X programs may be expected to cooperate with any one of a number of different window managers. This chapter discusses the design of a simple window manager, not so you will be able to write one but so you will know what to expect from one. As it turns out, some of the techniques used in this program (such as menus) could be adapted for other clients as well. Everyone should at least look through this chapter.
A window manager is a program implemented with Xlib to control the layout of windows on the screen, responding to user requests to move, resize, raise, lower, or iconify windows. The window manager may also enforce a policy for window layout (such as mandating a standard window or icon size and placement) and provide a menu for commonly used shell commands.
This chapter is not primarily for window manager writers, as these are a rare breed. There are several good customizable window managers available, and there is very little reason for users or application writers to want to write their own. Only a few people in the X community are going to be actively involved in writing window managers, and chances are good they will already know all of what is described here. This chapter is presented for two reasons: so that application writers will get a better understanding of how to cooperate with the window manager, and so we can describe and demonstrate the Xlib routines that are provided mainly for the purpose of window management. As it turns out, the examples in this chapter also have elements (such as menus) that could be useful in ordinary applications as well.
We'll begin by describing the features and routines in Xlib that are provided mainly to give window managers the authority they need to control window layout and the flexibility to provide a good user interface. These features include the following:
Substructure redirection, which allows the window manager to intercept requests to change the screen layout. This enables a window manager to enforce a window layout policy.
Reparenting, which lets the window manager build a frame or other “decoration” around each top-level window. The frame could possibly contain boxes which could be used to move or resize the window.
The save-set, which ensures that the windows the window manager iconifies or reparents are returned to their original state if the window manager dies unexpectedly.
Then we'll describe what the window manager can do with the properties set by clients, building on the description of interclient communicationpresented in Chapter 12, “Interclient Communication”
Finally, we'll describe a simple window manager program. You should find this program helpful not only in demonstrating window management techniques but also for showing Xlib programming in a more complex setting than basicwin in Chapter 3, “Basic Window Program” or basecalc in Chapter 14, “A Complete Application” You should understand both those programs before tackling this one.
A window manager may have a policy on how top-level windows will be placed on the screen.
The standard window managers uwm and twm do not have a window layout policy, but some existing window managers do. For example, the Siemens RTL Tiled window manager mandates that only temporary pop-up windows can overlap. That policy makes exposure a rare occurrence but makes resizing much more common. A second simpler example is the window manager designed by Stellar Computer for its high performance workstations. The Stellar window manager aligns icons along the top edge of the screen, along with the Stellar logo. Since the window manager creates the icons or is passed their IDs through hints, it can distinguish them from other windows on the screen.
Within its window layout policy, the window manager should honor the window size and position hints returned by XGetNormalHints() and XGetWMHints() as closely as possible (each application sets these hints). Under uwm and twm, the user selects the size of a newly created window by moving a flashing outline of a window. The size hints provided by the application determine the minimum dimensions, maximum dimensions, and desired increment for the window size, and these are indicated in the motion of the outline. For example, in both uwm and twm, the minimum size hints take priority over the user's input, so that the user cannot resize the window smaller than the minimum size.
Applications are free to resize or move the children of their top-level windows as necessary. The window manager has no control over these windows.
The window manager enforces its window layout policy using substructure redirection. When the window manager selects SubstructureRedirectMask on the root window, an attempt by any other client to change the configuration of any child of the root window will fail. Instead an event describing the layout change request will be sent to the window manager. The window manager then reads the event and determines whether to honor the request, modify it, or deny it completely. If it decides to honor the request, it calls the routine that the client called that triggered the event with the same arguments. If it decides to modify the request, it calls the same routine but with modified arguments.
The structure, as the term is used here, is the location, size, stacking order, border width, and mapping status of a window. The substructure is all these statistics about the children of a particular window. This is the complete set of information about screen layout that the window manager might need in order to implement its policy. Redirection means that an event is sent to the client selecting redirection (usually the window manager), and the original structure-changing request is not executed.
The events that are selected by SubstructureRedirectMask and the routines that are intercepted are as follows:
CirculateRequest events report when an Xlib function, such as XCirculateSubwindows(), XCirculateSubwindowsDown(), XCirculateSubwindowsUp(), or XRestackWindows(), is called to change the stacking order of a group of children.
ConfigureRequest events report when an Xlib function, such as XConfigureWindow(), XLowerWindow(), XMoveResizeWindow(), XMoveWindow(), XRaiseWindow(), XResizeWindow(), or XSetWindowBorderWidth(), is called to resize, move, restack, or change the border width of a window.
MapRequest events report when XMapWindow() or XMapSubwindows() is called to map a window.
When SubstructureRedirectMask is selected on the root window, the only time that a configuration request on a child of the root window is not intercepted is when the override_redirect attribute of that child window has been set to True. This is intended for temporary pop-up windows that should not be reparented or affected by the window manager's layout policy.
Only one window manager at a time can select SubstructureRedirectMask or ResizeRedirectMask on a particular window.
ResizeRedirectMask also selects ConfigureRequest events when a client has called XConfigureWindow(), XMoveResizeWindow(), or XResizeWindow(). However, if any client has selected SubstructureRedirectMask on the parent of the window for which ResizeRedirectMask is selected, the SubstructureRedirectMask takes precedence.
