This chapter provides a complete explanation for every configuration procedure available for the IRIS ATM product.
IRIS ATM can be configured to support any or all of the functionalities listed below. Before you perform any configuration procedures, you should know which of these options this system needs to support:
IP-over-SVCs: IP applications over switched virtual circuits (SVCs) in compliance with RFC 1577
Non-IP-over-SVCs: non-IP applications (developed by the customer) over SVCs
IP-over-PVCs: IP applications over permanent virtual circuits (PVCs)
Non-IP-over-PVCs: non-IP applications (developed by the customer) over PVCs
Table 3-1, lists all of the IRIS ATM parameters that are configurable. Configuration for many of these items is optional, since the IRIS ATM software contains default settings. The table shows which parameters are required (R) and which are optional (O). The table also indicates the location for the configuration instructions. Some items apply only to switched virtual circuits (SVCs) or to permanent virtual circuits (PVCs). In most reconfigurations, once the configuration task is complete, you need to restart one or more sections of the IRIS ATM subsystem in order to start using the new configuration. Table 3-12, summarizes methods for smoothly stopping and starting the different parts of the IRIS ATM subsystem.
Table 3-1. Complete List of Configurable Parameters
Parameter Category | Parameter to configure | Required / Optional | Section where instructions are located |
IRIS ATM HIO board for CHALLENGE and Onyx systems |
| Rate queues | O | |
| On-the-fly changes to rate queue settings | O | |
| Board unit numbering | O | |
| TCP/UDP checksumming done by hardware | O | |
| Method for recovering the SONET clock | R only when not using a switch | “Enabling an ATM Port to Function in a Configuration without a Switch” |
| Number of active VCs supported | O | atmconfig man page (see section on increasing buffers) |
IRIS ATM XIO board for Origin2000 and Onyx2 systems |
| TCP/UDP checksumming done by hardware | O | |
| Method for recovering the SONET clock | R only when not using a switch | “Enabling the ATM Port to Function in a Configuration without a Switch”, or “The atmhw.conf File for XIO Board” |
| Number of active VCs supported per port | O | atmconfig man page (see section on increasing buffers) |
| Port parameters | O | |
IRIS IP-over-ATM driver |
| Size of maximum transmission unit and AAL5 protocol data unit | O | |
| Remove support for IP from driver | O | |
| Number of IP-over-ATM network interfaces (atm#) created at boot time[b] | O | |
IP Network Interfaces over ATM (LIS) |
| IP addresses and names | R | |
| Network interface to IP-address mappings | R | “Mapping IP Addresses to Network Interfaces: The netif.options File” |
| ATM-to-IP address mappings, including designation of ATMARP server (address resolution) and port usage | R | |
| Transmission rate for VCs carrying IP traffic | O | |
| Optional IP parameters, such as subnetwork mask | O | “Configuring Optional Operational Parameters: The ifconfig-#.options File” |
| LLC/SNAP encapsulation | O | |
| RFC1577 LIS Configuration | R | |
| For SVCs only: on-the-fly changes to SVCs and PVCs used by IRIS ATM signaling and ILMI | O | |
IRIS ATM signaling (SVCs) |
| ATM UNI and signaling | R | |
| VPI/VCI used for signaling | O | |
IRIS interim local management interface (ILMI) |
| ILMI module | R | |
| Runtime options (UDP socket number, error message level) for the ILMI daemon | O | |
| Local port's ATM address | O | |
| Management information base (MIB) | O | |
[a] Equivalent instructions for setting the unit number by installing jumpers on the board are provided in the IRIS ATM\x15 OC3c Board for CHALLENGE and Onyx Installation Instructions. Either method can be used. [b] Unlike many LAN protocols, ATM can be configured to support multiple logical network interfaces for each physical port. For example, two or more IP addresses can be used for a single IRIS ATM-OC3c port. |
This section provides instructions for configuring the four-port IRIS ATM XIO board for the Origin2000 and Onyx2 platforms. None of the procedures in this section are required in most configurations. Two software methods are available for controlling and configuring the board:
Edit files that configure the board each time it is powered up or reset.
Use the command line utility (atmconfig) that changes the parameter immediately.
The ioconfig utility assigns unit numbers to IRIS ATM XIO boards. For complete details, see the ioconfig(1m) man page.
Port numbers are assigned to the ATM XIO ports by the following mathematical formula:
First port (labeled port 0 on panel plate) = board_unit# * 4
Second port = first_port# + 1
Third port = first_port# + 2
Fourth port = first_port# + 3
For example, a board that is assigned unit 0 has ports 0 through 3 while a board assigned unit 2 has ports 8 through 11.
You can use hinv, as shown in the following display, to verify or discover the board unit and port number assignments:
% /sbin/hinv -mvv | grep ATM QUAD_ATM Board: barcode ###### part 030-0948-00# rev # ATM XIO 4 port OC-3c: module module#, slot slot#, unit unit# (ports: #-#) |
Each installed board should have two lines, similar to those above. unit# indicates the unit that was assigned to the board in the indicated location (module# and slot#).
If any board is not listed by the hinv display, contact the person responsible for your site's hardware installation. One or more of the following problems may be the reason a board is not listed by hinv:
The board may be improperly installed (for example, it may be loose or its IO slot may not be activated).
The IRIS ATM board may be dysfunctional.
The atmconfig utility, which is used to dynamically change configuration settings on the IRIS ATM hardware, is provided with the IRIS ATM software. The configurations take effect immediately. With the next reboot, the settings return to the default settings. The atmconfig man page provides complete usage details. This section provides an overview and detailed instructions for common tasks.
The atmconfig command can be used to perform the following port configuration tasks:
Display port's operational configuration parameters and currently loaded firmware version.
Bring a port up or down, without resetting it. When in the down state, the port does not transmit or receive data over its physical (SONET) connections, but it can communicate with the host and driver.
Reset and reinitialize an ATM port. Any in-progress data is lost. During reinitialization, the utility establishes communication between the IRIS ATM hardware and the driver within the operating system.
Configure a port's source for its SONET transmit clock. This configuration step is required when a port is attached directly to an endpoint (without an intermediate switch) or when a loopback cable is attached to a port.
The atmconfig command configures the hardware, not the logical (software) network interface. To make changes on port 1, use the string -i/hw/atm/1 as an argument to the command line. To select port 2, use the string -i/hw/atm/2. When the -i/hw/atm# argument is not supplied, the action is done to port 0 (that is, /hw/atm/0).
![]() | Note: The atmconfig utility also provides status information. See “Checking the Status of IRIS ATM” in Chapter 4, for these features. |
To reset a port (that is, put it into the pre-initialized (PRE-INIT) state), use a command line like the following one shown. Each reset affects a pair of ports: either the first pair on the board (labeled port0 and port1 on the panel plate) or the second pair (labeled port2 and port3).
# /usr/etc/atmconfig -i# -r |
The # option indicates the port's number (for example, -i4 for port 4, resets devices /hw/atm/4 and /hw/atm/5).
![]() | Caution: Any in-progress data is lost for both ports. Follow the instructions in Table 3-12, to ensure that other modules are smoothly stopped and restarted. |
To reinitialize a port (that is, put it into the down state), or bring the port to its operational state (that is, put it into the up state), you must first reset the port to its pre-initialized state ( see “Resetting a Port”) and then use the appropriate command line from the two shown in in the following display:
# /usr/etc/atmconfig -i# -d # /usr/etc/atmconfig -i# -u |
The -d is for the down state and -u is for the up state, and # indicates the port number (for example, -i0 for port 0, device /hw/atm/0, or -i1 for port 1).
The -r option resets pairs of ports while the -d or -u option changes the state of a single port. Therefore, you must explicitly bring each port into its up or down state. For example, if you want to bring port 3 down and then up, you must reset, then bring down and bring up ports 2 and 3, as follows:
atmconfig -i2 -r atmconfig -i2 -d atmconfig -i3 -d atmconfig -i2 -u atmconfig -i3 -u |
On Challenge and Onyx systems, the -r, -d, and -u options work in a different way. For information on these options on Challenge and Onyx systems, see “Changing the State of a Board”.
For an IRIS ATM port to function when physically looped back to itself (the output line feeds into the same port's input line) or when connected to other ATM systems that are not switches, the port must be configured to use its own clock as the source for its SONET transmit clock. By contrast, when connected to a switch, the port uses the default clock, which is on the incoming line. To operate without a switch for a short period of time, use the following instructions. For long-term operation without a switch, use the instructions in “The atmhw.conf File for XIO Board”.
For a temporary configuration change, use the following command line:
# /usr/etc/atmconfig -i# -o 0 |
The # option indicates the port number (for example, 0 for port 0, or 1 for port 1).
![]() | Note: Before reconfiguring the port, disable the ATM daemons. The signaling and management daemons (atmsigd and atmilmid) must not be running when there is no switch available. |
To change the clock source back to the default, use the following command line. This setting is appropriate when a port is connected to an ATM switch.
# /usr/etc/atmconfig -i# -o 1 |
The # option indicates the port number (for example, 0 for port 0, or 1 for port 1).
The /var/atm/atmhw.conf-# file configures operational features of each port on the IRIS ATM-OC3c 4Port XIO board so that the changes survive from one reboot to the next. Changes made in this file take effect with the next initialization of the hardware (for example, reboot of the system, restart of the IRIS ATM driver, invocation of the atmconfig -F filename command, or reset of the port).
