- <F1\> key (Help)
- Context-Sensitive Help Procedures
- [] (subscript) operator (in VkMenu)
- Menu Access Functions
- _allowMultipleDialogs (in VkGenericDialog)
- Deriving New Dialog Classes Using the Generic Dialog
- _baseWidget (in VkComponent)
- Component Constructors
- Component Constructors
- VkComponent Access Functions
- _baseWidget (in VkSimpleWindow)
- Creating the Window Interface in the Constructor
- _canvas (in VkDoubleBuffer)
- Drawing in the Double Buffer Component
- _clientData() (in VkMenuActionObject)
- Command Class Constructors
- _currentMatchList (in VkCompletionField)
- Deriving Text Completion Field Subclasses
- _cursorList (in VkCursorList)
- Creating, Setting, and Retrieving an Animated Busy Cursor
- _height (in VkDoubleBuffer)
- Handling Double Buffer Component Resize Requests
- _iconState (in VkSimpleWindow)
- Determining Window States
- _label (in VkCheckBox)
- Using Subclassing to Handle Changes in Check Box Toggle Values
- _label (in VkNode)
- Creating Node Subclasses
- _mainWindowWidget (in VkSimpleWindow)
- Additional Data Members
- _minimizeMultipleDialogs (in VkGenericDialog)
- Deriving New Dialog Classes Using the Generic Dialog
- _name (in VkComponent)
- VkComponent Access Functions
- Component Constructors
- Component Constructors
- _nameList (in VkCompletionField)
- Deriving Text Completion Field Subclasses
- _rc (in VkCheckBox)
- Using Subclassing to Handle Changes in Check Box Toggle Values
- _showApply (in VkGenericDialog)
- Deriving New Dialog Classes Using the Generic Dialog
- _showCancel (in VkGenericDialog)
- Deriving New Dialog Classes Using the Generic Dialog
- _showOK (in VkGenericDialog)
- Deriving New Dialog Classes Using the Generic Dialog
- _stackingState (in VkSimpleWindow)
- Determining Window States
- _visibleState (in VkSimpleWindow)
- Determining Window States
- _widgetList (in VkCheckBox)
- Using Subclassing to Handle Changes in Check Box Toggle Values
- _width (in VkDoubleBuffer)
- Handling Double Buffer Component Resize Requests
- _winList (in VkApp)
- VkApp Protected Functions and Data Members
- aboutDialog() (in VkApp)
- Maintaining Product and Version Information
- activate() (in VkCompletionField)
- Deriving Text Completion Field Subclasses
- activate() (in VkMenuItem)
- Activating and Deactivating Menu Items
- activate() (in VkPrefItem)
- Preference Item Access Functions
- activateItem() (in VkMenu)
- Activating and Deactivating Items in a Menu
- activating
- command classes
- Activating Command Classes
- menu items
- Activating and Deactivating Items in a Menu
- Activating and Deactivating Menu Items
- preference items
- Preference Item Access Functions
- add() (in VkAlignmentGroup)
- Adding Widgets and Components to an Alignment Group
- add() (in VkCompletionField)
- Setting and Clearing the Text Completion Field Expansion List
- add() (in VkGangedGroup)
- Adding Scales and Scrollbars to a Ganged Group
- add() (in VkGraph)
- Adding Nodes and Specifying Node Connectivity
- add() (in VkMenu)
- Functions for Dynamically Creating Menus
- add() (in VkMenuUndoManager)
- Providing Undo Support for Actions That Are Not Menu Items
- add() (in VkMeter)
- Adding Items to a Meter
- add() (in VkNameList)
- VkNameList Member Functions
- add() (in VkRadioGroup)
- Adding Toggles and Buttons to a Radio Group
- addAction() (in VkMenu)
- Functions for Dynamically Creating Menus
- addCallback() (in VkCallbackObject)
- Registering ViewKit Callbacks
- addConfirmFirstAction() (in VkMenu)
- Functions for Dynamically Creating Menus
- addDesktopMenuItems() (in VkGraph)
- Subclassing VkGraph
- adding
- buttons to radio group
- Adding Toggles and Buttons to a Radio Group
- items to meter component
- Adding Items to a Meter
- nodes to graphs
- Adding Nodes and Specifying Node Connectivity
- pixmaps to tabs
- Adding a Pixmap to a Tab
- scrollbars to a ganged group
- Adding Scales and Scrollbars to a Ganged Group
- tabs to tab panel
- Adding Tabs to a Tab Panel
- toggles to check box
- Adding Toggles to the Check Box
- widgets to alignment group
- Adding Widgets and Components to an Alignment Group
- addItem() (in VkCheckBox)
- Adding Toggles to the Check Box
- addItem() (in VkPrefGroup)
- Adding and Deleting Preference Items from a Group Item
- addLabel() (in VkMenu)
- Functions for Dynamically Creating Menus
- addLabel() (in VkTickMarks)
- Configuring the Tick Marks
- addMenuItems() (in VkGraph)
- Subclassing VkGraph
- addMenuPane() (in VkWindow)
- Menu Bar Support
- addRadioMenuPane() (in VkWindow)
- Menu Bar Support
- addRadioSubmenu() (in VkMenu)
- Functions for Dynamically Creating Menus
- addSeparator() (in VkMenu)
- Functions for Dynamically Creating Menus
- addSubmenu() (in VkMenu)
- Functions for Dynamically Creating Menus
- addTab() (in VkTabPanel)
- Adding Tabs to a Tab Panel
- addTabs() (in VkTabPanel)
- Adding Tabs to a Tab Panel
- addToggle() (in VkMenu)
- Functions for Dynamically Creating Menus
- addView() (in VkSimpleWindow)
- Creating the Window Interface in the Constructor
- adjustGeometry() (in VkModifiedAttachment)
- Adjusting the Modified Text Attachment's Geometry
- Admin menu (in graph overview window)
- Graph Overview
- afterRealizeHook() (in VkApp)
- VkApp Protected Functions and Data Members
- afterRealizeHook() (in VkComponent)
- Displaying and Hiding Components
- afterRealizeHook() (in VkSimpleWindow)
- Window Properties and Shell Resources
- Performing Actions After Realizing a Window
- alignBottom() (in VkAlignmentGroup)
- Aligning Widgets and Components in an Alignment Group
- alignHeight() (in VkAlignmentGroup)
- Aligning Widgets and Components in an Alignment Group
- aligning
- nodes in graphs
- Realigning Nodes
- Laying Out the Graph
- widgets
- ViewKit Support for Aligning Widgets
- 0
- ViewKit Support for Aligning Widgets
- alignLeft() (in VkAlignmentGroup)
- Aligning Widgets and Components in an Alignment Group
- alignment groups
- ViewKit Support for Aligning Widgets
- 0
- ViewKit Support for Aligning Widgets
- adding widgets
- Adding Widgets and Components to an Alignment Group
- aligning widgets
- Aligning Widgets and Components in an Alignment Group
- removing widgets
- Removing Widgets and Components From an Alignment Group
- alignRight() (in VkAlignmentGroup)
- Aligning Widgets and Components in an Alignment Group
- alignTop() (in VkAlignmentGroup)
- Aligning Widgets and Components in an Alignment Group
- alignWidth() (in VkAlignmentGroup)
- Aligning Widgets and Components in an Alignment Group
- appContext() (in VkApp)
- Application Data Access Functions
- applicationClassName() (in VkApp)
- Application Data Access Functions
- applications:See also VkApp class
- The ViewKit Application Class
- busy states
- Supporting Busy States
- Busy Dialog
- 0
- Entering and Exiting Busy States Using ViewKit
- busy dialog
- Installing Different Busy Dialogs
- Entering and Exiting Busy States Using ViewKit
- entering
- Entering and Exiting Busy States Using ViewKit
- example
- Entering and Exiting Busy States Using ViewKit
- exiting
- Entering and Exiting Busy States Using ViewKit
- nested
- Entering and Exiting Busy States Using ViewKit
- class name
- Application Data Access Functions
- VkApp Constructor
- command-line options, parsing
- VkApp Constructor
- VkApp Protected Functions and Data Members
- example
- Subclassing VkApp
- cursors
- Setting Application Cursors
- busy, animated
- Creating, Setting, and Retrieving an Animated Busy Cursor
- Animating the Busy Cursor
- Setting and Retrieving the Busy Cursor
- busy, fixed
- Setting and Retrieving the Busy Cursor
- default
- Setting Application Cursors
- Setting and Retrieving the Busy Cursor
- normal
- Setting and Retrieving the Normal Cursor
- temporary
- Setting and Retrieving a Temporary Cursor
- Display structure
- Application Data Access Functions
- event handling
- Running ViewKit Applications
- customizing
- Customizing Event Handling
- during postAndWait()
- Methods of Posting Dialogs
- during wasInterrupted()
- Interruptible Busy Dialog
- pending events
- ViewKit Event Handling
- raw events
- Handling Raw Events
- ViewKit Event Handling
- in non-default visuals
- VkApp Constructor
- in overlay planes
- Putting Applications in the Overlay Planes
- name
- Application Data Access Functions
- VkApp Constructor
- pointer
- VkApp Constructor
- product information
- Maintaining Product and Version Information
- quitting
- VkComponent Utility Functions
- Providing a “Safe Quit” Mechanism
- Fatal Error Dialogs
- Window Properties and Shell Resources
- Quitting ViewKit Applications
- Window Class Destructors
- running
- Running ViewKit Applications
- shell
- Application Data Access Functions
- VkApp Constructor
- ViewKit's Multi-Window Model
- geometry
- Application Data Access Functions
- version information
- Maintaining Product and Version Information
- windows, managing
- Managing Top-Level Windows
- Manipulating Windows
- XtAppContext structure
- Application Data Access Functions
- Apply button, dialogs
- Methods of Posting Dialogs
- apply() (in VkDialogManager)
- Deriving New Dialog Classes Using the Generic Dialog
- arcCreatedCallback (in VkGraph)
- ViewKit Callbacks Associated With VkGraph
- arcDestroyedCallback (in VkGraph)
- ViewKit Callbacks Associated With VkGraph
- arcs (in graphs)
- attributes
- Adding Nodes and Specifying Node Connectivity
- area1() (in VkTabPanel)
- Tab Panel Access Functions
- area2() (in VkTabPanel)
- Tab Panel Access Functions
- arg() (in VkRunOnce)
- Access Functions
- arg() (in VkRunOnce2)
- Access Functions
- argc (in main())
- VkApp Constructor
- Application Data Access Functions
- argc() (in VkApp)
- Application Data Access Functions
- argCnt() (in VkVisual)
- Data Access Functions
- argList() (in VkVisual)
- Data Access Functions
- argv (in main())
- VkApp Constructor
- Application Data Access Functions
- argv() (in VkApp)
- Application Data Access Functions
- attach() (in VkModifiedAttachment)
- Attaching and Detaching the Modified Text Attachment to and From a Widget
- attach() (in VkPopupMenu)
- Attaching Popup Menus to Widgets
- attach() (in VkResizer)
- Attaching and Detaching a Resizer Object to and From a Widget
- attachments
- Management Classes for Controlling Component and Widget Display Characteristics
- Management Classes for Controlling Component and Widget Operation
- alignment groups
- ViewKit Support for Aligning Widgets
- ganged scrollbars
- Supporting “Ganged” Scrollbar Operation
- modified text
- Modified Text Attachment
- radio-style toggles
- Enforcing Radio-Style Behavior on Toggle Buttons
- resizers
- ViewKit Support for Resizing and Moving Widgets
- attributes
- arcs in graphs
- Adding Nodes and Specifying Node Connectivity
- background processes
- VkBackground
- balloon help
- QuickHelp
- base widget:See also baseWidget()
- VkComponent Access Functions
- applications
- Application Data Access Functions
- components
- Component Constructors
- VkComponent Access Functions
- VkComponent Class
- Component Destructors
- deletion, handling
- Handling Component Widget Destruction
- preference items
- Preference Item Labels
- Preference Item Access Functions
- realization, detecting
- Displaying and Hiding Components
- windows
- Creating the Window Interface in the Constructor
- baseHeight() (in VkPrefItem)
- Preference Item Access Functions
- baseWidget() (in VkApp)
- Application Data Access Functions
- baseWidget() (in VkComponent)
- VkComponent Access Functions
- baseWidget() (in VkSubMenu)
- Submenu Utility and Access Functions
- BlackPixel macro
- Maintaining Consistency
- blocking, modal dialogs
- Methods of Posting Dialogs
- Methods of Posting Dialogs
- build() (in VkNode)
- Creating Node Subclasses
- build() (in VkPopupMenu)
- Popping Up Popup Menus
- buildCmdPanel() (in VkGraph)
- Subclassing VkGraph
- buildZoomMenu() (in VkGraph)
- Subclassing VkGraph
- busy dialog
- Busy Dialog
- Entering and Exiting Busy States Using ViewKit
- 0
- Busy Dialog
- installing
- Installing Different Busy Dialogs
- busy states
- Supporting Busy States
- Busy Dialog
- busy dialog
- Entering and Exiting Busy States Using ViewKit
- installing
- Installing Different Busy Dialogs
- entering
- Entering and Exiting Busy States Using ViewKit
- example
- Entering and Exiting Busy States Using ViewKit
- exiting
- Entering and Exiting Busy States Using ViewKit
- nested
- Entering and Exiting Busy States Using ViewKit
- busy() (in VkApp)
- Entering and Exiting Busy States Using ViewKit
- note
- Entering and Exiting Busy States Using ViewKit
- busyCursor() (in VkApp)
- Creating, Setting, and Retrieving an Animated Busy Cursor
- Setting and Retrieving a Fixed Busy Cursor
- butterfly graphs
- Butterfly Graphs
- butterfly node
- Butterfly Graphs
- buttonCallback (in VkRepeatButton)
- Responding to Repeat Button Activation
- buttons
- radio-style. See radio-style toggles; VkRadioGroup class
- Enforcing Radio-Style Behavior on Toggle Buttons
- repeating. See repeating buttons; VkRepeatButton class
- Repeating Button Component
- callbacks. See ViewKit callbacks; Xt callbacks
- Using Xt Callbacks With Components
- callCallbacks() (in VkCallbackObject)
- Defining and Triggering ViewKit Callbacks
- Cancel button, dialogs
- Methods of Posting Dialogs
- cancel() (in VkDialogManager)
- Deriving New Dialog Classes Using the Generic Dialog
- centering algorithm, dialogs
- Dialog Access and Utility Functions
- centerOnScreen() (in VkDialogManager)
- Dialog Access and Utility Functions
- changed() (in VkPrefGroup)
- Monitoring the Values of Preference Items Associated with a Group Item
- changed() (in VkPrefItem)
- Getting and Setting Preference Item Values
- check box component
- Check Box Component
- 0
- Check Box Component
- example
- Setting Check Box and Toggle Labels
- setting labels
- Setting Check Box and Toggle Labels
- toggles
- adding
- Adding Toggles to the Check Box
- detecting value changes
- Recognizing Changes in Check Box Toggle Values
- getting values
- Setting and Getting Check Box Toggle Values
- setting values
- Setting and Getting Check Box Toggle Values
- child() (in VkNode)
- Node Access Functions
- class hints
- Window Properties and Shell Resources
- class name:See also className()
- VkComponent Access Functions
- application
- Application Data Access Functions
- VkApp Constructor
- components
- Component Resource Support
- VkComponent Access Functions
- classes
- dependencies
- Mixing ViewKit and Standard X and Motif Functions
- management
- Management Classes for Controlling Component and Widget Display Characteristics
- Management Classes for Controlling Component and Widget Operation
- alignment groups
- ViewKit Support for Aligning Widgets
- ganged scrollbars
- Supporting “Ganged” Scrollbar Operation
- modified text
- Modified Text Attachment
- radio-style toggles
- Enforcing Radio-Style Behavior on Toggle Buttons
- resizers
- ViewKit Support for Resizing and Moving Widgets
- process control
- ViewKit Process Control Classes
- className() (in VkApp)
- Application Data Access Functions
- className() (in VkComponent)
- Component Resource Support
- VkComponent Access Functions
- className() (in VkRunOnce)
- Access Functions
- className() (in VkRunOnce2)
- Access Functions
- className() (in VkVisual)
- Data Access Functions
- clear() (in VkCompletionField)
- Setting and Clearing the Text Completion Field Expansion List
- clear() (in VkCutPaste)
- Copying Data
- clearAll() (in VkGraph)
- Indicating Which Nodes to Display
- clearing
- completion field expansion list
- Setting and Clearing the Text Completion Field Expansion List
- undo stack
- Clearing the Undo Stack
- “Click for Help” selection (in Help menu)
- Implementation of the Help Menu
- client data, Xt callbacks
- components
- Using Xt Callbacks With Components
- static menu descriptions
- Special Considerations for Xt Callback Client Data When Using Static Menu Descriptions
- CLIPBOARD transfer model
- Primary and Clipboard Transfer Models
- clipboardAtom() (in VkCutPaste)
- Miscellaneous Functions
- “Close” selection (in Admin menu)
- Graph Overview
- “Collapse Selected Nodes” (in Selected Nodes menu)
- Edit Mode Operations
- “Collapse Subgraph” selection (in Node menu)
- Hiding and Displaying Nodes
- color chooser dialog
- Color Chooser Dialog
- 0
- Color Chooser Dialog
- colormap() (in VkVisual)
- Data Access Functions
- colormapCreated() (in VkVisual)
- Data Access Functions
- colormaps
- Maintaining Consistency
- command classes
- Command Classes
- 0
- Command Classes
- activating
- Activating Command Classes
- constructors
- Command Class Constructors
- executing
- Activating Command Classes
- menu items
- Using Command Classes as Menu Items
- overview
- Overview of Command Classes
- setting labels
- Setting the Label Used by Command Classes
- command-line options, parsing
- VkApp Constructor
- VkApp Protected Functions and Data Members
- example
- Subclassing VkApp
- compiling ViewKit programs
- Compiling and Linking ViewKit Programs
- example
- Required Libraries
- completeName() (in VkNameList)
- VkNameList Member Functions
- completion fields
- Text Completion Field Component
- 0
- Text Completion Field Component
- activation, responding
- Responding to Text Completion Field Activation
- clearing expansion list
- Setting and Clearing the Text Completion Field Expansion List
- replacing expansion list
- Setting and Clearing the Text Completion Field Expansion List
- retrieving contents
- Retrieving the Text Completion Field Contents
- setting expansion list
- Setting and Clearing the Text Completion Field Expansion List
- components
- Components
- 0
- Components
- base widget
- Component Constructors
- VkComponent Access Functions
- Component Destructors
- VkComponent Class
- 0
- VkComponent Access Functions
- deletion, handling
- Handling Component Widget Destruction
- realization, detecting
- Displaying and Hiding Components
- callbacks. See components
- ViewKit callbacks; components: Xt callbacks
- Using Xt Callbacks With Components
- characteristics
- VkComponent Class
- class name
- Component Resource Support
- VkComponent Access Functions
- 0
- VkComponent Access Functions
- constructor
- Component Constructors
- definition
- Definition of a Component
- destructor
- Component Destructors
- displaying
- Displaying and Hiding Components
- hiding
- Displaying and Hiding Components
- managing widgets
- Component Constructors
- VkComponent Class
- multiple pointers to
- Predefined ViewKit Callbacks
- name
- VkComponent Access Functions
- VkComponent Class
- overview
- Definition of a Component
- parent widget
- VkComponent Class
- Component Constructors
- resource support
- Component Resource Support
- data members, initializing
- Initializing Data Members Based on Resource Values
- default values, setting
- Setting Default Resource Values for a Component
- global values, setting
- Setting Default Resource Values for a Component
- requirements
- Component Resource Support
- resource values, setting
- Setting Resource Values by Class or Individual Component
- values, retrieving
- Convenience Function for Retrieving Resource Values
- static member functions and Xt callbacks
- VkComponent Class
- Using Xt Callbacks With Components
- example
- Using Xt Callbacks With Components
- naming convention
- Using Xt Callbacks With Components
- this pointer
- Using Xt Callbacks With Components
- subclassing
- Deriving Subclasses to Create New Components
- constructor
- Component Constructors
- examples
- Creating a New Component
- summary
- Subclassing Summary
- testing for valid
- VkComponent Utility Functions
- ViewKit callbacks
- ViewKit Callback Support
- creating
- Defining and Triggering ViewKit Callbacks
- defining
- Defining and Triggering ViewKit Callbacks
- invoking
- Defining and Triggering ViewKit Callbacks
- overview
- ViewKit Callback Support
- registering callback functions
- Registering ViewKit Callbacks
- removing callback functions
- Removing ViewKit Callbacks
- triggering
- Defining and Triggering ViewKit Callbacks
- unregistering callback functions
- Removing ViewKit Callbacks
- widget destruction
- Component Constructors
- VkComponent Class
- Handling Component Widget Destruction
- Component Destructors
- widgets
- Component Constructors
- VkComponent Class
- Xt callbacks
- Using Xt Callbacks With Components
- VkComponent Class
- example
- Using Xt Callbacks With Components
- naming convention
- Using Xt Callbacks With Components
- this pointer
- Using Xt Callbacks With Components
- concepts
- suggested reading
- What You Should Know Before Reading This Guide
- constructing menus
- dynamically
- Constructing Menus Dynamically
- example
- Creating a Menu Bar Dynamically
- static description, from
