- 100baseT
- Requirements
- 64-bit scalability
- Supported XFS Features
- 6.5.12f and earlier filesystem conversion
- Convert Filesystem Definitions for Upgrades
- access control lists
- Supported XFS Features
- ACLs
- Supported XFS Features
- activate CXFS services
- cmgr
- Start CXFS Services with cmgr
- Start CXFS Services with the GUI
- ACTIVE cluster status
- Check Cluster Status with the GUI
- active metadata server
- Node Functions
- add a node
- cmgr
- Define a Node with cmgr
- Add or Remove Nodes in the Cluster with the GUI
- add nic
- Define a Node with cmgr
- adjacent OS allowed
- Requirements
- admin command (cmgr)
- Entering Subcommands on the Command Line
- Entering Subcommands on the Command Line
- administration
- Administration and Maintenance
- administration daemon
- /etc/services on CXFS Administration Nodes
- administration membership
- Membership
- administration node
- Node Functions
- administration tools
- Cluster Manager Tools Overview
- advisory record locks
- Features
- age
- Locate the Problem
- aliases
- Configure Network Interfaces
- allocation of space
- Supported XFS Features
- allow CXFS kernel membership
- cmgr
- Allow Membership of the Local Node with cmgr
- Allow Membership of the Local Node with the GUI
- alternate logins
- Install IRIX Software on a CXFS Administration Node
- alternate root
- Install IRIX Software on a CXFS Administration Node
- Install IRIX Software on a Client-Only Node
- Install IRIX Software on a Client-Only Node
- analyze I/O performance
- Analyzing I/O Performance with PCP
- apache server
- Install IRIX Software on a CXFS Administration Node
- asynchronous buffering techniques
- Supported XFS Features
- atime
- Flow of Metadata for Reads and Writes
- autoconfig
- Reboot the System
- AutoLoad boot parameter
- (Optional) Configure for Automatic Restart
- automatic restart of nodes
- (Optional) Configure for Automatic Restart
- backups
- Disk Backups
- bandwidth
- Supported XFS Features
- Supported XFS Features
- When to Use CXFS
- Features
- blue text
- Help Menu
- Brocade Fibre Channel switch
- Isolating Failed Nodes
- definition
- cmgr
- Define a Switch with cmgr
- Define a Switch with the GUI
- Brocade switch GUI
- Netscape and the Brocade Switch GUI
- Brocade Web Tools V2.0
- Netscape and the Brocade Switch GUI
- BSD interfaces
- Features
- B-trees
- Supported XFS Features
- buffer cache activity
- Performance Monitoring Tools
- Locate the Problem
- buffer coherency
- Metadata Server Functions
- buffering disks
- Features
- bufview(1)
- Performance Monitoring Tools
- Locate the Problem
- build a cmgr script automatically
- Creating a cmgr Script Automatically
- build_cmgr_script command
- Creating a cmgr Script Automatically
- bulkstat
- Using fsr(1M)
- cad
- messages
- cad Messages
- options file
- /etc/services on CXFS Administration Nodes
- /etc/config/cad.options on CXFS Administration Nodes
- process
- Verify that the Cluster Daemons are Running
- Daemons
- processes
- /etc/config/cad.options on CXFS Administration Nodes
- verify it is running
- Verify that the Cluster Daemons are Running
- cad_log
- Log Files
- capacity of the system
- Use System Capacity Wisely
- Cluster Database
- cdbreinit
- Cluster Configuration Tools
- Reboot Before Changing Node ID or Cluster ID
- Clearing the Cluster Database
- Recreating the Cluster Database
- cdbutil
- Locate the Problem
- cell ID
- Locate the Problem
- Cell ID Count and “Membership Delivered” Messages
- cfs
- Kernel Status Tools
- change a filesystem
- cmgr
- Modify a CXFS Filesystem with cmgr
- Modify a CXFS Filesystem with the GUI
- change a node
- cmgr
- Modify a Node with cmgr
- Modify a Node Definition with the GUI
- change an existing node into a client-only node
- Transforming an Existing Node into a Client-Only Node
- Channel traffic
- Normal Messages
- checklist
- Initial Configuration Checklist
- chkconfig(1M)
- Verify that the chkconfig Flags are On
- chkconfig flags
- chkconfig Flags
- IP Filtering Example for the CXFS Private Network
- clconf_info
- Configuring with the cmgr(1M) Command
- Metadata Server Discovery with clconf_info
- Identify the Cluster Status
- Identify the Cluster Status
- Identify the Cluster Status
- Locate the Problem
- clconfd
- errors
- clconfd Error Messages
- process
- Verify that the Cluster Daemons are Running
- Daemons
- clconfd_ hostname
- Log Files
- clconfd-scripts directory
- NFS Export Scripts
- clearing the database
- Clearing the Cluster Database
- cli
- errors
- cli Error Messages
- messages
- cli Messages
- CLI (underlying command line interface)
- Cluster Manager Tools Overview
- cli_ hostname
- Log Files
- client administration node
- Node Functions
- Define a Node with cmgr
- client vnodes
- Kernel Status Tools
- client_timeout
- Multiple client_timeout Values
- client-only node
- Node Functions
- Define a Node with cmgr
- gathering status from
- Check Cluster/Node/Filesystem Status with cxfs_info
- cluster (terminology)
- Cluster
- cluster administration daemon
- options file
- /etc/config/cad.options on CXFS Administration Nodes
- cluster chkconfig flag
- chkconfig Flags
- cluster conversion
- cmgr
- Convert a Cluster to CXFS or FailSafe with cmgr
- Convert a FailSafe Cluster for use with CXFS with the GUI
- cluster daemon restart
- Stopping and Restarting Cluster Infrastructure Daemons
- cluster daemon start
- Start the Cluster Daemons
- cluster database
- automatic cmgr script generation
- Creating a cmgr Script Automatically
- backup/restore
- Cluster Database Backup and Restore
- definition of term
- Comparison of XFS and CXFS
- membership quorum stability
- Cluster Database Membership Quorum Stability
- quorum
- Cluster Database Membership Quorum Stability
- re-creation
- Creating a cmgr Script Automatically
- shutdown
- Cluster Database Shutdown
- terminology
- Cluster Database
- cluster database membership
- Membership
- cluster definition
- cmgr
- Define a Cluster with cmgr
- Define a Cluster with the GUI
- cluster deletion
- cmgr
- Delete a Cluster with cmgr
- Delete a Cluster with the GUI
- cluster display
- cmgr
- Display a Cluster with cmgr
- Display a Cluster with the GUI
- cluster domain
- Volume Management
- cluster ID
- changing
- Reboot Before Changing Node ID or Cluster ID
- specification
- cmgr
- Define a Cluster with cmgr
- Convert a FailSafe Cluster for use with CXFS with the GUI
- cluster manager tools
- Cluster Manager Tools Overview
- cluster membership
- Membership
- cluster mode
- Modify a Cluster Definition with the GUI
- cluster modification
- cmgr
- Modify a Cluster with cmgr
- Modify a Cluster Definition with the GUI
- cluster size
- Recommendations
- cluster status
- tools for troubleshooting
- Cluster/Node Status Tools
- verification
- Check Cluster Status with the GUI
- cluster tasks
- cmgr
- Cluster Tasks with cmgr
- Cluster Tasks with the GUI
- cluster_admin subsystem
- Daemons
- cluster_control subsystem
- Daemons
- cluster_mgr
- Cluster Manager Tools Overview
- See cmgr
- cluster_services subsystem
- Daemons
- cluster_status
- Metadata Server Discovery with cluster_status
- Check Cluster Status with cluster_status
- Identify the Cluster Status
- cmgr
- See configuration tasks
- automatic script generation
- Creating a cmgr Script Automatically
- -c option
- Entering Subcommands on the Command Line
- command line execution
- Entering Subcommands on the Command Line
- exiting
- Completing Actions and Cancelling
- help
- Getting Help
- initial configuration and
- Configuring with the cmgr(1M) Command
- overview
- Cluster Manager Tools Overview
- cmgr(1M) Overview
- script mode
- Script Example
- scripts and
- Using Script Files
- shell and
- Invoking a Shell from within cmgr
- template files
- Template Scripts
- cmgr-create-cluster
- Template Scripts
- cmgr-create-node
- Template Scripts
- cmgr-templates directory
- Template Scripts
- cmond
- errors
- cmond Error Messages
- process
- Verify that the Cluster Daemons are Running
- Daemons
- verify it is running
- Verify that the Cluster Daemons are Running
- cmond_log
- Log Files
- cms_dead()
- Kernel Status Tools
- cms_declare_membership()
- Kernel Status Tools
- cms_fence_timeout
- System Tunable Parameters
- cms_fence_timeout_action
- System Tunable Parameters
- cms_follower()
- Kernel Status Tools
- cms_leader()
- Kernel Status Tools
- cms_nascent()
- Kernel Status Tools
