- &ensp
- Automating Installations With RoboInst
- Automating Installations With RoboInst
- abbreviating commands
- Using Command Shortcuts
- admin command
- Main Menu Commands
- administration, system
- documentation
- Related Documentation
- Administrative Commands menu
- commands (illustration)
- Using the Administrative Commands Menu
- functions
- Using the Administrative Commands Menu
- hidden commands
- Displaying Hidden Commands
- reference
- Main Menu Commands
- applications, license file database for
- The License File Database for SGI Applications
- archive corrupt error
- Archive Corrupt Errors
- automatic
- selection of subsystems
- Main Menu Commands
- automatic initialization
- Automatic Initialization
- Automatic Initialization Functions
- automatic installation
- Installing Software Noninteractively
- Automating Installations With RoboInst
- automatic miniroot installation
- Automating Installations With RoboInst
- automatic selections
- during initialization
- Automatic Initialization Functions
- for hardware changes
- Reinstalling the Same Software
- in Inst sessions
- Accepting Automatic Selections
- in noninteractive installations
- Installing Software Noninteractively
- in software upgrades
- Installing Maintenance and Feature Releases
- on empty systems
- Preliminary Selections
- turning off
- Turning Off Initial Selection of Subsystems
- autoselect option of set
- Main Menu Commands
- autoselect preference, of set command
- Turning Off Initial Selection of Subsystems
- auxiliary commands
- Main Menu Commands
- backing up targets
- Backing Up the Target Systems
- base release
- Software Release Types
- boot PROM Monitor command
Errors Loading the Miniroot From Remote Host
- boot server
- About Miniroot Installations
- How RoboInst Works
- The Client System List
- Configuration Server Setup
- Enabling BOOTP Forwarding on Routers
- Boot Server Setup
- bootp command
- Checking Network Connections
- bootp errors
Errors Loading the Miniroot From Remote Host
- bootp forwarding
- default setting
- Enabling BOOTP Forwarding on Routers
- enabling
- Enabling BOOTP Forwarding on Routers
- CD-ROM drive
- controller and unit number
- Creating Distribution Directories
- creating a directory for
- Creating Distribution Directories
- device numbers
- Getting CD-ROM Device Numbers
- stopping daemon
- Creating Distribution Directories
- CDs
- ejecting
- Creating Distribution Directories
- Creating Distribution Directories
- mounting
- Creating Distribution Directories
- organizing for installation
Opening Multiple Distributions
- checkpoint restart
- file
- If Inst Is Interrupted
- handling failures
- If a Checkpoint Restart Fails
- session recovery
- Completing a Checkpoint Restart
- chroot command
- Administrative Menu Commands
- clean command (obsolete)
- Administrative Menu Commands
- close command
- Main Menu Commands
- command reference
- Inst Quick Reference
- commands
- abbreviating names
- Abbreviating Command Names
- entering by number
- Giving Commands by Number
- hidden
- Displaying Hidden Commands
- keywords in entries
- Using Keywords as Arguments
- product and image names in entries
- Using Product and Image Names
- reference
- Inst Quick Reference
- shortcuts
- Using Command Shortcuts
- View menu
- Using the View Commands Menu
- wildcards
Using Wildcards in Subsystem Names
- wildcards in entries
Using Wildcards in Subsystem Names
- compact discs See CDs.
