The directives which are described in this appendix are outmoded. They are supported for older codes that require this functionality. SGI encourages you to write new codes using the OpenMP directives described in Chapter 5, “OpenMP Fortran API Multiprocessing Directives”.
This chapter contains these sections:
“Overview”, provides an overview of this chapter.
“Parallel Loops”, discusses the concept of parallel DO loops.
“Writing Parallel Fortran”, explains how to use compiler directives to generate code that can be run in parallel.
“Analyzing Data Dependencies for Multiprocessing”, describes how to analyze DO loops to determine whether they can be parallelized.
“Breaking Data Dependencies”, explains how to rewrite DO loops that contain data dependencies so that some or all of the loop can be run in parallel.
“Work Quantum”, describes how to determine whether the work performed in a loop is greater than the overhead associated with multiprocessing the loop.
“Cache Effects”, explains how to write loops that account for the effect of the cache.
“Advanced Features”, describes features that override multiprocessing defaults and customize parallelism.
“DOACROSS Implementation”, discusses how multiprocessing is implemented in a DOACROSS routine.
“PCF Directives”, describes how PCF implements a general model of parallelism.
“Communicating Between Threads Through Thread Local Data”, explains how to use mp_shmem to explicitly communicate between threads of a MP Fortran program.
“Synchronization Intrinsics”, describes synchronization operations.
The MIPSpro Fortran 77 compiler allows you to apply the capabilities of a SGI multiprocessor workstation to the execution of a single job. By coding a few simple directives, the compiler splits the job into concurrently executing pieces, thereby decreasing the wall-clock run time of the job. This chapter discusses techniques for analyzing your program and converting it to multiprocessing operations. Chapter 6, “Compiling and Debugging Parallel Fortran”, gives compilation and debugging instructions for parallel processing.
![]() | Note: You can automatically parallelize Fortran programs by using the optional program -apo. For information about this software, contact SGI customer support. |
The model of parallelism used focuses on the Fortran DO loop. The compiler executes different iterations of the DO loop in parallel on multiple processors. For example, suppose a DO loop consisting of 200 iterations will run on a machine with four processors using the SIMPLE scheduling method (described in “CHUNK, MP_SCHEDTYPE”). The first 50 iterations run on one processor, the next 50 on another, and so on.
The multiprocessing code adjusts itself at run time to the number of processors actually present on the machine. By default, the multiprocessing code does not use more than 8 processors. If you want to use more processors, set the environment variable MP_SET_NUMTHREADS (see “Environment Variables for Origin Systems ”, for more information). If the above 200-iteration loop was moved to a machine with only two processors, it would be divided into two blocks of 100 iterations each, without any need to recompile or relink. In fact, multiprocessing code can be run on single-processor machines. So the above loop is divided into one block of 200 iterations. This allows code to be developed on a single-processor SGI workstation, and later run on an IRIS POWER Series multiprocessor.
The processes that participate in the parallel execution of a task are arranged in a master/slave organization. The original process is the master. It creates zero or more slaves to assist. When a parallel DO loop is encountered, the master asks the slaves for help. When the loop is complete, the slaves wait on the master, and the master resumes normal execution. The master process and each of the slave processes are called a thread of execution or simply a thread. By default, the number of threads is set to the number of processors on the machine or 4, whichever is smaller. If you want, you can override the default and explicitly control the number of threads of execution used by a parallel job.
For multiprocessing to work correctly, the iterations of the loop must not depend on each other; each iteration must stand alone and produce the same answer regardless of when any other iteration of the loop is executed. Not all DO loops have this property, and loops without it cannot be correctly executed in parallel. However, many of the loops encountered in practice fit this model. Further, many loops that cannot be run in parallel in their original form can be rewritten to run wholly or partially in parallel.
To provide compatibility for existing parallel programs, SGI has adopted the syntax for parallelism used by Sequent Computer Corporation. This syntax takes the form of compiler directives embedded in comments. These fairly high-level directives provide a convenient method for you to describe a parallel loop, while leaving the details to the Fortran compiler. For advanced users the proposed Parallel Computing Forum (PCF) standard (ANSI-X3H5 91-0023-B Fortran language binding) is available (refer to “PCF Directives”). Additionally, a number of special routines exist that permit more direct control over the parallel execution (refer to “Advanced Features”, for more information.)
The compiler accepts directives that cause it to generate code that can be run in parallel. The compiler directives look like Fortran comments: they begin with a C in column one. If multiprocessing is not turned on, these statements are treated as comments. This allows the identical source to be compiled with a single-processing compiler or by Fortran without the multiprocessing option. The directives are distinguished by having a $ as the second character. There are six directives that are supported: C$DOACROSS, C$&, C$, C$MP_SCHEDTYPE, C$CHUNK, and C$COPYIN . The C$COPYIN directive is described in “Local COMMON Blocks”. This section describes the others.
The essential compiler directive for multiprocessing is C$DOACROSS . This directive directs the compiler to generate special code to run iterations of a DO loop in parallel. The C$DOACROSS directive applies only to the next statement (which must be a DO loop). The C$DOACROSS directive has the form
C$DOACROSS [clause [ [,] clause ...]
where valid values for the optional clause are the following:
[IF (logical_expression)] [{LOCAL | PRIVATE} (item[,item ...])] [{SHARE | SHARED} (item[,item ...])] [{LASTLOCAL | LAST LOCAL} (item[,item ...])] [REDUCTION (item[,item ...])] [MP_SCHEDTYPE=mode ] [CHUNK=integer_expression] |
The preferred form of the directive (as generated by WorkShop Pro MPF) uses the optional commas between clauses. This section discusses the meaning of each clause.
The IF clause determines whether the loop is actually executed in parallel. If the logical expression is TRUE, the loop is executed in parallel. If the expression is FALSE, the loop is executed serially. Typically, the expression tests the number of times the loop will execute to be sure that there is enough work in the loop to amortize the overhead of parallel execution. Currently, the break-even point is about 4000 CPU clocks of work, which normally translates to about 1000 floating point operations.
The LOCAL, SHARE, and LASTLOCAL clauses specify lists of variables used within parallel loops. A variable can appear in only one of these lists. To make the task of writing these lists easier, there are several defaults. The loop-iteration variable is LASTLOCAL by default. All other variables are SHARE by default.
LOCAL is a little faster than LASTLOCAL, so if you do not need the final value, it is good practice to put the DO loop index variable into the LOCAL list, although this is not required.
Only variables can appear in these lists. In particular, COMMON blocks cannot appear in a LOCAL list (but see the discussion of local COMMON blocks in “Advanced Features”). The SHARE, LOCAL, and LASTLOCAL lists give only the names of the variables. If any member of the list is an array, it is listed without any subscripts.
The REDUCTION clause specifies variables involved in a reduction operation. In a reduction operation, the compiler keeps local copies of the variables and combines them when it exits the loop. For an example and details see Example B-17. An element of the REDUCTION list must be an individual variable (also called a scalar variable) and cannot be an array. However, it can be an individual element of an array. In a REDUCTION clause, it would appear in the list with the proper subscripts.
One element of an array can be used in a reduction operation, while other elements of the array are used in other ways. To allow for this, if an element of an array appears in the REDUCTION list, the entire array can also appear in the SHARE list.
The four types of reductions supported are sum(+), product(*), min(), and max(). Note that min(max) reductions must use the min(max) intrinsic functions to be recognized correctly.
The compiler confirms that the reduction expression is legal by making some simple checks. The compiler does not, however, check all statements in the DO loop for illegal reductions. You must ensure that the reduction variable is used correctly in a reduction operation.
The CHUNK and MP_SCHEDTYPE clauses affect the way the compiler schedules work among the participating tasks in a loop. These clauses do not affect the correctness of the loop. They are useful for tuning the performance of critical loops. See “Load Balancing”, for more details.
For the MP_SCHEDTYPE=mode clause, mode can be one of the following:
You can use any or all of these modes in a single program. The CHUNK clause is valid only with the DYNAMIC and INTERLEAVE modes. SIMPLE, DYNAMIC, INTERLEAVE, GSS, and RUNTIME are the preferred names for each mode.
The simple method (MP_SCHEDTYPE=SIMPLE) divides the iterations among processes by dividing them into contiguous pieces and assigning one piece to each process.
In dynamic scheduling (MP_SCHEDTYPE=DYNAMIC) the iterations are broken into pieces the size of which is specified with the CHUNK clause. As each process finishes a piece, it enters a critical section to grab the next available piece. This gives good load balancing at the price of higher overhead.
The interleave method (MP_SCHEDTYPE=INTERLEAVE) breaks the iterations into pieces of the size specified by the CHUNK option, and execution of those pieces is interleaved among the processes. For example, if there are four processes and CHUNK=2, then the first process will execute iterations 1-2, 9-10, 17-18, ...; the second process will execute iterations 3-4, 11-12, 19-20,...; and so on. Although this is more complex than the simple method, it is still a fixed schedule with only a single scheduling decision.
The fourth method is a variation of the guided self-scheduling algorithm (MP_SCHEDTYPE=GSS). Here, the piece size is varied depending on the number of iterations remaining. By parceling out relatively large pieces to start with and relatively small pieces toward the end, the system can achieve good load balancing while reducing the number of entries into the critical section.
