Most Motif widgets have specific functions. A PushButton activates an action; a ScrollBar moves a scroll with respect to a viewport; a RowColumn contains a menu, a RadioBox or CheckBox, or a collection of widgets laid out in rows and columns. In contrast, DrawingArea does not have a specific function. It is useful for implementing a canvas, a specialized text editor, or other customized portions of an application.
DrawingArea is a manager with little specific behavior of its own. It provides basic geometry management for widget and gadget children. It also has callback lists that provide the application with low-level event handling. An application can use these features to implement a canvas or a more specialized widget.
By default a DrawingArea attempts to adjust its size to contain all its children just inside its margins. The DrawingArea resource XmNresizePolicy determines how the DrawingArea responds to geometry requests from its children. This resource has three possible values:
The DrawingArea resources XmNmarginHeight and XmNmarginWidth also affect geometry management. When the value of XmNmarginHeight is greater than 0, the DrawingArea ensures that the top edges of all children are inside the top margin. When the value of XmNmarginWidth is greater than 0, the DrawingArea ensures that the left edges of all children are inside the left margin.
See Chapter 10, "Managing Geometry," for more information on DrawingArea's geometry management.
DrawingArea has callbacks, translations, and actions that inform the application when the DrawingArea is resized or when it receives an exposure event or one of many input events. DrawingArea has the following callbacks:
Each callback procedure is passed a pointer to an XmDrawingAreaCallbackStruct, which includes the reason, the event (NULL for XmNresizeCallback), and the DrawingArea's window.
A widget's resize procedure is invoked when the widget is resized by its parent or when the widget's width or height changes as a result of XtSetValues. DrawingArea also invokes its own resize procedure when it has made a successful geometry request of its parent to change its width or height.
For most widgets, the resize procedure recomputes the widget's layout to take account of the new size. DrawingArea's resize procedure does no layout of its own. It simply invokes the XmNresizeCallback callbacks. It is the responsibility of these callback procedures to resize or reposition children or to recompute other contents of the DrawingArea. The callback procedures essentially take the place of the DrawingArea's resize procedure.
Note that a resize procedure can be called when the widget is not realized.
An XmNresizeCallback procedure should reposition or resize children by calling XtMoveWidget, XtResizeWidget, or XtConfigureWidget. Use of these functions is usually restricted to widget class methods, but for DrawingArea, the XmNresizeCallback procedures act as part of the widget class resize procedure.
A callback procedure could also resize or reposition a child by invoking XtSetValues on one or more of the child's geometry resources (XmNx, XmNy, XmNheight, XmNwidth, and XmNborderWidth). This causes XtSetValues to generate a geometry request on behalf of the child. This request in turn might cause the DrawingArea to make a geometry request of its own parent. In particular, when a child's request would cause the DrawingArea to change size and when the XmNresizePolicy of the DrawingArea is XmRESIZE_GROW or XmRESIZE_ANY, the DrawingArea is likely to make a geometry request.
However, the Intrinsics forbid a widget's resize procedure from making geometry requests. Therefore, an XmNresizeCallback procedure must take care not to reposition or resize a child in such a way that the DrawingArea makes a geometry request. The easiest way to avoid this problem is to use XtMoveWidget, XtResizeWidget, and XtConfigureWidget, which are guaranteed not to make geometry requests.
An XmNresizeCallback procedure must take care not to call the resize procedure for a child that is in the midst of making a geometry request. This situation can arise when a child makes a geometry request, perhaps as a result of XtSetValues, that would cause the DrawingArea to change size. If the DrawingArea's geometry_manager procedure issues a successful geometry request, it invokes its own resize procedure, which in turn calls the XmNresizeCallback procedures.
When this situation arises, the XmNresizeCallback procedure must not call the requesting child's resize procedure, whether it does this directly, as a result of calling XtResizeWidget or XtConfigureWidget, or as a result of a call to XtSetValues that changes the child's width or height. If an application causes a DrawingArea child to make a geometry request—for example, by calling XtSetValues for one of the child's geometry resources—it should store information in an internal data structure that identifies that child as making a geometry request. The XmNresizeCallback procedure should check this information and take care not to call that child's resize procedure.
