This chapter explains how to tailor installations using initialization scripts and the set command. Initialization scripts provide a programmatic interface to user-written scripts that execute when Inst or Software Manager receives a distribution specification. The set command assigns values to arguments known as preferences, which control aspects of the Inst and Software Manager interface. A table of available set preferences is included at the end of this chapter (a complete list is also available from Inst online help).
This chapter contains the following sections:
“A Closer Look at Preferences ”
![]() | Note: The procedures in this chapter assume that set commands are entered from the Admin menu; however, except where noted, set commands can also be entered from the Main menu and View Commands menu. |
The initialization script inst.init delays an installation session until the appropriate session parameters are set by the script. The primary function of inst.init is to redirect a distribution specification to a different source or to modify the default selections in a distribution. However, because an inst.init script can also include the use of selections files and set (preferences) commands, you can customize the script to meet a variety of installation requirements. The activation of inst.init is specified by the startup_script variable (see Table 8-1 for a description of this variable).
By default, if an inst.init script is located in a distribution directory, users are notified of the pending execution of the script whenever they specify the distribution directory during an installation session. Unless the user specifies otherwise, inst.init executes after the notification. If the specified distribution directory is a remote directory, inst.init is copied to the target system to execute (any scripts that inst.init calls are not copied to the target system, however).
For example, assume that a user on babyface enters one of these commands to install from server easyboy:
# inst -f easyboy:/d1/IRIX_6.3/dist Inst> from easyboy:/d1/IRIX_6.3/dist |
If easyboy's /d1/.IRIX_6.3/dist contains a copy of inst.init, either of the previous commands copies and executes inst.init on babyface before the Inst Main menu is displayed. Similarly, inst.init is executed if it is located in the distribution directory when a Software Manager user uses the Lookup button.
The inst.init script has this syntax:
inst.init [toolname] [pathname] [file descriptor] |
Arguments have these meanings:
toolname | has the value inst or swmgr | |
pathname | is the specification for the directory that contains inst.init | |
file descriptor | is the file descriptor to which commands can be written |
The inst.init script can read from stdin and write to stdout (file descriptor 1) using the controlling tty in Inst sessions; use xconfirm(1) for user input and output in Software Manager sessions. The script can also write to stderr (file descriptor 2). Messages to stderr are posted directly to the user by means of the inst pager during an Inst session or in the log pane during a Software Manager session. Messages to stderr are also copied to /var/inst/INSTLOG, the installation log.
![]() | Note: Avoid using stderr to write prompts for an interactive Inst session. The inst pager might interfere with the session by writing unwanted lines to the screen. |
You can write inst.init as a shell script, a tcl script, or a binary program. The output of inst.init is a set of commands that Inst or Software Manager executes. These commands are supported as output from inst.init.
from [distribution] | specifies the location of the distribution. The from command is always executed first. | |
admin load [selections file] | specifies a selections file to be used for the installation (see “The save and load Commands” in Chapter 5 and the -F option of inst(1M)). You may use multiple selections files; in this case, all commands are buffered and executed in the order that they are read. | |
set [preference] [value] | sets preferences for Inst or Software Manager operation. Preferences are always set after the from command is executed. | |
install [software.subsystem]... | marks for installation the software products or product components that are specified as arguments. | |
keep [software.subsystem]... | maintains the current status of software products or product components that are specified as arguments. | |
remove [software.subsystem]... | marks software products or product components for removal. |
Keep these points in mind when creating an inst.init script:
The from command executes first—the last from command returned by the script sets the distribution. All other commands are executed in the order in which the script sends them to inst for execution.
All from commands in selections files are ignored.
Lines written to the command descriptor must not begin with a space or tab character.
Abbreviations and wildcards are supported in install, keep, and remove commands.
Abbreviations of from, set, and admin load commands are not supported.
This sample inst.init script resets the distribution directory and notifies users of the change. Then the script retains all currently installed software in its current state, except InPerson; it installs all Inperson subsystems from the distribution except the reference pages.