In addition to these four methods, you can specify the scheduling method at run time (MP_SCHEDTYPE=RUNTIME). Here, the scheduling routine examines values in your run-time environment and uses that information to select one of the other four methods. See “Advanced Features”, for more details.
If both the MP_SCHEDTYPE and CHUNK clauses are omitted, SIMPLE scheduling is assumed. If MP_SCHEDTYPE is set to INTERLEAVE or DYNAMIC and the CHUNK clause are omitted, CHUNK=1 is assumed. If MP_SCHEDTYPE is set to one of the other values, CHUNK is ignored. If the MP_SCHEDTYPE clause is omitted, but CHUNK is set, then MP_SCHEDTYPE=DYNAMIC is assumed.
The code fragment
DO 10 I = 1, 100 A(I) = B(I) 10 CONTINUE |
could be multiprocessed with the directive:
C$DOACROSS LOCAL(I), SHARE(A, B) DO 10 I = 1, 100 A(I) = B(I) 10 CONTINUE |
Here, the defaults are sufficient, provided A and B are mentioned in a nonparallel region or in another SHARE list. The following then works:
C$DOACROSS DO 10 I = 1, 100 A(I) = B(I) 10 CONTINUE |
Consider the following code fragment:
DO 10 I = 1, N X = SQRT(A(I)) B(I) = X*C(I) + X*D(I) 10 CONTINUE |
You can be fully explicit, as shown below:
C$DOACROSS LOCAL(I, X), share(A, B, C, D, N) DO 10 I = 1, N X = SQRT(A(I)) B(I) = X*C(I) + X*D(I) 10 CONTINUE |
You can also use the defaults:
C$DOACROSS LOCAL(X) DO 10 I = 1, N X = SQRT(A(I)) B(I) = X*C(I) + X*D(I) 10 CONTINUE |
See Example B-8, for more information on this example.
Consider the following code fragment:
DO 10 I = M, K, N X = D(I)**2 Y = X + X DO 20 J = I, MAX A(I,J) = A(I,J) + B(I,J) * C(I,J) * X + Y 20 CONTINUE 10 CONTINUE PRINT*, I, X |
Here, the final values of I and X are needed after the loop completes. A correct directive is shown below:
C$DOACROSS LOCAL(Y,J), LASTLOCAL(I,X), C$& SHARE(M,K,N,ITOP,A,B,C,D) DO 10 I = M, K, N X = D(I)**2 Y = X + X DO 20 J = I, ITOP A(I,J) = A(I,J) + B(I,J) * C(I,J) *X + Y 20 CONTINUE 10 CONTINUE PRINT*, I, X |
You can also use the defaults:
C$DOACROSS LOCAL(Y,J), LASTLOCAL(X) DO 10 I = M, K, N X = D(I)**2 Y = X + X DO 20 J = I, MAX A(I,J) = A(I,J) + B(I,J) * C(I,J) *X + Y 20 CONTINUE 10 CONTINUE PRINT*, I, X |
I is a loop index variable for the C$DOACROSS loop, so it is LASTLOCAL by default. However, even though J is a loop index variable, it is not the loop index of the loop being multiprocessed and has no special status. If it is not declared, it is assigned the default value of SHARE, which produces an incorrect answer.
Occasionally, the clauses in the C$DOACROSS directive are longer than one line. Use the C$& directive to continue the directive onto multiple lines. For example:
The C$ directive is considered a comment line except when multiprocessing. A line beginning with C$ is treated as a conditionally compiled Fortran statement. The rest of the line contains a standard Fortran statement. The statement is compiled only if multiprocessing is turned on. In this case, the C and $ are treated as if they are blanks. They can be used to insert debugging statements, or an experienced user can use them to insert arbitrary code into the multiprocessed version.
The following code demonstrates the use of the C$ directive:
The C$MP_SCHEDTYPE=mode directive acts as an implicit MP_SCHEDTYPE clause for all C$DOACROSS directives in scope. mode is any of the modes listed in the section called “CHUNK, MP_SCHEDTYPE”. A C$DOACROSS directive that does not have an explicit MP_SCHEDTYPE clause is given the value specified in the last directive prior to the loop, rather than the normal default. If the C$DOACROSS does have an explicit clause, then the explicit value is used.
The C$CHUNK=integer_expression directive affects the CHUNK clause of a C$DOACROSS in the same way that the C$MP_SCHEDTYPE directive affects the MP_SCHEDTYPE clause for all C$DOACROSS directives in scope. Both directives are in effect from the place they occur in the source until another corresponding directive is encountered or the end of the procedure is reached.
It is occasionally useful to be able to copy values from the master thread's version of the COMMON block into the slave thread's version. The special directive C$COPYIN allows this. It has the following form:
C$COPYIN ,item[,item]... |
Each item must be a member of a local COMMON block. It can be a variable, an array, an individual element of an array, or the entire COMMON block.
![]() | Note: The C$COPYIN directive cannot be executed from inside a parallel region. |
The Fortran compiler does not support direct nesting of C$DOACROSS loops.
For example, the following is illegal and generates a compilation error:
However, to simplify separate compilation, a different form of nesting is allowed. A routine that uses C$DOACROSS can be called from within a multiprocessed region. This can be useful if a single routine is called from several different places: sometimes from within a multiprocessed region, sometimes not. Nesting does not increase the parallelism. When the first C$DOACROSS loop is encountered, that loop is run in parallel. If while in the parallel loop a call is made to a routine that itself has a C$DOACROSS, this subsequent loop is executed serially.
The essential condition required to parallelize a loop correctly is that each iteration of the loop must be independent of all other iterations. If a loop meets this condition, then the order in which the iterations of the loop execute is not important. They can be executed backward or at the same time, and the answer is still the same. This property is captured by the concept of data independence. For a loop to be data-independent, no iterations of the loop can write a value into a memory location that is read or written by any other iteration of that loop. It is all right if the same iteration reads and/or writes a memory location repeatedly as long as no others do; it is all right if many iterations read the same location, as long as none of them write to it. In a Fortran program, memory locations are represented by variable names. So, to determine if a particular loop can be run in parallel, examine the way variables are used in the loop. Because data dependence occurs only when memory locations are modified, pay particular attention to variables that appear on the left-hand side of assignment statements. If a variable is not modified or if it is passed to a function or subroutine, there is no data dependence associated with it.
The Fortran compiler supports four kinds of variable usage within a parallel loop: SHARE, LOCAL, LASTLOCAL, and REDUCTION. If a variable is declared as SHARE, all iterations of the loop use the same copy. If a variable is declared as LOCAL, each iteration is given its own uninitialized copy. A variable is declared SHARE if it is only read (not written) within the loop or if it is an array where each iteration of the loop uses a different element of the array. A variable can be LOCAL if its value does not depend on any other iteration and if its value is used only within a single iteration. In effect the LOCAL variable is just temporary; a new copy can be created in each loop iteration without changing the final answer. As a special case, if only the very last value of a variable computed on the very last iteration is used outside the loop (but would otherwise qualify as a LOCAL variable), the loop can be multiprocessed by declaring the variable to be LASTLOCAL. “REDUCTION”, describes the use of REDUCTION variables.
It is often difficult to analyze loops for data dependence information. Each use of each variable must be examined to determine if it fulfills the criteria for LOCAL, LASTLOCAL , SHARE, or REDUCTION. If all of the variables' uses conform, the loop can be parallelized. If not, the loop cannot be parallelized as it stands, but possibly can be rewritten into an equivalent parallel form. (See “Breaking Data Dependencies”, for information on rewriting code in parallel form.)
An alternative to analyzing variable usage by hand is to use the MIPSpro Auto-Parallelizer Option (APO). This optional software package is a Fortran preprocessor that analyzes loops for data dependence. If APO determines that a loop is data-independent, it automatically inserts the required compiler directives (see “Writing Parallel Fortran”). If APO cannot determine whether the loop is independent, it produces a listing file detailing where the problems lie.
The rest of this section is devoted to analyzing sample loops, some parallel and some not parallel.
Example B-4. Simple Independence
DO 10 I = 1,N 10 A(I) = X + B(I)*C(I) |
In this example, each iteration writes to a different location in A, and none of the variables appearing on the right-hand side is ever written to, only read from. This loop can be correctly run in parallel. All the variables are SHARE except for I, which is either LOCAL or LASTLOCAL, depending on whether the last value of I is used later in the code.
DO 20 I = 2,N 20 A(I) = B(I) - A(I-1) |
This fragment contains A(I) on the left-hand side and A(I-1) on the right. This means that one iteration of the loop writes to a location in A and the next iteration reads from that same location. Because different iterations of the loop read and write the same memory location, this loop cannot be run in parallel.
This example looks like the previous example. The difference is that the stride of the DO loop is now two rather than one. Now A(I) references every other element of A, and A(I-1) references exactly those elements of A that are not referenced by A(I). None of the data locations on the right-hand side is ever the same as any of the data locations written to on the left-hand side. The data are disjoint, so there is no dependence. The loop can be run in parallel. Arrays A and B can be declared SHARE, while variable I should be declared LOCAL or LASTLOCAL .
