This chapter describes outmoded Fortran features that the compiler supports. These features have been replaced by alternatives that enhance the portability of your compiler programs. None of the outmoded features described in this chapter were part of any Fortran standard; they were extensions supported in older compilers. The outmoded features and their preferred alternatives are listed in Table 6-1.
Table 6-1. Outmoded features and preferred alternatives
Outmoded feature | Preferred alternative |
Hollerith data | Character data. |
ENCODE and DECODE | Internal files. |
Asterisk character constant delimiters in formats | Apostrophe or quotation mark delimiters. |
[- b]X edit descriptor | TL edit descriptor, 1X. |
A descriptor used for noncharacter data and R descriptor | Character type and other conventional matchings of data with descriptors. |
EOF, IEOF, and IOSTAT functions | End-of-file specifier ( END=) or status specifier (IOSTAT=). |
Initialization using long strings | Replace the numeric target with a character item. Replace a Hollerith constant with a character constant. |
Type statements with *n | Standard type statements (KIND=). |
BYTE data type | Standard INTEGER(KIND=1) type statement |
Two-branch arithmetic IF | IF construct or IF statement. |
TASK COMMON statement | TASKCOMMON compiler directive. |
Indirect logical IF | IF construct or IF statement. |
Nested loops ending with a single, labeled END DO | One END DO statement for each loop. |
Slash data initialization | Fortran standard data initialization. |
DOUBLE COMPLEX statement and related specific intrinsic function names | COMPLEX (KIND=) statement and standard intrinsic functions. |
Bitwise intrinsic functions | Standard intrinsic functions. See Section 6.8, for more information. |
CLOCK(3i), DATE(3i), and JDATE(3i) intrinsic functions | DATE_AND_TIME(3i) intrinsic subroutine. |
DCOT(3m) intrinsic function | COT(3m) intrinsic function. |
DFLOAT(3m) and DREAL(3m) intrinsic functions | REAL(3m) intrinsic function. |
NUMARG(3i) intrinsic function | PRESENT(3i) intrinsic function for optional arguments. |
RANF(3i) and RANGET(3i) intrinsic functions | RANDOM_NUMBER(3i) intrinsic subroutine. |
RANSET(3i) intrinsic function | RANDOM_SEED(3i) intrinsic subroutine. |
RTC(3i) intrinsic function | SYSTEM_CLOCK(3i) intrinsic subroutine. |
Hollerith data is a sequence of any characters capable of internal representation as specified in Table 3-1. Its length is the number of characters in the sequence, including blank characters. Each character occupies a position within the storage sequence identified by one of the numbers 1, 2, 3, . . . indicating its placement from the left (position 1). Hollerith data must contain at least one character.
A Hollerith constant is expressed in one of three forms. The first of these is specified as a nonzero integer constant followed by the letter H, L, or R and as many characters as equal the value of the integer constant. The second form of Hollerith constant specification delimits the character sequence between a pair of apostrophes followed by the letter H, L, or R. The third form is like the second, except that quotation marks replace apostrophes. For example:
Character sequence: ABC 12 Form 1: 6HABC 12 Form 2: 'ABC 12'H Form 3: "ABC 12"H |
Two adjacent apostrophes or quotation marks appearing between delimiting apostrophes or quotation marks are interpreted and counted by the compiler as a single apostrophe or quotation mark within the sequence. Thus, the sequence DON'T USE "*" would be specified with apostrophe delimiters as 'DON''T USE "*"'H, and with quotation mark delimiters as "DON'T USE ""*"""H.
Each character of a Hollerith constant is represented internally by an 8-bit code, with up to 32 such codes allowed. This limit corresponds to the size of the largest numeric type, COMPLEX(KIND = 16). The ultimate size and makeup of the Hollerith data depends on the context. If the Hollerith constant is larger than the size of the type implied by context, the constant is truncated to the appropriate size. If the Hollerith constant is smaller than the size of the type implied by context, the constant is padded with a character dependent on the Hollerith indicator. When an H Hollerith indicator is used, the truncation and padding is done on the right end of the constant. The pad character is the blank character code (20).
Null codes can be produced in place of blank codes by substituting the letter L for the letter H in the Hollerith forms described above. The truncation and padding is also done on the right end of the constant, with the null character code (00) as the pad character.
Using the letter R instead of the letter H as the Hollerith indicator means truncation and padding is done on the left end of the constant with the null character code (00) used as the pad character.