Example 8-1. Sample inst.init Script
#!/sbin/sh OLDPATH= $2 NEWPATH= yankee:/usr/dist echo “$OLDPATH is unavailable” echo “installing from $NEWPATH” echo “from $NEWPATH” >&$3 echo “k *” >&$3 echo “i InPerson” >&$3 echo “k” >&$3 exit 0 |
This sample script determines the release and sets the distribution directory accordingly:
Example 8-2. Sample inst.init Script
#!/sbin/sh # # Run uname to determine the release and set the distribution directory REL=`uname -r` case $REL in 6.2*) echo “from $2/dist/6.2” >&$3 ;; 6.3*) echo “from $2/dist/6.3” >&$3 ;; esac |
When a README file is located in a distribution directory, the content of the file is displayed whenever users specify the distribution directory during an installation session. README contents might be special instructions about the software in this distribution, cautions, or other information that users might need before starting an installation session. If you plan to create a distribution, you can include three types of README files to provide information or instructions to users:
When a user starts an installation session from Software Manager and the distribution contains a swmgr.README.html file, a web browser displays the swmgr.README.html file. If the distribution contains a swmgr.README file but no swmgr.README.html file is present, or if the Web browser is not installed to view swmgr.README.html, the swmgr.README file is displayed at the start of the session. If the distribution contains neither a swmgr.README.html nor a swmgr.README file but it does contain an inst.README file, the inst.README file is displayed at the start of the session.
Users who start an installation session with Inst can be shown only an inst.README file. No other type of README file can be displayed at the start of Inst sessions.
A related distributions file contains the names of additional distributions that are to be made available during an installation session. When a filed named .related_dists is located in a directory, the software in the directory is considered the default distribution; the distributions in .related_dists are considered additional distributions that users can access using the open command. The .related_dists file can specify distribution directories on the network or additional CDs. For example, this file specifies two related distributions:
sparkplug:/dist/IRIX_6.3/options CDROM/dist |
You can configure a server so that users are able to install software from it using a Web browser. Such installations use HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) to establish the client-server connection and transfer the required files from the server to the client. HTTP installations are suitable for installing one or two products over the Web; they are not recommended for large installations, since HTTP connections do not provide the robustness of the TCP/IP connections normally used to install software across a network.
IRIX installation utilities support two methods for installing software over the Web:
A selections file that references a tardist file, a Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME) file type that Web browsers recognize. With a tardist file, Software Manager performs a local installation, freeing the browser for other uses. For this reason, it is the preferred Web installation method.
A Web distribution directory that contains product files and an index file listing the software that can be installed from the directory. Entries in the index file have an HyperText Markup Language (HTML) format. Web distribution directories are best suited to small product installations, because the browser is unavailable for other uses while the installation is in progress.
When you use a tardist file for Web installations, a selections file on the server contains a special entry that references the tardist file. The tardist file is created with the tar utility and contains all the distribution software required to install one or more software products. With this installation method, the URL on the user's Web page references the selections file containing the tardist file URL. (For more information on selections files, see “The save and load Commands” in Chapter 5 and in the inst(1M) reference page.)
In tardist file installations, only the selections file is transferred over the HTTP connection. When the Web browser receives a selections file, it passes the file to Software Manager, using information in the MIME-type table. Software Manager opens a new HTTP connection to transfer the tardist file; then it unpacks the file onto a local temporary directory and installs the software from the local source. Because Software Manager uses a new HTTP connection, users are able to continue browsing while the installation is in progress.
Example 8-3 illustrates a selections file that references a tardist file on an Web server named piston.
Example 8-3. HTTP Selections File for a Tardist File Installation
from http://piston/distributions/dev_options.tardist |
![]() | Note: The selections file can also include standard selections file entries, although none are shown in Example 8-3. |
To set up the server for tardist file installations, follow these steps:
Create the tardist file and copy it to the server.
For example, these commands create a tardist file (viewkit.tardist) from the distribution source (directory /d1/distributions/options/ViewKit) and copy the file to a Web server directory (/var/www/htdocs/):
# cd /d1/distributions/options/ViewKit # tar cf viewkit.tardist * # cp viewkit.tardist /var/www/distdir/ |
Create the selections file and copy it to the server.
Use your favorite editor to create a selections file like the one shown in Example 8-3. Remember that selections file must end with the .inst suffix. This example illustrates a selections file for the tardist file created in step 2:
# vi web_source.inst from http://piston/distdir/viewkit.tardist |
This command copies the selections file to a public directory where it can be accessed from a Web browser:
# cp web_source.inst /var/www/htdocs |
Write a Web page that references the selections file.
Create a Web page on the server from which users can install the software specified in the tardist file. The URL for the connection must reference the selections file (/var/www/htdocs/web_source.inst in the example from step 2).
