
addresses, for external drives
Assigning a SCSI Address to the External Device

audio ports cable pinouts

Recovering From a System Crash
Software Do's and Don'ts
Recovering From a System Crash

blinking orange light
A Blinking Amber LED with No Error Message

cable pinout assignments
Cable Pinout Assignments
audio ports
Ethernet AUI port
Ethernet AUI
keyboard port
parallel port
Parallel Port
SCSI port
serial ports
Serial Ports

Ethernet cables
Putting the Pieces Together
for dial and button boxes
Installing the Device
keyboard cables
Putting the Pieces Together
mouse cables
Putting the Pieces Together
serial cables
Installing the Device
serial device power cables
Installing the Device
system power cables
Putting the Pieces Together
using shielded
Shielded Cables

CD-ROM drives
About the CD Software Media

confidence tests
Confidence Tests
for dial and button boxes, digitizer tablets and Genlock options
Dial and Button, Tablet, Genlock, and Spaceball
for keyboards
for monitors
for mouse
for tape drives
Quarter Inch Tape and Digital Audio Tape Drives

Console window
Console Window

CPU boards
error messages regarding
A Solid Amber LED with an Error Message
installation of memory SIMMs on
Locating the SIMM Sockets
putting back in workstation
Replacing the CPU Board and Covers
Replacing the CPU Board and Covers
Removing the Covers and CPU Board
Removing the Covers and CPU Board
removing memory SIMMs from
Removing the Memory SIMMs
Replacing the CPU Board or CPU Module
returning to SGI
Ordering Replacement Parts

CPU module
replacing on Indigo R4000
Replacing the CPU Module

diagnostic tests
Interactive Diagnostic Environment (IDE) Tests
confidence tests
Confidence Tests
for dial and button boxes, digitizer tablets and Genlock options
Dial and Button, Tablet, Genlock, and Spaceball
for keyboards
for monitors
for mouse
for tape drives
Quarter Inch Tape and Digital Audio Tape Drives
Power-On Tests
Turning On the IRIS Indigo Workstation
Turning On the IRIS Indigo Workstation

dial and button boxes
Installing Serial Devices
Installing the Device
confidence tests for
Dial and Button, Tablet, Genlock, and Spaceball

dials boxes
Installing Serial Devices

digitizer tablets
Installing Serial Devices
confidence tests for
Dial and Button, Tablet, Genlock, and Spaceball

disk drives
Installing External Devices
If You Installed a Floppy or Floptical Disk Drive
If You Installed a Floppy or Floptical Disk Drive
Installing Internal Drives

drive addresses, for external drives
Assigning a SCSI Address to the External Device

Electronics Modules
Interactive Diagnostic Environment (IDE) Tests

error messages
for CPU boards
A Solid Amber LED with an Error Message
for Electronics Modules
Interactive Diagnostic Environment (IDE) Tests
for graphics boards
A Solid Amber LED with an Error Message
for memory SIMMs
A Blinking Amber LED with No Error Message
Checking and Removing Memory

<Esc\> key, to perform system maintenance
Recovering From a System Crash

Ethernet AUI port cable pinouts
Ethernet AUI

Ethernet cables
Putting the Pieces Together

external drives
checking drive address of
Assigning a SCSI Address to the External Device
installation of
Attaching the Device

floppy disk drives
If You Installed a Floppy or Floptical Disk Drive
If You Installed a Floppy or Floptical Disk Drive

Genlock options
Dial and Button, Tablet, Genlock, and Spaceball

graphics boards
error messages regarding
A Solid Amber LED with an Error Message
Replacing the Graphics Board

graphics tests
Interactive Diagnostic Environment (IDE) Tests

hinv command to check
Checking New Memory
Testing the Internal Drive
Testing the External Device
maintenance of
Hardware Do's and Don'ts
parts included
Unpacking and Setting Up the IRIS Indigo Workstation
Software Do's and Don'ts

help, accessing online
IRIS InSight and Online Help

help, online
IRIS InSight Online Documentation and Help

hinv command
Testing the External Device
Testing the Internal Drive
Checking New Memory