- Constructing Menus From a Static Description
- example
- Creating a Menu Bar Using a Static Description
- VkMenuDesc structure
- The VkMenuDesc Structure
- Xt callback client data
- Special Considerations for Xt Callback Client Data When Using Static Menu Descriptions
- constructors
- See individual class names
- Component Constructors
- context-sensitive help
- Context-Sensitive Help Procedures
- conventions
- Conventions Used in This Guide
- inheritance graphs
- Class Inheritance Graph Conventions
- reference pages
- Typographical Conventions
- typographical
- Typographical Conventions
- converting data types
- Using Data Type Converters
- copy and paste
- Copying Data
- createCursor() (in VkCursorList)
- Creating, Setting, and Retrieving an Animated Busy Cursor
- createDialog() (in VkGenericDialog)
- Deriving New Dialog Classes Using the Generic Dialog
- creating
- ViewKit callbacks
- Defining and Triggering ViewKit Callbacks
- window interfaces
- Creating the Window Interface
- 0
- Creating the Window Interface
- cursors
- Setting Application Cursors
- busy, animated
- Setting and Retrieving the Busy Cursor
- Creating, Setting, and Retrieving an Animated Busy Cursor
- animating
- Animating the Busy Cursor
- example
- Creating, Setting, and Retrieving an Animated Busy Cursor
- busy, fixed
- Setting and Retrieving the Busy Cursor
- default
- Setting and Retrieving the Busy Cursor
- Setting Application Cursors
- normal
- Setting and Retrieving the Normal Cursor
- temporary
- Setting and Retrieving a Temporary Cursor
- custom dialog
- Deriving New Dialog Classes Using the Generic Dialog
- 0
- Deriving New Dialog Classes Using the Generic Dialog
- customizing event handling
- Customizing Event Handling
- data members, initializing with X resources
- Initializing Data Members Based on Resource Values
- data transfer
- See also VkCutPaste class
- ViewKit Cut and Paste
- data types
- converting
- Using Data Type Converters
- registering
- Registering New Data Types
- deactivate() (in VkMenu)
- Activating and Deactivating Items in a Menu
- deactivate() (in VkMenuItem)
- Activating and Deactivating Menu Items
- deactivate() (in VkPrefItem)
- Preference Item Access Functions
- deactivating
- menu items
- Activating and Deactivating Menu Items
- Activating and Deactivating Items in a Menu
- preference items
- Preference Item Access Functions
- debug libraries, ViewKit
- Required Packages
- defining ViewKit callbacks
- Defining and Triggering ViewKit Callbacks
- deleteCallback (in VkComponent)
- Predefined ViewKit Callbacks
- Component Destructors
- deleteChildren() (in VkPrefGroup)
- Adding and Deleting Preference Items from a Group Item
- demonstration programs
- Demonstration Programs
- dependencies
- classes
- Mixing ViewKit and Standard X and Motif Functions
- VkApp
- VkApp Constructor
- Mixing ViewKit and Standard X and Motif Functions
- depth() (in VkVisual)
- Data Access Functions
- deriving subclasses. See components
- subclassing
- See also specific classes
- Deriving Subclasses to Create New Components
- deriving subclasses. See components
- subclassing
- Deriving Subclasses to Create New Components
- deselecting
- nodes in graphs
- Edit Mode Operations
- detach() (in VkModifiedAttachment)
- Attaching and Detaching the Modified Text Attachment to and From a Widget
- detach() (in VkResizer)
- Attaching and Detaching a Resizer Object to and From a Widget
- dialogs
- Using Dialogs in ViewKit
- 0
- Using Dialogs in ViewKit
- Apply button
- Methods of Posting Dialogs
- busy
- Busy Dialog
- Entering and Exiting Busy States Using ViewKit
- 0
- Busy Dialog
- installing
- Installing Different Busy Dialogs
- button labels, setting
- Setting the Button Labels
- Cancel button
- Methods of Posting Dialogs
- centering algorithm
- Dialog Access and Utility Functions
- color chooser
- Color Chooser Dialog
- 0
- Color Chooser Dialog
- custom
- Deriving New Dialog Classes Using the Generic Dialog
- 0
- Deriving New Dialog Classes Using the Generic Dialog
- error
- Error Dialogs
- 0
- Error Dialogs
- event handling
- during postAndWait()
- Methods of Posting Dialogs
- during wasInterrupted()
- Interruptible Busy Dialog
- fatal error
- Fatal Error Dialogs
- 0
- Fatal Error Dialogs
- file selection
- File Selection Dialog
- 0
- File Selection Dialog
- caution
- File Selection Dialog
- generic
- Deriving New Dialog Classes Using the Generic Dialog
- 0
- Deriving New Dialog Classes Using the Generic Dialog
- Help button
- Dialog Help Procedures
- Methods of Posting Dialogs
- in overlay planes
- Putting Dialogs in the Overlay Planes
- information
- Information Dialogs
- 0
- Information Dialogs
- interruptible busy
- Interruptible Busy Dialog
- 0
- Interruptible Busy Dialog
- checking for interruptions
- Interruptible Busy Dialog
- installing
- Installing Different Busy Dialogs
- Interruptible Busy Dialog
- message
- Methods of Posting Dialogs
- OK button
- Methods of Posting Dialogs
- overview
- Overview of ViewKit Dialog Management
- parent widget
- Methods of Posting Dialogs
- pointers
- ViewKit Dialog Class Overview
- posting
- Posting Dialogs
- examples
- Posting Dialogs
- methods
- Methods of Posting Dialogs
- preference. See preference dialogs; VkPrefDialog class
- Preference Dialogs
- preposting
- Using prepost()
- Product Information
- Maintaining Product and Version Information
- Implementation of the Help Menu
- progress
- Progress Dialog
- 0
- Progress Dialog
- installing
- Progress Dialog
- Installing Different Busy Dialogs
- prompt
- Prompt Dialog
- 0
- Prompt Dialog
- caution
- Prompt Dialog
- question
- Question Dialog
- 0
- Question Dialog
- VkMenuConfirmFirstAction use
- Confirmable Menu Actions
- title, setting
- Setting the Title of the Dialog
- unposting
- Unposting Dialogs
- warning
- Warning Dialogs
- 0
- Warning Dialogs
- disabling multi-level undo support
- Enabling and Disabling Multi-Level Undo Support
- Display structure
- Application Data Access Functions
- display() (in VkApp)
- Application Data Access Functions
- display() (in VkGraph)
- Indicating Which Nodes to Display
- displayAll() (in VkGraph)
- Indicating Which Nodes to Display
- displayButterfly() (in VkGraph)
- Butterfly Graphs
- displayIf() (in VkGraph)
- Indicating Which Nodes to Display
- displaying
- components
- Displaying and Hiding Components
- graph overview window
- Displaying a Graph Overview
- Graph Overview
- menu items
- Displaying and Hiding Menu Items
- modified text attachment dogear
- Displaying and Hiding the Modified Text Attachment
- nodes in graphs
- Edit Mode Operations
- Graph Utility Functions
- Indicating Which Nodes to Display
- Hiding and Displaying Nodes
- resizer geometry controls
- Displaying the Resizer Object's Geometry Controls
- windows
- Manipulating Windows
- Managing Top-Level Windows
- displayParentsAndChildren() (in VkGraph)
- Indicating Which Nodes to Display
- displayValue() (in VkModifiedAttachment)
- Controlling the Contents of the Text Widget
- displayWithAllChildren() (in VkGraph)
- Indicating Which Nodes to Display
- displayWithAllParents() (in VkGraph)
- Indicating Which Nodes to Display
- displayWithChildren() (in VkGraph)
- Indicating Which Nodes to Display
- displayWithParents() (in VkGraph)
- Indicating Which Nodes to Display
- distributeHorizontal() (in VkAlignmentGroup)
- Aligning Widgets and Components in an Alignment Group
- distributeVertical() (in VkAlignmentGroup)
- Aligning Widgets and Components in an Alignment Group
- doit() (in VkAction)
- Overriding Virtual Functions
- doit() (in VkMenuActionObject)
- Overriding Virtual Functions
- doLayout() (in VkGraph)
- Laying Out the Graph
- doSparseLayout() (in VkGraph)
- Laying Out the Graph
- doSubtreeLayout() (in VkGraph)
- Laying Out the Graph
- double-buffer component
- ViewKit Support for Double-Buffered Graphics
- 0
- ViewKit Support for Double-Buffered Graphics
- drawing
- Drawing in the Double Buffer Component
- resizing
- Handling Double Buffer Component Resize Requests
- switching buffers
- Switching Buffers in the Double Buffer Component
- drag and drop
- Dragging Data
- dragAwayCopy() (in VkCutPaste)
- Dragging Data
- dragAwayCopyExtended() (in VkCutPaste)
- Dragging Data
- draw() (in VkDoubleBuffer)
- Drawing in the Double Buffer Component
- drawing, double-buffered
- Drawing in the Double Buffer Component
- 0
- Drawing in the Double Buffer Component
- enableCancelButton() (in VkDialogManager)
- Dialog Access and Utility Functions
- enterCallback (in VkCompletionField)
- Responding to Text Completion Field Activation
- error dialog
- Error Dialogs
- 0
- Error Dialogs
- error dialog, fatal
- Fatal Error Dialogs
- 0
- Fatal Error Dialogs
- establishing connections
- nodes in graphs
- Adding Nodes and Specifying Node Connectivity
- Node Constructor and Destructor
- event handling
- Running ViewKit Applications
- customizing
- Customizing Event Handling
- during postAndWait()
- Methods of Posting Dialogs
- during wasInterrupted()
- Interruptible Busy Dialog
- pending events
- ViewKit Event Handling
- raw events
- Handling Raw Events
- ViewKit Event Handling
- examining undo stack
- Examining the Undo Stack
- executing command classes
- Activating Command Classes
- exists() (in VkNameList)
- VkNameList Member Functions
- exiting applications. See quitting applications
- Quitting ViewKit Applications
- “Expand Selected Nodes” (in Selected Nodes menu)
- Edit Mode Operations
- expand() (in VkCompletionField)
- Deriving Text Completion Field Subclasses
- expandNode() (in VkGraph)
- Indicating Which Nodes to Display
- expandSubgraph() (in VkGraph)
- Indicating Which Nodes to Display
- export() (in VkCutPaste)
- Copying Data
- expose() (in VkModifiedAttachment)
- Displaying and Hiding the Modified Text Attachment
- external help library, linking to
- Using an External Help Library
- fatal error dialog
- Fatal Error Dialogs
- 0
- Fatal Error Dialogs
- file selection dialog
- File Selection Dialog
- 0
- File Selection Dialog
- caution
- File Selection Dialog
- fileName() (in VkFileSelectionDialog)
- File Selection Dialog
- find() (in VkGraph)
- Graph Access Functions
- findChild() (in VkNode)
- Node Access Functions
- finding
- menu items
- Finding Items in a Menu
- nodes (in graphs)
- Graph Access Functions
- Node Access Functions
- findNamedItem() (in VkMenu)
- Finding Items in a Menu
- findParent() (in VkNode)
- Node Access Functions
- fixPreviousValue() (in VkModifiedAttachment)
- Other Modified Text Attachment Utility and Access Functions
- forAllNodesDo() (in VkGraph)
- Graph Utility Functions
- forceWidth() (in VkOptionMenu)
- Option Menu Utility Functions
- freeFilenamesFromSGI_ICON() (in VkCutPaste)
- Accepting Drops From the IRIX Interactive Desktop
- freeXmStringTable() (in VkNameList)
- VkNameList Member Functions
- ganged scrollbars
- Supporting “Ganged” Scrollbar Operation
- 0
- Supporting “Ganged” Scrollbar Operation
- adding scrollbars
- Adding Scales and Scrollbars to a Ganged Group
- removing scrollbars
- Removing Scales and Scrollbars From a Ganged Group
- gc() (in VkTabPanel)
- Tab Panel Access Functions
- generic dialog
- Deriving New Dialog Classes Using the Generic Dialog
- 0
- Deriving New Dialog Classes Using the Generic Dialog
- getButton() (in VkPrefOption)
- Dynamically Changing the Number of Option Menu Items
- getColor() (in VkColorChooserDialog)
- Color Chooser Dialog
- getDataTypeInfo() (in VkCutPaste)
- Registering New Data Types
- getFilenamesFromSGI_ICON() (in VkCutPaste)
- Accepting Drops From the IRIX Interactive Desktop
- getIndex() (in VkNameList)
- VkNameList Member Functions
- getIndex() (in VkOptionMenu)
- Determining Selected Items in an Option Menu
- getItem() (in VkOptionMenu)
- Determining Selected Items in an Option Menu
- getItemPosition() (in VkMenu)
- Menu Access Functions
- getLabel() (in VkMenuItem)
- Setting Menu Item Labels
- getLabel() (in VkPrefOption)
- Setting Option Menu Preference Item Labels
- getLocalReference() (in VkCutPaste)
- Miscellaneous Functions
- getLocalTypeReference() (in VkCutPaste)
- Miscellaneous Functions
- getMenu() (in VkWindow)
- Window Data Access Functions
- getParameters() (in VkModifiedAttachment)
- Adjusting the Modified Text Attachment's Geometry
- getResources() (in VkComponent)
- Initializing Data Members Based on Resource Values
- getState() (in VkMenuToggle)
- Menu Toggles
- getString() (in VkNameList)
- VkNameList Member Functions
- getStringTable() (in VkNameList)
- VkNameList Member Functions
- getSubStrings() (in VkNameList)
- VkNameList Member Functions
- getTab() (in VkTabPanel)
- Tab Panel Access Functions
- getText() (in VkCompletionField)
- Retrieving the Text Completion Field Contents
- getting
- check box toggle values
- Setting and Getting Check Box Toggle Values
- preference item values
- Getting and Setting Preference Item Values
- getTitle() (in VkSimpleWindow)
- Window and Icon Titles
- getValue() (in VkCheckBox)
- Setting and Getting Check Box Toggle Values
- getValue() (in VkPrefItem)
- Getting and Setting Preference Item Values
- getValue() (in VkPrefOption)
- Getting and Setting Option Menu Preference Item Values
- getValue() (in VkPrefText)
- Text Fields
- getValue() (in VkPrefToggle)
- Getting and Setting Toggle Preference Item Values
- getVersion() (in VkCutPaste)
- Miscellaneous Functions
- getVisualState() (in VkSimpleWindow)
- Window Data Access Functions
- getWidget() (in VkCutPaste)
- Miscellaneous Functions
- getWindow() (in VkSimpleWindow)
- Window Data Access Functions
- getXColor() (in VkColorChooserDialog)
- Color Chooser Dialog
- getXmStringTable() (in VkNameList)
- VkNameList Member Functions
- getXServerTime() (in VkCutPaste)
- Miscellaneous Functions
- Graph Overview button (in VkGraph control panel)
- Graph Overview
- graphs
- The ViewKit Graph Component
- 0
- The ViewKit Graph Component
- arc attributes
- Adding Nodes and Specifying Node Connectivity
- butterfly
- Butterfly Graphs
- control panel
- Interactive Viewing Features Provided by VkGraph
- edit mode
- Graph Widget
- Edit Mode Operations
- example
- Building a Graph
- graph widget
- Graph Widget
- multiple arcs
- Displaying Duplicate Arcs
- Node menu
- Hiding and Displaying Nodes
- nodes
- 0
- ViewKit Node Class
- adding
- Adding Nodes and Specifying Node Connectivity
- aligning
- Laying Out the Graph
- Realigning Nodes
- arc attributes
- Adding Nodes and Specifying Node Connectivity
- deselecting
- Edit Mode Operations
- displaying
- Edit Mode Operations
- Hiding and Displaying Nodes
- Indicating Which Nodes to Display
- Graph Utility Functions
- establishing connections
- Node Constructor and Destructor
- Adding Nodes and Specifying Node Connectivity
- hiding
- Edit Mode Operations
- Hiding and Displaying Nodes
- Indicating Which Nodes to Display
- laying out
- Laying Out the Graph
- Realigning Nodes
- moving
- Edit Mode Operations
- performing action
- Graph Utility Functions
- removing
- Removing Nodes
- selecting
- Edit Mode Operations
- sorting
- Graph Utility Functions
- orientation
- Toggling Between Horizontal and Vertical Orientation
- overview
- Overview of ViewKit Graphs
- overview window
- Displaying a Graph Overview
- Graph Overview
- Admin menu
- Graph Overview
- read-only mode
- Graph Widget
- reusing
- Reusing a Graph Object
- saving
- Graph Utility Functions
- Selected Nodes menu
- Edit Mode Operations
- widgets
- Graph Access Functions
- X resources
- X Resources Associated With VkGraph
- zooming
- Graph Utility Functions
- Zooming
- graphWidget() (in VkGraph)
- Graph Access Functions
- handlePendingEvents() (in VkApp)
- ViewKit Event Handling
- Customizing Event Handling
- handleRawEvent() (in VkApp)
- ViewKit Event Handling
- note
- ViewKit Event Handling
- handleRawEvent() (in VkSimpleWindow)
- Handling Raw Events
- handleWmDeleteMessage() (in VkSimpleWindow)
- Window Properties and Shell Resources
- handleWmQuitMessage() (in VkSimpleWindow)
- Window Properties and Shell Resources
- hasUndo() (in VkMenuAction)
- Menu Actions
- header files
- Motif
- Required Header Files
- required
- Required Header Files
- X
- Required Header Files
- height() (in VkAlignmentGroup)
- Alignment Group Access Functions
- help
- balloon
- QuickHelp
- external help library, linking to
- Using an External Help Library
- message line
- QuickHelp
- popup
- QuickHelp
- QuickHelp
- QuickHelp
- SGIHelp
- Using the SGIHelp Library
- ViewKit
- Using ViewKit Help
- determining help tokens
- ViewKit Support for Building Help
- Help button, dialogs
- Dialog Help Procedures
- Methods of Posting Dialogs
- help library interface functions
- ViewKit Programmatic Interface to a Help Library
- Help menu
- ViewKit Help Menu
- Maintaining Product and Version Information
- 0
- ViewKit Help Menu
- resources
- X Resources Associated With the Help Pane
- help system
- Using a Help System With ViewKit
- <F1\> key (Help)
- Context-Sensitive Help Procedures
- context-sensitive help
- Context-Sensitive Help Procedures
- Help button, dialogs
- Dialog Help Procedures
- Methods of Posting Dialogs
- Help menu
- ViewKit Help Menu
- resources
- X Resources Associated With the Help Pane
- interface functions
- ViewKit Programmatic Interface to a Help Library
- help tokens
- determining
- ViewKit Support for Building Help
- “helpAuthorMode” resource
- ViewKit Support for Building Help
- helpPane() (in VkMenuBar)
- Menu Bar Access Functions
- “Hide Node” selection (in Node menu)
- Hiding and Displaying Nodes
- “Hide Selected Nodes” (in Selected Nodes menu)
- Edit Mode Operations
- hide() (in VkApp)
- Managing Top-Level Windows
- hide() (in VkComponent)
- Displaying and Hiding Components
- hide() (in VkMenuItem)
- Displaying and Hiding Menu Items
- hide() (in VkModifiedAttachment)
- Displaying and Hiding the Modified Text Attachment
- hide() (in VkResizer)
- Displaying the Resizer Object's Geometry Controls
- hide() (in VkSimpleWindow)
- Manipulating Windows
- hideAllChildren() (in VkGraph)
- Indicating Which Nodes to Display
- hideNode() (in VkGraph)
- Indicating Which Nodes to Display
- hideOverview() (in VkGraph)
- Displaying a Graph Overview
- hideParents() (in VkGraph)
- Indicating Which Nodes to Display
- hideParentsAndChildren() (in VkGraph)
- Indicating Which Nodes to Display
- hideWithAllChildren() (in VkGraph)
- Indicating Which Nodes to Display
- hiding
- components
- Displaying and Hiding Components
- graph overview window
- Displaying a Graph Overview
- menu items
- Displaying and Hiding Menu Items
- modified text attachment dogear
- Displaying and Hiding the Modified Text Attachment
- nodes in graphs
- Hiding and Displaying Nodes
- Edit Mode Operations
- Indicating Which Nodes to Display
- resizer geometry controls
- Displaying the Resizer Object's Geometry Controls
- windows
- Managing Top-Level Windows
- Manipulating Windows
- historyList() (in VkMenuUndoManager)
- Examining the Undo Stack
- horiz() (in VkTabPanel)
- Tab Panel Access Functions
- icon titles
- Window and Icon Titles
- iconic() (in VkSimpleWindow)
- Window Data Access Functions
- iconify() (in VkApp)
- Managing Top-Level Windows
- iconify() (in VkSimpleWindow)
- Manipulating Windows
- iconifying windows
- Manipulating Windows
- Managing Top-Level Windows
- at startup
- Application Data Access Functions
- Managing Top-Level Windows
- import() (in VkCutPaste)
- Pasting Data
- importImmediate() (in VkCutPaste)
- Pasting Data
- include files. See header files
- Required Header Files
- “Index” selection (in Help menu)
- Implementation of the Help Menu
- indexString() (in VkVisual)
- Debugging Functions
- information dialog
- Information Dialogs
- 0
- Information Dialogs
- inheritance graphs:See also specific class names
- Class Inheritance Graph Conventions
- conventions
- Class Inheritance Graph Conventions
- initializing
- data members with X resources
- Initializing Data Members Based on Resource Values
- Xt Intrinsics
- VkApp Constructor
- installDestroyHandler() (in VkComponent)
- Handling Component Widget Destruction
- Component Constructors
- interapplication data transfer
- See also VkCutPaste class
- ViewKit Cut and Paste
- interfaces, window. See windows
- views
- Creating the Window Interface
- interruptedCallback (in VkInterruptDialog)
- Interruptible Busy Dialog
- interruptible busy dialog
- Interruptible Busy Dialog
- 0
- Interruptible Busy Dialog
- checking for interruptions
- Interruptible Busy Dialog
- installing
- Interruptible Busy Dialog
- Installing Different Busy Dialogs
- invoking ViewKit callbacks
- Defining and Triggering ViewKit Callbacks
- IRIX Interactive Desktop,
- suggested reading
- What You Should Know Before Reading This Guide
- isComponent() (in VkComponent)
- VkComponent Utility Functions
