
addresses, for external devices
Choosing a SCSI Address for the External Device

audio ports, cable pinout assignments

Recovering from System Crash
Recovering from System Crash

cable pinout assignments
for the audio ports
for the composite video (RCA) port
Composite Video (Analog) In and Out
for the digital video port
Digital Video In and Out
for the Ethernet 10-BASE T port
Ethernet 10-Base T/100-Base T
for the parallel port
for the s-video port
S-Video (Analog) In and Out
for the SCSI port
for the serial ports

connecting serial
Connecting Serial Devices
PC Modem Serial Cable
printer/dumb terminal
Printer/Dumb Terminal Serial Cable
using shielded
Shielded Cables

camera:specifications:See online Hardware Reference Guide
Other Sources of Information

composite video (RCA), cable pinout assignments
Composite Video (Analog) In and Out

console terminals
Connecting Serial Devices

dial and button boxes
Connecting Serial Devices

digital video port, cable pinout assignments
Digital Video In and Out

digitizer tablets
Connecting Serial Devices

dimensions of workstation
Physical Environment Specifications

drive addresses, for external drives
Choosing a SCSI Address for the External Device

dumb terminal serial cable
Printer/Dumb Terminal Serial Cable

ecifications for power
Physical Environment Specifications

electromagnetic emissions
Electromagnetic Emissions

Ethernet 10-Base T, cable pinout assignments
Ethernet 10-Base T/100-Base T

external devices
SCSI addresses
Choosing a SCSI Address for the External Device

fun and games
Out of Box Experience

guidelines, Visual Display Terminal
ANSI Standard for Visual Display Terminal Workstations

CD-ROM drive
Connecting External SCSI Devices
DAT drive
Connecting External SCSI Devices
serial devices
Connecting Serial Devices
tape drive
Connecting External SCSI Devices

interference to radios and televisions
Radio and Television Interference

login, creating
Out of Box Experience

MIDI devices
Connecting Serial Devices

Connecting Serial Devices

nvram corruption
Replacing the PCB on the PCI Tray

optical mouse
Connecting Serial Devices

Out of Box Experience
Out of Box Experience

overview of workstation
Overview and Getting Started

parallel port, cable pinout assignments

serial devices
Connecting Serial Devices

physical environment specifications
Physical Environment Specifications

power requirements
Physical Environment Specifications

power supply
specifications for Indy
Physical Environment Specifications

serial cable
Printer/Dumb Terminal Serial Cable

radio interference
Radio and Television Interference

registering workstation
Out of Box Experience

PCB on PCI tray
Replacing the PCB on the PCI Tray

s-video port, cable pinout assignments
S-Video (Analog) In and Out

Safety and Regulatory Information

SCSI addresses, for external devices
Choosing a SCSI Address for the External Device

SCSI cable
maximum length
Connecting External SCSI Devices

SCSI port, cable pinout assignments

SCSI terminator
Connecting External SCSI Devices

serial cable
PC Modem Serial Cable
printer/dumb terminal
Printer/Dumb Terminal Serial Cable

serial connectors
Connecting Serial Devices

serial devices
Connecting Serial Devices
modem cable
PC Modem Serial Cable
printer/dumb terminal cable
Printer/Dumb Terminal Serial Cable

serial ports, cable pinout assignments

shielded cables
Shielded Cables

specifications, technical:See online Hardware Reference Guide
Other Sources of Information

specifications for power
Physical Environment Specifications

specifications, table
Physical Environment Specifications

System Tour
Out of Box Experience

technical specifications, table
Physical Environment Specifications

television interference
Radio and Television Interference

terminator, SCSI
Connecting External SCSI Devices

video ports
cable pinout assignments
Digital Video In and Out

Visual Display Terminal (VDT) guidelines
ANSI Standard for Visual Display Terminal Workstations

radio and television interference caused by
Radio and Television Interference
Out of Box Experience