All of the following Hollerith constants yield the same Hollerith constant and differ only in specifying the content and placement of the unused portion of the single 64-bit entity containing the constant:
Hollerith | Internal byte, beginning on bit: | |||||||
constant | 0 | 8 | 16 | 24 | 32 | 40 | 48 | 56 |
6HABCDEF | A | B | C | D | E | F | 20 16 | 20 16 |
'ABCDEF'H | A | B | C | D | E | F | 20 16 | 20 16 |
"ABCDEF" H | A | B | C | D | E | F | 20 16 | 20 16 |
6LABCDEF | A | B | C | D | E | F | 00 | 00 |
'ABCDEF'L | A | B | C | D | E | F | 00 | 00 |
"ABCDEF"L | A | B | C | D | E | F | 00 | 00 |
6RABCDEF | 00 | 00 | A | B | C | D | E | F |
'ABCDEF'R | 00 | 00 | A | B | C | D | E | F |
"ABCDEF"R | 00 | 00 | A | B | C | D | E | F |
A Hollerith constant is limited to 32 characters except when specified in a CALL statement, a function argument list, or a DATA statement. An all-zero computer word follows the last word containing a Hollerith constant specified as an actual argument in an argument list.
A character constant of 32 or fewer characters is treated as if it were a Hollerith constant in situations where a character constant is not allowed by the standard but a Hollerith constant is allowed by the compiler. If the character constant appears in a DATA statement value list, it can be longer than 32 characters.
A Hollerith value is a Hollerith constant or a variable that contains Hollerith data. A Hollerith value is limited to 32 characters.
A Hollerith value can be used in any operation in which a numeric constant can be used. It can also appear on the right-hand side of an assignment statement in which a numeric constant can be used. It is truncated or padded to be the correct size for the type implied by the context.
Used with a relational operator, the Hollerith value e 1 is less than e 2 if its value precedes the value of e 2 in the collating sequence and is greater if its value follows the value of e2 in the collating sequence.
The following examples are evaluated as true if the integer variable LOCK contains the Hollerith characters K, E, and Y in that order and left-justified with five trailing blank character codes:
A formatted I/O operation defines entities by transferring data between I/O list items and records of a file. The file can be on an external media or in internal storage.
The Fortran standard provides READ and WRITE statements for both formatted external and internal file I/O. This is the preferred method for formatted internal file I/O. It is the only method for list-directed internal file I/O.
The ENCODE and DECODE statements are an alternative to standard Fortran READ and WRITE statements for formatted internal file I/O.
An internal file in standard Fortran I/O must be declared as character, while the internal file in ENCODE and DECODE statements can be any data type. A record in an internal file in standard Fortran I/O is either a scalar character variable or an array element of a character array. The record size in an internal file in an ENCODE or DECODE statement is independent of the storage size of the variable used as the internal file. If the internal file is a character array in standard Fortran I/O, multiple records can be read or written with internal file I/O. The alternative form does not provide the multiple record capability.
The ENCODE statement provides a method of converting or encoding the internal representation of the entities in the output list to a character representation. The format of the ENCODE statement is as follows:
ENCODE ( n, f, dest ) [ elist ] |
n | Number of characters to be processed. Nonzero integer expression not to exceed the maximum record length for formatted records. This is the record size for the internal file. |
f | Format identifier. It cannot be an asterisk. |
dest | Name of internal file. It can be a variable or array of any data type. It cannot be an array section, a zero-sized array, or a zero-sized character variable. |
elist | Output list to be converted to character during the ENCODE statement. |
The output list items are converted using format f to produce a sequence of n characters that are stored in the internal file dest. The n characters are packed 4 characters per word.
An ENCODE statement transfers one record of length n to the internal file dest. If format f attempts to write a second record, ENCODE processing repositions the current record position to the beginning of the internal file and begins writing at that position.
An error is issued when the ENCODE statement attempts to write more than n characters to the record of the internal file. If dest is a noncharacter entity and n is not a multiple of 4, the last word of the record is padded with blanks to a word boundary. If dest is a character entity, the last word of the record is not padded with blanks to a word boundary.
Example: the following example assumes a machine word length of 64 bits and uses the underscore character as a blank:
INTEGER ZD(5), ZE(3) ZD(1)='TH__' ZD(2)='IS__' ZD(3)='=4__' ZD(4)='CH__' ZD(5)='AR__' 1 FORMAT(5A2) ENCODE(10,1,ZE)ZD DO 10 I=1,3 PRINT 2,'ZE(',I,')="',ZE(I),'"' 10 CONTINUE 2 FORMAT(A,I2,A,A4,A) END |
The output is as follows:
>ZE( 1)="THIS" >ZE( 2)="=4CH" >ZE( 3)="AR__" |
The DECODE statement provides a method of converting or decoding from a character representation to the internal representation of the entities in the input list. The format of the DECODE statement is as follows:
DECODE ( n, f, source ) [ dlist ] |
n | Number of characters to be processed. Nonzero integer expression not to exceed the maximum record length for formatted records. This is the record size for the internal file. |
f | Format identifier. It cannot be an asterisk. |
source | Name of internal file. It can be a variable or array of any data type. It cannot be an array section or a zero-sized array or a zero-sized character variable. |
dlist | Input list to be converted from character during the DECODE statement. |
The input list items are converted using format f from a sequence of n characters in the internal file source to an internal representation and stored in the input list entities. If the internal file source is noncharacter, the internal file is assumed to be a multiple of 4 characters.