Substructure redirect allows the window manager to separate the portion of itself that moves and resizes windows from the portion that enforces window policy. While the window reconfiguration section is driven by user events, the policy section can be completely driven from the *Request events that signal that the user has proposed a change to the window layout. And since applications will only attempt to resize or move their top-level windows in direct response to a user request, those requests are just as valid as the ones from the window reconfiguration section of the window manager.
A window manager can decorate windows on the screen with titlebars and place little boxes on the titlebar with which the window can be moved or resized. This is only one possibility, modeled on the user interface on the Macintosh™.
To do this, the window manager creates a child of the root somewhat larger than the top-level window of the application. Then it calls XReparentWindow(), specifying the top-level window of the application as win and the new parent as parent. win and all its descendants will then be descendants of parent.
In the area where the new parent is visible around the top-level window of the application, the window manager can put anything it wants. This could include text, graphics, and small windows which perform certain functions when a button is clicked in them.
The window manager can decorate all top-level windows, but it will normally ignore windows that are mapped with their override_redirect attribute set, since no *Request events will be generated for them. The window manager may also decorate differently windows that have set the XA_WM_TRANSIENT_FOR property and apply its window layout policy to them. The window manager calls XGetTransientForHint() for each window to get this property.
By the way, it is impossible (except by luck) for the window manager to match the colors of the decoration to the colors of the window it is decorating. A window manager cannot find out what colors a window uses for its border or background because these window attributes cannot be queried.
Window shadows can be imperfectly implemented by reparenting top-level windows. The shadow would appear to be the same size as the corresponding window but slightly offset diagonally (see Figure 16-1).
What happens if we try to accomplish the following style of background with two windows: one InputOutput window slightly larger in both dimensions than the application's top-level window, and one InputOutput shadow window the same size as the application window, offset into the corner of the InputOnly window? [59] The larger window would have its background_pixmap attribute set to ParentRelative so that it looked invisible, and the smaller window would have its background set to black or gray to make the shadow. Figure 16-2 shows how the layers are lined up.
When the window with the shadow is moved around the screen when no other applications are on the screen, the shadow looks good. But when the window is moved over other applications, a strange thing happens. The background of the root window shows itself in the “invisible” corner of the shadow, as shown in Figure 16-3, later in this chapter.
It turns out that a perfect shadow is not possible without an extension, because the server clips regions of the screen in rectangles, not in the complex shape required by a shadow. [59] However, if the shadow is only two pixels wide, this approach might look good enough.
The save-set is a list of windows, usually maintained by the window manager, but including only windows created by other clients. If the window manager dies, all windows listed in the save-set will be reparented back to their closest living ancestor if they were reparented in the first place and mapped if the window manager has unmapped them so that it could map an icon.
The save-set is necessary because the window manager might not exit normally. The user might kill it with CTRL-C if it is running in the foreground, or more likely, the user might get the process number and kill it. Actually, the actions of the save-set are performed even if the window manager exits normally, so less code is needed since the save-set does the cleaning up.
Window managers almost always place in the save-set all the windows they reparent or iconify, using XAddToSaveSet().
Windows are automatically removed from the save-set when they are destroyed. If this were not the case, the window manager would have to monitor DestroyNotify events and explicitly remove the windows from the save-set.
The routines XRemoveFromSaveSet() and XChangeSaveSet() are available, but they are not often needed even in window managers. XChangeSaveSet() adds or removes a window from the save-set.
There is no point in reiterating all that was said in Chapter 12, “Interclient Communication” about the properties that applications set for the window manager. As described there, these properties are hints that the window manager may use or ignore as the programmer sees fit. There is a large amount of flexibility and variety in what window managers can do with the information provided in these hints. Its actions are to some extent constrained by the interclient communication conventions described in Appendix L, Interclient Communcation Conventions, of Volume Zero (as of the second printing), since these conventions are now a standard.
These hints allow the window manager to smooth the user interface so that all the applications running on the system appear integrated. Any good window manager will read most, if not all, of the properties described in this section and try to do with them what is most helpful to applications and users.
Hints help the window manager conform to the needs of the application while at the same time letting it control window layout and policy. The window manager gets the hints with the routines shown in Table 16-1.
Table 16-1. Window Manager Hints
Hint | Set (by Application) | Get (by Window Manager) |
Window Name | XSetWMName() | XGetWMName() |
Icon Name | XSetWMIconName() | XGetWMIconName() |
Shell Command and Arguments | XSetCommand() | XGetCommand() |
Icon Pixmap | XSetWMProperties() or XSetWMNormalHints() | XGetWMNormalHints() |
Normal Size Hints | XSetWMNormalHints() | XGetWMNormalHints() |
WM Hints | XSetWMHints() | XGetWMHints() |
Transient Window | XSetTransientForHint() | XGetTransientForHint() |
Class Hint | XSetClassHint() | XGetClassHint() |
Client Machine | XSetWMClientMachine() | XGetWMClientMachine() |
WM Protocols | XSetWMProtocols() | XGetWMProtocols() |
The icon size property is the only hint that the window manager should set for applications to read. The window manager may prefer particular sizes of icons to yield a consistent appearance for all icons on the screen. The window manager calls XSetIconSizes() (which sets the XA_WM_ICON_SIZE property on the root window), indicating the preferred sizes. The icon size hints include maximum and minimum dimensions and size increments. Once standard window managers evolve that set this property (twm does not), applications may have one icon pixmap prepared for each standard window manager.