- isContainer() (in VkMenuItem)
- Menu Items Utility Functions
- isContainer() (in VkPrefItem)
- Preference Item Access Functions
- isOwnedByLocalHost() (in VkCutPaste)
- Miscellaneous Functions
- isOwnedByMe() (in VkCutPaste)
- Miscellaneous Functions
- item() (in VkPrefDialog)
- Setting the Preference Items for a Preference Dialog
- item() (in VkPrefGroup)
- Adding and Deleting Preference Items from a Group Item
- itemChanged (in VkCheckBox)
- Using ViewKit Callbacks to Handle Changes in Check Box Toggle Values
- “Keys & Shortcuts” selection (in Help menu)
- Implementation of the Help Menu
- label widget, preference items
- Preference Item Labels
- Preference Item Access Functions
- label() (in VkNode)
- Node Access Functions
- labelBg() (in VkTabPanel)
- Tab Panel Access Functions
- labelFg() (in VkTabPanel)
- Tab Panel Access Functions
- labelHeight() (in VkPrefItem)
- Preference Item Access Functions
- “labelString” resource (in VkAction)
- Setting the Label Used by Command Classes
- labelWidget() (in VkPrefItem)
- Preference Item Access Functions
- lastPosted() (in VkDialogManager)
- Dialog Access and Utility Functions
- latestDisplay() (in VkModifiedAttachment)
- Controlling the Contents of the Text Widget
- laying out nodes in graph
- Realigning Nodes
- Laying Out the Graph
- libraries
- required
- Required Libraries
- ViewKit
- Required Packages
- lineThickness() (in VkTabPanel)
- Tab Panel Access Functions
- lower() (in VkApp)
- Managing Top-Level Windows
- lower() (in VkSimpleWindow)
- Manipulating Windows
- lowering windows
- Managing Top-Level Windows
- Manipulating Windows
- main window
- Window Class Constructors
- determining
- Managing Top-Level Windows
- during quitting
- Quitting ViewKit Applications
- specifying
- Managing Top-Level Windows
- main()
- The Simplest ViewKit Program
- maintaining string lists
- VkNameList Class
- mainWindow() (in VkApp)
- Managing Top-Level Windows
- mainWindowWidget() (in VkSimpleWindow)
- Window Data Access Functions
- Creating the Window Interface in the Constructor
- makeNodeVisible() (in VkGraph)
- Graph Utility Functions
- makeNormal() (in VkAlignmentGroup)
- Aligning Widgets and Components in an Alignment Group
- man pages. See reference pages
- Typographical Conventions
- management classes
- Management Classes for Controlling Component and Widget Display Characteristics
- Management Classes for Controlling Component and Widget Operation
- alignment groups
- ViewKit Support for Aligning Widgets
- ganged scrollbars
- Supporting “Ganged” Scrollbar Operation
- modified text
- Modified Text Attachment
- radio-style toggles
- Enforcing Radio-Style Behavior on Toggle Buttons
- resizers
- ViewKit Support for Resizing and Moving Widgets
- manipulating string lists
- VkNameList Class
- maxLevel() (in VkVisual)
- Data Access Functions
- member function callbacks. See ViewKit callbacks
- ViewKit Callback Support
- menu bars
- Menu Bar
- 0
- Menu Bar
- VkWindow destructor, and
- Window Class Destructors
- VkWindow support
- Menu Bar Support
- menu items
- ViewKit Menu Item Classes
- 0
- ViewKit Menu Item Classes
- actions
- Menu Actions
- 0
- Menu Actions
- activating
- Activating and Deactivating Menu Items
- Activating and Deactivating Items in a Menu
- adding to menus
- Functions for Dynamically Creating Menus
- command classes
- Using Command Classes as Menu Items
- confirmable actions
- Confirmable Menu Actions
- 0
- Confirmable Menu Actions
- deactivating
- Activating and Deactivating Menu Items
- Activating and Deactivating Items in a Menu
- determining position in menu
- Menu Access Functions
- displaying
- Displaying and Hiding Menu Items
- finding
- Finding Items in a Menu
- hiding
- Displaying and Hiding Menu Items
- labels
- Setting Menu Item Labels
- Menu Labels
- 0
- Menu Labels
- overview
- Overview of ViewKit Menu Support
- position
- Setting the Position of Menu Items
- removing
- Removing Items From a Menu
- Displaying and Hiding Menu Items
- replacing
- Replacing Items in a Menu
- separators
- Menu Separators
- 0
- Menu Separators
- toggles
- Menu Toggles
- 0
- Menu Toggles
- type
- Menu Items Utility Functions
- undo support
- Providing Undo Support for Actions That Are Menu Items
- Functions for Dynamically Creating Menus
- The VkMenuDesc Structure
- “Undo” selection
- Overview of ViewKit Undo Management
- adding
- Adding the Undo Manager to a Menu
- setting label
- Setting the Label of the Undo Manager Menu Item
- menu() (in VkWindow)
- Menu Bar Support
- menus
- Creating Menus With ViewKit
- 0
- ViewKit Menu Base Class
- activating items
- Activating and Deactivating Items in a Menu
- Activating and Deactivating Menu Items
- adding items
- Functions for Dynamically Creating Menus
- constructing dynamically
- Constructing Menus Dynamically
- example
- Creating a Menu Bar Dynamically
- constructing from static description
- Constructing Menus From a Static Description
- example
- Creating a Menu Bar Using a Static Description
- VkMenuDesc structure
- The VkMenuDesc Structure
- Xt callback client data
- Special Considerations for Xt Callback Client Data When Using Static Menu Descriptions
- constructing with work procedures
- Constructing Menus
- deactivating items
- Activating and Deactivating Items in a Menu
- Activating and Deactivating Menu Items
- determining item position
- Menu Access Functions
- displaying items
- Displaying and Hiding Menu Items
- finding menu items
- Finding Items in a Menu
- Help menu
- ViewKit Help Menu
- Maintaining Product and Version Information
- 0
- ViewKit Help Menu
- resources
- X Resources Associated With the Help Pane
- hiding items
- Displaying and Hiding Menu Items
- in overlay planes
- Putting Menus in the Overlay Planes
- menu bars
- Menu Bar
- 0
- Menu Bar
- VkWindow destructor, and
- Window Class Destructors
- VkWindow support
- Menu Bar Support
- option menus
- Option Menus
- 0
- Option Menus
- example
- Option Menu Utility Functions
- item width, setting
- Option Menu Utility Functions
- menu label, setting
- Setting the Option Menu Label
- selected item, setting
- Determining Selected Items in an Option Menu
- Selecting Items in an Option Menu
- overview
- Overview of ViewKit Menu Support
- popup menus
- Popup Menus
- 0
- Popup Menus
- attaching to widget
- Popup Menu Constructors
- example
- Using a Popup Menu
- popping up
- Popping Up Popup Menus
- radio submenus
- Radio Submenus
- 0
- Radio Submenus
- removing items
- Displaying and Hiding Menu Items
- Removing Items From a Menu
- replacing items
- Replacing Items in a Menu
- setting item labels
- Setting Menu Item Labels
- setting item positions
- Setting the Position of Menu Items
- submenus
- Submenus
- 0
- Submenus
- tear-off behavior
- Submenu Utility and Access Functions
- “Undo” selection
- Overview of ViewKit Undo Management
- adding
- Adding the Undo Manager to a Menu
- setting label
- Setting the Label of the Undo Manager Menu Item
- VkMenuDesc structure
- The VkMenuDesc Structure
- VkMenuItemType type
- The VkMenuDesc Structure
- XtDisplay() caution
- Overview of ViewKit Menu Support
- XtScreen() caution
- Overview of ViewKit Menu Support
- XtWindow() caution
- Overview of ViewKit Menu Support
- menuType() (in VkMenuItem)
- Menu Items Utility Functions
- message line help
- QuickHelp
- message, dialogs
- Methods of Posting Dialogs
- meter component
- ViewKit Meter Component
- 0
- ViewKit Meter Component
- adding items
- Adding Items to a Meter
- desired dimensions
- Determining the Desired Dimensions of the Meter
- resetting
- Resetting the Meter
- resize policy
- Setting the Meter's Resize Policy
- updating display
- Updating the Meter Display
- X resource
- X Resources Associated With the Meter Component
- minLevel() (in VkVisual)
- Data Access Functions
- modified text attachment
- Modified Text Attachment
- 0
- Modified Text Attachment
- adjusting geometry
- Adjusting the Modified Text Attachment's Geometry
- attaching widgets
- Attaching and Detaching the Modified Text Attachment to and From a Widget
- controlling contents
- Controlling the Contents of the Text Widget
- Other Modified Text Attachment Utility and Access Functions
- detaching widgets
- Attaching and Detaching the Modified Text Attachment to and From a Widget
- detecting changes
- Detecting Changes in the Text Widget
- displaying dogear
- Displaying and Hiding the Modified Text Attachment
- hiding dogear
- Displaying and Hiding the Modified Text Attachment
- overview
- Modified Text Attachment
- retrieving values
- Retrieving the Current and Previous Values of the Text Widget
- modified() (in VkModifiedAttachment)
- Other Modified Text Attachment Utility and Access Functions
- modifiedCallback (in VkModifiedAttachment)
- Detecting Changes in the Text Widget
- mostCommonString() (in VkNameList)
- VkNameList Member Functions
- Motif
- header files
- Required Header Files
- suggested reading
- What You Should Know Before Reading This Guide
- ViewKit, and
- Mixing ViewKit and Standard X and Motif Functions
- moving
- nodes in graphs
- Edit Mode Operations
- widgets
- ViewKit Support for Resizing and Moving Widgets
- 0
- ViewKit Support for Resizing and Moving Widgets
- multi-level undo support
- Overview of ViewKit Undo Management
- disabling
- Enabling and Disabling Multi-Level Undo Support
- undo stack
- clearing
- Clearing the Undo Stack
- examining
- Examining the Undo Stack
- multiLevel() (in VkMenuUndoManager)
- Enabling and Disabling Multi-Level Undo Support
- Multiple Arcs button (in VkGraph control panel)
- Displaying Duplicate Arcs
- multiple displays
- New Features
- New Multi-display and Multi-screen support
- multiple pointers to a component
- Predefined ViewKit Callbacks
- multiple screens
- New Features
- New Multi-display and Multi-screen support
- name() (in VkApp)
- Application Data Access Functions
- name() (in VkComponent)
- VkComponent Access Functions
- nChildren() (in VkNode)
- Node Access Functions
- neededHeight() (in VkMeter)
- Determining the Desired Dimensions of the Meter
- neededWidth() (in VkMeter)
- Determining the Desired Dimensions of the Meter
- newDisplay() (in VkDisplay)
- Multiple Displays and Screens within ViewKit 2.1
- newScreen() (in VkScreen)
- Multiple Displays and Screens within ViewKit 2.1
- Node menu (in VkGraph)
- Hiding and Displaying Nodes
- nodes (in graphs)
- ViewKit Node Class
- 0
- ViewKit Node Class
- adding to graph
- Adding Nodes and Specifying Node Connectivity
- aligning
- Laying Out the Graph
- Realigning Nodes
- arc attributes
- Adding Nodes and Specifying Node Connectivity
- butterfly node
- Butterfly Graphs
- child nodes
- Node Access Functions
- deselecting
- Edit Mode Operations
- displaying
- Edit Mode Operations
- Indicating Which Nodes to Display
- Graph Utility Functions
- Hiding and Displaying Nodes
- establishing connections
- Node Constructor and Destructor
- Adding Nodes and Specifying Node Connectivity
- finding
- Node Access Functions
- Graph Access Functions
- hiding
- Hiding and Displaying Nodes
- Indicating Which Nodes to Display
- Edit Mode Operations
- label
- Creating Node Subclasses
- Node Access Functions
- Node Constructor and Destructor
- laying out
- Laying Out the Graph
- Realigning Nodes
- moving
- Edit Mode Operations
- parent nodes
- Node Access Functions
- performing action
- Graph Utility Functions
- removing from graph
- Removing Nodes
- selecting
- Edit Mode Operations
- sorting
- Graph Utility Functions
- Node Utility Functions
- subclassing
- Creating Node Subclasses
- non-blocking, modal dialogs
- Methods of Posting Dialogs
- non-blocking, non-modal dialogs
- Methods of Posting Dialogs
- normalCursor() (in VkApp)
- Setting and Retrieving the Normal Cursor
- notBusy() (in VkApp)
- Entering and Exiting Busy States Using ViewKit
- notifyOthers() (in VkRunOnce2)
- Access Functions
- “noUndoQuestion” resource (in VkMenuConfirmFirstAction)
- Confirmable Menu Actions
- nParents() (in VkNode)
- Node Access Functions
- numArgs() (in VkRunOnce)
- Access Functions
- numArgs() (in VkRunOnce2)
- Access Functions
- numColors() (in VkVisual)
- Data Access Functions
- numItems() (in VkMenu)
- Menu Access Functions
- numNodes() (in VkGraph)
- Graph Access Functions
- OK button, dialogs
- Methods of Posting Dialogs
- ok() (in VkDialogManager)
- Deriving New Dialog Classes Using the Generic Dialog
- okToQuit() (in VkComponent)
- VkComponent Utility Functions
- okToQuit() (in VkSimpleWindow)
- Providing a “Safe Quit” Mechanism
- Window Properties and Shell Resources
- Quitting ViewKit Applications
- open() (in VkApp)
- Managing Top-Level Windows
- open() (in VkSimpleWindow)
- Manipulating Windows
- opening windows
- Manipulating Windows
- Managing Top-Level Windows
- operator=() (in VkNameList)
- VkNameList Member Functions
- operator==() (in VkNameList)
- VkNameList Member Functions
- option menus
- Option Menus
- 0
- Option Menus
- example
- Option Menu Utility Functions
- item width, setting
- Option Menu Utility Functions
- menu label, setting
- Setting the Option Menu Label
- selected item
- determining
- Determining Selected Items in an Option Menu
- setting
- Selecting Items in an Option Menu
- outline component
- ViewKit Outline Component
- overlay planes
- applications in
- Putting Applications in the Overlay Planes
- dialogs in
- Putting Dialogs in the Overlay Planes
- menus in
- Putting Menus in the Overlay Planes
- overview window, graphs
- Displaying a Graph Overview
- Graph Overview
- “Overview” selection (in Help menu)
- Implementation of the Help Menu
- overviewWindow() (in VkGraph)
- Displaying a Graph Overview
- packages, required
- Required Packages
- parent widget
- components
- VkComponent Class
- Component Constructors
- dialogs
- Methods of Posting Dialogs
- windows
- Window Class Constructors
- parent() (in VkNode)
- Node Access Functions
- parseCommandLine() (in VkApp)
- VkApp Protected Functions and Data Members
- parsing command-line options
- VkApp Protected Functions and Data Members
- VkApp Constructor
- example
- Subclassing VkApp
- pending events
- ViewKit Event Handling
- periodic processes
- VkPeriodic
- pie chart component
- ViewKit Pie Chart Component
- 0
- ViewKit Pie Chart Component
- planesString() (in VkVisual)
- Debugging Functions
- popup help
- QuickHelp
- popup menus
- Popup Menus
- 0
- Popup Menus
- attaching to widget
- Popup Menu Constructors
- example
- Using a Popup Menu
- popping up
- Popping Up Popup Menus
- popupMenu() (in VkGraph)
- Subclassing VkGraph
- post() (in VkDialogManager)
- Methods of Posting Dialogs
- postAndWait() (in VkDialogManager)
- Methods of Posting Dialogs
- Methods of Posting Dialogs
- postBlocked() (in VkDialogManager)
- Methods of Posting Dialogs
- posting dialogs
- Posting Dialogs
- examples
- Posting Dialogs
- methods
- Methods of Posting Dialogs
- postModal() (in VkDialogManager)
- Methods of Posting Dialogs
- prefCallback (in VkPrefDialog)
- Responding When the User Clicks a Preference Dialog Button
- preference dialogs
- Preference Dialogs
- 0
- Preference Dialogs
- adding items
- Creating a Preference Dialog
- Setting the Preference Items for a Preference Dialog
- creating
- Creating a Preference Dialog
- example
- Building a ViewKit Preference Dialog
- overview
- Overview of ViewKit Preference Dialogs
- posting
- Posting and Dismissing Preference Dialogs
- 0
- Posting and Dismissing Preference Dialogs
- retrieving values
- Using Values Set in a Preference Dialog
- subclassing
- Creating Preference Dialog Subclasses
- unposting
- Posting and Dismissing Preference Dialogs
- 0
- Posting and Dismissing Preference Dialogs
- user interaction, responding
- Responding When the User Clicks a Preference Dialog Button
- preference items
- ViewKit Preference Item Base Class
- 0
- ViewKit Preference Item Classes
- activating
- Preference Item Access Functions
- base widget
- Preference Item Access Functions
- Preference Item Labels
- deactivating
- Preference Item Access Functions
- empty space
- “Empty” Space Preference Items
- 0
- “Empty” Space Preference Items
- groups
- Groups of Preference Items
- 0
- Groups of Preference Items
- adding items
- Adding and Deleting Preference Items from a Group Item
- changes in item values
- Monitoring the Values of Preference Items Associated with a Group Item
- comparison of group classes
- Comparison of Group Preference Items
- creating
- Creating Group Preference Items
- deleting items
- Adding and Deleting Preference Items from a Group Item
- labels
- Setting Group Item Labels
- labels, setting
- Setting Group Item Labels
- label items
- Labels
- 0
- Labels
- setting labels
- Labels
- label widget
- Preference Item Access Functions
- Preference Item Labels
- labels
- Preference Item Labels
- groups
- Setting Group Item Labels
- label items
- Labels
- option menus
- Setting Option Menu Preference Item Labels
- toggles
- Setting Toggle Preference Item Labels
- option menus
- Option Menus
- 0
- Option Menus
- labels, setting
- Setting Option Menu Preference Item Labels
- number of options, setting
- Dynamically Changing the Number of Option Menu Items
- overview
- ViewKit Preference Item Classes
- Overview of ViewKit Preference Dialogs
- separators
- Separators
- 0
- Separators
- text fields
- Text Fields
- 0
- Text Fields
- toggles
- Toggle Buttons
- 0
- Toggle Buttons
- setting labels
- Setting Toggle Preference Item Labels
- values
- Getting and Setting Preference Item Values
- prepost() (in VkDialogManager)
- Using prepost()
- prepostCallback (in VkDialogManager)
- Using a prepostCallback
- preposting dialogs
- Using prepost()
- previousValue() (in VkModifiedAttachment)
- Retrieving the Current and Previous Values of the Text Widget
- PRIMARY transfer model
- Primary and Clipboard Transfer Models
- primaryAtom() (in VkCutPaste)
- Miscellaneous Functions
- print() (in VkVisual)
- Debugging Functions
- printAll() (in VkVisual)
- Debugging Functions
- process control classes
- ViewKit Process Control Classes
- product information
- Maintaining Product and Version Information
- Product Information dialog
- Maintaining Product and Version Information
- Implementation of the Help Menu
- “Product Information” selection (in Help menu)
- Maintaining Product and Version Information
- Implementation of the Help Menu
- programs
- compiling and linking
- Compiling and Linking ViewKit Programs
- example
- Required Libraries
- demonstration
- Demonstration Programs
- progress dialog
- Progress Dialog
- 0
- Progress Dialog
- installing
- Installing Different Busy Dialogs
- Progress Dialog
- progressing() (in VkApp)
- Animating the Busy Cursor
- prompt dialog
- Prompt Dialog
- 0
- Prompt Dialog
- caution
- Prompt Dialog
- pulldown() (in VkSubMenu)
- Submenu Utility and Access Functions
- putCopy() (in VkCutPaste)
- Copying Data
- putReference() (in VkCutPaste)
- Miscellaneous Functions
- question dialog
- Question Dialog
- 0
- Question Dialog
- VkMenuConfirmFirstAction use
- Confirmable Menu Actions
- QuickHelp
- QuickHelp
- balloon
- QuickHelp
- message line
- QuickHelp
- popup
- QuickHelp
- timers
- QuickHelp
- quitting applications
- VkComponent Utility Functions
- Window Class Destructors
- Fatal Error Dialogs
- Window Properties and Shell Resources
- Quitting ViewKit Applications
- Providing a “Safe Quit” Mechanism
- quitYourself() (in VkApp)
- Quitting ViewKit Applications
- VkComponent Utility Functions
- Window Properties and Shell Resources
- note
- Quitting ViewKit Applications
- radio check box component
- Radio Check Box Component
- 0
- Radio Check Box Component
- example
- Radio Check Box Component
- radio submenus
- Radio Submenus
- 0
- Radio Submenus
- adding to menus
- Functions for Dynamically Creating Menus
- radio-style toggles
- Enforcing Radio-Style Behavior on Toggle Buttons
- adding buttons
- Adding Toggles and Buttons to a Radio Group
- removing buttons
- Removing Toggles and Buttons From a Radio Group
- See also VkRadioGroup class
- Enforcing Radio-Style Behavior on Toggle Buttons
- raise() (in VkApp)
- Managing Top-Level Windows
- raise() (in VkSimpleWindow)
- Manipulating Windows
- raising windows
- Managing Top-Level Windows
- Manipulating Windows
- raw events
- Handling Raw Events
- ViewKit Event Handling
- Realign button (in VkGraph control panel)
- Realigning Nodes
- reference pages
- conventions
- Typographical Conventions
- registerConverter() (in VkCutPaste)
- Using Data Type Converters
- registerDataType() (in VkCutPaste)
- Registering New Data Types
- registerDropSite() (in VkCutPaste)
- Accepting Drops
- registerDropSiteExtended() (in VkCutPaste)
- Accepting Drops
- registering data types
- Registering New Data Types
- registering functions, ViewKit callbacks
