- Functions
- Input Mode
- Decorations
- MWM Information
- Window Menu
- MWM Messages
- accelerator
- Mnemonics and Accelerators
- Handling Input and Output
- Input, Focus, and Keyboard Navigation
- Handling Input and Output
- Input, Focus, and Keyboard Navigation
- action
- Handling Input and Output
- Event Handling
- Translations and Actions
- A User-Centered Model
- Actions
- Input, Focus, and Keyboard Navigation
- activation
- Activation, Cancellation, and Help
- Text Editing and Callbacks
- Text Editing and Callbacks
- A User-Centered Model
- active drop site
- Establishing a Drop Site
- add mode
- Keyboard Selection
- anchor
- Selection
- Selection
- application
- Multiple Screens, Displays, and Applications
- Applications
- Application Startup
- Application Shutdown and Restart
- Applications, Top-Level Widgets, and Dialogs
- application programming interface
- Introduction
- application-defined scrolling
- Application-Defined Scrolling
- Example of Application-Defined Scrolling
- Automatic and Application-Defined Scrolling
- ApplicationShell
- Application Shutdown and Restart
- Applications
- Application Shutdown and Restart
- VendorShell
- MainWindow
- Top-Level Widgets
- VendorShell
- Initializing the Intrinsics
- Applications
- Application Startup
- Xt Classes
- Multiple Screens, Displays, and Applications
- Arg
- Arguments that Specify Resource Values
- Arguments that Specify Resource Values
- Arguments that Specify Resource Values
- arguments
- Resource Values
- list Declaration
- Fetching Information from UID Files
- arming
- Arming and Selection
- ArrowButton
- Buttons
- ArrowButtons
- Managing Geometry Using BulletinBoard and DrawingArea
- ArrowButtonGadget
- ArrowButtons
- atom
- Atom and Protocol Management
- attaching icons
- Overview of Drag-Over Effects
- autoKeyFocus
- Input Focus
- automatic scrolling
- Automatic Scrolling
- Example of Automatic Scrolling
- Automatic and Application-Defined Scrolling
- auxiliary area
- Input Method
- background
- Backgrounds
- baseTranslations
- Using Translations
- Using Translations
- Using Translations
- BExtend
- List
- List
- Mouse Selection
- bitmap
- The X Window System
- blending icons
- Overview of Drag-Over Effects
- BMenu
- PopupMenu
- Menus and Options
- Boolean
- Resource Value Data Types
- border
- Borders
- BSelect
- Focus Models
- Input Focus
- Keyboard Traversal
- Focus Models
- ScrollBar
- Selection
- Visual Style
- PushButtons
- ToggleButtons
- Handling Input and Output
- List
- Mouse Selection
- Menus and Options
- Keyboard Selection
- Focus Models
- Focus Callbacks
- CascadeButtons
- Input, Focus, and Keyboard Navigation
- Handling Input Events
- List
- A User-Centered Model
- BtnMotion
- Handling Input Events
- Handling Input Events
- BToggle
- Mouse Selection
- List
- BTransfer
- TearOffMenus
- Recognizing a Drag Has Started
- Overview of Programmer Responsibilities
- Selections and Drag and Drop
- Mouse Selection
- Starting a Drag With XmDragStart
- Overview of Programmer Responsibilities
- Mouse Selection
- Overview of User Interaction
- Drag Sources and Drop Sites
- Drag Initiator Responsibilities for Dragging
- Selections and Drag and Drop
- Technical Overview of Drag and Drop
- Recognizing a Drag Has Started
- BulletinBoard
- Font List Resource Defaults
- Dialogs
- DialogShell
- MessageBox
- Application Startup
- Functions
- BulletinBoard and DialogShell
- BulletinBoard, Form, MessageBox, SelectionBox
- Managers
- Activation, Cancellation, and Help
- Shells and Their Children
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Activation, Cancellation, and Help
- Input Mode
- BulletinBoard and DialogShell
- DialogShell
- Initial Focus
- Initial Focus
- Shells
- DialogShell
- Managers
- BulletinBoard
- Managing Geometry Using BulletinBoard and DrawingArea
- BulletinBoard
- Making a Selection: SelectionBox
- Font List Resource Defaults
- Activation, Cancellation, and Help
- BulletinBoard, Form, MessageBox, SelectionBox
- BulletinBoard, Form, MessageBox, SelectionBox
- Focus Callbacks
- BulletinBoard, Form, MessageBox, SelectionBox
- BulletinBoard, Form, MessageBox, SelectionBox
- Activation, Cancellation, and Help
- PushButtons
