Written by Carolyn Curtis, Francisco Razo, and Linda Rae Sande
Revised by Francisco Razo
Illustrated by Dan Young and Carolyn Curtis
Production by Karen Jacobson and Rena Patel
Engineering contributions by Don Adams, Rich Altmaier, Dick Brownell, Michael T. Brown, Tom Crapisi, Steven Dean, Dave Deherder, Vince Duperron, Kim Gustafson, Nancy Heller, Greg Howard, Christopher Lindahl, Robert Novak, James Passint, Craig Schultz, Addison Snell, Gary Spilde, Brian Stickney, Traci Wilson, and Michael Wright.
Cover Design By Sarah Bolles, Sarah Bolles Design, and Dany Galgani, SGI Technical Publications
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Revision 001 | July 2000 | ||
Initial Rev | |||
Revision 002 | December 2001 | ||
Second Rev |