The options file allows the license administrator to control various operating parameters of FLEXlm. Specifically the license administrator can:
Allow the use of features based on user, hostname, or display name.
Deny the use of features based on user, hostname, or display name.
Reserve licenses based on user, hostname, or display name.
Control the amount of information logged about license usage.
Options files allow you, as the license administrator, to be as secure or open with licenses as you like.
![]() | Note: Lines in the options file were limited to 200 characters prior to FLEXlm v3.0. In v3.0 and later, the line length is 2048 characters. FLEXlm v4.0 allows the “\” character as a continuation character in options file lines. |
To create an options file:
Use the appropriate options listed in “Customizing the Options File” to create the options file using any text editor. You can put the options file anywhere; however, we recommend that the option file for vendor xyz be placed in /usr/local/flexlm/options/xyz.opt.
Add the pathname to the options file in the license file. The fourth field on the DAEMON line for the application's vendor daemon. For example,
DAEMON xyzd /etc/xyzd /usr/local/flexlm/options/xyz.opt |
would enable the xyzd vendor daemon to look at the specified options file.
Below is an overview of the options file syntax. See “Understanding Options Files” for examples and additional information.
Each line of the file controls one option. The options are:
EXCLUDE | deny a user access to a feature. | |
EXCLUDEALL | deny a user access to all features served by this vendor daemon. | |
GROUP | define a group of users for use with any options. | |
HOST_GROUP | define a group of hosts for use with any options. | |
INCLUDE | allow a user to use a feature. | |
INCLUDEALL | allow a user to use all features served by this vendor daemon. | |
LINGER | causes licenses to be held by the vendor daemon for a | |
NOLOG | turn off logging certain items. | |
REPORTLOG | specifies that a logfile be written suitable for use by the | |
RESERVE | reserve licenses for a user. | |
TIMEOUT | specify idle timeout for a feature, returning it to the free pool for use by another user. |
You can include comments in your options file by starting each comment line with a pound sign “#”. Everything in an options file is case sensitive. Be sure that user names and feature names, for example, are entered correctly.
EXCLUDE featurename type name |
Excludes a user, host, display, or group from the list of who is allowed to use the feature. Excluded users will not be allowed to use the feature.
featurename - name of the feature being affected
type - one of USER, HOST, DISPLAY, or GROUP (see “GROUP” and “HOST_GROUP”
name - name of the user or group to exclude
To exclude the user “hank” from the list of users able to use feature f1:
EXCLUDE f1 USER hank |
EXCLUDEALL type name |
Excludes a user, host, display, or group from the list of who is allowed to use all features served by this vendor daemon.
type - one of USER, HOST, DISPLAY, or GROUP (see “GROUP” and “HOST_GROUP”
name - name of the user or group to exclude
To exclude any user on the server “chaos” from using all features served by this vendor daemon:
GROUP groupname usernamelist |
Defines a group of users for use in INCLUDE, INCLUDEALL, EXCLUDE, EXCLUDEALL, and RESERVE option lines.
groupname - name of the group being defined
usernamelist - list of user names in that group
To define the group Hackers consisting of bob, howard, and james:
GROUP Hackers bob howard james |
![]() | Note: In FLEXlm v3.0 multiple GROUP lines will add all the users specified into the group. Pre-v3.0 FLEXlm daemons do not allow multiple GROUP lines to concatenate. In fact, the second GROUP line would re-define the GROUP. |
![]() | Note: In FLEXlm v4.0 or later, USER_GROUP is an alias for GROUP. |
HOST_GROUP groupname hostnamelist |
Defines a group of hosts for use in INCLUDE, INCLUDEALL, EXCLUDE, EXCLUDEALL, and RESERVE option lines.
groupname - name of the group being defined
hostnamelist - list of host names in that group
To define the group Hackers consisting of bob, howard, and james:
GROUP Hackers bob howard james |
![]() | Note: HOST_GROUP is available for FLEXlm v4.0 and later. |
INCLUDE featurename type name |
Includes a user, host, display, or group in the list of who is allowed to use the feature. Anyone not in an INCLUDE statement will not be allowed to use that feature.
