- addresses, for external devices
- Choosing a SCSI Address for the External Device
- audio ports, cable pinout assignments
- Audio
- backups
- Recovering from System Crash
- Recovering from System Crash
- cable pinout assignments
- for the audio ports
- Audio
- for the composite video (RCA) port
- Composite Video (Analog) In and Out
- for the digital video port
- Digital Video In and Out
- for the Ethernet 10-BASE T port
- Ethernet 10-Base T/100-Base T
- for the parallel port
- Parallel
- for the s-video port
- S-Video (Analog) In and Out
- for the SCSI port
- for the serial ports
- Serial
- cables
- connecting serial
- Connecting Serial Devices
- modem
- PC Modem Serial Cable
- printer/dumb terminal
- Printer/Dumb Terminal Serial Cable
- using shielded
- Shielded Cables
- camera:specifications:See online Hardware Reference Guide
- Other Sources of Information
- composite video (RCA), cable pinout assignments
- Composite Video (Analog) In and Out
- console terminals
- Connecting Serial Devices
- dial and button boxes
- Connecting Serial Devices
- digital video port, cable pinout assignments
- Digital Video In and Out
- digitizer tablets
- Connecting Serial Devices
- dimensions of workstation
- Physical Environment Specifications
- drive addresses, for external drives
- Choosing a SCSI Address for the External Device
- dumb terminal serial cable
- Printer/Dumb Terminal Serial Cable
- ecifications for power
- Physical Environment Specifications
- electromagnetic emissions
- Electromagnetic Emissions
- Ethernet 10-Base T, cable pinout assignments
- Ethernet 10-Base T/100-Base T
- external devices
- SCSI addresses
- Choosing a SCSI Address for the External Device
- fun and games
- Out of Box Experience
- guidelines, Visual Display Terminal
- ANSI Standard for Visual Display Terminal Workstations
- installing
- CD-ROM drive
- Connecting External SCSI Devices
- DAT drive
- Connecting External SCSI Devices
- serial devices
- Connecting Serial Devices
- tape drive
- Connecting External SCSI Devices
- interference to radios and televisions
- Radio and Television Interference
- login, creating
- Out of Box Experience
- MIDI devices
- Connecting Serial Devices
- modems
- Connecting Serial Devices
- nvram corruption
- Replacing the PCB on the PCI Tray
- optical mouse
- Connecting Serial Devices
- Out of Box Experience
- Out of Box Experience
- overview of workstation
- Overview and Getting Started
- parallel port, cable pinout assignments
- Parallel
- peripherals
- serial devices
- Connecting Serial Devices
- physical environment specifications
- Physical Environment Specifications
- power requirements
- Physical Environment Specifications
- power supply
- specifications for Indy
- Physical Environment Specifications
- printer
- serial cable
- Printer/Dumb Terminal Serial Cable
- radio interference
- Radio and Television Interference
- registering workstation
- Out of Box Experience
- replacing
- PCB on PCI tray
- Replacing the PCB on the PCI Tray
- s-video port, cable pinout assignments
- S-Video (Analog) In and Out
- safety
- Safety and Regulatory Information
- SCSI addresses, for external devices
- Choosing a SCSI Address for the External Device
- SCSI cable
- maximum length
- Connecting External SCSI Devices
- SCSI port, cable pinout assignments
- SCSI terminator
- Connecting External SCSI Devices
- serial cable
- modem
- PC Modem Serial Cable
- printer/dumb terminal
- Printer/Dumb Terminal Serial Cable
- serial connectors
- Connecting Serial Devices
- serial devices
- installing
- Connecting Serial Devices
- modem cable
- PC Modem Serial Cable
- printer/dumb terminal cable
- Printer/Dumb Terminal Serial Cable
- serial ports, cable pinout assignments
- Serial
- shielded cables
- Shielded Cables
- specifications, technical:See online Hardware Reference Guide
- Other Sources of Information
- specifications for power
- Physical Environment Specifications
- specifications, table
- Physical Environment Specifications
- System Tour
- Out of Box Experience
- technical specifications, table
- Physical Environment Specifications
- television interference
- Radio and Television Interference
- terminator, SCSI
- Connecting External SCSI Devices
- video ports
- cable pinout assignments
- Digital Video In and Out
- Visual Display Terminal (VDT) guidelines
- ANSI Standard for Visual Display Terminal Workstations
- workstation
- radio and television interference caused by
- Radio and Television Interference
- registering
- Out of Box Experience