About This Guide

Welcome to the user's guide for the Silicon Graphics Fuel visual workstation. Your new workstation offers VPro graphics, a high-performance MIPS processor, and a high-bandwidth architecture designed to maximize the performance of your desktop applications.

Note: This User's Guide has been translated and is available to download from the SGI Technical Publications Library at http://techpubs.sgi.com.
Enter the keywords Fuel + <language> to find the version you need.

This guide shows you how to set up, use, and troubleshoot your system. You'll learn to:

This guide also provides:

This guide is provided for all end-users and SGI technical support staff. Most of the hardware tasks are relatively simple and require no previous computer knowledge. A few tasks are lengthy; they are easier to perform if you have some computer hardware experience.


Table 1 shows the conventions used in this document.

Table 1. Documentation Conventions



Toolchest > Help > Online Books

The “>” is used to indicate direction in an on-screen menu hierarchy. In this example, “Online Books” is listed under the “Help” menu, which is listed under the “Toolchest” menu.

Silicon Graphics Fuel
Hardware User's Guide

Document titles are shown in italics. This applies to both online and print documents.

>>ls -al

User input is shown in boldface, fixed-width type.

Software and System Administration Information

For complete information on installing software, see the online Personal System Administration Guide. It is located on your desktop in Toolchest > Help > Online Books. For more advanced information, see the online IRIX Admin: Software Installation & Licensing Guide. For system administration information, see the SGI_Admin section of the online bookshelf.

It is always a good idea to back up your system. For instructions on backing up your system, see the online Personal System Administration Guide.

Product Support

The Silicon Graphics Fuel visual workstation is designed for user maintenance and repair without the help of a trained technician. For product support information, contact your SGI subsidiary or authorized distributor.

SGI provides a comprehensive range of product support for its products. If you are in North America, contact the Technical Assistance Center at + 1 800 800 4SGI or your authorized service provider. If you are outside North America, contact the SGI subsidiary or authorized distributor in your country. For more information about product support, refer to the following website: http://www.sgi.com/support/index.html

Reader Comments

If you have comments about the technical accuracy, content, or organization of this document, please contact SGI. Be sure to include the title and part number of the document with your comments. The part number for this document is printed on the front or back cover. You can contact SGI in any of the following ways:

  • Send e-mail to the following address: [email protected]

  • Send a fax to the attention of “Technical Publications” at +1 650 932 0801

  • Use the Suggestion Box form on the Technical Publications Library World Wide Web page: http://techpubs.sgi.com

  • Call the Technical Publications Group through the Technical Assistance Center at
    +1 800 800 4SGI.

  • Send mail to: Technical Publications, SGI, 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy., M/S 535, Mountain View, California, 94043-1351, USA.

SGI values your comments and will respond to them promptly.