button
- Providing Help Through a Help Button
- Overview Information
- writing help content
- Writing for Windows With Help Buttons
- Help button guidelines
- Guidelines for Designing Online Help
- help card guidelines
- Guidelines for Creating SGIHelp Content
- Help menu
- Providing Help through a Help Menu
- index
- Index of Help Topics
- Providing Help through a Help Menu
- writing help content
- Writing Index Information
- index guidelines
- Guidelines for Creating SGIHelp Content
- keyboard shortcuts
- Providing Help through a Help Menu
- Keyboard Shortcut Information
- writing help content
- Writing Keyboard Shortcut Information
- keyboard shortcuts guidelines
- Guidelines for Creating SGIHelp Content
- overview
- Overview Information
- Providing Help through a Help Menu
- writing help content
- Writing Overview Information
- product information
- Providing Help through a Help Menu
- Product Information
- task-oriented
- Providing Help through a Help Menu
- Task-Oriented Information
- writing help content
- Writing Task Information
- types of, guidelines
- Guidelines for Designing Online Help
- writing help content
- Writing Online Help Content for SGIHelp
- open state, Desktop icons
- How Users Interact with Desktop Icons
- “Open” option (in File menu)
- Invoking Dialogs When Manipulating Files
- Invoking Dialogs When Manipulating Files
- File Menu
- option buttons
- Option Menus
- Option Buttons
- option menus
- Option Buttons
- Option Menus
- naming entries
- Option Button Guidelines
- Options menu
- Options menu
- orange feedback
- 3D Manipulation Feedback
- orientation
- Desktop icons
- Icon Orientation
- outline color, Desktop icons
- Icon Colors
- overlay See view overlay
- View Overlay
- overview help
- Overview Information
- Providing Help through a Help Menu
- writing help content
- Writing Overview Information
- “Overview” option (in Help menu)
- Overview Information
- Providing Help through a Help Menu
- packaging software for installation
- Software Installation
- pages
- Popup Menu Guidelines
- icon catalog
- Overview of the Desktop
- palettes
- Popup Menu Guidelines
- pan pointer
- Pointer Shapes for 3D Functions
- panes
- co-primary windows
- Splitting Primary Windows Into Panes
- main windows
- Splitting Primary Windows Into Panes
- panning
- Panning
- “Paste” option (in Edit menu)
- Other Situations for Invoking Dialogs
- Edit Menu
- Supporting the Clipboard Transfer Model
- pasting data
- Supporting the Primary Transfer Model
- Supporting the Clipboard Transfer Model
- path feedback (3D)
- 3D Manipulation Feedback
- path navigation bar
- File Finder
- percent-done indicator
- IRIX Interactive Desktop Scales
- performance
- 3D Viewing Performance and Scene Fidelity
- peripherals
- 3D input device
- Dedicated Viewing Peripheral Devices
- persistent always selection model
- Supporting the Primary Transfer Model
- Highlighting a Selection
- phases
- 3D manipulation
- Phases of 3D Manipulation
- axial scaling
- Scaling Around the Opposite Corner or Side
- Scaling Around the Opposite Corner or Side
- Axial 3D Scaling (Stretching)
- constrained rotation
- Constrained 3D Rotation
- free rotation
- Free 3D Rotation
- phases
- changing center of rotation
- Changing the Center of Rotation and Scaling for 3D Objects
- Changing the Center of Rotation and Scaling for 3D Objects
- constrained translation
- Translation Constrained to the Normal of the Selected Plane
- Translation Constrained to One Axis of the Plane
- planar translation
- Simple (Planar) 3D Translation
- placement
- dialog
- Decorations, Initial State, and Layout of Dialogs
- windows
- Window Placement
- planar translation
- phases
- Simple (Planar) 3D Translation
- planar translation
- illustration
- Simple (Planar) 3D Translation
- planar translation (3D)
- Simple (Planar) 3D Translation
- pointer
- Pointer Behavior in a Window
- designing
- Designing New Pointer Shapes
- drag and drop
- Pointers for Drag Operations
- shapes, 3D applications
- Pointer Shapes for 3D Functions
- shapes, state and
- Pointer Behavior in a Window
- Providing Graphic Feedback
- Pointer Shapes and Colors
- pointer grab
- Keyboard Focus Across Windows
- multiple-action model
- Multiple-Action Pointer Grab Model
- Keyboard Focus Across Windows
- multiple-action, example
- Multiple-Action Pointer Grab Model
- single-action model
- Keyboard Focus Across Windows
- single-action, example
- Single-Action Pointer Grab Model
- popup menus
- Keyboard Navigation
- Popup Menus
- Popup Menus
- co-primary windows
- Popup Menus in Primary Windows
- contents
- What to Put in Popup Menus