As described in “Window Manager Protocols - WM_PROTOCOLS” in Chapter 12 the client can express interest in certain window manager actions by calling XSetWMProtocols(), which sets a property. The window manager calls XSetWMProtocols() to get the property. Thereafter, the window manager can send the client ClientMessage events to notify the client of imminent window manager actions. At this writing, the protocols notify the client of a change in the keyboard focus, an application about to be killed, or a top-level window about to be destroyed. See “Window Manager Protocols - WM_PROTOCOLS” in Chapter 12 for the current list of window manager protocols, their meanings, and the values to set into the ClientMessage event.
The functions described in this section are used primarily by the window manager on top-level windows. Applications can also use them on their top-level windows; conventions for doing so are described in Appendix L, Interclient Communcation Conventions, of Volume Zero (as of the second printing). Applications can use these routines freely on their subwindows.
XConfigureWindow() is the most general routine for changing the configuration of a window, namely its size, position, border width, and stacking position.
The routines to move and resize windows are XMoveWindow(), XMoveResizeWindow(), and XResizeWindow(). The routine to change the border width of a window is XSetWindowBorderWidth().
Quite a variety of routines are provided to change the stacking order of windows. These operations affect only a single group of siblings. Furthermore, they affect only overlapping siblings. If any of the siblings specified do not overlap, their stacking order is not changed.
All these functions have the ability to change the screen layout and therefore can be monitored and intercepted by the window manager. They are also commonly used by the window manager itself to allow the user to change the screen layout.
The stack_mode of the XConfigureWindow() routine has five possible values: Above, Below, BottomIf, TopIf, and Opposite. If the window is simultaneously being moved or resized, this calculation is performed with respect to the window's final size and position, not its initial position. If a sibling and a stack_mode are specified, the window is restacked as described in Table 16-2.
Table 16-2. Meaning of Stacking Mode with Sibling Specified
Window Stack Mode | Description |
Above | Window is placed just above sibling. |
Below | Window is placed just below sibling. |
TopIf | If sibling obscures window, then window is placed at the top of the stack. |
BottomIf | If window obscures sibling, then window is placed at the bottom of the stack. |
Opposite | If any sibling occludes window, then window is placed at the top of the stack, else if window occludes any sibling, then window is placed at the bottom of the stack. |
If a stack_mode is specified but no sibling is specified, the window is restacked as described in Table 16-3.
Table 16-3. Meaning of Stacking Mode without Sibling
Window Stack Mode | Description |
Above | Window is placed at the top of the stack. |
Below | Window is placed at the bottom of the stack. |
TopIf | If any sibling obscures window, then window is placed at the top of the stack. |
BottomIf | If window obscures any sibling, then window is placed at the bottom of the stack. |
Opposite | If any sibling occludes window, then window is placed at the top of the stack, else if window occludes any sibling, then window is placed at the bottom of the stack. |
Another set of routines that are usually only used by the window manager are the ones that grab and ungrab the server. XGrabServer() and XUngrabServer() are used when a program requires total control of the screen, so that output requests from other programs are queued but not displayed. One application of grabbing is to draw temporary moving objects on the screen, such as the outline of a window being moved. This is called rubber-banding. The outline (or grid) is drawn with logical function GXxor, which, when drawn twice, leaves the screen as it was initially. If the server were not grabbed in between the first drawing and the second of the same line, some other program might update the same part of the display, resulting in glitches after the second drawing. This server grab also speeds up the rubber-banding, because the server stops performing updates to other windows.
This section describes the design of a simple window manager called winman. This example window manager should be helpful in several ways. It demonstrates many of the Xlib routines that are intended to be used only by window managers. It also shows what a window manager might do with the properties that applications set and how window managers implement icons. This window manager also demonstrates the use of the save-set to make sure that, if it dies, the windows it has iconified will be restored. It does not, however, demonstrate substructure redirection or reparenting. See the code for twm for examples of substructure redirection and reparenting.
The winman program also demonstrates some techniques that may be helpful in ordinary applications, such as how to implement a menu using Xlib. (Most applications will ultimately do this with a toolkit.)
If you have the example programs from O'Reilly and Associates, you can compile and run winman to see how it works (how to get this code is described in the Preface). Be sure to stop or kill any other window managers running before running winman. Both winman and the other window manager may get confused because they are not designed to cooperate with each other. The following explanations will be easier to follow if you have used the program.
The winman program creates a menu composed of horizontal bars and places it in the upper-right corner of the screen, as shown in Figure 16-4.
The menu provides a number of basic functions for manipulating windows on the screen:
Raise | Brings a window to the top of the stack, so that it is fully visible. | |
Lower | Lowers a window to the bottom so that the area formerly hidden is made visible. | |
Move | Changes the position of a window on the screen, and raises it. | |
Resize | Changes the size of a window, and raises it. | |
CirculateDn | Moves the window on the bottom to the top. | |
CirculateUp | Moves the window on the top to the bottom. | |
(De)Iconify | Turns a window into a small marker window or vice versa. | |
Keybrd Focus | Assigns all keyboard input to the selected window, regardless of the position of the pointer. | |
New Xterm | Creates a new xterm window, and places it at the upper-left corner of the screen. You can subsequently move or resize the new window with the Move and Resize functions. | |
Exit | It is good practice for all programs to provide a way to quit. (uwm requires the user to look up the process number and kill the process.) Since this window manager is primarily for demonstration purposes, this choice is provided to make it easy to kill the program. |
All input for the window manager is supplied through the pointer. A cursor (which tracks the pointer) is assigned to the menu to indicate that input in this area selects a menu item. Choices are made from the menu by pressing a pointer button in the appropriate region of the menu. When a menu choice is made, the menu bar and its label change to inverse video. In other words, everything that was black in the bar changes to white and vice versa (winman works in black and white on all systems, even those with color). After the choice is made but before the operation is complete, the pointer is grabbed, so that all pointer input is directed to the menu window independent of the position of the pointer. While the pointer is grabbed, winman's cursor changes to a hand and tracks the pointer anywhere on the screen. This reminds you that the window manager is expecting the next pointer input even though the pointer is no longer on the menu. When the chosen operation is complete, the menu is returned to its initial condition, and the pointer grab is released. If this menu was to be used in a normal application, a passive grab would be used instead of the active one used here.
