/* Window flags */
#define WTYP_OPER 0x01 /* Operator, +, -, =, etc */
#define WTYP_DIG 0x02 /* Digit 0-9, A-F */
#define WTYP_DISP 0x04 /* Display Window */
#define WTYP_CONV 0x08 /* Converter -- hex, oct, dec, bin */
#define WTYP_SPEC 0x10 /* Special, CE, CA, CD */
/* Operators */
#define OPR_ADD 1
#define OPR_SUB 2
#define OPR_MUL 3
#define OPR_DIV 4
#define OPR_MOD 5
#define OPR_OR 6
#define OPR_AND 7
#define OPR_XOR 8
#define OPR_SHL 9
#define OPR_SHR 10
#define OPR_CLRE 11
#define OPR_CLRD 12
#define OPR_CLRA 13
#define OPR_ASGN 14
#define OPR_NEG 15
#define OPR_NOT 16
#define OPR_UNS 17
/* Colors */
#define WHITE 0
#define BLACK 1
#define DARKGRAY 2
#define LIGHTGRAY 3
static XrmDatabase commandlineDB, rDB;
int pressedColor = WHITE;
int unpressedColor = BLACK;
int disabledColor = LIGHTGRAY;
int displayColor = WHITE;
char myDisplayName[256];
char *myFontName = "8x13";
char *calcName;
Display *display;
int screen_num;
Visual *visual;
Colormap colormap;
XFontStruct *theFont;
Cursor theCursor;
Window calcWin;
Window iconWin;
Window dispWin;
Pixmap lgrayPixmap;
Pixmap grayPixmap;
Pixmap iconPixmap;
int foreground;
int background;
GC fgGC;
GC bgGC;
/* Calculator variables */
int Base = 10; /* Default base, updated to command line
* or .Xdefaults */
int Winbase; /* windata offset for current base, set
* in InitCalc, used in ConvButton */
int Digit = 0;
long Value = 0; /* Current pressed value */
long Accum = 0; /* Current results */
Bool Unsigned = True; /* Default for U/S key */
int LastOpt = OPR_ADD; /* Initial previous operator */
int CalcReset = 0;
char Hexmeasure[] = " . . . . . . . ";
char Octmeasure[] = " . . . . . . . . . . ";
/* Startup options */
Bool iconOnly = False;
char Geostr[20];
char iconGeostr[20];
/* Command line options table; only resources are entered here...
* there is a pass over the remaining options after XrmParseCommand
* is let loose; we don't do anything with many of these resources,
* but the program is ready for expansion */
#define GEOMETRY "*geometry"
#define ICONGEOMETRY "*iconGeometry"
#define UNSIGNED "*unsigned"
#define BASE "*base"
#define ICONSTARTUP "*iconStartup"
static int opTableEntries = 25;
static XrmOptionDescRec opTable[] = {
{"-unsigned", UNSIGNED, XrmoptionNoArg, (caddr_t) "off"},
{"-x", BASE, XrmoptionNoArg, (caddr_t) "16"},
{"-hex", BASE, XrmoptionNoArg, (caddr_t) "16"},
{"-dec", BASE, XrmoptionNoArg, (caddr_t) "10"},
{"-oct", BASE, XrmoptionNoArg, (caddr_t) "8"},
{"-binary", BASE, XrmoptionNoArg, (caddr_t) "2"},
{"-geometry", GEOMETRY, XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
{"-iconGeometry", ICONGEOMETRY, XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
{"-iconic", ICONSTARTUP, XrmoptionNoArg, (caddr_t) "on"},
{"-background", "*background", XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
{"-bg", "*background", XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
{"-fg", "*foreground", XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
{"-foreground", "*foreground", XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
{"-xrm", NULL, XrmoptionResArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
{"-display", ".display", XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
/* Remainder not currently supported: */
{"-bd", "*borderColor", XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
{"-bordercolor", "*borderColor", XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
{"-borderwidth", ".borderWidth", XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
{"-bw", ".borderWidth", XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
{"-fn", "*font", XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
{"-font", "*font", XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
{"-name", ".name", XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
{"-title", ".title", XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
/* Keyboard equivalents */
struct KeyCode {
int kc_char;
char *kc_func;
int kc_len;
