This chapter provides all the reference information related to Site Manager. It contains the following sections:
The Site Manager Site View contains the following items:
“Menu Bar,” which contains the various menus (Session, Selected, Views, Options, and Help).
“Site Display Pane,” which displays information about the site in icon-based form.
“Site Controls,” which allow you to manipulate how the Site display shows the information.
“Site Action Pane,” which allows you to perform actions on the Web pages on your site.
“Site View Dialogs,” which provides information about the various dialogs available through the Site View (such as the Preferences dialog).
The menu bar contains the following menus:
Quick Find/Search For launches the Quick Find dialog, which allows you to find a particular document. See “Quick Find Dialog” for more information.
Show WorkArea displays the contents of your work area in a directory view. (Your work area is the directory where the files you have checked out of the source tree are placed while you work on them.)
The Print menu lets you choose between two options. Print Visible Site Outline, prints an indented directory view of the information currently being displayed in the Site View. Print Entire Site Outline prints an indented directory view of the entire site. This is an expanded list of all directories including their files and sub-directories.
Exit quits Site Manager.
The Selected menu contains the following items:
Preview allows you to preview the currently selected Web page. You can preview in either the Preview panel of the Site Action pane or in a separate browser window. You can also get this information by clicking the Preview tab in the Action pane.
Revision Info allows you to display the source control history, path, and other information related to the selected Web page's revision history. You can also get this information by clicking the Revision Info tab in the Action pane.
Link Info allows you to display the incoming and outgoing link information related to the selected Web page. You can also get this information by clicking the Link Info tab in the Action pane.
Validate allows you to check the links in your Web page, verify that all the references to inline graphics are correct, and make sure that the page contains only valid HTML. You can also get this information by clicking the Validate tab in the Action pane.
Statistics generates and displays statistics about your Web site. The statistics are based on the information in one of the following logs: access (the default), error, agent, and referrer. (For information about the log files, see “Log File Descriptions.”) You can also get this information by clicking the Statistics tab in the Action pane.
Check Out allows you to check the selected file out of the source repository. The file browser is launched to let you choose where to put the working copy of your file.
Check In allows you to check the selected file in to the source repository.
Edit allows you to edit the selected file. The default HTML editor is Cosmo Create, the VRML editor is Cosmo Worlds, the image editor is Image Works, and the text editor is jot; if you want to use a different editor, you can define it in the Preferences panel.
Make Copy launches the Site Manager “Copy Prompt Dialog,” which allows you to make a copy of the current file to a new filename. The default is filename_new.html.
Remove allows you to change the name of a Web page. You can remove single files, or sweep-select in the Site Display area and remove multiple files.
When a directory is removed, all files other than the RCS files are deleted, and that directory no longer appears in Site Manager. This allows you to recover the files in that directory through dirview or a UNIX shell at a later time if need be.
Rename allows you to change the name of a file. You can change the name of only one file at a time.
You cannot change the name of a directory with Site Manager.
Find and Replace finds and replaces specified text in the files you selected in the Site View.
Find in Work Area opens the work area directory that contains a file selected in the Site View. A file will be in your work area only if you have checked it out or copied it into your work area.
Lock Document(s) locks the current document so that other users cannot modify it.
Unlock Document(s) unlocks the current document.
New Document From Existing Local File lets you check in a new document (for example, if you have created a document outside of Site Manager that you want to include in the Site Manager database). Create Copy from Template lets you create a new document based on a template that is kept on the Site Manager server. See “Creating and Editing Document Templates.” See also “Checking in New Files.”
New Directory lets you name and create a new directory. The new directory appears within a directory you select in the Site View. If you have a file selected instead of a directory, then the new directory is placed within the same directory as the selected file.
The items on the Selected menu are also available through the right mouse button.
This menu contains the following items:
By Name lists files and directories in the Site View by name.
By Date lists files and directories in the Site View by date.
By Size lists files and directories in the Site View by size.
By Type lists files and directories in the Site View by type (those with the same filename extension are grouped together; for example, .html, .wrl, .pl, and so on).
Link View of Site launches the Link View, which shows your Web documents and the links between them in 3D hyperbolic space. The structure is shown as a hierarchy starting from a root node (usually the site's top-level index.html file).
Update Site Information launches the “Site Manager Initialization and Update Dialogs,” which allows you to perform a number of site-related administration functions, such as turning revision control on or off, in conjunction with updating your Site Manager database. (You need to update the database when changes are made outside of Site Manager on your site, such as new files being created, files being deleted, and so on through the UNIX shell.)
Initialize (New) Site sets up a new database at the specified URL. (The URL must be that of a web site server running Site Manager server software.) See also “Initializing the Site Database.”
The Options menu contains the Preferences dialog, which lets you change application defaults such as the default HTML editor and the default image editor. See “Preferences Dialog” for details.
The Help menu contains the following items:
Click for Help is also known as context-sensitive help. When selected, changes the cursor to a question mark. Place the question mark over the part of the interface on which you need information and click; the help topic for that item is launched.
Overview launches the Site Manager overview help topic.
Getting Started provides information on how to get up and running with Site Manager as quickly as possible
Tutorial shows you a quick walkthrough of the tasks you can perform with Site Manager.
How To provides you with information on how to perform all the critical tasks in Site Manager.
Reference provides all the reference information for Site Manger; information on each button, widget, panel, and dialog. This information is also available through Help > Click for Help.
Keys & Shortcuts launches a help card that displays the keyboard shortcuts for Site Manager.
Product Information launches a dialog that contains the copyright and version information.