A resize procedure often recomputes the layout of the widget but does not actually perform the redisplay. In many cases, the act of resizing the widget generates one or more subsequent exposure events, and these in turn cause Xt to invoke the widget's expose procedure. In general, the expose procedure is responsible for redisplay.
However, resizing a widget does not always generate exposure events, particularly when the widget is made smaller. This is not a problem when the widget's contents consist solely of child widgets or gadgets. The resize procedure can reposition or resize the children, and these actions generate the appropriate exposure events for both the children and the parent.
A resizing without an exposure event presents a problem when the contents of the widget include graphics, text, or other decoration outside child widgets. For example, if the widget displays a shadow or other decoration around its inside edge, it must redisplay that decoration when the widget becomes smaller. An application using a DrawingArea in this way must arrange to redisplay the window contents when the DrawingArea becomes smaller. Following are two possible approaches:
In an XmNresizeCallback procedure, compare the DrawingArea's width and height with their previous values. If either width or height has decreased, redisplay the appropriate portions of the DrawingArea's contents. In an internal data structure, store the width and height as the previous width and height for use by the next invocation of the XmNresizeCallback procedure.
In an XmNexposeCallback procedure, when the procedure is first invoked, set the window's bit gravity to ForgetGravity. This causes the window's contents to be lost and an exposure event to be generated anytime the window is resized. If the application does not set the bit gravity of the DrawingArea's window, the default set by the toolkit is NorthWestGravity. This usually causes the server not to generate an exposure event when the window is made smaller.
DrawingArea itself does not draw shadows, and the default XmNshadowThickness is 0. It is not practical for an application to draw OSF/Motif shadows itself in a DrawingArea, because the Motif shadow-drawing interface is not public. An application that wants shadows with a DrawingArea should place the DrawingArea inside a Frame.
Following is an XmNresizeCallback procedure for a DrawingArea that contains button children and lines connecting them. The procedure spreads or contracts the layout of children and lines in proportion to the increase or decrease in size of the DrawingArea. It uses an internal data structure to hold information about the end points of the lines and the previous width and height of the DrawingArea. It assumes that an XmNexposeCallback procedure redisplays the lines.
void ReSize ( Widget w, /* widget id */ XtPointer client_data, /* data from application */ XtPointer call_data ) /* data from widget class */ { Graphic * graph = (Graphic *) client_data ; Dimension width, height ; Cardinal i,j ; Arg args[5]; int n ; Widget * children ; Cardinal num_children ; Position x,y ; n = 0; XtSetArg (args[n], XmNwidth, &width); n++; XtSetArg (args[n], XmNheight, &height); n++; XtGetValues (w, args, n); float xratio = (float) width / graph->old_width, yratio = (float) height / graph->old_height ; /* reposition and resize the graphic units */ for (i=0; i < graph->num_graphics; i++) { for (j=0; j < graph->graphics[i].num_points; j++) { graph->graphics[i].points[j].x *= xratio ; graph->graphics[i].points[j].y *= yratio ; } } /* reposition the pushbutton children */ n = 0; XtSetArg (args[n], XmNnumChildren, &num_children); n++; XtSetArg (args[n], XmNchildren, &children); n++; XtGetValues (w, args, n); for (i=0; i < num_children; i++) { n = 0; XtSetArg (args[n], XmNx, &x); n++; XtSetArg (args[n], XmNy, &y); n++; XtGetValues (children[i], args, n); XtMoveWidget (children[i], (Position) (x * xratio), (Position) (y * yratio)); } /* save width and height for next time */ graph->old_width = width ; graph->old_height = height ; } |
Xt calls a widget's expose procedure when the widget receives an exposure event. The precise types of events that cause Xt to invoke the expose procedure are determined by the widget class compress_exposure field. For XmDrawingArea, the value of this field is XtExposeNoCompress. This means that Xt invokes the expose procedure when the widget receives an Expose event.
When the expose procedure is called, some part of the contents of the widget's window has been lost, and the window needs to be redisplayed. Xt redisplays the contents of widget children by calling their expose procedures. DrawingArea's expose procedure calls the XmNexposeCallback procedures. These callbacks are responsible for redisplaying any contents of the DrawingArea that are outside the DrawingArea's children. DrawingArea's expose procedure then redisplays the contents of gadget children by calling their expose procedures.