- Managing Geometry Using BulletinBoard and DrawingArea
- DialogShell
- Activation, Cancellation, and Help
- DialogShell
- DialogShell
- Font List Resource Defaults
- MWM Properties and Resources
- BulletinBoard
- BulletinBoard
- DialogShell
- BulletinBoard and DialogShell
- Form
- BulletinBoardDialog
- DialogShell
- button
- Buttons
- Buttons
- Menu Components: Buttons, RowColumn, MenuShell
- Labels, Buttons, and Separators
- Drag Sources and Drop Sites
- Buttons
- ButtonPress
- Handling Input Events
- Example of an Input Procedure
- Handling Input Events
- ButtonPressMask
- Event Handlers
- ButtonRelease
- Handling Input Events
- Handling Input Events
- callback
- Drag Callbacks
- Adding Callback Procedures
- Adding Callback Procedures
- Overview of Programmer Responsibilities
- A User-Centered Model
- Event Handling
- Callback Procedures
- Registering Callbacks and Identifiers
- Defining Callback Procedures
- Overview of Programmer Responsibilities
- Text Editing and Callbacks
- Focus Callbacks
- Event Handling and Callbacks
- callbacks
- Callback Procedures
- list Declaration
- Fetching Information from UID Files
- cancel
- Cancelling a Drop
- Cancelling the Drag
- Overview of Programmer Responsibilities
- Activation, Cancellation, and Help
- CascadeButton
- Menus and Options
- RowColumn
- PulldownMenu
- Children
- CascadeButtons
- Menus and Options
- PulldownMenu
- RowColumn
- Buttons
- Focus Models
- Color and Pixmaps
- OptionMenu
- Menus and Options
- RowColumn
- MenuBar
- PopupMenu
- Using Pixmaps
- Primitives and Gadgets
- TearOffMenus
- Buttons
- CascadeButtons
- RowColumn
- Buttons
- CascadeButtonGadget
- MenuBar
- OptionMenu
- RowColumn
- CascadeButtons
- OptionMenu
- Menus and Options
- Buttons
- OptionMenu
- OptionMenu
- OptionMenu
- catclose
- Message Catalogs and Localization
- catgets
- Message Catalogs and Localization
- catopen
- Message Catalogs and Localization
- Message Catalogs and Localization
- Message Catalogs and Localization
- change_managed method
- Managing Widgets
- Managing Widgets
- Managing Widgets
- Widget Class Procedures
- Realizing Widgets
- DialogShell
- char
- Text Resources and Geometry
- Convenience Routines
- Text
- character set
- Internationalization and Localization
- Internationalization and Localization
- Internationalization and Localization
- Internationalization and Localization
- character_set
- Compound Strings in UIL
- Compound Strings in UIL
- Compound Strings in UIL
- Compound Strings in UIL
- Module-Level Declarations
- Font Lists in UIL
- Compound Strings in UIL
- Font Lists in UIL
- Preparing Localized UID Files
- Preparing Localized UID Files
- CheckBox
- Menus and Options
- ToggleButtons
- Graphics and Text in a DrawingArea
- Buttons
- RadioBox and CheckBox
- RadioBox and CheckBox
- RadioBox and CheckBox
- RowColumn
- Buttons
- RadioBox and CheckBox
- Buttons
- class
- Widgets
- Widget Class Procedures
- Widget Classes and Hierarchy
- A User-Centered Model
- Xlib
- Drag and Drop Widget Classes
- client-server model
- The X Window System
- clientAutoPlace
- Window Configuration
- clientDecoration
- Decorations
- clientFunctions
- Functions
- clipboard
- The Motif Clipboard
- clipboard selection
- Selection
- Selection Types
- Selection
- The Motif Clipboard
- clipping
- The X Window System
- code set
- Internationalization and Localization
- Internationalization and Localization
- color
- Color and Pixmaps
- Default Colors and Pixmaps
- Fetching Information from UID Files
- colormap
- Colormaps
- The X Window System
- Protocols and Visuals
- Colormaps
- colormapFocusPolicy
- Colormaps
- Command
- Making a Selection: SelectionBox
- MainWindow
- Command
- Command
- BulletinBoard, Form, MessageBox, SelectionBox
- MainWindow
- Command
- Making a Selection: SelectionBox
- MainWindow
- Composite
- PopupMenu
- Geometry Change Requests
- Widgets
- Xt Classes
- Xt Classes
- Xt Classes
- compound string
- Compound Strings and Font Lists
- Compound Strings and Font Lists
- Compound Strings and Resources
- Compound String Components
- Label and Separator
- Compound Strings, Fonts, and Text Display
- Compound String Components
- Compound String Components
- Compound String Components
- Compound String Components
