FLEXlm provides utilities to the license administrator to help manage the licensing activities on the network. These utilities are:
lmcksum (v2.4 or later) - prints license checksums. )
lmdiag (v4.0 or later) - diagnoses license checkout problems.
lmdown - gracefully shuts down all license daemons (both lmgrd and all vendor daemons) on the license server node (or on all three nodes in the case of redundant servers).
Imgrd- the main daemon program for FLEXlm.
lmhostid - reports the hostid of a system.
lmremove - removes a single user's license for a specified feature.
lmreread - causes the license daemon to reread the license file and start any new vendor daemons.
lmstat - helps you monitor the status of all network licensing activities.
lmswitch (VMS only) -switches the debug logfile.
lmswitchr - switches the report writer log file.
lmver - reports the FLEXlm version of a library or binary file.
Beginning in FLEXlm v2.4, all FLEXlm utility programs (except lmgrd) are packaged as a single executable called lmutil. lmutil can either be installed as the individual commands (either by creating links to the individual command names, or making licenses for lmutil as the individual command names), or the commands can be run as “lmutil command”, e.g. “lmutil lmstat”, or “lmutil lmdown”.
The lmcksum program (FLEXlm v2.4 or later) will perform a checksum of a license file. This is useful to verify data entry errors at your customer's location. lmcksum will print a line-by-line checksum for the file as well as an overall file checksum. lmcksum takes the “-k” switch to force the encryption code checksum to be case-sensitive.
lmcksum will ignore all fields that do not enter into the encryption code computation; thus the server node name and port number, as well as the daemon pathname and options file names are not checksummed. In addition, lmcksum will treat non-case sensitive fields correctly (in general, lmcksum is not case-sensitive).
lmcksum takes an optional daemon name; if specified, only license file lines for the selected daemon are used to compute the checksums.
By default, lmcksum operates on “license.dat” in the current directory. Specify -c license_file if you want to checksum another license file. Example output is:
lmcksum - Copyright (C) 1989, 1993 Globetrotter Software, Inc. lmcksum: using license file “/usr/local/flexlm/licenses/license.dat” 189: SERVER speedy 08002b32b161 2837 166: DAEMON demo /u/gsi/lmgr/src/testsuite/demo 8: FEATURE f1 demo 1.000 01-jan-99 0 3B2BC33CE4E1B8F3A0BF ““ 08002b32b161 109: (overall file checksum) |
lmdiag (FLEXlm v4.0 or later) allows you to diagnose problems when you cannot check out a license.
Usage is:
lmdiag [-c license_file] [-n] [feature] |
where: | is the: | |
-c license_file | path to file to diagnose. | |
-n | run in non-interactive mode; lmdiag will not prompt for any input in this mode. In this mode, extended connection diagnostics are not available. | |
feature | diagnose this feature only. |
If no feature is specified, lmdiag will operate on all features in the license file(s) in your path. lmdiag will first print information about the license, then attempt to check out each license. If the checkout succeeds, lmdiag will indicate this. If the checkout fails, lmdiag will give you the reason for the failure. If the checkout fails because lmdiag cannot connect to the license server, then you have the option of running “extended connection diagnostics”.
These extended diagnostics attempt to connect to each port on the license server node, and can detect if the port number in the license file is incorrect. lmdiag will indicate each port number that is listening, and if it is an lmgrd process, lmdiag will indicate this as well. If lmdiag finds the vendor daemon for the feature being tested, then it will indicate the correct port number for the license file to correct the problem.
The lmdown utility allows for the graceful shutdown of all license daemons (both lmgrd and all vendor daemons) on all nodes.
Usage is:
lmdown [-c license_file] |
You should protect the execution of lmdown, since shutting down the servers causes users to lose their licenses. See the “-p” or the “-x” options in “lmgrd” for details about securing access to lmdown.
lmgrd is the main daemon program for FLEXlm. When you invoke lmgrd, it looks for the license file. The license file contains information about vendors and features.
Usage is:
lmgrd [ -c license_file ] [ -t timeout_interval ] [ -s timestamp_interval ] [ -p ][ -2 ] -v [-x lmdown] [-x lmremove] |
![]() | Note: The -x lmdown and -x lmremove options are available in FLEXlm v4.0 and later. |
![]() | Note: The “-p” option is available in FLEXlm v2.4 and later. |
The lmhostid utility reports the hostid of a system.
Usage is:
lmhostid |
The output of this command looks as follows:
lmhostid - Copyright (c) 1989, 1990 Globetrotter Software, Inc. The FLEXlm hostid of this machine is “69021c89” |
See Appendix C, “Hostids for FLEXlm-Supported Machines.”
The lmremove utility allows you to remove a single user's license for a specified feature. For instance, when a user is running the software on a node that crashes, the user's license sometimes remains checked out and unavailable to anyone. lmremove returns the license to the pool of available licenses.
Usage is:
lmremove [-c license_file] feature user host display |
You should protect the execution of lmremove, since removing a user's license can be disruptive. See the “-p” or the “-x” options in “lmgrd” for details about securing access to lmremove.
![]() | Note: If you use lmremove to reclaim a license but that user is in fact still using the application the license will be rechecked out almost immediately. |
The lmreread utility causes the license daemon to reread the license file and start any new vendor daemons that have been added. In addition, all pre-existing daemons will be signaled to reread the license file for changes in feature licensing information.
Usage is:
lmreread [-c license_file] |
The license administrator may want to protect the execution of lmreread, since removing a user's license can be disruptive. See the “-p” option in “lmgrd” for details about securing access to lmreread.
![]() | Note: If you use the “-c” option, the license file specified will be read by lmreread, not by lmgrd; lmgrd rereads the file it read originally. Also, lmreread cannot be used to change server node names or port numbers. Vendor daemons will not reread their option files as a result of lmreread. |
The lmstat utility helps you monitor the status of all network licensing activities, including:
Usage is:
lmstat [-a] [-S [daemon]] [-f [ feature]] [-i feature] [-s [server]] [-t value] [-c license_file] [ -A ] |
![]() | Note: The lmswitch command is available on VMS only. |
The lmswitch utility switches the debug log file for the daemon serving the specified feature while the daemon is running.
Usage is:
lmswitch feature new-file |
where: | is the: | |
feature | any feature this daemon supports. | |
new-file | the new file path. |
Of course, for this syntax to work, lmswitch needs to be installed as a foreign command.
The new logfile will be opened for write, rather than append, so it is possible to “switch” to the same filename in order to be able to view the old log file.
The lmswitchr utility switches the report writer (REPORTLOG) log file for the specified feature.
Usage is:
lmswitchr feature new-file |
where: | is the: | |
feature | any feature this daemon supports. | |
new-file | the new file path. |