
13W3 pinouts
DG5 Board Monitor Connector (13W3) Pinouts

AES-3id digital audio
PCI Audio Board

Bedrock ASIC
Linked Microprocessors and Bricks

board and pipe slots
Vx15 brick
V–brick Rear Panel Items

board slots
Gx15 brick for InfiniteReality pipes
G–brick Rear Panel Items

specifications, physical
Brick-Level Specifications
Brick-Level Specifications
specifications, power
Power Specifications

cabling options
DG5 board
DG5 Board Monitor Cabling Options

chassis connected together
Powering On the System

circuit breaker switches
Powering On the System

CRUs (customer replaceable units)
Customer-replaceable Units

customer replaceable units (CRUs)
Customer-replaceable Units

Cx15 brick
local memory
Architecture and Memory
specifications, physical
Brick-Level Specifications
specifications, power, 2 processors
Power Specifications
specifications, power, 4 processors
Power Specifications

default video format
Using Your Monitor

DG5 board
cabling options
DG5 Board Monitor Cabling Options

DG5 graphics board
DG5 Graphics Board
DG5 Board Monitor Cabling Options

difference in ground potential
Powering On the System

distributed shared memory

documentation conventions
Conventions and Terminology

Dx15 brick
D-brick (Optional)
specifications, physical
Brick-Level Specifications
specifications, power
Power Specifications

electrostatic discharge (ESD)
General Safety Information
Electrostatic Discharge

ESD (electrostatic discharge)
General Safety Information
Electrostatic Discharge

ESI/Ops panel module
L2 Controller

Ethernet connector
Connecting Your System to an Ethernet

facade on the G-brick
Identification of CRUs

features of the SGI Onyx 3000 series graphics system
Additional System Features

fibre channel
disk drives, in Ix15 brick
Power Specifications

fibre channel disk drives
D-brick (Optional)

graphics-to-video option
Connectors on the Optional GVO Daughterboard

Gx15 brick
G–brick Components
Identification of CRUs
in SGI Onyx 3200 graphics system
SGI Onyx 3200 Graphics System with G–brick and InfiniteReality Graphics
in SGI Onyx 3400 graphics system
SGI Onyx 3400 Graphics System with G–brick and InfiniteReality Graphics
in SGI Onyx 3800 graphics system
SGI Onyx 3800 Graphics System with G–brick and InfiniteReality Graphics
InfiniteReality pipe board slots
G–brick Rear Panel Items
Graphics Bricks (G–brick and V–brick)
specifications, physical
Brick-Level Specifications
specifications, power
Power Specifications

horizontal and vertical sync
DG5 Board Monitor Cabling Options

InfinitePerformance graphics pipes
Graphics Bricks (G–brick and V–brick)
supported by Vx15 brick
Graphics Bricks (G–brick and V–brick)

InfiniteReality graphics pipes
Customize Your System
Graphics Bricks (G–brick and V–brick)
Nx15 brick connections
N–brick (Optional)
supported by Gx15 brick
Graphics Bricks (G–brick and V–brick)

InfiniteReality pipe boards
Gx15 brick slots
G–brick Rear Panel Items

Ix15 brick
fibre channel disk drives
Power Specifications
Power Specifications
specifications, physical
Brick-Level Specifications
specifications, power
Power Specifications

keyboard and mouse connections
Keyboard and Mouse Port Configuration

L1 controller
and Vx15 brick
V–brick L1 Controller

L2 controller
specifications, physical
Brick-Level Specifications
specifications, power
Power Specifications

L2 controller touch display
Powering On the System
Powering Off the System
L2 Controller Touch Display

lithium battery warning statement

lithium battery warning statements
Lithium Battery Statement

How the Hardware Components Work Together

NUMAlink features
Multirack Interconnect Features

Nx15 brick
N–brick Components
N–brick (Optional)
power switch
N–brick Rear Panel Items
PWR connector
N–brick Rear Panel Items
specifications, physical
Brick-Level Specifications
specifications, power
Power Specifications

physical specifications
Brick-Level Specifications

pinouts for the monitor connectors
DG5 Board Monitor Connector (13W3) Pinouts

power bay
specifications, physical
Brick-Level Specifications

power specifications
Power Specifications

power supply, power bay
Power Specifications
specifications, physical
Brick-Level Specifications
specifications, power
Power Specifications

powering off
Powering Off the System

powering on
Powering On the System
Powering On the System

private secondary cache
Linked Microprocessors and Bricks

Px15 brick
P-brick (Optional)
Power Specifications
specifications, physical
Brick-Level Specifications
specifications, power
Power Specifications

short rack specifications, physical
System-Level Specifications
tall rack specifications, physical
System-Level Specifications