Use the following steps to configure a port that it is going to be used without an ATM switch over an extended length of time:
Open the /var/atm/atmhw.conf-# file for the port. If this file does not exist, make a copy of the standard /var/atm/atmhw.conf file and give the new file a name that includes the port's assigned number. For example, for a port that has been assigned a value of 8, name the new file /var/atm/atmhw.conf-8. Remove the leading pound sign (#) from the PHYOPTS entry. The line should look like the following example:
Verify that there are no entries for this port in the LIS configuration files (for example, the /var/atm/pvc.conf and /var/atm/ifatm.conf files).
![]() | Note: Additional information about port hardware configuration options that are available in this file are documented in the atmconfig(1m) man page. |
This section provides instructions for configuring the IRIS ATM board for the CHALLENGE and Onyx platforms. In this section, the only required step is changing the runtime rates on transmission queues, described in “Changing the Runtime Rates on Transmission Queues”, and this step is needed only when one or more of your constant bit rate (CBR) channels require a non-default rate. Table 3-5, lists the default rates.
Table 3-2, lists all of the parameters on the IRIS ATM-OC3c board that can be controlled. Two software methods are available for controlling and configuring the board, as described in the following section and summarized in Table 3-2:
Edit files that configure the board each time it is powered up or reset.
Use the command line utility (atmconfig) that changes the parameter immediately.
Table 3-2. Configurable Parameters for the IRIS ATM-OC3c HIO Board
Board parameter | Runtime configuration | On the fly configuration |
Set manner in which unit numbers are assigned to all IRIS ATM boards during startup. | Edit /var/sysgen/master.d/atm file, explained in “Configuring Board Unit Numbers”. | Not available |
Fix the transmission rate setting on one or more rate queues so that the configured rates are always available. | Edit /var/atm/atmhw.conf file, explained in “Changing the Runtime Rates on Transmission Queues”. | Use atmconfig command, as explained in “Changing the Runtime Rates on Transmission Queues”. |
Change operational status | Not available | Use atmconfig command, as explained in “Changing the State of a Board”. |
Reset board | Not available | Use atmconfig command, as explained in “Resetting a Board”. |
Unit numbers are assigned to IRIS ATM boards by one of the following methods: software dynamically assigns the unit numbers based on the order the boards are discovered during power up; or the jumpers assign the unit numbers. The default method is the dynamic software method, however, assignment from the jumpers can be configured by editing the board configuration file as described in “Configuring Board Unit Numbers”. The advantages and disadvantages of each of these methods is described separately in Table 3-3, and Table 3-4.
Table 3-3. Jumper-assigned Unit Numbers: Advantages and Disadvantages
Advantages | Disadvantages |
The unit number for any particular board is always the same, from one power up to the next. | The numbering for IRIS ATM boards may not be sequential. For example, there may be a unit 2 but no unit 0 or 1. |
Regardless of what happens to other boards (new installations, removals, or dysfunctions), an IRIS ATM board's unit number reflects its jumper settings. |
A script that uses ifconfig, atmconfig, atmstat, or atmtest always performs its operations on the same physical boards. | The unit numbering does not reflect the ordering of the boards within the card cage. For example, unit 1 may be located on the main IO4 board while unit 0 is located on the fourth IO4 board in the system. |
Table 3-4. Software-assigned Unit Numbers: Advantages and Disadvantages
Advantages | Disadvantages |
The IRIS ATM boards are always numbered sequentially, starting at 0 (that is, unit 0, unit 1, etc.). | The unit number for any particular board can vary from one power up to the next. |
| If a different set of upstream IRIS ATM boards are located during startup, a board's unit number changes. The following conditions can cause a unit number to change:
The unit and interface numbering always reflect the ordering of the boards within the chassis. For example, unit 0 is always located upstream from unit 1. | A script that uses ifconfig, atmconfig, atmstat, or atmtest may perform its operations on different physical boards after a system restarts. |
You can use hinv, as shown in the following line, to verify or discover the unit assignments:
% /sbin/hinv ... ATM OC-3 unit unit#: slot slot#, adapter adapter# |
Each installed board should have one line, similar to the preceding line. unit# indicates the number that is assigned to the board installed in the indicated slot (slot#) and mezzanine adapter position (adapter#, where 5 indicates lower mezzanine position and 6 indicates upper).
If any board is not listed by the hinv display, contact the person responsible for your site's hardware installation. One or more of the following problems may be the reason a board is not listed by hinv:
The jumper setting on the missing board may be a duplicate of one that is displayed.
The board may be improperly installed (for example, it may be loose or its IO4 board may be loose).
The IRIS ATM board or the IO4 board onto which it is attached may be dysfunctional.
If no IRIS ATM boards are listed, the version of IRIX that is currently running may not support IRIS ATM or the IRIS ATM software may not be installed.
When the IRIS ATM software (driver) dynamically assigns unit numbers to IRIS ATM-OC3c HIO boards, it assigns unit 0 to the first IRIS ATM port (board) that it locates, unit 1 to the second, unit 2 to the third, and so on. The following list shows the order in which the system searches for the IRIS ATM ports:
On the main IO4 board; the lower mezzanine adapter position (#5) and then the upper mezzanine position (#6).
On the next installed IO4 board; the lower mezzanine adapter position and then the upper position.
And so on, until there are no more IO4 boards installed.
The hinv display for a CHALLENGE L Deskside that has 3 IRIS ATM boards installed might appear as shown in the following example:
... ATM OC-3c unit 0: slot 5, adapter 5 ATM OC-3c unit 1: slot 4, adapter 5 ATM OC-3c unit 2: slot 4, adapter 6 |
The /var/sysgen/master.d/atm file allows you to configure the IRIS ATM hardware driver so that it ignores or reads the hardware settings of the unit jumper set on all the IRIS ATM HIO boards in the system. In the default mode, which ignores hardware jumpers, the software dynamically assigns unit numbers, based on the order in which the boards are located during power up.
To configure the method used for assigning unit numbers, use the following steps:
Open the /var/sysgen/master.d/atm file and edit the following line:
int atm_ignore_unit = #; |
To dynamically assign unit numbers by the software, the line should look like the following:
int atm_ignore_unit = 1; |
To base the unit numbers on the jumper settings of each board, the line should look like the following:
int atm_ignore_unit = 0; |
![]() | Note: The IRIS ATM\x15 OC3c Board for CHALLENGE and Onyx Installation Instructions manual describes how to set the unit jumpers. Changing the jumpers can be done only by Silicon Graphics trained personnel. |
If this is the only, or the last configuration task, reboot the system. Otherwise, perform the other configuration tasks, then reboot.
During startup, the IRIS ATM driver configures the ATM-OC3c Mezzanine HIO boards with the settings from one or more /var/atm/atmhw.conf configuration files. You can edit these files to change the default settings. Currently, the only configurable items are the transmission rates for the eight rate queues on each IRIS ATM board. (See “Rates on the ATM-OC3c HIO Board for CHALLENGE and Onyx Platforms” in Chapter 1, for a description of these transmission rate queues and how they are managed by the IRIS ATM driver.)
The atmhw.conf file is shipped in the following format, where the high-priority rate queues are commented out (not configured by the file), thus leaving them open for configuration by the IRIS ATM driver as needed. The resulting default transmission rates are summarized in Table 3-5. In this file, the four high-priority queues are identified as a0 to a3; the high-priority queues are intended for constant bit rate (CBR) and variable bit rate (VBR) traffic, but can be used for best-effort traffic when there is no CBR traffic. The four low-priority queues are b0 to b3; these queues are intended for best-effort traffic, such as traditional IP applications and local area network traffic. The transmission rates in the configuration file are specified in bits of user (above ATM-layer payload) data per second.
#!/usr/etc/atmconfig -F # # atmhw.conf# # This file contains values used by atmconfig(1m) # to initialize the ATM OC-3c “rate queues” # during system boot. # # High-priority rate queues. Uncomment these # lines to set the rate to a fixed setting. # RATEQ a0 405405 # RATEQ a1 394736 # RATEQ a2 3555555 # RATEQ a3 5581395 # Low-priority rate queues. RATEQ b0 10000000 RATEQ b1 30000000 RATEQ b2 68000000 RATEQ b3 135991460 |
Table 3-5. Default Transmission Rates on ATM-OC3c Queues
Rate queue Number ID |
String ID | Default cell rate (in ATM cells per second) | Default bit rate (in user payload bits per second) | Priority / Use |
0 | a0 | unconfigured | 0 | High / CBR, VBR[a] |
1 | a1 | unconfigured | 0 | High / CBR, VBR |
2 | a2 | unconfigured | 0 | High / CBR, VBR |
3 | a3 | unconfigured | 0 | High / CBR, VBR |
4 | b0 | 26041 | 10000000 | Low / BE |
5 | b1 | 78125 | 30000000 | Low / BE |
6 | b2 | 178571 | 68000000 | Low / BE |
7 | b3 | 357142 | 135991460 | Low / BE |
[a] CBR = constant bit rate; VBR = variable bit rate; BE = best effort |
To change the default settings for one or more rate queues on a board, use the following instructions:
From Table 3-6, determine which file you need to edit. Note that to configure the rate queues for a specific board, you create (or, if it exists, you edit) one of the atmhw.conf-# files. Whereas, to configure queues for all the boards that do not have a specific atmhw.conf-# file, you edit the atmhw.conf file.