- cms_reset_timeout
- System Tunable Parameters
- cms_reset_timeout_action
- System Tunable Parameters
- cms_shutdown()
- Kernel Status Tools
- cms_stable()
- Kernel Status Tools
- cmsd
- Daemons
- cmsd kernel thread
- Eliminate a Residual Cluster
- coexecution
- See FailSafe coexecution
- communication paths
- Communication Paths in a Coexecution Cluster
- colors and states
- Key to Icons and States
- command buttons
- Shortcuts Using Command Buttons
- command line interface
- Cluster Manager Tools Overview
- cmgr(1M) Overview
- See Also cmgr
- communication paths
- Communication Paths
- comparison
- network and CXFS filesystems
- Comparison of Network and CXFS Filesystems
- XFS and CXFS
- Comparison of XFS and CXFS
- compute power
- Requirements
- concat creation
- Shortcuts Using Command Buttons
- concatenation
- Volume Management
- concepts for CXFS
- Terminology
- configuration checklist
- Initial Configuration Checklist
- configuration tasks
- cmgr
- Reference to cmgr Tasks for CXFS
- cluster definition
- Define a Cluster with cmgr
- cluster deletion
- Delete a Cluster with cmgr
- cluster display
- Display a Cluster with cmgr
- cluster tasks
- Cluster Tasks with cmgr
- connectivity test
- Test Node Connectivity with cmgr
- convert a FailSafe cluster
- Convert a Cluster to CXFS or FailSafe with cmgr
- CXFS services
- Start CXFS Services with cmgr
- Start CXFS Services with cmgr
- cxfs tiebreaker
- Set the Tiebreaker Node with cmgr
- defaults
- Set Configuration Defaults with cmgr
- define a switch
- Define a Switch with cmgr
- delete a switch
- Delete a Switch Definition with cmgr
- fail action hierarchy
- Define a Node with cmgr
- fence lowering
- Lower the I/O Fence for a Node with cmgr
- fence raising
- Raise the I/O Fence for a Node with cmgr
- fencing
- Define a Node with cmgr
- filesystem deletion
- Delete a CXFS Filesystem with cmgr
- filesystem modification
- Modify a CXFS Filesystem with cmgr
- filesystem mount/unmount
- Mount a CXFS Filesystem with cmgr
- log configuration
- Set Log Configuration with cmgr
- membership allow/revoke
- Revoke Membership of the Local Node with cmgr
- metadata server relocation
- Relocate the Metadata Server for a Filesystem with cmgr
- metadataserver definition
- Define a CXFS Filesystem with cmgr
- node deletion
- Delete a Node with cmgr
- node display
- Display a Node with cmgr
- node modification
- Modify a Node with cmgr
- node reset
- Reset a Node with cmgr
- node tasks
- Node Tasks with cmgr
- notify administrator of cluster changes
- Define a Cluster with cmgr
- switch modification
- Modify a Switch Definition with cmgr
- update switch port information
- Update Switch Port Information with cmgr
- cluster definition
- Define a Cluster with the GUI
- cluster deletion
- Delete a Cluster with the GUI
- cluster display
- Display a Cluster with the GUI
- cluster modification
- Modify a Cluster Definition with the GUI
- connectivity test
- Test Node Connectivity with the GUI
- convert a FailSafe cluster
- Convert a FailSafe Cluster for use with CXFS with the GUI
- convert a FailSafe node
- Convert a FailSafe Node for use with CXFS with the GUI
- CXFS services start/stop
- Start CXFS Services with the GUI
- cxfs tiebreaker
- Set Tiebreaker Node with the GUI
- delete a switch
- Delete a Switch Definition with the GUI
- display a node
- Display a Node with the GUI
- fence lowering
- Lower the I/O Fence for a Node with the GUI
- Define a Node with cmgr
- fence raising
- Raise the I/O Fence for a Node with the GUI
- filesystem deletion
- Delete a CXFS Filesystem with the GUI
- filesystem modification
- Modify a CXFS Filesystem with the GUI
- filesystem mount/unmount
- Mount a CXFS Filesystem with the GUI
- log configuration
- Set Log Configuration with the GUI
- membership allow/revoke
- Revoke Membership of the Local Node with the
- metadata server definition
- Define a CXFS Filesystem with the GUI
- metadata server relocation
- Relocate a Metadata Server for a CXFS Filesystem with the GUI
- node addition/removal
- Add or Remove Nodes in the Cluster with the GUI
- node definition
- Define a Node with the GUI
- node deletion
- Delete a Node with the GUI
- node modification
- Modify a Node Definition with the GUI
- node resets
- Reset a Node with the GUI
- set up a new filesystem
- Set Up a New CXFS Filesystem with the GUI
- setting up a new cluster
- Set Up a New Cluster with the GUI
- switch definition
- Define a Switch with the GUI
- switch modification
- Modify a Switch Definition with the GUI
- update switch port information
- Update Switch Port Information with the GUI
- configure for automatic restart
- (Optional) Configure for Automatic Restart
- configure network interfaces
- Configure Network Interfaces
- configure system files
- Configure System Files
- configure the serial ports
- Configure the Serial Ports for CXFS Administration Nodes
- configure with the GUI
- Configuring with the GUI
- configure XVM volumes
- Cluster Configuration Tools
- connectivity test
- cmgr
- Test Node Connectivity with cmgr
- Test Node Connectivity with the GUI
- Consistency in Configuration
- Consistency in Configuration
- contiguous allocation of space
- Supported XFS Features
- control network
- Private Network
- Define a Node with the GUI
- convert a FailSafe cluster
- cmgr
- Convert a Cluster to CXFS or FailSafe with cmgr
- Set Up an Existing FailSafe Cluster for CXFS with the GUI
- Convert a FailSafe Cluster for use with CXFS with the GUI
- convert a FailSafe node
- cmgr
- Convert a Node to CXFS or FailSafe with cmgr
- Set Up an Existing FailSafe Cluster for CXFS with the GUI
- Convert a FailSafe Node for use with CXFS with the GUI
- convert filesystem definitions for 6.5.12f and earlier
- Convert Filesystem Definitions for Upgrades
- convert from FailSafe task
- Set Up an Existing FailSafe Cluster for CXFS with the GUI
- corpseleader process
- Daemons
- create a cluster
- cmgr
- Define a Cluster with cmgr
- Define a Cluster with the GUI
- create a filesystem metadata server
- cmgr
- Define a CXFS Filesystem with cmgr
- Define a CXFS Filesystem with the GUI
- create a node
- cmgr
- Define a Node with cmgr
- Define a Node with the GUI
- crontab
- Initial Configuration Requirements and Recommendations
- Initial Configuration Requirements and Recommendations
- Using cron(1) in a CXFS Cluster
- Avoid Excessive Filesystem Activity Caused by the crontab
- crsd
- process
- Verify that the Cluster Daemons are Running
- Daemons
- verify it is running
- Verify that the Cluster Daemons are Running
- crsd errors
- crsd Error Messages
- crsd Errors
- crsd_ hostname
- Log Files
- ctime
- Flow of Metadata for Reads and Writes
- curses interface
- Check Cluster Status with cluster_status
- cxdetail (cxfsmgr)
- Making Changes Safely
- CXFS client node
- Node Functions
- CXFS client-only node
- Node Functions
- CXFS kernel membership
- allow/revoke
- cmgr
- Revoke Membership of the Local Node with cmgr
- current information
- Locate the Problem
- CXFS kernel membership allow/revoke
- Revoke Membership of the Local Node with the
- CXFS Manager
- See configuration tasks, cmgr
- See GUI
- CXFS membership
- problems
- Eliminate a Residual Cluster
- state determination
- Kernel Status Tools
- CXFS services
- start
- cmgr
- Start CXFS Services with cmgr
- Start CXFS Services with the GUI
- stop
- Serial Hardware Reset Connection for CXFS Administration Nodes
- cmgr
- Stop CXFS Services with cmgr
- Stop CXFS Services (Normal CXFS Shutdown) with the
- CXFS shutdown forced
- Revoke Membership of the Local Node with cmgr
- cmgr
- Stop CXFS Services with cmgr
- Revoke Membership of the Local Node with the
- CXFS shutdown normal
- cmgr
- Normal CXFS Shutdown
- Stop CXFS Services (Normal CXFS Shutdown) with the
- CXFS tiebreaker node
- cmgr
- Set the Tiebreaker Node with cmgr
- Set Tiebreaker Node with the GUI
- cxfs*mount.sh scripts
- NFS Export Scripts
- cxfs*umount.sh scripts
- NFS Export Scripts
- cxfs_client
- errors
- cxfs_client Error Messages
- process
- Daemons
- cxfs_client subsystem
- Daemons
- cxfs_client_hostname
- Log Files
- cxfs_cluster
- Verify that the chkconfig Flags are On
- cxfs_cluster chkconfig flag
- chkconfig Flags
- cxfs_info
- Check Cluster/Node/Filesystem Status with cxfs_info
- cxfs_relocation_ok
- System Tunable Parameters
- cxfs_shutdown_time
- System Tunable Parameters
- cxfsd process
- Daemons