Rx15 brick
Power Specifications
specifications, physical
Brick-Level Specifications
specifications, power
Power Specifications

SGI Onyx 3000 graphics systems
system level specifications
System-Level Specifications

SGI Onyx 3000 series graphics systems
SGI Onyx 3000 Series Models

SGI Onyx 3200 graphics systems
SGI Onyx 3200 Graphics Systems

SGI Onyx 3400 graphics systems
SGI Onyx 3400 Graphics Systems

SGI Onyx 3800 graphics systems
SGI Onyx 3800 Graphics Systems

short rack
specifications, physical
System-Level Specifications

Ix15 brick
Power Specifications
power supply, power bay
Power Specifications
Px15 brick
Power Specifications
Rx15 brick
Power Specifications
system level
System-Level Specifications
Xx15 brick
Power Specifications

specifications for audio
PCI Audio Board

specifications, physical
Brick-Level Specifications
Brick-Level Specifications
Cx15 brick
Brick-Level Specifications
Dx15 brick
Brick-Level Specifications
Gx15 brick
Brick-Level Specifications
Ix15 brick
Brick-Level Specifications
L2 controller
Brick-Level Specifications
Nx15 brick
Brick-Level Specifications
power bay
Brick-Level Specifications
power supply, power bay
Brick-Level Specifications
Px15 brick
Brick-Level Specifications
Rx15 brick
Brick-Level Specifications
short rack
System-Level Specifications
tall rack
System-Level Specifications
Vx15 brick
Brick-Level Specifications
Xx15 brick
Brick-Level Specifications

specifications, power
Power Specifications
Cx15 brick, 2 processors
Power Specifications
Cx15 brick, 4 processors
Power Specifications
Dx15 brick
Power Specifications
Gx15 brick
Power Specifications
Ix15 brick
Power Specifications
L2 controller
Power Specifications
Nx15 brick
Power Specifications
power supply, power bay
Power Specifications
Px15 brick
Power Specifications
Rx15 brick
Power Specifications
Vx15 brick
Power Specifications
Xx15 brick
Power Specifications

SuperWide monitor
G–brick Components
System Maintenance and Safety Information
Using Your Monitor

tall rack
physical specifications
System-Level Specifications

technical specifications for audio
PCI Audio Board

terminology used in this guide
Conventions and Terminology

and Rx15 brick
Power Specifications

USB keyboard
Keyboard and Mouse Port Configuration

vertical sync for monitors
DG5 Board Monitor Cabling Options

voltage select switches for peripherals
Powering On the System

Vx15 brick
block diagram
V–brick Midplane
board and pipe slots
V–brick Rear Panel Items
Internal Components and Front Panel Items
in SGI Onyx 3200 graphics system
SGI Onyx 3200 Graphics System with V–brick and InfinitePerformance Graphics
in SGI Onyx 3400 graphics system
SGI Onyx 3400 Graphics System with V–brick and InfinitePerformance Graphics
in SGI Onyx 3800 graphics system
SGI Onyx 3800 Graphics System with V–brick and InfinitePerformance Graphics
L1 controller
V–brick L1 Controller
Graphics Bricks (G–brick and V–brick)
specifications, physical
Brick-Level Specifications
specifications, power
Power Specifications
XIO 11 and XIO 10 connectors
V–brick Rear Panel Items

XIO 11 and XIO 10 connectors
Vx15 brick
V–brick Rear Panel Items

Xx15 brick
X-brick (Optional)
Power Specifications
specifications, physical
Brick-Level Specifications
specifications, power
Power Specifications