An HTML distribution directory contains the software components needed to support one or more products and an index file that lists, in HTML format, the installable software. When installations are performed by this method, each entry in the index file is transferred to the client over the original HTTP connection. User-specified URLs to the directory must resolve to the server's index file.
The first line of an HTML installation file is a special entry that identifies the HTML format to Software Manager, ensuring that the file contents will be interpreted correctly. Subsequent entries specify the software components to be installed in HTML format, including the product description (the spec file) and the installation database (the idb file) for each product. (See Figure 1-1 and “Anatomy of a Software Product ” in Chapter 1 for information on product components.) The directory that contains the HTML installation file must also contain the product components that it references.
Example 8-4 illustrates an HTML installation file that installs the ViewKit product. The first entry in this file is identical for all HTML installation files.
Example 8-4. HTML Installation File
@DISTRIBUTION.html Format# 02 <DL> <DD>ViewKit <DD>ViewKit.idb <DD> <DD>ViewKit_eoe.sw32.base <DL> |
To set up the server for tardist file installations, follow these steps:
Verify that the server is configured to return an index file.
The Web server must return a file to Software Manager. For example, if the URL is http://piston/installs/, the server must return http://piston/installs/index.html). Check server configuration; if it does not specify an index file, reconfigure it to do so.
Create the index file that contains the HTML installation entries.
Use your favorite editor to create this file. The first line of your file should be identical to the one in Example 8-4: type a single space before and after Format#. Remember to include spec and idb file entries in the HTML file.
Copy the HTML installation file to the index file on the server.
In this example, the installation file viewkit_dist.html is copied to server's index file in the /var/www/htdocs directory:
cp index.html /var/www/htdocs/ |
To see your current preferences settings, enter the set command with no arguments:
Inst> set |
The output contains a line showing the name, the current setting, and a brief description of each preference.
For help on a particular preference, specify the preference in your entry:
Inst> set preference |
The output contains a paragraph description of the preference, its name, type, and current value.
By default, Inst displays the Main menu when it is invoked; menus show only a subset of the commands that can be entered at the Inst> and Admin> prompts. The following sections tell you how to change this default behavior.
To suppress the menu display when Inst is invoked, enter this command:
Admin> set menus off |
When menus is set off, only the Inst> prompt is displayed when Inst is invoked. To return to the default behavior, enter this command:
Admin> set menus on |
The value of menus is saved in the installation history database; its value is maintained for subsequent Inst sessions.
At each menu , several commands are available but not normally displayed. On the Inst Main menu, the hidden commands are set, sh, and shroot. On the Administrative Commands menu, the hidden commands are help and quit. On the View Commands menu, the hidden commands are set, help, and quit. The Interrupt menu contains no hidden commands; the retry command appears when Inst displays the Interrupt menu on errors, but retry is not available when you display the Interrupt menu manually.
Use this entry to set hidden commands on:
Inst> set fullmenu on |
The value of fullmenu is saved in the installation history database; its value is maintained for subsequent Inst sessions.
Because Inst does not redisplay the current menu after each command entry, you must request that the menu be redisplayed when you need it. The current menu is displayed if you press Enter (when the menus preference is set on) or if you enter a question mark (?). (The question mark is considered a pseudocommand because it never appears on menus.)
Disk space checking enables Inst to make accurate estimates of whether disk space on a system is sufficient for the software selected for installation. The estimates help you determine which software to install or remove if disk space is limited.
Space calculations determine the amount of free disk space in all mounted filesystems, the disk space required for each subsystem, the temporary requirement for disk space during the installation process, and the net change in disk space if a subsystem is installed or removed. If a detailed space check is requested, Inst also checks the disk for any deleted files, and for any local modifications to the installed software.
You see this message when Inst performs space checking:
Calculating sizes: |
The space checks performed during list and step processing calculate the net amount of space that your selections will require after installation. The space checks performed during go processing calculate the net space requirement and the additional space that will be required during the installation process.
Inst performs two types of disk space calculations: estimated space checks, which are based on the information in the Inst history file, and detailed space checks, in which Inst accesses file size information on the disk to perform its calculations. By default, estimated space checks are performed when you use the from command to change the distribution source and when you use the list or step command to make selections. Detailed space checking is always performed after you enter the go command to initiate installation. You can change these defaults using set command preferences.