InSight documentation
IRIS InSight Online Documentation and Help

of external drives
Installing External Devices
of internal drives
Putting the Pieces Together
Installing Internal Drives
Putting the Pieces Together
of IRIS Indigo workstations
Putting the Pieces Together
of memory SIMMs
Adding SIMMs to the IRIS Indigo Workstation
of serial devices
Installing Serial Devices
of the system disk
Putting the Pieces Together

installation tape
Recovering From a System Crash

new operating system
Installing a New Version of the Operating System Software
optional software
Installing Optional Software
software subsystems
Choosing Subsystems to Install or Remove

interference to radios and televisions
Radio and Television Interference

internal drives
installation of
Installing Internal Drives
turning on software
Testing the Internal Drive

IRIS Indigo workstations
installation of
Putting the Pieces Together
installation of external drives for
Installing External Devices
installation of memory SIMMs in
Adding SIMMs to the IRIS Indigo Workstation
locking up
Locking Your IRIS Indigo Workstation
powering up
Turning On the IRIS Indigo Workstation
service and support information for
Service and Support Information
setting up
Unpacking and Setting Up the IRIS Indigo Workstation
shutting down
Shutting Down and Turning Off IRIS Indigo
site selection for
Selecting a Site
turning off
Shutting Down and Turning Off IRIS Indigo
turning on
Turning On the IRIS Indigo Workstation
Unpacking and Setting Up the IRIS Indigo Workstation

IRIX shell
Console Window

keyboard cables
Putting the Pieces Together

keyboard port cable pinouts

confidence tests for
installation of
Putting the Pieces Together
Replacing the Keyboard
Green LED But the Keyboard Doesn't Work

limited user warranty
Limited User Warranty

locking up IRIS Indigo workstations
Locking Your IRIS Indigo Workstation

login account
setting up
Creating Your Login Account and Network Connection

login screen
Shutting Down and Turning Off IRIS Indigo
Installing the Drive

Maintaining Your Hardware and Software

Indigo Workstation Owner's Guide

manuals, accessing online
IRIS InSight and Online Help

memory SIMMs
blinking orange light indicator of problems with
A Blinking Amber LED with No Error Message
checking and removing
Checking and Removing Memory
checking, after installation
Checking New Memory
installation of
Adding SIMMs to the IRIS Indigo Workstation
installing in an Indigo R3000
Installing the SIMMs in an IRIS Indigo R3000 Workstation
installing in an Indigo R4000
Installing the SIMMs in an IRIS Indigo R4000 Family Workstation
Removing Memory
removing from an Indigo R3000
Removing the Memory SIMMs from an IRIS Indigo R3000 Workstation
removing from an Indigo R4000
Removing the Memory SIMMs from an IRIS Indigo R4000 Family Workstation

monitor power cables
Putting the Pieces Together

monitor video cables
Putting the Pieces Together

confidence tests for
installation of
Putting the Pieces Together

confidence tests for
installation of
Putting the Pieces Together
shortcuts with
Mouse Techniques and Shortcuts
Mouse Techniques and Shortcuts
Green LED But the Mouse Doesn't Work

mouse cables
Putting the Pieces Together

online documentation
IRIS InSight Online Documentation and Help

online help, how to access
IRIS InSight and Online Help

online manuals, how to access
IRIS InSight and Online Help

operating system
installing new version
Installing a New Version of the Operating System Software

option disk drives, installation of
Putting the Pieces Together

optional software
Installing Optional Software
Removing Optional Software

orange light
A Blinking Amber LED with No Error Message
A Solid Amber LED with No Error Message

parallel port cable pinouts
Parallel Port

confidence tests for
Confidence Tests
disk drives, installation of
Putting the Pieces Together
error messages regarding
Interactive Diagnostic Environment (IDE) Tests
external drives
Installing External Devices
internal drives
Installing Internal Drives
serial devices
Installing Serial Devices

power cables
for monitors
Putting the Pieces Together
for SCSI devices
Attaching the Device
Testing the External Device
for serial devices
Installing the Device

power supplies, replacing
Replacing the Power Supply

power-on diagnostics
Power-On Tests
Turning On the IRIS Indigo Workstation

powering down IRIS Indigo workstations
Shutting Down and Turning Off IRIS Indigo

powering up IRIS Indigo workstations
Turning On the IRIS Indigo Workstation
Turning On the IRIS Indigo Workstation

radio interference
Radio and Television Interference

recovery from system crashes
Recovering From a System Crash

CPU boards
Removing the Covers and CPU Board
graphics boards
Removing the Covers and Graphics Board
Replacing the Keyboard
memory SIMMs
Removing Memory
Checking and Removing Memory
optional software
Removing Optional Software
power supplies
Removing the Covers and Power Supply
software subsystems
Choosing Subsystems to Install or Remove