In this loop, each iteration of the loop reads and writes the variable X. However, no loop iteration ever needs the value of X from any other iteration. X is used as a temporary variable; its value does not survive from one iteration to the next. This loop can be parallelized by declaring X to be a LOCAL variable within the loop. Note that B(I) is both read and written by the loop. This is not a problem because each iteration has a different value for I, so each iteration uses a different B(I). The same B(I) is allowed to be read and written as long as it is done by the same iteration of the loop. The loop can be run in parallel. Arrays A and B can be declared SHARE, while variable I should be declared LOCAL or LASTLOCAL.
DO 10 I = 1, N X = SQRT(A(I)) B(I) = X*C(I) + X*D(I) 10 CONTINUE |
The value of X in any iteration of the loop is independent of the value of X in any other iteration, so X can be made a LOCAL variable. The loop can be run in parallel. Arrays A, B, C, and D can be declared SHARE, while variable I should be declared LOCAL or LASTLOCAL.
The interesting feature of this loop is that it invokes an external routine, SQRT. It is possible to use functions and/or subroutines (intrinsic or user defined) within a parallel loop. However, make sure that the various parallel invocations of the routine do not interfere with one another. In particular, SQRT returns a value that depends only on its input argument, does not modify global data, and does not use static storage. We say that SQRT has no side effects.
All the Fortran intrinsic functions listed in the MIPSpro Fortran 77 Language Reference Manual have no side effects and can safely be part of a parallel loop. For the most part, the Fortran library functions and VMS intrinsic subroutine extensions (listed in Chapter 4, “System Functions and Subroutines”) cannot safely be included in a parallel loop. In particular, rand is not safe for multiprocessing. For user-written routines, it is the user's responsibility to ensure that the routines can be correctly multiprocessed.
Example B-9. Rewritable Data Dependence
INDX = 0 DO I = 1, N INDX = INDX + I A(I) = B(I) + C(INDX) END DO |
Here, the value of INDX survives the loop iteration and is carried into the next iteration. This loop cannot be parallelized as it is written. Making INDX a LOCAL variable does not work; you need the value of INDX computed in the previous iteration. It is possible to rewrite this loop to make it parallel (see Example B-14).
DO I = 1, N IF (A(I) .LT. EPSILON) GOTO 320 A(I) = A(I) * B(I) END DO 320 CONTINUE |
This loop contains an exit branch; that is, under certain conditions the flow of control suddenly exits the loop. The Fortran compiler cannot parallelize loops containing exit branches.
Example B-11. Complicated Independence
DO I = K+1, 2*K W(I) = W(I) + B(I,K) * W(I-K) END DO |
At first glance, this loop looks like it cannot be run in parallel because it uses both W(I) and W(I-K). Closer inspection reveals that because the value of I varies between K+1 and 2*K, then I-K goes from 1 to K. This means that the W(I-K) term varies from W(1) up to W(K), while the W( I) term varies from W(K+1) up to W(2*K) . So W(I-K) in any iteration of the loop is never the same memory location as W(I) in any other iterations. Because there is no data overlap, there are no data dependencies. This loop can be run in parallel. Elements W, B, and K can be declared SHARE, while variable I should be declared LOCAL or LASTLOCAL .
This example points out a general rule: the more complex the expression used to index an array, the harder it is to analyze. If the arrays in a loop are indexed only by the loop index variable, the analysis is usually straightforward though tedious. Fortunately, in practice most array indexing expressions are simple.
Example B-12. Inconsequential Data Dependence
There is a data dependence in this loop because it is possible that at some point I will be the same as INDEX, so there will be a data location that is being read and written by different iterations of the loop. In this special case, you can simply ignore it. You know that when I and INDEX are equal, the value written into A(I) is exactly the same as the value that is already there. The fact that some iterations of the loop read the value before it is written and some after it is written is not important because they all get the same value. Therefore, this loop can be parallelized. Array A can be declared SHARE, while variable I should be declared LOCAL or LASTLOCAL.
DO I = 1, N D(1) = A(I,1) - A(J,1) D(2) = A(I,2) - A(J,2) D(3) = A(I,3) - A(J,3) TOTAL_DISTANCE(I,J) = SQRT(D(1)**2 + D(2)**2 + D(3)**2) END DO |
In this fragment, each iteration of the loop uses the same locations in the D array. However, closer inspection reveals that the entire D array is being used as a temporary. This can be multiprocessed by declaring D to be LOCAL. The Fortran compiler allows arrays (even multidimensional arrays) to be LOCAL variables with one restriction: the size of the array must be known at compile time. The dimension bounds must be constants; the LOCAL array cannot have been declared using a variable or the asterisk syntax.
Therefore, this loop can be parallelized. Arrays TOTAL_DISTANCE and A can be declared SHARE, while array D and variable I should be declared LOCAL or LASTLOCAL.
Many loops that have data dependencies can be rewritten so that some or all of the loop can be run in parallel. The essential idea is to locate the statement(s) in the loop that cannot be made parallel and try to find another way to express it that does not depend on any other iteration of the loop. If this fails, try to pull the statements out of the loop and into a separate loop, allowing the remainder of the original loop to be run in parallel.
The first step is to analyze the loop to discover the data dependencies (see “Writing Parallel Fortran”). Once you have identified these areas, you can use various techniques to rewrite the code to break the dependence. Sometimes the dependencies in a loop cannot be broken, and you must either accept the serial execution rate or try to discover a new parallel method of solving the problem. The rest of this section is devoted to a series of “cookbook” examples on how to deal with commonly occurring situations. These are by no means exhaustive but cover many situations that happen in practice.
Example B-14. Loop Carried Value
INDX = 0 DO I = 1, N INDX = INDX + I A(I) = B(I) + C(INDX) END DO |
This code segment is the same as in Example B-9. INDX has its value carried from iteration to iteration. However, you can compute the appropriate value for INDX without making reference to any previous value.
For example, consider the following code:
C$DOACROSS LOCAL (I, INDX) DO I = 1, N INDX = (I*(I+1))/2 A(I) = B(I) + C(INDX) END DO |
In this loop, the value of INDX is computed without using any values computed on any other iteration. INDX can correctly be made a LOCAL variable, and the loop can now be multiprocessed.
Example B-15. Indirect Indexing
It is the final statement that causes problems. The indexes IXX and IYY are computed in a complex way and depend on the values from the IXOFFSET and IYOFFSET arrays. We do not know if TOTAL (IXX,IYY) in one iteration of the loop will always be different from TOTAL (IXX,IYY) in every other iteration of the loop.
We can pull the statement out into its own separate loop by expanding IXX and IYY into arrays to hold intermediate values:
Here, IXX and IYY have been turned into arrays to hold all the values computed by the first loop. The first loop (containing most of the work) can now be run in parallel. Only the second loop must still be run serially. This will be true if IXOFFSET or IYOFFSET are permutation vectors.
Before we leave this example, note that if we were certain that the value for IXX was always different in every iteration of the loop, then the original loop could be run in parallel. It could also be run in parallel if IYY was always different. If IXX (or IYY) is always different in every iteration, then TOTAL(IXX,IYY) is never the same location in any iteration of the loop, and so there is no data conflict.
This sort of knowledge is, of course, program-specific and should always be used with great care. It may be true for a particular data set, but to run the original code in parallel as it stands, you need to be sure it will always be true for all possible input data sets.
DO I = 1,N X(I) = X(I-1) + Y(I) END DO |
This is an example of recurrence, which exists when a value computed in one iteration is immediately used by another iteration. There is no good way of running this loop in parallel. If this type of construct appears in a critical loop, try pulling the statement(s) out of the loop as in the previous example. Sometimes another loop encloses the recurrence; in that case, try to parallelize the outer loop.
SUM = 0.0 DO I = 1,N SUM = SUM + A(I) END DO |
This operation is known as a reduction. Reductions occur when an array of values is combined and reduced into a single value. This example is a sum reduction because the combining operation is addition. Here, the value of SUM is carried from one loop iteration to the next, so this loop cannot be multiprocessed. However, because this loop simply sums the elements of A(I), we can rewrite the loop to accumulate multiple, independent subtotals.
Then we can do much of the work in parallel:
The outer K loop can be run in parallel. In this method, the array pieces for the partial sums are contiguous, resulting in good cache utilization and performance.
This is an important and common transformation, and so automatic support is provided by the REDUCTION clause:
The previous code has essentially the same meaning as the much longer and more confusing code above. It is an important example to study because the idea of adding an extra dimension to an array to permit parallel computation, and then combining the partial results, is an important technique for trying to break data dependencies. This idea occurs over and over in various contexts and disguises.
Note that reduction transformations such as this do not produce the same results as the original code. Because computer arithmetic has limited precision, when you sum the values together in a different order, as was done here, the round-off errors accumulate slightly differently. It is likely that the final answer will be slightly different from the original loop. Both answers are equally “correct.” Most of the time the difference is irrelevant, but sometimes it can be significant, so some caution is in order. If the difference is significant, neither answer is really trustworthy.