- Registering ViewKit Callbacks
- caution
- Registering ViewKit Callbacks
- example
- Registering ViewKit Callbacks
- function format
- Registering ViewKit Callbacks
- Registering ViewKit Callbacks
- registerLoseSelection() (in VkCutPaste)
- Copying Data
- relayButton() (in VkGraph)
- Graph Access Functions
- remove() (in VkAlignmentGroup)
- Removing Widgets and Components From an Alignment Group
- remove() (in VkCutPaste)
- Miscellaneous Functions
- remove() (in VkGangedGroup)
- Removing Scales and Scrollbars From a Ganged Group
- remove() (in VkGraph)
- Removing Nodes
- remove() (in VkMenuItem)
- Displaying and Hiding Menu Items
- remove() (in VkNameList)
- VkNameList Member Functions
- remove() (in VkRadioGroup)
- Removing Toggles and Buttons From a Radio Group
- removeAllCallbacks() (in VkCallbackObject)
- Removing ViewKit Callbacks
- removeCallback() (in VkCallbackObject)
- Removing ViewKit Callbacks
- removeDestroyHandler() (in VkComponent)
- Handling Component Widget Destruction
- removeDuplicates() (in VkNameList)
- VkNameList Member Functions
- removeFirst() (in VkGangedGroup)
- Removing Scales and Scrollbars From a Ganged Group
- removeFirst() (in VkRadioGroup)
- Removing Toggles and Buttons From a Radio Group
- removeItem() (in VkMenu)
- Removing Items From a Menu
- removeLast() (in VkGangedGroup)
- Removing Scales and Scrollbars From a Ganged Group
- removeLast() (in VkRadioGroup)
- Removing Toggles and Buttons From a Radio Group
- removeTab() (in VkTabPanel)
- Removing a Tab From a Tab Panel
- removing
- buttons from radio group
- Removing Toggles and Buttons From a Radio Group
- functions, ViewKit callbacks
- Removing ViewKit Callbacks
- menu items
- Removing Items From a Menu
- Displaying and Hiding Menu Items
- nodes from graphs
- Removing Nodes
- pixmaps from tabs
- Adding a Pixmap to a Tab
- scrollbars from a ganged group
- Removing Scales and Scrollbars From a Ganged Group
- tabs to tab panel
- Removing a Tab From a Tab Panel
- widgets from alignment group
- Removing Widgets and Components From an Alignment Group
- reorientButton() (in VkGraph)
- Graph Access Functions
- repeat buttons
- activation, responding
- Responding to Repeat Button Activation
- repeating buttons
- Repeating Button Component
- 0
- Repeating Button Component
- X resources
- X Resources Associated With the Repeating Button Component
- replace() (in VkMenu)
- Replacing Items in a Menu
- replacing
- completion field expansion list
- Setting and Clearing the Text Completion Field Expansion List
- menu items
- Replacing Items in a Menu
- requirements
- header files
- Required Header Files
- libraries
- Required Libraries
- packages
- Required Packages
- reset() (in VkMenuUndoManager)
- Clearing the Undo Stack
- reset() (in VkMeter)
- Resetting the Meter
- resize() (in VkDoubleBuffer)
- Handling Double Buffer Component Resize Requests
- resizers
- ViewKit Support for Resizing and Moving Widgets
- 0
- ViewKit Support for Resizing and Moving Widgets
- attaching widgets
- Attaching and Detaching a Resizer Object to and From a Widget
- detaching widgets
- Attaching and Detaching a Resizer Object to and From a Widget
- displaying geometry controls
- Displaying the Resizer Object's Geometry Controls
- geometry changes
- detecting
- ViewKit Callbacks Associated With the Resizer
- restricting
- Resizer Utility Functions
- hiding geometry controls
- Displaying the Resizer Object's Geometry Controls
- overview
- ViewKit Support for Resizing and Moving Widgets
- resizing
- double-buffer component
- Handling Double Buffer Component Resize Requests
- widgets
- ViewKit Support for Resizing and Moving Widgets
- 0
- ViewKit Support for Resizing and Moving Widgets
- resource support
- components
- Component Resource Support
- data members, initializing
- Initializing Data Members Based on Resource Values
- default values, setting
- Setting Default Resource Values for a Component
- global values, setting
- Setting Default Resource Values for a Component
- requirements
- Component Resource Support
- resource values, setting
- Setting Resource Values by Class or Individual Component
- retrieving values
- Convenience Function for Retrieving Resource Values
- example
- Convenience Function for Retrieving Resource Values
- note
- Convenience Function for Retrieving Resource Values
- reverse() (in VkNameList)
- VkNameList Member Functions
- Rotate Graph button (in VkGraph control panel)
- Toggling Between Horizontal and Vertical Orientation
- run() (in VkApp)
- Running ViewKit Applications
- run_first() (in VkApp)
- ViewKit Event Handling
- “safe quit” mechanism
- Providing a “Safe Quit” Mechanism
- Quitting ViewKit Applications
- VkComponent Utility Functions
- saveToFile() (in VkGraph)
- Graph Utility Functions
- saving
- graphs
- Graph Utility Functions
- “Scale to Fit” selection (in Admin menu)
- Graph Overview
- schemes
- menu bars, and
- Menu Bar Constructors
- options menus, and
- Option Menu Constructors
- scrollbars, “ganging” See ganged scrollbars; VkGangedGroup class
- Supporting “Ganged” Scrollbar Operation
- ScrolledWindow widget and windows
- Creating the Window Interface in the Constructor
- secondary event loops
- during handlePendingEvents()
- ViewKit Event Handling
- during postAndWait()
- Methods of Posting Dialogs
- during wasInterrupted()
- Interruptible Busy Dialog
- Selected Nodes menu (in VkGraph)
- Edit Mode Operations
- selectedTab() (in VkTabPanel)
- Responding to Tab Selection
- selecting
- nodes in graphs
- Edit Mode Operations
- selectTab() (in VkTabPanel)
- Responding to Tab Selection
- Adding Tabs to a Tab Panel
- set() (in VkOptionMenu)
- Selecting Items in an Option Menu
- setAboutDialog() (in VkApp)
- Maintaining Product and Version Information
- setArgs() (in VkDialogManager)
- Dialog Access and Utility Functions
- setBaseHeight() (in VkPrefItem)
- Preference Item Access Functions
- setBusyCursor() (in VkApp)
- Creating, Setting, and Retrieving an Animated Busy Cursor
- Setting and Retrieving a Fixed Busy Cursor
- setBusyDialog() (in VkApp)
- Installing Different Busy Dialogs
- setButtonLabels() (in VkDialogManager)
- Setting the Button Labels
- setClassHint() (in VkSimpleWindow)
- Window Properties and Shell Resources
- setColor() (in VkColorChooserDialog)
- Color Chooser Dialog
- setColormap() (in VkVisual)
- Setting the Class's Visual Information
- setCurrentColor() (in VkColorChooserDialog)
- Color Chooser Dialog
- setCurrentXColor() (in VkColorChooserDialog)
- Color Chooser Dialog
- setDefaultResources() (in VkComponent)
- Setting Default Resource Values for a Component
- setDirectory() (in VkFileSelectionDialog)
- File Selection Dialog
- setFallbacks() (in VkApp)
- Application Data Access Functions
- setFilterPattern() (in VkFileSelectionDialog)
- File Selection Dialog
- setIconName() (in VkSimpleWindow)
- Window and Icon Titles
- setIncrements() (in VkResizer)
- Resizer Utility Functions
- setItem() (in VkPrefDialog)
- Setting the Preference Items for a Preference Dialog
- setLabel() (in VkMenuItem)
- Setting Menu Item Labels
- setLabel() (in VkPrefOption)
- Setting Option Menu Preference Item Labels
- setLabelHeight() (in VkPrefItem)
- Preference Item Access Functions
- setLayoutStyle() (in VkGraph)
- Butterfly Graphs
- setMainWindow() (in VkApp)
- Managing Top-Level Windows
- setMargin() (in VkTickMarks)
- Configuring the Tick Marks
- setMenuBar() (in VkWindow)
- Menu Bar Support
- setModified() (in VkModifiedAttachment)
- Other Modified Text Attachment Utility and Access Functions
- setNormalCursor() (in VkApp)
- Setting and Retrieving the Normal Cursor
- setParameters() (in VkModifiedAttachment)
- Adjusting the Modified Text Attachment's Geometry
- setParameters() (in VkRepeatButton)
- Repeating Button Utility and Access Functions
- setPercentDone() (in VkProgressDialog)
- Progress Dialog
- setPosition() (in VkMenuItem)
- Setting the Position of Menu Items
- setResizePolicy() (in VkMeter)
- Setting the Meter's Resize Policy
- setScale() (in VkTickMarks)
- Configuring the Tick Marks
- setSelection() (in VkFileSelectionDialog)
- File Selection Dialog
- setSize() (in VkGraph)
- Graph Utility Functions
- setSize() (in VkPrefOption)
- Dynamically Changing the Number of Option Menu Items
- setSortFunction() (in VkNode)
- Node Utility Functions
- setStateAndNotify() (in VkMenuToggle)
- Menu Toggles
- setStoredColor() (in VkColorChooserDialog)
- Color Chooser Dialog
- setStoredXColor() (in VkColorChooserDialog)
- Color Chooser Dialog
- setTabPixmap() (in VkTabPanel)
- Adding a Pixmap to a Tab
- setting
- Setting the Label of the Undo Manager Menu Item
- check box labels
- Setting Check Box and Toggle Labels
- check box toggle values
- Setting and Getting Check Box Toggle Values
- command class labels
- Setting the Label Used by Command Classes
- completion field expansion list
- Setting and Clearing the Text Completion Field Expansion List
- default resource values
- Setting Default Resource Values for a Component
- example
- Setting Default Resource Values for a Component
- note
- Setting Default Resource Values for a Component
- dialog button labels
- Setting the Button Labels
- dialog titles
- Setting the Title of the Dialog
- global resource values
- Setting Default Resource Values for a Component
- preference items
- labels
- Preference Item Labels
- labels, group
- Setting Group Item Labels
- labels, label items
- Labels
- labels, option menus
- Setting Option Menu Preference Item Labels
- labels, toggles
- Setting Toggle Preference Item Labels
- values
- Getting and Setting Preference Item Values
- tick marks scale
- Configuring the Tick Marks
- visual information
- Setting the Class's Visual Information
- VkAction class label for “Undo” selection
- Setting the Label Used by Command Classes
- setTitle() (in VkDialogManager)
- Setting the Title of the Dialog
- setTitle() (in VkSimpleWindow)
- Window and Icon Titles
- setTransactionsTimeout() (in VkCutPaste)
- Miscellaneous Functions
- setUpInterface() (in VkSimpleWindow)
- Creating the Window Interface in the setUpInterface() Function
- setUpWindowProperties() (in VkSimpleWindow)
- Window Properties and Shell Resources
- setValue() (in VkCheckBox)
- Setting and Getting Check Box Toggle Values
- setValue() (in VkModifiedAttachment)
- Controlling the Contents of the Text Widget
- setValue() (in VkPrefItem)
- Getting and Setting Preference Item Values
- setValue() (in VkPrefOption)
- Getting and Setting Option Menu Preference Item Values
- setValue() (in VkPrefText)
- Text Fields
- setValue() (in VkPrefToggle)
- Getting and Setting Toggle Preference Item Values
- setValues() (in VkCheckBox)
- Setting and Getting Check Box Toggle Values
- setVersionString() (in VkApp)
- Maintaining Product and Version Information
- setVisual() (in VkDialogManager)
- Dialog Access and Utility Functions
- setVisual() (in VkVisual)
- Setting the Class's Visual Information
- setVisualState() (in VkMenuToggle)
- Menu Toggles
- setXColor() (in VkColorChooserDialog)
- Color Chooser Dialog
- setZoomOption() (in VkGraph)
- Graph Utility Functions
- SgGraph widget
- Graph Widget
- SGIHelp
- Using the SGIHelp Library
- SGIHelpIndexMsg()
- ViewKit Programmatic Interface to a Help Library
- SGIHelpInit()
- ViewKit Programmatic Interface to a Help Library
- SGIHelpMsg()
- ViewKit Programmatic Interface to a Help Library
- shell geometry
- main window
- Window Properties and Shell Resources
- Window Class Constructors
- shell resources
- Window Class Constructors
- Window Properties and Shell Resources
- shell, application
- ViewKit's Multi-Window Model
- Application Data Access Functions
- VkApp Constructor
- geometry
- Application Data Access Functions
- shellGeometry() (in VkApp)
- Application Data Access Functions
- “Show Arcs” selection (in Admin menu)
- Graph Overview
- “Show Immediate Children” selection (in Node menu)
- Hiding and Displaying Nodes
- “Show Parents” selection (in Node menu)
- Hiding and Displaying Nodes
- show() (in VkApp)
- Managing Top-Level Windows
- show() (in VkComponent)
- Displaying and Hiding Components
- show() (in VkMenuItem)
- Displaying and Hiding Menu Items
- show() (in VkModifiedAttachment)
- Displaying and Hiding the Modified Text Attachment
- show() (in VkPopupMenu)
- Popping Up Popup Menus
- show() (in VkResizer)
- Displaying the Resizer Object's Geometry Controls
- show() (in VkSimpleWindow)
- Creating the Window Interface in the setUpInterface() Function
- Manipulating Windows
- showCursor() (in VkApp)
- Setting and Retrieving a Temporary Cursor
- showHelpPane() (in VkMenuBar)
- Menu Bar Access Functions
- shown() (in VkResizer)
- Displaying the Resizer Object's Geometry Controls
- showOverview() (in VkGraph)
- Displaying a Graph Overview
- showTearOff() (in VkSubMenu)
- Submenu Utility and Access Functions
- size() (in VkNameList)
- VkNameList Member Functions
- size() (in VkPrefGroup)
- Adding and Deleting Preference Items from a Group Item
- size() (in VkPrefOption)
- Dynamically Changing the Number of Option Menu Items
- size() (in VkTabPanel)
- Tab Panel Access Functions
- sort() (in VkNameList)
- VkNameList Member Functions
- sortAll() (in VkGraph)
- Graph Utility Functions
- sortChildren() (in VkNode)
- Node Utility Functions
- start() (in VkBackground)
- Member Functions
- start() (in VkPeriodic)
- Member Functions
- startupIconified() (in VkApp)
- Application Data Access Functions
- Managing Top-Level Windows
- stateChanged() (in VkSimpleWindow)
- Determining Window States
- stateChangedCallback (in VkResizer)
- ViewKit Callbacks Associated With the Resizer
- static member functions
- Xt callbacks
- Using Xt Callbacks With Components
- VkComponent Class
- example
- Using Xt Callbacks With Components
- naming convention
- Using Xt Callbacks With Components
- static menu descriptions
- Special Considerations for Xt Callback Client Data When Using Static Menu Descriptions
- this pointer
- Using Xt Callbacks With Components
- statusString() (in VkVisual)
- Debugging Functions
- stop() (in VkBackground)
- Member Functions
- stop() (in VkPeriodic)
- Member Functions
- string lists
- VkNameList Class
- subclassing. See components
- subclassing
- Deriving Subclasses to Create New Components
- See also specific classes
- Deriving Subclasses to Create New Components
- submenus
- Submenus
- 0
- Submenus
- adding to menus
- Functions for Dynamically Creating Menus
- radio-style
- Radio Submenus
- tear-off behavior
- Submenu Utility and Access Functions
- [] (subscript) operator (in VkMenu)
- Menu Access Functions
- subsystems, ViewKit
- Required Packages
- suggested reading
- What You Should Know Before Reading This Guide
- tab panel component
- Tab Panel Component
- 0
- Tab Panel Component
- overview
- Tab Panel Component
- tabs
- adding
- Adding Tabs to a Tab Panel
- adding pixmaps
- Adding a Pixmap to a Tab
- removing
- Removing a Tab From a Tab Panel
- removing pixmaps
- Adding a Pixmap to a Tab
- selection, responding to
- Responding to Tab Selection
- X resources
- X Resources Associated With the Tab Panel Component
- tabBg() (in VkTabPanel)
- Tab Panel Access Functions
- tabHeight() (in VkTabPanel)
- Tab Panel Access Functions
- tabPixmap() (in VkTabPanel)
- Adding a Pixmap to a Tab
- tabPopupCallback (in VkTabPanel)
- Responding to Tab Selection
- tabSelectCallback (in VkTabPanel)
- Responding to Tab Selection
- takeCharge() (in VkRunOnce2)
- Access Functions
- tear-off menus
- Submenu Utility and Access Functions
- tearDownGraph() (in VkGraph)
- Reusing a Graph Object
- terminate() (in VkApp)
- Fatal Error Dialogs
- Window Class Destructors
- Quitting ViewKit Applications
- note
- Quitting ViewKit Applications
- Terre Haute, Indiana
- Node Constructor and Destructor
- text fields
- completion. See completion fields; VkCompletionField class
- Text Completion Field Component
- modified attachment. See modified text attachment; VkModifiedAttachment class
- Modified Text Attachment
- text() (in VkPromptDialog)
- Prompt Dialog
- theApplication (in VkApp)
- VkApp Constructor
- theBusyDialog (in VkBusyDialog)
- Busy Dialog
- installing as busy dialog
- Installing Different Busy Dialogs
- theColorChooserDialog (in VkColorChooserDialog)
- Color Chooser Dialog
- theErrorDialog (in VkErrorDialog)
- Error Dialogs
- theFatalErrorDialog (in VkFatalErrorDialog)
- Fatal Error Dialogs
- theFileSelectionDialog (in VkFileSelectionDialog)
- File Selection Dialog
- caution
- File Selection Dialog
- theInfoDialog (in VkInfoDialog)
- Information Dialogs
- theInterruptDialog (in VkInterruptDialog)
- Interruptible Busy Dialog
- checking for interruptions
- Interruptible Busy Dialog
- installing as busy dialog
- Installing Different Busy Dialogs
- Interruptible Busy Dialog
- theProgressDialog (in VkProgressDialog)
- installing as busy dialog
- Installing Different Busy Dialogs
- thePromptDialog (in VkPromptDialog)
- Prompt Dialog
- caution
- Prompt Dialog
- theQuestionDialog (in VkQuestionDialog)
- Question Dialog
- theUndoManager (in VkMenuUndoManager)
- Instantiating the ViewKit Undo Manager
- theWarningDialog (in VkWarningDialog)
- Warning Dialogs
- tick marks component
- Tick Marks for Scales
- 0
- Tick Marks for Scales
- labels
- Configuring the Tick Marks
- Tick Marks Component Constructor
- scale, setting
- Configuring the Tick Marks
- X resources
- X Resources Associated With the Tick Marks Component
- tick() (in VkPeriodic)
- Member Functions
- timerCallback() (in VkPeriodic)
- Callbacks
- timeSlice() (in VkBackground)
- VkBackground
- Member Functions
- toggleDisplay() (in VkModifiedAttachment)
- Controlling the Contents of the Text Widget
- toggles, radio-style. See radio-style toggles; VkRadioGroup class
- Enforcing Radio-Style Behavior on Toggle Buttons
- transfer models
- Primary and Clipboard Transfer Models
- Primary and Clipboard Transfer Models
- transparencyString() (in VkVisual)
- Debugging Functions
- triggering ViewKit callbacks
- Defining and Triggering ViewKit Callbacks
- twinsButton() (in VkGraph)
- Graph Access Functions
- twinsVisibleHook() (in VkGraph)
- Subclassing VkGraph
- type() (in VkPrefItem)
- Preference Item Access Functions
- type() (in VkRepeatButton)
- Repeating Button Utility and Access Functions
- typographical conventions
- Typographical Conventions
- undisplay() (in VkGraph)
- Indicating Which Nodes to Display
- undo stack
- clearing
- Clearing the Undo Stack
- examining
- Examining the Undo Stack
- undo support
- Undo Management
- adding “Undo” selection to menu
- Adding the Undo Manager to a Menu
- command class objects
- Providing Undo Support for Command Class Objects
- example
- Using ViewKit's Undo Manager
- menu items
- Functions for Dynamically Creating Menus
- Providing Undo Support for Actions That Are Menu Items
- The VkMenuDesc Structure
- multi-level
- Enabling and Disabling Multi-Level Undo Support
- non-menu item actions
- Providing Undo Support for Actions That Are Not Menu Items
- overview
- Overview of ViewKit Undo Management
- setting label, “Undo” selection
- Setting the Label of the Undo Manager Menu Item
- undo stack
- clearing
- Clearing the Undo Stack
- examining
- Examining the Undo Stack
- undo() (in VkMenuAction)
- Menu Actions
- user interface
- Overview of ViewKit Undo Management
- VkAction class
- Providing Undo Support for Command Class Objects
- VkMenuActionObject class
- Providing Undo Support for Command Class Objects
- “Undo” menu selection label
- Setting the Label of the Undo Manager Menu Item
- undo() (in VkMenuAction)
- Menu Actions
- undoit() (in VkAction)
- Overriding Virtual Functions
- undoit() (in VkMenuActionObject)
- Overriding Virtual Functions
- uniformTabs() (in VkTabPanel)
- Tab Panel Access Functions
- unpost() (in VkDialogManager)
- Unposting Dialogs
- unpostAll() (in VkDialogManager)
- Unposting Dialogs
- unposting dialogs
- Unposting Dialogs
- unrecoverable errors
- Fatal Error Dialogs
- unregisterDropSite() (in VkCutPaste)
- Accepting Drops
- unregistering functions, ViewKit callbacks
- Removing ViewKit Callbacks
- update() (in VkDoubleBuffer)
- Switching Buffers in the Double Buffer Component
- update() (in VkMeter)
- Updating the Meter Display
- useOverlayApps() (in VkApp)
- Putting Applications in the Overlay Planes
- useOverlayDialogs() (in VkDialogManager)
- Putting Dialogs in the Overlay Planes
- useOverlayMenus() (in VkMenu)
- Putting Menus in the Overlay Planes
- useWorkProcs() (in VkMenu)
- Constructing Menus
- value() (in VkModifiedAttachment)
- Retrieving the Current and Previous Values of the Text Widget
- valueChanged() (in VkCheckBox)
- Using Subclassing to Handle Changes in Check Box Toggle Values
- valueChanged() (in VkRadioGroup)
- Deriving Radio Group Subclasses
- version information
