Chapter 1. Installation and Operation Procedures

This chapter shows you how to set up and use your Silicon Graphics® Tezro™ visual workstation in the following sections:

Setting Up the Workstation

This section covers the following topics:

Checking Your Shipment

The following basic components are included in the shipment:

  • Workstation enclosure(s)

  • Keyboard and mouse

  • Monitor and monitor cable

  • Operating system CDs

  • Power cables

  • Anti-static wrist-strap

Any optional components ordered will also be shipped with your system. If any of the components you ordered are damaged or missing, contact your support provider.

Lifting the Workstation

The workstation enclosure weighs approximately 18 kg (40 lb). SGI highly recommends that two people lift the unit when it must be moved. Lift the unit by placing your hands under the bottom edges of the enclosure.

Getting Acquainted

To become familiar with your workstation, see the following figures:

  • Figure 1-1, which shows front views of the single- and dual-enclosure workstation.

  • Figure 1-2, which shows rear views of the single- and dual-enclosure workstation.

    Figure 1-1. Front View of the Workstation

Front View of the 

    Figure 1-2. Rear View of the Workstation

    Rear View of the Workstation

After you have set up your workstation and logged in, see the following resources for more information:

  • From the Toolchest, select System > System Manager for information on the workstation's hardware and software.

  • From the Toolchest, select System > System Manager > About This System to learn about your system's serial number, IP address, operating system, and more.

Installing the Workstation

The workstation can be mounted in an optional SGI rack, a standard 19-in. rack, or placed on a table top. If you do not wish to mount your workstation in a rack, place it on a sturdy surface with adequate clearances for cooling. Then proceed to the next section.

For instructions on installing your workstation in a rack, see Appendix B, “Rackmounting Rail Installation Instructions”. After you have installed the workstation enclosure(s) in the rack, proceed to the next section.

Cabling the Workstation

To cable the workstation, follow these steps:

  1. Connect the keyboard and mouse cables, as shown in Figure 1-3.

    Figure 1-3. Connecting the K eyboard and Mouse Cables

    Connecting the K
and Mouse Cables

    Note: The workstation in Figure 1-3 is shown with the optional USB and audio boards. Your workstation may or may not be equipped with these boards.

  2. Connect the Ethernet cable to the Ethernet port on the IO9 card, as shown in Figure 1-4.

    Figure 1-4. Connecting the Ethernet Cable

    Connecting the 
Ethernet Cable

    Note: The workstation in Figure 1-4 is shown with the optional USB and audio boards. Your workstation may or may not be equipped with these boards.

  3. Connect the monitor cable as follows (see Figure 1-5):

    • Connect the monitor-to-graphics cable to the monitor.

    • Connect the monitor-to-graphics cable to the DVI-I video connector on the back of your workstation.

      Note: The workstation can be connected to a variety of monitors. Your monitor and monitor cable may differ from those shown. If your monitor has multiple inputs, ensure that the source switch is set to the correct input port.

      Figure 1-5. Connecting the Monitor Cable

      Connecting the Monitor 

      Note: The workstation in Figure 1-5 is shown with the optional USB and audio boards. Your workstation may or may not be equipped with these boards.

  4. Connect the power cables to your workstation and monitor and then plug them into approved electrical outlets. See Figure 1-6.

    Figure 1-6. Connecting the Power Cable

    Connecting the Power Cable

    Note: The workstation in Figure 1-6 is shown with the optional USB and audio boards. Your workstation may or may not be equipped with these boards.

  5. Connect any remaining peripheral cables as needed. For cabling instructions, see the documentation that came with your peripherals.

  6. If you are installing a dual-enclosure workstation, proceed to the next step. If your are installing a single-enclosure workstation, proceed to the next section.

  7. Connect the system interconnect cable between the first and second enclosures as follows (see Figure 1-7):

    1. Ensure that the locking tabs on both ends of the cable are in the open position (swung away from the connector base).

    2. Carefully insert the cable into the system interconnect port on the rear of the first enclosure. Secure the cable in the connector by closing the locking tab.

    3. Carefully insert the other end of the cable into the system interconnect port on the rear of the second enclosure. Secure the cable in the connector by closing the locking tab.

      Figure 1-7. Cabling a Dual-enclosure Workstation

      Cabling a Dual-enclosure Workstation

  8. Connect a power cable to the second enclosure (see Figure 1-6).

  9. If present, connect cables to the option boards installed in second enclosure.

You have finished setting up your workstation. Proceed to the next section.

Using the Workstation

This section provides information about using your workstation in the following sections:

Powering On the Workstation

Press the power button on workstation as shown in Figure 1-8. If your workstation is equipped with an optional second enclosure, also press the power button on the second enclosure. Then power on your monitor.

Figure 1-8. Powering On the W orkstation

Powering On the 

A green LED flashing on the front of the workstation indicates that the system is booting. The monitor may remain blank for a few moments. If your system does not boot, see Chapter 4, “Troubleshooting ”.