The controls available for selecting and changing the site to which Site Manager is pointing are these:
Drop Pocket: Dropping a Web jumper into the site location drop pocket causes that site to be listed in the location text field. Similarly, you can drag the icon out of the drop pocket and put it on your desktop for future use.
Site Location: Displays the location of the site at which Site Manager is currently pointing. Enter the URL of a site in this field to view it through Site Manager. (The site must have a Site Manager server software and you must have initialized a database before you can view the site. See “Setting Up Your Site Manager Server” and “Initializing the Site Database.”)
Recycle: This button with circular arrows, to the right of the URL text field lets you view the history of the sites that you previously viewed through Site Manager and select one to load.
Load Web Site: If users have made changes to the site that you are currently viewing, or if you enter a new site in the location text field, you can display the new information in the display area by clicking this button.
This topic includes the following sections:
The Site Display area is the area in which all the files and directories available on your site are displayed. The information is displayed in a dirview-like manner; that is, the icons, filenames, and associated information are displayed graphically.
The thumb wheel allows you adjust the size of the information in the display area. Click and drag up to increase the size, click and drag down to decrease.
The small square below the thumb wheel resets the size of the information to the original default value.
The down arrow button opens up and displays the contents of all the directories on the current level. For example, if you are viewing the top level of your Web site and it contains only directories (for example, the directories of all the users at your Web site), clicking this button displays all the directories and files inside those directories.
The up arrow button closes all the currently open directories.
A number of frequently used functions are available through the action buttons at the bottom of the Display pane. Clicking these buttons performs the appropriate action and updates the display in the Site Action pane.
For clarity, the labels on the buttons change depending on whether the site has version control enabled or disabled. (For further information on the issues surrounding version control, see “About Version Control.”) Because the default is to have version control enabled, that button label is listed first.
The available buttons are these:
Check Out/Get Documents allows you to check the selected file out of the source repository. The file browser is launched to let you choose where to put the working copy of your file.
Check In/Publish allows you to check the selected file in to the source repository.
Edit allows you to edit the selected file. The default HTML editor is Cosmo Create, the VRML editor is Cosmo Worlds, the image editor is Image Works, and the text editor is jot; if you want to use a different editor, you can define it in Options > Preferences.
Remove allows you to remove a Web page. You can remove single files, or sweep-select in the Site Display area and remove multiple files.
![]() | Note: When a directory is removed, all files other than the RCS files are deleted, and that directory no longer appears in Site Manager. If you're using version control, you can still recover the files in that directory through dirview or a UNIX shell. |
In addition to the standard file icons, the Site Display pane uses the icons listed in Table 4-1 to describe the status of files.
Icon | Name | Description | |
| Locked File | This icon, which resembles a lock, appears next to files that are currently locked. Locked files cannot be modified by anyone other than the person who locked the file. See “Locking and Unlocking Files” for further information. | |
| Invalid File | This icon, which resembles the international symbol for “No,” indicates that the file is invalid in some way—it may contain incorrect HTML or broken links, for example. Click the Validate tab to generate a list that indicates where the file is invalid. See “Validating Files” for more info. |
The Site Action pane is a tabbed deck that provides you with access to five different panels: the “Preview Panel,” “Revision Info Panel,” “Link Info Panel,” “Validate Panel,” and “Statistics Panel.” Each panel allows you get information on and manipulate the Web pages of your site in a particular way.
All the panels contain a drop pocket containing the selected Web page, and the path of that Web page. Dragging an icon and dropping it into the drop pocket of a particular panel causes that panel's function to be run on that particular Web page. For example, if you drop a file into the pocket of the Revision Info panel, you will see the revision information for that Web page.
The Preview panel in the Site Action pane displays a preview version of your selected Web page. It contains the following items:
Preview: If checked, previews the selected Web page in a separate window using the browser listed in the text field. If unchecked, previews the Web page in the display area of the preview panel.
Use Local Copy: If checked, the local copy of Site Manager is previewed. (A local copy of the files is one that you have in your workarea, a file that you have either checked out or are editing.)
Use https: The display area of the preview panel doesn't currently support the viewing of documents via the secure server protocol. Clicking this checkbox automatically specifies another browser like Netscape to preview selected files. (Type the name of the browser you want to use in the “Use browser” text box.)
Navigation Control buttons: If you follow links from the previewed Web page, you can step back and forth through your navigation history with the back and forward buttons (just like in Netscape Navigator). The Reload button (the button with the circular arrow) updates the information displayed in the preview area (use this button if you have made any changes to the file you are previewing). The Stop button (red circle) cancels the load for the current Web page.
Print Document: Click this to print the document shown in the Preview window.
Quickstart Document: Displays the Site Manager Quickstart document—the document that appears when you first launch Site Manager—in the display area.
Display Area: The area in which the selected Web page is displayed.
The Revision Info panel in the Site Action pane displays the source control history for the selected file. It contains the following items:
Source History displays the version history of the selected file. You can check out an older version of the file by clicking the version you want and then clicking the Check Out... button. Clicking the Preview button brings up the preview panel with the selected version of the file displayed. Clicking the Show Diff button brings up a dialog that displays the differences between the selected version and the latest version of the file.
Get Copy allows you to check the selected file out of the source repository. The file browser is launched to let you choose where to put the working copy of your file.
Show Differences displays the differences between the selected and most recent versions of the file in gdiff. (For more information on the gdiff graphical file difference viewing tool, see the gdiff(1) man page.)
Preview allows you to preview the currently selected Web page. You can preview in either the Preview panel of the Site Action pane, or in a separate browser window. You can also get this information by clicking the Preview tab in the Action pane or choosing Selected > Preview from the menu bar.
