| 0x%x
| Specifies the format for addresses.
This can be set to any format valid for the C language printf(3S)
| 0x%llx
| Specifies the format for 64-bit addresses.
This can be set to any format valid for the C language printf(3S)
| 1
| If nonzero, the new value of a program
variable will be displayed after the assign command.
| 2
| If 0, symbol names are case sensitive.
If 1, symbol names are not case sensitive. If 2, the case sensitivity of symbol
names depends on the case sensitivity of the language in which the symbol
was defined.
| 1
| If 1, the words unsigned,
short, long, int,
char, struct, union, and
enum are keywords usable only in type casts. If 0, struct
, union, and enum are ordinary
words with no predefined meaning (in C modules, the others are still known
as C types).
| The last event number as seen by the
status command.
| The current line in the source code
being executed.
| The current program counter.
| The current source listing line plus
| The name of the file that
dbx uses when the record input
or the playback input command is executed with no argument.
| The name of the file that
dbx uses when the record output or the
playback output command is executed with no argument.
| vi
| The name of the editor to invoke (with
edit command). Default value is set to the value of the
EDITOR environment variable. If EDITOR missing,
it defaults to vi.
| 0
| When nonzero, dbx
runs programs on R8000 processors in floating point precise mode, allowing
accurate floating point exceptions. By default, R8000 floating point interrupts
are asynchronous and reported program counter values are useless for debugging.
For more information about floating point precise mode, see the
syssgi(2) reference page section on SGI_SET_FP_PRECISE
| 1
| If 1, all references to registers are
to the registers of the current activation level. If 0, all references are
to the hardware registers.
| 0
| If 0, adds only processes created with
the sproc(2) system call to the process group list automatically.
If 1, then adds processes created with either the fork(2)
or sproc system calls to process group list.
| 0
| If nonzero, outputs characters in hexadecimal,
using C format %x. This affects char type variables, including
those in structures. It does not affect arrays of characters, which are printed
using the %.*s format.
| 0
| If nonzero, displays floating point
and double-precision variables both as literals and as hexadecimal representations
of the bit pattern.
| 0
| If nonzero, input constants are assumed
to be in hexadecimal. This overrides $octin.
| 0
| If nonzero, outputs integers in hexadecimal
format. This overrides $octints.
| 0
| If nonzero, outputs strings and arrays
in hexadecimal. For character arrays, if nonzero, the null byte is not taken
as a terminator. Instead, prints the entire array (or
$maxlen values, whichever is less). If 0, then a null
byte in a C or C++ character array is taken as the end of the array (the length
of the array and $maxstrlen
can terminate the array printing before a null byte is found).
| The current history line number.
| The process ID of the last child process
created by a fork or sproc system call.
| 100
| The number of lines in the history
| 10
| Specifies how many lines the
list command lists.
| 128
| Maximum length printed for zero-terminated
char strings and arrays. Prints char arrays for array-length,
$maxstrlen bytes, or up to a null byte, whichever
comes first (see $hexstrings).
| 0
| If 0, treats calls to sproc
in the same way as it treats calls to fork.
If 1, child processes created by calls to sproc are allowed
to run; they block on multiprocessor synchronization code emitted by mp Fortran
code. When you set $mp_program
to 1, mp Fortran code is easier to debug.
| 0
| After every command creating an event,
this variable is set to the event's number. The $newevent
variable is useful in writing scripts that do not
use hard-coded event numbers.
| 0
| Stores the number of the latest
pgrp event created by stop[i], trace[i]
, and when[i]... pgrp. Useful
when writing scripts .
| 0
| Only used with addproc
or with dbx options -p
-P. If 0, the process that is the argument of the command is stopped;
if 1, the process is not stopped. In either case the process state is not
changed. If the you start dbx with the -
N option, then $nonstop
| 0
| If nonzero, assumes input constants
are in octal.
overrides $octin.
| 0
| If nonzero, outputs integers in octal
takes precedence.
| 1
| Specifies whether to page when
dbx output scrolls information off the current screen. A nonzero
value turns on paging; a 0 value turns it off.
| more
| The name of the program used to display
output from dbx.
| 80
| The width of the window in characters
(assumes a fixed-width font). Used by dbx to calculate
how many screen lines are output. dbx never inserts newlines;
the window software wraps the lines.
| 23
| Specifies how many lines print when
information is longer than one screen. This can be changed to match the number
of lines on any terminal. If set to 0, 1 is used.