- cxfsd_max
- System Tunable Parameters
- cxfsd_min
- System Tunable Parameters
- cxfsdump
- Gather Cluster Configuration with cxfsdump
- cxfsfilesystemUpgrade
- Upgrading from 6.5.12f or Earlier
- cxfslicense
- Install IRIX Software on a CXFS Administration Node
- Install IRIX Software on a Client-Only Node
- cxfsmgr
- Cluster Configuration Tools
- Making Changes Safely
- cxtask (cxfsmgr)
- Making Changes Safely
- daemon
- list of
- Daemons
- restart
- Stopping and Restarting Cluster Infrastructure Daemons
- start
- Start the Cluster Daemons
- verify
- Verify that the Cluster Daemons are Running
- data flow
- Flow of Metadata for Reads and Writes
- data management API
- Using Hierarchical Storage Management (HSM) Products
- Data Migration Facility
- Compatibility
- Using Hierarchical Storage Management (HSM) Products
- data security
- Isolating Failed Nodes
- database
- clearing
- Clearing the Cluster Database
- dump
- Locate the Problem
- membership
- Membership
- shutdown
- Cluster Database Shutdown
- database membership
- See cluster database membership
- dcshake process
- Daemons
- dcvn
- Kernel Status Tools
- deactivate CXFS services
- cmgr
- Stop CXFS Services with cmgr
- Start CXFS Services with the GUI
- Stop CXFS Services (Normal CXFS Shutdown) with the
- define a cluster
- cmgr
- Define a Cluster with cmgr
- Define a Cluster with the GUI
- defragmenter
- Supported XFS Features
- delete a cluster
- cmgr
- Delete a Cluster with cmgr
- Delete a Cluster with the GUI
- delete a filesystem
- cmgr
- Delete a CXFS Filesystem with cmgr
- Delete a CXFS Filesystem with the GUI
- delete a node from the cluster
- cmgr
- Modify a Cluster with cmgr
- Add or Remove Nodes in the Cluster with the GUI
- delete a node from the pool
- cmgr
- Delete a Node with cmgr
- Delete a Node with the GUI
- detach volume elements
- Shortcuts Using Command Buttons
- details area
- GUI Window Layout
- determine the hostname
- Determine the Hostname of the CXFS Administration Node
- /dev/cxvm directory
- Identify the Cluster Status
- df(1)
- Cluster/Node Status Tools
- diagnostic tasks
- cmgr
- Test Node Connectivity with cmgr
- diags_ hostname
- Log Files
- direct-to-disk I/O
- Features
- disk blocks, free
- Cluster/Node Status Tools
- disk buffering
- Features
- disk configuration
- Configuring Disks
- disk management
- Disk Management
- disk striping
- Volume Management
- disk unlabling
- Shortcuts Using Command Buttons
- display a cluster
- cmgr
- Display a Cluster with cmgr
- Display a Cluster with the GUI
- display nodes
- cmgr
- Display a Node with cmgr
- Display a Node with the GUI
- Using Hierarchical Storage Management (HSM) Products
- Compatibility
- Using Hierarchical Storage Management (HSM) Products
- Hostname Resolution: /etc/sys_id, /etc/hosts, /etc/nsswitch.conf
- Configure Network Interfaces
- Configure Network Interfaces
- Determine the Hostname of the CXFS Administration Node
- domain
- Volume Management
- domain name service
- Hostname Resolution: /etc/sys_id, /etc/hosts, /etc/nsswitch.conf
- DOWN node state
- Node Status
- drag and drop
- Using Drag-and-Drop for XVM Configuration
- dsvn
- Kernel Status Tools
- dump from metadata server
- Dump and Restore
- dump of the database
- Locate the Problem
- eag:mac-ip=label
- Mandatory Access Controls
- Edit menu
- Edit Menu
- e-mail alias
- Configure Network Interfaces
- Entitlement Sheet
- Requirements
- ERROR cluster status
- Check Cluster Status with the GUI
- /etc/aliases
- Configure Network Interfaces
- /etc/chkconfig
- Verify that the chkconfig Flags are On
- /etc/config/cad.options file
- /etc/config/cad.options on CXFS Administration Nodes
- /etc/config/fs2d.options file
- /etc/config/fs2d.options on CXFS Administration Nodes
- /etc/config/netif.options
- Hostname Resolution: /etc/sys_id, /etc/hosts, /etc/nsswitch.conf
- Configure Network Interfaces
- /etc/config/routed.options
- Configure Network Interfaces
- /etc/exports
- (Optional) /etc/exports
- /etc/fstab in XFS (not CXFS)
- Comparison of XFS and CXFS
- /etc/hosts
- Hostname Resolution: /etc/sys_id, /etc/hosts, /etc/nsswitch.conf
- Determine the Hostname of the CXFS Administration Node
- /etc/inetd.conf
- GUI Will Not Run
- /etc/init.d
- Stopping and Restarting Cluster Infrastructure Daemons
- /etc/init.d/cluster
- Cluster Control Tools
- /etc/init.d/cxfs stop
- Stop CXFS Services (Normal CXFS Shutdown) with the
- /etc/inittab
- Configure the Serial Ports for CXFS Administration Nodes
- /etc/ipfilterd.conf
- IP Filtering Example for the CXFS Private Network
- /etc/mtab
- Comparison of XFS and CXFS
- /etc/nsswitch.conf
- Hostname Resolution: /etc/sys_id, /etc/hosts, /etc/nsswitch.conf
- /etc/services file
- /etc/services on CXFS Administration Nodes
- /etc/sys_id
- Hostname Resolution: /etc/sys_id, /etc/hosts, /etc/nsswitch.conf
- Start the GUI
- Ethernet network
- Metadata Server Functions
- examples
- admin ping
- Serial Hardware Reset Connection for CXFS Administration Nodes
- administrative communication within one node
- Communication Paths
- administrative communication within one node under coexecution
- Communication Paths in a Coexecution Cluster
- bufview
- Locate the Problem
- clconf_info
- Configuring with the cmgr(1M) Command
- cluster definition
- Configuring with the cmgr(1M) Command
- cluster display
- Configuring with the cmgr(1M) Command
- cmgr
- Entering Subcommands on the Command Line
- cmgr scripts
- Using Script Files
- communication between nodes in the pool
- Communication Paths
- communication for a node not in a cluster
- Communication Paths
- communication paths
- Communication Paths
- CXFS Manager GUI
- Start the GUI
- daemon communication within one administration node
- Communication Paths
- daemon communication within one IRIX node under coexecution
- Communication Paths in a Coexecution Cluster
- define filesystem
- Configuring with the cmgr(1M) Command
- /etc/config/netif.options
- Configure Network Interfaces
- /etc/config/routed.options
- Configure Network Interfaces
- /etc/hosts
- Configure Network Interfaces
- /etc/inittab
- Configure the Serial Ports for CXFS Administration Nodes
- fs2d logging and tracing
- Example 1
- fs2d options
- Example 1
- GUI screens
- GUI Windows
- ifconfig
- Private Network Interface
- IP filtering
- IP Filtering Example for the CXFS Private Network
- license properly installed
- Install IRIX Software on a CXFS Administration Node
- Install IRIX Software on a Client-Only Node
- metadata flow
- Flow of Metadata for Reads and Writes
- metadata server distribution
- Node Functions
- name services
- Configure Network Interfaces
- node configuration
- Configuring with the cmgr(1M) Command
- ping output
- Private Network Interface
- pool and cluster concepts
- Pool
- potential metadata servers
- Configuring with the cmgr(1M) Command
- private network interface test
- Private Network Interface
- quit cmgr
- Configuring with the cmgr(1M) Command
- relocation versus recovery
- Recovery
- .rhosts
- (Optional) /.rhosts
- sar
- Locate the Problem
- serial hardware reset
- Serial Hardware Reset
- serial port configuration
- Configure the Serial Ports for CXFS Administration Nodes
- show clusters
- Entering Subcommands on the Command Line
- show nodes in pool
- Configuring with the cmgr(1M) Command
- show status
- Configuring with the cmgr(1M) Command
- start CXFS services
- Configuring with the cmgr(1M) Command
- stop CXFS services
- Serial Hardware Reset Connection for CXFS Administration Nodes
- test serial reset connection
- Serial Hardware Reset Connection for CXFS Administration Nodes
- unmount LOFS filesystems
- Unmounting lofs File Systems
- verify cluster daemons are running
- Verify that the Cluster Daemons are Running
- exclusive write tokens
- Exclusive Write Tokens
- exit operations and alternate root
- Install IRIX Software on a CXFS Administration Node
- Install IRIX Software on a Client-Only Node
- Install IRIX Software on a Client-Only Node
- exitops and alternate root
- Install IRIX Software on a CXFS Administration Node
- Install IRIX Software on a Client-Only Node
- Install IRIX Software on a Client-Only Node
- exporting a CFS filesystem
- Metadata Server Functions
- exports file
- (Optional) /etc/exports
- extent tracking
- Unwritten Extent Tracking
- FailSafe coexecution
- overview
- Overview of IRIS FailSafe Coexecution
- Why Run CXFS and FailSafe Together?