- Compound Strings and Font Lists
- Compound Strings and Compound Text
- Compound String Components
- compound text
- Compound Strings and Compound Text
- compound_string
- Compound Strings in UIL
- XmNdropProc
- Text Conversion
- Text Conversion
- Text Conversion
- XmNdropProc
- Application Startup
- Text Conversion
- Text Conversion
- Icons
- Text Conversion
- compress_exposure
- Handling Exposure Events
- ConfigureNotify
- Window Configuration
- Application-Defined Scrolling
- Window Configuration
- Window Configuration
- Window Configuration
- Constraint
- Xt Classes
- Manager Widgets and Their Children
- Managers
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Manager Widgets and Their Children
- Manager Widgets and Their Children
- control
- Building Blocks: Primitive Widgets and Gadgets
- Basic Controls
- controls
- list Declaration
- Children
- Children
- copy operation
- Drag Operations
- Core
- Mnemonics and Accelerators
- Managing Geometry
- Default Colors and Pixmaps
- Primitives and Gadgets
- Manager Widgets and Their Children
- Default Colors and Pixmaps
- Core
- Xt Classes
- Colormaps
- Using Translations
- RectObj
- Window Configuration
- Window Configuration
- Core, RectObj, XmPrimitive, and XmGadget Classes
- Managers
- Building Blocks: Primitive Widgets and Gadgets
- Xt Classes
- Building Blocks: Primitive Widgets and Gadgets
- creating widgets
- Creating Widgets
- cursor
- The X Window System
- Selection
- Selection
- customization
- File Search Paths
- The Initial Resource Database
- data transfer
- Dealing with Requests for Transfer
- Incremental Transfers
- XmDropTransfer
- Overview of Programmer Responsibilities
- data type
- Resource Value Data Types
- defaultVirtualBindings
- Bindings for osf Keysyms
- Bindings for osf Keysyms
- Bindings for osf Keysyms
- deiconifyKeyFocus
- Input Focus
- Processing Each Operation
- Targets
- Dealing with Requests for Transfer
- destination
- Selection
- Selection
- dialog
- Menus and Dialogs
- Dialogs
- Input Mode
- Applications, Top-Level Widgets, and Dialogs
- Dialogs
- DialogShell
- Shells and Their Children
- Making a Selection: SelectionBox
- DialogShell
- Shells
- Shells
- DialogShell
- Dialogs
- Sensitivity
- DialogShell
- Making a Selection: SelectionBox
- DialogShell
- DialogShell
- Making a Selection: SelectionBox
- Input Mode
- DialogShell
- DialogShell
- BulletinBoard and DialogShell
- BulletinBoard and DialogShell
- Form
- MessageBox
- DialogShell
- DialogShell
- Menus and Dialogs
- DialogShell
- Shells and Their Children
- Choosing a Pathname: FileSelectionBox
- BulletinBoard and DialogShell
- Dialogs
- Dimension
- Arguments that Specify Resource Values
- Resource Value Data Types
- display
- The X Window System
- Multiple Screens, Displays, and Applications
- drag
- Operations
- Drag Initiator Responsibilities for Dropping
- Protocols
- Drag Protocols
- Cancelling the Drag
- Drag States
- Overview of User Interaction
- Drag Initiator Responsibilities for Dragging
- Overview of User Interaction
- Overview of Drag-Over Effects
- Drop Receiver Responsibilities for Dropping
- Overview of User Interaction
- Drop Receiver Responsibilities for Dragging
- Drag Operations
- Drag Protocols
- Creating a Drag Icon
- Overview of Programmer Responsibilities
- Overview of Programmer Responsibilities
- A Simple Drag Receiver
- drag and drop
- Drag and Drop Protocols
- Overview of User Interaction
- Drag and Drop Example Program
- Selections and Drag and Drop
- Selections and Drag and Drop
- Drag and Drop
- User Overview of Drag and Drop
- drag-over effect
- Protocols and Visuals
- Overview of Drag-Over Effects
- Overview of Programmer Responsibilities
- Overview of Drop Effects
- drag-under effect
- Overview of Programmer Responsibilities
- Overview of Drop Effects
- Drop Receiver Responsibilities for Dragging
- Overview of Drag-Under Effects
- Drag-Under Visual Effects
- Overview of Drag-Under Effects
- The Preregister Drag Protocol
- DragContext
- Drag-Over Visual Effects
- Starting a Drag With XmDragStart
- Drag-Over Visual Effects
- Drag and Drop Functions
- Drag-Over Visual Effects
- Starting a Drag With XmDragStart
- Dealing with Requests for Transfer
