- adding or replacing disk drives
- Disk Drives
- adding or replacing memory
- Memory
- adding swap space
- Adding Swap Space
- adding users
- Adding Users
- booting up
- Powering On the Workstation
- cable
- ethernet
- Cabling the
- keyboard
- Cabling the
- monitor
- Cabling the
- mouse
- Cabling the
- commands, IRIX
- Using the System Manager
- connector
- Rear Panel Components
- Rear Panel Components
- connector pin assignment
- External SCSI Port Connector
- stereo jack
- Stereo Jack Connector Conductor
- USB type A
- USB Type A Connector
- customer service
- Product Support
- device ID
- Configuring the USB Keyboard and Mouse
- device ID of a keyboard or mouse
- Configuring the USB Keyboard and Mouse
- DIMM installation
- Installing a DIMM
- DIMM removal
- Removing a DIMM
- adding or replacing
- Memory
- features
- Memory
- disk drive installation
- Installing a Disk Drive
- disk drive removal
- Removing a Disk Drive
- disk drives
- adding or replacing
- Disk Drives
- documentation, online
- Using the System Manager
- dumpster icon
- Using the IRIX Interactive Desktop
- DVI monitor connector
- Connecting a Monitor to the Workstation Expansion Enclosure
- electrostatic discharge (ESD)
- Electrostatic Discharge
- Embedded Support Partner (ESP)
- SGI Electronic Support
- enclosure
- layout
- Internal Components
- error messages
- L1 Controller Error Messages
- ESD (electrostatic discharge)
- Electrostatic Discharge
- SGI Electronic Support
- Ethernet connector
- Rear Panel Components
- external SCSI connector
- Rear Panel Components
- File QuickFind
- Operating Tips for Dual User Systems
- folder icon
- Using the IRIX Interactive Desktop
- front view, workstation
- Getting Acquainted
- hard disk drive
- mounting
- Mounting the Second Drive
- hard disk drives
- features
- Internal Hard Disk Drives
- hinv command
- Configuring the USB Keyboard and Mouse
- Host QuickFind
- Operating Tips for Dual User Systems
- icons
- Using the IRIX Interactive Desktop
- InfoSearch
- Using the System Manager
- install
- disk drive
- Installing a Disk Drive
- memory
- Installing a DIMM
- ioconfig(1m) command
- Configuring the USB Keyboard and Mouse
- IRIX commands
- Using the System Manager
- IRIX Interactive desktop
- Using the System Manager
- keyboard, connecting
- Cabling the
- Knowledgebase
- SGI Electronic Support
- L1 console port
- Rear Panel Components
- Rear Panel Components
- L1 controller
- error messages
- L1 Controller Error Messages
- LCD monitors
- Connecting a Monitor to the Workstation Expansion Enclosure
- lifting, workstation
- Lifting the Workstation
- LINK connector
- Rear Panel Components
- Rear Panel Components
- lithium battery warning statements
- Lithium Battery Statement
- login
- Powering On the Workstation
- memory
- adding or replacing
- Memory
- installation
- Installing a DIMM
- removal
- Removing a DIMM
- monitor
- powering on
- Powering On the Workstation
- monitor types
- Connecting a Monitor to the Workstation Expansion Enclosure
- mounting the option drive
- Mounting the Second Drive
- mouse, connecting
- Cabling the
- NMI button
- Powering Off with the Power Button
- online documentation
- Using the System Manager
- option drive
- mounting
- Mounting the Second Drive
- options
- Optional Components
, Peripherals, and Upgrades
- PCI boards
- features
- PCI Buses
- PCI/PCIx15 X card slots
- Rear Panel Components
- Rear Panel Components
- peripheral icon
- Using the IRIX Interactive Desktop
- power button
- Powering Off with the Power Button
- powering off
- procedure
- Powering Off the Workstation
- primary head
- selecting
- Selecting the Head on Which a Program Runs
- Selecting the Head on Which a Program Runs
- product support
- Product Support
- PS/2 as the primary keyboard/mouse
- Configuring the PS/2 Keyboard and Mouse
- rack mounting
- hardware kit
- Rackmounting Hardware
- reconfigure the keyboard or mouse
- Reconfiguring the Keyboard and Mouse Manually
- remove
- disk drive
- Removing a Disk Drive
- memory
- Removing a DIMM
- reset button
- Powering Off with the Power Button
- restart
- Restarting from the Toolchest
- RTO and RTI connectors
- Rear Panel Components
- safety
- Safety Instructions
- See also ESD.
- Safety Instructions
- SCSI connector, external
- Rear Panel Components
- connector pin assignments
- External SCSI Port Connector
- Search For Files
- Operating Tips for Dual User Systems
- secondary head
- selecting
- Selecting the Head on Which a Program Runs
- Selecting the Head on Which a Program Runs
- selecting the primary or secondary head
- Selecting the Head on Which a Program Runs
- SGI Knowledgebase. See Knowledgebase
- SGI Electronic Support
- shut down
- Powering Off the Workstation
- stereo jack
- connector pin assignments
- Stereo Jack Connector Conductor
- Supportfolio Online
- SGI Electronic Support
- swap space
- adding
- Adding Swap Space
- System Components
- System Overview
- System Manager
- Using the System Manager
- technical support
- Product Support
- Toolchest
- restart
- Restarting from the Toolchest
- shut down
- Powering Off from the Toolchest
- system functions
- Using the IRIX Interactive Desktop
- troubleshooting
- L1 controller error messages
- L1 Controller Error Messages
- problems and recommended actions
- Troubleshooting Chart
- upgrades
- Optional Components
, Peripherals, and Upgrades
- USB extender
- Keyboard and Mouse Connection
- USB keyboard
- Keyboard and Mouse Connection
- USB mouse
- Keyboard and Mouse Connection
- USB type A
- connector pin assignments
- USB Type A Connector
- users
- adding
- Adding Users
- VGA CRT monitor
- Connecting a Monitor to the Workstation Expansion Enclosure
- VPro graphics board
- features
- VPro™ Graphics Board
- workstation
- front view
- Getting Acquainted
- login
- Powering On the Workstation
- powering on
- Powering On the Workstation
- setting up
- Cabling the
- shutting down
- Powering Off the Workstation