- terminology
- Requirements
- FailSafe conversion for a cluster
- cmgr
- Convert a Cluster to CXFS or FailSafe with cmgr
- Set Up an Existing FailSafe Cluster for CXFS with the GUI
- Convert a FailSafe Cluster for use with CXFS with the GUI
- FailSafe conversion for a node
- cmgr
- Convert a Node to CXFS or FailSafe with cmgr
- Convert a FailSafe Node for use with CXFS with the GUI
- FailSafe membership
- Membership
- Configure Network Interfaces
- fencing
- lower (enable access)
- cmgr
- Lower the I/O Fence for a Node with cmgr
- Lower the I/O Fence for a Node with the GUI
- raise (disable access)
- cmgr
- Raise the I/O Fence for a Node with cmgr
- Raise the I/O Fence for a Node with the GUI
- fencing and security of data
- Isolating Failed Nodes
- Fibre Channel switch
- Isolating Failed Nodes
- file locking
- Metadata Server Functions
- File menu
- Making Changes Safely
- File Menu
- filesystem buffer cache activity monitor
- Locate the Problem
- filesystem comparison, network and CXFS
- Comparison of Network and CXFS Filesystems
- filesystem creation
- Comparison of XFS and CXFS
- filesystem deletion
- cmgr
- Delete a CXFS Filesystem with cmgr
- Delete a CXFS Filesystem with the GUI
- filesystem features of XFS supported by CXFS
- Supported XFS Features
- filesystem format changes between 6.5.12f and 6.5.13f
- Convert Filesystem Definitions for Upgrades
- filesystem growth
- Growing Filesystems
- filesystem is inaccessible
- Cannot Access Filesystem
- filesystem local-host access
- Performance Considerations
- filesystem maintenance
- Filesystem Maintenance
- Filesystem Manager
- Comparison of XFS and CXFS
- filesystem metadata server definition
- cmgr
- Define a CXFS Filesystem with cmgr
- Define a CXFS Filesystem with the GUI
- filesystem modification
- cmgr
- Modify a CXFS Filesystem with cmgr
- Modify a CXFS Filesystem with cmgr
- Modify a CXFS Filesystem with the GUI
- Modify a CXFS Filesystem with the GUI
- filesystem mounting
- cmgr
- Modify a Cluster with cmgr
- Mount a CXFS Filesystem with cmgr
- Mount a CXFS Filesystem with cmgr
- Mount a CXFS Filesystem with the GUI
- overview
- Mounting Filesystems
- XFS differences
- Comparison of XFS and CXFS
- filesystem mounting/unmounting
- Unmount a CXFS Filesystem with the GUI
- Unmount a Local Filesystem
- filesystem network access
- When to Use CXFS
- filesystem reorganizer
- Supported XFS Features
- filesystem response times
- Supported XFS Features
- filesystem restriction of access
- Supported XFS Features
- filesystem structure
- Comparison of XFS and CXFS
- filesystem tasks
- cmgr
- CXFS Filesystem Tasks with cmgr
- Filesystem Tasks with the GUI
- guided configuration
- Set Up a New CXFS Filesystem with the GUI
- filesystem unmounting
- cmgr
- Unmount a CXFS Filesystem with cmgr
- Mount a CXFS Filesystem with the GUI
- filesystem view
- What is CXFS?
- filesystems and IRIS FailSafe
- CXFS Resource Type for FailSafe
- filtering IP traffic
- IP Filtering Example for the CXFS Private Network
- find (1)
- Avoid Excessive Filesystem Activity Caused by the crontab
- find and crontab
- Initial Configuration Requirements and Recommendations
- Initial Configuration Requirements and Recommendations
- Using cron(1) in a CXFS Cluster
- Find text field
- Selecting Items to View or Modify
- FLEXlm license key
- Requirements
- forced CXFS shutdown
- cmgr
- Forced CXFS Shutdown: Revoke Membership of Local Node
- Stop CXFS Services (Normal CXFS Shutdown) with the
- forced shutdown
- Serial Hardware Reset
- Forced CXFS Shutdown: Revoke Membership of Local Node
- forced shutdown and restart
- Rejoining the Cluster after a Forced CXFS Shutdown
- Restart CXFS after a Forced Shutdown
- forced unmount
- cmgr
- Define a CXFS Filesystem with cmgr
- Unmount a CXFS Filesystem with the GUI
- recommended
- Initial Configuration Requirements and Recommendations
- free disk blocks
- Cluster/Node Status Tools
- fs2d
- database membership
- Membership
- errors
- fs2d Error Messages
- fs2d Errors
- options file
- /etc/config/fs2d.options on CXFS Administration Nodes
- process
- Verify that the Cluster Daemons are Running
- Daemons
- verify it is running
- Verify that the Cluster Daemons are Running
- fs2d membership
- See CXFS kernel membership
- fs2d_log
- Log Files
- Identify the Cluster Status
- Cluster Database Membership Quorum Stability
- fsr
- Using fsr(1M)
- Avoid Excessive Filesystem Activity Caused by the crontab
- fsr_xfs
- Supported XFS Features
- fstab in XFS (not CXFS)
- Comparison of XFS and CXFS
- Fuel
- Requirements
- function of a node
- Define a Node with the GUI
- Define a Node with cmgr
- function of nodes
- Define Node Function Appropriately
- fx (1M)
- Configuring with the cmgr(1M) Command
- gather cluster configuration information
- Gather Cluster Configuration with cxfsdump
- Restrictions
- growing filesystems
- Growing Filesystems
- guaranteed-rate I/O
- Restrictions
- configuring with
- Configuring with the GUI
- multiple instances
- Making Changes Safely
- overview
- Cluster Manager Tools Overview
- GUI Features
- starting
- Logging In
- tasks
- See configuration tasks
- web-based version
- Install IRIX Software on a CXFS Administration Node
- GUI and xvm command differences
- Important GUI and xvm(1M) Command
- GUI will not run
- GUI Will Not Run
- guided configuration tasks
- GUI Features
- hardware inventory
- Physical Storage Tools
- Identify the Cluster Status
- hardware requirements
- Requirements
- hardware reset
- See serial hardware reset
- heartbeat network
- Private Network
- Define a Node with the GUI
- heartbeat timing
- Private Network
- help
- for cmgr
- Getting Help
- Entering Subcommands on the Command Line
- for GUI
- Set Up a New Cluster with the GUI
- Help button
- Cluster Manager Tools Overview
- help menu
- Help Menu
- hierarchical storage management
- Using Hierarchical Storage Management (HSM) Products
- hinv (1M)
- Physical Storage Tools
- Identify the Cluster Status
- host bus adapter
- I/O Fencing
- I/O Fencing
- hostname
- Determine the Hostname of the CXFS Administration Node
- hostname control network
- Define a Node with the GUI
- hostname resolution
- Hostname Resolution: /etc/sys_id, /etc/hosts, /etc/nsswitch.conf
- hostname/IP-address pairings
- Set Up a New Cluster with the GUI
- hosts file
- Hostname Resolution: /etc/sys_id, /etc/hosts, /etc/nsswitch.conf
- hsm
- Using Hierarchical Storage Management (HSM) Products
- hub
- Recommendations
- hung system
- System is Hung
- icons and states
- Key to Icons and States
- icrash
- Kernel Status Tools
- Identify the Cluster Status
- Identify the Cluster Status
- Eliminate a Residual Cluster
- Exclusive Write Tokens
- idbg
- Kernel Status Tools
- ifconfig
- Private Network Interface
- cluster status
- Check Cluster Status with the GUI
- node state
- Node Status
- incarnation
- Locate the Problem
- initial cluster configuration
- cmgr
- Configuring with the cmgr(1M) Command
- Configuring with the GUI
- initial configuration
- Initial Configuration of the Cluster
- initial configuration checklist
- Initial Configuration Checklist
- inittab
- Configure the Serial Ports for CXFS Administration Nodes
- input instructions
- Getting More Information
- installation
- IRIX Systems: Installation of CXFS Software and System Preparation
- inventory file
- Dump and Restore
- I/O device configuration
- Physical Storage Tools
- I/O fencing and integrity of data
- Isolating Failed Nodes
- I/O monitor for XVM
- Shortcuts Using Command Buttons
- I/O operations
- When to Use CXFS
- I/O overhead
- Requirements
- I/O performance analysis
- Analyzing I/O Performance with PCP
- ioconfig(1M)
- Physical Storage Tools
- IP address and control network
- Define a Node with the GUI
