This appendix lists the fonts that are required to run IRIS Showcase, explains how you can get additional fonts, and tells you how to localize fonts. It also provides general instructions for getting IRIS Showcase to recognize fonts that you've installed from another media, such as a floppy disk.
For information see:
By default, all systems provide one font—Utopia. IRIS Showcase requires that you install the additional fonts made available with the software subsystem dps_eoe.sw.dpsfonts. This subsystem provides you with four additional fonts—Courier, Times, Helvetica, and Symbol.
In addition, you can install other fonts that are available:
Install the additional fonts made available with the IRIS Showcase software. The software subsystem is called showcase.sw.fonts.
Install the additional fonts made available with Impressario™ software. The software subsystem is called impr_client.sw.fonts.It provides the fonts Avant Garde, Bookman, Helvetica Narrow, New Century, Palatino, Zapf Chancery, and Zapf Dingbats.
Purchase additional fonts to install on your system.
This section describes how to convert fonts so they are accessible from IRIS Showcase. The description is limited in two ways. It only covers fonts that are formatted for use on a Macintosh® computer, and it does not explain how to get the font data from the floppy disk and onto your workstation.
Copy the fonts onto your system.
Use the convertmacfont utility to convert the files into a format that is compatible with the IRIS systems. This utility is included with IRIS Showcase. You'll find it in the /usr/sbin directory. To use it, type the following in a shell window:
convertmacfont originalfile destinationfile
The name of the destination file must match the font name defined in the file itself. This is usually obvious—Times-Roman or Palatino-BoldItalic, for example.
Put the resulting file in the directory /usr/lib/DPS/outline/base. In a shell window, type:
mv destinationfile /usr/lib/DPS/outline/base
Edit the file /usr/share/Showcase/ and add entries for the new fonts. The format for an entry is:
<font name> :w: <default name> : <normal font> : <bold font> : <italic font> : <bold-italic font> | |
<font name> | The name you see in the Font Family pop-up menu on the Master gizmo. If you want to include a space in this name, enclose the name in quotation marks. | |
w | A setting used to cause words to wrap. | |
<default name> | The font name to use as a substitute if the font does not exist on a system. This must be Courier, Times or Helvetica because these are required to be on all machines. | |
Last 4 entries | Names of font files you created using the convertmacfont utility. |
Below, you'll find a sample entry.
"Avant Garde":w: Helvetica: AvantGarde-Book : AvantGarde-Demi:AvantGarde-BookOblique : AvantGarde-DemiOblique | |
You can localize current Showcase fonts by editing the file. Localizing a font gives Showcase the ability to recognize the localized font whenever a particular font is chosen from the font list.
To localize fonts:
Open the /usr/share/Showcase/ file by logging in as root and opening the file in a text editor. For example, type at the prompt in a shell window:
% su
# jot /usr/share/Showcase/
Find the lines that contain the font you want to localize.
For example, to localize the Times font, find the lines that look similar to this:
"Times":w: Times: Times-Roman : Times-Bold : Times-Italic : Times-BoldItalic | |
Add lines to the file that contain the localized information.
For example, to localize the Times font, the lines should look similar to this:
_TimesFR:w: Times: Times-Roman : Times-Bold : Times-Italic : Times-BoldItalic | |
$Times : ISxxxxx-x : _TimesFR |
_TimesFR represents a name you choose to represent the localized font. (Placing an underbar (_) in front of the fontname ensures that the fontname does not appear in the font list in the Master gizmo.)
w causes the words to wrap. For languages that do not use word wrapping, use n instead of w.
$Times refers to the font you want to localize.
ISxxxxx-x represents the encoding for the language you want. For languages that do not use the IS encoding, replace ISxxxxx-x with the proper encoding for your language.
Add similar lines of text for each font you want to localize.
Save and exit out of the file.
Showcase now recognizes the localized fonts.