featurename - name of the feature being affected
type - one of USER, HOST, DISPLAY, or GROUP (see “GROUP” and “HOST_GROUP”
name - name of the user or group to include
To include user “bob” in the list of users able to use feature f1:
INCLUDEALL type name |
Includes a user, host, display, or group in the list of who is allowed to use all features served by this vendor daemon. Anyone not in an INCLUDEALL statement will not be allowed to use these features.
type - one of USER, HOST, DISPLAY, or GROUP (see “GROUP” and “HOST_GROUP”)
name - name of the user or group to include
To allow the user “jane” to use all features served by this vendor daemon:
LINGER featurename interval |
This causes the daemon to “hold on” to the license for featurename for interval seconds after the application checks the license in or exits. This could be useful for short-duration programs which will be used many times in a row by the same user, to ensure that the user will be able to re-acquire the license repeatedly. This is only useful if the application uses duplicate grouping. Otherwise, LINGER will cause you to use extra licenses. Contact your software vendor for information about how they implemented duplicate grouping in their product.
NOLOG what |
Turns off logging of specific events by the FLEXlm daemons.
what - what to turn off; one of IN, OUT, DENIED, or QUEUED
To turn off logging of checkins:
To turn off logging of checkouts and queued requests two separate NOLOG lines are required:
![]() | Note: License administrators might use this option to reduce the size of the lmgrd or “debug” log file. |
![]() | Note: This file is only useful with the FLEXadmin license administration utility. |
REPORTLOG filename |
REPORTLOG specifies the file which will contain the report-writer log for this vendor daemon. If filename begins with a `+' character, the file will be opened for append, otherwise the file will be overwritten each time the daemon is started.
RESERVE numlic featurename type name |
Reserves licenses for a specific user.
numlic - number of licenses to reserve
featurename - name of feature to reserve
type - one of USER, HOST, DISPLAY, or GROUP (see “GROUP” and “HOST_GROUP”
name - name of the user or group to reserve licenses for.
To reserve one license of feature f1 for user “mel”:
RESERVE 1 f1 USER mel |
![]() | Note: Any licenses reserved for a user are dedicated to that user. Even when that user is not actively using the license it will be unavailable to other users. However, a RESERVED license will not cause an overdraft to be reported by FLEXadmin if the license is not actually in use. |
TIMEOUT featurename seconds |
Set the time after which an inactive license is reclaimed by the vendor daemon.
featurename - name of the feature
seconds- number of seconds after which inactive license is reclaimed
To set the timeout for feature f1 to one hour (3600 seconds):
TIMEOUT f1 3600 |
TIMEOUT removes a feature from a user if he has been “idle” for a period longer than the specified time period, and someone else wants the license. The daemon declares a process idle when it has not heard from the process (the client sends heartbeats). The application must explicitly declare itself idle for this to work, or the application must be stopped (^Z). That is, unless the application explicitly supports this feature, it will not work. Contact your software vendor for information about how they implemented this feature in their product.
The application vendor can also disable the timeout feature, in which case the TIMEOUT option has no effect. The vendor can set a minimum value for the timeout. If you specify a timeout value smaller than the minimum, the minimum is used. The default minimum value is 9000 seconds (15 minutes).
If you do not specify a timeout value in your options file, then there will be no timeout for that feature. Licenses are only freed by TIMEOUT when a new request for a license is made.
The following information gives an overview of the syntax of a complete options file and some samples intended to illustrate ways to effectively control access to your licenses.
When the vendor daemon is started by lmgrd, it is passed the location of the options file. The location is specified in the license file for that product, on the DAEMON line. If no file is listed the daemon will not use any options file.
There can only be one options file per vendor daemon and each vendor needs a separate options file.
Before you can use options to utilize licenses effectively you must understand the options file precedence. INCLUDE and EXCLUDE statements can be combined in the same options file and control access to the same features. When doing so, keep in mind the following:
If there is only an EXCLUDE list, everyone who is not on the list will be allowed to use the feature.
If there is only an INCLUDE list, only those users on the list will be allowed to use the feature.
If neither list exists, then everyone is allowed to use the feature.
The EXCLUDE list is checked before the INCLUDE list; so someone who is on both lists will not be allowed to use the feature.