- IP address error
- IP Address Error
- IP filtering
- IP Filtering Example for the CXFS Private Network
- IP-address/hostname pairings
- Set Up a New Cluster with the GUI
- ipfilterd chkconfig flad
- IP Filtering Example for the CXFS Private Network
- ipfilterd_inactive_behavior
- IP Filtering Example for the CXFS Private Network
- IRISconsole
- Compatibility
- IRISconsole and serial port configuration
- Configure the Serial Ports for CXFS Administration Nodes
- is_* commands
- Define a Node with cmgr
- item view
- See details view
- java files and release level
- Install IRIX Software on a CXFS Administration Node
- java_eoe*
- Install IRIX Software on a CXFS Administration Node
- java_plugin
- Install IRIX Software on a CXFS Administration Node
- Java-enabled web browser access to GUI
- Cluster Manager Tools Overview
- Requirements
- kernel generation
- Reboot the System
- kernel membership state determination
- Kernel Status Tools
- kernel status tools
- Kernel Status Tools
- kernel threads
- Daemons
- kernel-tunable parameters
- System Tunable Parameters
- L1
- Define a Node with cmgr
- L2
- Define a Node with cmgr
- label disks
- Shortcuts Using Command Buttons
- Network Filesystems
- large clusters
- Set Up a New Cluster with the GUI
- Legato NetWorker
- Disk Backups
- library for record locking
- Features
- license
- error
- License Error
- FLEXlm key
- Requirements
- GUI and
- GUI Will Not Run
- installation
- Install IRIX Software on a CXFS Administration Node
- Install IRIX Software on a Client-Only Node
- verification
- Verify the License
- license.dat
- Verify the License
- local area networks (LANs)
- Network Filesystems
- local domain
- Volume Management
- local node
- When You Should Not Perform a Normal CXFS Shutdown
- locks
- Features
- lofs filesystems
- Unmounting lofs File Systems
- log configuration
- cmgr
- Set Log Configuration with cmgr
- Set Log Configuration with the GUI
- log files
- Log Files
- consume too much disk space
- Log Files Consume Too Much Disk Space
- errors
- Log File Error Messages
- list of
- Status in Log Files
- management
- Log File Management
- monitoring
- Status in Log Files
- names and sizes
- Log File Names and Sizes
- log in problems
- You Cannot Log In
- log-based filesystem
- Supported XFS Features
- logging fs2d options
- /etc/config/fs2d.options on CXFS Administration Nodes
- logical volume creation
- Configuring with the cmgr(1M) Command
- logical volume reconfiguration
- Structuring Volume Topologies
- MAC label and Trusted IRIX
- Mandatory Access Controls
- maintenance
- Administration and Maintenance
- mandatory access control label and Trusted IRIX
- Mandatory Access Controls
- mandatory record locks
- Features
- mask and switch definition
- Define a Switch with the GUI
- membership
- See cluster database membership or CXFS kernel membership
- membership delivered
- Log Files
- Cell ID Count and “Membership Delivered” Messages
- membership weight
- Define a Node with cmgr
- mesglist
- Kernel Status Tools
- Identify the Cluster Status
- mesgtcpaccept process
- Daemons
- mesgtcpdiscovery
- Daemons
- mesgtcpmulticast
- Daemons
- mesgtcprcv process
- Daemons
- message trace
- Kernel Status Tools
- metadata
- logging
- Metadata Server Functions
- terminology
- Comparison of XFS and CXFS
- Node Functions
- transaction examples
- Performance Considerations
- metadata flow
- Flow of Metadata for Reads and Writes
- metadata server
- chosen from potential list
- Metadata Server Functions
- definition
- cmgr
- Define a CXFS Filesystem with cmgr
- Define a CXFS Filesystem with the GUI
- discovery
- Metadata Server Discovery with the GUI
- Metadata Server Discovery with cluster_status
- model
- Metadata Server Functions
- order of
- Configuring with the cmgr(1M) Command
- recovery
- Metadata Server Recovery
- relocation
- cmgr
- Relocate the Metadata Server for a Filesystem with cmgr
- Relocate a Metadata Server for a CXFS Filesystem with the GUI
- terminology
- Comparison of XFS and CXFS
- Node Functions
- metadata server-capable administration node
- Node Functions
- mirror creation
- Shortcuts Using Command Buttons
- mirroring
- Volume Management
- missing XVM volumes
- Important GUI and xvm(1M) Command
- mkfs
- Comparison of XFS and CXFS
- Set Up a New CXFS Filesystem with the GUI
- Configuring with the cmgr(1M) Command
- mkpart
- Define a Node with the GUI
- Define a Node with cmgr
- Define a Node with cmgr
- mode of cluster
- Modify a Cluster Definition with the GUI
- modify a filesystem
- cmgr
- Modify a Node with cmgr
- Modify a CXFS Filesystem with cmgr
- Modify a CXFS Filesystem with the GUI
- modify a node
- cmgr
- Modify a Node with cmgr
- Modify a Node Definition with the GUI
- monitoring tools
- Performance Monitoring Tools
- mount
- command
- Comparison of XFS and CXFS
- Identify the Cluster Status
- filesystems
- Mounting Filesystems
- cmgr
- Mount a CXFS Filesystem with cmgr
- Mount a CXFS Filesystem with the GUI
- options
- Define a CXFS Filesystem with the GUI
- points
- Define a CXFS Filesystem with the GUI
- see mounted filesystems
- Cluster/Node Status Tools
- mount filesystems
- Configuring with the cmgr(1M) Command
- mount scripts
- NFS Export Scripts
- mounted filesystems, showing
- Cluster/Node Status Tools
- mount-point nesting
- Restrictions
- Define a Node with cmgr
- msenlow, minthigh
- Mandatory Access Controls
- mtcp_hb_period
- System Tunable Parameters
- mtcp_mesg_validate
- System Tunable Parameters
- mtcp_nodelay
- System Tunable Parameters
- mtcp_reserve_size
- System Tunable Parameters
- mtime
- Flow of Metadata for Reads and Writes
- multiOS cluster
- Isolating Failed Nodes
- multiplexer
- Serial Hardware Reset
- Compatibility
- name restrictions
- Hostname Resolution: /etc/sys_id, /etc/hosts, /etc/nsswitch.conf
- name service daemon
- Hostname Resolution: /etc/sys_id, /etc/hosts, /etc/nsswitch.conf
- named pipes
- Restrictions
- nesting of mount points
- Restrictions
- NetBackup
- Disk Backups
- netif.options
- Hostname Resolution: /etc/sys_id, /etc/hosts, /etc/nsswitch.conf
- Configure Network Interfaces
- Netscape and the Brocade switch GUI
- Netscape and the Brocade Switch GUI
- Netscape server
- Install IRIX Software on a CXFS Administration Node
- netstat(1)
- Networking Tools
- network connectivity
- cmgr
- Test Node Connectivity with cmgr
- Test Node Connectivity with the GUI
- network filesystem comparison
- Network Filesystems
- network information service
- Hostname Resolution: /etc/sys_id, /etc/hosts, /etc/nsswitch.conf
- network interface configuration
- Configure Network Interfaces
- network issues
- Initial Configuration Requirements and Recommendations
- network partitioning
- Serial Hardware Reset
- network requirements
- Requirements
- network routing
- Configure Network Interfaces
- network segment
- Recommendations
- network status
- Networking Tools
- network switch
- Recommendations
- NetWorker
- Disk Backups
- networks
- Private Network
- newaliases
- Configure Network Interfaces
- Network Filesystems
- NFS and CXFS
- Performance Considerations
- NFS exporting
- Metadata Server Functions
- (Optional) /etc/exports
- NFS Export Scripts
- Hostname Resolution: /etc/sys_id, /etc/hosts, /etc/nsswitch.conf
- Configure Network Interfaces
- Configure Network Interfaces
- Determine the Hostname of the CXFS Administration Node
- node
- isolation
- Isolating Failed Nodes
- state
- Node Status
- status
- Node Status
- tasks
- See configuration tasks
- terminology
- Node
- node addition
- cmgr
- Define a Node with cmgr
- Add or Remove Nodes in the Cluster with the GUI
- node conversion
- cmgr
- Convert a Node to CXFS or FailSafe with cmgr
- Convert a FailSafe Node for use with CXFS with the GUI