Table 3-6. Files for Configuring Rate Queues
Board | File to be edited |
All installed boards that do not have their own individual atmhw.conf-# files. | /var/atm/atmhw.conf |
For unit 0 only | /var/atm/atmhw.conf-0 |
For unit 1 only | /var/atm/atmhw.conf-1 |
For unit 2 only | /var/atm/atmhw.conf-2 |
For unit X only | /var/atm/atmhw.conf-X |
If the file that you are editing is /var/atm/atmhw.conf, go to the next step. Otherwise, check to see if the file you want already exists. If it does, go to the next step. If it does not, make a copy of /var/atm/atmhw.conf. Name the new file the name you identified from Table 3-6. Use a command like the following:
% cp /var/atm/atmhw.conf /var/atm/atmhw.conf-# |
The # option is the board's unit number.
Open the file. Locate the line(s) for the rate queue(s) that you want to reconfigure. Figure 3-1, shows the format for the entries in this file.
If necessary, uncomment the line by removing the pound sign (#) from the front.
Edit the third field in the line. Figure 3-1, shows the format for the entries in this file. Appendix B, “Supported Transmission Rates for IRIS ATM Board on CHALLENGE and Onyx Platforms”, lists the rates that are supported. The value in this field is a decimal numeral within the range 0 to 137,142,800 indicating the number of bits of ATM payload data that is transmitted per second. Since each ATM cell carries 384 payload bits, you can convert a cellrate to payload bits per second by multiplying the desired cellrate times 384.
If the value entered in this field does not match one of the supported rates (from Appendix B, “Supported Transmission Rates for IRIS ATM Board on CHALLENGE and Onyx Platforms”), then at startup, the board will be configured with the next higher supported rate.
![]() | Note: The values that you specify for the high-priority queues are the peak rates that must be used by all the transmitting constant and variable bit rate VCs. |
![]() | Note: Whenever the atmilmid and atmsigd modules have overhead data to transmit, they need to use a very small, best-effort portion of the bandwidth (which can be up to 20,000 cells per second). In addition, the IRIS ATM default implementation of IP-over-ATM uses only the low-priority queues. So, do not set all the low-priority queues to zero if the system is using SVCs, the IRIS ATM ILMI daemon (atmilmid), or IRIS ATM's IP-over-ATM (with SVCs or PVCs). |
For each line, verify that you have not entered any characters following the final digit of the rate value. For example, comments preceded by a pound sign (#) must be placed on a line of their own, not on the same line as a configuration entry.
If this is the only configuration task, use the following command lines to configure the board with your changes. Otherwise, perform the other configuration tasks, then restart the board (for restarting instructions, see “Stopping and Restarting IRIS ATM”).
# ifconfig atm# down <do this for each interface associated with this board> # atmconfig -i# -r # atmconfig -i# -d # atmconfig -i# -F filename # atmconfig -i# -u # killall -Hup atmilmid |
![]() | Note: When you finish, it is valid to have one atmhw.conf file to configure all boards except for those for which you created atmhw.conf-# files. For example, on a system with four IRIS ATM-OC3c boards, there could exist two files: atmhw.conf for units 0, 1, and 2; and atmhw.conf-3 for board unit 3. It is also valid to not have an atmhw.conf file and an atmhw.conf-# file for each installed board. |
The atmconfig utility is provided with the IRIS ATM software for dynamically changing configuration settings on IRIS ATM boards. The configurations take effect immediately. With the next reboot, the settings return to the default settings. The atmconfig(1m) man page provides complete usage details. This section provides an overview and examples of command lines.
![]() | Note: For information about configuring the unit number on an ATM-OC3c Mezzanine board, see the IRIS ATM\x15 OC3c Board for CHALLENGE and Onyx Installation Instructions or “Configuring Board Unit Numbers”. |
The atmconfig command can be used to perform the following board configuration tasks:
Configure the rates for the IRIS ATM board's rate queues (timers).
Display the board's operational configuration parameters and currently loaded firmware version.
Bring a board up or down, without resetting it. When in the down state, the board does not transmit or receive data over its physical (SONET) connections, but it can communicate with the host and driver.
Reset and reinitialize a board. Any in-progress data is lost. During reinitialization, the utility establishes communication between an IRIS ATM board and the driver within the operating system.
Configure the source that the port uses for its SONET transmit clock. This procedure is required when a port is attached directly to an endpoint (without an intermediate switch) or when a loopback cable is attached to the port.
The atmconfig command configures the hardware, not the logical (software) network interface. To make changes on board unit 1, use the string -i1 as an argument to the command line. To select board unit 2, use the string -i2. When the -i# argument is not supplied, the action is done to unit 0.
![]() | Note: The atmconfig utility also provides status information. See “Checking the Status of IRIS ATM” in Chapter 4, for these features. |
To change the transmission rate for a rate queue, without restarting the system, use the following command line. If the queue is being used, this command will fail:
# /usr/etc/atmconfig -i # -Q queueID,payload_bits_per_second |
The # option indicates the hardware unit number (for example, 0 for board unit 0, device /hw/atm/0, or 1 for board unit 1, device /hw/atm/1), queueID indicates the queue (for example, 0, 1, 2, or 3 for the high-priority queues and 4, 5, 6, or 7 for the low-priority queues), and payload_bits_per_second indicates the rate in bits of user (above ATM-layer) data per second.
![]() | Note: There are 384 bits of user payload in each ATM cell. |
For example, to set the first high-priority queue on board unit 0 to 2,307,840 payload bits per second (6,010 ATM cells per second), use this command:
# /usr/etc/atmconfig -i0 -Q 0,2307840 |
To set the second high-priority queue on board unit 3 to 96,000,000 payload bits per second (250,000 ATM cells per second), use this command:
# /usr/etc/atmconfig -i3 -Q 1,96000000 |
![]() | Note: Whenever the atmilmid and atmsigd modules have ATM-overhead data to transmit, they need to use a very small, best-effort portion (up to one-tenth) of the bandwidth configured on rate queue seven (priority b3), so do not set this queue to zero. |
To reset a board (that is, put it into the pre-initialized state), use a command line like the following:
# /usr/etc/atmconfig -i# -r |
The # option indicates the hardware unit number (for example, 0 for board unit 0, device /hw/atm/0, or 1 for board unit 1, device /hw/atm/1).
![]() | Caution: Any in-progress data is lost. Follow the instructions in Table 3-12, to ensure that other modules are stopped and restarted. |
To put a board into the down state, or bring the board to the up state, use the appropriate command line from one of the following:
# /usr/etc/atmconfig -i# -d # /usr/etc/atmconfig -i# -u |
The -d is for the down state and -u is for the up state, and # indicates the hardware unit number (for example, 0 for board unit 0, device /hw/atm/0, or 1 for board unit 1, device /hw/atm/1).
On Challenge systems, when you use the -d option, the -r option is implicitly invoked (for more information about the -r option, see “Resetting a Board”). In the following example, board unit 1 is reset, brought down, and brought up.
atmconfig -i1 -du |
The previous example is the equivalent of the following commands:
atmconfig -i1 -r atmconfig -i1 -d atmconfig -i1 -u |
On Origin2000 or Onyx 2 systems, the -r, -d, and -u options work in a different way. For information on these options on Origin2000 or Onyx 2 systems, see “Changing the State of a Port”.
For the ATM-OC3c board to function when it is physically looped back to itself (output line feeds into the same port's input line), or when it is connected to an ATM system that is not a switch, the board must be configured to use its own clock as its source for generating the SONET transmit clock, instead of using the clock on the incoming line, which is the default. To do this, use the following command line:
# /usr/etc/atmconfig -i# -o 0 |
The # option indicates the hardware unit number (for example, 0 for board unit 0, device /hw/atm/0, or 1 for board unit 1, device /hw/atm/1).
![]() | Note: The signaling and management daemons (atmsigd and atmilmid) must not be running when there is no switch available for them to interact with. |
To change the clock source back to the default, use the following command line. This setting is appropriate when a port is connected to an ATM switch.
# /usr/etc/atmconfig -i # -o 1 |
The # indicates the hardware unit number (for example, 0 for board unit 0, device /hw/atm/0, or 1 for board unit 1, device /hw/atm/1).
The /var/atm/atmhw.conf-# file configures operational features for each IRIS ATM-OC3c HIO board so that the changes survive from one reboot to the next. Changes made in this file take effect with the next initialization of the hardware (for example, reboot of the system, restart of the IRIS ATM driver, invocation of the atmconfig -F filename command, or reset of the port).
Follow these steps to configure a port that it is going to be used without an ATM switch over an extended length of time:
Open the /var/atm/atmhw.conf-# file for the board. If this file does not exist, make a copy of the standard /var/atm/atmhw.conf file and give the new file a name that includes the board's assigned number. For example, for a board that has been assigned the unit 3, name the new file /var/atm/atmhw.conf-3. Remove the leading pound sign (#) from the PHYOPTS entry. The line should look like the following example:
Verify that there are no entries for this port in the LIS configuration files (for example, the /var/atm/pvc.conf and /var/atm/ifatm.conf files).
![]() | Note: Additional information about hardware configuration options that are available in this file are documented in the atmconfig(1m) man page. |
This section describes how to configure the portion of the IRIS ATM driver that handles support for the IP protocol.
IRIS ATM includes support for TCP/IP (that is, the IP protocol suite) by default. If you do not plan to ever use IP-over-ATM, use the following steps to configure the IRIS ATM driver for use as a non-IP connection.