If CirculateDn, CirculateUp, or New Xterm is chosen, selection of a window is not necessary. The circulation operations act on all overlapping windows that are children of the root. The New Xterm choice simply creates a new xterm window.
If Raise, Lower, (De)Iconify or Kybrd Focus is chosen, the user must press a pointer button to select a window. (winman's own menu cannot be iconified, because this would make it impossible to recover the window manager menu.) Kybrd Focus sets the keyboard focus window and highlights that window with a white background behind the window.
If Move or Resize is chosen, the user must press a pointer button on the window to be manipulated, drag the pointer with the button held until the outline of the window is in the chosen size or position, and then release the button. (winman's own menu can be moved but not resized.) A moving outline of the window is used to indicate the intended dimensions or position of the window.
Example 16-1 shows the main for the winman window manager. The isIcon routine that is called in main is described in “Creating the Icons” below. The draw_box routine, also called in main, is described in “The draw_box Routine” All the rest of winman's code is described in sections following main.
Instead of breaking up the code in little pieces as we have done in earlier examples, this time we'll show you main together in one place. By this point in the manual, you should know enough to understand most of this code. Any questions you may have should be answered by the description immediately following the code.
Example 16-1. winman -- main C program
The first issue that comes up when writing a menu is how to layer the windows that contain each menu item. It would be possible to write a menu that only used one window, placing the text within the window in the right places and highlighting areas when the pointer coordinates in the ButtonPress events indicated that an item was chosen. This is a hard way, because it does not take advantage of X's windowing capabilities. It would also be possible to make each menu panel a subwindow of the root window. While this would simplify the event handling and highlighting, we would have to define a cursor for each of the windows. More importantly, the user would have to move all the windows separately if the menu were to be moved, unless we monitored movement of any one of the windows and made the rest follow. There are also other ramifications, including that it would be difficult to identify the menu as a whole to make sure it was not iconified; this would require comparing the IDs in events with the IDs of all the windows. The best solution is a combination of the above approaches.
The menu is created by superimposing ten small InputOutput child windows (defs[]) on one large InputOutput parent window (menuwin), as shown in Figure 16-5. This has the advantage that there is a single parent window for the window manager, which we can use to locate the panes of the menu and to identify the menu as a whole. You can also assign a cursor to the larger window, and since the smaller windows are its children, the same cursor appears in all of them. This avoids nine cursor assignments.
The nine smaller windows do three other convenient things; their borders make a neat division between areas of the menu, they determine which area of the menu the user chooses, and they define a convenient area to invert from black on white to white on black to indicate which menu choice was made.
Now that we have decided how to layer the windows to best advantage, it is time to plan what events are going to be needed. The menuwin window requires no events, since it is chiefly there to tie together the menu panes. ButtonPress, ButtonRelease, and Expose events are required for the panes, so they can accept a choice and redraw the pane in case anything obscures and then exposes part or all of the menu. ButtonRelease events are selected so that we can verify menu choices by making sure the ButtonRelease happens in the same window as the ButtonPress. Since the pointer is grabbed during the selection of a window on the screen to be manipulated (a window not associated with the window manager), we do not need to select input on any of these windows. However, we need to know when applications that winman has iconified have been killed, so that we can remove the icon. This requires selecting SubstructureNotifyMask on the root window.
Some of the other events selected by SubstructureNotifyMask also come in handy for triggering the redrawing of the highlighting background drawn around the focus window by winman. This background is drawn on the root window and might have to be redrawn whenever a new area of the root window becomes exposed. It has to be redrawn when CirculateNotify, ConfigureNotify, or UnmapNotify events arrive. This could also have been done by selecting Expose events on the root window, but since we have already selected these other events and they will be sent from the server to Xlib anyway, it improves performance slightly to use them instead of Expose events on the root window.
There are numerous commands available for getting input. The routines used in main are XCheckTypedEvent(), XMaskEvent(), and XNextEvent().
These routines were described and most of them demonstrated in Chapter 8, “Events” and Chapter 9, “The Keyboard and Pointer” But the way they are used in main might need some explanation. Consider the excerpt from main shown in Example 16-2.