- node definition
- cmgr
- Define a Node with cmgr
- Define a Node with the GUI
- node deletion
- cmgr
- Delete a Node with cmgr
- Delete a Node with the GUI
- node display
- cmgr
- Display a Node with cmgr
- Display a Node with the GUI
- node function
- Define a Node with the GUI
- Define a Node with cmgr
- node ID, changing
- Reboot Before Changing Node ID or Cluster ID
- node modification
- cmgr
- Modify a Node with cmgr
- Modify a Node Definition with the GUI
- node reset
- cmgr
- Reset a Node with cmgr
- Reset a Node with the GUI
- node status
- database shutdown
- Node Status and Cluster Database Shutdown
- forced CXFS shutdown
- Node Status and Forced CXFS Shutdown
- normal CXFS shutdown
- Node Status and Normal CXFS Shutdown
- node status tools
- Cluster/Node Status Tools
- node tasks
- cmgr
- Node Tasks with cmgr
- Node Tasks with the GUI
- node weight
- Define a Node with cmgr
- normal CXFS shutdown
- Stop CXFS Services (Normal CXFS Shutdown) with the
- notify administrator of cluster changes
- cmgr
- Define a Cluster with cmgr
- Modify a Cluster Definition with the GUI
- nsadmin
- Hostname Resolution: /etc/sys_id, /etc/hosts, /etc/nsswitch.conf
- nsd
- Hostname Resolution: /etc/sys_id, /etc/hosts, /etc/nsswitch.conf
- Determine the Hostname of the CXFS Administration Node
- nss_enterprise.sw.server
- Install IRIX Software on a CXFS Administration Node
- nsswitch.conf
- Hostname Resolution: /etc/sys_id, /etc/hosts, /etc/nsswitch.conf
- NT nodes
- Samba
- NUMAlink module
- Define a Node with the GUI
- number of nodes supported
- Requirements
- NVRAM variables
- (Optional) Configure for Automatic Restart
- O2
- Requirements
- Octane
- Requirements
- Octane2
- Requirements
- old cluster
- Eliminate a Residual Cluster
- Onyx 300
- Define a Node with the GUI
- Onyx 3000 series
- Requirements
- Onyx 3200C
- Define a Node with the GUI
- Onyx2 series
- Requirements
- operating system activity data
- Performance Monitoring Tools
- Origin 300
- Define a Node with the GUI
- Origin 3000 series
- Requirements
- Origin 3200C
- Define a Node with the GUI
- Origin 3400
- Define a Node with the GUI
- Origin 3800
- Define a Node with the GUI
- OS level
- Requirements
- osview(1)
- Performance Monitoring Tools
- Use System Capacity Wisely
- owner host
- Serial Hardware Reset
- parameters (system tunable)
- System Tunable Parameters
- partition
- Define a Node with cmgr
- Define a Node with cmgr
- partition of network and reset of hardware
- Serial Hardware Reset
- partitioned system licensing
- Requirements
- partitioning and license
- Install IRIX Software on a CXFS Administration Node
- Install IRIX Software on a Client-Only Node
- Analyzing I/O Performance with PCP
- PCP XVM I/O monitor
- Shortcuts Using Command Buttons
- pcp_eoe
- XVM Statistics
- pcp_eoe.sw.xvm
- XVM Statistics
- peer-to-disk model
- Features
- perform tasks
- Performing Tasks
- Performance Co-Pilot (PCP)
- Performance Monitoring Tools
- XVM statistics
- Install IRIX Software on a CXFS Administration Node
- Install IRIX Software on a Client-Only Node
- XVM Statistics
- performance monitoring tools
- Performance Monitoring Tools
- physical network segment
- Recommendations
- Recommendations
- physical storage tools
- Physical Storage Tools
- physical volumes, showing
- Physical Storage Tools
- physvol
- No Cluster Name ID Error
- ping (1)
- Networking Tools
- Private Network Interface
- pipes (named)
- Restrictions
- platforms supported
- Requirements
- pmgxvm
- Shortcuts Using Command Buttons
- XVM Statistics
- pmie(1)
- Performance Monitoring Tools
- pmieconf(1)
- Performance Monitoring Tools
- pool
- Pool
- port configuration
- Configure the Serial Ports for CXFS Administration Nodes
- POSIX pathname
- Features
- potential metadata server
- Node Functions
- preliminary steps
- Preliminary Cluster Configuration Steps
- private network
- Private Network
- Configure Network Interfaces
- private network interface test
- Private Network Interface
- private network required
- Requirements
- Privilege Manager
- Logging In
- probe for devices
- Physical Storage Tools
- problem location
- Locate the Problem
- prompt mode for cmgr
- Using Prompt Mode
- proper start up
- Proper Start Up
- quit cmgr
- Configuring with the cmgr(1M) Command
- quorum
- Cluster Database Membership Quorum Stability
- quotas
- Supported XFS Features
- Quotas
- race to reset
- Serial Hardware Reset
- raise a fence
- cmgr
- Raise the I/O Fence for a Node with cmgr
- Raise the I/O Fence for a Node with the GUI
- read and metadata
- flow
- Flow of Metadata for Reads and Writes
- real-time filesystems
- Restrictions
- reboot
- Reboot the System
- Rebooting
- rebooting without rejoining the cluster
- Rebooting without Rejoining the Cluster
- recommendations
- Recommendations
- Initial Configuration Requirements and Recommendations
- reconfigure a cluster
- Eliminate a Residual Cluster
- record locks
- Features
- record-locking library
- Features
- recovering a two-node cluster
- Recovering a Two-Node Cluster
- recovery
- features
- Volume Management
- filesystem and XFS
- Supported XFS Features
- of the metadata server
- Metadata Server Recovery
- terminology
- Recovery
- Recovery process
- Daemons
- recreating the cluster database
- Recreating the Cluster Database
- reinitialize the database
- Cluster Configuration Tools
- rejoin the cluster
- forced CXFS shutdown
- Rejoining the Cluster after a Forced CXFS Shutdown
- normal CXFS shutdown
- Rejoining the Cluster after a Normal CXFS Shutdown
- reliability of the filesystem
- Supported XFS Features
- relocate a metadata server
- cmgr
- Relocate the Metadata Server for a Filesystem with cmgr
- Relocate a Metadata Server for a CXFS Filesystem with the GUI
- relocation
- Relocation
- remote reset
- connections
- Serial Hardware Reset
- remove a cluster
- cmgr
- Delete a Cluster with cmgr
- Delete a Cluster with the GUI
- remove a filesystem
- cmgr
- Delete a CXFS Filesystem with cmgr
- Delete a CXFS Filesystem with the GUI
- remove a node from the cluster
- cmgr
- Modify a Cluster with cmgr
- Add or Remove Nodes in the Cluster with the GUI
- remove a node from the pool
- cmgr
- Delete a Node with cmgr
- Delete a Node with the GUI
- remove nic
- Define a Node with cmgr
- reorganizer
- Supported XFS Features
- requirements
- Requirements
- reset
- See serial hardware reset
- reset a database
- Clearing the Cluster Database
- reset a node
- cmgr
- Reset a Node with cmgr
- Reset a Node with the GUI
- reset race
- Serial Hardware Reset
- residual cluster
- Eliminate a Residual Cluster
- restart (avoiding)
- Avoiding a CXFS Restart at Reboot
- restart cluster daemons
- Stopping and Restarting Cluster Infrastructure Daemons
- restarting CXFS services
- Restarting CXFS Services
- Restarting CXFS Services
- restarting nodes automatically
- (Optional) Configure for Automatic Restart
- restore
- Dump and Restore
- restrictions with CXFS filesystems
- Restrictions
- revoke CXFS kernel membership
- cmgr
- Revoke Membership of the Local Node with cmgr
- Revoke Membership of the Local Node with the
- rhost database entry and Trusted IRIX
- Mandatory Access Controls
- /.rhosts file
- (Optional) /.rhosts
- root filesystem and CXFS
- Restrictions
- rotatelogs
- Rotating All Log Files
- rotating log files
- Log File Management
- routed
- Configure Network Interfaces
- routed.options
- Configure Network Interfaces
- Router Discovery Advertisements
- Configure Network Interfaces
- routing
- Configure Network Interfaces
- rsh
- (Optional) /.rhosts
- salog
- Log Files
- Samba
- Network Filesystems
- Samba
- documentation
- Initial Configuration Checklist
- hardware
- Requirements
- use of
- What is CXFS?