Open the /var/sysgen/system/ file (for a CHALLENGE or Onyx system) or file (for an Origin or Onyx2 system)
Change the INCLUDE entry to EXCLUDE as shown here:
The entry will look like the following example:
INCLUDE: if_atm
The entry should be changed to look like the following example:
EXCLUDE: if_atm
![]() | Note: Do not remove this line from the file. The driver cannot build correctly without the presence of either an INCLUDE or an EXCLUDE entry for if_atm. |
Rebuild (autoconfig) the operating system to include a rebuilt IRIS ATM driver.
![]() | Note: If you exclude IP support from the driver, and later you want to use IP, you must redo the above steps. If you configure the software to add IP functionality later, you need to do only the additional configuration steps. When the driver is built to support IP, but IP is not configured, some error messages are displayed each time the system is started. |
This section provides instructions for configuring operational parameters for the portion of the IRIS ATM driver that manages TCP/IP traffic. Table 3-7, lists the driver parameters that can be altered and indicates the default setting.
Table 3-7. IRIS ATM Driver Parameters
Item | Default setting | Description |
ifatm_mtu | 0 =9,180 bytes[a] | Maximum size for IP transmission unit datagrams. Valid values are 0 and 8 through 9,180 (decimal) inclusive. Setting this item to 0 tells the software to use its internal default, which is 1,980. Setting this item to any other value, overrides the software default and the corresponding AAL5 protocol data unit (PDU) is 8 octets larger than this setting. |
ifatm_cksum | 3 =compute TCP/UDP checksums on the board for both transmission and reception | Disables and enables TCP and UDP checksum operations on the board. The board can be configured to do checksum operations for reception only (1), transmission only (2), both (3), or none (0). |
| 4 =four IP network interfaces (atm0 to atm3) are created automatically during reboot | Number of logical IP network interfaces that are created automatically at reboot. Complete description of this configuration task is provided in “Increasing the Number of IP Network Interfaces”.[b]Valid values are 1 through 128 inclusive. |
[a] Compliant with RFC 1577 when using LLC/SNAP encapsulation. [b] To assign each of these IP network interfaces to a specific physical port, edit the appropriate file: for PVC use, edit /var/atm/pvc.conf file, as described in “Address Resolution for PVCs”; for SVC use, edit the /var/atm/ifatm.conf file, as described in “Address Resolution for SVCs”. |
To configure the IRIS IP-over-ATM driver, perform the following steps:
Edit the/var/sysgen/master.d/if_atm file. Change any of the settings summarized in Table 3-7. Close the file.
Use the autoconfig command, as illustrated below, to build a new driver into the operating system.
% /sbin/su Password: thepassword # /etc/autoconfig |
If this is the only or the last configuration task, reboot the system to start using the new operating system. Otherwise, perform the other configuration tasks, then reboot.
This section provides instructions for configuring the IP protocol stack through IP-over-ATM logical network interfaces.[22]
![]() | Note: This section assumes basic understanding and experience with IRIX IP configuration. Complete explanations for standard steps that are mentioned here are located in the online IRIS Insight document The Advanced Site and Server Administrator's Guide that is provided with each system. |
The following steps must be performed before an IP application can send or receive over the IRIS ATM subsystem:
If more than one IP network interface is needed permanently, create the additional interfaces, as described in “Increasing the Number of IP Network Interfaces”.
Edit the following network configuration files:
/etc/hosts, as described in “Mapping Names to IP Addresses: The /etc/hosts File”.
/etc/config/netif.options, as described in “Mapping IP Addresses to Network Interfaces: The netif.options File”.
optionally, /var/sysgen/ifconfig-#.options, as described in “Configuring Optional Operational Parameters: The ifconfig-#.options File”.
If IP is using SVCs, map each logical network interface to a physical port and provide the name of the subnetwork's ATM address resolution server by editing the /var/atm/ifatm.conf file, as described in “Address Resolution for SVCs”.
If IP is using PVCs, map remote IP addresses to virtual channel addresses, using the /var/atm/pvc.conf file, as described in “Mapping IP Interfaces to the ATM Subsystem”.
Optionally, if IP is using SVCs, configure other LIS parameters, as described in “Set Transmission Rate and Timeout”.
To build the configuration changes into the system, reboot the system.
By default, the IRIS ATM driver creates four logical IP network interfaces (atm0 to atm3), regardless of the number of IRIS ATM boards installed in the system. For IP-over-ATM to work, there must be only one logical network interface for each IP subnetwork (LIS). Regardless of the number of installed IRIS ATM boards, the IRIS ATM driver can support up to 64 different logical network interfaces.
To increase the number of IP network interfaces, complete the following steps:
Edit the /var/sysgen/master.d/if_atm file, as described in “IRIS ATM IP Driver Configuration”.
Edit the /etc/config/netif.options file, as shown in the following example:
Change the following entry in the /etc/config/netif.options file:
: if_num = 8 |
Change the entry to look like the following:
if_num = # |
The # option specifies the total number of IP logical network interfaces for the system, including built-in Ethernets, and other options that support IP traffic.
![]() | Note: The additional interfaces are created the next time the system is rebooted. |
You can use the netstat command to verify that the additional network interfaces have been created and configured. In the following example, ten IRIS ATM network interfaces exist and the first three interfaces are configured and enabled; seven interfaces are disabled and not configured.
% /usr/etc/netstat -in ... atm0 9180 netaddress IPaddress ... atm1 9180 netaddress IPaddress ... atm2 9180 netaddress IPaddress ... atm3* 9180 none none ... atm4* 9180 none none ... atm5* 9180 none none ... atm6* 9180 none none ... atm7* 9180 none none ... atm8* 9180 none none ... atm9* 9180 none none ... ... |
In the local /etc/hosts (network address information) file, add one line for each logical ATM network interface. Each line that you add specifies the IP address and the name by which one logical network interface is known.
The following example contains entries for IP-over-ATM network interfaces on a machine called mars. The standard network portion (netid) of the IP addresses in this example is 190.15, while the locally assigned subnet portions (most significant byte of hostid) are 1 and 6, and the local host address portions are 10, 11, and 13. atm0-mars#subnet 1 atm1-mars#subnet 6 atm2-mars atm3-mars atm4-mars |
You may need to add the same entries to other databases located on other systems on the ATM networks. For example, you may need to add these entries to an ATM address resolution server's database, or an NIS database, or you may need to update the /etc/hosts file on every host on the ATM network.
In the /etc/config/netif.options file, add a pair of lines for each logical ATM network interface. The IRIS ATM driver supports up to 64 network interfaces with names like atm0, atm1, or atm47. To enable the maximum number of network interfaces, you add 64 line-pairs that have the same format as described in the following example.
To inititate the changes in the file, reboot the system.
![]() | Note: Do not configure any IRIS ATM network interface as the primary one (that is, as if1name). ATM does not support broadcasting, which is required by many standard network and client/server services that operate over the primary network interface like BOOTP, NIS, RIP, OSPF, timed, gated, and the multicast version of NTP. |
For the IRIS ATM network interface called atm0, the entry looks like the following:
if#name=atm0 if#addr=name |
The name option is a network connection name (such as mars) or an IP address (such as from the /etc/hosts file, and the pound sign (#) is replaced with any numeral, except 0, 1, or an already used numeral.
For the IRIS ATM network interface called atm47, the line looks like the following:
if#name=atm47 if#addr=name |
The name option is a network connection name or IP address from the /etc/hosts file and the pound sign (#) is replaced with any numeral, except 0, 1, or an already used numeral.
To configure the operational parameters for each network interface, create a file called ifconfig-#.options in the /etc/config directory. The # option of the file's name matches the interface's order in the /etc/config/netif.options file. For an interface enabled as if2name=atm# in the netif.options file, create a file called ifconfig-2.options; for an interface enabled as if48name=atm#, create a file called ifconfig-48.options. In most cases, this step is optional since the system has default settings for these parameters, as described in Table 3-8.
To initiate the changes in this file, use the /usr/etc/ifconfig command to disable and re-enable the interface.
![]() | Note: These files are optional. If the file for an interface does not exist, the network interface is automatically configured with the defaults described in Table 3-8. If the file exists, but only specifies settings for some of the parameters, the system configures the unmentioned parameters with default settings. |
For each IRIS ATM network interface, you can configure one or more of the parameters described in Table 3-8.[23]
Table 3-8. Network Interface Parameters
Parameter | Default setting | Description |
netmask (32-bits) | No mask; no subnets. The digits in the network portion of the Internet address are set to 1; the digits in the host portion of the Internet address are set to 0. | Value used to create two or more IP subnetworks from a single Internet network address. |
route metric | 0 The most favorable rating possible. | Hop count value advertised to other routers by the routing daemon (routed). Possible settings range from 0 (most favorable) to 16 (least favorable, infinite). |
debug | Disabled. | When debugging is enabled, a wider variety of error messages are displayed when errors occur. |
The following are examples of text that can be placed within ifconfig-#.options files:
To specify a subnet mask for the interface:
netmask 0x######## |
The ######## option is the 32-bit mask in hexadecimal notation. The standard network portion and the locally designated subnet bits should be set to ones; the bits designated locally as host bits should be set to zeros. For example, 0xFFFFFF00 could be a subnet mask for a Class B address with 16 bits of standard network address, 8 bits of locally designated subnet, and 8 bits for host addresses.
The following is an example line of a file that specifies a netmask and sets a route metric:
metric 2 netmask 0xFFFFFF00 |
The ifconfig(1m) man page provides more details about the parameters.