![]() | Note: You can disable all space checking with the space_check preference, but disabling space checking is not advised (see Inst help for details). |
There may be times when you need very accurate disk space calculations throughout an installation session (when a target has limited disk space, for example). In this case, you can use the detailspacecheck preference of the set command to force detailed space checking to be performed during list and step processing as well as during go processing. To force additional detailed space checking, enter this set command before you enter the list or step command in the session:
Admin> set detailspacecheck on |
Inst saves the value of detailspacecheck in the installation history, so it is not necessary to reset this preference if you wish to maintain this level of checking in subsequent sessions. However, increasing the number of detailed space checks also increases the amount of time required for the interactive portion of an installation session (the amount of time required for go processing remains the same, regardless of the detailspacecheck setting).
To return to the default space-checking behavior, enter this command:
Admin> set detailspacecheck off |
The delayspacecheck preference of the set command allows you to postpone disk space checking until after you enter the go command. Delaying space checking reduces the amount of time needed for the interactive portion of an installation session. However, when you delay space checking, disk space information is not displayed in the output of list and step commands— subsystem sizes are listed as zero.
To postpone disk space checking until you enter the go command, enter this command before entering the first list or step command:
Admin> set delayspacecheck on |
Inst saves the value of delayspacecheck in the installation history database, so it is not necessary to reset this preference if you wish to delay space checking in subsequent installations.
To return to the default space-checking behavior, enter this command:
Admin> set delayspacecheck off |
When you want to install only one product and the distribution source contains many products, you can reduce the amount of space-checking time by including the product name when specifying the distribution source. When you specify a product in the distribution source, checking is limited to the disk space requirements of the individual product rather than the entire distribution.
These entries illustrate how to specify an individual product as the distribution source:
# inst -f source/product Inst> from source/product Inst> from $dist/product |
The from command must be entered before a list or step command that triggers disk space checking (the source, product, and $dist arguments are described in “Alternative Ways to Specify a Distribution” in Chapter 6).
By default, Inst does not report the names of files as it installs and removes them. The set preferences described below allow you to modify this behavior and control the way that filenames are displayed.
To display filenames as they are installed, enter this command before you enter go:
Admin> set show_files on |
To suppress filenames as they are installed, enter this command at any prompt:
Admin> set show_files off |
The value of show_files is saved in your installation history database, so it has the same value from one installation session to the next until you change it.
By default, when filenames are displayed during installation and removal, each filename replaces the one that was displayed before it. To change the display so that each name is displayed on a new line, enter this command:
Admin> set overprint off |
To return to the default behavior, enter this command:
Inst> set overprint on |
The value of overprint is saved in the installation history database, so it is not necessary to reset it in subsequent installation sessions.
The current distribution source is displayed in a message above the Main menu when Inst is invoked. The message has one of these forms:
Default distribution to install from: source Default distribution to install from: source/product |
Depending on your situation, source includes one or more of these items: a user ID, a remote target name, and a directory or tape device. If you specified a product name when you invoked Inst (inst -f), product is the name of the software product that you specified (for live installations only). The complete syntax of source and source/product is entered in “Step 2: Specifying the Source” in Chapter 4 and “Alternative Ways to Specify a Distribution” in Chapter 6.
Each time you enter the from command, the current distribution source changes. You can display the current distribution source by entering this command from any menu:
Inst> set dist Preference Type Value ... dist String last_source Inst> |
The value of dist is last_source, which is a character string (string). The value of last_source is always the same as source (the current distribution), with one exception: After Inst is invoked, but before product descriptors are read for the first time, the value of dist is the distribution source that was specified in the previous installation session. If you use a distribution source of the form source/product, product is not included in the value of dist.
Each time you invoke Inst or enter a from command, Inst ignores any installation or removal selections that were not performed; it uses its own algorithms to select subsystems for installation. You can override this selection of subsystems, but any pending installation or removal selection is still erased.
To prevent Inst from making selections after you enter the from command, enter this command:
Inst> set autoselect off |
Turning autoselect off means that the only i characters in the first column of list output are selections that you made. To turn automatic selection back on, use this command:
Inst> set autoselect on |
The value of autoselect is saved in the installation history database; if you set it to off, it remains off in future Inst sessions until you change its value.
Inst allows you to specify a network time-out value. This value specifies the length of time that Inst waits for responses from a remote system before giving up.
Use the set command to display and set the time-out value:
Admin> set |
Preference Value Description ... timeout 180 Network timeout, in seconds ... Inst> set timeout 120 |
A minimum value of 120 seconds is recommended. The value of timeout is saved in the installation history database; when you find a value of timeout that works for your site, you can leave it permanently set (unless network conditions change and time-out errors begin to occur).