- Understanding Software Installations
- compatibility errors, avoiding
- Avoiding Compatibility Problems
- config command
- Administrative Menu Commands
- configuration directory
- How RoboInst Works
- Configuration Directory Setup
- configuration files
- backing up
- Backing Up the Target Systems
- creating .N versions
- Managing Configuration Files
- creating .O versions
- Managing Configuration Files
- effects of mkfs command
- The mkfs Command
- listing
- Merging Configuration Files
- managing
- Managing Configuration Files
- merging
- Merging Configuration Files
- not removed
- Removing Software
- notice of changes
- The Configuration File Notice
- removing
- Merging Configuration Files
- retrieving from tape
- Backing Up the Target Systems
- configuration server
- How RoboInst Works
- Configuration Server Setup
- conflict command
- using
- Using the conflicts Command
- conflicts
- error messages
- Using the conflicts Command
- in patches
- Patch Installation Procedure
- resolving
- Step 6: Resolving Conflicts
- Resolving Conflicts
- conflicts command
- overview
- Handling Conflicts
- reference
- Main Menu Commands
- continue command
- reference
- Interrupt Menu Commands
- continue command, to resume a session
- Stopping an Installation
- corrupt archive error
- Archive Corrupt Errors
- CPU specification error
Errors Loading the Miniroot From Remote Host
- date and time, resetting
- Loading From a Local CD
- Loading From a Remote Distribution Source
- The date Command
- default subsystems
- defined
- Required and Default Subsystems
- in noninteractive installations
- Installing Software Noninteractively
- on empty target systems
- Preliminary Selections
- delayspacecheck option of set
- Main Menu Commands
- Administrative Menu Commands
- delayspacecheck preference, of set command
- Delaying Disk Space Checking
- delta size
- Using the View Commands Menu
- The sizes and deltas Commands
- deltas command
- reference
- View Menu Commands
- detailspacecheck preference, of
- The recalculate Command
- detailspacecheck preference, of set command
- Changing Detailed Space Checking
- device missing messages (during miniroot loading)
- Loading From a Local CD
- Loading From a Remote Distribution Source
- device names
- CDs
- Using fx to Restore the Swap Partition
- device numbers
- in CD mount command
- Creating Distribution Directories
- diagnostic procedures
- checking network connections
- Checking Network Connections
- disk partitions
- About Miniroot Installations
- Disk Partitions and RoboInst
- Creating a Miniroot Configuration File
- Administrative Menu Commands
- disk space
- controlling calculations
- Controlling Disk Space Checks and Reports
- delaying calculations
- Delaying Disk Space Checking
- delta information
- Administrative Menu Commands
- detailed space checks
- Estimated and Detailed Space Checks
- disabling calculations
- Estimated and Detailed Space Checks
- displaying summaries
- The space Command
- estimated space checks
- Estimated and Detailed Space Checks
- forcing recalculations
- The recalculate Command
- freeing
- The sh and shroot Commands
- minimizing calculation time
- Minimizing Disk Space-Checking Time
- not enough
- Required and Default Subsystems
- Condensed Installation Instructions
- recalcule command
- Administrative Menu Commands
- requirements for individual files
- The files Command
- requirements in list output
- Interpreting list Output
- disk space error
- Disk Space Errors
- diskless client error
- Wrong Diskless Modes
- displaying software information
- Step 3: Displaying Software Information
- dist command
- reference
- View Menu Commands
- dist preference, of set command
- Displaying the Current Distribution Source
- distribution directories
- contents of
- Creating Distribution Directories
- creating
- Creating Distribution Directories
- distribution directory
- contents of
- Creating Distribution Directories
- copying to
- Creating Distribution Directories
- defined
- Sources of Installable Software
- limiting tftp access
- Enabling TFTP Access on an Installation Server
- structure
- Creating Distribution Directories
- distribution inventory
- displaying
- Using the list Command
- sample display
- Using the list Command
- viewing
- Viewing the Software Inventory
- The target and distribution Commands
- distribution keyword
- Using a Distribution Keyword
- distribution path error
Errors Loading the Miniroot From Remote Host
- distribution server
- How RoboInst Works
- distribution source
- changing
- Condensed Installation Instructions
- default
- Changing the Distribution Source
- Main Menu Commands
- defined
- Sources of Installable Software