![]() | Note: This configuration task can be done with the ifconfig command; however, the configuration is lost at the next reboot. |
Before the IRIS ATM software can set up an ATM virtual channel for an IP network interface, the remote IP address must be resolved to an ATM address or a VPI/VCI value. The IRIS ATM subsystem handles this address resolution differently for PVCs and SVCs. Follow the set of instructions that are appropriate for your system's usage. If both PVCs and SVCs will be used, follow the instructions in both sections. For a description of how IP address resolution is done, see “IP and ATM in IRIS ATM” in Chapter 1.
The IRIS ATM subsystem maintains in its memory an IP-to-VC address resolution table for use with PVCs. For each VC, the table maps an IP address to an ATM VPI/VCI value and a physical port. Every remote system with which this system will exchange data (either send to or receive from) must have an entry in this file. The atmarp -f utility is provided for loading this mapping file into the address resolution table.
![]() | Note: You do not need to add the PVCs used by ATM signaling and ILMI. The IRIS ATM software does this automatically. |
Use the following instructions to create and load the IP-to-VC address resolution and port assignment table:
Create or open a /var/atm/pvc.conf file. In this file, you must add one line for every IP host with whom data is to be exchanged via PVCs. The maximum number of entries is 256. The maximum number of entries per port is 37.
For all remote IP hosts with whom data will be exchanged (sent or received), enter one line in the following format:
IPaddress port# vpi vci flags |
The entries in each line have the following meaning:
IPaddress. An IP address in dotted decimal notation or its name as listed in the hosts file. If a host name is used, it must map to a numerical IP address in the /etc/hosts file. The address identifies a remote IP host with which this system wants to exchange data. The network portion of this IP address must match the subnetwork portion of one of the station's own IP-over-ATM logical network interfaces, as configured in the /etc/config/netif.options file. All traffic, incoming and outgoing, exchanged with this host IP address travels over the port specified on this line. Remote hosts that have the same subnetwork address portion of their IP addresses can use different physical ports. For example, in the following sample pvc.conf file, hosts and both have netid 255.86.8; however, the VC for host uses port 0 while that for uses port 1.
port#. Specifies the unit number for the IRIS ATM hardware over which the virtual channel to this host is established. For each port# there must be a functioning port.
vpi. A virtual path address (up to 8 bits) in decimal or hexadecimal notation. For example, 0xA7 or 17. The user can select these values. However, the values must match at each endpoint on a link, as illustrated in Figure 1-12 and Figure 1-13.
vci. A virtual channel address (up to 16 bits) in decimal or hexadecimal notation. For example, 0x104C or 4172. The user can select these values. However, the values must match at each endpoint on a link, as illustrated in Figure 1-12 and Figure 1-13.
![]() | Note: The values VPI=0 with VCIs from 0 to 32 (decimal) are reserved for special uses, such as ILMI and signaling. |
flags. An option with which n is the only currently supported value for this field. nis used to inhibit use of 802.2 SNAP LLC headers on IP packets that are sent on this VC.
The following is an example of a /var/atm/pvc.conf file. The entries in this example indicate that the system has at least two IRIS ATM ports (port 0 , /hw/atm/0 and port 1, /hw/atm/1) and four logical ATM network interfaces, which are configured with IP addresses 187.3.x.x, 187.4.x.x, 255.86.8.x, and 255.86.34.x.
# # hostnameportVPIVCIflags # unit# # -------- ---- --- --- ----- atm-host3 0 0x1A0x32E 0 059 0 0x100x2A34 n 1 25565535 1 16148 1 18924830 |
Reboot or use the following command lines to load the mappings into memory.
The following command line checks to see if atmarp is already running:
# /sbin/ps -e | grep atmarp |
If atmarp is already running, use the following command line to interrupt it so that it restarts itself and loads the new file into memory:
# /usr/bin/killall -Hup atmarp |
If atmarp is not running, use the following command line to start it so that it loads the new file into memory:
# /usr/etc/atmarp -f /var/atm/pvc.conf |
![]() | Note: Each invocation of atmarp spawns a process. Repeated invocations of atmarp create multiple atmarp processes that interfere with proper handling of the table. Before loading a new table, use the ps command to verify that no atmarp process is currently running. You must use the kill or killall command to remove or interrupt any current ones before starting a new one. |
To subsequently make changes to the table, edit the file containing the IP-to-VC mappings and interrupt and restart the current atmarp process, as described in the previous step.
You can verify the entries of the currently loaded IP-to-VC address resolution table with the following command line:
# /usr/etc/atmarp -a |
Follow these procedures to configure a system for SVC address resolution and port usage:
If your system is directly connected to an ATM system that does not do address registration, give your system its ATM address, as explained in “Required atmilmid Configuration”.
![]() | Note: Many ATM switches assign network prefixes (as required by the ATM UNI Signaling standard). Endpoints and some switches do not. The IRIS ATM ILMI daemon performs as an endpoint; it does not assign network prefixes to adjacent or local ATM interfaces. |
Open a /var/atm/ifatm.conf file; if the file does not exist, create a /var/atm/ifatm.conf file.
For each of your system's logical network interfaces that is using IP over SVCs (that is, each LIS), indicate the port for that LIS by entering one line in the file.[24]The format for each entry is as follows:
atm# port # |
The entries in each line have the following meanings:
atm#. The logical network interface name exactly as it appears in the /etc/config/netif.options file. There must be only one port entry for each interface (that is, one line for atm0, one line for atm1, and so on). Not all of the enabled logical network interfaces have to be listed; make entries only for those interfaces that carry SVCs. All of the IP-over-ATM network interfaces on a system must be members of the same LIS (that is, no two members of the same LIS can reside within the same Origin processor module).
![]() | Note: This restriction is present only to enable automatic default and correct operation of the IRIX routing daemon (for example, routed). Nothing in the ATM protocol, the IRIS ATM software or hardware, or RFC 1577 requires this restriction. For RFC 1577 compliance, each IRIX ATM port can support one member of each LIS. For example, a module with 64 IRIX ATM ports could support 64 hosts from a single LIS. For ATM compliance, there are no restrictions regarding the number of logical network interfaces. |
port. A keyword (required entry).
#. A port number (a decimal digit) for the ATM port as displayed by hinv or at /hw/atm/#. There can be multiple entries (lines) for a port. For example, a single port can service two or more logical network interfaces: atm0 and atm1 can both be using port 0.
For Origin 2000 or Onyx2 systems, signaling for each ATM port can be either Classic IP, which uses UNI signaling, or Fore IP, which uses Simple Protocol for ATM Network Signaling (SPANS). Only UNI is available for other systems.
Specify the iftype type parameter as either iftype atm (for UNI signaling) or iftype spans (for SPANS signaling). By default, type is atm. The following example specifies SPANS signaling:
atm0 port 0 iftype spans |
For more information about this ATM 2.3.1 feature, see the ifatmconfig(1m) man page.
For each IP-over-SVC logical network interface on your system, obtain the ATM address of the subnetwork's ATM address resolution server. This information can usually be displayed on the server's terminal.
![]() | Note: If you want to configure this station as the ATM address resolution
server for a subnetwork, skip this step and the next one for that particular
network interface. Proceed with the other steps in this section, complete
the rest of the installation and configuration, and bring the system into
operation so that the IRIS ATM software obtains its ATM NSAP address. Then,
return to these instructions and complete this step and the next one for the
skipped network interface(s). You can display the local system's ATM address
for each network interface with the following command line:
To each of the lines created above, append the ATMARP server for that subnetwork (LIS). Now, the complete format for each line is as follows:
atm# port # arpserver ATM_address |
The entries in each line have the following meanings:
atm#, port, and #. Explained in the previous step.
arpserver. A keyword (required entry).
ATM_address. A 20-byte ATM NSAP or an up to 15-byte native E.164 address in hexadecimal format. See Table 3-9, for examples of acceptable formats; Figure 1-11, and Figure 1-10, show the address. For a description of this address, see Chapter 1, “Overview of IRIS ATM”, or the glossary entry for ATM address.
![]() | Note: To make this station serve as the ATMARP server for a subnetwork, specify the local port's own ATM address on the line for that interface. If the port does not yet have an ATM address, skip this step and return to it later. |
Text to the right of a pound sign (#) is ignored, that is, the text is treated as a comment.
If this is your only or last configuration task, use the command lines below to start using the new configuration. Otherwise, perform the other configuration tasks and reboot the system.
# /etc/ifconfig atm# down <do this for each atm interface listed in the file> # /usr/etc/ifatmconfig -F /var/atm/ifatm.conf # /etc/ifconfig atm# up <do this for each atm interface listed in the file> |
# reboot |
Table 3-9. Formats for ATM NSAP Address in the ifatm.conf File
Example | Comments |
0x39.0840.00112233445566778899.0d0001220033.00 | Dots between fields of address.[a] |
0x39. | Dots between all bytes. |
0x390840001122334455667788990d000122003300 | No dots. |
[a] The address must contain 40 hexadecimal characters (20 bytes); the periods (dots) do not count as characters. All fields, when separated by dots, must contain an even number of characters. All bytes must contain two hexadecimal characters. It is not legal to strip leading zeros. Use 0x0F.08; do not use 0xF.8. |
Figure 3-2, shows an example of this file for a system that has four logical IP-over-ATM network interfaces using SVCs (atm0, atm1, atm7, atm8) and at least three IRIS ATM ports (port 0, port 1, port 3). (This system probably has a unit 2 ATM board that is not listed in this file, meaning that port 2 does not communicate with networks through IP-over-SVCs.) The IP addresses listed after the pound signs are included to facilitate identification; they are not necessary.