Example 16-2. Using event-getting routines together
/* Get the matching ButtonRelease on same button */ while (1) { /* Get rid of all presses (on other buttons) */ while (XCheckTypedEvent(display, ButtonPress, &event)) ; /* Wait for release; if on correct button, exit * XMaskEvent(display, ButtonReleaseMask, &event); if (event.xbutton.button == button) { /* Get rid of other releases */ while (XCheckTypedEvent(display, ButtonRelease, &event)) ; break; } } |
Here we have already read a ButtonPress event and are waiting for a ButtonRelease on the same button. This cannot be done with XMaskEvent() alone, because we might get a ButtonRelease on a different button first and there is no way to select or get only the button events on a single button (except by writing a predicate procedure as shown in Example 8-6). Therefore, XMaskEvent() is called in a loop, and the button member in each event must be checked. Furthermore, the CheckTypedEvent calls are necessary to make sure that Xlib's queue does not fill up with ButtonPress or ButtonRelease events that are not wanted, since the code is really waiting for a particular button release. XCheckTypedEvent() is used again in the routine that actually moves or resizes a window to throw away excess MotionNotify events.
The Expose event processing in main redraws winman's menu only when the count field in the Expose event is zero, thus responding only to the last Expose event in a contiguous series on a single window. Remember that any of the menu panes or any icon can receive Expose events. We also minimize redrawing by redrawing only the panes that are exposed.
There are at least four possible strategies for inverting a menu pane containing text. They are not all equally good.
One is to use XCopyArea() to copy the pane to itself using GXinvert as the logical function in the GC. This approach is weak because GXinvert would not achieve the desired effect on a color system, even though it would work fine on a monochrome system.
The second strategy, adopted in main, is to change the background pixel value of the window and change the foreground pixel value in the GC to draw the text in a contrasting color. In winman, the colors are black and white, but this approach will work correctly with any two contrasting colors.
The third approach would be to use XDrawImageString() to draw the text. XDrawImageString() draws a complete rectangle, with the text in the foreground pixel value from the GC and the rest of the rectangle in the background pixel value. If this rectangle were the same size as the menu pane, the entire pane could be inverted in color simply by swapping the foreground and background pixel values in the GC. The one weakness of this approach is that the rectangle drawn by XDrawImageString() might not leave as much space around the text as you would like. However, this is a very fast approach, useful in menus and for the selection of text, which works in both monochrome and color.
The fourth approach involves a trick using colors allocated by XAllocColorCells(). It is possible to allocate colors so that the two contrasting colors in the drawable are swapped by setting to 1 or 0 all the bits in a plane of the drawable. In this technique, the text does not need drawing at all for highlighting, because the plane on which the text is drawn is not modified by the operation to set or clear the bits in the other plane. You would need to allocate four colorcells, two of which contained the foreground RGB values and two the background. This would not work on a monochrome system, since you could not allocate four colorcells. This technique is described in “Allocating Read/Write Colorcells for Overlays” in Chapter 7
The main creates two cursors: one an arrow for selecting from the menu, and the other a hand for manipulating windows. It uses the call to grab the pointer to change the cursor to the hand. That has the nice side effect that the cursor will automatically change back when the grab is released, so that the cursor window attribute does not need to be changed with XDefineCursor().
XGrabPointer() is called to allow the user to select a window anywhere on the screen to be manipulated. While the pointer is grabbed, all pointer input is sent to the menu. Note that keyboard input is still sent normally to the application the pointer is in.
The arguments of XGrabPointer() can be confusing. The owner_events argument affects the distribution of events when the pointer is within this application's windows. Therefore, it does not affect our application, because we are using the grab to get input from outside the menu windows. The pointer_mode and keyboard_mode arguments also do not apply to the job at hand, so they are set to GrabModeAsync, which does not affect the processing of events. Their other settings cause events to be held in the server until a releasing XAllowEvents() call. Finally, the confine_to argument also does not fit our job, because we want the pointer to be able to roam around the screen rather than be confined to a window.
That about wraps up the new techniques used in main that have not been used earlier in this manual. Now we'll move on to some of the routines that main calls, beginning with paint_pane.
The paint_pane routine in Example 16-3 displays text in a menu pane. It is called when an exposure event occurs on a pane. When the menu is exposed, all of the exposure events are sent contiguously, refreshing each of the panes that was exposed. When the menu is first mapped, the Expose events trigger the drawing of all the panes for the first time.
Each call of this routine draws the text in one choice window. The first operation compares the window ID from the event with the IDs in the panes array to determine which string from the menu_label array to use.
Window backgrounds are automatically redrawn by the server when exposure occurs. But paint_pane is not always called in response to Expose events; it is also used to invert the pane when a choice is made. Therefore, the request buffer will not necessarily be flushed before the next call to draw the area. Therefore, an XClearWindow() call is necessary to redraw the background. (A completely different strategy could have been used. The background could be filled with XFillRectangle() instead of using the server.)
Example 16-3. winman -- the paint_pane routine
The circup and circdn routines are simple, because they have no arguments and they require no user input. They simply take all overlapping top-level windows and move the bottom one to the top or the top one to the bottom.
Example 16-4. winman -- the circle up and circle down routines
The raise_lower routine gets a ButtonPress event, finds out which window it occurred in, and raises or lowers the window unless it was the root.
The XQueryPointer() call is used to get the window ID of the window that the button is pressed in. This call is necessary because the program did not create or select input on the windows that it is going to manipulate.
Example 16-5. winman -- the raise and lower routines
The move_resize routine shown in Example 16-6 is similar to raise_lower but uses the difference in position between a ButtonPress and a ButtonRelease event to determine the change in position or size of the window. It also uses MotionNotify events to draw an outline of the window during the move or resize. During resizing, the upper-left corner of the window stays in place, while the lower-right corner moves the same way the pointer does between the press and the release. The code could be expanded to allow any corner of the window to be resized.