- displaying available
- Using the from Command
- displaying current
- Using the $dist Variable
- Displaying the Current Distribution Source
- $dist variable
- Using the $dist Variable
- opening additional
- Using the open Command
- selecting
- Selecting a Distribution Source
- specifying
- Step 2: Specifying the Source
- Alternative Ways to Specify a Distribution
- specifying for a miniroot load
- Loading From a Remote Distribution Source
- specifying one product
- Specifying One Product as the Source
- Specifying the Source on the Command Line
- specifying with a user account
- Specifying an Alternate User Account
- types
- Sources of Installable Software
- types of (illustration)
- Sources of Installable Software
- distribution, defined
- Understanding Software Installations
- dk error
- Errors Loading the Miniroot From Local CD
- dksc error
- Errors Loading the Miniroot From Local CD
- ejecting CDs
- Creating Distribution Directories
- Creating Distribution Directories
- error
- abnormal session interruption
- Completing a Checkpoint Restart
- archive corrupt
- Archive Corrupt Errors
- conflicting selections
- Step 6: Resolving Conflicts
- CPU specification
Errors Loading the Miniroot From Remote Host
Errors Loading the Miniroot From Remote Host
- diskless client
- Wrong Diskless Modes
- distribution
- If a Checkpoint Restart Fails
- Errors in the Distribution
- exit operations (exitop)
- Subcommand and Exitop Errors
- fatal
- Fatal
- installation processing
- Errors that Display the Interrupt Menu
- IP address
Errors Loading the Miniroot From Remote Host
- leaving installation
- Resolving Other Errors
- Errors Leaving an Installation Session (RQS Errors)
- libinst.so
- Inst Library libinst.so Errors
- live installation
- Errors Starting Live Installations
- loading miniroot
- Errors Loading the Miniroot
- local CD
- Errors Loading the Miniroot From Local CD
- network timeout
- Network Time-out Errors
- not enough space
- Preinstallation Check Errors
- Disk Space Errors
- path
Errors Loading the Miniroot From Remote Host
- pre-installation
- Preinstallation Check Errors
- read-only directories
- Errors Caused by Read-Only Directories
- Preinstallation Check Errors
- remote host
Errors Loading the Miniroot From Remote Host
- rld
- Inst Library libinst.so Errors
- Errors Leaving an Installation Session (RQS Errors)
- selection
- If a Checkpoint Restart Fails
- server
Errors Loading the Miniroot From Remote Host
- server specification
Errors Loading the Miniroot From Remote Host
- session terminated abruptly
- If Inst Is Interrupted
- software compatibility
- Avoiding Compatibility Problems
- subcommand
- Subcommand and Exitop Errors
- types
- Types of Errors
- warning message
- Warning
- escaping to the shell
- Administrative Menu Commands
- Interrupt Menu Commands
- /etc/hosts file
- Checking Network Connections
- Checking Network Connections
- /etc/inetd.conf file modifications
- Enabling BOOTP Forwarding on Routers
- exit operation (exitop) error
- Subcommand and Exitop Errors
- exiting Inst
- Main Menu Commands
- factory installed software
- Factory-Installed Subsystems
- fatal error
- Fatal
- feature release
- Software Release Types
- Installing Maintenance and Feature Releases
- files
- displaying
- The files Command
- Controlling the Display of Filenames
- identifying types
- The files Command
- in a subsystem
- Administrative Menu Commands
- target inventory
- The files Command
- files command
- The files Command
- reference
- Administrative Menu Commands
- filesystems
- Administrative Menu Commands
- creating
- The mkfs Command
- for miniroot installations
- Loading From a Local CD
- Loading From a Remote Distribution Source
- The sh and shroot Commands
- mounting
- The mount and umount Commands
- unmounting
- The mount and umount Commands
- filesystems command
- reference
- View Menu Commands
- filter (view command argument)
- The filter Command
- filter command
- functions
- The filter Command
- reference
- View Menu Commands
- FLEXlm
- FLEXlm Files and Utilities on SGI Systems
- new features
New FLEXlm Features
- startup sequence
- The USE_SERVER Feature
- USE_SERVER Feature
- The USE_SERVER Feature
- from command
- formats
- Using the from Command
- overview
- Changing the Distribution Source
- purpose
- Using the from Command
- reference
- Main Menu Commands
- specifying target software
- Using the from Command
- fx command
- Using fx to Restore the Swap Partition
- go command
- effects of
- Step 5: Launching the Installation
- overview
- Selecting and Installing Software
- processing
- Step 5: Launching the Installation
- reference
- Main Menu Commands
- guest account. See user account.