Example: An example of a DECODE statement is as follows:
INTEGER ZD(5), ZE(4) ZE(1)='WHIL' ZE(2)='E_IT' ZE(3)='=4CH' ZE(4)='ARS_' ZE(5)='RS.+' 3 FORMAT(5A3) DECODE(16,3,ZE)ZD DO 10 I=1,4 PRINT 2,'ZD(',I,')="',ZD(I),'"' 10 CONTINUE 2 FORMAT(A,I2,A,A4,A) END |
The output is as follows:
>ZD( 1)="WHI_" >ZD( 2)="LE__" >ZD( 3)="IT=_" >ZD( 4)="4CH_" >ZD( 5)="ARS_" |
The following sections show obsolete edit descriptors and outmoded uses of current descriptors.
The asterisk was allowed to delimit a literal character constant. It has been replaced by the apostrophe and quotation mark.
*h1 h2 ... hn* |
* | Delimiter for a literal character string |
h | Any ASCII character indicated by a C in Table 3-1 (that is, capable of internal representation) |
A negative value could be used with the X descriptor to indicate a move to the left. This has been replaced by the TL descriptor.
[-b]X |
b | Any nonzero, unsigned integer constant |
X | Indicates a move of as many positions as indicated by b |
-55X ! Moves current position 55 spaces left |
The Rw descriptor and the use of the Aw descriptor for noncharacter data are available primarily for programs that were written before a true character type was available. Other uses include adding labels to binary files and the transfer of data whose type is not known in advance.
List items can be of type real, integer, complex, or logical. For character use, the binary form of the data is converted to or from ASCII codes. The numeric list item is assumed to contain ASCII characters when used with these edit descriptors.
Complex items use two storage units and require two A descriptors, for the first and second storage units respectively.
The Aw descriptor works with noncharacter list items containing character data in essentially the same way as described in the MIPSpro Fortran Language Reference Manual, Volume 1. The R w descriptor works like Aw with the following exceptions:
Characters in an incompletely filled input list item are right-justified with the remainder of that list item containing binary zeros.
Partial output of an output list item is from its rightmost character positions.
The following example shows the Aw and Rw edit descriptors for noncharacter data types:
The output of this program would be as follows:
> ABCD- IJKL- STUV- fghijklm- qrst wxyz ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ > AB- GHIJ- PQRS- ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ |
The carat (^) indicates leading blanks in the use of the A edit descriptor. The lowercase letter o is used to indicate where binary zeros have been written with the R edit descriptor.
The binary zeros are not printable characters, so the printed output simply contains the characters without the binary zeros.
Data type declarations that include the data length are outmoded. The compiler recognizes this usage in type statements, IMPLICIT statements, and FUNCTION statements, mapping these numbers onto lengths appropriate for the target machine.
*n | Data length as shown in Table 6-2. Any other data length generates an error. |
v | Name of a constant, variable, or array declarator. |
an | A letter. A range of letters is denoted by the first and last letters of the range separated by a hyphen. A range (a 1 - a n) has the same effect as a list of the letters (a1, a 2, ... an). |
fun | Name of the function subprogram. |
d | Dummy argument representing a variable, array, or dummy procedure name. |
The following tables show the data lengths.
type | n: | *1 | *2 | *4 | *8 | *16 | *32 |
| 8-bit | 16-bit | 32-bit | 64-bit | Error | Error |
| 8-bit | 16-bit | 32-bit | 64-bit | Error | Error |
| Error | Error | 32-bit | 64-bit | 128-bit | Error |
| Error | Error | 32-bit | 64-bit | 128-bit | Error |
| Error | Error | Error | 64-bit | Error | Error |
The BYTE statement and data type declares a 1-byte value. This data type is equivalent to the INTEGER(KIND=1) and INTEGER*1 declarations.
The DATA statement has the following outmoded features:
A constant need not exist for each element of a whole array named in a data_stmt_object_list if the array is the last item in the list.
A Hollerith or character constant can initialize more than one element of an integer or single-precision real array if the array is specified without subscripts.
Example 1: On a machine with 64-bit words, if an array is declared by INTEGER A(2), the following DATA statements have the same effect:
DATA A /'1234567890123456'/ DATA A /'12345678','90123456'/ |
Example 2: On a machine with 32-bit words, if an array is declared by INTEGER A(2), the following DATA statements have the same effect:
DATA A /'12345678'/ DATA A /'1234','5678'/ |
An integer or single-precision real array can be defined in the same way in a DATA implied-DO statement.