- Maintaining Product and Version Information
- versionString() (in VkApp)
- Maintaining Product and Version Information
- ViewKit
- benefits
- Overview of ViewKit
- callbacks. See ViewKit callbacks; Xt callbacks
- ViewKit Callback Support
- compiling programs
- Compiling and Linking ViewKit Programs
- example
- Required Libraries
- debug libraries
- Required Packages
- header files
- Required Header Files
- help
- Using ViewKit Help
- libraries
- Required Packages
- libraries, debug
- Required Packages
- major elements
- Major ViewKit Elements
- overview
- Overview of ViewKit
- subsystems
- Required Packages
- visual inheritance
- Visual Inheritance in ViewKit
- X and Motif, and
- Mixing ViewKit and Standard X and Motif Functions
- ViewKit 2.1
- inheritance graph
- ViewKit 2.1 Inheritance Graph
- multiple displays
- New Multi-display and Multi-screen support
- New Features
- multiple screens
- New Features
- New Multi-display and Multi-screen support
- source code incompatibilities
- Source Code Incompatibilities
- VkApp
- New Multi-display and Multi-screen support
- Multiple Displays and Screens within ViewKit 2.1
- VkCallbackObject
- New APIs for VkCallbackObject
- VkColormap
- VkColormap Changes
- VkCutPaste
- VkCutPaste Changes
- VkDisplay
- New Multi-display and Multi-screen support
- Multiple Displays and Screens within ViewKit 2.1
- VkScreen
- New Multi-display and Multi-screen support
- Multiple Displays and Screens within ViewKit 2.1
- ViewKit callbacks
- ViewKit Callback Support
- 0
- ViewKit Callback Support
- callback functions
- format
- Registering ViewKit Callbacks
- Registering ViewKit Callbacks
- registering
- Registering ViewKit Callbacks
- removing
- Removing ViewKit Callbacks
- unregistering
- Removing ViewKit Callbacks
- creating
- Defining and Triggering ViewKit Callbacks
- defining
- Defining and Triggering ViewKit Callbacks
- invoking
- Defining and Triggering ViewKit Callbacks
- overview
- ViewKit Callback Support
- predefined
- arcCreatedCallback (in VkGraph)
- ViewKit Callbacks Associated With VkGraph
- arcDestroyedCallback (in VkGraph)
- ViewKit Callbacks Associated With VkGraph
- buttonCallback (in VkRepeatButton)
- Responding to Repeat Button Activation
- deleteCallback (in VkComponent)
- Component Destructors
- Predefined ViewKit Callbacks
- enterCallback (in VkCompletionField)
- Responding to Text Completion Field Activation
- interruptedCallback (in VkInterruptDialog)
- Interruptible Busy Dialog
- itemChanged (in VkCheckBox)
- Using ViewKit Callbacks to Handle Changes in Check Box Toggle Values
- modifiedCallback (in VkModifiedAttachment)
- Detecting Changes in the Text Widget
- prefCallback (in VkPrefDialog)
- Responding When the User Clicks a Preference Dialog Button
- prepostCallback
- Using a prepostCallback
- stateChangedCallback (in VkResizer)
- ViewKit Callbacks Associated With the Resizer
- tabPopupCallback (in VkTabPanel)
- Responding to Tab Selection
- tabSelectCallback (in VkTabPanel)
- Responding to Tab Selection
- triggering
- Defining and Triggering ViewKit Callbacks
- ViewKit help
- Using ViewKit Help
- determining help tokens
- ViewKit Support for Building Help
- ViewKit libraries
- Required Packages
- ViewKitMajorRelease (in VkApp)
- Maintaining Product and Version Information
- ViewKitMinorRelease (in VkApp)
- Maintaining Product and Version Information
- ViewKitReleaseString (in VkApp)
- Maintaining Product and Version Information
- views, windows
- Creating the Window Interface
- Window Data Access Functions
- ViewKit Window Classes
- direct instantiation, adding to
- Adding a Window Interface to a Direct Instantiation of a ViewKit Window Class
- replacing
- Replacing a Window's View
- setUpInterface(), creating in
- Creating the Window Interface in the setUpInterface() Function
- window constructor, creating in
- Creating the Window Interface in the Constructor
- viewWidget() (in VkSimpleWindow)
- Window Data Access Functions
- visible() (in VkSimpleWindow)
- Window Data Access Functions
- visual() (in VkVisual)
- Data Access Functions
- visualClassString() (in VkVisual)
- Debugging Functions
- visualID() (in VkVisual)
- Data Access Functions
- visualParent() (in VkVisual)
- Static Functions
- visualParentArgs() (in VkVisual)
- Static Functions
- visuals
- inheritance
- Visual Inheritance in ViewKit
- maintaining consistency
- Maintaining Consistency
- overview
- Overview of the VkVisual Class
- X visuals
- Overview of X Visuals
- X11 visuals
- Overview of X Visuals
- VkAction class
- Overview of Command Classes
- 0
- Overview of Command Classes
- activating
- Activating Command Classes
- executing
- Activating Command Classes
- inheritance graph
- ViewKit Undo Management and Command Classes
- member functions
- constructor
- Command Class Constructors
- doit()
- Overriding Virtual Functions
- undoit()
- Overriding Virtual Functions
- VkAction()
- Command Class Constructors
- overview
- Overview of Command Classes
- setting label for “Undo” selection
- Setting the Label Used by Command Classes
- VkAlignmentGroup class
- ViewKit Support for Aligning Widgets
- 0
- ViewKit Support for Aligning Widgets
- adding widgets
- Adding Widgets and Components to an Alignment Group
- aligning widgets
- Aligning Widgets and Components in an Alignment Group
- inheritance graph
- Miscellaneous ViewKit Display Classes
- member functions
- add()
- Adding Widgets and Components to an Alignment Group
- alignBottom()
- Aligning Widgets and Components in an Alignment Group
- alignHeight()
- Aligning Widgets and Components in an Alignment Group
- alignLeft()
- Aligning Widgets and Components in an Alignment Group
- alignRight()
- Aligning Widgets and Components in an Alignment Group
- alignTop()
- Aligning Widgets and Components in an Alignment Group
- alignWidth()
- Aligning Widgets and Components in an Alignment Group
- constructor
- The Alignment Group Constructor and Destructor
- destructor
- The Alignment Group Constructor and Destructor
- distributeHorizontal()
- Aligning Widgets and Components in an Alignment Group
- distributeVertical()
- Aligning Widgets and Components in an Alignment Group
- height()
- Alignment Group Access Functions
- makeNormal()
- Aligning Widgets and Components in an Alignment Group
- remove()
- Removing Widgets and Components From an Alignment Group
- VkAlignmentGroup()
- The Alignment Group Constructor and Destructor
- width()
- Alignment Group Access Functions
- x()
- Alignment Group Access Functions
- y()
- Alignment Group Access Functions
- ~VkAlignmentGroup()
- The Alignment Group Constructor and Destructor
- removing widgets
- Removing Widgets and Components From an Alignment Group
- VkApp class
- The ViewKit Application Class
- 0
- The ViewKit Application Class
- application name
- VkApp Constructor
- Application Data Access Functions
- application pointer
- VkApp Constructor
- busy states
- Busy Dialog
- Supporting Busy States
- 0
- Entering and Exiting Busy States Using ViewKit
- busy dialog
- Entering and Exiting Busy States Using ViewKit
- Installing Different Busy Dialogs
- entering
- Entering and Exiting Busy States Using ViewKit
- example
- Entering and Exiting Busy States Using ViewKit
- exiting
- Entering and Exiting Busy States Using ViewKit
- nested
- Entering and Exiting Busy States Using ViewKit
- class name
- Application Data Access Functions
- VkApp Constructor
- command-line options, parsing
- VkApp Protected Functions and Data Members
- VkApp Constructor
- example
- Subclassing VkApp
- component name
- Application Data Access Functions
- VkApp Constructor
- cursors
- Setting Application Cursors
- busy, animated
- Creating, Setting, and Retrieving an Animated Busy Cursor
- Setting and Retrieving the Busy Cursor
- Animating the Busy Cursor
- busy, fixed
- Setting and Retrieving the Busy Cursor
- default
- Setting Application Cursors
- Setting and Retrieving the Busy Cursor
- normal
- Setting and Retrieving the Normal Cursor
- temporary
- Setting and Retrieving a Temporary Cursor
- data members
- _winList
- VkApp Protected Functions and Data Members
- theApplication
- VkApp Constructor
- ViewKitMajorRelease
- Maintaining Product and Version Information
- ViewKitMinorRelease
- Maintaining Product and Version Information
- ViewKitReleaseString
- Maintaining Product and Version Information
- Display structure
- Application Data Access Functions
- event handling
- Running ViewKit Applications
- customizing
- Customizing Event Handling
- during postAndWait()
- Methods of Posting Dialogs
- during wasInterrupted()
- Interruptible Busy Dialog
- pending events
- ViewKit Event Handling
- raw events
- Handling Raw Events
- ViewKit Event Handling
- inheritance graph
- The ViewKit Application Class
- member functions
- aboutDialog()
- Maintaining Product and Version Information
- afterRealizeHook()
- VkApp Protected Functions and Data Members
- appContext()
- Application Data Access Functions
- applicationClassName()
- Application Data Access Functions
- argc()
- Application Data Access Functions
- argv()
- Application Data Access Functions
- baseWidget()
- Application Data Access Functions
- busy()
- Entering and Exiting Busy States Using ViewKit
- busyCursor()
- Setting and Retrieving a Fixed Busy Cursor
- Creating, Setting, and Retrieving an Animated Busy Cursor
- className()
- Application Data Access Functions
- constructors
- VkApp Constructor
- display()
- Application Data Access Functions
- handlePendingEvents()
- ViewKit Event Handling
- Customizing Event Handling
- handleRawEvent()
- ViewKit Event Handling
- hide()
- Managing Top-Level Windows
- iconify()
- Managing Top-Level Windows
- lower()
- Managing Top-Level Windows
- mainWindow()
- Managing Top-Level Windows
- name()
- Application Data Access Functions
- normalCursor()
- Setting and Retrieving the Normal Cursor
- notBusy()
- Entering and Exiting Busy States Using ViewKit
- open()
- Managing Top-Level Windows
- parseCommandLine()
- VkApp Protected Functions and Data Members
- progressing()
- Animating the Busy Cursor
- quitYourself()
- VkComponent Utility Functions
- Window Properties and Shell Resources
- Quitting ViewKit Applications
- raise()
- Managing Top-Level Windows
- run()
- Running ViewKit Applications
- run_first()
- ViewKit Event Handling
- setAboutDialog()
- Maintaining Product and Version Information
- setBusyCursor()
- Creating, Setting, and Retrieving an Animated Busy Cursor
- Setting and Retrieving a Fixed Busy Cursor
- setBusyDialog()
- Installing Different Busy Dialogs
- setFallbacks()
- Application Data Access Functions
- setMainWindow()
- Managing Top-Level Windows
- setNormalCursor()
- Setting and Retrieving the Normal Cursor
- setVersionString()
- Maintaining Product and Version Information
- shellGeometry()
- Application Data Access Functions
- show()
- Managing Top-Level Windows
- showCursor()
- Setting and Retrieving a Temporary Cursor
- startupIconified()
- Managing Top-Level Windows
- Application Data Access Functions
- terminate()
- Fatal Error Dialogs
- Window Class Destructors
- Quitting ViewKit Applications
- useOverlayApps()
- Putting Applications in the Overlay Planes
- versionString()
- Maintaining Product and Version Information
- VkApp()
- VkApp Constructor
- overview
- Overview of the VkApp Class
- product information
- Maintaining Product and Version Information
- quitting applications
- Quitting ViewKit Applications
- Fatal Error Dialogs
- VkComponent Utility Functions
- Window Class Destructors
- Providing a “Safe Quit” Mechanism
- Window Properties and Shell Resources
- running applications
- Running ViewKit Applications
- shell, application
- ViewKit's Multi-Window Model
- Application Data Access Functions
- VkApp Constructor
- geometry
- Application Data Access Functions
- subclassing
- Deriving Classes From VkApp
- example
- Subclassing VkApp
- typical use
- Running ViewKit Applications
- version information
- Maintaining Product and Version Information
- ViewKit callbacks
- 0
- ViewKit Callback Support
- windows, managing
- Managing Top-Level Windows
- Manipulating Windows
- XtAppContext structure
- Application Data Access Functions
- VkApp class (in ViewKit 2.1)
- New Multi-display and Multi-screen support
- Multiple Displays and Screens within ViewKit 2.1
- VkBackground class
- VkBackground
- constructor
- VkBackground Constructor and Destructor
- destructor
- VkBackground Constructor and Destructor
- inheritance graph
- ViewKit Process Control Classes
- member functions
- start()
- Member Functions
- stop()
- Member Functions
- timeSlice()
- Member Functions
- VkBackground
- VkBackground()
- VkBackground Constructor and Destructor
- ~VkBackground()
- VkBackground Constructor and Destructor
- VkBusyDialog class
- Busy Dialog
- 0
- Busy Dialog
- inheritance graph
- Using Dialogs in ViewKit
- installing as busy dialog
- Installing Different Busy Dialogs
- theBusyDialog
- Busy Dialog
- VkCallbackFunction type
- Registering ViewKit Callbacks
- VkCallbackMethod type
- Registering ViewKit Callbacks
- VkCallbackObject class
- ViewKit Callback Support
- 0
- ViewKit Callback Support
- inheritance graph
- Components
- member functions
- addCallback()
- Registering ViewKit Callbacks
- callCallbacks()
- Defining and Triggering ViewKit Callbacks
- removeAllCallbacks()
- Removing ViewKit Callbacks
- removeCallback()
- Removing ViewKit Callbacks
- VkCallbackObject class (in ViewKit 2.1)
- New APIs for VkCallbackObject
- VkCheckBox class
- Check Box Component
- 0
- Check Box Component
- data members
- _label
- Using Subclassing to Handle Changes in Check Box Toggle Values
- _rc
- Using Subclassing to Handle Changes in Check Box Toggle Values
- _widgetList
- Using Subclassing to Handle Changes in Check Box Toggle Values
- example
- Setting Check Box and Toggle Labels
- inheritance graph
- Miscellaneous ViewKit Data Input Classes
- member functions
- addItem()
- Adding Toggles to the Check Box
- constructor
- Creating a Check Box
- getValue()
- Setting and Getting Check Box Toggle Values
- setValue()
- Setting and Getting Check Box Toggle Values
- setValues()
- Setting and Getting Check Box Toggle Values
- valueChanged()
- Using Subclassing to Handle Changes in Check Box Toggle Values
- VkCheckBox()
- Creating a Check Box
- setting labels
- Setting Check Box and Toggle Labels
- subclassing
- Using Subclassing to Handle Changes in Check Box Toggle Values
- toggles
- adding
- Adding Toggles to the Check Box
- detecting value changes
- Recognizing Changes in Check Box Toggle Values
- getting values
- Setting and Getting Check Box Toggle Values
- setting values
- Setting and Getting Check Box Toggle Values
- ViewKit callbacks
- itemChanged
- Using ViewKit Callbacks to Handle Changes in Check Box Toggle Values
- VkColorChooserDialog class
- Color Chooser Dialog
- 0
- Color Chooser Dialog
- inheritance graph
- Using Dialogs in ViewKit
- member functions
- getColor()
- Color Chooser Dialog
- getXColor()
- Color Chooser Dialog
- setColor()
- Color Chooser Dialog
- setCurrentColor()
- Color Chooser Dialog
- setCurrentXColor()
- Color Chooser Dialog
- setStoredColor()
- Color Chooser Dialog
- setStoredXColor()
- Color Chooser Dialog
- setXColor()
- Color Chooser Dialog
- theColorChooserDialog
- Color Chooser Dialog
- VkColormap class (in ViewKit 2.1)
- VkColormap Changes
- VkCompletionField class
- Text Completion Field Component
- 0
- Text Completion Field Component
- activation, responding
- Responding to Text Completion Field Activation
- clearing expansion list
- Setting and Clearing the Text Completion Field Expansion List
- data members
- _currentMatchList
- Deriving Text Completion Field Subclasses
- _nameList
- Deriving Text Completion Field Subclasses
- inheritance graph
- Miscellaneous ViewKit Data Input Classes
- member functions
- activate()
- Deriving Text Completion Field Subclasses
- add()
- Setting and Clearing the Text Completion Field Expansion List
- clear()
- Setting and Clearing the Text Completion Field Expansion List
- constructor
- Text Completion Field Constructor and Destructor
- destructor
- Text Completion Field Constructor and Destructor
- expand()
- Deriving Text Completion Field Subclasses
- getText()
- Retrieving the Text Completion Field Contents
- VkCompletionField()
- Text Completion Field Constructor and Destructor
- ~VkCompletionField()
- Text Completion Field Constructor and Destructor
- replacing expansion list
- Setting and Clearing the Text Completion Field Expansion List
- retrieving contents
- Retrieving the Text Completion Field Contents
- setting expansion list
- Setting and Clearing the Text Completion Field Expansion List
- subclassing
- Deriving Text Completion Field Subclasses
- ViewKit callbacks
- enterCallback
- Responding to Text Completion Field Activation
- VkComponent
- Components
- VkComponent class
- VkComponent Class
- 0
- VkComponent Class
- base widget
- Component Destructors
- Component Constructors
- VkComponent Class
- VkComponent Access Functions
- deletion, handling
- Handling Component Widget Destruction
- realization, detecting
- Displaying and Hiding Components
- callbacks. See VkCallbackObject class; VkComponent class
- Xt callbacks
- Using Xt Callbacks With Components
- class name
- Component Resource Support
- VkComponent Access Functions
- data members
- _baseWidget
- Component Constructors
- VkComponent Access Functions
- Component Constructors
- _name
- VkComponent Access Functions
- Component Constructors
- Component Constructors
- displaying
- Displaying and Hiding Components
- hiding
- Displaying and Hiding Components
- inheritance graph
- Components
- managing widgets
- Component Constructors
- VkComponent Class
- member functions
- afterRealizeHook()
- Displaying and Hiding Components
- baseWidget()
- VkComponent Access Functions
- className()
- Component Resource Support
- VkComponent Access Functions
- constructor
- Component Constructors
- destructor
- Component Destructors
- getResources()
- Initializing Data Members Based on Resource Values
- hide()
- Displaying and Hiding Components
- installDestroyHandler()
- Component Constructors
- Handling Component Widget Destruction
- isComponent()
- VkComponent Utility Functions
- name()
- VkComponent Access Functions
- okToQuit()
- VkComponent Utility Functions
- removeDestroyHandler()
- Handling Component Widget Destruction
- setDefaultResources()
- Setting Default Resource Values for a Component
- show()
- Displaying and Hiding Components
- VkComponent()
- Component Constructors
- widgetDestroyedCallback()
- Handling Component Widget Destruction
- ~VkComponent()
- Component Destructors
- multiple pointers to component
- Predefined ViewKit Callbacks
- name
- VkComponent Access Functions
- VkComponent Class
- operators
- Widget
- VkComponent Access Functions
- overview
- VkComponent Class
- parent widget
- Component Constructors
- VkComponent Class
- resource support
- Component Resource Support
- data members, initializing
- Initializing Data Members Based on Resource Values
- default values, setting
- Setting Default Resource Values for a Component
- global values, setting
- Setting Default Resource Values for a Component
- requirements
- Component Resource Support
- resource values, setting
- Setting Resource Values by Class or Individual Component
- values, retrieving
- Convenience Function for Retrieving Resource Values
- static member functions and Xt callbacks
- VkComponent Class
- Using Xt Callbacks With Components
- example
- Using Xt Callbacks With Components
- naming convention
- Using Xt Callbacks With Components
- this pointer
- Using Xt Callbacks With Components
- subclassing
- Deriving Subclasses to Create New Components
- constructor
- Component Constructors
- examples
- Creating a New Component
- summary
- Subclassing Summary
- VkComponent()
- Component Constructors
- testing for valid component
- VkComponent Utility Functions
- ViewKit callbacks
- deleteCallback
- Predefined ViewKit Callbacks
- Component Destructors
- widget destruction
- Component Constructors
- Handling Component Widget Destruction
- Component Destructors
- VkComponent Class
- widgets
- Component Constructors
- VkComponent Class
- Xt callbacks
- Using Xt Callbacks With Components
- VkComponent Class
- example
- Using Xt Callbacks With Components
- naming convention
- Using Xt Callbacks With Components
- this pointer
- Using Xt Callbacks With Components
- VkCursorList class
- Creating, Setting, and Retrieving an Animated Busy Cursor
- data members
- _cursorList
- Creating, Setting, and Retrieving an Animated Busy Cursor
- inheritance graph
- The ViewKit Application Class
- member functions
- constructor
- Creating, Setting, and Retrieving an Animated Busy Cursor