- disabling entries
- Disabling Popup Menu Entries
- main windows
- Popup Menus in Primary Windows
- posted menus
- Posted Manner
- PostScript file icon
- File Icon Design
- preferred editor
- Editor Preference Setting
- primary selection
- Supporting the Primary Transfer Model
- Selection
- reinstating
- Supporting the Primary Transfer Model
- primary transfer model
- Supporting the Primary Transfer Model
- clipboard transfer model, independence
- Supporting the Primary Transfer Model
- Supporting the Clipboard Transfer Model
- primary windows
- Window Types
- primary windows. See main windows, co-primary windows, windows
- Application Window Categories
- primary-modal dialogs
- Dialog Modes
- “Print” option (in File menu)
- File Menu
- printing files
- Desktop icons
- User and Icon Interaction
- processing while minimized
- Processing While Minimized
- Desks
- product information
- Providing Help through a Help Menu
- Other Situations for Invoking Dialogs
- Product Information
- “Product Information” option (in Help menu)
- Product Information
- Other Situations for Invoking Dialogs
- Providing Help through a Help Menu
- “Promote” option (in Edit menu)
- Edit Menu
- Supporting the Primary Transfer Model
- prompt dialogs
- Prompt Dialogs
- Types and Modes of Dialogs
- pull-down menus
- Types of Menus
- The Menu Bar and Pull-Down Menus
- buttons, and
- What to Put in the Pull-Down Menus
- contents
- What to Put in the Pull-Down Menus
- dialogs, and
- Naming Menu Entries in the Pull-Down Menus
- What to Put in the Pull-Down Menus
- ellipsis
- Naming Menu Entries in the Pull-Down Menus
- entries
- naming
- Naming Menu Entries in the Pull-Down Menus
- ordering
- Ordering Menus and Menu Entries in the Pull-Down Menus
- naming, in menu bars
- Naming Menus in the Menu Bar
- ordering, in menu bars
- Ordering Menus and Menu Entries in the Pull-Down Menus
- support windows, and
- What to Put in the Pull-Down Menus
- pushbuttons. See buttons
- Pushbuttons
- question dialogs
- Types and Modes of Dialogs
- Question Dialogs
- question mark pointer
- Standard Pointer Shapes and Colors
- radio buttons
- Radio Buttons
- in menus
- Naming Menu Entries in the Pull-Down Menus
- Using Radio Buttons and Checkboxes in Pull-Down Menus
- Indigo Magic look
- Enhanced Graphics in the IRIX Interactive Desktop Look
- Providing Graphic Feedback
- “Raise” option (in window menu)
- Window Decorations and the Window Menu
- Window Decorations and the Window Menu
- range selection model
- Selection Models—What Can Be Selected and How To Select It
- “Redo” option (in Edit menu)
- Edit Menu
- release phase
- rotation
- Constrained 3D Rotation
- Free 3D Rotation
- scaling
- Uniform 3D Scaling
- translation
- Translation Constrained to One Axis of the Plane
- Simple (Planar) 3D Translation
- Translation Constrained to the Normal of the Selected Plane
- release phase (3D manipulation)
- Phases of 3D Manipulation
- “Reopen” option (in File menu)
- Invoking Dialogs When Manipulating Files
- File Menu
- resize handles (in title bar)
- Window Decorations and the Window Menu
- resize pointer
- Standard Pointer Shapes and Colors
- restarting applications
- session management
- Session Management
- “Restore” option (in window menu)
- Window Decorations and the Window Menu
- “Revert” option (in File menu)
- File Menu
- Invoking Dialogs When Manipulating Files
- rgb file icon
- File Icon Design
- right mouse button
- Mouse and Keyboard Hardware
- in 3D applications
- Designing Mouse Input for 3D Applications
- rotation
- free
- Free 3D Rotation
- rotation
- changing center
- Changing the Center of Rotation and Scaling for 3D Objects
- multiple objects
- Rotation of Multiple Selected 3D Objects
- phases
- Constrained 3D Rotation
- rotation manipulator
- 3D Rotation Basics
- “Save As” option (in File menu)
- Invoking Dialogs When Manipulating Files
- File Menu
- “Save” option (in File menu)
- File Menu
- Invoking Dialogs When Manipulating Files
- scales
- IRIX Interactive Desktop Scales
- scaling
- changing center
- Changing the Center of Rotation and Scaling for 3D Objects
- scaling
- Scaling 3D Objects
- multiple objects
- Scaling of Multiple Selected 3D Objects
- scaling manipulators
- 3D Scaling Basics
- schemes
- Schemes for Colors and Fonts
- Scheme Setting
- screen backgrounds
- and desks
- Desks
- scrollable lists
- Lists
- scrollable work areas
- co-primary windows
- Scrollable Work Areas in Primary Windows
- main windows
- Scrollable Work Areas in Primary Windows
- scrollbars
- Scrollbars
- Indigo Magic look
- Providing Graphic Feedback