The X server generates Expose events when parts of a window are exposed for a variety of reasons, as when the window is raised or resized. The server determines which portions of the window are exposed and decomposes these into a series of rectangles. The server generates a series of Expose events, one for each rectangle.
DrawingArea does not compress exposure events. The expose procedure, and therefore the XmNexposeCallback list, is called for each rectangle in an exposure series. A simple callback procedure may redisplay the entire window on each exposure series. Such a procedure should examine the count member of the XExposeEvent structure for the event. A nonzero count indicates that more events are to follow in the exposure series. The callback procedure should ignore these events and redisplay the entire window when count reaches 0.
A more complex procedure may redisplay only the exposed rectangles. Such a procedure should extract the bounds of each rectangle from the x, y, width, and height members of each XExposeEvent structure. The procedure can either redisplay each rectangle immediately or accumulate all the rectangles in an exposure series into a region, using XtAddExposureToRegion, and then redisplay the region.
An application that draws directly into the DrawingArea must be sure to regenerate the window contents correctly when the DrawingArea becomes smaller. Making the DrawingArea smaller does not always generate Expose events. The application can either perform the redisplay in an XmNresizeCallback procedure or, on the first invocation of the XmNexposeCallback list, set the window's bit gravity to ForgetGravity. This ensures that each resizing of the DrawingArea generates an Expose event, so the application can safely leave all redisplay to the XmNexposeCallback procedure. However, it also means that application must regenerate the entire contents of the window every time the window is resized.
Following is an XmNexposeCallback procedure for a DrawingArea that contains button children and lines connecting them. The first time the procedure is invoked, it sets the window's bit gravity to ForgetGravity so that resizing the window generates Expose events. On the last of each series of exposure events, the procedure redraws all lines. It uses an internal data structure to hold information about the end points of the lines.
void Redisplay ( Widget w, /* widget id */ XtPointer client_data, /* data from application */ XtPointer call_data ) /* data from widget class */ { XmDrawingAreaCallbackStruct * dacs = (XmDrawingAreaCallbackStruct *) call_data ; Graphic * graph = (Graphic *) client_data ; XExposeEvent * event = (XExposeEvent *) dacs->event; XSetWindowAttributes xswa; static Boolean first_time = True ; if (first_time) { /* Change once the bit gravity of the Drawing Area; default is NorthWest and we want Forget, so that resize always generates exposure events */ first_time = False ; xswa.bit_gravity = ForgetGravity ; XChangeWindowAttributes(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w), CWBitGravity, &xswa); } /* Redisplay only on last event of the series */ if (! event->count) { for (i=0; i < graph->num_graphics; i++) { if (graph->graphics[i].type == POLYLINE) XDrawLines(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w), XDefaultGCOfScreen(XtScreen(w)), graph->graphics[i].points, graph->graphics[i].num_points, CoordModeOrigin); } } } |
As with any manager, DrawingArea may have three general kinds of input events within its borders:
Events that belong to a widget child
Events that belong to a gadget child
Events that belong to no child
Xt dispatches events to widget children when appropriate, and the DrawingArea does not process these. DrawingArea inherits Manager's translations for dispatching events to gadget children. Before calling any Manager action as a result of a button press or release or a key press or release, DrawingArea calls its own DrawingAreaInput() action. DrawingArea also calls this action whenever it receives a button press or release or a key press or release that does not have an associated Manager action.
The DrawingAreaInput() action simply returns if the input event is not of type KeyPress, KeyRelease, ButtonPress, ButtonRelease, or MotionNotify. If the event is of one of these types, and if the event does not take place within a gadget child of the DrawingArea, the action calls the XmNinputCallback callbacks.
With the default translations, the result is that the XmNinputCallback procedures are invoked whenever the DrawingArea receives a KeyPress, KeyRelease, ButtonPress, or ButtonRelease event that does not occur within a child.