- createCursor()
- Creating, Setting, and Retrieving an Animated Busy Cursor
- VkCursorList()
- Creating, Setting, and Retrieving an Animated Busy Cursor
- VkCutPaste class
- ViewKit Cut and Paste
- accepting drops
- Accepting Drops
- accepting drops from the IM Desktop
- Accepting Drops From the IRIX Interactive Desktop
- constructor
- VkCutPaste Constructor and Destructor
- converting data types
- Using Data Type Converters
- copying data
- Copying Data
- demonstration programs
- Overview of ViewKit Cut and Paste
- destructor
- VkCutPaste Constructor and Destructor
- dragging data
- Dragging Data
- file and data ownership
- File and Data Ownership
- examples
- File and Data Ownership
- member functions
- clear()
- Copying Data
- clipboardAtom()
- Miscellaneous Functions
- dragAwayCopy()
- Dragging Data
- dragAwayCopyExtended()
- Dragging Data
- export()
- Copying Data
- freeFilenamesFromSGI_ICON()
- Accepting Drops From the IRIX Interactive Desktop
- getDataTypeInfo()
- Registering New Data Types
- getFilenamesFromSGI_ICON()
- Accepting Drops From the IRIX Interactive Desktop
- getLocalReference()
- Miscellaneous Functions
- getLocalTypeReference()
- Miscellaneous Functions
- getVersion()
- Miscellaneous Functions
- getWidget()
- Miscellaneous Functions
- getXServerTime()
- Miscellaneous Functions
- import()
- Pasting Data
- importImmediate()
- Pasting Data
- isOwnedByLocalHost()
- Miscellaneous Functions
- isOwnedByMe()
- Miscellaneous Functions
- primaryAtom()
- Miscellaneous Functions
- putCopy()
- Copying Data
- putReference()
- Miscellaneous Functions
- registerConverter()
- Using Data Type Converters
- registerDataType()
- Registering New Data Types
- registerDropSite()
- Accepting Drops
- registerDropSiteExtended()
- Accepting Drops
- registerLoseSelection()
- Copying Data
- remove()
- Miscellaneous Functions
- setTransactionsTimeout()
- Miscellaneous Functions
- unregisterDropSite()
- Accepting Drops
- VkCutPaste()
- VkCutPaste Constructor and Destructor
- ~VkCutPaste()
- VkCutPaste Constructor and Destructor
- overview
- Overview of ViewKit Cut and Paste
- pasting data
- Pasting Data
- registering data types
- Registering New Data Types
- VkCutPaste class (in ViewKit 2.1)
- VkCutPaste Changes
- VkDialogManager class
- ViewKit Dialog Base Class
- 0
- ViewKit Dialog Base Class
- Apply button
- Methods of Posting Dialogs
- button labels, setting
- Setting the Button Labels
- Cancel button
- Methods of Posting Dialogs
- centering algorithm
- Dialog Access and Utility Functions
- Help button
- Dialog Help Procedures
- Methods of Posting Dialogs
- inheritance graph
- Using Dialogs in ViewKit
- member functions
- apply()
- Deriving New Dialog Classes Using the Generic Dialog
- cancel()
- Deriving New Dialog Classes Using the Generic Dialog
- centerOnScreen()
- Dialog Access and Utility Functions
- enableCancelButton()
- Dialog Access and Utility Functions
- lastPosted()
- Dialog Access and Utility Functions
- ok()
- Deriving New Dialog Classes Using the Generic Dialog
- post()
- Methods of Posting Dialogs
- postAndWait()
- Methods of Posting Dialogs
- Methods of Posting Dialogs
- postBlocked()
- Methods of Posting Dialogs
- postModal()
- Methods of Posting Dialogs
- prepost()
- Using prepost()
- setArgs()
- Dialog Access and Utility Functions
- setButtonLabels()
- Setting the Button Labels
- setTitle()
- Setting the Title of the Dialog
- setVisual()
- Dialog Access and Utility Functions
- unpost()
- Unposting Dialogs
- unpostAll()
- Unposting Dialogs
- useOverlayDialogs()
- Putting Dialogs in the Overlay Planes
- message
- Methods of Posting Dialogs
- OK button
- Methods of Posting Dialogs
- parent widget
- Methods of Posting Dialogs
- posting
- Posting Dialogs
- examples
- Posting Dialogs
- methods
- Methods of Posting Dialogs
- preposting
- Using prepost()
- title, setting
- Setting the Title of the Dialog
- unposting
- Unposting Dialogs
- ViewKit callbacks
- prepostCallback
- Using a prepostCallback
- VkDisplay class
- New Multi-display and Multi-screen support
- Multiple Displays and Screens within ViewKit 2.1
- newDisplay()
- Multiple Displays and Screens within ViewKit 2.1
- VkDoubleBuffer class
- ViewKit Support for Double-Buffered Graphics
- 0
- ViewKit Support for Double-Buffered Graphics
- data members
- _canvas
- Drawing in the Double Buffer Component
- _height
- Handling Double Buffer Component Resize Requests
- _width
- Handling Double Buffer Component Resize Requests
- drawing
- Drawing in the Double Buffer Component
- inheritance graph
- Miscellaneous ViewKit Display Classes
- member functions
- constructor
- Double Buffer Constructor and Destructor
- destructor
- Double Buffer Constructor and Destructor
- draw()
- Drawing in the Double Buffer Component
- resize()
- Handling Double Buffer Component Resize Requests
- update()
- Switching Buffers in the Double Buffer Component
- VkDoubleBuffer()
- Double Buffer Constructor and Destructor
- ~VkDoubleBuffer()
- Double Buffer Constructor and Destructor
- resizing
- Handling Double Buffer Component Resize Requests
- switching buffers
- Switching Buffers in the Double Buffer Component
- VkErrorDialog class
- Error Dialogs
- 0
- Error Dialogs
- inheritance graph
- Using Dialogs in ViewKit
- theErrorDialog
- Error Dialogs
- VkFatalErrorDialog class
- Fatal Error Dialogs
- 0
- Fatal Error Dialogs
- inheritance graph
- Using Dialogs in ViewKit
- theFatalErrorDialog
- Fatal Error Dialogs
- VkFileSelectionDialog class
- File Selection Dialog
- 0
- File Selection Dialog
- caution
- File Selection Dialog
- inheritance graph
- Using Dialogs in ViewKit
- member functions
- fileName()
- File Selection Dialog
- setDirectory()
- File Selection Dialog
- setFilterPattern()
- File Selection Dialog
- setSelection()
- File Selection Dialog
- theFileSelectionDialog
- File Selection Dialog
- VkGangedGroup class
- Supporting “Ganged” Scrollbar Operation
- 0
- Supporting “Ganged” Scrollbar Operation
- adding scrollbars
- Adding Scales and Scrollbars to a Ganged Group
- inheritance graph
- Miscellaneous ViewKit Data Input Classes
- member functions
- add()
- Adding Scales and Scrollbars to a Ganged Group
- constructor
- Ganged Scrollbar Group Constructor and Destructor
- destructor
- Ganged Scrollbar Group Constructor and Destructor
- remove()
- Removing Scales and Scrollbars From a Ganged Group
- removeFirst()
- Removing Scales and Scrollbars From a Ganged Group
- removeLast()
- Removing Scales and Scrollbars From a Ganged Group
- VkGangedGroup()
- Ganged Scrollbar Group Constructor and Destructor
- ~VkGangedGroup()
- Ganged Scrollbar Group Constructor and Destructor
- removing scrollbars
- Removing Scales and Scrollbars From a Ganged Group
- VkGenericDialog class
- Deriving New Dialog Classes Using the Generic Dialog
- 0
- Deriving New Dialog Classes Using the Generic Dialog
- data members
- _allowMultipleDialogs
- Deriving New Dialog Classes Using the Generic Dialog
- _minimizeMultipleDialogs
- Deriving New Dialog Classes Using the Generic Dialog
- _showApply
- Deriving New Dialog Classes Using the Generic Dialog
- _showCancel
- Deriving New Dialog Classes Using the Generic Dialog
- _showOK
- Deriving New Dialog Classes Using the Generic Dialog
- inheritance graph
- Using Dialogs in ViewKit
- member functions
- createDialog()
- Deriving New Dialog Classes Using the Generic Dialog
- VkGetResource()
- Convenience Function for Retrieving Resource Values
- 0
- Convenience Function for Retrieving Resource Values
- example
- Convenience Function for Retrieving Resource Values
- note
- Convenience Function for Retrieving Resource Values
- VkGraph class
- ViewKit Graph Class
- Overview of ViewKit Graphs
- 0
- The ViewKit Graph Component
- arc attributes
- Adding Nodes and Specifying Node Connectivity
- butterfly graphs
- Butterfly Graphs
- control panel
- Interactive Viewing Features Provided by VkGraph
- edit mode
- Graph Widget
- Edit Mode Operations
- example
- Building a Graph
- finding
- Graph Access Functions
- graph widget
- Graph Widget
- inheritance graph
- The ViewKit Graph Component
- member functions
- add()
- Adding Nodes and Specifying Node Connectivity
- addDesktopMenuItems()
- Subclassing VkGraph
- addMenuItems()
- Subclassing VkGraph
- buildCmdPanel()
- Subclassing VkGraph
- buildZoomMenu()
- Subclassing VkGraph
- clearAll()
- Indicating Which Nodes to Display
- constructor
- VkGraph Constructor and Destructor
- destructor
- VkGraph Constructor and Destructor
- display()
- Indicating Which Nodes to Display
- displayAll()
- Indicating Which Nodes to Display
- displayButterfly()
- Butterfly Graphs
- displayIf()
- Indicating Which Nodes to Display
- displayParentsAndChildren()
- Indicating Which Nodes to Display
- displayWithAllChildren()
- Indicating Which Nodes to Display
- displayWithAllParents()
- Indicating Which Nodes to Display
- displayWithChildren()
- Indicating Which Nodes to Display
- displayWithParents()
- Indicating Which Nodes to Display
- doLayout()
- Laying Out the Graph
- doSparseLayout()
- Laying Out the Graph
- doSubtreeLayout()
- Laying Out the Graph
- expandNode()
- Indicating Which Nodes to Display
- expandSubgraph()
- Indicating Which Nodes to Display
- find()
- Graph Access Functions
- forAllNodesDo()
- Graph Utility Functions
- graphWidget()
- Graph Access Functions
- hideAllChildren()
- Indicating Which Nodes to Display
- hideNode()
- Indicating Which Nodes to Display
- hideOverview()
- Displaying a Graph Overview
- hideParents()
- Indicating Which Nodes to Display
- hideParentsAndChildren()
- Indicating Which Nodes to Display
- hideWithAllChildren()
- Indicating Which Nodes to Display
- makeNodeVisible()
- Graph Utility Functions
- numNodes()
- Graph Access Functions
- overviewWindow()
- Displaying a Graph Overview
- popupMenu()
- Subclassing VkGraph
- relayButton()
- Graph Access Functions
- remove()
- Removing Nodes
- reorientButton()
- Graph Access Functions
- saveToFile()
- Graph Utility Functions
- setLayoutStyle()
- Butterfly Graphs
- setSize()
- Graph Utility Functions
- setZoomOption()
- Graph Utility Functions
- showOverview()
- Displaying a Graph Overview
- sortAll()
- Graph Utility Functions
- tearDownGraph()
- Reusing a Graph Object
- twinsButton()
- Graph Access Functions
- twinsVisibleHook()
- Subclassing VkGraph
- undisplay()
- Indicating Which Nodes to Display
- VkGraph()
- VkGraph Constructor and Destructor
- workArea()
- Graph Access Functions
- ~VkGraph()
- VkGraph Constructor and Destructor
- multiple arcs
- Displaying Duplicate Arcs
- Node menu
- Hiding and Displaying Nodes
- nodes
- adding
- Adding Nodes and Specifying Node Connectivity
- aligning
- Laying Out the Graph
- Realigning Nodes
- deselecting
- Edit Mode Operations
- displaying
- Indicating Which Nodes to Display
- Graph Utility Functions
- Edit Mode Operations
- Hiding and Displaying Nodes
- establishing connections
- Adding Nodes and Specifying Node Connectivity
- Node Constructor and Destructor
- hiding
- Edit Mode Operations
- Hiding and Displaying Nodes
- Indicating Which Nodes to Display
- laying out
- Realigning Nodes
- Laying Out the Graph
- moving
- Edit Mode Operations
- performing action
- Graph Utility Functions
- removing
- Removing Nodes
- selecting
- Edit Mode Operations
- sorting
- Graph Utility Functions
- orientation
- Toggling Between Horizontal and Vertical Orientation
- overview
- Overview of ViewKit Graphs
- overview window
- Displaying a Graph Overview
- Graph Overview
- Admin menu
- Graph Overview
- read-only mode
- Graph Widget
- reusing
- Reusing a Graph Object
- saving
- Graph Utility Functions
- Selected Nodes menu
- Edit Mode Operations
- subclassing
- Subclassing VkGraph
- ViewKit callbacks
- arcCreatedCallback
- ViewKit Callbacks Associated With VkGraph
- arcDestroyedCallback
- ViewKit Callbacks Associated With VkGraph
- widget
- Graph Access Functions
- X resource
- X Resources Associated With VkGraph
- zooming
- Zooming
- Graph Utility Functions
- VkGraphFilterProc type
- Indicating Which Nodes to Display
- VkGraphNodeProc type
- Graph Utility Functions
- VkHelpPane class
- ViewKit Help Menu
- 0
- ViewKit Help Menu
- inheritance graph
- Creating Menus With ViewKit
- resources
- X Resources Associated With the Help Pane
- VkInfoDialog class
- Information Dialogs
- 0
- Information Dialogs
- inheritance graph
- Using Dialogs in ViewKit
- theInfoDialog
- Information Dialogs
- VkInterruptDialog class
- Interruptible Busy Dialog
- 0
- Interruptible Busy Dialog
- checking for interruptions
- Interruptible Busy Dialog
- inheritance graph
- Using Dialogs in ViewKit
- installing as busy dialog
- Interruptible Busy Dialog
- Installing Different Busy Dialogs
- member functions
- wasInterrupted()
- Interruptible Busy Dialog
- theInterruptDialog
- Interruptible Busy Dialog
- ViewKit callbacks
- interruptedCallback
- Interruptible Busy Dialog
- VkMenu class
- ViewKit Menu Base Class
- 0
- ViewKit Menu Base Class
- activating menu items
- Activating and Deactivating Items in a Menu
- constructing dynamically
- Constructing Menus Dynamically
- example
- Creating a Menu Bar Dynamically
- constructing from static description
- Constructing Menus From a Static Description
- example
- Creating a Menu Bar Using a Static Description
- VkMenuDesc structure
- The VkMenuDesc Structure
- Xt callback client data
- Special Considerations for Xt Callback Client Data When Using Static Menu Descriptions
- deactivating menu items
- Activating and Deactivating Items in a Menu
- determining menu item position
- Menu Access Functions
- finding menu items
- Finding Items in a Menu
- inheritance graph
- Creating Menus With ViewKit
- member functions
- activateItem()
- Activating and Deactivating Items in a Menu
- add()
- Functions for Dynamically Creating Menus
- addAction()
- Functions for Dynamically Creating Menus
- addConfirmFirstAction()
- Functions for Dynamically Creating Menus
- addLabel()
- Functions for Dynamically Creating Menus
- addRadioSubmenu()
- Functions for Dynamically Creating Menus
- addSeparator()
- Functions for Dynamically Creating Menus
- addSubmenu()
- Functions for Dynamically Creating Menus
- addToggle()
- Functions for Dynamically Creating Menus
- deactivate()
- Activating and Deactivating Items in a Menu
- findNamedItem()
- Finding Items in a Menu
- getItemPosition()
- Menu Access Functions
- numItems()
- Menu Access Functions
- removeItem()
- Removing Items From a Menu
- replace()
- Replacing Items in a Menu
- useOverlayMenus()
- Putting Menus in the Overlay Planes
- useWorkProcs()
- Constructing Menus
- operators
- [] (subscript)
- Menu Access Functions
- overview
- Overview of ViewKit Menu Support
- removing menu items
- Removing Items From a Menu
- replacing menu items
- Replacing Items in a Menu
- VkMenuItemType type
- The VkMenuDesc Structure
- XtDisplay() caution
- Overview of ViewKit Menu Support
- XtScreen() caution
- Overview of ViewKit Menu Support
- XtWindow() caution
- Overview of ViewKit Menu Support
- VkMenuAction class
- Menu Actions
- 0
- Menu Actions
- adding to menus
- Functions for Dynamically Creating Menus
- inheritance graph
- Creating Menus With ViewKit
- member functions
- hasUndo()
- Menu Actions
- undo()
- Menu Actions
- VkMenuActionObject class
- Providing Undo Support for Command Class Objects
- 0
- Overview of Command Classes
- activating
- Activating Command Classes
- data members
- _clientData()
- Command Class Constructors
- executing
- Activating Command Classes
- inheritance graph
- ViewKit Undo Management and Command Classes
- member functions
- constructor
- Command Class Constructors
- doit()
- Overriding Virtual Functions
- undoit()
- Overriding Virtual Functions
- VkMenuActionObject()
- Command Class Constructors
- overview
- Overview of Command Classes
- VkMenuBar class
- Menu Bar
- 0
- Menu Bar
- inheritance graph
- Creating Menus With ViewKit
- member functions
- constructor
- Menu Bar Constructors
- helpPane()
- Menu Bar Access Functions
- showHelpPane()
- Menu Bar Access Functions
- VkMenuBar()
- Menu Bar Constructors
- VkWindow destructor, and
- Window Class Destructors
- VkWindow support
- Menu Bar Support
- VkMenuConfirmFirstAction class
- Confirmable Menu Actions
- 0
- Confirmable Menu Actions
- adding to menus
- Functions for Dynamically Creating Menus
- inheritance graph
- Creating Menus With ViewKit
- VkMenuDesc structure
- The VkMenuDesc Structure
- VkMenuItem class
- Menu Items Utility Functions
- 0
- Common Features of Menu Items
- activating menu items
- Activating and Deactivating Items in a Menu
- Activating and Deactivating Menu Items
- deactivating menu items
- Activating and Deactivating Menu Items
- Activating and Deactivating Items in a Menu
- determining position in menu
- Menu Access Functions
- displaying menu items
- Displaying and Hiding Menu Items
- finding menu items
- Finding Items in a Menu
- hiding menu items
- Displaying and Hiding Menu Items
- inheritance graph
- Creating Menus With ViewKit
- labels
- Setting Menu Item Labels
- member functions
- activate()
- Activating and Deactivating Menu Items
- deactivate()
- Activating and Deactivating Menu Items
- getLabel()
- Setting Menu Item Labels
- hide()
- Displaying and Hiding Menu Items
- isContainer()
- Menu Items Utility Functions
- menuType()
- Menu Items Utility Functions
- remove()
- Displaying and Hiding Menu Items
- setLabel()
- Setting Menu Item Labels
- setPosition()
- Setting the Position of Menu Items
- show()
- Displaying and Hiding Menu Items
- overview
- Overview of ViewKit Menu Support
- position
- Setting the Position of Menu Items
- removing menu items
- Displaying and Hiding Menu Items
- Removing Items From a Menu
- replacing menu items
- Replacing Items in a Menu
- type
- Menu Items Utility Functions
- XtDisplay() caution
- Overview of ViewKit Menu Support
- XtScreen() caution
- Overview of ViewKit Menu Support
- XtWindow() caution
- Overview of ViewKit Menu Support
- VkMenuItemType type
- Menu Items Utility Functions
- The VkMenuDesc Structure
- VkMenuLabel class
- Menu Labels
- 0
- Menu Labels
- adding to menus
- Functions for Dynamically Creating Menus
- inheritance graph
- Creating Menus With ViewKit
- VkMenuSeparator class
- Menu Separators
- 0
- Menu Separators
- adding to menus
- Functions for Dynamically Creating Menus
- inheritance graph
- Creating Menus With ViewKit
- VkMenuToggle class
- Menu Toggles
- 0
- Menu Toggles
- adding to menus
- Functions for Dynamically Creating Menus
- inheritance graph
- Creating Menus With ViewKit
- member functions
- getState()
- Menu Toggles
- setStateAndNotify()
- Menu Toggles
- setVisualState()
- Menu Toggles
- VkMenuUndoManager class
- Using ViewKit's Undo Manager
- 0
- Using ViewKit's Undo Manager
- adding “Undo” selection to menu
- Adding the Undo Manager to a Menu
- example
- Using ViewKit's Undo Manager
- inheritance graph
- ViewKit Undo Management and Command Classes
- instantiating
- Instantiating the ViewKit Undo Manager
- member functions
- add()
- Providing Undo Support for Actions That Are Not Menu Items
- historyList()
- Examining the Undo Stack
- multiLevel()
- Enabling and Disabling Multi-Level Undo Support
- reset()
- Clearing the Undo Stack
- multi-level undo support
- Enabling and Disabling Multi-Level Undo Support
- setting “Undo” selection label
- Setting the Label of the Undo Manager Menu Item
- theUndoManager
- Instantiating the ViewKit Undo Manager
- undo stack
- clearing
- Clearing the Undo Stack
- examining
- Examining the Undo Stack
- undoing
- command class objects
- Providing Undo Support for Command Class Objects
- menu item actions
- Providing Undo Support for Actions That Are Menu Items
- non-menu item actions
- Providing Undo Support for Actions That Are Not Menu Items
- VkAction class
- Providing Undo Support for Command Class Objects
- VkMenuActionObject class
- Providing Undo Support for Command Class Objects
- VkMeter class
- ViewKit Meter Component
- 0
- ViewKit Meter Component
- adding items
- Adding Items to a Meter
- desired dimensions
- Determining the Desired Dimensions of the Meter
- member functions
- add()
- Adding Items to a Meter
- constructor
- Meter Constructor and Destructor
- destructor
- Meter Constructor and Destructor
- neededHeight()
- Determining the Desired Dimensions of the Meter
- neededWidth()
- Determining the Desired Dimensions of the Meter
- reset()
- Resetting the Meter
- setResizePolicy()
- Setting the Meter's Resize Policy
- update()
- Updating the Meter Display
- VkMeter()
- Meter Constructor and Destructor
- ~VkMeter()
- Meter Constructor and Destructor
- resetting
- Resetting the Meter
- resize policy
- Setting the Meter's Resize Policy
- updating display
- Updating the Meter Display