This example is a sum reduction because the operator is plus (+). The Fortran compiler supports three other types of reduction operations:
sum: p = p+a(i)
product: p = p*a(i)
min: m = min(m,a(i))
max: m = max(m,a(i))
For example,
One further example of a reduction transformation is noteworthy. Consider this code:
DO I = 1, N TOTAL = 0.0 DO J = 1, M TOTAL = TOTAL + A(J) END DO B(I) = C(I) * TOTAL END DO |
Initially, it might look as if the inner loop should be parallelized with a REDUCTION clause. However, look at the outer I loop. Although TOTAL cannot be made a LOCAL variable in the inner loop, it fulfills the criteria for a LOCAL variable in the outer loop: the value of TOTAL in each iteration of the outer loop does not depend on the value of TOTAL in any other iteration of the outer loop. Thus, you do not have to rewrite the loop; you can parallelize this reduction on the outer I loop, making TOTAL and J local variables.
A certain amount of overhead is associated with multiprocessing a loop. If the work occurring in the loop is small, the loop can actually run slower by multiprocessing than by single processing. To avoid this, make the amount of work inside the multiprocessed region as large as possible.
Example B-18. Loop Interchange
DO K = 1, N DO I = 1, N DO J = 1, N A(I,J) = A(I,J) + B(I,K) * C(K,J) END DO END DO END DO |
Here you have several choices: parallelize the J loop or the I loop. You cannot parallelize the K loop because different iterations of the K loop will all try to read and write the same values of A(I,J). Try to parallelize the outermost DO loop possible, because it encloses the most work. In this example, that is the I loop. For this example, use the technique called loop interchange. Although the parallelizable loops are not the outermost ones, you can reorder the loops to make one of them outermost.
Thus, loop interchange would produce
C$DOACROSS LOCAL(I, J, K) DO I = 1, N DO K = 1, N DO J = 1, N A(I,J) = A(I,J) + B(I,K) * C(K,J) END DO END DO END DO |
Now the parallelizable loop encloses more work and shows better performance. In practice, relatively few loops can be reordered in this way. However, it does occasionally happen that several loops in a nest of loops are candidates for parallelization. In such a case, it is usually best to parallelize the outermost one.
Occasionally, the only loop available to be parallelized has a fairly small amount of work. It may be worthwhile to force certain loops to run without parallelism or to select between a parallel version and a serial version, on the basis of the length of the loop.
Example B-19. Conditional Parallelism
J = (N/4) * 4 DO I = J+1, N A(I) = A(I) + X*B(I) END DO DO I = 1, J, 4 A(I) = A(I) + X*B(I) A(I+1) = A(I+1) + X*B(I+1) A(I+2) = A(I+2) + X*B(I+2) A(I+3) = A(I+3) + X*B(I+3) END DO |
Here you are using loop unrolling of order four to improve speed. For the first loop, the number of iterations is always fewer than four, so this loop does not do enough work to justify running it in parallel. The second loop is worthwhile to parallelize if N is big enough. To overcome the parallel loop overhead, N needs to be around 500.
An optimized version would use the IF clause on the DOACROSS directive:
J = (N/4) * 4 DO I = J+1, N A(I) = A(I) + X*B(I) END DO C$DOACROSS IF (J.GE.500), LOCAL(I) DO I = 1, J, 4 A(I) = A(I) + X*B(I) A(I+1) = A(I+1) + X*B(I+1) A(I+2) = A(I+2) + X*B(I+2) A(I+3) = A(I+3) + X*B(I+3) END DO ENDIF |
It is good policy to write loops that take the effect of the cache into account, with or without parallelism. The technique for the best cache performance is also quite simple: make the loop step through the array in the same way that the array is laid out in memory. For Fortran, this means stepping through the array without any gaps and with the leftmost subscript varying the fastest. Note that this does not depend on multiprocessing, nor is it required in order for multiprocessing to work correctly. However, multiprocessing can affect how the cache is used, so it is worthwhile to understand.
Consider the following code segment:
DO I = 1, N DO K = 1, N DO J = 1, N A(I,J) = A(I,J) + B(I,K) * C(K,J) END DO END DO END DO |
This is the same as Example B-18. To get the best cache performance, the I loop should be innermost. At the same time, to get the best multiprocessing performance, the outermost loop should be parallelized.
For this example, you can interchange the I and J loops, and get the best of both optimizations:
C$DOACROSS LOCAL(I, J, K) DO J = 1, N DO K = 1, N DO I = 1, N A(I,J) = A(I,J) + B(I,K) * C(K,J) END DO END DO END DO |
Sometimes you must choose between the possible optimizations and their costs. Look at the following code segment:
DO J = 1, N DO I = 1, M A(I) = A(I) + B(J)*C(I,J) END DO END DO |
This loop can be parallelized on I but not on J. You could interchange the loops to put I on the outside, thus getting a bigger work quantum.
C$DOACROSS LOCAL(I,J) DO I = 1, M DO J = 1, N A(I) = A(I) + B(J)*C(I,J) END DO END DO |
However, putting J on the inside means that you will step through the C array in the wrong direction; the leftmost subscript should be the one that varies the fastest. It is possible to parallelize the I loop where it stands:
DO J = 1, N C$DOACROSS LOCAL(I) DO I = 1, M A(I) = A(I) + B(J)*C(I,J) END DO END DO |
However, M needs to be large for the work quantum to show any improvement. In this example, A(I) is used to do a sum reduction, and it is possible to use the reduction techniques shown in Example B-17, of “Breaking Data Dependencies”, to rewrite this in a parallel form. (Recall that there is no support for an entire array as a member of the REDUCTION clause on a DOACROSS.) However, that involves converting array A from a one-dimensional array to a two-dimensional array to hold the partial sums; this is analogous to the way we converted the scalar summation variable into an array of partial sums.
If A is large, however, the conversion can take more memory than you can spare. It can also take extra time to initialize the expanded array and increase the memory bandwidth requirements.
You must trade off the various possible optimizations to find the combination that is right for the particular job.
When the Fortran compiler divides a loop into pieces, by default it uses the simple method of separating the iterations into contiguous blocks of equal size for each process. It can happen that some iterations take significantly longer to complete than other iterations. At the end of a parallel region, the program waits for all processes to complete their tasks. If the work is not divided evenly, time is wasted waiting for the slowest process to finish.
DO I = 1, N DO J = 1, I A(J, I) = A(J, I) + B(J)*C(I) END DO END DO |
The previous code segment can be parallelized on the I loop. Because the inner loop goes from 1 to I, the first block of iterations of the outer loop will end long before the last block of iterations of the outer loop.
In this example, this is easy to see and predictable, so you can change the program:
In this rewritten version, instead of breaking up the I loop into contiguous blocks, break it into interleaved blocks. Thus, each execution thread receives some small values of I and some large values of I, giving a better balance of work between the threads. Interleaving usually, but not always, cures a load balancing problem.
You can use the MP_SCHEDTYPE clause to automatically perform this desirable transformation.
The previous code has the same meaning as the rewritten form above.
Note that interleaving can cause poor cache performance because the array is no longer stepped through at stride 1. You can improve performance somewhat by adding a CHUNK=integer_expression clause. Usually 4 or 8 is a good value for integer_expression . Each small chunk will have stride 1 to improve cache performance, while the chunks are interleaved to improve load balancing.
The way that iterations are assigned to processes is known as scheduling. Interleaving is one possible schedule. Both interleaving and the “simple” scheduling methods are examples of fixed schedules; the iterations are assigned to processes by a single decision made when the loop is entered. For more complex loops, it may be desirable to use DYNAMIC or GSS schedules.
Comparing the output from pixie(1) or from pc sampling allows you to see how well the load is being balanced so you can compare the different methods of dividing the load. Refer to the discussion of the MP_SCHEDTYPE clause in “C$DOACROSS”, for more information.
Even when the load is perfectly balanced, iterations may still take varying amounts of time to finish because of random factors. One process may take a page fault, another may be interrupted to let a different program run, and so on. Because of these unpredictable events, the time spent waiting for all processes to complete can be several hundred cycles, even with near perfect balance.
You can use the -OPT:reorg_common option, which reorganizes common blocks to improve the cache behavior of accesses to members of the common block. This option produces consistent results as long as the code follows the standard and array references are made within the bounds of the array. It produces unexpected results if you violate the standard, for example, if you access an array out of its declared bounds.
The option is enabled by default at -O3 only if all files referencing the common block are compiled at that optimization level. It is disabled if any file with the common block is compiled at either -O2 and below, -OPT:reorg_common=OFF, or -Wl,-noivpad.
A number of features are provided so that sophisticated users can override the multiprocessing defaults and customize the parallelism to their particular applications. This section provides a brief explanation of these features.
mp_block puts the slave threads into a blocked state using the system call blockproc. The slave threads stay blocked until a call is made to mp_unblock. These routines are useful if the job has bursts of parallelism separated by long stretches of single processing, as with an interactive program. You can block the slave processes so they consume CPU cycles only as needed, thus freeing the machine for other users. The Fortran system automatically unblocks the slaves on entering a parallel region if you neglect to do so.