- Enhanced Graphics in the IRIX Interactive Desktop Look
- secondary windows. See support windows, dialogs, windows
- Application Window Categories
- seeking
- Seeking
- “Select All” option (in Edit menu)
- Edit Menu
- Selected menu
- Selected Menu
- selected state, Desktop icons
- How Users Interact with Desktop Icons
- selecting data
- Selection Models—What Can Be Selected and How To Select It
- selections
- direct selection (3D)
- Direct Selection in 3D Applications
- in 3D object hierarchy
- Indirect Selection in 3D Applications
- Selection in Hierarchies of Objects
- indirect selection
- Indirect Selection in 3D Applications
- selection feedback (3D)
- 3D Manipulation Feedback
- 3D Manipulation Feedback
- 3D Manipulation Feedback
- selections
- Selection
- collections
- Selection Models—What Can Be Selected and How To Select It
- multiple
- Multiple Collections in One Application Window
- highlighting
- Highlighting a Selection
- in 3D applications
- Selection in 3D Applications
- models
- Selection Models—What Can Be Selected and How To Select It
- session management
- Session Management
- guidelines
- Session Management Guidelines
- logging out
- Session Management
- logging out guidelines
- Session Management Guidelines
- SGIHelp system. See online help
- Online Help
- Online Documentation
- shading
- in Indigo Magic look
- Enhanced Graphics in the IRIX Interactive Desktop Look
- shadow color, Desktop icons
- File Icon Design
- shared library file icon
- File Icon Design
- sidle pointer
- Pointer Shapes for 3D Functions
- sidling
- Sidling
- “single document, multiple primaries” application model
- “Single Document, Multiple Primaries” Application Model
- “Single Document, Multiple Primaries” Application Model
- “single document, one primary” application model
- “Single Document, One Primary” Application Model
- “Single Document, One Primary” Application Model
- single selection model
- Selection Models—What Can Be Selected and How To Select It
- in 3D applications
- 3D Selection Models
- single-action pointer grab model
- Keyboard Focus Across Windows
- single-action pointer grab, example
- Single-Action Pointer Grab Model
- single-viewport viewing
- Single-Viewport and Multi-Viewport Viewing in 3D Applications
- advantages
- Single-Viewport Viewing
- size
- Desktop icons
- Icon Size
- dialogs
- Decorations, Initial State, and Layout of Dialogs
- windows
- Window Size
- “Size” option (in window menu)
- Window Decorations and the Window Menu
- slider bars
- Scrollbars
- sliding scalebars
- scale
- IRIX Interactive Desktop Scales
- software installation
- Software Installation
- Software Manager
- Software Installation
- advantages
- Software Installation
- example
- Software Installation
- Software Packager
- Software Installation
- spaceball
- Dedicated Viewing Peripheral Devices
- spring-loaded menus
- Spring-Loaded Manner
- standard menus
- Standard Menus
- states
- applications and sessions management
- Session Management
- Desktop icons
- Providing Graphic Feedback
- How Users Interact with Desktop Icons
- Icon Colors
- Application Icon Design
- pointers, shapes and
- Providing Graphic Feedback
- Pointer Behavior in a Window
- Pointer Shapes and Colors
- status areas
- Providing Messages to the User
- co-primary windows
- Status Areas in Primary Windows
- main windows
- Status Areas in Primary Windows
- stderr
- Providing Messages to the User
- stdout
- Providing Messages to the User
- stretching See axial scaling
- 3D Scaling Basics
- submenus
- Using Cascading Menus
- Pull Down Menus
- support windows
- Window Types
- Application Window Categories
- Support Windows
- 0
- Application Window Categories
- color chooser
- A Specific Standard Support Window: The IRIX Interactive Desktop Color Chooser
- decorations
- Window Decorations and the Window Menu
- design
- General Support Window Design
- desks, and
- Desks
- Help button
- Providing Help Through a Help Button
- keyboard shortcuts
- General Support Window Design
- menu (in title bar)
- Window Decorations and the Window Menu
- parent windows
- General Support Window Design
- pull-down menus, and
- What to Put in the Pull-Down Menus
- title bar labels
- Rules for Labeling the Title Bar in Windows Other Than Main
- Tools menu, and
- General Support Window Design
- system-modal dialogs
- Dialog Modes
- task-oriented help
- Task-Oriented Information
- Providing Help through a Help Menu
- writing help content
- Writing Task Information
- tear-off menus
- What to Put in the Pull-Down Menus
- text fields
- Text Fields
- enhanced
- Text Fields
- thumbwheels
- Thumbwheels
- tilt pointer