The Link Info panel in the Site Action pane displays source control history and link information for the selected file. It contains the following items:
Incoming Links displays the list of inbound links for the selected file.
Outgoing Links displays the list of outbound links for the selected file.
See “About the Link Types” for an explanation of link types.
The Validate panel in the Site Action pane displays the results of a validation: broken links, incorrect HTML or VRML encoding, and so on. It contains the following items:
Local Site Links causes Site Manager to validate the links to documents that exist on the local site, and any inline graphics referenced by the Web pages.
External Site References causes Site Manager to validate the links to Web pages that exist on remote sites.
HTML/VRML Encoding causes Site Manager to verify that the HTML or VRML is valid for the selected Web pages.
Select To Show Detail displays any files that failed to be successfully validated. Click a particular item to get details on why that file failed to validate.
Document Validation Detail displays the reasons why a particular file failed validation. The broken links and invalid HTML are displayed in this list.
Edit launches the specified editor for a selected file (for example, Cosmo Create opens for editing an HTML file). Change the default editors in Options > Preferences.
The Statistics panel in the Site Action pane displays a number of statistics related to your site. You can generate statistics based on any of the following log files: access, error, agent, referrer. (See “Log File Descriptions” for a description of these log files.)
The panel contains the following items:
Access Logs allows you to select which log file to be used to generate the statistics. The default is the access log file.
Update generates the statistics.
Options button launches the “Statistics Options Dialog,” which allows you to control the date range over which the statistics are displayed, and whether they are displayed in a static or animated fashion.
Color in Link View displays an overview of the log data where each node is colored according to the number of hits it received instead of the default coloring according to MIME type. Nodes with many hits are red, and those with few hits are gray. This coloring shows the aggregate hits over a period of time.
Animate in Linkview causes the statistics to be dynamically displayed in the Link View. See “Statistics Visualization” for more information.
The statistics that Site Manager allows you to look at are based on four log files that are generated by a Web site server. These log files are:
Access log records each request made to the server by other clients and browsers. The access log files contain the hostname or IP address of the client, the date and time, the document requested, the success or failure status of the request, and the number of bytes sent over the wire in response to the request. Access logs are used to count hits and bytes, to see what documents are most requested, and to see who is accessing the server.
Agent log records which browsers are accessing the server. You can use the agent log files to tune the content for a particular audience based on the browser software or operating system.
Error log records various server errors. The server log files contain date and time stamps in addition to English text error messages. Error logs are used to fix configuration problems, broken server programs, and so on.
Referrer log records the URLs (both local and remote) that contain links to documents on the server. Each entry contains a pair of URLs, the URL that has just been requested, and the URL that “referred” a user to it. Referrer logs are used to track the URLs that point to your own URLs.
In addition to the two main views (“Site View” and “Link View”) of Site Manager, the following dialogs are also available:
Choose Session > Quick Find to search the Web site for a particular file. The Quick Find dialog contains the following items:
Find Document: Enter the name (or a part of the name) of the document you are trying to find in this field.
Search: Starts the search.
Clear: Clears the Find Document text field, allowing you to enter a new filename.
Close: Closes the dialog.
Results display area: All the files that match the filename in the Find Document text field are displayed in this area. Double-clicking an item will select it in “Site View” and “Link View.”
Choose Selected > Find and Replace to see this dialog, which contains the following items:
Change string: Type the name of the text string you want to replace
To string: Type the new text that will replace the text you indicated in Change string.
Using options: Exact Match replaces all instances of the exact text you typed in Change string and to string. Pattern Match replaces all instances of the text you type, ignoring case. For example, if you want to replace all instances of TARGET=”_top” with TARGET=”sidebar”, but you know that some files refer to Target or target instead of TARGET, you would use Pattern Match.
List box: All the files you selected in the Site View appear here. These are the files on which you want Find and Replace to work its magic.
Find in Site View: When you click a file in the list box, then click Find in Site, the Site View display automatically scrolls so you can see the corresponding file. You might use this feature when you want to double-check a selected file's contents in the Preview window.
Remove from List: Select a file in the list box, then click this button to remove the selection from the list of files to be included in the Find and Replace.
Restore List: Click this button if you accidently remove files from the list box.
Save List: Saves the current list of files that appear in the list box. You can use the saved list as a reference so that you know which files you changed. Or, you can save the list so you can perform the modifications yourself, at a later time, rather than have Site Manager perform the operation.
Perform Update: Click this button once you're satisfied with the entries you've made in the Find and Replace dialog.
Cancel Update: Click this button to exit Find and Replace without making any changes.
![]() | Note: If you leave the Find and Replace dialog open, then switch to the Site View and select new files, the list box doesn't automatically update. You need to close the Find and Replace dialog and open it again (by choosing Selected > Find and Replace) to update the list. |
When you attempt to check a file back in to your source tree (choose Selected > Check In), the Check In dialog comes up to verify information about your file and allow you to include comments with that version of the file. The dialog contains the following items:
Local Filename: The full pathname of the file in your workarea. Click the Browse... button to use the file browser to select a filename.
Publish To: The name of the published version of the file. (In other words, the name of the file as it will be viewed by people surfing in to the Web server.)
Remove Local File: If checked, the copy of the file in your local workarea is removed after the file is successfully checked in to the source repository. It is recommended that you leave this unchecked; backup copies of the file are not created, and so it would be easy to accidentally remove files you meant to keep.
Notification: The email address of the person(s) notified when the file is checked in. You can leave this field blank if you don't want to use this feature.