Preferences allow you to tailor the installation utility so that it operates suitably for a single user or user group. In most cases, preference settings apply to both Inst and Software Manager (exceptions are tty preferences, which apply exclusively to Inst, and gui preferences, which apply exclusively to Software Manager).
Preferences are classified on the basis of their duration. Permanent preferences retain their settings until they are reset; transient preferences revert to a default setting at the start of a new installation session. A third group of preferences have the potential to cause installation errors when set arbitrarily; these preferences are classified as expert.
Most preferences are assigned simple Boolean values; that is, you use the set command to turn them on or off. You can also substitute true (for on) and false (for off) when setting these preferences. These examples illustrate equivalent command pairs:
Admin> set beep on Admin> set beep true Admin> set short_names off Admin> set short_name false |
In the factory-shipped configuration of inst, preference settings are stored in the /var/inst/resources file. However, whenever the original setting for a permanent preference is changed, the new setting is recorded in the .swmgrrc file, which is automatically created at the first change. The automatically generated copy is stored in the root directory, $rbase, for the new software installation at $rbase/var/inst/.swmgrrc.
Each line of the .swmgrrc file contains the name of a preference and its assigned values. Example 8-5 illustrates the format of .swmgrrc entries. It illustrates settings that are expressed as Boolean, single choice, multivalue, and integer values.
Example 8-5. Sample .swmgrrc File
auto_inst_new: true display_size: blocks inst_visible_resources: tty,transient,permanent,beginner,expert network_retries: 4 |
You can create and store additional copies of .swmgrrc to tailor preferences for a particular system or for individual users. When multiple copies of .swmgrrc exist, the settings that they contain are added to the settings in $rbase/var/inst/.swmgrrc. If conflicting settings are recorded for a particular preference, the most user-specific setting takes precedence, as explained below.
Individual users can create additional .swmgrrc files in these locations, in order of highest to lowest precedence:
$HOME/.swmgrrc | Contains preference settings for all installation sessions that the user initiates (except miniroot installations) and resides in the user's home directory on the target system. Takes precedence over settings in $rbase/var/inst/.swmgrrc, /var/inst/.swmgrrc, and $rbase/$HOME/.swmgrrc. | |
$rbase/$HOME/.swmgrrc | Contains an individual user's preference settings for miniroot installations and resides in a special home directory for the installation (a subdirectory of the root directory for the newly installed software, such as $rbase/var/people/$HOME, for example). Takes precedence over settings in $rbase/var/inst/.swmgrrc and /var/inst/.swmgrrc. | |
/var/inst/.swmgrrc | Contains preference settings that are used for all installations performed on the target by any user. Whereas the effects of the $rbase/var/inst/.swmgrrc file are restricted to the root directory for the new software ($rbase), /var/inst/.swmgrrc affects installations to any filesystem on the target. |
When Inst or Software Manager is invoked, existing .swmgrrc files are read in this order:
When preference settings are added to .swmgrrc, the new values are recorded in the file that was opened last. As a result, preference settings are recorded in the most localized version of the .swgrrc file that is open during the installation session.
The tables in this section describe the preferences that you can specify with the set command or from the Customize Installation menus in Software Manager to control the installation process. They list the name of the preference, describe the function that the preference performs, and list the default setting for the preference. Expert preferences are identified in the first column. The fourth column, Value Saved? indicates whether the preference remains in effect for subsequent installation sessions (yes) or reverts to a default value at the start of a new session (no).
Table 8-1 contains preferences that affect both Inst and Software Manager.