The routine that draws the box for the temporary window outline was described in Chapter 6, “Drawing Graphics and Text”
If there is an icon associated with the moved window, that icon is not moved. Similarly, if the window moved is an icon, its associated main window is not moved. This is an arbitrary window manager policy decision. Some window managers might legislate a certain relationship between the position of a window and its icon.
Example 16-6. winman -- the move and resize routines
Figure 16-6 shows an example of the screen during a move operation.
The XChangeActivePointerGrab() function is used to narrow the types of events that are received. In other terms, it changes the events that are selected for the window for the duration of the grab. This makes it unnecessary to throw away ButtonPress events that are used early in the program but not needed in this routine.
The server is grabbed in this example to make sure that no other program displays output on the screen while the box is being dragged. This is necessary because the box is drawn and then undrawn with the same command and GC using the GXxor logical function. Graphics drawn twice with Exclusive OR will appear as they started but only if the pixels affected are not changed by any other application in between. If any other client were allowed to draw between the draw and the undraw, the screen might not be returned to normal.
Note that the actual color of the rubber-banded line is unpredictable on a color system, because the pixel value is simply the Exclusive OR of what was already there. If a particular color of rubber-banded line is desired, you will have to use the overlay technique described in “Allocating Read/Write Colorcells for Overlays” in Chapter 7
The draw_box routine shown in Example 16-7 modifies a GC and draws a box. It raises some interesting issues since it draws on the root window. It is called from the simple window manager program winman described in Chapter 16, “Window Management” Its purpose is to draw an outline of a window during the rubber-banding that shows the user the current size or position of a window being resized or moved. The program also calls this routine to erase the box and to redraw the box to show the current position or size of a window as it is moved.
Example 16-7. The draw_box routine
Display *display; int screen; draw_box(gc, x, y, width, height) GC gc; int x, y, unsigned int width, height; { /* Set foreground pixel value -- default may be white on white */ XSetForeground(display, gc, BlackPixel(display,screen)); /* Drawing on root window -- through all windows */ XSetSubwindowMode(display, gc, IncludeInferiors); /* Logical function is XOR, so that double drawing erases box * on both color and monochrome screens */ XSetFunction(display, gc, GXxor); XDrawRectangle(display, RootWindow(display,screen), gc, x, y, width, height); } |
This routine uses a couple of tricks that need explanation. Notice that three elements of the GC are changed and that the drawing request draws on the root window. Since the box may be moved anywhere on the screen during a move operation (by the window manager), the box must be drawn on the root window. We set the foreground color to black so that the box will be visible over the default backgrounds of most windows (white). By default, the subwindow_mode member is set to ClipByChildren, specifying that graphics drawn to a window do not show through child windows. Because we want the entire box to be visible anywhere on the screen, we set the subwindow_mode to IncludeInferiors.
We are using a logical operation of GXxor so that the box can be drawn again to erase itself. This logical operation has the unique feature of returning the pixels to their original state in monochrome or color if the box is drawn twice, as long as none of the pixels were changed between the first and second drawings. To make sure nothing else is drawn in between, the program that calls draw_box grabs the server for the brief period of the window manipulation. Avoid grabbing the server unless absolutely necessary.
The iconify routine must be able to turn a window into an icon or turn an icon back into a window. It is completely up to the window manager to keep track of the association between windows and icons. Therefore, a substantial portion of winman's code is devoted to maintaining a list of the main windows and their associated icon windows. We will look at the code for the routine that main calls, iconify, and then delve into the details of implementing icons.
Example 16-8 shows the iconify routine that is called in response to the user selecting the (De)Iconify item on winman's menu.
Example 16-8. winman -- the iconify routine
If the window is not an icon, the window is unmapped and an icon window is created and mapped. If the window is an icon, it is unmapped and the associated main window is remapped. The iconify routine guards against iconifying the menu, since there is no way in this program to undo that operation.
The iconify routine calls the isIcon routine. If the window selected is not an icon, isIcon creates an icon window, enters it into a linked list, and returns the icon window's ID. If the window selected is an icon, the associated main window's ID is returned. Either way, the window selected is unmapped and the associated window is mapped.
The routines underlying isIcon are a simplified version of the icon-handling code from uwm. Notice that these routines are in a separate source file, so they must include the standard include files and declare as extern the global variables set in winman.c.
Example 16-9. winman -- the isIcon routine
#include <X11/Xlib.h> #include <X11/Xatom.h> #include <X11/Xutil.h> #include <X11/cursorfont.h> #include <stdio.h> extern Display *display; extern int screen_num; /* For linked list containing window ID, icon ID, and icon_name; * own indicates whether winman created the icon window (True) * or was passed it through the WMHints (False) */ typedef struct _windowList { struct _windowList *next; Window window; Window icon; Bool own; char *icon_name; } WindowListRec, *WindowList; WindowList Icons = NULL; Bool isIcon(win, x, y, assoc, icon_name, makeicon) Window win; int x, y; Window *assoc; char *icon_name; Bool makeicon; { WindowList win_list; Window makeIcon(); /* Go through linked list of window-icon structures */ for (win_list = Icons; win_list; win_list = win_list->next) { if (win == win_list->icon) { /* Win is icon */ *assoc = win_list->window; strcpy(icon_name, win_list->icon_name); return(True); } if (win == win_list->window) { /* Win is main window */ *assoc = win_list->icon; strcpy(icon_name, win_list->icon_name); return(False); } } /* Window not in list means icon not created yet; create icon * and add main window to save-set in case window manager dies */ if (makeicon) { *assoc = makeIcon(win, x, y, icon_name); XAddToSaveSet(display, win); } return(False); } |
The isIcon routine looks through the linked list of structures, of which there is one for each top-level window that has ever been iconified.