The mp_setup, mp_create, and mp_destroy subroutine calls create and destroy threads of execution. This can be useful if the job has only one parallel portion or if the parallel parts are widely scattered. When you destroy the extra execution threads, they cannot consume system resources; they must be re-created when needed. Use of these routines is discouraged because they degrade performance; use the mp_block and mp_unblock routines in almost all cases.
mp_setup takes no arguments. It creates the default number of processes as defined by previous calls to mp_set_numthreads , by the MP_SET_NUMTHREADS environment variable (described in “Environment Variables for Origin Systems ”), or by the number of CPUs on the current hardware platform. mp_setup is called automatically when the first parallel loop is entered to initialize the slave threads.
mp_create takes a single integer argument, the total number of execution threads desired. Note that the total number of threads includes the master thread. Thus, mp_create( n) creates one thread less than the value of its argument. mp_destroy takes no arguments; it destroys all the slave execution threads, leaving the master untouched.
When the slave threads die, they generate a SIGCLD signal. If your program has changed the signal handler to catch SIGCLD, it must be prepared to deal with this signal when mp_destroy is executed. This signal also occurs when the program exits; mp_destroy is called as part of normal cleanup when a parallel Fortran job terminates.
The Fortran slave threads spin wait until there is work to do. This makes them immediately available when a parallel region is reached. However, this consumes CPU resources. After enough wait time has passed, the slaves block themselves through blockproc. Once the slaves are blocked, it requires a system call to unblockproc to activate the slaves again (refer to the unblockproc(2) reference page for details). This makes the response time much longer when starting up a parallel region.
This trade-off between response time and CPU usage can be adjusted with the mp_blocktime call. mp_blocktime takes a single integer argument that specifies the number of times to spin before blocking. By default, it is set to 10,000,000; this takes roughly one second. If called with an argument of 0, the slave threads will not block themselves no matter how much time has passed. Explicit calls to mp_block, however, will still block the threads.
This automatic blocking is transparent to the user's program; blocked threads are automatically unblocked when a parallel region is reached.
Occasionally, you may want to know how many execution threads are available. mp_numthreads is a zero-argument integer function that returns the total number of execution threads for this job. The count includes the master thread.
In addition, this routine has the side-effect of freezing (for eternity) the number of threads to the returned value, so use this routine sparingly. To determine the number of threads without this freeze property, see the description of mp_suggested_numthreads below.
mp_set_numthreads takes a single-integer argument. It changes the default number of threads to the specified value. A subsequent call to mp_setup will use the specified value rather than the original defaults. If the slave threads have already been created, this call will not change their number. It only has an effect when mp_setup is called.
The mp_suggested_numthreads (integer*4) uses the supplied value as a hint about how many threads to use in subsequent parallel regions, and returns the previous value of the number of threads to be employed in parallel regions. It does not affect currently executing parallel regions, if any. The implementation may ignore this hint depending on factors such as overall system load. This routine returns the previous value of the number of threads being employed at parallel regions. Therefore, to simply query the number of threads, call it with the value 0.
The mp_suggested_numthreads interface is available whether or not dynamic threads is turned on (see “Using Dynamic Threads ”).
mp_my_threadnum is a zero-argument function that allows a thread to differentiate itself while in a parallel region. If there are n execution threads, the function call returns a value between zero and n - 1. The master thread is always thread zero. This function can be useful when parallelizing certain kinds of loops. Most of the time the loop index variable can be used for the same purpose. Occasionally, the loop index may not be accessible, as, for example, when an external routine is called from within the parallel loop. This routine provides a mechanism for those cases.
mp_setlock, mp_unsetlock, and mp_barrier are zero-argument subroutines that provide convenient (although limited) access to the locking and barrier functions provided by ussetlock, usunsetlock, and barrier. These subroutines are convenient because you do not need to initialize them; calls such as usconfig and usinit are done automatically. The limitation is that there is only one lock and one barrier. For most programs, this amount is sufficient. If your program requires more complex or flexible locking facilities, use the ussetlock family of subroutines directly.
The environment variables are described in these subsections:
The MP_SET_NUMTHREADS, MP_BLOCKTIME, and MP_SETUP environment variables act as an implicit call to the corresponding routine(s) of the same name at program start-up time.
For example, the csh command
% setenv MP_SET_NUMTHREADS 2 |
causes the program to create two threads regardless of the number of CPUs actually on the machine, just like the source statement
Similarly, the following sh commands
% set MP_BLOCKTIME=0 % export MP_BLOCKTIME |
prevent the slave threads from autoblocking, just like the source statement
call mp_blocktime (0) |
For compatibility with older releases, the environment variable NUM_THREADS is supported as a synonym for MP_SET_NUMTHREADS .
To help support networks with multiple multiprocessors and multiple CPUs, the environment variable MP_SET_NUMTHREADS also accepts an expression involving integers +, −, min, max, and the special symbol all , which stands for “the number of CPUs on the current machine.” For example, the following command selects the number of threads to be two fewer than the total number of CPUs (but always at least one):
% setenv MP_SET_NUMTHREADS 'max(1,all-2)' |
This variable controls how a thread waits for a synchronization event, such as a lock or a barrier. If this variable is set to YIELD, a waiting thread spins for a while and then invokes sginap(0), surrendering the CPU to another waiting process (if any). If set to SPIN, a waiting thread simply busy-waits in a loop until the synchronization event succeeds. The default value is YIELD.
In an environment with long running jobs and varying workloads, you may want to vary the number of threads during execution of some jobs.
Setting MP_SUGNUMTHD causes the run-time library to create an additional, asynchronous process that periodically wakes up and monitors the system load. When idle processors exist, this process increases the number of threads, up to a maximum of MP_SET_NUMTHREADS. When the system load increases, it decreases the number of threads, possibly to as few as 1. When MP_SUGNUMTHD has no value, this feature is disabled and multithreading works as before.
![]() | Note: The number of threads being used is adjusted only at the start of a parallel region (for example, a doacross), and not within a parallel region. |
In the past, the number of threads utilized during execution of a multiprocessor job was generally constant, set for example, using MP_SET_NUMTHREADS .
The environment variables MP_SUGNUMTHD_MIN and MP_SUGNUMTHD_MAX are used to limit this feature as desired. When MP_SUGNUMTHD_MIN is set to an integer value between 1 and MP_SET_NUMTHREADS, the process will not decrease the number of threads below that value.
When MP_SUGNUMTHD_MAX is set to an integer value between the minimum number of threads and MP_SET_NUMTHREADS, the process will not increase the number of threads above that value.
If you set any value in the environment variable MP_SUGNUMTHD_VERBOSE , informational messages are written to stderr whenever the process changes the number of threads in use.
Calls to mp_numthreads and mp_set_numthreads are taken as a sign that the application depends on the number of threads in use. The number in use is frozen upon either of these calls; and if MP_SUGNUMTHD_VERBOSE is set, a message to that effect is written to stderr.
Use the environment variable, MP_SLAVE_STACKSIZE, to control the stacksize of slave processes. Set this variable to the desired stacksize in bytes. The default value is 16 MB (4 MB for greater than 64 threads). Note that slave processes only allocate their local data onto their stack; shared data (even if allocated on the master's stack) is not counted.
Use the environment variables, PAGESIZE_STACK, PAGESIZE_DATA, and PAGESIZE_TEXT, to specify the desired page size (in KB) for each of stack, data, and text segments.
These environment variables specify the type of scheduling to use on DOACROSS loops that have their scheduling type set to RUNTIME. For example, the following csh commands cause loops with the RUNTIME scheduling type to be executed as interleaved loops with a chunk size of 4:
The defaults are the same as on the DOACROSS directive; if neither variable is set, SIMPLE scheduling is assumed. If MP_SCHEDTYPE is set, but CHUNK is not set, a CHUNK of 1 is assumed. If CHUNK is set, but MP_SCHEDTYPE is not, DYNAMIC scheduling is assumed.
A special ld option allows named COMMON blocks to be local to a process. Each process in the parallel job gets its own private copy of the common block. This can be helpful in converting certain types of Fortran programs into a parallel form.
The common block must be a named COMMON (blank COMMON may not be made local), and it must not be initialized by DATA statements.
To create a local COMMON block, give the special loader directive -Wl,-Xlocal followed by a list of COMMON block names. Note that the external name of a COMMON block known to the loader has a trailing underscore and is not surrounded by slashes. For example, the command
% f77 -mp a.o -Wl,-Xlocal,foo_ |
makes the COMMON block /foo/ a local COMMON block in the resulting a.out file. You can specify multiple -Wl,-Xlocal options if necessary.
It is occasionally desirable to be able to copy values from the master thread's version of the COMMON block into the slave thread's version. The special directive C$COPYIN allows this. It has the form
C$COPYIN item [ ,item]...
Each item must be a member of a local COMMON block. It can be a variable, an array, an individual element of an array, or the entire COMMON block.
![]() | Note: The C$COPYIN directive cannot be executed from inside a parallel region. |
For example,
C$COPYIN x,y, /foo/, a(i) |
propagates the values for x and y, all the values in the COMMON block foo, and the ith element of array a. All these items must be members of local COMMON blocks. Note that this directive is translated into executable code, so in this example i is evaluated at the time this statement is executed.
The parallelism used in Fortran is implemented using the standard system call sproc. It is recommended that programs not attempt to use both C$DOACROSS loops and sproc calls. It is possible, but there are several restrictions:
Any threads you create may not execute $DOACROSS loops; only the original thread is allowed to do this.