The default translations do not invoke the DrawingAreaInput() action, and therefore the XmNinputCallback procedures, when the DrawingArea receives a MotionNotify event. An application that wants its XmNinputCallback procedures invoked on pointer motion events must install the appropriate translations. When installing a translation for BtnMotion, the application must override the existing translations. The following translations cause a motion event to be sent to any gadget child in which it takes place. If the event does not take place within a child, the XmNinputCallback procedures are invoked:
<BtnMotion>:DrawingAreaInput() ManagerGadgetButtonMotion()\n\ <Motion>:DrawingAreaInput() |
There is one problem with these translations: because DrawingArea has translations for BSelect click and double click, the BtnMotion actions are not invoked when the user moves the pointer while pressing BSelect. In order to receive these events, the application must replace the DrawingArea translations, omitting the translations for BSelect click and double click.
Following is an XmNinputCallback procedure for a DrawingArea that contains button children and lines connecting them. The procedure takes action on ButtonPress and MotionNotify events. When the user presses a mouse button, the procedure retrieves the text from a TextField elsewhere in the application. If the user has entered text here, the input procedure creates a PushButton with the text as the label and places it at the point of the click. If the TextField contains no text and the user has pressed a button over a line or PushButton while holding the Shift key, the procedure deletes the line or PushButton.
If the TextField is empty and the user presses a button without holding the Shift key, the procedure either starts or finishes drawing a line. The application uses a rubber-banding effect for line drawing. When it starts a line the procedure sets a flag indicating it is drawing a line; when it finishes the line, the procedure clears this flag. When the procedure receives a MotionNotify event and is in the process of drawing a line, it erases the previous line (using XOR) and draws a new line from the anchor point to the current pointer position.
void HandleInput ( Widget w, /* widget id */ XtPointer client_data, /* data from application */ XtPointer call_data ) /* data from widget class */ { XmDrawingAreaCallbackStruct * dacs = (XmDrawingAreaCallbackStruct *) call_data ; Graphic * graph = (Graphic *) client_data ; Arg args[5]; int n ; String name ; Widget newpush ; if (dacs->event->type == ButtonPress) { name = XmTextFieldGetString(graph->textf); /* textfield */ if (strcmp ("", name) != 0) { n = 0; XtSetArg (args[n], XmNx, dacs->event->xbutton.x); n++; XtSetArg (args[n], XmNy, dacs->event->xbutton.y); n++; newpush = XmCreatePushButton(w, name, args, n); XtAddCallback (newpush, XmNactivateCallback, PushCB, NULL); XtManageChild (newpush); } else if ((dacs->event->xbutton.state & ShiftMask) && (!graph->in_drag)) { DeleteUnit (graph, dacs->event->xbutton.x, dacs->event->xbutton.y); } else { if (!graph->in_drag) { StartUnit(graph, dacs->event->xbutton.x, dacs->event->xbutton.y); } else { EndUnit(graph, dacs->event->xbutton.x, dacs->event->xbutton.y); } } XtFree(name); } else /* need to get motion events here: app_default should modify DrawingArea translation with both Motion and BtnMotion additions */ if (dacs->event->type == MotionNotify) { /* this one just exits if in_drag is False */ DragUnit(graph, dacs->event->xbutton.x, dacs->event->xbutton.y); } } |
The ScrolledWindow widget provides a viewport onto a virtual scroll and allows the user to move the scroll with respect to the viewport by manipulating ScrollBars. ScrolledWindow offers two scrolling policies: automatic and application-defined. In automatic scrolling, the application provides the scroll widget; ScrolledWindow creates a fixed-size viewport and handles user interaction with the ScrollBars. In application-defined scrolling, the application provides the scroll widget and, if necessary, the viewport, and it handles all user interaction with the ScrollBars.
When using separate viewport and scroll widgets with either scrolling policy, an application can use a default DrawingArea as the scroll widget. When the XmNresizePolicy is XmRESIZE_ANY, the application can use XtSetValues of XmNx and XmNy to place children within the DrawingArea. The DrawingArea adjusts its size as necessary to enclose all the children. The application can also use XtSetValues of the DrawingArea's XmNwidth and XmNheight to change the size of the scroll widget.
An application can also use a DrawingArea as the viewport widget in application-defined scrolling. One approach is not to use a separate scroll widget but to maintain a virtual scroll, keeping the contents in internal data structures and displaying as much of the contents as will fit into the viewport. The application can use a default DrawingArea as the viewport widget.
Another approach to application-defined scrolling is to create one widget as a viewport and another, a child of the viewport, as the scroll. The application can expand the scroll widget as necessary to contain all the data. In response to user manipulation of the ScrollBars, the application can reposition the scroll widget with respect to the viewport. The viewport acts as a clipping region for its child, the scroll.