If your system is booting for the first time, you will see a login screen similar to the example shown in Figure 1-9.

Figure 1-9. Login Screen

Login Screen

If you have a login account, double-click the icon with your login name. If you do not have a login account, double-click EZsetup and then follow the instructions for creating a personal login account and setting up the networking software. Then you can begin using the IRIX interactive desktop to create a personal work area and communicate with other users on your network.

Using the IRIX Interactive Desktop

After you have logged in, you are ready to use the IRIX interactive desktop. By default, several icons appear on your desktop: a folder icon representing your home directory, a dumpster icon, and icons for any peripherals you installed, examples of which are shown in Figure 1-10.

The peripheral icons show the current state of the respective devices. For example, if you insert a music CD into the optional DVD-ROM drive, the icon changes. When you double-click the icon, it opens CD Player, a utility that allows you to play music from a compact disc.

Figure 1-10. Peripheral Icons

Peripheral Icons

The Toolchest, located at the top left corner of your screen, provides access to system functions, applications, hardware and software information, and documentation. See Figure 1-11.

Note: For a complete description of the Toolchest, select Help > InfoSearch from the Toolchest, and type Desktop Users Guide.

Figure 1-11. Toolchest Menu

Toolchest Menu

Using the System Manager

From the Toolchest, select System > System Manager to display the System Manager, which shows your workstation's hardware and software information.

From the Toolchest, select Help to display the library of online documentation. If your workstation is turned off and you cannot access online documentation, this printed guide contains all the information you need. You can also access this guide and most manuals, man pages, and release notes in the SGI Technical Publications Library at , and by using InfoSearch.

From the Toolchest, select Help > InfoSearch and type the name of the desired book or topic to search online books, man pages, and release notes that cover end-user, developer, and system administrator information.

The small box next to the Toolchest is the Console window, as shown in Figure 1-12. It appears as a small box because it is minimized. You can open it to its full size by clicking it. Many system status and error messages appear in this window.

Figure 1-12. Console Window

Console Window

If you click in the Console window, an IRIX shell appears, where you can type IRIX commands. For information on IRIX commands, select Help > Online Books >
SGI_End User > Desktop Users Guide
> Using IRIX Commands from the Toolchest.

Powering Off the Workstation

You can shut down, power off, or restart your workstation in several different ways, which are explained in the following sections:

Powering Off with the Power Button

To power off your workstation with the power button, follow these steps:

  1. Press the power button on the front of your workstation (see Figure 1-8).

    Within a few seconds, a shutdown notifier appears, as shown in Figure 1-13. Within a minute, the system powers off automatically.

    Figure 1-13. System Shutdown Notifier

    System Shutdown Notifier

  2. Turn off your monitor by pressing the monitor power button.

    If your system does not power off and you do not see any activity for several minutes, press the power button again.

    Note: If you press the power button a second time, the system should power off immediately, but this method does not perform a clean shutdown. Avoid using this method unless the system does not respond for several minutes after you first press the power button.

    If pressing the power button a second time does not work, use a paper clip or pin to press the reset switch, shown in Figure 1-14. If the system still fails to power off, unplug the power cable from the back of your workstation and contact your service provider.

    Figure 1-14. Power Button and Reset Button

    Power Button and Reset Button

    Note: The NMI switch shown in Figure 1-14 is used by SGI field engineers to diagnose problems. Do not press this button unless directed by SGI service personnel.

Powering Off from the Toolchest

If y ou have root level access to the workstation, you can shut down your system from the Toolchest as follows:

  1. From the Toolchest, select System > System Shutdown.

    After a few seconds, a shutdown caution message appears, as shown in Figure 1-15.

    Figure 1-15. Shutdown Caution Message

    Shutdown Caution Message

  2. Click the Power Off the System check box.

    The Shutdown the system window appears. At this point, you can shut down and power off the system or configure it to restart at a designated time, as shown in Figure 1-16.

    Figure 1-16. Shutdown System Window

    Shutdown System Window

  3. Click OK to shut down and power off the system.

    The shutdown notifier appears, as shown in Figure 1-17. After a few seconds, the system powers off.

    Figure 1-17. System Shutdown Notifier

    System Shutdown Notifier

Restarting from the Toolchest

If you have root level access to the workstation, you can restart the system from the Toolchest.

  1. From the Toolchest, select System > Restart.

    After a few seconds the restart notifier appears, as shown in Figure 1-18.

    Figure 1-18. Restart Notifier

    Restart Notifier

  2. Click OK in the restart notifier.

    The shutdown notifier appears, as shown in Figure 1-19.

    Figure 1-19. System Shutdown Notifier

    System Shutdown Notifier

    After a brief delay, the power off/restart notifier appears, as shown in Figure 1-20.

    Figure 1-20. Power Off/Restart Notifier

    Power Off/Restart Notifier

  3. Click Restart.

The restart notifier informs you that the system is coming up (restarting), as shown in Figure 1-21.

Figure 1-21. Restart Notifier

Restart Notifier