- Configuring an Installation Account
- hardware command
- Administrative Menu Commands
- hardware-specific files
- change notice
- Reinstalling the Same Software
- in software product releases
- Anatomy of a Software Product
- updating
- Installing Software for Hardware Upgrades
- help command
- how to use
- Getting Help During Installations
- reference, Administration menu
- Administrative Menu Commands
- reference, Interrupt menu
- Interrupt Menu Commands
- reference, Main menu
- Main Menu Commands
- reference, View menu
- View Menu Commands
- hidden commands
- Displaying Hidden Commands
- hinv command
- device information
- Creating Distribution Directories
- Getting CD-ROM Device Numbers
- hostname, obtaining
- Getting the Target's Name and Address
- idb file
- The Installation Database
- Using an HTML Distribution Directory
- idb files
- The Installation Database
- images
- defined
- Images
- naming convention
- Images
- specifying in commands
- Using Product and Image Names
- specifying with keywords
- Using Keywords as Arguments
- viewing level
- The level Command
- .index file
- Configuration Directory Setup
- Creating Additional Configuration Files
- inetd.conf file modifications
Errors Loading the Miniroot From Remote Host
- initialization script
- Using an Initialization Script
- initialization. See automatic initialization.
- Automatic Initialization
- Inst
- abnormal interruption
- If Inst Is Interrupted
- defined
- Understanding Software Installations
- help feature
- Getting Help During Installations
- invoking
- Introduction to Inst
- Specifying the Source on the Command Line
- invoking in live installations
- Starting a Live Installation
- invoking in miniroot installations
- Loading From a Local CD
- Loading From a Remote Distribution Source
- quitting
- Step 7: Quitting the Installation Session
- inst command
- for automatic installations
- Installing Software Noninteractively
- for live installations
- Starting a Live Installation
- for specifying distribution source
- Specifying the Source on the Command Line
- Inst Main Menu
- Administrative Menu Commands
- Inst overview
- from help command
- Getting Help During Installations
- operational description
- Introduction to Inst
- inst utility
- Understanding Software Installations
- install command
- arguments
- Using Arguments in Selection Commands
- function
- Using the install, remove, and keep Commands
- reference
- Main Menu Commands
- sample entries
- Simple Selection Command Entries
- installable command
- Patch Installation Procedure
- installation
- checks
- Main Menu Commands
- history database
- View Menu Commands
- Administrative Menu Commands
- Interrupt Menu Commands
- state of files
- Administrative Menu Commands
- installation database
- and automatic initialization
- Automatic Initialization Functions
- defined
- The Installation Database
- effects of mkfs command
- The mkfs Command
- installation methods
- Software Installation Methods
- Determining the Installation Method
- installation order, planning
Opening Multiple Distributions
- installation procedure
- cursory instructions
- Condensed Installation Instructions
- detailed description
- The Software Installation Procedure
- illustrated summary
- The Software Installation Procedure
- installation processing
- Step 5: Launching the Installation
- installation server
- How RoboInst Works
- access limitation from the miniroot
- The sh and shroot Commands
- defined
- Sources of Installable Software
- obtaining hostname and address
- Getting the Server's Name and Address
- security
- Enabling TFTP Access on an Installation Server
- selecting
- Setting Up an Installation Server
- setting up
- Setting Up an Installation Server
- installation server error
Errors Loading the Miniroot From Remote Host
- installation user account. See user account.
- Enabling TFTP Access on an Installation Server
- inst.init file
- Using an Initialization Script
- interactive mode
- Main Menu Commands
- Interrupt menu
- Using the Interrupt Menu
- Errors While Installing and Removing Software
- inventory. See distribution inventory and target inventory.