| 0
| If nonzero, allows traps that cannot
be satisfied immediately to wait until they can be satisfied. This is useful
for debugging programs that use DSOs, as it allows setting breakpoints before
the dlopen() call. When set to nonzero, mistyped procedure
names are not flagged and cause a pending trap to be set.
| 1
| If 1, adds commands read from files
using the playback input
command to the command history. If 0, does not add the commands to the history.
| The current process for kernel debugging
| Set by dbx to the
process ID of the running process (also called the object file).
| 0
| If 1, prints the commands read from
files using the playback input command. If 0,
does not print the commands. In either case, dbx prints
the output resulting from such commands.
| 0
| Used when disassembling. If 1, prints
register contents alongside disassembled instructions. If 0, just prints disassembled
| 0
| If nonzero, the display of a kernel
exception frame by the dump or where
commands includes information that you can use to find the contents of the
kernel registers at the time of the fault.
| 0
| If 0, prints only the next line to
be executed. If nonzero, prints each line that is executed while it single
| 0
| If 0, prints arrays, unions, structures
and classes one element per line. If nonzero, prints arrays compactly (wide).
| This variable applies only if you invoke
dbx with the -k option (that is, it is not available
unless you are doing kernel debugging). Whenever
$pid is set, dbx sets
$procaddr to the address of the process table entry
for that process.
| dbx
| The prompt for dbx.
| 0
| If 0, does not add the child process
to the process pool. Both the child process and the parent process continue
to run.
If 1, stops the parent process and asks if you want to
add the child process to the process pool. If you answer yes, adds the child
process to the pool and stops the child process; if you answer no, allows
the child process to run and does not place it in the process pool.
If 2, dbx automatically stops both the parent and child
processes and adds the child process to the process pool.
| 0
| If 0, uses the alternate form of the
register name (for example, zero instead of r0 and t1 instead of r9). If nonzero, uses the
machine name (r0 through r31).
| 0
| If nonzero, entering a null line (entering
a newline on an empty line) repeats the last command. If 0, performs no action.
| 0
| If 1, records commands you enter in
addition to output when using the record output
command. If 0, does not copy the commands.
| “ “
| A string that is added by
run to the command line it passes to the command interpreter. Use
$shellparameters to disable spawning of subshells
by the initialization file of a non-standard shell.
| 0
| If nonzero, shows the address of each
breakpoint placed in the code each time it is placed. Removal of the breakpoints
is not shown. If multiple breakpoints are placed at one location, only one
of the placements is shown. Since breakpoints are frequently placed and removed
by dbx, the volume of output can be annoying when tracing.
| 0
| If 0, step,
next, and so on do not show the source file name in the
dbx message describing the stopped state.
If 1, prints
just the base file name.
If 2, prints the full path.
If $stopformat is 1,
$showfilename equals 0 is treated as if $
showfilename were 2.
| 0
| If 0, search for a source file by:
a) using the pathname in the object file's debugging information;
if the file is not found, then
b) examine pathnames
remapped by the dir or use command;
if the file is still not found, then
c) reduce full
pathnames to base file names and search the list of directories created by
the dir or use command.
If 1, permute the default source-file search sequence to: step b, step c,
then step a.
If 2, use only steps b and c of the default source-file
search sequence.
| 100
| Sets the maximum number of frames that
will be examined by the dump, func, and where
| 0
| If nonzero, attempts in dbx
expressions to model exactly the promotion rules of ANSI C and
ISO/IEC 9899 C (even to the point of matching float to float rather than converting
all floating points to doubles).
If 0, promotes variables more
like traditional pcc C (but promotions of 16-bit and 8-bit unsigned is to
int, not unsigned int).
| 0
| If 0, step steps
into all procedures that are compiled with debugging options -g
-g2, or -g3 for which line numbers are available
in the symbol table. Note that standard library routines are excluded.
If 1, in addition to the procedures above, steps into any procedures for which
a source file can be found. Note that when you debug a source file compiled
without symbols or compiled with optimization, the line numbers may jump erratically.
If 2, steps into all procedures. Note that if dbx
cannot locate a source file, then it cannot display source lines as you step
through a procedure.
| 0
| If 0, stopping messages appear in the
traditional IRIX dbx format, for example:
stopped at [main:32 , 0x400000 main.c]If 1, messages appear in
a more standard BSD dbx format:
in main at line 32 in file “main.c”See affect on
$showfilename also.
| tags
| The name of a file of tags, as created
by ctags(1). Used by the tag command.
| 1
| If 1, whereis looks
only in main object.
If 0, whereis checks all
If n, whereis
checks first n objects.