In this approach the application can use a DrawingArea as the viewport, the scroll widget, or both. When using a DrawingArea as the viewport, the application must position and resize the scroll child using XtMoveWidget, XtResizeWidget, or XtConfigureWidget. Using XtSetValues for the child's geometry resources does not work, because the parent's geometry manager does not permit the child to move or grow beyond the bounds of the parent.
When a DrawingArea is the viewport widget in a ScrolledWindow with application-defined scrolling, the XmNresizeCallback procedure must recompute the ScrollBars' XmNsliderSize and XmNpageIncrement and possibly other resources to reflect the new relation between the viewport and the scroll. It may also need to reposition and resize the scroll with respect to the viewport.
See Chapter 9, "Scrolling, Panes, and Frames," for more information on ScrolledWindow, including examples using DrawingAreas as scrolls in both automatic and application-defined scrolling.
DrawingArea is an appropriate widget to use as a canvas or as a manager that requires graphics operations in addition to children. An application can use Xlib graphics facilities to draw into a DrawingArea. See Xlib—C Language X Interface for more information on Xlib graphics operations.
An interactive graphics application can use the XmNinputCallback procedure to respond to user input. For example, when the user presses a mouse button, drags, and then releases the button, this procedure might draw a line from the point of the button press to the point of the button release. The XmNinputCallback procedures are invoked on button press and release events and on key press and release events. To receive pointer motion events, the application can provide translations that invoke the DrawingAreaInput() action.
An application that needs to produce graphics but does not require children or interaction with the user in the canvas might use a DrawnButton instead of a DrawingArea. DrawnButton has no input callbacks, but it does provide exposure and resize callbacks.
Following is some of the drawing code from the earlier example (in "Example of an Input Procedure" ) of a DrawingArea containing button children and lines connecting them. This example implements the rubber-band effect in which a line starts at an anchor point and follows the pointer as the user moves it.
The example maintains an internal data structure with information about the DrawingArea and its graphic objects. The application initially stores a GC for use in drawing and erasing the rubber-band lines. This GC uses a foreground color that results from combining the DrawingArea's foreground and background using XOR. The GC also uses the GXxor function.
The remainder of the example code updates the internal data structures and draws lines as appropriate when the user starts a line, moves the pointer, and ends a line.
/* Initialize data structures */ void InitDraw ( Graphic * graph, ApplicationData * app_data ) { XGCValues val ; Arg args[5]; int n ; Cardinal i ; /* create the gc used for the rubber banding effect */ n = 0; XtSetArg (args[n], XmNforeground, &val.foreground); n++; XtSetArg (args[n], XmNbackground, &val.background); n++; XtGetValues (graph->work_area, args, n); val.foreground = val.foreground ^ val.background ; val.function = GXxor ; graph->drag_gc = XtGetGC(graph->work_area, GCForeground | GCBackground | GCFunction, &val); graph->in_drag = False ; graph->num_graphics = 0 ; for (i=0; i < MAX_GRAPH; i++) { graph->graphics[i].num_points = 0 ; } } /* Start a line */ void StartUnit ( Graphic * graph, Position x, Position y ) { Widget w = graph->work_area ; graph->drag_point.x = graph->anchor_point.x = x ; graph->drag_point.y = graph->anchor_point.y = y ; graph->in_drag = True ; XDrawLine(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w), graph->drag_gc, graph->anchor_point.x, graph->anchor_point.y, graph->drag_point.x, graph->drag_point.y); } /* Pointer moved: if drawing a line, erase the last line * and draw a new line from the anchor to the pointer * position */ void DragUnit ( Graphic * graph, Position x, Position y ) { Widget w = graph->work_area ; if (!graph->in_drag) return ; XDrawLine(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w), graph->drag_gc, graph->anchor_point.x, graph->anchor_point.y, graph->drag_point.x, graph->drag_point.y); graph->drag_point.x = x ; graph->drag_point.y = y ; XDrawLine(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w), graph->drag_gc, graph->anchor_point.x, graph->anchor_point.y, graph->drag_point.x, graph->drag_point.y); } /* Utility routine */ static Boolean NearPoint ( XPoint point, Position x, Position y ) { #define ERROR 5 if ((point.x > x - ERROR) && (point.x < x + ERROR) && (point.y > y - ERROR) && (point.y < y + ERROR)) return True ; else return False ; } /* End a line */ void EndUnit ( Graphic * graph, Position x, Position y ) { Widget w = graph->work_area ; Cardinal num_points ; /* no matter what happens, we need to remove the current * rubber band */ XDrawLine(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w), graph->drag_gc, graph->anchor_point.x, graph->anchor_point.y, graph->drag_point.x, graph->drag_point.y); /* if the given point if the same as the anchor, we're done with this polyline, exit drag mode and be ready for the next graphic unit (increment num_graphics) */ if (NearPoint(graph->anchor_point, x, y)) { graph->in_drag = False ; /* now see if a new unit needs to be created */ if (graph->graphics[graph->num_graphics].num_points) { graph->graphics[graph->num_graphics].type = POLYLINE ; if (graph->num_graphics < MAX_GRAPH) graph->num_graphics ++ ; else BufferFullError() ; } } else { /* draw the real line and store it in the structure */ XDrawLine(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w), XDefaultGCOfScreen(XtScreen(w)), graph->anchor_point.x, graph->anchor_point.y, x, y); /* first point in a unit is actually special */ num_points = graph->graphics[graph->num_graphics].num_points ; if (num_points == 0) { graph->graphics[graph->num_graphics].points[num_points].x= graph->anchor_point.x ; graph->graphics[graph->num_graphics].points[num_points].y= graph->anchor_point.y ; graph->graphics[graph->num_graphics].num_points ++ ; num_points ++ ; } graph->graphics[graph->num_graphics].points[num_points].x =x; graph->graphics[graph->num_graphics].points[num_points].y =y; if (graph->graphics[graph->num_graphics].num_points < MAX_POINT) graph->graphics[graph->num_graphics].num_points ++ ; else BufferFullError() ; /* now start the new unit */ graph->drag_point.x = graph->anchor_point.x = x ; graph->drag_point.y = graph->anchor_point.y = y ; XDrawLine(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w), graph->drag_gc, graph->anchor_point.x, graph->anchor_point.y, graph->drag_point.x, graph->drag_point.y); } } |
Some applications may need text-editing capabilities beyond those provided by the Motif Text widget. For example, the application may want to display text using different fonts or colors within the same editor. Such an application might use a DrawingArea to implement a text editor based on compound strings.
An application that uses compound strings can use XmStringDraw or XmStringDrawImage to display the compound string text in a DrawingArea. These functions use different Xlib routines to display compound string segments, depending on whether the segments are associated with font sets or font structs in the font list. XmStringDraw uses XmbDrawString to display segments associated with font sets. It uses XDrawString or XDrawString16 to display segments associated with font structs. XmStringDrawImage uses XmbDrawImageString to display segments associated with font sets. It uses XDrawImageString or XDrawImageString16 to display segments associated with font structs.
An application that does not use compound strings may call the Xlib text-drawing routines directly. In addition to those mentioned previously, these include XDrawText for text associated with a font and XmbDrawText for text associated with a font set. Wide-character versions exist for all the Xmb routines.
An application that draws text must determine where to place the text, what the width and height of the text will be, and how to move to the origin of the next text it will draw. For compound strings, an application can use XmStringExtent, XmStringHeight, XmStringWidth, and XmStringBaseline to determine the extents of the text.
An application that does not use compound strings may call Xlib routines. To determine the extents of a font struct, the application can examine the ascent, descent, max_bounds, and min_bounds members of the XFontStruct. To determine the width and extents of text, the application can call XStringWidth, XTextExtents, and XTextExtents16.
To determine the extents of a font set, the application can call XExtentsOfFontSet. To determine the width and extents of text, the application can call XmbTextEscapement, XmbTextExtents, and XmbTextPerCharExtents. Wide-character versions exist for all the Xmb routines.
For more information about the Xlib text facilities, see Xlib—C Language X Interface.
To obtain text input in a DrawingArea, an application should use the Xlib input method facilities. These facilities allow the application to open an input method and an input context and to obtain input from the input method. For more information, see Chapter 11, "Internationalization," and Xlib—C Language X Interface.