If win is found in the structures and it is an icon, isIcon returns True.
If win is found and it is a main window, isIcon returns False.
If win is not found at all, isIcon calls makeIcon to create an icon for the window and then calls XAddToSaveSet() to add the window to winman's save-set. This code only gets called when an application is being iconified for the first time. Since it is possible that winman will get killed before it has a chance to remap the main windows of the applications it has iconified, these windows must be automatically remapped when winman dies. That is what the save-set does. (winman can be killed by typing CTRL-C in the window it was invoked from if it has been run in the foreground or with the Exit choice from winman's menu.)
The makeIcon routine called in isIcon is used to read the hints that the application has specified for the icon. As you will recall, the window manager has the option of honoring or ignoring these hints. winman honors them to the greatest extent possible. It allows an application to specify an icon pixmap or icon window, an icon name, and the icon's position.
If some or all of these hints are not set, winman does the best it can. If no icon window is specified, winman creates one. If no icon pixmap is specified, winman uses a white background and writes the icon name on it in black.
Example 16-10. winman -- the makeIcon routine
Window makeIcon(window, x, y, icon_name_return) Window window; /* Associated window */ int x, y; /* Current mouse position */ char *icon_name_return; { int icon_x, icon_y; /* Icon U. L. X and Y * coordinates */ int icon_w, icon_h; /* Icon width and height */ int icon_bdr; /* Icon border width */ int depth; /* For XGetGeometry */ Window root; /* For XGetGeometry */ XSetWindowAttributes icon_attrib; /* For icon creation */ unsigned long icon_attrib_mask; XWMHints *wmhints; /* See if icon position * provided */ XWMHints *XGetWMHints(); Window FinishIcon(); char *icon_name; /* Process window manager hints. If icon window hint * exists, use it directly. If icon pixmap hint exists, * get its size. Otherwise, get default size. If icon * position hint exists, use it; otherwise, use the * position passed (current mouse position). */ if (wmhints = XGetWMHints(display, window)) { if (wmhints->flags&IconWindowHint) /* Icon window was passed; use it as is */ return(finishIcon(window, wmhints->icon_window, False, icon_name)); else if (wmhints->flags&IconPixmapHint) { /* Pixmap was passed. Determine size of icon * window from pixmap. Only icon_w and icon_h * are significant. */ if (!XGetGeometry(display, wmhints->icon_pixmap, &root, &icon_x, &icon_y, &icon_w, &icon_h, &icon_bdr, &depth)) { fprintf(stderr, "winman: client passed invalid \ icon pixmap." ); return( NULL ); } else { icon_attrib.background_pixmap = wmhints->icon_pixmap; icon_attrib_mask = CWBorderPixel|CWBackPixmap; } } /* Else no window or pixmap passed */ else { icon_name = getDefaultIconSize(window, &icon_w, &icon_h); icon_attrib_mask = CWBorderPixel | CWBackPixel; icon_attrib.background_pixel = (unsigned long) WhitePixel(display,screen_num); } } /* Else no hints at all exist */ else { icon_name = getDefaultIconSize(window, &icon_w, &icon_h); icon_attrib_mask = CWBorderPixel | CWBackPixel; } /* Pad sizes */ icon_w += 2; icon_h += 2; strcpy(icon_name_return, icon_name); /* Set the icon border attributes */ icon_bdr = 2; icon_attrib.border_pixel = (unsigned long) BlackPixel(display,screen_num); /* If icon position hint exists, get it; this also checks * to see if wmhints is NULL, which it will be if WMHints * were never set at all */ if (wmhints && (wmhints->flags&IconPositionHint)) { icon_x = wmhints->icon_x; icon_y = wmhints->icon_y; } else { /* Put it where the mouse was */ icon_x = x; icon_y = y; } /* Create the icon window */ return(finishIcon(window, XCreateWindow(display, RootWindow(display, screen_num), icon_x, icon_y, icon_w, icon_h, icon_bdr, 0, CopyFromParent, CopyFromParent, icon_attrib_mask, &icon_attrib), True, icon_name)); } |
We will show you getDefaultIconSize (which calls getIconName) and then finishIcon, the two routines called from makeIcon. getDefaultIconSize and getIconName are shown in Example 16-11.
Example 16-11. winman -- the getDefaultIconSize and getIconName routines
char * getDefaultIconSize(window, icon_w, icon_h) Window window; int *icon_w, *icon_h; { /* Determine the size of the icon window */ char *icon_name; icon_name = getIconName(window); *icon_h = font_info->ascent + font_info->descent + 4; *icon_w = XTextWidth(font_info, icon_name, strlen(icon_name)); return(icon_name); } char * getIconName(window) Window window; { char *name; if (XGetIconName( display, window, &name )) return( name ); /* Get program name if set */ if (XFetchName( display, window, &name )) return( name ); return( "Icon" ); } |
The routines in Example 16-11 simply get the icon name and determine a size for the icon from the name, given the font dimensions. If no icon name is available, they use the program name, and if that is not available, they use the string “Icon.” However, this should never happen if the applications are written properly.