![]() | Note: Some preferences in this table contain advisories in the Function column. Be sure to read these advisories carefully before resetting the preference to which they pertain. |
Table 8-1. Preferences That Affect Inst and Software Manager
| Default Setting | Value Saved? |
abort_on_error (Expert) | Controls whether an automatic installation is aborted if an error occurs. If true (default), an error cancels the installation; if false, the installation continues after the error occurs. Regardless of setting, errors are reported in /var/inst/INSTLOG. | true | yes |
always_confirm_quit | Controls whether the user is always asked to confirm a quit command. If true, user must confirm a quit; if false (default), no user confirmation is needed after quit. | false | yes |
autoconfig_overhead | Controls the amount of disk space reserved for building the IRIX kernel (also see the kernel_size_32 and kernel_size_64 preferences). | 179.2 MB | no |
autoselect | Controls whether inst does an automatic selection of subsystems during initialization and when a new distribution source is specified. If true (default), inst automatically selects subsystems at these events in the session; if false, no subsystems are automatically selected. | true | yes |
beep | Controls whether an audible signal is given after go processing is complete. If true (default), audible signal rings when go processing finishes; if false, no signal is given. | true | yes |
broadcast | Allows you to specify a port on a remote host where UDP messages will be posted during a miniroot installation so that the installation can be monitored remotely. Specify the IP address of the host and a port number (if different from the default) where the messages will be posted. The format of the specification is host[:port] | N/A | no |
checkpoint_restart | Set during a session recovery when the user selects the action to take after an abnormal exit. If true, the user chose to retry the interrupted installation using the selections made during the session; if false (default), the user chose either to return to the previous session without attempting to install selected software or ignore the previous session completely. | false | no |
checkpoint_selections | Controls whether installation and removal selections are saved in the checkpoint file so they can be used in a session recovery. If true, user selections are saved in the file as soon as they are made; if false (default), pending selections are saved when the user enters the go command. | false | yes |
confirm_quit | Controls the confirmation prompt for quit commands when selections are pending. If true (default), users are notified if install or removal selections are pending when they enter quit; if false, users are allowed to quit the session without a reminder of pending selections. | true | yes |
confirm_nfs_installs | Controls whether user is prompted to confirm installation on NFS mounted filesystems. If on (default), user is prompted for confirmation; if off, files are installed in the NFS filesystem if the user has proper permissions. | on | yes |
default_config | Controls handling of configuration files. If true, all configuration files in the distribution are installed; if the target version was modified, it is saved in a file with a .O extension. If false (default) and the target version was modified, install the distribution version of the configuration files, appending a .N extension; if the target version was not modified, overwrite it with the new file. | false | yes |
default_sharedirs | For diskless systems, contains the list of default shared directories used during share-tree and client-tree installations. | /usr | no |
delayspacecheck | Controls the timing of disk space calculations. If on, disk space calculations are deferred until the go or space commands are entered and no space information is provided when list or step commands are entered; if off (default), space calculations are performed at the first list, step, or space command, unless disk space checking was done previously. | off | yes |
detailspacecheck | Controls the source of the data used in space checking. If on, space requirements for files are determined by checking their sizes on the disk; if off (default), file sizes are assumed to be the value that is recorded in the installation history database. Advisory: Set on for slower, more accurate calculations. | off | yes |
delay_conflicts | Controls whether messages for delayable conflicts (those caused by incompatible software selections), normally posted before installation is performed, are delayed until Inst or Software Manager exit. Valid settings are ask, on, and off. If ask (default), the user is prompted after the first delayable conflict to specify whether subsequent conflict messages should be delayed; the specification remains in effect for the remainder of the session unless the user changes it. If on, delayable conflicts are always postponed until Inst or Software Manager exits. If off, conflicts are presented before software installation. | ask | no |
delay_idb_read | Delays reading of the installation database (idb) files until after the go or Start (for Software Manager) command is issued, increasing the speed of reading large distributions. If default, reading is delayed unless the distribution medium is a local CD. If on, reading is always delayed until after go or Start, regardless of the distribution medium. If off, idb files are always read as soon as a command is issued that requires idb file information. Advisory: Set to on if users are installing from a single CD or if users are comfortable with multiple CD changes during the session. | default | no |
delay_exitops | Controls when exit operations are performed. If true, exit operations are performed after users quit the installation session; if false (the default), exit operations are performed after all software is installed but before control is returned to the user. | false | yes |
disable_keepfile | Suppresses processing of $rbase/var/inst/.keepfile, which can be created to alter the initial software selections that inst makes at the beginning of an installation session. If true, .keepfile is disabled; if false (the default), .keepfile remains in effect. | false | no |