Comments: Enter any comments associated with this version of the file in the Comments area. You can leave this field blank if you don't have any comments.
OK: Applies the displayed options and dismisses the dialog.
Cancel: Cancels the current operation.
![]() | Note: Site Manager attempts to automatically fill in the correct information in the Local Filename and Publish To text fields. |
The Copy Prompt appears in the following instances:
When you want to make a copy of a selected file (choose Selected > Make Copy). The dialog contains a text field in which you enter the name you want the new file to have. The default filename is filename_new.html, where filename is the name of the file you selected to copy.
When you want to create a new document based on a template (choose Selected > New Document > Create Copy From Template. The default filename is doc_new.html.
The Copy Prompt dialog has the following options:
Make Copy Only makes a new document based on the file you selected to copy (as in Selected > Make Copy) or on an HTML template found on the Site Manager server (as in Selected > New Document > Create Copy From Template). Make Copy places the copy in the same directory as the selected file. Create Copy From Template places the new file in the selected directory.
Make Copy And Get Document/Check Out does the same thing as Make Copy and also places the new file in your work area for later editing. This process also locks the document so no one else can edit the file while it is in your work area.
Make Copy And Edit does the same thing as Make Copy And Get Document/Check Out and also opens the file in the default editor.
See also:
The database initialization dialog pops up when you choose Views > Initialize New Site. A similar dialog appears when you update the database (choose Views > Update Site Information).
Site Manager Server/Location: The location of the Site Manager server.
Server/Location: The location of the Web server.
These two fields will be different only if you are administering a Web server that is not the same system as your Site Manager server (for example, in the case that the server is on a different system, or you have several servers with different port number on the same system). This is usually the case when you wish to have a more secure environment.
In either case, the document root location is the same.
If a sub-site is specified (a directory), then both the Site Manager Server/Location and the Server/Location need to match and reflect that directory. For example:
Site Manager Server/Location: Server/Location: |
Log File Directory: The directory in which the HTTP server log files are stored.
Directories to Exclude From Processing: Allows you to prevent Site Manager from including certain directories when it updates the database. For example, you should exclude any directories that exist outside your Web site and are referenced by symbolic links within your Web site. Type the directory names you want to exclude, separating each with a semi-colon.
By default, the following directories are excluded:
These directories represent typical Silicon Graphics software, which you may have installed on your system. By excluding these and other directories not directly referenced by your Web site, you get a more accurate picture of the Web site. More importantly, excluding directories not in the Web site avoids accidental deletion or modification of the files in these areas and speeds up Site Manager processing.
“Home”-type Pages allows you to enter the names of Web pages that Site Manager considers home pages. The defaults are index.html and home.html.
Email Results To allows you to designate the user to whom email is sent when the database build has been successfully completed.
Use Version Control. If checked, enables version control through the RCS revision control system on the selected site.
Update Fields Only updates the configuration file containing the above information (Server location, Log file directory, and so on)
Update Database updates the database—this action can take a while, so be patient; Clear clears all the information from the text fields
Cancel cancels the initialization and dismisses the dialog.
For first time initialization, the dialog contains a different set of buttons:
Initialize Database causes the database initialization process to begin (you will receive email when the process is complete).
Clear clears all the information from the text fields.
Cancel cancels the initialization and dismisses the dialog; Help launches this help topic.
This dialog allows you to control the date range over which the statistics are displayed. To see the dialog, click the Options button in the Statistics panel. The dialog contains the following options:
Begin Date: The start date for the statistics operations. Enter a date in the text field or move the slider to select a start date. The list is generated from the access logs.
End Date: The end date for the statistics operations. Enter a date in the text field or move the slider to select an end date. The list is generated from the access logs.
OK applies the displayed options and dismisses the dialog.
Defaults resets all the fields to their original default values.
Cancel cancels the current operation.
Help launches the help card for the dialog.
This dialog lets you choose how the Statistics option in the Site View will display in the Link View. To see the dialog, click Animate in Linkview in the Statistics panel.
View follows traffic: Each node that is hit will automatically move to the center of the sphere so that you can see where the activity is occurring.
Persistent trails: Each path between a source and destination node stays highlighted in yellow instead of returning to the default link color. These trails form a visual record of past activity.
The Preferences dialog allows you to change such Site Manager defaults as the HTML editor and the image editor. To see the dialog, choose Options > Preferences.
HTML Editor: Allows you to select which HTML editor is launched when you click the Edit button with an HTML file selected. The default is Cosmo Create.
VRML Editor: Allows you to select which VRML editor is launched when you click the Edit button with a VRML file selected. The default is Cosmo Worlds.
Image Editor: Allows you to select which image editor is launched when you click the Edit button with an image file selected. The default is Image Works.
Text Editor: Allows you to select which text editor is launched when you check out and/or edit a document of MIME type “text/*” but not “text/html,” or if the file is a CGI script. (For example, an image map file.) The default is jot.
Current Base Workarea: Allows you to select the directory in which your files reside when you check them out of the source repository. The default is $HOME/sitemgr_wa.
Show Workarea: Displays the contents of your workarea in dirview.
Prompt for Location to Place Files: When this option is checked, a dialog appears each time you check files out to ask you where you want to place the files.
Side-by-Side Orientation: When checked, shows “Site Display Pane” and “Site Action Pane” side by side. The default shows the display pane on top and the action pane below.
Automatically Load Last Site When Started: When checked, launching Site Manager loads the last site you viewed before you last exited the program.
Select Server(s) to Remove from the History List: Displays a history list of servers that you've loaded in Site Manager. Click a server's name to select it for removal.