- Viewing the Software Inventory
- invoking Inst
- Specifying the Source on the Command Line
- for live installations
- Starting a Live Installation
- IP address
- for making filesystems
- The mkfs Command
- obtaining
- Getting the Target's Name and Address
- IP address in NVRAM and IRIX
- Checking Network Connections
- IRIX administration
- documentation
- Related Documentation
- IRIX commands, in the miniroot
- The sh and shroot Commands
- IRIX version information
- Loading From a Local CD
- Loading From a Remote Distribution Source
- keep command
- arguments
- Using Arguments in Selection Commands
- function
- Using the install, remove, and keep Commands
- reference
- Main Menu Commands
- sample entries
- Simple Selection Command Entries
- keyword arguments
- Using step to Make Selections
- keywords
- Using Keywords as Arguments
- legend. See list command.
- Using the list Command
- level command
- View Menu Commands
- The level Command
- libinst.so error
- Inst Library libinst.so Errors
- license request process
The License Request Process Illustrated
- License Types
License Types
- licenses
- and partitioned environments
- Software Licensing and Partitioned Environments
- FLEXlm files and utilities
- FLEXlm Files and Utilities on SGI Systems
- FLEXlm startup sequence
- The USE_SERVER Feature
- for partitioned systems
Licenses Per CPU
- how licenses work in partitioned environments
How Software Licensing Works in Partitioned Systems
- license file database for applications
- The License File Database for SGI Applications
- port@host feature
- The port@host Feature
- USE_SERVER feature
- The USE_SERVER Feature
- licensing
- Licensing
- licensing daemons, starting and stopping
- The USE_SERVER Feature
- list command
- column contents in output
- Interpreting list Output
- controlling with view
- Using the View Commands Menu
- default output
- Step 3: Displaying Software Information
- displaying the distribution inventory
- Using the list Command
- interpreting output
- Interpreting list Output
- legend
- Using the list Command
- Using the list Command
- The Preferences List
- mnemonic tags
- Interpreting list Output
- overview
- Viewing the Software Inventory
- patch items in output
- Interpreting Patch Information in list Displays
- reference
- Main Menu Commands
- listing software information. See displaying software information and the list command.
- Step 3: Displaying Software Information
- live installation
- defined
- Software Installation Methods
- disk space requirements
- Starting a Live Installation
- invoking Inst
- Starting a Live Installation
- live installation error
- Errors Starting Live Installations
- load command
- Administrative Menu Commands
- loading the miniroot
- from a remote source
- Loading From a Remote Distribution Source
- from local CD
- Loading From a Local CD
- informational messages
- Loading From a Remote Distribution Source
- Main menu
- features
- The Main Menu
- hidden commands
- Displaying Hidden Commands
- illustration
- Introduction to Inst
- Main menu (illustration)
- Step 1: Invoking Inst
- maintenance release
- Software Release Types
- Installing Maintenance and Feature Releases
- man pages. See reference pages.
- Installing Reference Pages
- mediad daemon
- restarting
- Creating Distribution Directories
- stopping
- Creating Distribution Directories
- menus
- controlling
- Controlling Menu Displays
- hidden commands, displaying
- Displaying Hidden Commands
- See also invidual menu names.
- The Main Menu
- using commands on inactive menus
- Giving Commands on Other Menus
- miniroot
- defined
- Software Installation Methods
- IRIX command availability
- The sh and shroot Commands
- miniroot configuration file
- Customizing Miniroot Installations
- miniroot installation
- automatic
- Automating Installations With RoboInst
- conditions requiring
- Patch Installation Procedure
- Installing Accompanying Product Releases
- Removing Software
- defined
- Software Installation Methods
- effects on sh and shroot commands
- The sh and shroot Commands
- local load procedure
- Loading From a Local CD
- remote load procedure
- Loading From a Remote Distribution Source
- miniroot installation file
- How RoboInst Works
- mkfs command
- purpose
- The mkfs Command
- reference
- Administrative Menu Commands
- side effects
- The mkfs Command
- mnemonic tags, in list output
- Interpreting list Output
- more? prompt
- Main Menu Commands
- mount command
- Administrative Menu Commands
- mount point directories
- Administrative Menu Commands
- Administrative Menu Commands
- mounting CDs
- Creating Distribution Directories
- mounting filesystems
- The mount and umount Commands
- mrconfig file
- Configuration Directory Setup
- mrconfig file. See miniroot configuration file.