The calls to routines like mp_block and mp_destroy apply only to the threads created by mp_create or to those automatically created when the Fortran job starts; they have no effect on any user-defined threads.
Calls to routines such as m_get_numprocs do not apply to the threads created by the Fortran routines. However, the Fortran threads are ordinary subprocesses; using the routine kill with the arguments 0 and sig (for example, kill(0,sig)) to signal all members of the process group might kill threads used to execute C$DOACROSS. If you choose to intercept the SIGCLD signal, you must be prepared to receive this signal when the threads used for the C$DOACROSS loops exit; this occurs when mp_destroy is called or at program termination.
Note in particular that m_fork is implemented using sproc, so it is not legal to m_fork a family of processes that each subsequently executes C$DOACROSS loops. Only the original thread can execute C$DOACROSS loops.
This section discusses how multiprocessing is implemented in a DOACROSS routine. This information is useful when you use a debugger or interpret the results of an execution profile.
When the Fortran compiler encounters a C$DOACROSS directive, it spools the body of the corresponding DO loop into a separate subroutine and replaces the loop with a call to a special library routine __mp_parallel_do.
The newly created routine is named by appending .pregion to the name of the original routine, followed by the number of the parallel loop in the routine (where 0 is the first loop). For example, the first parallel loop in a routine named foo is named foo.pregion0, the second parallel loop is foo.pregion1, and so on.
If a loop occurs in the main routine and if that routine has not been given a name by the PROGRAM statement, its name is assumed to be main. Any variables declared to be LOCAL in the original C$DOACROSS statement are declared as local variables in the spooled routine. References to SHARE variables are resolved by referring back to the original routine.
Because the spooled routine is now just a DO loop, the routine uses subroutine arguments to specify which part of the loop a particular process is to execute. The spooled routine has three arguments: the starting value for the index, the number of times to execute the loop, and a special flag word. As an example, the following routine that appears on line 1000:
SUBROUTINE EXAMPLE(A, B, C, N) REAL A(*), B(*), C(*) C$DOACROSS LOCAL(I,X) DO I = 1, N X = A(I)*B(I) C(I) = X + X**2 END DO C(N) = A(1) + B(2) RETURN END |
produces this spooled routine to represent the loop:
The set of processes that cooperate to execute the parallel Fortran job are members of a process share group created by the system call sproc. The process share group is created by special Fortran start-up routines that are used only when the executable is linked with the -mp option, which enables multiprocessing.
The first process is the master process. It executes all the nonparallel portions of the code. The other processes are slave processes; they are controlled by the routine mp_slave_control. When they are inactive, they wait in the special routine __mp_slave_wait_for_work.
The __mp_parallel_do routine divides the work and signals the slaves. The master process then calls the spooled routine to do its share of the work. When a slave is signaled, it wakes up from the wait loop, calculates which iterations of the spooled x DO loop it is to execute, and then calls the spooled routine with the appropriate arguments. When a slave completes its execution of the spooled routine, it reports that it has finished and returns to __mp_slave_wait_for_work .
When the master completes its execution of its portion of the spooled routine, it waits in the special routine mp_wait_for_loop_completion until all the slaves have completed processing. The master then returns to the main routine and continues execution.
In addition to the simple loop-level parallelism offered by the C$DOACROSS directive (described in “Parallel Loops”), the compiler supports a more general model of parallelism. This model is based on the work done by the Parallel Computing Forum (PCF), which itself formed the basis for the proposed ANSI-X3H5 standard. The compiler supports this model through compiler directives, rather than extensions to the source language.
The main concept in this model is the parallel region, which can be any arbitrary section of code (not just a DO loop). Within the parallel region, there are special work-sharing constructs that can be used to divide the work among separate processes or threads. The parallel region can also contain a critical section construct, where exactly one process executes at a time.
The master thread executes the user program until it reaches a parallel region. It then spawns one or more slave threads that begin executing code at the beginning of a parallel region. Each thread executes all the code in the region until a work sharing construct is encountered. Each thread then executes some portion of the work sharing construct, and then resumes executing the parallel region code. At the end of the parallel region, all the threads synchronize, and the master thread continues execution of the user program.
The PCF directives, summarized in Table B-1, implement the general model of parallelism. They look like Fortran comments, with a C in column one. The compiler recognizes these directives when multiprocessing is enabled with either the -mp option. (Multiprocessing is also enabled with the -apo option if you have purchased the MIPSpro Auto-Parallelizing Option.) If multiprocessing is not enabled, the compiler treats these statements as comments. Therefore, you can compile identical source with a single-processing compiler or by Fortran without the multiprocessing option. The PCF directives start with the characters C$PAR.
Table B-1. Summary of PCF Directives
Directive | Description |
C$PAR BARRIER | Ensures that each process waits until all processes reach the barrier before proceeding. |
C$PAR [END] CRITICAL SECTION | Ensures that the enclosed block of code is executed by only one process at a time by using a global lock. |
C$PAR [END] PARALLEL | Encloses a parallel region, which includes work-sharing constructs and critical sections. |
C$PAR PARALLEL DO | Precedes a single DO loop for which separate iterations are executed by different processes. This directive is equivalent to the C$DOACROSS directive. |
C$PAR [END] PDO | Separate iterations of the enclosed loop are executed by different processes. This directive must be inside a parallel region. |
C$PAR [END] PSECTION[S] | Parcels out each block of code in turn to a process. |
C$PAR SECTION | Signifies a starting line for an individual section within a parallel section. |
C$PAR [END] SINGLE PROCESS | Ensures that the enclosed block of code is executed by exactly one process. |
C$PAR & | Continues a PCF directive onto multiple lines. |
A parallel region encloses any number of PCF constructs (described in “PCF Constructs”). It signifies the boundary within which slave threads execute. A user program can contain any number of parallel regions. The syntax of the parallel region is
C$PAR PARALLEL [clause [[,] clause]...] code C$PAR END PARALLEL |
where valid clauses are
[IF ( logical_expression )] [{LOCAL | PRIVATE}(item [,item])...] [{SHARE | SHARED}(item [,item])...] |
The IF, LOCAL, and SHARED clauses have the same meaning as in the C$DOACROSS directive (refer to “Writing Parallel Fortran”).
The preferred form of the directive has no commas between the clauses. The SHARED clause is preferred over SHARE and LOCAL is preferred over PRIVATE.
In the following code, all threads enter the parallel region and call the routine foo:
subroutine ex1(index) integer i C$PAR PARALLEL LOCAL(i) i = mp_my_threadnum() call foo(i) C$PAR END PARALLEL end |
The three types of PCF constructs are work-sharing constructs, critical sections, and barriers. All master and slave threads synchronize at the bottom of a work-sharing construct. None of the threads continue past the end of the construct until they all have completed execution within that construct.
The four work-sharing constructs are
parallel DO
parallel sections
single process
If specified, the PDO, parallel section, and single process constructs must appear inside of a parallel region; the parallel DO construct cannot. Specifying a parallel DO construct inside of a parallel region produces a syntax error.
The critical section construct protects a block of code with a lock so that it is executed by only one thread at a time. Threads do not synchronize at the bottom of a critical section.
The barrier construct ensures that each process that is executing waits until all others reach the barrier before proceeding.
The parallel DO construct is the same as the C$DOACROSS directive (described in “C$DOACROSS”) and conceptually the same as a parallel region containing exactly one PDO construct and no other code. Each thread inside the enclosing parallel region executes separate iterations of the loop within the parallel DO construct. The syntax of the parallel DO construct is
C$PAR PARALLEL DO [clause [[,] clause]...] |
“C$DOACROSS”, describes valid values for clause with the exception of the MP_SCHEDTYPE= mode clause. For the C$PAR PARALLEL DO directive, MP_SCHEDTYPE= is optional; you can just specify mode .
Each thread inside the enclosing parallel region executes a separate iteration of the loop within the PDO construct. The syntax of the PDO construct, which can only be specified within a parallel region, is
C$PAR PDO [clause [[,] clause]]...] code [C$PAR END PDO [NOWAIT]] |
The valid values for clause are
[{LOCAL | PRIVATE} (item[,item])...] [{LASTLOCAL | LAST LOCAL} (item[,item])...] [(ORDERED)] [ sched ] [ chunk ] |
LOCAL, LASTLOCAL, s ched, and chunk have the same meaning as in the C$DOACROSS directive (refer to “Writing Parallel Fortran”). Note in particular that it is legal to declare a data item as LOCAL in a PDO even if it was declared as SHARED in the enclosing parallel region. The (ORDERED) clause is equivalent to a sched clause of DYNAMIC and a chunk clause of 1. The parenthesis are required.
LASTLOCAL is preferred over LAST LOCAL and LOCAL is preferred over PRIVATE.
The END PDO directive is optional. If specified, this directive must appear immediately after the end of the DO loop. The optional NOWAIT clause specifies that each process should proceed directly to the code immediately following the directive. If you do not specify NOWAIT, the processes will wait until all have reached the directive before proceeding.
As an example of the PDO construct, consider the following code:
subroutine ex2(a,n) real a(n) C$PAR PARALLEL local(i) shared(a) C$PAR PDO do i = 1, n a(i) = a(i) + 1.0 enddo C$PAR END PARALLEL end |
This sample code is the same as a C$DOACROSS loop. In fact, the compiler recognizes this as a special case and generates the same (more efficient) code as for a C$DOACROSS directive.
