Chapter 4. Error and Informational Messages

This chapter describes the BIOS error and informational messages in the following sections:

Beep Codes

The BIOS uses a series of beeps to alert you to problems during the boot process. In Table 4-1, a number indicates a that number of beeps, and a dash indicates a pause between beeps.

Note: The beeps will only be heard if an external speaker is connected to the front or rear line output ports, as described in “Chassis Front Controls and Indicators” in Chapter 1 and “Rear Panel I/O Ports and Features” in Chapter 1.

Table 4-1. BIOS Beep Codes

Beep Code



Memory failure (all four rows have mismatched SPD data). Specification require that all four DIMMs of any row must have the same SPD data.


Cannot recognize file system on media. File system must be FAT12 or FAT16.


File not present on the disk.


Recovery device not found.


Recovery device initialization failure.


Flash device initialization failure.


Flash update operation failed.


Recovery device failed during a read operation.


Flash device erase failure.


Flash device programming failure.


File verify operation (checksum) failed.


Processor patch installation failed.


File verify operation failed (invalid BIOS).


File verify operation failed (mismatched platform BIOS).


Boot block incompatible with BIOS.


Flash verify after write failed.


Recovery started.


Recovery completed successfully.

BIOS Messages

This section describes the BIOS messages.

Run-time Messages

Searching for Boot record from [device name]...OK  

The BIOS searched for, and found, a valid boot image. The device name can be LS-120, HDD-0, HDD-1, CD-ROM, SCSI, or Network.

Searching for Boot record from [device name]...Not Found  

The BIOS searched for a valid boot image, but did not find one.

Drive Not Ready. Insert BOOT diskette in FS0:  

The SuperDisk (floppy) drive is not physically connected, or the drive does not have a diskette in the drive.

Invalid Boot Diskette  

The diskette in the SuperDisk drive contains an unformatted diskette.

Non-System disk or disk error. Replace and strike any key when ready.  

The diskette in the SuperDisk drive contains a formatted diskette, but not a valid boot diskette.

Configuration Manager Messages

Password is incorrect!  

The password you entered does not match the required password.

Password must be cleared before a new password can be set!  

Use the Clear User Password or Clear Administrator Password button on the Security tab to clear the password before entering a new password.

Password cannot be zero length!  

A password must contain one or more characters.

Password entries do not match!  

The passwords entered in the Password Verification dialog do not match. Enter the passwords again.

Altered settings have not been saved! Selecting "Continue" will discard changes.  

Configuration settings have been changed but not saved. Click Continue to exit without saving the changes, or click Clear to return to the Configuration Manager.

PXE Client Status and Error Messages

PXE-E05: Download buffer is smaller than requested file.  

The size of the requested file is larger than the allocated download buffer.

PXE-E07: Network device error.  

The network device could not be initialized or had some other unexpected failure.

PXE-E09: Could not allocate I/O buffers.  

There is not enough system memory to allocate network I/O buffers.

PXE-E12: Could not detect network connection. Check cable.  

The network cable is not connected to the network interface card (NIC), or something is wrong with the NIC or the network cable.

PXE-E16: Valid PXE offer not received.  

The client did not receive a valid PXE offer. This error is displayed for one or more of the following reasons:

  • There are no DHCP or proxyDHCP servers that can receive the client's DHCP discover packets.

  • There are no DHCP or proxyDHCP servers that can transmit DHCP offer packets to the client.

  • The DHCP and/or proxyDHCP offer packets received by the client do not contain enough information to complete a remote boot.

PXE-E21: Remote boot cancelled.  

You pressed Esc or Ctrl+C or selected a Local Boot option from the remote boot menu.

This message is also displayed when a DHCP/proxyDHCP server sends a menu that auto-selects Local Boot and when a bootserver sends a bootstrap program that returns control to the PXE LoadFile protocol.

PXE-E22: Client received an ICMP error from server.  

An ICMP error was sent to the client by a PXE bootserver or M/TFTP server.

PXE-E23: Client received TFTP error from server.  

A TFTP server sent a TFTP error packet to the client.

PXE-E98: <extra information about previous error code>  

If available, extra error information will be displayed about the previous error message.

PXE-E99: Unexpected network error: XXh  

An EFI status code is returned by the network drivers that was not expected by the PXE LoadFile protocol.