- X resources
- X Resources Associated With the Meter Component
- VkModified class
- inheritance graph
- Miscellaneous ViewKit Data Input Classes
- VkModifiedAttachment class
- Modified Text Attachment
- 0
- Modified Text Attachment
- adjusting geometry
- Adjusting the Modified Text Attachment's Geometry
- attaching widgets
- Attaching and Detaching the Modified Text Attachment to and From a Widget
- controlling contents
- Other Modified Text Attachment Utility and Access Functions
- Controlling the Contents of the Text Widget
- detaching widgets
- Attaching and Detaching the Modified Text Attachment to and From a Widget
- detecting changes
- Detecting Changes in the Text Widget
- displaying dogear
- Displaying and Hiding the Modified Text Attachment
- hiding dogear
- Displaying and Hiding the Modified Text Attachment
- inheritance graph
- Miscellaneous ViewKit Data Input Classes
- member functions
- adjustGeometry()
- Adjusting the Modified Text Attachment's Geometry
- attach()
- Attaching and Detaching the Modified Text Attachment to and From a Widget
- constructor
- The Modified Text Attachment Constructor and Destructor
- destructor
- The Modified Text Attachment Constructor and Destructor
- detach()
- Attaching and Detaching the Modified Text Attachment to and From a Widget
- displayValue()
- Controlling the Contents of the Text Widget
- expose()
- Displaying and Hiding the Modified Text Attachment
- fixPreviousValue()
- Other Modified Text Attachment Utility and Access Functions
- getParameters()
- Adjusting the Modified Text Attachment's Geometry
- hide()
- Displaying and Hiding the Modified Text Attachment
- latestDisplay()
- Controlling the Contents of the Text Widget
- modified()
- Other Modified Text Attachment Utility and Access Functions
- previousValue()
- Retrieving the Current and Previous Values of the Text Widget
- setModified()
- Other Modified Text Attachment Utility and Access Functions
- setParameters()
- Adjusting the Modified Text Attachment's Geometry
- setValue()
- Controlling the Contents of the Text Widget
- show()
- Displaying and Hiding the Modified Text Attachment
- toggleDisplay()
- Controlling the Contents of the Text Widget
- value()
- Retrieving the Current and Previous Values of the Text Widget
- VkModifiedAttachment()
- The Modified Text Attachment Constructor and Destructor
- widget()
- Other Modified Text Attachment Utility and Access Functions
- ~VkModifiedAttachment()
- The Modified Text Attachment Constructor and Destructor
- overview
- Modified Text Attachment
- retrieving values
- Retrieving the Current and Previous Values of the Text Widget
- ViewKit callbacks
- modifiedCallback
- Detecting Changes in the Text Widget
- X resource
- X Resources Associated With the Modified Text Attachment
- VkModifiedCallback structure
- Detecting Changes in the Text Widget
- VkModifiedReason type
- Detecting Changes in the Text Widget
- VkNameList class
- VkNameList Class
- constructor
- VkNameList Constructor and Destructor
- destructor
- VkNameList Constructor and Destructor
- example
- Using VkNameList
- member functions
- add()
- VkNameList Member Functions
- completeName()
- VkNameList Member Functions
- exists()
- VkNameList Member Functions
- freeXmStringTable()
- VkNameList Member Functions
- getIndex()
- VkNameList Member Functions
- getString()
- VkNameList Member Functions
- getStringTable()
- VkNameList Member Functions
- getSubStrings()
- VkNameList Member Functions
- getXmStringTable()
- VkNameList Member Functions
- mostCommonString()
- VkNameList Member Functions
- operator=()
- VkNameList Member Functions
- operator==()
- VkNameList Member Functions
- remove()
- VkNameList Member Functions
- removeDuplicates()
- VkNameList Member Functions
- reverse()
- VkNameList Member Functions
- size()
- VkNameList Member Functions
- sort()
- VkNameList Member Functions
- VkNameList()
- VkNameList Constructor and Destructor
- ~VkNameList()
- VkNameList Constructor and Destructor
- XmStringTables
- VkNameList Member Functions
- VkNode class
- ViewKit Node Class
- 0
- ViewKit Node Class
- arc attributes
- Adding Nodes and Specifying Node Connectivity
- child nodes
- Node Access Functions
- data members
- _label
- Creating Node Subclasses
- finding
- Graph Access Functions
- Node Access Functions
- inheritance graph
- The ViewKit Graph Component
- label
- Creating Node Subclasses
- Node Constructor and Destructor
- Node Access Functions
- member functions
- build()
- Creating Node Subclasses
- child()
- Node Access Functions
- constructor
- Node Constructor and Destructor
- destructor
- Node Constructor and Destructor
- findChild()
- Node Access Functions
- findParent()
- Node Access Functions
- label()
- Node Access Functions
- nChildren()
- Node Access Functions
- nParents()
- Node Access Functions
- parent()
- Node Access Functions
- setSortFunction()
- Node Utility Functions
- sortChildren()
- Node Utility Functions
- VkNode()
- Node Constructor and Destructor
- ~VkNode()
- Node Constructor and Destructor
- parent nodes
- Node Access Functions
- performing action
- Graph Utility Functions
- sorting
- Graph Utility Functions
- Node Utility Functions
- subclassing
- Creating Node Subclasses
- VkNodeSortFunction type
- Node Utility Functions
- VkOptionMenu class
- Option Menus
- 0
- Option Menus
- example
- Option Menu Utility Functions
- inheritance graph
- Creating Menus With ViewKit
- item width, setting
- Option Menu Utility Functions
- member functions
- constructor
- Option Menu Constructors
- forceWidth()
- Option Menu Utility Functions
- getIndex()
- Determining Selected Items in an Option Menu
- getItem()
- Determining Selected Items in an Option Menu
- set()
- Selecting Items in an Option Menu
- VkOptionMenu()
- Option Menu Constructors
- menu label, setting
- Setting the Option Menu Label
- selected item
- setting
- Determining Selected Items in an Option Menu
- selected item, setting
- Selecting Items in an Option Menu
- VkOutline class
- ViewKit Outline Component
- VkOutlineASB class
- VkOutlineASB
- VkPeriodic class
- VkPeriodic
- constructor
- VkPeriodic Constructor and Destructor
- destructor
- VkPeriodic Constructor and Destructor
- inheritance graph
- ViewKit Process Control Classes
- member functions
- start()
- Member Functions
- stop()
- Member Functions
- tick()
- Member Functions
- VkPeriodic()
- VkPeriodic Constructor and Destructor
- ~VkPeriodic()
- VkPeriodic Constructor and Destructor
- VkPie class
- ViewKit Pie Chart Component
- 0
- ViewKit Pie Chart Component
- VkPopupMenu class
- Popup Menus
- 0
- Popup Menus
- attaching to widget
- Popup Menu Constructors
- example
- Using a Popup Menu
- inheritance graph
- Creating Menus With ViewKit
- member functions
- attach()
- Attaching Popup Menus to Widgets
- build()
- Popping Up Popup Menus
- constructor
- Popup Menu Constructors
- show()
- Popping Up Popup Menus
- VkPopupMenu()
- Popup Menu Constructors
- popping up
- Popping Up Popup Menus
- VkPrefCustom class
- inheritance graph
- Preference Dialogs
- VkPrefDialog class
- ViewKit Preference Dialog Class
- 0
- ViewKit Preference Dialog Class
- adding preference items
- Setting the Preference Items for a Preference Dialog
- Creating a Preference Dialog
- example
- Building a ViewKit Preference Dialog
- inheritance graph
- Preference Dialogs
- member functions
- constructor
- Creating a Preference Dialog
- item()
- Setting the Preference Items for a Preference Dialog
- setItem()
- Setting the Preference Items for a Preference Dialog
- VkPrefDialog()
- Creating a Preference Dialog
- overview
- ViewKit Preference Dialog Class
- posting
- Posting and Dismissing Preference Dialogs
- 0
- Posting and Dismissing Preference Dialogs
- retrieving values
- Using Values Set in a Preference Dialog
- subclassing
- Creating Preference Dialog Subclasses
- unposting
- Posting and Dismissing Preference Dialogs
- 0
- Posting and Dismissing Preference Dialogs
- user interaction, responding
- Responding When the User Clicks a Preference Dialog Button
- ViewKit callbacks
- prefCallback
- Responding When the User Clicks a Preference Dialog Button
- VkPrefEmpty class
- “Empty” Space Preference Items
- 0
- “Empty” Space Preference Items
- inheritance graph
- Preference Dialogs
- member functions
- constructor
- “Empty” Space Preference Items
- VkPrefEmpty()
- “Empty” Space Preference Items
- VkPrefGroup class
- Comparison of Group Preference Items
- 0
- Groups of Preference Items
- inheritance graph
- Preference Dialogs
- labels, setting
- Setting Group Item Labels
- member functions
- addItem()
- Adding and Deleting Preference Items from a Group Item
- changed()
- Monitoring the Values of Preference Items Associated with a Group Item
- constructor
- Creating Group Preference Items
- deleteChildren()
- Adding and Deleting Preference Items from a Group Item
- item()
- Adding and Deleting Preference Items from a Group Item
- size()
- Adding and Deleting Preference Items from a Group Item
- VkPrefGroup()
- Creating Group Preference Items
- toggle item labels
- Setting Toggle Preference Item Labels
- VkPrefItem class
- ViewKit Preference Item Base Class
- 0
- ViewKit Preference Item Classes
- activating
- Preference Item Access Functions
- base widget
- Preference Item Labels
- Preference Item Access Functions
- deactivating
- Preference Item Access Functions
- inheritance graph
- Preference Dialogs
- label widget
- Preference Item Labels
- Preference Item Access Functions
- labels
- Preference Item Labels
- groups
- Setting Group Item Labels
- label items
- Labels
- option menus
- Setting Option Menu Preference Item Labels
- toggles
- Setting Toggle Preference Item Labels
- member functions
- activate()
- Preference Item Access Functions
- baseHeight()
- Preference Item Access Functions
- changed()
- Getting and Setting Preference Item Values
- deactivate()
- Preference Item Access Functions
- getValue()
- Getting and Setting Preference Item Values
- isContainer()
- Preference Item Access Functions
- labelHeight()
- Preference Item Access Functions
- labelWidget()
- Preference Item Access Functions
- setBaseHeight()
- Preference Item Access Functions
- setLabelHeight()
- Preference Item Access Functions
- setValue()
- Getting and Setting Preference Item Values
- type()
- Preference Item Access Functions
- overview
- ViewKit Preference Item Classes
- values
- Getting and Setting Preference Item Values
- VkPrefItemType type
- Preference Item Access Functions
- VkPrefLabel class
- Labels
- 0
- Labels
- inheritance graph
- Preference Dialogs
- member functions
- constructor
- Labels
- VkPrefLabel()
- Labels
- setting labels
- Labels
- VkPrefList class
- Comparison of Group Preference Items
- 0
- Groups of Preference Items
- inheritance graph
- Preference Dialogs
- member functions
- addItem()
- Adding and Deleting Preference Items from a Group Item
- changed()
- Monitoring the Values of Preference Items Associated with a Group Item
- constructor
- Creating Group Preference Items
- deleteChildren()
- Adding and Deleting Preference Items from a Group Item
- item()
- Adding and Deleting Preference Items from a Group Item
- size()
- Adding and Deleting Preference Items from a Group Item
- VkPrefList()
- Creating Group Preference Items
- VkPrefOption class
- Option Menus
- 0
- Option Menus
- inheritance graph
- Preference Dialogs
- labels, setting
- Setting Option Menu Preference Item Labels
- member functions
- constructor
- Option Menus
- getButton()
- Dynamically Changing the Number of Option Menu Items
- getLabel()
- Setting Option Menu Preference Item Labels
- getValue()
- Getting and Setting Option Menu Preference Item Values
- setLabel()
- Setting Option Menu Preference Item Labels
- setSize()
- Dynamically Changing the Number of Option Menu Items
- setValue()
- Getting and Setting Option Menu Preference Item Values
- size()
- Dynamically Changing the Number of Option Menu Items
- VkPrefOption()
- Option Menus
- number of options, setting
- Dynamically Changing the Number of Option Menu Items
- VkPrefRadio class
- Comparison of Group Preference Items
- 0
- Groups of Preference Items
- inheritance graph
- Preference Dialogs
- labels, setting
- Setting Group Item Labels
- member functions
- addItem()
- Adding and Deleting Preference Items from a Group Item
- changed()
- Monitoring the Values of Preference Items Associated with a Group Item
- constructor
- Creating Group Preference Items
- deleteChildren()
- Adding and Deleting Preference Items from a Group Item
- item()
- Adding and Deleting Preference Items from a Group Item
- size()
- Adding and Deleting Preference Items from a Group Item
- VkPrefRadio()
- Creating Group Preference Items
- toggle item labels
- Setting Toggle Preference Item Labels
- VkPrefSeparator class
- Separators
- 0
- Separators
- inheritance graph
- Preference Dialogs
- member functions
- constructor
- Separators
- VkPrefSeparator()
- Separators
- VkPrefText class
- Text Fields
- 0
- Text Fields
- inheritance graph
- Preference Dialogs
- member functions
- constructor
- Text Fields
- getValue()
- Text Fields
- setValue()
- Text Fields
- VkPrefText()
- Text Fields
- VkPrefToggle class
- Toggle Buttons
- 0
- Toggle Buttons
- inheritance graph
- Preference Dialogs
- member functions
- constructor
- Toggle Buttons
- getValue()
- Getting and Setting Toggle Preference Item Values
- setValue()
- Getting and Setting Toggle Preference Item Values
- VkPrefToggle()
- Toggle Buttons
- setting labels<$startrange
- Setting Toggle Preference Item Labels
- VkProgressDialog class
- Progress Dialog
- 0
- Progress Dialog
- inheritance graph
- Using Dialogs in ViewKit
- installing as busy dialog
- Installing Different Busy Dialogs
- member functions
- setPercentDone()
- Progress Dialog
- theProgressDialog
- Progress Dialog
- VkPromptDialog class
- Prompt Dialog
- 0
- Prompt Dialog
- caution
- Prompt Dialog
- inheritance graph
- Using Dialogs in ViewKit
- member functions
- text()
- Prompt Dialog
- thePromptDialog
- Prompt Dialog
- VkQuestionDialog class
- Question Dialog
- 0
- Question Dialog
- inheritance graph
- Using Dialogs in ViewKit
- theQuestionDialog
- Question Dialog
- VkMenuConfirmFirstAction use
- Confirmable Menu Actions
- VkRadioBox class
- Radio Check Box Component
- 0
- Radio Check Box Component
- example
- Radio Check Box Component
- inheritance graph
- Miscellaneous ViewKit Data Input Classes
- VkRadioGroup class
- Enforcing Radio-Style Behavior on Toggle Buttons
- 0
- Enforcing Radio-Style Behavior on Toggle Buttons
- adding buttons
- Adding Toggles and Buttons to a Radio Group
- inheritance graph
- Miscellaneous ViewKit Data Input Classes
- member functions
- add()
- Adding Toggles and Buttons to a Radio Group
- constructor
- Radio Group Constructor and Destructor
- destructor
- Radio Group Constructor and Destructor
- remove()
- Removing Toggles and Buttons From a Radio Group
- removeFirst()
- Removing Toggles and Buttons From a Radio Group
- removeLast()
- Removing Toggles and Buttons From a Radio Group
- valueChanged()
- Deriving Radio Group Subclasses
- VkRadioGroup()
- Radio Group Constructor and Destructor
- ~VkRadioGroup()
- Radio Group Constructor and Destructor
- removing buttons
- Removing Toggles and Buttons From a Radio Group
- subclassing
- Deriving Radio Group Subclasses
- VkRadioSubMenu class
- Radio Submenus
- 0
- Radio Submenus
- adding to menus
- Functions for Dynamically Creating Menus
- inheritance graph
- Creating Menus With ViewKit
- member functions
- constructor
- Radio Submenu Constructor
- VkRadioSubMenu()
- Radio Submenu Constructor
- VkRepeatButton class
- Repeating Button Component
- 0
- Repeating Button Component
- activation, responding
- Responding to Repeat Button Activation
- inheritance graph
- Miscellaneous ViewKit Data Input Classes
- member functions
- constructor
- Repeating Button Constructor
- setParameters()
- Repeating Button Utility and Access Functions
- type()
- Repeating Button Utility and Access Functions
- VkRepeatButton()
- Repeating Button Constructor
- ViewKit callbacks
- buttonCallback
- Responding to Repeat Button Activation
- X resources
- X Resources Associated With the Repeating Button Component
- VkRepeatButtonType type
- Repeating Button Utility and Access Functions
- Repeating Button Constructor
- VkResizer class
- ViewKit Support for Resizing and Moving Widgets
- 0
- ViewKit Support for Resizing and Moving Widgets
- attaching widgets
- Attaching and Detaching a Resizer Object to and From a Widget
- detaching widgets
- Attaching and Detaching a Resizer Object to and From a Widget
- displaying geometry controls
- Displaying the Resizer Object's Geometry Controls
- geometry changes
- detecting
- ViewKit Callbacks Associated With the Resizer
- restricting
- Resizer Utility Functions
- hiding geometry controls
- Displaying the Resizer Object's Geometry Controls
- inheritance graph
- Miscellaneous ViewKit Display Classes
- member functions
- attach()
- Attaching and Detaching a Resizer Object to and From a Widget
- constructor
- Resizer Constructor and Destructor
- destructor
- Resizer Constructor and Destructor
- detach()
- Attaching and Detaching a Resizer Object to and From a Widget
- hide()
- Displaying the Resizer Object's Geometry Controls
- setIncrements()
- Resizer Utility Functions
- show()
- Displaying the Resizer Object's Geometry Controls
- shown()
- Displaying the Resizer Object's Geometry Controls
- VkResizer()
- Resizer Constructor and Destructor
- ~VkResizer()
- Resizer Constructor and Destructor
- overview
- ViewKit Support for Resizing and Moving Widgets
- ViewKit callbacks
- stateChangedCallback
- ViewKit Callbacks Associated With the Resizer
- VkRunOnce class
- VkRunOnce and VkRunOnce2
- constructor
- VkRunOnce Constructor and Destructor
- destructor
- VkRunOnce Constructor and Destructor
- example
- Using VkRunOnce
- inheritance graph
- ViewKit Process Control Classes
- member functions
- arg()
- Access Functions
- className()
- Access Functions
- numArgs()
- Access Functions
- VkRunOnce()
- VkRunOnce Constructor and Destructor
- ~VkRunOnce()
- VkRunOnce Constructor and Destructor
- VkRunOnce2 class
- VkRunOnce2 Constructor and Destructor
- VkRunOnce and VkRunOnce2
- constructor
- VkRunOnce2 Constructor and Destructor
- destructor
- VkRunOnce2 Constructor and Destructor
- example
- Using VkRunOnce2
- inheritance graph
- ViewKit Process Control Classes
- member functions
- arg()
- Access Functions
- className()
- Access Functions
- notifyOthers()
- Access Functions
- numArgs()
- Access Functions
- takeCharge()
- Access Functions
- VkRunOnce2()
- VkRunOnce2 Constructor and Destructor
- ~VkRunOnce2()
- VkRunOnce2 Constructor and Destructor
- VkScreen class
- Multiple Displays and Screens within ViewKit 2.1
- New Multi-display and Multi-screen support
- newScreen()
- Multiple Displays and Screens within ViewKit 2.1
- VkSimpleWindow class
- ViewKit Windows
- 0
- ViewKit Windows
- base widget
- Creating the Window Interface in the Constructor
- class hints
- Window Properties and Shell Resources
- data members
- _baseWidget
- Creating the Window Interface in the Constructor
- Creating the Window Interface in the Constructor
- _iconState
- Determining Window States
- _mainWindowWidget
- Additional Data Members
- _stackingState
- Determining Window States
- _visibleState
- Determining Window States
- displaying windows
- Manipulating Windows
- Managing Top-Level Windows
- hiding windows
- Managing Top-Level Windows
- Manipulating Windows
- icon titles
- Window and Icon Titles
- iconifying windows
- Manipulating Windows
- Managing Top-Level Windows
- inheritance graph
- ViewKit Windows
- lowering windows
- Manipulating Windows
- Managing Top-Level Windows
- main window
- Window Class Constructors
- managing widgets
- Creating the Window Interface in the Constructor
- member functions
- addView()
- Creating the Window Interface in the Constructor
- afterRealizeHook()
- Performing Actions After Realizing a Window
- Window Properties and Shell Resources
- constructor
- Window Class Constructors
- destructor
- Window Class Destructors
- getTitle()
- Window and Icon Titles
- getVisualState()
- Window Data Access Functions
- getWindow()
- Window Data Access Functions
- handleRawEvent()
- Handling Raw Events
- handleWmDeleteMessage()
- Window Properties and Shell Resources
- handleWmQuitMessage()
- Window Properties and Shell Resources
- hide()
- Manipulating Windows
- iconic()
- Window Data Access Functions
- iconify()
- Manipulating Windows
- lower()
- Manipulating Windows
- mainWindowWidget()
- Window Data Access Functions
- Creating the Window Interface in the Constructor
- okToQuit()
- Window Properties and Shell Resources