Remove Server(s): Allows you to remove entries from the Server History List.
OK applies the displayed options and dismisses the dialog.
Defaults resets all the fields to their original default values.
Cancel cancels the current operation.
Help launches the help card for the dialog.
The Link View window (Figure 1-2) displays the hyperlinked structure of your Web site, which is how a visitor to your site will experience it. This may look quite different from the directory structure of the server's filesystem that you see in Site View.
You can navigate through the three-dimensional link view and choose which Web pages and links to display. The color of the nodes that represent Web documents tells you their file type, and the color of the links shows whether they're coming into or going out of a document.
The Link View shows the site in a special kind of 3D space called “hyperbolic space,” where the documents and links move so that you can see a great deal of context surrounding the document that's the current focus of your attention. Figure 1-2 shows the Link View window looking onto a small Web site.
For details on the link view, see the following sections:
The Link View considers Web documents (such as HTML pages, images, MPEGs, or VRML files) as nodes, which are drawn as cubes in the 3D scene. Link view contains the following types of nodes:
A parent node is a document containing hyperlinks that lead to its child nodes.
A leaf node is a document with no children.
The base color of a node denotes its MIME type (as specified on the server). For details on the node colors, look at the legend at the bottom of the link view.
Selected nodes are always highlighted in yellow. Nodes are temporarily highlighted in green as the mouse pointer moves over them.
The Site Manager Link View allows you to display three different types of links:
Main (Incoming and Outgoing): Always drawn. Link from a child node to its main parent. The Link View uses both the directory structure (as found in the URL) and the hyperlink structure of the site to determine which node is the main parent. For example, a file /bar/baz.htm might be the child of two nodes: /bar/index.html and /non/sense/other.html. Link View uses the former one for the main parent.
Indirect (Incoming and Outgoing): Drawn on demand. An outgoing link is a link from the selected node to a node that is not its own child (as defined above). For instance, a page that has an index of the entire site is likely to have many outgoing links. An Incoming link is a link to the selected node from a node that is not its main parent (as defined above). For instance, a logo image is likely to have many incoming links.
You can tell the direction of a link by the coloring. Red indicates an incoming link, while blue indicates an outgoing link.
Links from image maps (both embedded and external map files) are treated as if they exist in the HTML file itself.
The Link View menu bar contains the following menus:
The Link View File menu contains the following options:
Open History lets you open a previously saved Link View file. When Link View is running from a saved file instead of being driven directly from the Site View, much of the Site View functionality is unavailable. The reopened file may look different from the original file if you have changed the Link View Preferences since saving.
Save History lets you save the current configuration and 3D position of the Link View structure to a file.
Save Image As lets you save a Silicon Graphics format (RGB) image of the current link view window.
Close closes the Link View.
The Indirect Links menu allows you to display or hide the different indirect links for the selected node. If an option is grayed out, that option either does not exist for that node or has already been selected. (See “About the Link Types,” for a discussion of the different link types available in the Link View.) The available selections are:
Outgoing > Show Links: Allows you to display the outgoing links from the current node.
Outgoing > Hide Links: Allows you to hide the outgoing links from the current node.
Incoming > Show Links: Allows you to display the incoming links from the current node.
Incoming > Hide Links: Allows you to hide the incoming links from the current node.
Other menus include:
Select Subtree: Selects all visible nodes in the subtree beneath the currently selected node.
Preview: Same as Preview in Site View. Allows you to preview the currently selected Web page. You can preview in either the Preview panel of the Site Action pane, or in a separate browser window.
Revision Info: Same as Revision Info in Site View. Allows you to display the source control history information related to the selected Web page.
Link Info: Same as Revision Info in Site View. Allows you to display the incoming and outgoing link information related to the selected Web page.
Validate: Same as Validate in Site View. Allows you to check the links in your Web page, verify that all the references to inline graphics are correct, and make sure that the page contains only valid HTML or VRML.
Set as Root Node: Reloads the tree using the selected node as the root node for the tree.
The items on the Selected menu are also available through the right mouse button.
![]() | Note: If you have selected multiple nodes, only the Validate and Indirect Links rolling menus are available. |
The Views menu in the Link View contains the following items:
Center repositions the current root node to the center of the sphere.
Reset Color reverts the Link View to its original color scheme (after selecting Statistics > Color in Link View; see “Statistics Visualization”).
Reload reverts to the start-up view you see when you open Link View for the first time; turns off all non-main links, reverts to the default expand or contract levels and the default root node. The default root node is repositioned to the center of the sphere.
The Options menu lets you to launch the Preferences dialog, which contains the following items:
Other Media allows you to display links to other media (movie files, for example).
External Site Links allows you to display external sites. An entire external site is represented as a single, white node.
Orphans allows you to display orphan sites, which are not directly accessible from the root node. Orphans are drawn as additional subtrees beneath the topmost node. There may be outgoing links from orphan nodes to the main tree, but there will not be any incoming links.
The Sphere turns the orientation sphere in the Link View on and off.
Background Color lets you select the Link View's background color. The default is black.
Text Labels lets you choose whether short or long text labels should be displayed with nodes.
Apply applies the displayed options and dismisses the dialog.
Defaults resets all the fields to their original default values.
Cancel cancels the current operation.
Help launches “Changing Link View Preferences.”
The Link View display shows your site's nodes arranged in a 3D hyperbolic globe. At startup, the base Web page for your site (in general, the main index.html file in the main Web directory, /var/www/htdocs) is located in the center. You can move around the site by either clicking a particular node or clicking and dragging the entire structure.