- Creating a Miniroot Configuration File
- netaddr PROM variable
Errors Loading the Miniroot From Remote Host
Errors Loading the Miniroot From Remote Host
- Checking Network Connections
- network
- checking connections
- Checking Network Connections
- preparations
- Enabling BOOTP Forwarding on Routers
- problem resolution
- Resolving Network Problems
- timeout error
- Network Time-out Errors
- network address
- displaying IP setting
- Getting the Target's Name and Address
- displaying PROM setting
Errors Loading the Miniroot From Remote Host
- network timeout
- Changing the Network Time-out Value
- neweroverride preference, of set command
- Reinstalling an Older Software Release
- noninteractive installation
- Installing Software Noninteractively
- nvram command
- Checking Network Connections
- Checking Network Connections
- older releases, installing
- Reinstalling an Older Software Release
- open command
- Using the open Command
- Main Menu Commands
- opening multiple distributions
Opening Multiple Distributions
- optional software, installing
- Installing Optional Software Products
- overlays
- Software Release Types
- overprint preference, of set command
- Controlling the Display of Filenames
- partitioned environments
- licenses for
- Software Licensing and Partitioned Environments
- partitions
- Partitions
- partitions, disk
- Administrative Menu Commands
- password protection
- Configuring an Installation Account
- patch release
- identifying in list output
- Interpreting Patch Information in list Displays
- patches
- conflicts
- Patch Installation Procedure
- defined
- Software Release Types
- installing
- Installing Patches
- removing
- Removing Patches
- path specification error
Errors Loading the Miniroot From Remote Host
- permanent preferences
- A Closer Look at Preferences
- ping command
- Enabling BOOTP Forwarding on Routers
- Checking Network Connections
- port@host feature
- The port@host Feature
- preferences
- displaying current settings
- Checking the Current Preference Settings
- file (.swmgrrc )
- The Preferences File
- for menu control
- Controlling Menu Displays
- overview
- A Closer Look at Preferences
- permanent
- A Closer Look at Preferences
- tables
- The Preferences List
- transient
- A Closer Look at Preferences
- preliminary selections
- Preliminary Selections
- Automatic Initialization
- Automatic Initialization Functions
- Accepting Automatic Selections
- product
- See software products.
- Anatomy of a Software Product
- product description file
- Product Descriptions
- product descriptions
- reading
- Automatic Initialization
- Automatic Initialization Functions
- Main Menu Commands
- displaying variables settings
Errors Loading the Miniroot From Remote Host
- network address setting
Errors Loading the Miniroot From Remote Host
- quit command
- overview
- Ending a Session
- reference
- Main Menu Commands
- quitting a session
- Step 7: Quitting the Installation Session
- $rbase root installation directory
- The Preferences File
- recalculate command
- The recalculate Command
- reference
- Administrative Menu Commands
- reference pages, installing
- Installing Reference Pages
- reinstalling software
- Reinstalling the Same Software
- release family
- Software Release Types
- release notes
- how to read
- Understanding Software Installations
- relocate command
- reference
- Administrative Menu Commands
- remove command
- arguments
- Using Arguments in Selection Commands
- function
- Using the install, remove, and keep Commands
- reference
- Main Menu Commands
- sample entries
- Simple Selection Command Entries
- removing
- all software
- Removing Software
- files
- Main Menu Commands
- required subsystems, defined
- Required and Default Subsystems
- restarting workstation
- Main Menu Commands
- resuming an interrupted session