The parallel sections construct is a parallel version of the Fortran 90 SELECT statement. Each block of code is parcelled out in turn to a separate thread. The syntax of the parallel sections construct is
C$PAR PSECTION[S] [clause [[,]clause ]]... code [C$PAR SECTION code] ... C$PAR END PSECTION[S] [NOWAIT] |
where the only valid value for clause is
[{LOCAL | PRIVATE} (item [,item])... ] |
LOCAL is preferred over PRIVATE and has the same meaning as for the C$DOACROSS directive (refer to “C$DOACROSS”). Note in particular that it is legal to declare a data item as LOCAL in a parallel sections construct even if it was declared as SHARED in the enclosing parallel region.
The optional NOWAIT clause specifies that each process should proceed directly to the code immediately following the directive. If you do not specify NOWAIT, the processes will wait until all have reached the END PSECTION directive before proceeding.
Parallel sections must appear within a parallel region. They can contain critical section constructs (described in “Critical Section ”) but cannot contain any of the following types of constructs:
parallel DO or C$DOACROSS
single process
Each code block is executed in parallel (depending on the number of processes available). The code blocks are assigned to threads one at a time, in the order specified. Each code block is executed by only one thread. For example, consider the following code:
subroutine ex3(a,n1,b,n2,c,n3) real a(n1), b(n2), c(n3) C$PAR PARALLEL local(i) shared(a,b,c) C$PAR PSECTIONS C$PAR SECTION do i = 1, n1 a(i) = 0.0 enddo C$PAR SECTION do i = 1, n2 b(i) = 0.5 enddo C$PAR SECTION call normalize(c,n3) do i = 1, n3 c(i) = c(i) + 1.0 enddo C$PAR END PSECTION C$PAR END PARALLEL end |
The first thread to enter the parallel sections construct executes the first block, the second thread executes the second block, and so on. This example has only three sections, so if more than three threads are in the parallel region, the fourth and higher threads wait at the C$PAR END PSECTION directive until all threads are finished. If the parallel region is being executed by only two threads, whichever thread finishes its block first continues and executes the remaining block.
This example uses DO loops, but a parallel section can be any arbitrary block of code. Be aware of the significant overhead of a parallel construct. Make sure the amount of work performed is enough to outweigh the extra overhead.
The sections within a parallel sections construct are assigned to threads one at a time, from the top down. There is no other implied ordering to the operations within the sections. In particular, a later section cannot depend on the results of an earlier section, unless some form of explicit synchronization is used. If there is such explicit synchronization, you must be sure that the lexical ordering of the blocks is a legal order of execution.
The single process construct, which can only be specified within a parallel region, ensures that a block of code is executed by exactly one process. The syntax of the single process construct is
C$PAR SINGLE PROCESS [clause [[,] clause]...] code C$PAR END SINGLE PROCESS [NOWAIT] |
where the only valid value for clause is
[{LOCAL | PRIVATE} (item [,item]...)] |
LOCAL is preferred over PRIVATE and has the same meaning as for the C$DOACROSS directive (refer to “C$DOACROSS”). Note in particular that it is legal to declare a data item as LOCAL in a single process construct even if it was declared as SHARED in the enclosing parallel region.
The optional NOWAIT clause specifies that each process should proceed directly to the code immediately following the directive. If you do not specify NOWAIT, the processes will wait until all have reached the directive before proceeding.
This construct is semantically equivalent to a parallel sections construct with only one section. The single process construct provides a more descriptive syntax. For example, consider the following code:
real function ex4(a,n, big_max, bmax_x, bmax_y) real a(n,n), big_max integer bmax_x, bmax_y C$ volatile big_max, bmax_x, bmax_y C$ volatile cur_max, index_x, index_y index_x = 0 index_y = 0 cur_max = 0.0 C$PAR PARALLEL local(i,j) C$PAR& shared(a,n,index_x,index_y,cur_max, C$PAR& big_max,bmax_x,bmax_y) C$PAR PDO do j = 1, n do i = 1, n if (a(i,j) .gt. cur_max) then C$PAR CRITICAL SECTION if (a(i,j) .gt. cur_max) then index_x = i index_y = j cur_max = a(i,j) endif C$PAR END CRITICAL SECTION endif enddo enddo C$PAR SINGLE PROCESS if (cur_max .gt. big_max) then big_max = (big_max + cur_max) / 2.0 bmax_x = index_x bmax_y = index_y endif C$PAR END SINGLE PROCESS C$PAR PDO do j = 1, n do i = 1, n a(i,j) = a(i,j)/big_max enddo enddo C$PAR END PARALLEL ex4 = cur_max end |
The first thread to reach the single process section executes the code in that block. All other threads wait at the end of the block until the code has been executed.
This example contains a number of interesting points to be examined. First, note the use of the VOLATILE declaration. Any data item that might be written by one thread and then read by a different thread must be marked as VOLATILE. Making a variable VOLATILE can reduce opportunities for optimization, so the declarations are prefixed by C$ to prevent the single-processor version of the code from being penalized. Refer to the MIPSpro Fortran 77 Language Reference Manual, for more information about the VOLATILE statement. Also see “Synchronization Intrinsics”.
Second, note the use of the odd looking repetition of the IF test in the first parallel loop:
if (a(i,j) .gt. cur_max) then C$PAR CRITICAL SECTION if (a(i,j) .gt. cur_max) then |
This practice is usually called test&test&set. It is a multi-processing optimization. Note that the following straight forward code segment is incorrect:
do i = 1, n if (a(i,j) .gt. cur_max) then C$PAR CRITICAL SECTION index_x = i index_y = j cur_max = a(i,j) C$PAR END CRITICAL SECTION endif enddo |
Because many threads execute the loop in parallel, there is no guarantee that once inside the critical section, cur_max still has the same value it did in the IF test outside the critical section (some other thread may have updated it). In particular, cur_max may now have a value that is larger than a(i,j) . Therefore, the critical section must be locked before testing the value of cur_max. Changing the previous code into the equally straightforward
do i = 1, n C$PAR CRITICAL SECTION if (a(i,j) .gt. cur_max) then index_x = i index_y = j cur_max = a(i,j) endif C$PAR END CRITICAL SECTION enddo |
works correctly, but suffers from a serious performance penalty: the critical section lock must be acquired and released (an expensive operation) for each element of the array. Because the values are rarely updated, this process involves a lot of wasted effort. It is almost certainly slower than just executing the loop serially.
Combining the two methods, as in the original example, produces code that is both fast and correct. If the IF test outside of the critical section fails, you can be certain that the values will not be updated, and can proceed. You can expect that the outside IF test will account for the majority of cases. If the outer IF test passes, then the values might be updated, but you cannot always be certain. To ensure correctness, you must perform the test again after acquiring the critical section lock.
You can prefix one of the two identical IF tests with C$ to reduce overhead in the non-multiprocessed case.
Lastly, note the difference between the single process and critical section constructs. If several processes arrive at a critical section construct, they execute the code one at a time. However, they will all execute the code. If several processes arrive at a single process construct, only one process executes the code. The other processes bypass the code and wait at the end of the construct for the chosen process to finish.
The critical section construct restricts execution of a block of code so that only one process can execute it at a time. Another process attempting to gain entry to the critical section must wait until the previous process has exited.
The critical section construct can appear anywhere in a program, including inside and outside a parallel region and within a C$DOACROSS loop. The syntax of the critical section construct is
The lock_variable is an optional integer variable that must be initialized to zero. The parenthesis are required. If you do not specify lock_variable, the compiler automatically supplies a global lock. Multiple critical section constructs inside the same parallel region are considered to be independent of each other unless they use the same explicit lock_variable.
Consider the following code:
integer function num_exceptions(a,n,biggest_allowed) double precision a(n,n,n), biggest_allowed integer count integer lock_var volatile count unt = 0 lock_var = 0 C$PAR PARALLEL local(i,j,k) shared(count,lock_var) C$PAR PDO do 10 k = 1,n do 10 j = 1,n do 10 i = 1,n if (a(i,j,k) .gt. biggest_allowed) then C$PAR CRITICAL SECTION (lock_var) count = count + 1 C$PAR END CRITICAL SECTION (lock_var) else call transform(a(i,j,k)) if (a(i,j,k) .gt. biggest_allowed) then C$PAR CRITICAL SECTION (lock_var) count = count + 1 C$PAR END CRITICAL SECTION (lock_var) endif endif 10 continue C$PAR END PARALLEL num_exceptions = count return end |
This example demonstrates the use of the lock variable (lock_var ). A C$PAR CRITICAL SECTION directive ensures that no more than one process executes the enclosed block of code at a time. However, if there are multiple critical sections, different processes can be in different critical sections at the same time. This example does not allow different processes to be in different critical sections at the same time because both critical sections control access to the same variable ( count). Specifying the same lock variable for both critical sections ensures that no more than one process is executing either of the critical sections that use that lock variable. Note that the lock_var must be SHARED (so that all processes use the same lock), and that count must be volatile (because other processes might change its value). Refer to “Synchronization Intrinsics”.