The node legend at the bottom of the display tells you what the various node colors mean (standard HTML Web pages are in cyan, images are purple, and so on).
The Link View display (the color schemes, the links themselves) changes when you click Visualize in Link View in the statistics panel. For details on the changes, see “Statistics Visualization.”
Select a file and click the Statistics tab. When you click Animate in Linkview, the Link View appears (if it is not already open) and changes in the following ways:
All nodes in the Link View are recolored as gray, to indicate that they are “cold” (no one has accessed that node).
As hits occur, the nodes gradually change color to red to indicate that they are “hot” (lots of hits).
The link paths are highlighted to show that a link has been followed from one node to another.
Statistical information displayed in the Link View is taken from the access logs. Some configuration work may need to be done to the server for the information to be displayed properly. See the section on “Log Analysis via Site Manager” in Chapter 2 of the release notes for details.
If you click Color in Linkview, the information from the access log is collected and the nodes are recolored as described above, but the action is not dynamically animated in the Link View.
![]() | Note: Click Reset Color in the Link View to return its color scheme to the original setting. |
See also:
You can use the buttons on the mouse in the Link View display area for the following:
Left mouse click: Move node under mouse to center and select it.
Shift-left mouse click: Select node, can be used for multiple selections. Also use to deselect one file in a multiple selection.
Left mouse drag: Translate the structure.
Middle mouse drag: Rotate the structure around the center of the view.
Right mouse click: Provides you with the Selected menu for actions on selected node(s).
The bottom of the link view contains a number of controls:
The legend at the bottom left portion of the Link View describes how the view is coloring nodes and link paths.
Generations lets you choose how much of the tree structure to see at once. You can limit the number of generations shown above and below the current center node in order to focus your attention on a small part of the structure without being distracted by the rest. The part that is drawn will change as you move through the structure since the center node changes dynamically. The default is All, which draws as many generations as possible.
Label Region lets you to choose how many nodes are drawn with text labels. When too many labels are drawn, the display is cluttered and hard to read. When too few labels are drawn, you can't see which node represents which document. The right balance depends on the characteristics of the site that you are inspecting and your preference. The slider controls how large the node must appear onscreen before a label is drawn. Choosing a low value will draw labels for only the largest nodes, while a high value will draw labels even for small nodes on the outskirts of the sphere. Choosing the lowest value, 0%, will turn off label drawing.
Center repositions the current root node to the middle of the globe.
Reset Color resets the colors back to the Link View defaults after you have used statistics visualization (see “Generating and Viewing Statistics About Your Web Site”).
Close dismisses the link view.
The keyboard shortcuts for Site Manager are show in Table 4-2. In the table, LV indicates that the shortcut is used only in the Link View.
Key | Action |
Ctrl-C | Make a copy of the selected node |
Ctrl-E | Open selected node for editing |
Ctrl-H | Get link info on selected node |
Ctrl-I | Get revision info on selected node |
Ctrl-K | Check out current node |
Shift-Ctrl-K | Check in current node |
Ctrl-L | Launch link view of site |
Ctrl-N | Create a new directory |
Ctrl-O (LV) | Open history |
Ctrl-P | Print directory view of site |
Ctrl-Q | Exit Site Manager |
Ctrl-R (LV) | Preview selected node |
Ctrl-S | Launch Search/Quick Find tool |
Ctrl-S (LV) | Save history |
Ctrl-V | Validate selected node |
Ctrl-W (LV) | Close Link View |
Shift-F1 | Enable click-for-help |
This section contains the following topics:
When you upgrade from an earlier version of Site Manager, make sure you perform the following tasks:
If you are the system administrator, upgrade new Site Manager software on the system which acts as the Site Manager server. Make sure you include both sitemgr.sw.base and sitemgr.sw.server in the upgrade, along with sitemgr.sw.client.
All users in the workgroup must update the Web site database that was previously built by the Site Manager initialization process. When users first attempt to load the particular Web site, Site Manager prompts them to re-initialize the site database. See also “Updating the Site Database.”
This section includes the following topics:
Make sure you read “Setting Up Your Site Manager Server” for detailed information on preparing your server for a software install. Some troubleshooting issues include:
Did you correctly set up a secure environment for your server by referring to the Site Manager release notes and your Web server documentation?
Did you install both the base and server software?
If your site is large (over 25,000-30,000 documents and servable objects), did you correctly partition your site?
The initial database creation step may take some time, proportional to the number of documents at the top level of your directory tree. If your directory tree contains over 25,000-30,000 documents, Site Manager may take so long that it appears to stall on initialization.
Try the following to increase the speed of the initialization:
If your site is very large, you should partition your Web site into sub-sections. See “Partitioning a Large Site” for details.
Run the Site Manager client on sub-directories (sub-sites) within your document tree. See “Initializing the Site Database.”
Make sure you have excluded directories that are not part of your Web site. For example, you might have some temporary storage directories that include symbolic links to users' home directories. Type the directories you want to exclude in the Directories to Exclude From Processing text box in the “Site Manager Initialization and Update Dialogs.”
If you need to stop the initialization process before it is complete, log in as root (su) and type /etc/killall smdbf.cgi at the prompt. Note that you should usually let the initialization process continue until it is done.
If the initialization process was somehow aborted, remove the following files before trying to initialize the database again:
If you need to completely re-initialize your database, you can run the following command from a shell (where document_root could be /var/www/htdocs, for example):
# /usr/sitemgr/bin/smdbf.cgi document_root
If this process is somehow aborted, the file document_root/.sitemgr/sm.init must be removed before smdbf.cgi can be executed again.