The following sections provide the following SPANS information:
How to configure a system to run the Simple Protocol for ATM Network Signaling (SPANS)
How to verify SPANS operation
SPANS implementation limitations
Use the following procedure to configure SPANS:
Procedure 3-1. SPANS Configuration Procedure
After installing ATM 2.3.1, update all of the following configuration files with their new versions:
/var/atm/ifatm.conf /var/atm/spansd.conf /var/sysgen/master.d/if_atm /var/sysgen/master.d/if_atmarp |
Change the following configuration files, as noted:
To disable ILMI on the ports, comment out all lines beginning with ATMPORT and ATMADDRESS.
To disable the UNI signaling daemon on the ports, comment out all lines beginning with buildstack.
To disable Classic IP on all ports, comment out all lines beginning with atmx (where X is 0, 1, 2, 3, etc). Next, to place each port into SPANS mode, add a line as follows for each port:
atm0 port 0 iftype spans |
Depending on whether you will be using the SPANS load balancing feature or you want to change the default settings for any of the SPANS configuration parameters, you might have to edit this file. To determine this, see the spansd(1m) man page.
Edit this file to include any of the ATM interface that you want to automatically configure up at system startup time.
Configure your FORE ATM switch for SPANS. Each port that will run SPANS must have UNI signaling disabled and SPANS signaling enabled.
Log in to the ATM switch's "ATM Management Interface" (AMI).
To disable UNI signaling on these ports, go into the localhost::configuration uni level and use the delete command to delete each port that you want to run SPANS, as follows:
delete 1a1 0 |
To enable SPANS signaling on these ports, go into the localhost::configuration spans level and on each port that you want to run SPANS, use the new command, which also changes the default AAL from 4 to 5 and the maximum number of VCI's on the port to 256 (0-255). This step is required in this implementation of SPANS (see spansd(1m). Following is an example ot the new command:
new 1a1 0 -aal 5 -maxvci 255 |
Configure the kernel by using the autoconfigutility, and then reboot your system.
To verify that the SPANS protocol has initialized properly, view the /tmp/spansd.log file . Included in the messages are the settings for the SPANS timers, the load balance grouping, the size of the ATMARP table, and the switch addresses assigned to each of the ports. If the interface initialized properly, the file should end with messages like those in the following examples:
INFO: atm0 connected to switch port f20f1abf.08 INFO: atm1 connected to switch port f20f1abf.09 INFO: atm2 connected to switch port f20f1abf.10 INFO: atm3 connected to switch port f20f1abf.11 |
If these messages do not appear, perform the following troubleshooting steps:
Procedure 3-2. SPANS Troubleshooting
Enter the following command:
ifatmconfig atmX |
Verify that the output of this command shows that the port is configured with an iftype of SPANS. If not, check the /var/atm/ifatm.conf file to ensure that it is correct. Also, check the other /var/atm files to insure that they are set up according to Procedure 3-1.
Verify that the /tmp/spansd.log file exists. If not, the SPANS daemon, spansd, might not have started or it might have died.
Use the ps -el | grep spansd command to check the process table to verify that the SPANS daemon, spansd, is running.
Enter the netstat -I atmX 1 or netstat -C command, and view the SPANS status messages and their replies to verify that each ATM port that is running SPANS is receiving and transmitting approximately 2 packets per second. If this is not happening, verify the ATM switch configuration.
If all of the above appears to be working properly, attempt to contact a remote host that is directly attatched to the ATM network by using the ping command. This other host MUST also be running the SPANS protocol. If this is not successful, use the atmarp -a command to determine if, at least, the ARP and ATM signaling were successful. The output of atmarp -a should display for the remote host a line that shows a valid interface, AAL, VP, and VCI. The Flagsfield should show SPANS,Complete. If this is not the case, contact techincal support for assistance.
The implementation of the SPANS protocol has the following limitations:
The SPANS daemon does not support Multicast or Multi-Point-to-Point (MPP) channels.
The FORE ATM switch must be configured to run SPANS over AAL 5. This is not the default setting in the ATM switch.
The FORE ATM switch must be configured to use a maximum of 256 VCI's. This is not the default setting in the ATM switch.
The SPANS daemon does not support host-to-host connections. There must always be an ATM switch connecting the hosts together.
The SPANS daemon is supported only on Quad OC-3c XIO ATM hardware.
The pending entry and complete entry timers are implemented as two separate asynchronous timers. The pending entry timer is running in the kernel and has an interval of ten seconds. The complete entry timer is running in the SPANS daemon and has an interval of one minute. Because of their asynchronous nature, these timers can be off by as much as +/- one interval. For the pending entry timeout, this means that a timeout can occur +/- ten seconds from the specified timeout value. For the complete entry timeout, this means that a timeout on an "idle complete entry" can occur +/- one minute and ten seconds from the specified timeout value.
Each IP-over-ATM logical network interface (endpoint for one LIS), has the following configurable parameters:
The physical port associated with the LIS (instructions provided in “Address Resolution for SVCs”).
The ATMARP server for the LIS (instructions provided in “Address Resolution for SVCs”).
The transmission rate for SVCs to that LIS (instructions provided in “Set Transmission Rate and Timeout”).
The VC timeout used for determining when an SVC is torn down due to inactivity (instructions provided in “Set Transmission Rate and Timeout”).
![]() | Note: For temporary (or dynamic) configuration of LIS parameters, see the ifatmconfig(1m) man page. |
Follow the instructions in this section to configure non-default LIS operational parameters, such as the transmission rate used on the VCs for that LIS, and the timeout used for inactive VCs. These configurations are optional; the IRIS ATM software contains default settings that are used if you do not configure these items.
Open the /var/atm/ifatm.conf file.
For each LIS for which you want to specify a non-default peak transmission rate, add a line, as shown in the following format. If this line does not exist for an LIS, the IRIS ATM software uses a default rate of 135,991,460 bits per second.
atm# vcrate bits_per_second |
The entries in each line have the following meanings:
atm#. The logical network interface name exactly as it appears in the /etc/config/netif.options file. There must be only one rate for each logical network interface (that is, one vcrate for atm0, one vcrate for atm1).
vcrate. A keyword (required entry).
bits_per_second. The upper-layer payload for the desired transmission rate. (For example, for the mezzanine HIO board, this can be any of the transmission rates from Appendix B, “Supported Transmission Rates for IRIS ATM Board on CHALLENGE and Onyx Platforms”.) The driver uses this value to calculate the transmission rate for VCs that are opened for the associated LIS. The resulting traffic parameter will be BEST-EFFORT with a peak cell rate (CLP=0+1) of bits_per_second/384.
![]() | Note: The values in Appendix B, “Supported Transmission Rates for IRIS ATM Board on CHALLENGE and Onyx Platforms”, are expressed in megabits-per-second. You must convert the values to bits-per-second before entering them into this field. If the value entered in this field does not exactly match a configurated rate queue on the board, the software will use the closest match. |
For each LIS for which you want to specify a non-default timeout, add a line in the following format. If this line does not exist for an LIS, the IRIS ATM software uses a default timeout of 20 minutes.
atm# vctimeout minutes |
The entries in each line have the following meanings:
atm#. The logical network interface name exactly as it appears in the /etc/config/netif.options file. There must be only one timeout for each logical network interface (that is, one VC timeout for atm0, one VC timeout for atm1).
vctimeout. A keyword (required entry).
minutes. The number of minutes that can pass during which no data is transmitted or received on an SVC before the VC is torn down.
![]() | Note: The vctimeout does not affect the permanently open SVC that is created for communicating with the ATMARP server. |
If this is your only or last configuration task, use the following command lines to start using the new configuration. Otherwise, perform the other configuration tasks, then reboot the system.
# /etc/ifconfig atm# down <do this for each atm interface listed in the file> # /usr/etc/ifatmconfig -F /var/atm/ifatm.conf # /etc/ifconfig atm# up <do this for each atm interface listed in the file> |
# reboot |
The /usr/etc/ifatmconfig utility is provided for on-the-fly configuring of IP-over-SVC parameters, such as the address of the ARP server for each LIS, the timeout period for tearing down inactive VCs, and the transmission rate for SVCs to the LIS.
Dynamic Configuration of ATMARP Server
To change an ATM address resolution server after system startup, disable each network interface for which you are going to make the change, and invoke the ifatmconfig utility for each new server. The command line requires the following format:
# /usr/etc/ifconfig atm# down # /usr/etc/ifatmconfig atm# port # arpserver NSAP_address # /usr/etc/ifconfig atm# up |
Dynamic Configuration of SVC Transmission Rate
To change the peak transmission rate used for SVCs created for an LIS, use the command lines below:
# /usr/etc/ifconfig atm# down # /usr/etc/ifatmconfig atm# vcrate bits_per_second # /usr/etc/ifconfig atm# up |
The bits_per_second option indicates the highest rate the software will use in its traffic contract. The resulting SVCs will have peak cellrates set to bits_per_second/384.
![]() | Note: The IRIS ATM signaling and ILMI software creates two best-effort PVCs per port for use in communicating with the adjacent switch. This overhead traffic is sporadic and uses only a portion of any rate queue's bandwidth; however, the higher the configured rate, the larger the percentage of the port's total bandwidth that can be occupied by overhead whenever there is overhead traffic to transmit. |
Dynamic Configuration of Timeout for Inactive VCs
To change the timeout used for tearing down inactive VCs, use the following command line:
# /usr/etc/ifconfig atm# down # /usr/etc/ifatmconfig atm# vctimeout minutes # /usr/etc/ifconfig atm# up |
This section provides instructions for configuring the IRIS ATM signaling software. In this section, the required procedure is in “Required atmsigd Configuration”.