The three work-sharing constructs, PDO, PSECTION, and SINGLE PROCESS, must be executed by all the threads executing in the parallel region (or none of the threads). The following is illegal:
. . . C$PAR PARALLEL if (mp_my_threadnum() .gt. 5) then C$PAR SINGLE PROCESS many_processes = .true. C$PAR END SINGLE PROCESS endif . . . |
This code will hang forever when run with enough processes. One or more process will be stuck at the C$PAR END SINGLE PROCESS directive waiting for all the threads to arrive. Because some of the threads never took the appropriate branch, they will never encounter the construct. However, the following kind of simple looping is supported:
code C$PAR PARALLEL local(i,j) shared(a) do i= 1,n C$PAR PDO do j = 2,n code |
The distinction here is that all of the threads encounter the work-sharing construct, they all complete it, and they all loop around and encounter it again.
Note that this restriction does not apply to the critical section construct, which operates on one thread at a time without regard to any other threads.
Parallel regions cannot be lexically nested inside of other parallel regions, nor can work-sharing constructs be nested. However, as an aid to writing library code, you can call an external routine that contains a parallel region even from within a parallel region. In this case, only the first region is actually run in parallel. Therefore, you can create a parallelized routine without accounting for whether it will be called from within an already parallelized routine.
The more general PCF constructs are typically slower than the special case parallelism offered by the C$DOACROSS directive. They are slower because of the extra synchronization required. When a C$DOACROSS loop executes, there is a synchronization point at entry and another at exit. When a parallel region executes, there is a synchronization point at entry to the region, another at each entry to a work-sharing construct, another at each exit from a work-sharing construct, and one at exit from the region. Thus, several separate C$DOACROSS loops typically execute faster than a single parallel region with several PDO constructs. Limit your use of the parallel region construct to those few cases that actually need it.
The routines described below allow you to perform explicit communication between threads within their MP Fortran program. These communication mechanisms are similar to message-passing, one-sided-communication, or shmem , and may be desirable for reasons of performance and/or style.
The operations allow a thread to fetch from (get) or send to (put) data belonging to other threads. Therefore these operations can be performed only on data that has been declared to be -Xlocal (that is, each thread has its own private copy of that data; see the ld(1) reference page for details on Xlocal), the equivalent of the Cray TASKCOMMON directive. A get operation requires that source point to Xlocal data, while a put operation requires that target point to Xlocal data.
The routines are similar to the original shmem routines (see the shmem reference page), but are prefixed by mp_.
Routines are listed below.
mp_shmem_get32 (integer*4 target, integer*4 source, integer*4 length, integer*4 source_thread) mp_shmem_put32 (integer*4 target, integer*4 source, integer*4 length, integer*4 target_thread) mp_shmem_iget32 (integer*4 target, integer*4 source, integer*4 target_inc, integer*4 source_inc, integer*4 length, integer*4 source_thread) mp_shmem_iput32 (integer*4 target, integer*4 source, integer*4 target_inc, integer*4 source_inc, integer*4 length, integer*4 target_thread) mp_shmem_get64 (integer*8 target, integer*8 source, integer*4 length, integer*4 source_thread) mp_shmem_put64 (integer*8 target, integer*8 source, integer*4 length, integer*4 target_thread) mp_shmem_iget64 (integer*8 target, integer*8 source, integer*4 target_inc, integer*4 source_inc, integer*4 length, integer*4 source_thread) mp_shmem_iput64 (integer*8 target, integer*8 source, integer*4 target_inc, integer*4 source_inc, integer*4 length, integer*4 target_thread) |
For the routines listed above:
Both source and target are pointers to 32-bit quantities for the 32-bit versions, and to 64-bit quantities for the 64-bit versions of the calls. The actual type of the data is not important, since the routines perform a bit-wise copy.
For a put operation, the target must be Xlocal. For a get operation, the source must be Xlocal.
Length specifies the number of elements to be copied, in units of 32/64-bit elements, as appropriate.
Source_thread/target_thread specify the thread-number of the remote PE.
A “get” copies FROM the remote PE, and “put” copies TO the remote PE.
Target_inc/source_inc are specified for the strided iget/iput operations. They specify the “increment” (in units of 32/64 bit elements) along each of source and target when performing the data transfer. The number of elements copied during a strided put/get operation is still determined by “length.”
Call these routines only after the threads have been created (typically, the first doacross/parallel region). Performing these operations while the program is still serial leads to a run-time error since each thread's copy has not yet been created.
In the example below, compiling with -Wl,-Xlocal,mycommon_ ensures that each thread has a private copy of x and y.
integer x real*8 y(100) common /mycommon/ x, y |
The following example copies the value of x on thread 3 into the private copy of x for the current thread.
call mp_shmem_get32 (x, x, 1, 3) |
The next example copies the value of localvar into the thread-5 copy of x.
call mp_shmem_put32 (x, localvar, 1, 5) |
The example below fetches values from the thread-7 copy of array y into localarray.
call mp_shmem_get64 (localarray, y, 100, 7) |
The next example copies the value of every other element of localarray into the thread-9 copy of y.
call mp_shmem_iput64 (y, localarray, 2, 2, 50, 9) |
The intrinsics described in this section provide a variety of primitive synchronization operations. Besides performing the particular synchronization operation, each of these intrinsics has two key properties:
The function performed is guaranteed to be atomic (typically achieved by implementing the operation using a sequence of load-linked and/or store-conditional instructions in a loop).
Associated with each instrinsic are certain memory barrier properties that restrict the movement of memory references to visible data across the intrinsic operation (by either the compiler or the processor).
A visible memory reference is a reference to a data object potentially accessible by another thread executing in the same shared address space. A visible data object can be one of the following types:
Fortran COMMON data
data declared extern
volatile data
static data (either file-scope or function-scope)
data accessible via function parameters
automatic data (local-scope) that has had its address taken and assigned to some object that is visible (recursively)
The memory barrier semantics of an intrinsic can be one of the following types:
acquire barrier, which disallows the movement of memory references to visible data from after the intrinsic (in program order) to before the intrinsic (this behavior is desirable at lock-acquire operations)
release barrier, which disallows the movement of memory references to visible data from before the intrinsic (in program order) to after the intrinsic (this behavior is desirable at lock-release operations)
full barrier, which disallows the movement of memory references to visible data past the intrinsic (in either direction), and is thus both an acquire and a release barrier. A barrier only restricts the movement of memory references to visible data across the intrinsic operation: between synchronization operations (or in their absence), memory references to visible data may be freely reordered subject to the usual data-dependence constraints.
![]() | Caution: Conditional execution of a synchronization intrinsic (such as within an if or a while statement) does not prevent the movement of memory references to visible data past the overall if or while construct. |
i4 = fetch_and_add (j4, k4) i8 = fetch_and_add (j8, k8) i4 = fetch_and_sub (j4, k4) i8 = fetch_and_sub (j8, k8) i4 = fetch_and_or (j4, k4) i8 = fetch_and_or (j8, k8) i4 = fetch_and_and (j4, k4) i8 = fetch_and_and (j8, k8) i4 = fetch_and_xor (j4, k4) i8 = fetch_and_xor (j8, k8) i4 = fetch_and_nand (j4, k4) i8 = fetch_and_nand (j8, k8) |
Atomically performs the specified operation with the given value on j4, and returns the old value of j4.
{ tmp = j4; j4 = j4 <op> k4; return tmp; } |
Full barrier.
i4 = add_and_fetch (j4, k4) i8 = add_and_fetch (j8, k8) i4 = sub_and_fetch (j4, k4) i8 = sub_and_fetch (j8, k8) i4 = or_and_fetch (j4, k4) i8 = or_and_fetch (j8, k8) i4 = and_and_fetch (j4, k4) i8 = and_and_fetch (j8, k8) i4 = xor_and_fetch (j4, k4) i8 = xor_and_fetch (j8, k8) i4 = nand_and_fetch (j4, k4) i8 = nand_and_fetch (j8, k8) |
Atomically performs the specified operation with the given value on j4, and returns the new value of j4.
{ j4 op = k4; return j4; } |
Full barrier.
l4 = compare_and_swap( j4, k4, jj4) l8 = compare_and_swap( j8, k8, jj8) |
Atomically do the following: compare j4 to old value. If equal, store the new value and return 1, otherwise return 0.
if (j4 .ne. oldvalue) return 0; else { j4 = newvalue return 1; } |
Full barrier.
i4 = lock_test_and_set (j4 , k4) i8 = lock_test_and_set (j8 , k8) |
Atomically store the supplied value in j4 and return the old value of j4.
{ tmp = j4; j4 = k4; return tmp; } |
Acquire barrier.
call lock_release(i4) call lock_release(i8) |
Set j4 to 0.
{ j4 = 0 } |
Release barrier.
The following example shows implementation of a spin-wait lock.
integer*4 lockvar lockvar = 0 DO WHILE (lock_test_and_set (lockvar, 1) .ne. 0) /* acquire lock */ end do ... read and update shared variables ... call lock_release (lockvar) /* release lock */ |
The memory barrier semantics of the intrinsics guarantee that no memory reference to visible data is moved out of the above critical section, either before of the lock-acquire or after the lock-release.
![]() | Note: Pure spin-wait locks can perform poorly under heavy contention. |