CPU boards
Replacing the CPU Board or CPU Module
graphics boards
Replacing the Graphics Board
Replacing the Keyboard

reset button
Interactive Diagnostic Environment (IDE) Tests
Recovering From a System Crash

Safety, Maintenance, and Regulatory Information

looking strange
A Solid Amber LED with an Error Message
Software Do's and Don'ts

port cable pinouts

SCSI connectors
Attaching the Device

SCSI devices, external drives
Installing External Devices

cable pinouts for ports
Serial Ports

serial cables
Installing the Device

serial connectors
Installing the Device

serial devices, installation of
Installing Serial Devices

service information
Service and Support Information

setting up IRIS Indigo workstations
Unpacking and Setting Up the IRIS Indigo Workstation
Unpacking and Setting Up the IRIS Indigo Workstation

shielded cables
Shielded Cables

shutting down IRIS Indigo workstations
Shutting Down and Turning Off IRIS Indigo

Silicon Graphics, Inc.
service and support from
Service and Support Information

SIMMs. See memory SIMMs
Software Do's and Don'ts

site selection for IRIS Indigo workstations
Selecting a Site

for serial devices
Configuring the Device
installing new operating system
Installing a New Version of the Operating System Software
installing optional
Installing Optional Software
maintenance of
Software Do's and Don'ts
on CD-ROM drives
About the CD Software Media
on internal drives, turning on
Testing the Internal Drive
removing optional
Removing Optional Software
system crashes resulting from problems with
Recovering From a System Crash

solid orange light
A Solid Amber LED with No Error Message

static electricity
Removing the Covers and CPU Board
Removing the Covers and CPU Board
Removing the Covers and Graphics Board
Removing the Covers and CPU Board

installing and removing
Choosing Subsystems to Install or Remove

support information
Service and Support Information

System chest
to shut down the workstation
Interactive Diagnostic Environment (IDE) Tests

system crashes, recovery from
Recovering From a System Crash

system disks, installation of
Putting the Pieces Together

system maintenance
Recovering From a System Crash
to check new memory
Checking New Memory

System Maintenance Menu
Recovering From a System Crash

system power cables
Putting the Pieces Together

System Tour
System Tour

tape drives
confidence tests for
Quarter Inch Tape and Digital Audio Tape Drives

television interference
Radio and Television Interference

Toolchest menu, to shut down the workstation
Interactive Diagnostic Environment (IDE) Tests

checking and removing memory
Checking and Removing Memory
confidence tests
Confidence Tests
diagnostic tests
Interactive Diagnostic Environment (IDE) Tests
dial and button boxes, digitizer tablets and Genlock options
Dial and Button, Tablet, Genlock, and Spaceball
keyboards, confidence tests for
keyboards, replacing
Replacing the Keyboard
monitors, confidence tests for
mouse, confidence tests for
power-on tests
Power-On Tests
recovery from system crashes
Recovering From a System Crash
replacing CPU boards
Replacing the CPU Board or CPU Module
replacing graphics boards
Replacing the Graphics Board
replacing power supplies
Replacing the Power Supply
service and support for
Service and Support Information
tape drives, confidence tests for
Quarter Inch Tape and Digital Audio Tape Drives

turning off IRIS Indigo workstations
Shutting Down and Turning Off IRIS Indigo

turning on IRIS Indigo workstations
Turning On the IRIS Indigo Workstation

unpacking IRIS Indigo workstations
Unpacking and Setting Up the IRIS Indigo Workstation

video cables
Putting the Pieces Together

Limited User Warranty

radio and television interference caused by
Radio and Television Interference

workstations. See IRIS Indigo workstations
Software Do's and Don'ts

wrist strap
Removing the Covers and CPU Board
Removing the Covers and CPU Board
Removing the Covers and Graphics Board
Removing the Covers and CPU Board

yellow fault light
Interactive Diagnostic Environment (IDE) Tests