This function can also be performed from the Site Manager client. See “Initializing the Site Database.”
You should update the database if documents on your site are changed without going through the Site Manager client. For example, editing or removing documents directly within the document root. Site Manager should detect the modifications made within your document root and prompt you for an update. See also “Updating the Site Database.”
If you are running a separate HTTP server instance for utilizing Site Manager (see Installation Information in Chapter 2 of the release notes ), make sure you differentiate between the Site Manager Server/Location and the Server/Location in the Site Manager Initialization dialog.
The value specified for Server/Location should be the server and port that people normally use to view your site. For example, the two entries may look like:
SiteMgr Server/Location:
If Site Manager is being run through the same HTTP server instance that people normally use to view your site, then the entries should be identical.
When initializing the database, Site Manager only picks up documents and directories that are found off the document root for the HTTP server instance you have specified. Documents and directories can be in the form of symbolic links (which are automatically followed), found somewhere within the document root. Anything outside of the document root will not be picked up if there is no symbolic link to it from within the document root.
In particular, user documents with URLs of the form will not be found unless there is a symbolic link from within the document root to the user's Unix directory (default location ~jsmith/public_html).
See also:
If your entire Web site (under the top level of the document directory tree) is not showing up in Site Manager, check the following:
Make sure you correctly initialized the database. For steps on this process, see “Initializing the Site Database.” For troubleshooting information, see “General Tips.”
Check to see if the missing directories are excluded from processing. Look at the Directories to Exclude From Processing text box in the Site Manager Initialization dialog. See “Site Manager Initialization and Update Dialogs” for a full list of directories that Site Manager excludes by default.
![]() | Note: Due to statistics processing and speed issues, we recommend that you do not remove entries unless absolutely necessary. |
Make sure the file permissions on your Site Manager server are correct. See the paragraph on file permissions in “Important Notes for the Site Administrator.”
Here are some common problems that cause version control to work incorrectly or not at all:
You didn't install Revision Control System (RCS) software (eoe.sw.rcs). On IRIX 6.2 systems, you can install that subsystem from your IRIX 6.2 part 1 of 2 CD. On IRIX 6.3/4/5 systems, you can install it from your IRIX 6.3/4/5 CD.
Site Manager is looking for RCS in the wrong place. By default, Site Manager looks for the existence of a Revision Control System (RCS) Utility program in /usr/sbin/rcs. If you have installed the RCS binaries in a different location, you should create the following symbolic links:
# ln -s <your_location>/rcs /usr/sbin/rcs
# ln -s <your_location>/ci /usr/sbin/ci
# ln -s <your_location>/co /usr/sbin/co
# ln -s <your_location>/rcsmerge /usr/sbin/rcsmerge
# ln -s <your_location>/rcsdiff /usr/sbin/rcsdiff
# ln -s <your_location>/rlog /usr/sbin/rlog
Your Site Manager server has the wrong file permissions. See the paragraph on file permissions in “Important Notes for the Site Administrator.”
Other version control issues:
If Version Control is turned off, you will lose the ability to track multiple versions of HTML, VRML and text files (and also apply revision comments to them), as well as apply locks to documents.
Image files and other binary objects are not placed under version control at this time.
If Version Control is turned on, RCS subdirectories will be created in every directory of your site if they do not already exist. As a result, the time stamp of every directory in your site will be set to the time at which you initialize the database. Whenever you update the database, files that were changed outside of Site Manager will be checked in and the time stamp of directories in which they reside will be reset.
See also the bulleted item Version control thinks a removed file still exists in “Problems With Directories and Files.”
Here are some common problems you may see when working with directories and files:
Image Maps don't appear or don't work right. Because Site Manager doesn't acknowledge image map files referenced within an HTML document, we recommend that you embed your image map information within your document, as outlined in the HTML 3.0 specification (utilize the <MAP> tag).
Directory isn't removed. When you select a directory and choose Selected > Remove in the Site View, Site Manager removes the files in the directory, but not the directory itself. You (or the Site Manager administrator) need to manually remove the directory from the Site Manager server using a directory view or shell window.
Directory doesn't appear in the Site View. Site Manager does not display empty directories to the end-user. So an empty directory that exists on the server will not appear in the Site View. Any new directories you create using the Selected > New Directory command will appear in the Site View, but not on the server until they're populated. If you create a new directory in Site Manager (using Selected > New Directory) with the same name as an empty directory that already exists under your document root, and populate it with documents, Site Manager places the new files in the existing directory.
Files don't appear in the Site View. If you have version control turned “on” and your Web server is running under a user id that can't write to the directories under your document root, then some (or possibly all) of your HTML files will not be published by Site Manager. The result? The files don't appear in the Site View. Solutions to this problem include turning off version control or changing your file permissions. See the paragraph on file permissions in “Important Notes for the Site Administrator.”
Version control thinks a removed file still exists. You might see the error message “Document Does Not Exist” or “No such file or directory” if you or someone else manually removes a file on the site server (for example, using the rm command). If this happens, you need to update your database. See “Updating the Site Database.”
You accidentally deleted a file that was under version control. When you remove a file by choosing Selected > Remove from the Site View menu, Site Manager does not delete the RCS history file. Site Manager behaves this way to provide a “safety-net” in case you accidently deleted a file and need to recover it. The site administrator can recover the file through the RCS command set. See RCS(1) for more information.
Spell checking doesn't work. If you wish to enable the spell checking feature for the Validation module, you will need to install eoe.sw.spell (the Spell Utilities), if this subsystem is not already installed on the server machine.