- sar (1)
- Performance Monitoring Tools
- Locate the Problem
- scalability (64 bit0)
- Supported XFS Features
- script generation for cmgr
- Creating a cmgr Script Automatically
- script mode and cmgr
- Script Example
- scripts
- cmgr
- Using Script Files
- pre/post-mount scripts
- NFS Export Scripts
- templates for cmgr
- Template Scripts
- SCSI bus reset
- Physical Storage Tools
- scsiha(1M)
- Physical Storage Tools
- selecting items to view or modify
- Selecting Items to View or Modify
- Grant Task Access to a User or Users
- Revoke Task Access from a User or Users
- serial connections
- cmgr
- Test Node Connectivity with cmgr
- Test Node Connectivity with the GUI
- serial hardware reset
- Isolating Failed Nodes
- Serial Hardware Reset
- Requirements
- removing
- Remove Serial Hardware Reset Lines
- serial hardware reset services daemon
- /etc/services on CXFS Administration Nodes
- serial port configuration
- Configure the Serial Ports for CXFS Administration Nodes
- serial port multiplexer
- Serial Hardware Reset
- Compatibility
- serial port server
- Install IRIX Software on a CXFS Administration Node
- Install IRIX Software on a Client-Only Node
- serial reset connection test
- Serial Hardware Reset Connection for CXFS Administration Nodes
- server vnodes
- Kernel Status Tools
- server-capable administration node
- Define a Node with cmgr
- server-capable node
- Node Functions
- services file
- /etc/services on CXFS Administration Nodes
- services for CXFS
- stop
- Serial Hardware Reset Connection for CXFS Administration Nodes
- set commands
- Define a Node with cmgr
- set up a new cluster
- Set Up a New Cluster with the GUI
- SGI 2000 series
- Requirements
- SGI 2100
- Define a Node with the GUI
- SGI 2200
- Define a Node with the GUI
- SGI 2400
- Define a Node with the GUI
- SGI Origin 200
- Requirements
- SGI Origin 3000 series
- Requirements
- SGI2800
- Define a Node with the GUI
- sgi_apache.sw.server
- Install IRIX Software on a CXFS Administration Node
- sgi-cad
- /etc/services on CXFS Administration Nodes
- sgi-cmsd
- /etc/services on CXFS Administration Nodes
- sgi-crsd
- /etc/services on CXFS Administration Nodes
- sgi-gcd
- /etc/services on CXFS Administration Nodes
- shell use with cmgr
- Invoking a Shell from within cmgr
- shortcuts
- Shortcuts Using Command Buttons
- show a cluster
- cmgr
- Display a Cluster with cmgr
- Display a Cluster with the GUI
- show a node
- cmgr
- Display a Node with cmgr
- Display a Node with the GUI
- show clients/servers
- Kernel Status Tools
- show command (cmgr)
- Entering Subcommands on the Command Line
- show switches
- Show Switches with cmgr
- shutdown
- cluster database
- Cluster Database Shutdown
- forced CXFS cluster database
- Forced CXFS Shutdown: Revoke Membership of Local Node
- normal CXFS
- cmgr
- Define a Node with cmgr
- Stop CXFS Services (Normal CXFS Shutdown) with the
- normal CXFS database
- Normal CXFS Shutdown
- restart and
- Rejoining the Cluster after a Forced CXFS Shutdown
- Restart CXFS after a Forced Shutdown
- Silicon Graphics Fuel
- Requirements
- Silicon Graphics O2
- Requirements
- Silicon Graphics Octane
- Requirements
- Silicon Graphics Octane2
- Requirements
- Silicon Graphics Onyx 3000 series
- Requirements
- Silicon Graphics Onyx2 series
- Requirements
- sinfo
- Kernel Status Tools
- single filesystem view
- What is CXFS?
- single-system view
- System View
- size of the cluster
- Requirements
- slice disk
- Shortcuts Using Command Buttons
- software requirements
- Requirements
- space
- allocation
- Supported XFS Features
- requirements
- Install IRIX Software on a CXFS Administration Node
- Install IRIX Software on a Client-Only Node
- speed
- Supported XFS Features
- start cluster daemons
- Start the Cluster Daemons
- start command (cmgr)
- Entering Subcommands on the Command Line
- start CXFS services
- Rejoining the Cluster after a Normal CXFS Shutdown
- cmgr
- Start CXFS Services with cmgr
- Start CXFS Services with the GUI
- start up
- Proper Start Up
- statistics for an XVM volume
- Performance Monitoring Tools
- status
- cluster
- Check Cluster Status with the GUI
- node
- Node Status
- system controller
- Monitoring Serial Hardware Reset Lines with cmgr
- system, overview
- Monitoring Status
- sthreads
- Kernel Status Tools
- Daemons
- stop command (cmgr)
- Entering Subcommands on the Command Line
- stop CXFS services
- cmgr
- Stop CXFS Services with cmgr
- Stop CXFS Services with cmgr
- Stop CXFS Services (Normal CXFS Shutdown) with the
- storage area network
- What is CXFS?
- What is CXFS?
- storage tools
- Physical Storage Tools
- stripe creation
- Shortcuts Using Command Buttons
- striping
- Volume Management
- subnet
- Private Network
- subsystems installed
- Install IRIX Software on a CXFS Administration Node
- Install IRIX Software on a CXFS Administration Node
- Install IRIX Software on a Client-Only Node
- Install IRIX Software on a Client-Only Node
- subvolume creation
- Shortcuts Using Command Buttons
- swap to a file
- Restrictions
- switch
- display
- Show Switches with cmgr
- mandatory use of Brocade
- Isolating Failed Nodes
- query
- Query Switch Status with cmgr
- recommendations
- Recommendations
- switch definition
- cmgr
- Define a Switch with cmgr
- Define a Switch with the GUI
- switch deletion
- cmgr
- Delete a Switch Definition with cmgr
- Delete a Switch Definition with the GUI
- switch modification
- cmgr
- Modify a Switch Definition with cmgr
- Modify a Switch Definition with the GUI
- switch port information
- cmgr
- Update Switch Port Information with cmgr
- Update Switch Port Information with the GUI
- sys_id
- Hostname Resolution: /etc/sys_id, /etc/hosts, /etc/nsswitch.conf
- Start the GUI
- sysadm_base*
- Install IRIX Software on a CXFS Administration Node
- Install IRIX Software on a CXFS Administration Node
- Install IRIX Software on a Client-Only Node
- Install IRIX Software on a Client-Only Node
- sysadm_cluster*
- Install IRIX Software on a CXFS Administration Node
- Install IRIX Software on a CXFS Administration Node
- Install IRIX Software on a Client-Only Node
- Install IRIX Software on a Client-Only Node
- sysadm_cxfs*
- Install IRIX Software on a CXFS Administration Node
- Install IRIX Software on a CXFS Administration Node
- Install IRIX Software on a Client-Only Node
- Install IRIX Software on a Client-Only Node
- sysadm_cxfs.sw.desktop
- Methods
- sysadmdesktop
- Install IRIX Software on a CXFS Administration Node
- Logging In
- sysctrl* commands
- Define a Node with cmgr
- File Menu
- Unmounting Filesystems
- Log Files
- Log Files
- Identify the Cluster Status
- Identify the Cluster Status
- Locate the Problem
- SYSLOG errors
- SYSLOG Errors
- system
- files
- Configure System Files
- software communication paths
- Communication Paths
- status
- Monitoring Status
- view
- System View
- system activity
- Performance Monitoring Tools
- system activity data
- Performance Monitoring Tools
- system buffer cache activity
- Performance Monitoring Tools
- system capacity
- Use System Capacity Wisely
- system controller status
- Monitoring Serial Hardware Reset Lines with cmgr
- system controller types
- Define a Node with cmgr
- system hang
- System is Hung
- system log file
- File Menu
- system reboot
- Reboot the System
- System V interfaces
- Features
- system-tunable parameters
- System Tunable Parameters
- systunes
- System Tunable Parameters
- Tape Management Facility (TMF)
- Compatibility
- tasks
- Performing Tasks
- Tasks menu
- Tasks Menu
- tcp_channels
- Kernel Status Tools
- TCP/IP network
- Metadata Server Functions
- TCP/IP network requirements
- Requirements
- tcpmux
- GUI Will Not Run
- tcpmux service
- Install IRIX Software on a CXFS Administration Node
- tcpmux/sgi_sysadm
- GUI Will Not Run
- telnet port and I/O fencing
- I/O Fencing
- template files
- Template Scripts
- temporary names
- Shortcuts Using Command Buttons
- term definitions
- Getting More Information
- terminology
- Terminology
- test command (cmgr)
- Entering Subcommands on the Command Line
- test connectivity
- cmgr
- Test Node Connectivity with cmgr
- Test Node Connectivity with the GUI
- Test Connectivity task
- Locate the Problem
- test the system
- Test the System
- threads
- Daemons
- tiebreaker node
- cmgr
- Set the Tiebreaker Node with cmgr
- Set Tiebreaker Node with the GUI
- Compatibility
- /tmp/cmgr_create_cluster<cluster_PID>
- Creating a cmgr Script Automatically
- tokens
- Exclusive Write Tokens
- Flow of Metadata for Reads and Writes
- Toolchest
- Methods
- tools
- Cluster Manager Tools Overview