- Providing a “Safe Quit” Mechanism
- Quitting ViewKit Applications
- open()
- Manipulating Windows
- raise()
- Manipulating Windows
- setClassHint()
- Window Properties and Shell Resources
- setIconName()
- Window and Icon Titles
- setTitle()
- Window and Icon Titles
- setUpInterface()
- Creating the Window Interface in the setUpInterface() Function
- setUpWindowProperties()
- Window Properties and Shell Resources
- show()
- Manipulating Windows
- Creating the Window Interface in the setUpInterface() Function
- stateChanged()
- Determining Window States
- viewWidget()
- Window Data Access Functions
- visible()
- Window Data Access Functions
- VkSimpleWindow()
- Window Class Constructors
- ~VkSimpleWindow()
- Window Class Destructors
- opening windows
- Managing Top-Level Windows
- Manipulating Windows
- overview
- ViewKit Window Classes
- parent widget
- Window Class Constructors
- raising windows
- Managing Top-Level Windows
- Manipulating Windows
- ScrolledWindow widget
- Creating the Window Interface in the Constructor
- subclassing
- Deriving Window Subclasses
- example
- Window Subclassing
- summary
- Window Creation Summary
- views
- ViewKit Window Classes
- Creating the Window Interface
- Window Data Access Functions
- constructor, creating in
- Creating the Window Interface in the Constructor
- direct instantiation, adding to
- Adding a Window Interface to a Direct Instantiation of a ViewKit Window Class
- replacing
- Replacing a Window's View
- setUpInterface(), creating in
- Creating the Window Interface in the setUpInterface() Function
- widgets
- Window Data Access Functions
- Creating the Window Interface in the Constructor
- window manager interaction
- Window Class Constructors
- Window Manager Interface
- window properties
- Window Properties and Shell Resources
- window shell resources
- Window Properties and Shell Resources
- Window Class Constructors
- window titles
- Window and Icon Titles
- work areas
- Window Data Access Functions
- Creating the Window Interface
- ViewKit Window Classes
- constructor, creating in
- Creating the Window Interface in the Constructor
- direct instantiation, adding to
- Adding a Window Interface to a Direct Instantiation of a ViewKit Window Class
- replacing
- Replacing a Window's View
- setUpInterface(), creating in
- Creating the Window Interface in the setUpInterface() Function
- VkSubMenu class
- Submenus
- 0
- Submenus
- adding to menus
- Functions for Dynamically Creating Menus
- inheritance graph
- Creating Menus With ViewKit
- member functions
- baseWidget()
- Submenu Utility and Access Functions
- constructor
- Submenu Constructor
- pulldown()
- Submenu Utility and Access Functions
- showTearOff()
- Submenu Utility and Access Functions
- VkSubMenu()
- Submenu Constructor
- VkTabCallbackStruct structure
- Responding to Tab Selection
- VkTabPanel class
- Tab Panel Component
- 0
- Tab Panel Component
- inheritance graph
- Miscellaneous ViewKit Data Input Classes
- member functions
- addTab()
- Adding Tabs to a Tab Panel
- addTabs()
- Adding Tabs to a Tab Panel
- area1()
- Tab Panel Access Functions
- area2()
- Tab Panel Access Functions
- constructor
- Tab Panel Constructor
- gc()
- Tab Panel Access Functions
- getTab()
- Tab Panel Access Functions
- horiz()
- Tab Panel Access Functions
- labelBg()
- Tab Panel Access Functions
- labelFg()
- Tab Panel Access Functions
- lineThickness()
- Tab Panel Access Functions
- removeTab()
- Removing a Tab From a Tab Panel
- selectedTab()
- Responding to Tab Selection
- selectTab()
- Adding Tabs to a Tab Panel
- Responding to Tab Selection
- setTabPixmap()
- Adding a Pixmap to a Tab
- size()
- Tab Panel Access Functions
- tabBg()
- Tab Panel Access Functions
- tabHeight()
- Tab Panel Access Functions
- tabPixmap()
- Adding a Pixmap to a Tab
- uniformTabs()
- Tab Panel Access Functions
- VkTabPanel()
- Tab Panel Constructor
- overview
- Tab Panel Component
- tabs
- adding
- Adding Tabs to a Tab Panel
- adding pixmaps
- Adding a Pixmap to a Tab
- removing
- Removing a Tab From a Tab Panel
- removing pixmaps
- Adding a Pixmap to a Tab
- selection, responding to
- Responding to Tab Selection
- ViewKit callbacks
- tabPopupCallback
- Responding to Tab Selection
- tabSelectCallback
- Responding to Tab Selection
- X resources
- X Resources Associated With the Tab Panel Component
- VkTickMarks class
- Tick Marks for Scales
- 0
- Tick Marks for Scales
- inheritance graph
- Miscellaneous ViewKit Display Classes
- labels
- Configuring the Tick Marks
- Tick Marks Component Constructor
- member functions
- addLabel()
- Configuring the Tick Marks
- constructor
- Tick Marks Component Constructor
- setMargin()
- Configuring the Tick Marks
- setScale()
- Configuring the Tick Marks
- VkTickMarks()
- Tick Marks Component Constructor
- scale, setting
- Configuring the Tick Marks
- X resources
- X Resources Associated With the Tick Marks Component
- VkVisual class
- Handling Visuals With ViewKit
- colormaps
- Maintaining Consistency
- constructor
- VkVisual Constructors and Destructor
- demonstration programs
- Handling Visuals With ViewKit
- destructor
- VkVisual Constructors and Destructor
- enumerated data types
- Useful Enums
- examples
- VkVisual Examples
- member functions
- argCnt()
- Data Access Functions
- argList()
- Data Access Functions
- className()
- Data Access Functions
- colormap()
- Data Access Functions
- colormapCreated()
- Data Access Functions
- depth()
- Data Access Functions
- indexString()
- Debugging Functions
- maxLevel()
- Data Access Functions
- minLevel()
- Data Access Functions
- numColors()
- Data Access Functions
- planesString()
- Debugging Functions
- print()
- Debugging Functions
- printAll()
- Debugging Functions
- setColormap()
- Setting the Class's Visual Information
- setVisual()
- Setting the Class's Visual Information
- statusString()
- Debugging Functions
- transparencyString()
- Debugging Functions
- visual()
- Data Access Functions
- visualClassString()
- Debugging Functions
- visualID()
- Data Access Functions
- visualParent()
- Static Functions
- visualParentArgs()
- Static Functions
- VkVisual()
- VkVisual Constructors and Destructor
- vkVisualinfo()
- Data Access Functions
- window()
- Data Access Functions
- ~VkVisual()
- VkVisual Constructors and Destructor
- setting visual information
- Setting the Class's Visual Information
- X visuals
- Overview of X Visuals
- X11 visuals
- Overview of X Visuals
- Xt visuals
- Xt Visual Handling
- vkVisualInfo() (in VkVisual)
- Data Access Functions
- VkWarningDialog class
- Warning Dialogs
- 0
- Warning Dialogs
- inheritance graph
- Using Dialogs in ViewKit
- theWarningDialog
- Warning Dialogs
- VkWindow class
- ViewKit Windows
- 0
- ViewKit Windows
- base widget
- Creating the Window Interface in the Constructor
- class hints
- Window Properties and Shell Resources
- data members
- _iconState
- Determining Window States
- _mainWindowWidget
- Additional Data Members
- _stackingState
- Determining Window States
- _visibleState
- Determining Window States
- displaying windows
- Managing Top-Level Windows
- Manipulating Windows
- hiding windows
- Manipulating Windows
- Managing Top-Level Windows
- icon titles
- Window and Icon Titles
- iconifying windows
- Managing Top-Level Windows
- Manipulating Windows
- inheritance graph
- ViewKit Windows
- lowering windows
- Managing Top-Level Windows
- Manipulating Windows
- main window
- Window Class Constructors
- managing widgets
- Creating the Window Interface in the Constructor
- member functions
- addMenuPane()
- Menu Bar Support
- addRadioMenuPane()
- Menu Bar Support
- addView()
- Creating the Window Interface in the Constructor
- afterRealizeHook()
- Window Properties and Shell Resources
- Performing Actions After Realizing a Window
- constructor
- Window Class Constructors
- destructor
- Window Class Destructors
- getMenu()
- Window Data Access Functions
- getTitle()
- Window and Icon Titles
- getVisualState()
- Window Data Access Functions
- getWindow()
- Window Data Access Functions
- handleRawEvent()
- Handling Raw Events
- handleWmDeleteMessage()
- Window Properties and Shell Resources
- handleWmQuitMessage()
- Window Properties and Shell Resources
- hide()
- Manipulating Windows
- iconic()
- Window Data Access Functions
- iconify()
- Manipulating Windows
- lower()
- Manipulating Windows
- mainWindowWidget()
- Window Data Access Functions
- Creating the Window Interface in the Constructor
- menu()
- Menu Bar Support
- okToQuit()
- Window Properties and Shell Resources
- Providing a “Safe Quit” Mechanism
- open()
- Manipulating Windows
- raise()
- Manipulating Windows
- setClassHint()
- Window Properties and Shell Resources
- setIconName()
- Window and Icon Titles
- setMenuBar()
- Menu Bar Support
- setTitle()
- Window and Icon Titles
- setUpInterface()
- Creating the Window Interface in the setUpInterface() Function
- setUpWindowProperties()
- Window Properties and Shell Resources
- show()
- Creating the Window Interface in the setUpInterface() Function
- Manipulating Windows
- stateChanged()
- Determining Window States
- viewWidget()
- Window Data Access Functions
- visible()
- Window Data Access Functions
- VkWindow()
- Window Class Constructors
- ~VkWindow()
- Window Class Destructors
- menu bars
- Menu Bar
- Menu Bar Support
- 0
- Menu Bar
- opening windows
- Managing Top-Level Windows
- Manipulating Windows
- overview
- ViewKit Window Classes
- parent widget
- Window Class Constructors
- raising windows
- Managing Top-Level Windows
- Manipulating Windows
- ScrolledWindow widget
- Creating the Window Interface in the Constructor
- subclassing
- Deriving Window Subclasses
- example
- Window Subclassing
- summary
- Window Creation Summary
- views
- Creating the Window Interface
- Window Data Access Functions
- ViewKit Window Classes
- constructor, creating in
- Creating the Window Interface in the Constructor
- direct instantiation, adding to
- Adding a Window Interface to a Direct Instantiation of a ViewKit Window Class
- replacing
- Replacing a Window's View
- setUpInterface(), creating in
- Creating the Window Interface in the setUpInterface() Function
- widgets
- Window Data Access Functions
- Creating the Window Interface in the Constructor
- window manager interaction
- Window Class Constructors
- Window Manager Interface
- window properties
- Window Properties and Shell Resources
- window shell resources
- Window Class Constructors
- Window Properties and Shell Resources
- window titles
- Window and Icon Titles
- work areas
- Creating the Window Interface
- ViewKit Window Classes
- Window Data Access Functions
- constructor, creating in
- Creating the Window Interface in the Constructor
- direct instantiation, adding to
- Adding a Window Interface to a Direct Instantiation of a ViewKit Window Class
- replacing
- Replacing a Window's View
- setUpInterface(), creating in
- Creating the Window Interface in the setUpInterface() Function
- warning dialog
- Warning Dialogs
- 0
- Warning Dialogs
- wasInterrupted() (in VkInterruptDialog)
- Interruptible Busy Dialog
- WhitePixel macro
- Maintaining Consistency
- Widget operator (in VkComponent)
- VkComponent Access Functions
- widget() (in VkModifiedAttachment)
- Other Modified Text Attachment Utility and Access Functions
- widgetDestroyedCallback() (in VkComponent)
- Handling Component Widget Destruction
- widgets
- aligning
- ViewKit Support for Aligning Widgets
- 0
- ViewKit Support for Aligning Widgets
- attachments
- Management Classes for Controlling Component and Widget Operation
- Management Classes for Controlling Component and Widget Display Characteristics
- alignment groups
- ViewKit Support for Aligning Widgets
- ganged scrollbars
- Supporting “Ganged” Scrollbar Operation
- modified text
- Modified Text Attachment
- radio-style toggles
- Enforcing Radio-Style Behavior on Toggle Buttons
- resizers
- ViewKit Support for Resizing and Moving Widgets
- base widget of component
- Component Constructors
- Component Destructors
- VkComponent Class
- VkComponent Access Functions
- 0
- VkComponent Access Functions
- deletion, handling
- Handling Component Widget Destruction
- realization, detecting
- Displaying and Hiding Components
- base widget of preference item
- Preference Item Labels
- Preference Item Access Functions
- base widget of window
- Creating the Window Interface in the Constructor
- components, and
- Component Constructors
- VkComponent Class
- destruction in components
- Component Constructors
- Handling Component Widget Destruction
- VkComponent Class
- Component Destructors
- label widget of preference item
- Preference Item Labels
- Preference Item Access Functions
- management classes
- Management Classes for Controlling Component and Widget Display Characteristics
- Management Classes for Controlling Component and Widget Operation
- alignment groups
- ViewKit Support for Aligning Widgets
- ganged scrollbars
- Supporting “Ganged” Scrollbar Operation
- modified text
- Modified Text Attachment
- radio-style toggles
- Enforcing Radio-Style Behavior on Toggle Buttons
- resizers
- ViewKit Support for Resizing and Moving Widgets
- managing
- components, in
- VkComponent Class
- Component Constructors
- windows, in
- Creating the Window Interface in the Constructor
- moving
- ViewKit Support for Resizing and Moving Widgets
- 0
- ViewKit Support for Resizing and Moving Widgets
- parent widget of component
- VkComponent Class
- Component Constructors
- windows
- Window Class Constructors
- parent widget of dialogs
- Methods of Posting Dialogs
- popup menus, attaching
- Popup Menu Constructors
- resizing
- ViewKit Support for Resizing and Moving Widgets
- 0
- ViewKit Support for Resizing and Moving Widgets
- scrollbars, “ganging” See ganged scrollbars; VkGangedGroup class
- Supporting “Ganged” Scrollbar Operation
- SgGraph
- Graph Widget
- VkGraph class
- Graph Access Functions
- windows, and
- Window Data Access Functions
- Creating the Window Interface in the Constructor
- ScrolledWindow widget
- Creating the Window Interface in the Constructor
- width() (in VkAlignmentGroup)
- Alignment Group Access Functions
- window interfaces. See windows
- views
- Creating the Window Interface
- window manager interaction
- Window Manager Interface
- Window Class Constructors
- icon titles
- Window and Icon Titles
- window properties
- Window Properties and Shell Resources
- window titles
- Window and Icon Titles
- window() (in VkVisual)
- Data Access Functions
- windows
- ViewKit Windows
- 0
- ViewKit Windows
- base widget
- Creating the Window Interface in the Constructor
- class hints
- Window Properties and Shell Resources
- displaying
- Manipulating Windows
- Managing Top-Level Windows
- hiding
- Managing Top-Level Windows
- Manipulating Windows
- icon titles
- Window and Icon Titles
- iconifying
- Manipulating Windows
- Managing Top-Level Windows
- lowering
- Managing Top-Level Windows
- Manipulating Windows
- main window
- Window Class Constructors
- determining
- Managing Top-Level Windows
- during quitting
- Quitting ViewKit Applications
- specifying
- Managing Top-Level Windows
- managing
- Managing Top-Level Windows
- Manipulating Windows
- managing widgets
- Creating the Window Interface in the Constructor
- menu bars
- Menu Bar
- Menu Bar Support
- 0
- Menu Bar
- opening
- Managing Top-Level Windows
- Manipulating Windows
- overview
- Overview of ViewKit Window Support
- parent widget
- Window Class Constructors
- properties
- Window Properties and Shell Resources
- raising
- Manipulating Windows
- Managing Top-Level Windows
- ScrolledWindow widget
- Creating the Window Interface in the Constructor
- shell resources
- Window Properties and Shell Resources
- Window Class Constructors
- subclassing
- Deriving Window Subclasses
- example
- Window Subclassing
- summary
- Window Creation Summary
- titles
- Window and Icon Titles
- views
- Creating the Window Interface
- Window Data Access Functions
- ViewKit Window Classes
- direct instantiation, adding to
- Adding a Window Interface to a Direct Instantiation of a ViewKit Window Class
- replacing
- Replacing a Window's View
- setUpInterface(), creating in
- Creating the Window Interface in the setUpInterface() Function
- window constructor, creating in
- Creating the Window Interface in the Constructor
- widgets
- Creating the Window Interface in the Constructor
- Window Data Access Functions
- window manager interaction
- Window Manager Interface
- Window Class Constructors
- work areas
- Window Data Access Functions
- Creating the Window Interface
- ViewKit Window Classes
- direct instantiation, adding to
- Adding a Window Interface to a Direct Instantiation of a ViewKit Window Class
- replacing
- Replacing a Window's View
- setUpInterface(), creating in
- Creating the Window Interface in the setUpInterface() Function
- window constructor, creating in
- Creating the Window Interface in the Constructor
- Window Properties and Shell Resources
- Window Class Constructors
- WM_QUIT_APP message
- Window Class Constructors
- Window Properties and Shell Resources
- work areas, windows
- Creating the Window Interface
- Window Data Access Functions
- ViewKit Window Classes
- direct instantiation, adding to
- Adding a Window Interface to a Direct Instantiation of a ViewKit Window Class
- replacing
- Replacing a Window's View
- setUpInterface(), creating in
- Creating the Window Interface in the setUpInterface() Function
- window constructor, creating in
- Creating the Window Interface in the Constructor
- workArea() (in VkGraph)
- Graph Access Functions
- X
- header files
- Required Header Files
- suggested reading
- What You Should Know Before Reading This Guide
- ViewKit, and
- Mixing ViewKit and Standard X and Motif Functions
- X resources:See also resource support
- Component Resource Support
- arc attributes (in graph)
- Adding Nodes and Specifying Node Connectivity
- graphs
- X Resources Associated With VkGraph
- Help menu
- X Resources Associated With the Help Pane
- menu item labels
- Setting Menu Item Labels
- meter component
- X Resources Associated With the Meter Component
- modified text attachment
- X Resources Associated With the Modified Text Attachment
- option menu labels
- Setting the Option Menu Label
- preference item labels
- Preference Item Labels
- repeating buttons
- X Resources Associated With the Repeating Button Component
- tab panels
- X Resources Associated With the Tab Panel Component
- tear-off menus
- Submenu Utility and Access Functions
- tick marks
- X Resources Associated With the Tick Marks Component
- “Undo” selection label
- Setting the Label of the Undo Manager Menu Item
- X visuals
- overview
- Overview of X Visuals
- x() (in VkAlignmentGroup)
- Alignment Group Access Functions
- X11 visuals
- overview
- Overview of X Visuals
- XA_WM_CLASS property
- Window Properties and Shell Resources
- XmGRAPH (graph layout style)
- Butterfly Graphs
- XmNargc resource
- Window Class Constructors
- Window Properties and Shell Resources
- XmNargv resource
- Window Properties and Shell Resources
- Window Class Constructors
- XmNlabelString resource
- menu item labels
- Setting Menu Item Labels
- option menu labels
- Setting the Option Menu Label
- preference item labels
- Preference Item Labels
- “Undo” menu selection
- Setting the Label of the Undo Manager Menu Item
- XmNtearOffModel resource
- Submenu Utility and Access Functions
- XmStringTables
- VkNameList Member Functions
- XSelectInput()
- Handling Raw Events
- ViewKit Event Handling
- Xt callbacks
- components
- VkComponent Class
- Using Xt Callbacks With Components
- example
- Using Xt Callbacks With Components
- naming convention
- Using Xt Callbacks With Components
- this pointer
- Using Xt Callbacks With Components
- static menu descriptions
- Special Considerations for Xt Callback Client Data When Using Static Menu Descriptions
- Xt Intrinsics, initializing
- VkApp Constructor
- Xt visuals
- overview
- Xt Visual Handling
- XtAppContext structure
- Application Data Access Functions
- XtAppInitialize(), note
- Running ViewKit Applications
- XtAppMainLoop(), note
- Running ViewKit Applications
- XtDispatchEvent(), note
- ViewKit Event Handling
- XtDisplay() caution
- Overview of ViewKit Menu Support
- XtNextEvent(), note
- ViewKit Event Handling
- XtScreen() caution
- Overview of ViewKit Menu Support
- XtWindow() caution
- Overview of ViewKit Menu Support
- y() (in VkAlignmentGroup)
- Alignment Group Access Functions
- Zoom In button (in VkGraph control panel)
- Zooming
- Zoom menu (in VkGraph control panel)
- Zooming
- Zoom Out button (in VkGraph control panel)
- Zooming
- zooming graphs
- Zooming
- Graph Utility Functions