Outmoded IF statements are the two-branch arithmetic IF and the indirect logical IF.
A two-branch arithmetic IF statement transfers control to statement s1 if expression e is evaluated as nonzero or to statement s 2 if e is zero. The arithmetic expression should be replaced with a relational expression, and the statement should be changed to an IF statement or an IF construct. This format is as follows:
IF ( e ) s1, s2 |
e | Integer, real, or double-precision expression |
s | Label of an executable statement in the same program unit |
IF (I+J*K) 100,101 |
An indirect logical IF statement transfers control to statement st if logical expression le is true and to statement sf if le is false. An IF construct or an IF statement should be used in place of this outmoded statement. This format is as follows:
IF ( le ) st, sf |
le | Logical expression |
st, sf | Labels of executable statements in the same program unit |
IF(X.GE.Y)148,9999 |
A bitwise logical expression (also called a masking expression) is an expression in which a logical operator operates on individual bits within integer, real, Cray pointer, or Boolean operands, giving a result of type Boolean. Each operand is treated as a single storage unit. This storage unit is a 32-bit word. The result is a single storage unit. Boolean values and bitwise logical expressions are contrasted to logical values and expressions.
Bitwise logical operators can also be written as functions; for example A.AND.B can be written as AND(A,B) and .NOT.A can be written as COMPL(A).
The compiler intrinsic functions that operate on Boolean values in bitwise fashion, such as shifting, parity count, and tallying 1s or leading 0s, are extensions to the Fortran standard. Generally, these bitwise functions have equivalent Fortran standard intrinsic procedures. Table 6-3 shows the bitwise functions and, where possible, their equivalent Fortran standard intrinsic procedures:
Table 6-3. Standard alternatives to bitwise functions
Bitwise function | Fortran standard alternative |
AND(3m) | IAND(3i) |
COMPL(3i) | NOT(3i) |
CSMG(3i) | MERGE(3i) |
EQV(3m) | IEOR(3i) |
MASK(3i) | IBSET(3i) |
OR(3m) | IOR(3i) |
NEQV(3m) | IEOR(3i) |
SHIFT(3i) | ISHFT(3i), ISHFTC(3i) |
SHIFTL(3i), LSHIFT(3i) | ISHFT(3i), ISHFTC(3i) |
SHIFTR(3i), , RSHIFT(3i) | ISHFT(3i), ISHFTC(3i) |
XOR(3m) | IEOR(3i) |
If one operand is of type logical, then both operands must be of type logical; the operation performed, then, is a logical operation (not a masking operation). In a logical or masking operation, neither operand can be of type double precision or of type double complex.
Table 6-4, shows which data types can be used together in bitwise logical operations.
Table 6-4. Data types in bitwise logical operations
x1 x 2 | Integer | Real | Boolean | Pointer | Logical | Character |
Integer | Masking operation, Boolean result. | Masking operation, Boolean result. | Masking operation, Boolean result. | Masking operation, Boolean result. | Not valid | Not valid1 |
Real | Masking operation, Boolean result. | Masking operation, Boolean result. | Masking operation, Boolean result. | Masking operation, Boolean result. | Not valid | Not valid1 |
Boolean | Masking operation, Boolean result. | Masking operation, Boolean result. | Masking operation, Boolean result. | Masking operation, Boolean result. | Not valid | Not valid1 |
Pointer | Masking operation, Boolean result. | Masking operation, Boolean result. | Masking operation, Boolean result. | Masking operation, Boolean result. | Not valid | Not valid1 |
Logical | Not valid | Not valid | Not valid | Not valid | Logical operation logical result | Not valid |
Character | Not valid1 | Not valid1 | Not valid1 | Not valid1 | Not valid | Not valid |
Notes: | ||||||
Bitwise logical expressions can be combined with expressions of Boolean or other types by using arithmetic, relational, and logical operators. Evaluation of an arithmetic or relational operator processes a bitwise logical expression with no type conversion. Boolean data is never automatically converted to another type.
A bitwise logical expression performs the indicated logical operation separately on each bit. The interpretation of individual bits in bitwise multiplication_exprs, summation_exprs, and general expressions is the same as for logical expressions. The results of binary 1 and 0 correspond to the logical results TRUE and FALSE, respectively, in each of the bit positions. These values are summarized as follows:
.NOT. 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 =0011 .AND. 1010 .OR. 1010 .XOR. 1010 .EQV. 1010 ---- ---- ---- ---- 1000 1110 0110 1001 |
The Fortran type declaration statements provide a means for data initialization. For example, the following two methods are standard means for initializing integer data:
Method 1:
INTEGER :: I=3 |
Method 2:
The compiler supports an additional method for each data type. The following example shows the additional, nonstandard method, used to define integer data:
Method 3:
INTEGER [::] I /3/ |