- trace messages
- Kernel Status Tools
- transaction rate
- Supported XFS Features
- transaction rates
- Network Filesystems
- transform an existing node into a client-only node
- Transforming an Existing Node into a Client-Only Node
- tree view
- See view area
- TRIX (Trusted IRIX)
- Compatibility
- troubleshooting
- Troubleshooting
- avoiding excessive filesystem activity
- Avoid Excessive Filesystem Activity Caused by the crontab
- avoiding problems
- Avoiding Problems
- cad messages
- cad Messages
- cannot access filesystem
- Cannot Access Filesystem
- cell ID count and “Membership delivered” messages
- Cell ID Count and “Membership Delivered” Messages
- clconfd daemon death
- clconfd Daemon Death
- clconfd errors
- clconfd Error Messages
- clearing the database
- Clearing the Cluster Database
- cli errors
- cli Error Messages
- cli messages
- cli Messages
- cluster configuration tools
- Cluster Configuration Tools
- cluster control tools
- Cluster Control Tools
- cluster daemon restart
- Stopping and Restarting Cluster Infrastructure Daemons
- cluster database membership quorum stability
- Cluster Database Membership Quorum Stability
- cluster/node status tools
- Cluster/Node Status Tools
- cmond errors
- cmond Error Messages
- common problems
- Common Problems
- consistency in configuration
- Consistency in Configuration
- corrective actions
- Corrective Actions
- crontab use
- Avoid Excessive Filesystem Activity Caused by the crontab
- crsd errors
- crsd Error Messages
- crsd Errors
- cxfs_client errors
- cxfs_client Error Messages
- define node function appropriately
- Define Node Function Appropriately
- eliminating a residual cluster
- Eliminate a Residual Cluster
- exclusive write tokens
- Exclusive Write Tokens
- fs2d errors
- fs2d Error Messages
- fs2d Errors
- general messages
- General Messages
- GUI use
- GUI Use
- GUI will not run
- GUI Will Not Run
- identify the cluster status
- Identify the Cluster Status
- IP address error
- IP Address Error
- kernel status tools
- Kernel Status Tools
- license error
- License Error
- locate the problem
- Locate the Problem
- log file errors
- Log File Error Messages
- log file names and sizes
- Log File Names and Sizes
- log files
- Log Files
- log files consume too much disk space
- Log Files Consume Too Much Disk Space
- lost CXFS membership
- Lost CXFS Membership
- messages
- Understanding Error Messages
- Netscape and the Brocade switch GUI
- Netscape and the Brocade Switch GUI
- networking tools
- Networking Tools
- no cluster name ID error
- No Cluster Name ID Error
- node is detected but never joins membership
- Node is Detected but Never Joins Membership
- normal messages
- Normal Messages
- out of logical swap space
- Out of Logical Swap Space
- performance monitoring tools
- Performance Monitoring Tools
- physical storage tools
- Physical Storage Tools
- proper start up
- Proper Start Up
- reboot
- Rebooting
- reboot before changing node ID or cluster ID
- Reboot Before Changing Node ID or Cluster ID
- rebooting without rejoining the cluster
- Rebooting without Rejoining the Cluster
- recovering a two-node cluster
- Recovering a Two-Node Cluster
- recreating the cluster database
- Recreating the Cluster Database
- remove unused nodes
- Remove Unused Nodes
- removing serial hardware reset lines
- Remove Serial Hardware Reset Lines
- restart CXFS after a forced shutdown
- Restart CXFS after a Forced Shutdown
- restarting CXFS services
- Restarting CXFS Services
- strategy
- Troubleshooting Strategy
- SYSLOG errors
- SYSLOG Errors
- system is hung
- System is Hung
- tools
- Know the Tools
- unable to define a node
- Unable to Define a Node
- unwritten extent tracking
- Unwritten Extent Tracking
- using system capacity wisely
- Use System Capacity Wisely
- xfs_repair appropriate use
- Appropriate Use of xfs_repair
- you cannot log in
- You Cannot Log In
- trusted IRIX
- Compatibility
- Recommendations
- uname
- Install IRIX Software on a CXFS Administration Node
- Install IRIX Software on a Client-Only Node
- Unified Name Service
- Hostname Resolution: /etc/sys_id, /etc/hosts, /etc/nsswitch.conf
- UNKNOWN cluster status
- Check Cluster Status with the GUI
- UNKNOWN node state
- Node Status
- unlabel disks
- Shortcuts Using Command Buttons
- unmount (forced)
- cmgr
- Define a CXFS Filesystem with cmgr
- Unmount a CXFS Filesystem with the GUI
- recommended
- Initial Configuration Requirements and Recommendations
- unmount a filesystem
- cmgr
- Unmount a CXFS Filesystem with cmgr
- Unmount a CXFS Filesystem with the GUI
- Unmount a Local Filesystem
- unmount LOFS filesystems
- Unmounting lofs File Systems
- unmount scripts
- NFS Export Scripts
- unmounting
- Unmounting Filesystems
- Hostname Resolution: /etc/sys_id, /etc/hosts, /etc/nsswitch.conf
- unwritten extent tracking
- Unwritten Extent Tracking
- UP node state
- Node Status
- upgrading
- transform an existing node into a client-only node
- Transforming an Existing Node into a Client-Only Node
- upgrading from 6.5.12f or earlier
- Convert Filesystem Definitions for Upgrades
- user-space membership
- Membership
- /usr/bin/icrash
- Kernel Status Tools
- /usr/cluster/bin/clconf_info
- Configuring with the cmgr(1M) Command
- /usr/cluster/bin/cxfslicense
- Install IRIX Software on a CXFS Administration Node
- Install IRIX Software on a Client-Only Node
- /usr/lib/aliases
- Configure Network Interfaces
- /var/adm/cxfs_client_hostname
- Log Files
- /var/adm/SYSLOG
- File Menu
- Log Files
- Log Files
- Identify the Cluster Status
- Identify the Cluster Status
- Locate the Problem
- /var/cluster/clconfd-scripts directory
- NFS Export Scripts
- /var/cluster/cmgr-scripts/rotatelogs
- Rotating All Log Files
- /var/cluster/cmgr-templates
- Template Scripts
- /var/cluster/ha/log/cad_log
- Log Files
- /var/cluster/ha/log/clconfd_ hostname
- Log Files
- /var/cluster/ha/log/cli_ hostname
- Log Files
- /var/cluster/ha/log/cmond_log
- Log Files
- /var/cluster/ha/log/crsd_ hostname
- Log Files
- /var/cluster/ha/log/diags_ hostname
- Log Files
- /var/cluster/ha/log/fs2d_log
- Log Files
- Identify the Cluster Status
- /var/flexlm/license.dat
- Verify the License
- /var/sysadm/salog
- Log Files
- /var/xfsdump/inventory
- Dump and Restore
- verify cluster daemons are running
- Verify that the Cluster Daemons are Running
- verify that chkconfig flags are on
- Verify that the chkconfig Flags are On
- verify the license
- Verify the License
- VERITAS NetBackup
- Disk Backups
- view area
- GUI Window Layout
- view cluster components
- View Menu
- view component details
- Viewing Component Details
- vnodes
- Kernel Status Tools
- volume creation
- Shortcuts Using Command Buttons
- Configuring with the cmgr(1M) Command
- volume element detach
- Shortcuts Using Command Buttons
- volume header creation
- Configuring with the cmgr(1M) Command
- volume management
- Volume Management
- volume manager
- Requirements
- volume topologies
- Structuring Volume Topologies
- volume-element deletion
- Shortcuts Using Command Buttons
- web browser access to GUI
- Cluster Manager Tools Overview
- web-based version of the GUI
- Install IRIX Software on a CXFS Administration Node
- weight
- Define a Node with cmgr
- weighted nodes (server-capable administration nodes)
- Node Functions
- what is CXFS?
- What is CXFS?
- when to use CXFS
- When to Use CXFS
- Windows nodes
- Samba
- worldwide node name
- I/O Fencing
- write and metadata flow
- Flow of Metadata for Reads and Writes
- write tokens
- Exclusive Write Tokens
- I/O Fencing
- comparison to CXFS
- Comparison of XFS and CXFS
- features supported
- Supported XFS Features
- quotas
- Quotas
- xfs_fsr
- Supported XFS Features
- xfs_repair
- Initial Configuration Requirements and Recommendations
- xfs_repair appropriate use
- Appropriate Use of xfs_repair
- xfsd
- Daemons
- xfsdump and xfsrestore
- Dump and Restore
- X/Open Data Storage Management Specification
- Using Hierarchical Storage Management (HSM) Products
- Using Hierarchical Storage Management (HSM) Products
- xthreads
- Daemons
- xvm (1M)
- Physical Storage Tools
- Cluster Configuration Tools
- Volume Management
- Cluster/Node Status Tools
- Performance Monitoring Tools
- Identify the Cluster Status
- Identify the Cluster Status
- logical volume creation
- Configuring with the cmgr(1M) Command
- requirement
- Requirements
- statistics
- XVM Statistics
- XVM I/O monitor
- Shortcuts Using Command Buttons
- XVM shortcuts
- Shortcuts Using Command Buttons
- XVM volumes
- Cluster Configuration Tools
- zoning
- Isolating Failed Nodes