- Stopping an Installation
- retry command
- Interrupt Menu Commands
- return command
- reference, Administration menu
- Administrative Menu Commands
- reference, View menu
- View Menu Commands
- .rhosts file
- modifying for installation
- Configuring an Installation Account
- rld error
- Inst Library libinst.so Errors
- RoboInst server
- How RoboInst Works
- routers
- identifying
- Enabling BOOTP Forwarding on Routers
- use in miniroot installations
- Enabling BOOTP Forwarding on Routers
- rqs command
- reference
- Administrative Menu Commands
- rsh command
- Checking Network Connections
- rulesoverride preference of the set command
- Removing Software
- sa file in software distributions
Errors Loading the Miniroot From Remote Host
- sash program
- About Miniroot Installations
- How RoboInst Works
- Events in a RoboInst Installation
- Boot Server Setup
- save command
- Administrative Menu Commands
- security
- on Inst user account
- Configuring an Installation Account
- tftp
- Enabling TFTP Access on an Installation Server
- selecting software (for installation)
- Step 4: Making Software Selections
- Using step to Make Selections
- selection
- automatic after from
- Main Menu Commands
- current
- Main Menu Commands
- initial
- Main Menu Commands
- of subsystems
- Main Menu Commands
- pending
- If Inst Is Interrupted
- selection commands
- install, remove and keep
- Using the install, remove, and keep Commands
- overview
- Selecting and Installing Software
- step
- Using step to Make Selections
- selection processing
- Step 5: Launching the Installation
- selections file
- Writing an inst.init Script
- server. See installation server.
- Setting Up an Installation Server
- server specification error
Errors Loading the Miniroot From Remote Host
- set command
- reference, Administrative menu
- Administrative Menu Commands
- reference, Interrupt menu
- Interrupt Menu Commands
- reference, Main menu
- Main Menu Commands
- reference, View menu
- View Menu Commands
- saved option values
- View Menu Commands
- Administrative Menu Commands
- Interrupt Menu Commands
- sethostipaddr command
- Administrative Menu Commands
- sethostname command
- Administrative Menu Commands
- sh command
- reference, Administration menu
- Administrative Menu Commands
- reference, Interrupt menu
- Interrupt Menu Commands
- reference, Main menu
- Main Menu Commands
- sh command, to invoke an IRIX shell
- The sh and shroot Commands
- shell (argument to set command)
- The sh and shroot Commands
- SHELL environment variable
- The sh and shroot Commands
- shell, IRIX
- The sh and shroot Commands
- Administrative Menu Commands
- Interrupt Menu Commands
- shortname
- defined
- Anatomy of a Software Product
- show command
- View Menu Commands
- show_files preference, of set command
- Controlling the Display of Filenames
- showfiles command
- Backing Up the Target Systems
- for changed configuration files
- Merging Configuration Files
- to list configuration files
- Removing Software
- showprods command
- Calling Your Support Organization
- for displaying release numbers
- Avoiding Compatibility Problems
- for new systems
- Factory-Installed Subsystems
- for reference pages
- Installing Reference Pages
- shroot command
- Administrative Menu Commands
- reference, Interrupt menu
- Interrupt Menu Commands
- reference, Main menu
- Main Menu Commands
- shroot command, to invoke an IRIX shell
- The sh and shroot Commands
- shutdown command
- Loading From a Local CD
- size of subsystems
- in list and step displays
- Interpreting list Output
- Using the View Commands Menu
- with delayed space checking
- Delaying Disk Space Checking
- sizes command
- reference
- View Menu Commands
- software
- old versions
- Main Menu Commands
- removing
- Main Menu Commands
- software inventory. See distribution inventory and target inventory.