Now we'll turn to finishIcon, which is called from makeIcon. finishIcon creates and defines a cursor for the icon, selects Expose events for it, and updates the linked list of structures to include the new icon and its associated window. (Actually, the cursor should have been created in another routine, because here it is executed every time a new icon is created.)
Example 16-12. winman -- the finishIcon routine
Window finishIcon(window, icon, own, icon_name) Window window, icon; Bool own; /* Whether winman created the icon window */ char *icon_name; { WindowList win_list; Cursor manCursor; /* If icon window didn't get created, return failure */ if (icon == NULL) return(NULL); /* Use the man cursor whenever the mouse is in the * icon window */ manCursor = XCreateFontCursor(display, XC_man); XDefineCursor(display, icon, manCursor); /* Select events for the icon window */ XSelectInput(display, icon, ExposureMask); /* Set the event window's icon window to be the new * icon window */ win_list = (WindowList) malloc(sizeof(WindowListRec)); win_list->window = window; win_list->icon = icon; win_list->own = own; win_list->icon_name = icon_name; win_list->next = Icons; Icons = win_list; return(icon); } |
One nice user interface possibility is suggested by the code for finishIcon. We could let the user turn an icon back into a main window by pressing some key or button in the icon. To do this, we would select button or key events on the icon and then look for them in one of the event loops in main. If button events were chosen, we would need to identify which window the button event appeared in to distinguish between events from the menu and events in the icon, but this would be easy.
Finally, we need a way to remove icons for applications that have been iconified but exit while the window manager is running. The main selects StructureNotifyMask to be notified when top-level windows are destroyed and responds by calling removeIcon, which is shown in Example 16-13.
Example 16-13. winman -- the removeIcon routine
Whether winman exits graciously (through the Exit choice on the menu) or by being killed, all the main windows it has iconified have already been placed in the save-set, so that they will automatically be mapped. Therefore, no routine to clear the icons is necessary.
Setting the keyboard focus allows the user to stop worrying about whether the pointer is in the window to be typed into. The underlying function here is XSetInputFocus(). It causes keyboard input to go to the selected window regardless of the position of the pointer. When the root window is selected, keyboard events are distributed normally according to the position of the pointer (this is the default situation).
winman highlights the focus window by increasing the width of the border and drawing a white outline around the window. This is necessary because it would not be obvious which application had the focus unless the application itself was programmed to indicate when it has the focus. Of course, applying the keyboard focus to a window that does not use keyboard input, like the main window of xclock, would cause your input to be just thrown away and the only indication of what is happening would be the highlighting drawn around the focus window.
The focus routine in Example 16-14 selects a window much like the raise_lower function does. If the subwindow returned by XQueryPointer() is NULL, the pointer must be on the root window, and the focus can be set to the ID of the root window. Otherwise we need to find out if the subwindow is an icon. The focus should be on the real window as opposed to the icon, since the icon is controlled by the window manager and does not accept keyboard input for the application.
To change the border width of the new focus window, we need to get the old width with XGetWindowAttributes(), and save it so it can be replaced when the focus is changed again.
Example 16-14. winman -- the focus routine
The focus routine calls draw_focus_frame to further highlight the focus window. There are several ways to do this, ranging from almost trivial to fairly complex. The easiest way is to change the border width and/or color to indicate which window is the focus. Another way is to draw on the root window behind the focus window. This has a slightly different effect in that no highlight would appear on windows where they did not contact the root window. We do both to be absolutely sure the current focus window is well indicated. The window is highlighted by increasing its border width and by tiling a region underneath the current focus window with a pixmap.
A third and more complicated way is to reparent the focus window into a background frame, as described above in “Reparenting” This would work well if the windows already had been reparented to add a titlebar.
The draw_focus_frame routine shown in Example 16-15 also demonstrates the two-step process of creating a useful pixmap from the data in an include file generated by the bitmap program. You must create a bitmap from the data before making a pixmap from the bitmap.
Example 16-15. winman -- the draw_focus_frame routine
The menu item to create a new xterm window uses execute, which is a routine taken directly from the code for uwm. This routine can be used to execute any shell command and, therefore, may come in handy in virtually any application, not just a window manager. Example 16-16 shows the execute routine. Obviously, this routine is for UNIX-based systems. Code for other operating systems can be added between preprocessor directives (#ifdef, #endif).
Example 16-16. winman -- the execute routine
There is some code in main that helps execute do its thing. It makes sure that the new process does not inherit any open files from the parent process, our window manager. Without this call, the child process might affect the operation of the client instead of being completely separate. All routines that execute shell commands should include the code shown in Example 16-17 in the routine that calls execute.
Example 16-17. winman -- code for assisting execution of shell commands
/* Force child processes to disinherit the TCP file. * descriptor; this helps the shell command (creating * new xterm) forked and executed from the menu to work * properly */ if ((fcntl(ConnectionNumber(display), F_SETFD, 1)) == -1) fprintf(stderr, "winman: child cannot disinherit TCP fd"); |
Remember that winman is only a minimal window manager. It does not perform all the tasks required of window managers as specified by the ICCCM. See Appendix L, Interclient Communcation Conventions, of Volume Zero (as of the second printing), to read about the complete set of requirements for window managers.