The following table lists all predefined dbx aliases. You can override any predefined alias by redefining it with the command or by removing it with the unalias command.
Alias | Definition | Description |
assign | Assigns the specified expression to the specified program variable or register. | |
stop at | Sets a breakpoint at the specified line. | |
stop in | Sets a breakpoint in the specified procedure. | |
cont | Continues program execution after a breakpoint. | |
delete | Deletes the specified item from the status list. | |
directory | Displays the current source directory list. If you specify one or more directories, those directories are added to the end of the source directory list. | |
file | Displays the name of the currently selected source file. If you specify a file, this command makes the specified file the currently selected source file. | |
func | Moves to the specified procedure (activation level) on the stack. If you specify no procedure or expression, dbx prints the current activation level. | |
goto | Goes to the specified source line. | |
history | Lists all the items currently in the history list. | |
status | Lists all the currently set stop, trace, and when commands. | |
list | Lists the next $listwindow lines of source code beginning at the current line. | |
$curpc/10i; \ set $curpc=$curpc+40 | Lists the next 40 bytes of machine instructions (approximately 10 instructions). | |
next | Executes the specified number of lines of source code, stepping over procedures. If you do not provide an argument, dbx executes only one line. | |
nexti | Executes the specified number of lines of machine code, stepping over procedures. If you do not provide an argument, dbx executes only one instruction. | |
Prints the value of the specified variable or expression. | ||
printd | Prints the value of the specified variable in decimal. | |
playback input | Replays dbx commands saved in the specified file. If you do not specify a file, dbx uses the temporary file specified by $defaultin. | |
printo | Prints the value of the specified variable or expression in octal. | |
printregs | Prints values contained in all registers. | |
printx | Prints the value of the specified variable or expression in hexadecimal. | |
quit | Quits dbx. | |
rerun | Runs the program again using the arguments specified for the last run command executed. | |
record input | Records to the specified file all the input you give to dbx. If you do not specify a file, dbx creates a temporary file. The name of the file is specified by $defaultin. | |
record output | Records all dbx output to the specified file. If no file is specified, records output to a temporary file. The name of the file is specified by $defaultout . | |
step | Executes the specified number of lines of source code, stepping into procedures. If you do not provide an argument, dbx executes only one line. | |
next | Executes the specified number of lines of source code, stepping over procedures. If you do not provide an argument, dbx executes only one line. | |
stepi | Executes the specified number of lines of machine code, stepping into procedures. If you do not provide an argument, dbx executes only one instruction. | |
nexti | Executes the specified number of lines of machine code, stepping over procedures. If you do not provide an argument, dbx executes only one instruction. | |
playback input (pi) | Replays dbx commands saved in the specified file. If no file is specified, dbx uses the temporary file specified by $defaultin. | |
where | Does a stack trace to show the current activation levels. | |
list $curline-9:10 | Lists a window of source code showing the nine lines before the current code line and the current code line. This command does not change the current code line. | |
list $curline-5:10 | Lists a window of source code around the current line. This command shows the four lines before the current code line, the current code line, and five lines after the current code line. This command does not change the current code line. | |
list $curline-10:20 | Lists a window of source code around the current line. This command shows the nine lines before the current code line, the current code line, and 10 lines after the current code line. This command does not change the current code line. | |
$curpc-20/10i | Lists a window of assembly code around the program counter. |