- Pointer Shapes for 3D Functions
- title bar labels
- Desks
- Window Title Bar
- tool palettes
- Control Areas in Primary Windows
- Pushbutton Guidelines
- Tools menu
- Tools menu
- support windows, and
- General Support Window Design
- trackball path
- rotation
- Free 3D Rotation
- trade-offs in 3D viewing
- 3D Viewing Interface Trade-Offs
- translation
- constrained to normal of plane
- Translation Constrained to the Normal of the Selected Plane
- multiple objects
- Translation of Multiple Selected 3D Objects
- translation manipulator
- 3D Translation Basics
- traversal
- menus
- Menu Traversal and Activation
- tumbling
- Tumbling
- “Undo” option (in Edit menu)
- Edit Menu
- ungrouping,and lead objects
- Lead Object During Grouping and Ungrouping
- uniform scaling
- 3D Scaling Basics
- updating displays
- Keeping Information Up to Date
- upper-left arrow pointer
- Standard Pointer Shapes and Colors
- upper-right arrow pointer
- Standard Pointer Shapes and Colors
- user feedback
- User Feedback
- graphic
- Providing Graphic Feedback
- messages
- Providing Messages to the User
- updating displays
- Keeping Information Up to Date
- user messages
- Providing Messages to the User
- variables
- desktop
- Desktop Variables
- View menu
- View Menu
- view mode
- Separate View and Edit Modes
- view overlay
- View Overlay
- viewing
- See Also inspection, navigation
- 3D Viewing Functions
- viewing
- 3D definition
- 3D Viewing Functions
- overview of techniques
- 3D Viewing Functions
- 3D Viewing Functions
- trade-offs in 3D
- 3D Viewing Interface Trade-Offs
- viewing and editing (3D)
- 3D Viewing Interface Trade-Offs
- viewing controls
- sliders
- Viewing Controls
- viewing controls
- thumbwheels
- Viewing Controls
- viewing peripherals
- 3D input device
- Dedicated Viewing Peripheral Devices
- views
- Popup Menu Guidelines
- desktop
- Overview of the Desktop
- warning dialogs
- Warning Dialogs
- Types and Modes of Dialogs
- watch pointer
- Standard Pointer Shapes and Colors
- widgets
- outlines in Indigo Magic look
- Enhanced Graphics in the IRIX Interactive Desktop Look
- shading in Indigo Magic look
- Enhanced Graphics in the IRIX Interactive Desktop Look
- Window Settings control panel
- Session Management
- Window Placement
- windows
- Windows in the IRIX Interactive Desktop Environment
- Application Windows
- categories
- Application Window Categories
- Window Types
- characteristics guidelines
- Application Window Characteristic Guidelines
- co-primary windows
- Window Types
- decorations
- Window Decorations and the Window Menu
- decorations guidelines
- Application Window Characteristic Guidelines
- default setting
- Application Windows
- Desks Overview
- Overview of the Desktop
- desktop
- Overview of the Desktop
- dialogs
- Window Types
- Icon Catalog
- Overview of the Desktop
- Indigo Magic environment
- Windows in the IRIX Interactive Desktop Environment
- keyboard focus
- Keyboard Focus Across Windows
- main windows
- Main and Co-Primary Windows
- Window Types
- menu (in title bar)
- Window Decorations and the Window Menu
- menu bars
- Menu Bars in Primary Windows
- menus guidelines
- Application Window Characteristic Guidelines
- minimized
- Minimized Windows
- minimized, guidelines
- Minimized Window Guidelines
- “multiple document, no visible main” application model
- “Multiple Document, No Visible Main” Application Model
- “multiple document, visible main” application model
- “Multiple Document, Visible Main” Application Model
- no title bar
- Application Window Characteristic Guidelines
- placement
- Window Placement
- placement guidelines
- Application Window Characteristic Guidelines
- primary windows
- Window Types
- resize
- Window Size
- scrollable work areas
- Scrollable Work Areas in Primary Windows
- “single document, multiple primaries” application model
- “Single Document, Multiple Primaries” Application Model
- “single document, one primary” application model
- “Single Document, One Primary” Application Model
- size
- Window Size
- size guidelines
- Application Window Characteristic Guidelines
- support windows
- Window Types
- title bar label guidelines
- Application Window Characteristic Guidelines
- title bar labels
- Window Title Bar
- Desks
- work areas, scrollable
- co-primary windows
- Scrollable Work Areas in Primary Windows
- main windows
- Scrollable Work Areas in Primary Windows
- working dialogs
- Working Dialogs
- Other Situations for Invoking Dialogs
- Types and Modes of Dialogs
- X pointer
- Standard Pointer Shapes and Colors
- yellow feedback
- 3D Manipulation Feedback
- zooming
- Dollying