The IRIS ATM signaling software (atmsigd) is the collection of modules that manages the protocol stack for each ATM user-network interface (UNI) and the interface to the IRIS ATM driver, as explained in “Switched Virtual Circuits” in Chapter 1, and shown in Figure 1-18. Before starting IRIS ATM, you must configure atmsigd to build one UNI stack for each IRIS ATM physical connection (port). You do this by editing the /var/atm/atmsigd.tcl file. The following is an example of the portion of the file that you must edit. These are the lines as they are shipped with the product:
buildstack 1 /hw/atm/0 AF30 AF30 # buildstack 1 /hw/atm/0 AF30 AF31 # buildstack 1 /hw/atm/0 AF31 AF31 # buildstack 2 /hw/atm/1 AF30 AF30 # buildstack 2 /hw/atm/1 AF30 AF31 # buildstack 2 /hw/atm/1 AF31 AF31 # buildstack 3 /hw/atm/2 AF30 AF30 # buildstack 3 /hw/atm/2 AF30 AF31 # buildstack 3 /hw/atm/2 AF31 AF31 |
The format for each line is as follows:
# buildstack identification# /hw/atm/# version_SSCOP version_Q.2931 |
The items have the following meanings:
The leading #. Indicates that the line is commented out (unreadable). You must remove this character to make the line active (readable).
buildstack. A keyword (required entry).
identification#. Identifies the UNI protocol stack for that port. Valid values are all non-zero decimal numerals. For each numeral, only one line should be readable. It is recommended that these numerals be used sequentially.
/hw/atm/#. Specifies the ATM port (for example, /hw/atm/0 identifies ATM port 0).
version_SSCOP. Specifies the ATM UNI version for the service specific convergence protocol layer. The valid entries are either AF30 for ATM UNI Specification 3.0 [Q.SAAL1 and 2] or AF31 for ATM UNI Specification 3.1 [Q.2110]. This version must match the version used on the adjacent switch.
version_Q.2931. Indicates the ATM UNI version for the signaling protocol (that is, the Q.2931 layer). The valid entries are either AF30 for ATM UNI Specification 3.0 or AF31 for ATM UNI Specification 3.1.
Follow these steps to perform the standard, required configuration of the IRIS ATM Signaling daemon:
Open the /var/atm/atmsigd.tcl file.
Uncomment, that is, remove, only one line for each ATM port (/hw/atm/#).
If your system has more than 3 ATM ports, create one new line for each additional port. Each line must have a unique identification number (identification#) and device name (/hw/atm/#).
For example, to configure a system with 4 ATM ports where two ports are using ATM UNI version 3.0 for both configurable layers, one is using 3.0 for SSCOP and 3.1 for the signaling, and one is using 3.1 for SSCOP and signaling, edit the file to look like the following example:
buildstack 1 /hw/atm/0 AF30 AF30 # buildstack 1 /hw/atm/0 AF30 AF31 # buildstack 1 /hw/atm/0 AF31 AF31 buildstack 2 /hw/atm/1 AF30 AF30 # buildstack 2 /hw/atm/1 AF30 AF31 # buildstack 2 /hw/atm/1 AF31 AF31 # buildstack 3 /hw/atm/2 AF30 AF30 buildstack 3 /hw/atm/2 AF30 AF31 # buildstack 3 /hw/atm/2 AF31 AF31 buildstack 4 /hw/atm/3 AF31 AF31 |
If this is your only configuration task, use the following command lines to restart atmsigd. Otherwise, continue with your tasks and these changes will take effect the next time the IRIS ATM software is started. For example, when the system is rebooted or when /etc/init.d/atm start is invoked.
# /etc/init.d/atm stop # /etc/init.d/atm start |
If an adjacent switch does not use the standard VPI/VCI address (VPI=0, VCI=5) for its ATM signaling communications, use the following instructions to change the value used on that port:
Open the/var/atm/atmsigd.tcl file.
Locate the line for the port in question.
Add a pound sign to comment out the standard buildstack line, as shown below:
# buildstack 3 /hw/atm/2 AF30 AF31 |
Add lines in the following format:
build aal5atm identification# /hw/atm/# VPI VCI build qsaal version_SSCOP identification# build q93b version_Q.2931 identification# |
For example, to set VPI=2, VCI=8 on the port used in the preceding example for commenting out the buildstack line, the additional lines look like the followng:
build aal5atm 3 /hw/atm/2 2 8 build qsaal AF30 3 build q93b AF31 3 |
![]() | Note: Alternatively, you may create your own procedure in the file, modeled after the buildstack procedure, then invoke that procedure with the arguments. This file must be written in the Tool Command Language (TCL) scripting language. |
For configurations that do not require atmsigd (for example, PVC-only environments), rename the daemon's configuration file so that the process terminates itself almost immediately after startup. The following command lines are an example of this procedure:
# mv /var/atm/atmsigd.tcl /var/atm/atmsigd.tcl.O |
If needed, the IRIS ATM signaling daemon (atmsigd) can be run in an interactive mode for debugging. When started in this mode, atmsigd responds to commands (phrased in TCL syntax) from the terminal (stdin). In this mode, you can manipulate the following items on the fly:
Amount of error reporting for each layer of the signaling stack. Three levels are available: ERROR (lowest level), TERSE, and VERBOSE.
VPI/VCI address for the permanent virtual circuit over which signaling occurs. This address is configured into the AAL5 layer.
The ATM UNI version for the SSCOP and Q.2931 layers of the signaling stack.
Creation (setup) and deletion of (teardown) virtual channels.
![]() | Caution: Running atmsigd in interactive mode can easily result in dysfunctional ATM stack configurations. Use this mode with caution. |
Complete instructions are available in the atmsigd(1m) online man page.
This section provides instructions for configuring the IRIS ATM interim local management interface (ILMI) software. In this section, the only required procedure is “Required atmilmid Configuration”. Each time an IRIS ATM board is installed or removed, these required procedures must be performed.
The ILMI daemon (atmilmid) is the module that manages ATM address registration for switched virtual circuits (SVCs), and management, configuration, and control information for switched and permanent virtual circuits, as explained in “ATM ILMI” in Chapter 1. You must configure the ILMI daemon before it functions.
The ILMI configuration files are /var/atm/atmilmid.conf and /var/atm/atmilmid.options. The atmilmid.conf file configures one instance of the ATM user-network interface (UNI) for each physical port. The atmilmid.options file sets runtime variables for the ILMI daemon. The new settings take effect when atmilmid is restarted manually or restarted automatically at the next reboot.
Perform the following steps to configure the ILMI daemon, atmilmid:
Open the /var/atm/atmilmid.conf file.
Each ATMPORT line in this file defines a VPI/VCI address for atmilmid to use in communicating over an ATM port (physical connection). Each entry in this configuration file has the following format:
ATMPORT port_index port_name VPI VCI |
The items have the following meanings:
ATMPORT. A required word.
index. A non-zero, positive, unique-within-this-file integer that uniquely identifies each port. This number is used in the ATM MIB's object identification address (OID) to differentiate between ATM UNIs (ports). The number is used, when querying the MIB, to indicate which port on the system is being referenced. The number is independent of all other identification numbers used by IRIS ATM software (for example, the stack identification# used by atmsigd). The simplest procedure is to use 1 for /hw/atm/0, 2 for /hw/atm/1, and so forth.
port_name. A path that identifies an existing ATM port on the system. Each port can be mentioned only once in this file. For example, use /hw/atm/0 for port 0, /hw/atm/1 or port 1, and so forth.
VPI and VCI. Decimal numbers that indicate the well-known virtual path and virtual channel identifiers for the PVC over which the communication between the atmilmid and the adjacent ILMI module (for example, on the switch) takes place. It is highly recommended that you use the following values specified by the ATM UNI standards: VPI=0, VCI=16.
Each ATMADDRESS line in this file defines an ATM address (either ATM NSAP or native-E.164) for one ATM port (physical connection). This line is required only for ports that are connected to an ATM system that does not do ILMI address registration (for example, a switch that does not assign ATM addresses).
![]() | Note: Most ATM switches assign ATM addresses to their adjacent endpoints (as required by the ATM UNI Signaling standard). The addresses are either the network prefix portion of an ATM NSAP or a native-E.164 address. Endpoints (the user side of the ATM UNI) and some switches do not perform this task. The IRIS ATM software performs only as an endpoint, so its ILMI daemon does not assign ATM addresses to adjacent systems; it registers the local portions (ESI and SEL) for an ATM NSAP address and accepts an address assignment for an ATM NSAP or a native E.164 address. |
Each entry in this configuration file has the following format:
ATMADDRESS port_index address |
The items have the following meanings:
ATMADDRESS. A required word.
port_index. One of the port_index numbers used in an ATMPORT definition line. The number denotes which of the ATM ports will be configured with this address.
address. The port's ATM address in hexadecimal notation. This address can be either an ATM NSAP or a native (non-NSAP) E.164 address. Do not use a prefix to the string of hexadecimal characters (for example, use FF, not 0xFF) and do not use separators (for example, use FFFF, not FF:FF). The following two examples show valid formats:
A 20-byte ATM NSAP address:
A native-E.164 address:
![]() | Note: See the glossary items ATM address, ATM NSAP address, and native E.164 address for further explanation. |
If this is your only configuration task, restart atmilmid. Otherwise, continue with your tasks and these changes will take effect the next time the IRIS ATM software is started. For example, when the system rebooted or when /etc/init.d/network start is invoked.