} KeyCodes[] = {
{ CERASE, "CD", 2 },
#ifdef SYSV
{ 027, "CE", 2 },
{ CWERASE, "CE", 2 },
#endif SYSV
{ CKILL, "CE", 2 },
{ CINTR, "CA", 2 },
{ 0, 0, 0 },
char QuitChar = CQUIT;
#include "bitmaps/xcalc.icon"
#include "bitmaps/lgray"
#include "bitmaps/gray"
/* Placement variables */
XSizeHints sizehints = {
PMinSize | PMaxSize | PPosition | PSize | USSize,
400, 100, /* x, y */
300, 139, /* Width, height */
300, 139, /* min_width and min_height */
300, 139, /* max_width and max_height */
0, 0, /* Width and height increments, not set */
0, 0, 0, 0, /* Aspect ratio, not set */
XSizeHints iconsizehints = {
PMinSize | PMaxSize | PPosition | PSize,
150, 2,
icon_width, icon_height,
icon_width, icon_height,
icon_width, icon_height,
0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0,
XWMHints wmhints = {
InputHint | StateHint | IconWindowHint,
True, /* Input model */
NormalState, /* Starts up in normal state */
0, /* Icon pixmap -- set later */
0, /* Icon window -- created later */
150, 2, /* Icon position of icon */
0, /* Icon mask pixmap -- not used */
/* Configuration of subwindows */
typedef struct _OpaqueFrame {
Window self; /* Window ID, filled in later */
int x, y; /* Where to create the window */
unsigned int width, height; /* Width and height */
} OpaqueFrame;
#define NBUTTONS 38
OpaqueFrame Buttons[NBUTTONS] = {
{ 0, 3, 5, 292, 18}, /* Display area */
{ 0, 10, 35, 19, 18}, /* c d e f */
{ 0, 37, 35, 19, 18},
{ 0, 63, 35, 19, 18},
{ 0, 91, 35, 19, 18},
{ 0, 10, 60, 19, 18}, /* 8 9 a b */
{ 0, 37, 60, 19, 18},
{ 0, 63, 60, 19, 18},
{ 0, 91, 60, 19, 18},
{ 0, 10, 85, 19, 18}, /* 4 5 6 7 */
{ 0, 37, 85, 19, 18},
{ 0, 63, 85, 19, 18},
{ 0, 91, 85, 19, 18},
{ 0, 10, 110, 19, 18}, /* 0 1 2 3 */
{ 0, 37, 110, 19, 18},
{ 0, 63, 110, 19, 18},
{ 0, 91, 110, 19, 18},
{ 0, 261, 110, 28, 18}, /* ca ce, cd, = */
{ 0, 187, 110, 28, 18},
{ 0, 224, 110, 28, 18},
{ 0, 131, 110, 46, 18},
{ 0, 131, 60, 19, 18}, /* + - * / % */
{ 0, 158, 60, 19, 18},
{ 0, 185, 60, 19, 18},
{ 0, 212, 60, 19, 18},
{ 0, 239, 60, 19, 18},
{ 0, 131, 85, 19, 18}, /* | & << >> ^ */
{ 0, 158, 85, 19, 18},
{ 0, 185, 85, 19, 18},
{ 0, 212, 85, 19, 18},
{ 0, 239, 85, 19, 18},
{ 0, 131, 35, 32, 18}, /* hex oct bin dec */
{ 0, 165, 35, 31, 18},
{ 0, 198, 35, 32, 18},
{ 0, 232, 35, 31, 18},
{ 0, 269, 35, 20, 18}, /* UNS */
{ 0, 269, 60, 20, 18}, /* NEG */
{ 0, 269, 85, 20, 18}, /* NOT */
struct windata {
int color; /* Color */
char *text; /* Pointer to the text string */
int x; /* x coordinate of text */
int y; /* y coordinate of text */
int value; /* 0-16 for number, symbol for operator */
int type; /* Number, operator, display */
} windata[NBUTTONS] = {
{ 1, " 0 ", 2, 3, 0, WTYP_DISP },
{ 0, "C", 5, 3, 12, WTYP_DIG },
{ 0, "D", 5, 3, 13, WTYP_DIG },
{ 0, "E", 5, 3, 14, WTYP_DIG },
{ 0, "F", 5, 3, 15, WTYP_DIG },
{ 0, "8", 5, 3, 8, WTYP_DIG },
{ 0, "9", 5, 3, 9, WTYP_DIG },
{ 0, "A", 5, 3, 10, WTYP_DIG },
{ 0, "B", 5, 3, 11, WTYP_DIG },
{ 0, "4", 5, 3, 4, WTYP_DIG },
{ 0, "5", 5, 3, 5, WTYP_DIG },
{ 0, "6", 5, 3, 6, WTYP_DIG },
{ 0, "7", 5, 3, 7, WTYP_DIG },
{ 0, "0", 5, 3, 0, WTYP_DIG },
{ 0, "1", 5, 3, 1, WTYP_DIG },
{ 0, "2", 5, 3, 2, WTYP_DIG },
{ 0, "3", 5, 3, 3, WTYP_DIG },
{ 0, "CA", 6, 3, OPR_CLRA, WTYP_SPEC },
{ 0, "CE", 6, 3, OPR_CLRE, WTYP_SPEC },
{ 0, "CD", 6, 3, OPR_CLRD, WTYP_SPEC },
{ 0, "=", 17, 2, OPR_ASGN, WTYP_OPER },
{ 0, "+", 5, 3, OPR_ADD, WTYP_OPER },
{ 0, "-", 5, 3, OPR_SUB, WTYP_OPER },
{ 0, "*", 5, 4, OPR_MUL, WTYP_OPER },
{ 0, "/", 5, 3, OPR_DIV, WTYP_OPER },
{ 0, "%", 5, 3, OPR_MOD, WTYP_OPER },
{ 0, "|", 5, 3, OPR_OR, WTYP_OPER },
{ 0, "&", 5, 3, OPR_AND, WTYP_OPER },
{ 0, ">>",1, 3, OPR_SHR, WTYP_OPER },
{ 0, "<<",0, 3, OPR_SHL, WTYP_OPER },
{ 0, "^", 5, 3, OPR_XOR, WTYP_OPER },
{ 0, "HEX", 2, 3, 16, WTYP_CONV },
{ 0, "DEC", 2, 3, 10, WTYP_CONV },
{ 0, "OCT", 2, 3, 8, WTYP_CONV },
{ 0, "BIN", 2, 3, 2, WTYP_CONV },
{ 0, "U", 5, 3, OPR_UNS, WTYP_SPEC },
{ 0, "`", 5, 3, OPR_NEG, WTYP_OPER },
{ 0, "~", 5, 3, OPR_NOT, WTYP_OPER },