dist | Specifies the value of the current distribution source. For live installations, the default value is the previously specified source. For miniroot installations, dist must be specified. Product names are not saved as part of the value. | source | yes |
exclusions | Specifies a list of files on which no action is taken during go or Start (for Software Manager) processing (also see restrictions preference). If a directory is specified, all files that it contains are also excluded from go and Start processing. | N/A | no |
hide_image_products | Controls whether the image components of each product are displayed when the product list is displayed. If true (default), listings of products do not include their component images. If false, the image components of a product are displayed in product listings. | true | yes |
inst_initial_level | Controls the initial setting of the view command. If subsystem (default), the output of list displays the subsystems in each product that appears in the listing; if image, the output of list displays the images for each product that appears in the listing; if product, the output of list displays product names without product components. | subsystem | yes |
install_identical_files | Controls whether files are installed when the distribution version appears identical to the version installed on the target. If true (default), identical distribution files are installed. If false, distribution files are not installed when they appear identical. | true | yes |
install_sites | Contains the list of previous distribution sources (also see the install_site_size preference). | N/A | yes |
install_sites_size | Specifies the number of distribution sources that are maintained in the installation sources list (also see the install_sites preference). | 10 | yes |
kernel_size_32 | Specifies the amount of disk space that is reserved for building a new kernel on 32-bit systems. See also the autoconfig_overhead and kernel_size_64 preferences. | 393.2 MB | no |
kernel_size_64 | Specifies the amount of disk space that is reserved for building a new kernel on 64-bit systems. See also the autoconfig_overhead and kernel_size_32 preferences. | 576.7 MB | no |
live_install | Controls how operating system installations are performed when the session is started with the system in multi-user state. If default, the system is automatically shut down for operating system software installations; when the installer enters go or Start, users receive a warning that the system is shutting down. If on, installing operating system software is permitted in multi-user state. If off, the system always attempts to load the miniroot; if the distribution contains no standalone IRIX file (sa), the installation fails an error message is posted. Advisory: This preference is valid only for installations into the / directory. |
neweroverride | Controls whether older products can replace newer ones. If on, users can install older products in place of new ones; if off (default), older products cannot be installed when a more recent version exists on the target. | off | no |
override_space_check | Controls whether space checking is performed. If true, no space checking is done during an installation, allowing disk overflows. If false (default), space checking is performed. Advisory: Setting true can cause serious installation problems. | false | no |
post_install_dialog | Controls whether a completion notice is posted when an installation is completed. If true (default), a completion notice is posted. If false, the user sees a message only if a reboot is required. | true | yes |
precious_files | Specifies a list of files that will not be overwritten or removed by the installation. | N/A | no |
promptforid | Controls whether user is prompted to specify unknown user IDs (UIDs) and group IDs (GIDs). If true, user is prompted for a UID if one is not found in /etc/passwd and a GID if one is not found in /etc/group. If false (default), inst assigns a UID and GID based on the startid preference and writes them to /usr/adm/SYSLOG. | false | yes |
restrictions | Specifies a list of files that are the only ones to be installed or removed during go or Start (for Software Manager) processing (see also the exclusions preference). If a directory is specified, all files that it contains are included in the restricted list. No action is taken on any files that are not specified, regardless of their selection status when the installation is launched. | N/A | no |
rulesoverride | Controls whether conflicts can be overwritten. If on, incompatible subsystems and subsystems without prerequisites may be installed on the target. If off (default), incompatibilities and prerequisites must be resolved before installation is done. Advisory: Use on setting with caution. | off | no |
set_path | Specifies the value to use when setting the $PATH variable for exit operations. If default (default), set to a known path; if environment, set path to $PATH environment variable or use the default path if $PATH is not set; if specific, use the value in set_path_specific preference. | default | yes |
set_path_specific | Specifies the path to use for exit operations. Value is a user-supplied string. | N/A | yes |
shell | Specifies the program to use for the sh and shroot Administrative commands. Usually this value is either /bin/sh or /bin/csh. | /bin/csh | yes |
short_names | Controls product names in listings. If true, only the shortname is displayed in listings; if false (default), product descriptions are displayed instead of their shortnames. | false | yes |
show_absolute_sizes | Sets list and step displays to provide absolute subsystem sizes rather than relative sizes (a comparison between the size of the distribution subsystem and its corresponding subsystem on the target). If on, the absolute subsystem size is displayed; if off (default) the relative size is displayed. Advisory: Default unit of measure is kilobytes. See also display_size. | off | no |
show_files | Controls whether filenames are displayed during installation. If true, each component file in a product is displayed as it is installed; if false (default), the product name is displayed as it is installed. | false | yes |