- Viewing the Software Inventory
- Software Manager
- Understanding Software Installations
- Using the Main Menu
- A Closer Look at Preferences
- software options, installing
- Installing Optional Software Products
- software product release
- Understanding Software Installations
- software products
- components
- Anatomy of a Software Product
- defined
- Anatomy of a Software Product
- naming convention
- Anatomy of a Software Product
- patching
- Installing Patches
- reinstalling after hardware changes
- Installing Software for Hardware Upgrades
- reinstalling files after patching
- Removing Patches
- removing
- Removing Software
- removing files after patching
- Removing Original Product Files
- specifying in commands
- Using Product and Image Names
- specifying with keywords
- Using Keywords as Arguments
- viewing level
- The level Command
- sort command
- The sort Command
- View Menu Commands
- space checking
- delaying
- Delaying Disk Space Checking
- detailed
- Estimated and Detailed Space Checks
- estimated
- Estimated and Detailed Space Checks
- overview
- Controlling Disk Space Checks and Reports
- space command
- The space Command
- reference
- Administrative Menu Commands
- spec file
- Product Descriptions
- Using an HTML Distribution Directory
- step command
- Using step to Make Selections
- controlling with view
- Using the View Commands Menu
- reference
- Main Menu Commands
- stop command
- reference
- Interrupt Menu Commands
- stopping an installation
- Stopping an Installation
- subsystems
- default
- Required and Default Subsystems
- defined
- Subsystems
- displaying files in
- The files Command
- files in
- Administrative Menu Commands
- installing incompatible
- Avoiding Compatibility Problems
- naming convention
- Subsystems
- required
- Required and Default Subsystems
- sizes. See size of subsystems.
- Interpreting list Output
- specifying in commands
Using Wildcards in Subsystem Names
- specifying with keywords
- Using Keywords as Arguments
- viewing level
- The level Command
- support
- Calling Your Support Organization
- swap partition, in miniroot installations
- About Miniroot Installations
- .swmgrrc file, for preferences
- The Preferences File
- sysadm command
- Disk Space Errors
- system administration
- documentation
- Related Documentation
- System Maintenance menu
- accessing
- Loading From a Local CD
- illustration
- Loading From a Local CD
- system partitions
- Partitions
- tardist file
- Setting Up an HTTP Installation Server
- targ command
- View Menu Commands
- target
- defined
- Sources of Installable Software
- IP address
- Getting the Target's Name and Address
- shutting down
- Loading From a Local CD
- target inventory
- displaying
- Displaying Software Installed on the Target
- displaying on new systems
- Factory-Installed Subsystems
- removing
- Removing Software
- sample display
- Displaying Software Installed on the Target
- specifying as the source
- Using the from Command
- viewing
- Viewing the Software Inventory
- The target and distribution Commands
- viewing files in
- The files Command
- Enabling TFTP Access on an Installation Server
- Boot Server Setup
- Configuration Server Setup
- enabling access
- Enabling TFTP Access on an Installation Server
- Checking Network Connections
- tftp , enabling access
Errors Loading the Miniroot From Remote Host
- tftp security
- Enabling TFTP Access on an Installation Server
- tftpd daemon
- Enabling TFTP Access on an Installation Server
- timeout preference, of set command
- Changing the Network Time-out Value
- transient preferences
- A Closer Look at Preferences
- umount command
- Administrative Menu Commands
- unmounting filesystems
- The mount and umount Commands
- updatekeepfile command
- reference
- Administrative Menu Commands
- USE_SERVER feature
- The USE_SERVER Feature
- user account
- configuring for Inst access
- Configuring an Installation Account
- non-guest
- Enabling TFTP Access on an Installation Server
- Configuring an Installation Account
- specifying in from commands
- Specifying an Alternate User Account
- /var/inst/patchbase file
- function
- Installing Patches
- reinstalling contents
- Removing Patches
- removing contents
- Removing Original Product Files
- view
- filtering with keywords
- The filter Command
- setting level
- The level Command
- setting sort order
- The sort Command
- setting to distribution or target
- The target and distribution Commands
- view command
- overview
- Viewing the Software Inventory
- reference
- Main Menu Commands
- View Commands menu
- functions
- Using the View Commands Menu
- hidden commands
- Displaying Hidden Commands
- illustration
- Using the View Commands Menu
- warning
- Warning
- wildcards, in commands
Using Wildcards in Subsystem Names