Chapter 6. X-brick

This chapter describes the function and physical components of the X-brick in the following sections:


The 4U X-brick is an I/O expansion brick that provides an XIO interface for your SGI Origin 3900 server. This brick has four XIO slots (labeled 1, 2, 3, and 4) that support a variety of XIO adapter cards.

Note: Ask your SGI sales representative for a current listing of XIO cards supported by SGI.

Each XIO slot can support one card with maximum power levels of 50 W.

Warning: Only qualified SGI system support engineers (SSEs) can install and replace XIO cards.

The X-brick also contains two Crosstown2 ports and an Xbridge ASIC. Each Crosstown2 port can connect the X-brick to an IP53 node board. The Xbridge ASIC is the interface between the X-brick's two Crosstown2 ports and the slots for the XIO cards, as shown in Figure 6-1.

Figure 6-1. X-brick Block Diagram

X-brick Block 

External Components

This section describes the external components located on the front and rear panels of the X-brick.

Front Panel Components

The X-brick has the following front-panel components (see Figure 6-2):

  • L1 controller display.  This liquid crystal display (LCD) displays status and error messages that the L1 controller generates.

  • On/Off switch with LED. Press this button to turn on the X–brick internal components. Alternatively, you can turn on the X–brick internal components at a system console.

  • L1 controller switches and LEDs:

    • On/Off switch LED.  Illuminates green when the internal components are on.

    • Service required LED. Illuminates orange to indicate that an item is broken or not operating properly, but the X-brick is still operating.

    • Failure LED.  Illuminates red to indicate that a system failure has occurred and the X-brick is not operating.

  • Fans. Three hot-swappable fans provide the required cooling for the X-brick.

    Warning: To prevent personal injury, or damage to the X-brick, the fans can be installed only by a trained SGI system support engineer (SSE).

    Figure 6-2. Front Panel of X-brick

    Front Panel of X-brick

Rear Panel Components

The X-brick has the following rear-panel components (see Figure 6-3).

  • Power switch. Moving the power switch to the 1 position powers on the L1 controller of the X-brick, and moving it to the 0 position powers off the L1 controller.

  • 12-VDC LED. The 12-VDC LED illuminates green when the L1 controller is powered on.

  • 48-VDC LED. The power switch must be in the ON (1) position for this LED to illuminate. The 48-VDC LED illuminates green when the rest of the X-brick internal components are powered on.

  • PWR (power) connector. This connector connects to a power bay, which provides power to the X-brick.

  • XIO card slots. These slots seat the XIO cards. The slots are numbered 1 through 4 as shown in Figure 6-3. Each slot can seat one XIO card with power levels up to 50 W.

    Warning: To avoid personal injury or damage to your system, only qualified SGI system support engineers (SSEs) can install and replace XIO cards.

  • XIO 10 and XIO 11 connectors. Each connector can connect the X-brick to one IP53 node board. As an option, the second connector can connect to another IP53 node board to create a dual-ported X-brick, which provides greater bandwidth.

  • XIO 10 and XIO 11 connector LEDs.  Each connector has two LEDs, as follows:

    • The yellow LED illuminates to indicate that both the X-brick and the IP53 node board to which it is connected are powered on.

    • The green LED illuminates when a link has been established between the X-brick and the IP53 node board to which it connects.

Figure 6-3. Rear Panel of X-brick

Rear Panel of X-brick

Technical Specifications

Table 6-1 lists the technical specifications of the X-brick.

Table 6-1. X-brick Technical Specifications




6.64 in. (168.65 mm)


17.5 in. (444.5 mm)


27.74 in. (698.50 mm)


69 lb (31.29 kg)

Input power

48 VDC (~225 W)