The following sections describe the dialog windows other than the Disk Partition dialog that you may encounter while using xdkm. The dialogs are:
The Disk Information dialog displays information about the type and device name of the selected disk or disks. Partition information is not displayed in this dialog, but is displayed in the Disk Partition dialog described in “xdkm Disk Partition Dialog”. For more information on the terms and concepts described in this help topic, see the IRIX Admin: Disks and Filesystems guide.
The dialog you see is similar to that shown in Figure 2-12:
From left to right, the columns displayed in this dialog are:
Device Name | The device special filename of this disk. | |
Type | The physical type of the hard disk (for example: SCSI, Jag, ESDI). | |
Number of Cylinders |
| |
Sector Length | The length, in bytes, of each disk sector. | |
Tracks/Cylinder |
| |
Sectors/Track | The number of disk sectors per track. | |
Interleave | Disks are formatted such that the reading and writing pattern is not continuous, since there are several disk heads, and a faster access time is achieved by cycling through the heads sequentially. This concept is called interleaving. This field displays the interleave algorithm used on this disk. |
If more than one disk was selected, information for each selected disk is displayed in rows on this dialog.
The Save as Template dialog shows a list of all the current template names on the originating host and a Selection field to input a name for the new template. The dialog you see is similar to that shown in Figure 2-13:
The Current Templates section of the dialog shows all current templates on the host from which xdkm was launched. The Selection field allows you to enter a name for the new template or you can select an existing name (the existing template is overwritten) by clicking on the desired name in the Current Templates section.
There are four buttons along the bottom of the window:
OK | This button accepts the current name in the Selection field, then the dialog is removed. | |
Apply | This button accepts the current name in the Selection field, but the dialog remains open so that you can continue to create templates. | |
Cancel | This button closes the dialog without making any template. | |
Help | This button displays this help topic. |
This dialog is displayed when the “ Partition Disk” option is selected from the Selected menu with multiple disks selected in the xdkm display area.
The dialog shows a list of disks on the left, and a list of available templates on the right. There is a scroll bar displayed for each list, if necessary. The current host name is displayed, and there is a status window for dialog messages. The dialog you see is similar to that shown in Figure 2-14:
The “Using This Template” section of the dialog shows all current templates on the host from which xdkm was launched. The “Partition These Disks” area shows the list of disks selected in the xdkm display area.
You must select a single template by which to partition the listed disks. Select a template by clicking the desired template name. The selected name is highlighted, as shown in Figure 2-15:
There are four buttons along the bottom of the window:
Accept | This button accepts the current current settings, then the repartitioning begins. | |
Stop | This button stops the repartitioning action immediately. A dialog is displayed requesting instructions. This dialog is shown in Figure 2-18. | |
Cancel | This button closes the dialog without making any changes. | |
Help | This button displays this help topic. |
When you are satisfied with your selection, click the Accept button at the bottom of the window to begin the partitioning. Each disk is partitioned in the order in which they appear on the list. You see a progress bar, similar to that shown in Figure 2-16:
If an error or potential mistaken destruction of data situation occurs, a dialog is displayed. For example, if a disk already has a file system created on it, you see the warning and confirmation dialog shown in Figure 2-17:
There are three options presented to you by this dialog:
Selecting the “Continue ...” option indicates that you are aware of the warning, but would like to continue the partition operation.
Selecting the “Skip ...” option indicates that you would like to skip the partition operation for the named disk, but still partition any remaining disks in the list.
Selecting the “Abort ...” option cancels the remainder of the operation.
You can also interrupt the partitioning procedure by clicking the Stop button in the Partition Multiple Disks dialog. The procedure is halted after the current disk partition is completed and you see the confirmation dialog shown in Figure 2-18. You cannot stop a partition on a disk once it is underway.
There are three options presented to you by this dialog:
Selecting the “Continue ...” option indicates that you would like to complete any remaining disks.
Selecting the “Skip ...” option indicates that you would like to skip the partition operation for the next disk, but still partition any remaining disks in the list.
Selecting the “Abort ...” option cancels the remainder of the operation.
The Host Search dialog allows you to select the host system for the display area. The disks on the host you select are displayed in the display area. The dialog is similar to that shown in Figure 2-19:
By default, the Host List section of the window lists all hosts in the /etc/hosts database of the system that launched this instance of xdkm. You can select an alternate host list by setting the X11 resource hostsFile to point to an alternate file that contains entries of the same format as the /etc/hosts file. An alternate host list is a useful feature if you have a long /etc/hosts file and only a few systems running the XFS Manager software. You can set this resource with any of the following actions:
Specify the resource on the command line. For example:
xdkm -xrm “*hostsFile: /usr/tmp/my_hosts_file” |
Place the following entry in your ~/.Xdefaults file:
Xdkm*hostsFile: /usr/tmp/my_hosts_file |
Create a personal resource file in your home directory. For xdkm, the file should be called Xdkm, and it should contain the line:
*hostsFile: /usr/tmp/my_hosts_file |
When you see the host list in the dialog window, you can use the slider on the right to scroll through the list. The Selection field allows you to enter the name of the desired host, or you can fill the field by clicking on a host name from the Host List.
At the bottom of the window are three buttons:
OK | This button selects the host in the Selection field. | |
Cancel | This button dismisses the window without selecting a new host. | |
Help | This button displays this help topic. |