Preview has a number of “quirks.” The general workaround is to specify that Site Manager previews documents not using the built-in Preview. See “Previewing Using Other Browsers.”
You should use an alternate browser in the following cases:
Your document contains Java applets.
You need to display a document using a secure channel (the "HTTPS" protocol).
Your document contains or consists solely of a filetype that relies on a plug-in for viewing. See “Plug-ins Don't Appear in Preview” for another workaround that involves editing X resources.
The built-in Previewer may also have trouble with loading certain images. If clicking the reload (circular arrow) button does not cause these images to load, you may want to examine how the <IMG> tags are specified. In the case where the attribute "SGI_SRC" is set, it must appear before the attribute "SRC" (which designates the HTTP path to the image file).
If Preview always defers to another browser, even after you have deselected the Preview/Using checkbox, make sure that “Use https” is also deselected.
Preview doesn't display plug-ins by default. If you want to view media that requires a plug-in, click the Preview/Use browser button in the “Preview Panel.” When you double-click a file, the specified browser displays the content.
![]() | Tip: If you are familiar with editing X resources, you can specify that Preview use plug-ins. In general, the preferred way of setting up or changing X resources is to specify them in a local .Xdefaults file. This would typically be done by following these steps: |
Edit $HOME/.Xdefaults (or create this file if it doesn't already exist).
Add the line SiteMgr*plugins_enabled: True
Save the file and exit.
Restart Site Manager if you had it open.
Also see the X(1) man pages.
If nothing happens in the Link View window when you select the Animate in Linkview button, try the following solutions:
The documents which are being hit may be far enough from the current viewpoint that you cannot see them flash. Try enabling the View follows traffic checkbox in the StatsPlay popup window.
The documents which are being hit may be turned off in the Link View display. Try turning on the Display checkboxes for Other Media, External Site Links, and Orphans on the Link View Preferences panel, which can be found under the Options menu item.
The Link View window may be showing only a part of the structure of your site. This could happen if you previously re-rooted the tree shown in Link View with the Set As Root Node menu item. Try selecting the Reload item under the View menu in the Link View window to see the whole structure.
The best way to troubleshoot end-user problems is to avoid them entirely. Here you'll find out how to avoid conflicts with existing software and other tips.
Conflicts with Netscape FastTrack Personal Server. Site Manager can get into a “hung” state if the Site Manager Server Extensions (sitemgr.sw.server) are used in conjunction with a Netscape FastTrack Personal Server, version 2.0P (ns_fasttrack) or earlier. In earlier versions of this server there were problems handling CGI (Common Gateway Interface) processes which could cause this situation. The workaround is to upgrade to (at least) version 2.01 of ns_fasttrack. Version 2.01 can be found on the IRIX 6.5 Applications CD, or on the IRIX Applications CD (for IRIX 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4) which was released in August of 1997.
Using Site Manager with OutBox. Sites making use of the OutBox Personal Web Site Tools (outbox.sw.*) for maintaining content may want to also use Site Manager. Note that Site Manager could be used in place of the OutBox Tools; however, utilizing both tools is possible. When you use Site Manager with OutBox, files published, removed, or updated through the OutBox need to be “recognized” by the Site Manager database. To make that happen, the Site Manager database needs to be updated so that it reflects the changes made to the site. In Site Manager's Site View, choose Views > Update Site Information, follow the instructions on the dialog, and click Update Database. See also “Updating the Site Database.”
Site Manager and firewalls. Administering a site (or following links from the Preview window) through a firewall situation (utilizing a SOCKS host, for instance) requires the use of the -webprefs (or -web) command-line option when starting up the Site Manager client:
% /usr/sbin/sitemgr -webprefs
See sitemgr(1) for more information on all command-line options.
File permissions. The Site Manager server processes are “owned” by the same user ID as your HTTP server. If you are using Site Manager to add or remove documents from your document root directory (or from areas of your document root), that user ID must be able to perform that function. In order to avoid file access problems within Site Manager, you may need to run your HTTP server (or another HTTP server instance) under a user ID that can perform such functions in your document root. Some possible methods are outlined below. Also see the following man pages for more information: ls(1), chmod(1), chown(1), passwd(4).
Here are some methods you can use to avoid permissions problems:
Run the server under an appropriate user ID. For example, if your HTTP server instance is running under a privileged user ID, such as “root,” then Site Manager should have no problem writing or reading files found under your document root. You may need to consider creating a user ID with the appropriate capabilities. To get your HTTP server instance to utilize (run under) a new user ID, stop your server, change the user setting, and then restart the server. If you are using a Netscape server, use the Administration Server to change the User in the System Settings section, or edit the magnus.conf file. If you are using an NCSA or Apache server, edit the User and Group settings in the httpd.conf file. We strongly advise you to consider establishing a secure environment when using Site Manager. For instructions on setting up a secure server for Site Manager, see the section on “Security and SiteMgr” in Chapter 2 of the release notes.
Check ownership and permissions modes of all files. The files and directories you want to maintain (write or publish to) under Site Manager should be areas that can be properly accessed by the user ID for which your HTTP server instance (used by Site Manager) is running. You may need to modify these permissions using standard IRIX commands. See see the following man pages for more information: ls(1), chmod(1), chown(1), passwd(4).
Run a separate Site Manager server. Alternatively, you can run a separate HTTP server instance (on a unique port number) whose sole purpose is to provide access to the Site Manager CGI scripts. This server will most likely run as root and use the same document root directory as the existing HTTP document server. In addition, you can apply strict access control to the second server that guards the use of Site Manager but does not effect the primary document server.