The following sample ILMI configuration file entries configure an ILMI daemon to listen for and respond to SNMP commands on four ATM physical connections (/hw/atm/0 to /hw/atm/3). Each physical connection has a permanent virtual circuit that uses 0 for its VPI and 16 (decimal) for its VCI. The file also provides an ATM NSAP address for port 1 (/hw/atm/1) and assumes that the addresses for the other ports will be supplied by the adjacent switches.
ATMPORT 1 /hw/atm/0 0 16 ATMPORT 2 /hw/atm/1 0 16 ATMPORT 3 /hw/atm/2 0 16 ATMPORT 4 /hw/atm/3 0 16 ATMADDRESS 1 47000580ffe1000000f115098d080069042a4f00 |
A number of operational parameters for the ILMI daemon are configured into the daemon at runtime (for example, during a reboot). To change the default settings, create the /etc/config/atmilmid.options file. The parameters that you can configure in this file are listed in Table 3-10. The table also indicates the default setting for each parameter.
Table 3-10. Operational Parameters for ILMI Daemon
Parameter | Description | Default setting |
socket (-p) | The address of the UDP socket on which the atmilmid listens as a subagent for requests from the main SNMP process (for example, from a MIB viewing application). If you reset this value, be sure to select an unused one. | 23,849 |
loglevel (-l) | Level of error message logging. Valid values are: DEBUG (most errors reported), INFO, NOTICE, WARNING, ERR, CRIT, ALERT, and EMERG (least errors reported). | ERR |
To change any of these parameters, use the appropriate instructions as follows:
To change the UDP socket at which atmilmid listens for queries from the main SNMP agent, place this entry in the atmilmid.options file:
-p socket_number |
The socket_number option is an unused UDP socket. You must also edit the /etc/snmpd.remote.conf file to include this socket number.
To change the level of error message reporting, place this entry in the file:
-l loglevel |
The loglevel option is one of the following words listed from the highest amount of reporting to the least amount of reporting: DEBUG, INFO, NOTICE, WARNING, ERR, CRIT, ALERT, EMERG. Each level reports all messages at its level and messages of all higher levels. For example, ALERT reports alert and emergency messages; EMERG only reports emergency ones; and DEBUG reports all possible messages. These messages are written into the /var/adm/SYSLOG file.
The ILMI daemon can be manually invoked to operate in debug mode. By invoking the command with various options, you can specify the location for the error messages and what type of information to provide.
Complete information is available in the atmilmid(1m) online man page.
Before the contents of an ATM MIB can be viewed with an SNMP viewer, the ATM MIB definition file (atmf_ilmi.mib) must exist in the directory where the viewer application expects to find it. For example, the IRIXPro (or NetVisualyzer) Browser application expects the file to be in the /usr/lib/netvis/mibs directory. When IRIS ATM software is installed, it automatically places the ATM MIB definition file in the /usr/lib/netvis/mibs directory.
Table 3-11, lists the files specific to the IRIS ATM product, and describes the purpose for each file. This listing does not include standard IRIX files (such as /etc/hosts and /etc/netif.options) that affect the configuration and performance of IRIS ATM. The table indicates which files must be edited before IRIS ATM is functional (R), which files can optionally be edited to alter default settings (O), and which files should not be edited.
Table 3-11. Summary of IRIS ATM Files
File full path | Purpose | Edit |
atm /var/sysgen/master.d/atm | Configure hardware driver for IRIS ATM-OC3c HIO board. For example, configure method for unit number assignment. | O[a] |
atm /etc/init.d/atm | Script that initializes and starts the IRIS ATM subsystem including the hardware, ILMI and signaling software, and LIS for IP-over-ATM. Invoked during startup by a symbolic link in the /etc/rc2.d directory. | N | /var/sysgen/system/ | Instruct autoconfig when it is building ATM driver for HIO board into the operating system. | N |
atmf_ilmi.mib /usr/lib/netvis/mibs/atmf_ilmi.mib | For SVCs only: define the ATM ILMI MIB. | N |
atmhw.conf /var/atm/atmhw.conf | Instruct atmconfig -F when configuring ATM hardware. For example, source for transmit clock. | O |
atmhw.conf-# /var/atm/atmhw.conf-# | Instruct atmconfig -F when configuring hardware for one specific ATM port. | O |
atmilmid.conf /var/atm/atmilmid.conf | For SVCs only: configure ATM ILMI software (atmilmid). | R |
atmilmid.options /etc/config/atmilmid.options | For SVCs only: set optional runtime parameters for atmilmid. | O |
atmsigd.tcl /var/atm/atmsigd.tcl | For SVCs only: configure ATM UNI stack for the signaling software (atmsigd). | R |
if_atm /var/sysgen/master.d/if_atm | Configure IRIS ATM TCP/IP driver. | O |
ifatm.conf /var/atm/ifatm.conf | For SVCs only: instruct ifatmconfig -F when configuring IP-over-ATM logical network interfaces. Configures address resolution server for each LIS and designates a port for each logical network interface to use. | R |
network.atm /etc/init.d/network.atm | For PVCs only: script that initializes IP-over-PVC connections. Invoked during startup by a symbolic link in the /etc/rc2.d directory. | N |
pvc.conf /var/atm/pvc.conf | For PVCs only: instructs atmarp -f to create PVCs. Maps IP addresses to VPI/VCI addresses, designates a port for each IP address to use, and defines use of LLC/SNAP encapsulation. | R |
quadoc3 /var/sysgen/master.d/quadoc3 | Configure hardware driver for IRIS ATM-OC3c 4Port XIO board. | N | /var/sysgen/system/ | Instruct autoconfig when it is building ATM driver for XIO board into the operating system. | N |
sigtest.c /usr/lib/atm/examples/sigtest.c | Example of IRIS ATM application programming interface implementation using the SVC commands. | N |
[a] O = editing is optional; N = do not edit this file; R = editing is required for the IRIS ATM subsystem to become functional |
IRIS ATM consists of multiple modules in addition to the hardware. During operation, these parts need to stay synchronized with each other. Because of this, it is recommended that you use discretion and follow the steps recommended in Table 3-12, to reset, stop, or start IRIS ATM software or hardware. In general, follow these guidelines:
It is always safe to use the ifconfig command to bring logical network interfaces up or down.
Use the /etc/init.d/atm script to stop and restart the IRIS ATM software.
Table 3-12, provides suggested steps for smoothly stopping and starting IRIS ATM for some common tasks.
Table 3-12. Stopping and Starting IRIS ATM Modules and Hardware
Task |
To reconfigure or restart one IRIS IP-over-ATM logical network interface. | Edit configuration files, if changes are desired. Enter the following commands: ifconfig atm #down ifconfig atm # up |
To reconfigure parameters for LIS or to restart one LIS. | Edit a configuration file that has entries for this LIS only. Enter the following commands: ifconfig atm # down ifatmconfig -F<filename> ifconfig atm # up |
To reconfigure the IP-over-ATM driver or restart the IRIS ATM driver. | Edit configuration file, if changes are desired. Enter the following commands: ifconfig atm <each_one> down /etc/init.d/atm stop /etc/init.d/atm start ifconfig atm <each_one> up |
To reconfigure or restart the IRIS ATM ILMI software. | Edit configuration files, if changes are desired. Enter the following commands: /etc/init.d/atm stop /etc/init.d/atm start |
To reconfigure or restart the IRIS ATM Signaling software. | Edit configuration files, if changes are desired. Enter the following commands: /etc/init.d/atm stop /etc/init.d/atm start |
To reload the IP-over-PVC address resolution table. | Edit configuration file, if changes are desired. Enter the following commands: killall -Hup atmarp |
To reconfigure or restart one IRIS ATM port without disrupting other ATM ports.[a] | Edit configuration file, if changes are desired. Enter the following commands: ifconfig atm # down Enter the preceding command for every interface on the port. atmconfig -i port# -r atmconfig -i port# -d atmconfig -i port# -F /var/atm/atmhw.conf- # atmconfig -i port# -u ifconfig atm<each_interface_on_port> up killall -Hup atmilmid |
To reset and bring up (into operation) one already installed IRIS ATM port without disrupting other ATM ports. | ifconfig atm # down Enter preceding command for every interface on the port. atmconfig -i port# -r atmconfig -i port# -d atmconfig -i port# -F/var/atm/atmhw.conf- # atmconfig -i port# -u ifconfig atm <each_interface_on_port> up killall -Hup atmilmid |
To reconfigure or restart a port that has PVCs. | /etc/init.d/network.atm stop /etc/init.d/atm stop /etc/init.d/atm start /etc/init.d/network.atm start |
[a] With the IRIS ATM-OC3c 4Port XIO board, two ports are reset with this command: either the upper-two ports or the lower-two ports (as organized on the board's I/O panel plate). Whenever either of a pair is specified for reset on the command line, both ports are reset. |
[22] Two communication paths to the IRIS ATM subsystem are available for upper-layer IP applications: (1) the standard BSD socket interface, and (2) a character device interface. Refer to the IRIS ATM API Programmer's Guide, publication SG-2235, for information about the character device interface.
[23] The broadcast and arp parameters do not apply to IRIS ATM network interfaces.
[24] In IP-over-ATM environments, unlike Ethernet or FDDI, each physical port can serve numerous logical network interfaces (each with its own IP addresses). For more detail, see “IP and ATM in IRIS ATM” in Chapter 1.