Once you create an INCLUDE or EXCLUDE list everyone else is implicitly “outside” the group. This feature allows you, as an administrator, the ability to control licenses without having to explicitly list each user that you wish to allow or deny access to. In other words there are two approaches; you can either:
Give most users access and list only the exceptions or
Severely limit access and list only the those users that have access privileges.
RESERVE 1 compile USER robert RESERVE 3 compile HOST mainline EXCLUDE compile USER lori NOLOG QUEUED |
This options file would:
Reserve one license for the feature “compile” for the user “robert.”
Reserve three licenses for the feature “compile” for anyone on a computer with the hostname “mainline.”
Prevent the user “lori” from using the “compile” feature on any node on the network.
Cause QUEUED messages to be omitted from the log file.
The sum total of the licenses reserved must be less than or equal to the number of licenses specified in the FEATURE line. In the example above, there must be a minimum of four licenses on the “compile” FEATURE line. If fewer licenses are available, only the first set of reservations (up to the license limit) are used.
If this data were in file /usr/local/flexlm/options/local.options, then you would modify the license file DAEMON line as follows:
DAEMON xyzd /usr/local/xyzd \ /usr/local/flexlm/options/local.options |
![]() | Note: The above example should appear on one line in your license file for pre-v3.0 FLEXlm software. After v3.0, it can appear either on one line, or continued by the “\” or backslash character on a second line as shown. |
Each INCLUDE, INCLUDEALL, EXCLUDE, EXCLUDEALL, and RESERVE line must have a single user name (or group) listed. To affect more than one user name create a GROUP. For example to exclude “bob,” “howard,” and “james” from using the feature called “toothbrush” we could create the following options file:
EXCLUDE toothbrush USER bob EXCLUDE toothbrush USER howard EXCLUDE toothbrush USER james |
There is an easier way though. Create a GROUP and exclude the list of users from using the feature. Like the previous example, the following options file would exclude “bob”, “howard” and “james” from using the feature called “toothbrush”:
# First define the group “Hackers” GROUP Hackers bob howard james # Then exclude the group EXCLUDE toothbrush GROUP Hackers |
Now when you want to allow or deny access to any feature to that group, you have an “alias” list to make it simple.
The GROUP function works for a list of user names prior to FLEXlm v4.0. To control access to multiple displays (and hosts in pre-v4.0 FLEXlm) you must use multiple option lines in your options file. For example, in pre-v4.0 FLEXlm to exclude all users logged in on the hosts “fred” and “barney” from using a feature called “f1” add these lines to your options file:
EXCLUDE f1 USER fred EXCLUDE f1 USER barney |
In FLEXlm v4.0, you can use HOST_GROUP to allow, deny or reserve licenses for multiple hosts. For example, to exclude all users logged in on the hosts “fred” and “barney” from using a feature called “f1” add these lines to your options file:
#First Define the group “painters” GROUP painters picasso mondrian klee EXCLUDE spell GROUP painters EXCLUDE spell USER bob EXCLUDE spell HOST bigbrush |
This options file would:
Prevent the users “picasso,” “mondrian,” and “klee” from using the feature “spell” on any machine on the network.
Prevent the user “bob” from using the feature “spell” on any machine on the network.
Prevent any user logged into the host “bigbrush” from using the feature “spell”
Allow any other user, as long as they are not on “bigbrush”, and they are not in “painters” and they are not “bob” to use feature “spell” (By implication.)
Note that “bob” could have been added to the group painters. However, “painters” might be used for some other purpose in the future so the license administrator chose to handle “bob” as a special case here. In this case, the two EXCLUDE statements concatenate to create a list of four users.
INCLUDE paint USER picasso INCLUDE paint USER mondrain INCLUDE paint HOST bigbrush |
This options file would:
Allow the user “picasso” to use the feature “paint” on any machine on the network.
Allow the user “mondrain” to use the feature “paint” on any machine on the network.
Allow any user, as long as they are on the host “bigbrush”, to use feature “paint”
Deny access to the feature “paint” to anyone except “picasso”, “mondrain” or anyone from the host “bigbrush” (By implication.)