show_hidden_resources | Controls whether user is shown expert preferences in addition to basic preferences. If set to false (default), user sees only basic preferences; if set to true, user sees expert and basic preferences. | false | yes |
show_lint | Determines whether inconsistencies in the distribution are displayed during reading (for debugging). If true, inconsistencies are displayed; if false (default), inconsistencies are not reported. | false | yes |
space_check | Controls whether space checking is performed. If true (default), space checking is done at various points in the installation (see the delayspacecheck preference). If false, no space checking is performed. Advisory: Setting false can cause serious installation problems. | true | no |
startid | Sets the starting value of UIDs and GIDs when this information is unknown to inst and promptforid preference is set off (also see promptforid preference). The value of startid is assigned to the first unknown UID and GID; subsequent unknown UIDs and GIDs are incremented by one. | 60000 | yes |
stream | Switches between the maintenance release stream and the feature release stream This preference is initially set the first time that you make a stream selection. | N/A | yes |
startup_script | Controls how Inst and Software Manager treat the initialization script file, inst.init. If set to prompt (default), the user is prompted before the script file is executed and the README file is displayed if one exists; for noninteractive installations in which the setting is prompt and the initialization file exists, Inst or Software Manager exits. If set to ignore, inst.init is always ignored. If set to execute, inst.init always executes without prompting the user. | prompt | no |
swmgrrc_path | Specifies the search path for the .swmgrrc
file. The default path is
/var/inst:$rbase/var/inst:$rbase$HOME: | (See Function column.) | no |
timeout | Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, that inst allows for a reply from a remote host before retrying the connection. Two retries are done after the initial attempt. Advisory: Set to a value that is suitable for your network. | 120 seconds | yes |
verbose | Works with verbosity preference to control the number of information messages that appear during installation sessions (see also verbosity). If off (default), messages are set to verbosity level 2; if on, messages are set to verbosity level 4. If both verbose and verbosity settings are changed, the most recent setting takes precedence. | off | yes |
verbosity | Controls the number of informational messages that are displayed during an installation session (see also verbose). Valid settings are 0, silent; 2, verbose off; 4, verbose on; 6, all generated messages. When verbose and verbosity are changed, the most recent setting takes precedence. | 2 | yes |
verify_checksum | Controls whether files are verified by checksum as they are uncompressed or read from the archives. If true (default), checksum verification is performed. If false, no checksum verification is made. | true | yes |
Table 8-2 contains preferences that affect Inst only.
![]() | Note: Some preferences in this table contain advisories in the Function column. Be sure to read these advisories carefully before resetting the preference to which they pertain. |
Table 8-2. Preferences That Affect Inst Only
Table 8-3 contains preferences that affect Software Manager only.
Table 8-3. Preferences That Affect Software Manager Only
| Default Setting | Value Saved? |
background | Controls whether Software Manager is run as a background or foreground task when invoked from an IRIX shell. If true (default), Software Manager runs as a background task; if false, Software Manager runs as a foreground task. | true | yes |
custom_startup_mode | Controls how Software Manager is initially presented. If off (default), Software Manager always starts in Automatic Installation mode (selections are automatically made at initialization). If distribution, it starts in Customize Installation mode (the user makes selections) if a distribution was specified; if no distribution was specified, it starts in Automatic Installation mode. If always, Inst starts in Customize Installation mode if a distribution was specified; if no distribution was specified, it starts in Manage Installed Software mode (actions apply to target software only). | off | yes |
never_resize_pane | Controls whether pane is resized when switching the selection mode (see custom_startup_mode preference). If true (default), the pane size remains the same for all selection modes. If false, pane size is changed when the selection modes are changed. | true | yes |
space_update_interval | Specifies in seconds the frequency with which the Disk Space area is automatically updated; these updates are in addition to the updates that occur when product selections are change. Valid settings are integers; updates are disabled if set to 0. | 10 | yes |
swmgr_initial_level | Controls the level of the product hierarchy that is displayed when Software Manager is invoked. Valid settings are product (default) and subsystem. | product | yes |
swmgr_visible_resources | Controls the set of preferences that are visible in the Preferences dialog (see also inst_visible_resources). These settings are valid: if none, no preferences are displayed in the dialog; if permanent (default), the dialog contains all preferences whose values are retained for subsequent installation sessions (until the value is changed); if transient, the dialog contains preferences whose settings revert to a default at the end of a session; if beginner (default), the dialog contains all preferences that are not designated expert; if expert, the dialog contains preferences whose settings have potentially adverse effects on installation. | beginner permanent | yes |
use_last_dist | Controls the contents of the Available Software field. If true, the last distribution source that was used is automatically entered in this field at startup. If false (default), this field is empty at startup. | false | yes |