- Operation Icon
- XmNdragProc
- Drag Initiator Responsibilities for Dragging
- Visual Style Notes
- Dealing with Requests for Transfer
- Source Icon
- Overriding Existing Drag Sources
- Drag Icon Blending and Attachment
- The Xt Selection Interface
- Establishing a Drop Site
- Creating a Drag Icon
- Dealing with Requests for Transfer
- XmNdragProc
- Overview of Programmer Responsibilities
- Operations
- Overriding Existing Drag Sources
- Technical Overview of Drag and Drop
- Starting a Drag With XmDragStart
- Drag Callbacks
- Drag and Drop Functions
- Drag Callbacks
- Overriding Existing Drag Sources
- Getting Data about the Current Drop Site
- Getting Data about the Current Drop Site
- Starting a Drag With XmDragStart
- Drag and Drop Widget Classes
- Targets
- State Icon
- Overriding Existing Drag Sources
- Operations
- State Icon
- Drag Icon Blending and Attachment
- Drop Protocol
- Protocols and Visuals
- Visual Style Notes
- Drag Callbacks
- Visual Style Notes
- Drag-Over Visual Effects
- DragIcon
- Creating a Drag Icon
- Drag Icon Blending and Attachment
- Drag and Drop Widget Classes
- Overview of Programmer Responsibilities
- Drag and Drop Functions
- drawable
- The X Window System
- DrawingArea
- Moving and Resizing Children
- Application-Defined Scrolling
- Example of Automatic Scrolling
- Handling Input Events
- Handling Input Events
- Event Handling and Callbacks
- Example of Application-Defined Scrolling
- Event Handling and Callbacks
- Simulating Nested Drop Sites
- Text
- Handling Input Events
- Resizing and Redisplay
- Handling Input Events
- Resizing and Redisplay
- Example of Application-Defined Scrolling
- Text Input
- Example of Application-Defined Scrolling
- Example of Automatic Scrolling
- Handling Input Events
- Event Handling and Callbacks
- Resizing and Redisplay
- Moving and Resizing Children
- Handling Input Events
- Example of an Input Procedure
- Resizing and Redisplay
- DrawingArea
- Handling Input and Output
- Example of a Resize Procedure
- Event Handling and Callbacks
- Using a DrawingArea in a ScrolledWindow
- Application-Defined Scrolling
- Graphics and Text in a DrawingArea
- Using a DrawingArea in a ScrolledWindow
- Text Input Using a DrawingArea
- Moving and Resizing Children
- Handling Exposure Events
- DrawingArea
- Event Handling and Callbacks
- Example of Application-Defined Scrolling
- Example of Automatic Scrolling
- Using a DrawingArea in a ScrolledWindow
- Graphics and Text in a DrawingArea
- Using a DrawingArea in a ScrolledWindow
- Handling Exposure Events
- DrawingArea: A General-Purpose Widget
- Moving and Resizing Children
- DrawingArea: A General-Purpose Widget
- Using a DrawingArea in a ScrolledWindow
- Handling Exposure Events
- Handling Resize Events
- Initial Focus
- Managers
- DrawingArea: A General-Purpose Widget
- Controlling Keyboard Navigation
- Using a DrawingArea in a ScrolledWindow
- Using a DrawingArea for Graphics
- Handling Resize Events
- Using a DrawingArea for Graphics
- Handling Exposure Events
- Using a DrawingArea for Graphics
- Using a DrawingArea for Graphics
- DrawingArea: A General-Purpose Widget
- DrawingArea and Advanced Text Editing
- Example of Application-Defined Scrolling
- DrawingArea: A General-Purpose Widget
- Text Output
- Managing Geometry Using BulletinBoard and DrawingArea
- Example of Automatic Scrolling
- Moving and Resizing Children
- Example of an Expose Procedure
- DrawingArea: A General-Purpose Widget
- Example of Automatic Scrolling
- DrawnButton
- Buttons
- Specially Shaped Drop Sites
- Primitives and Gadgets
- DrawnButtons
- Buttons
- Managing Geometry Using BulletinBoard and DrawingArea
- Using a DrawingArea for Graphics
- drop
- Drop Protocol
- Drop Protocol
- Overview of User Interaction
- Cancelling a Drop
- drop site
- Overview of Programmer Responsibilities
- Drag States
- Establishing a Drop Site
- Overlapping Drop Sites
- Establishing a Drop Site
- Overview of Drag-Under Effects
- Overview of User Interaction
- Simulating Nested Drop Sites
- Specially Shaped Drop Sites
- Establishing a Drop Site
- Drag States
- Drag States
- DropSite
- Processing Each Operation
- Drag-Under Visual Effects
- Establishing a Drop Site
- Targets
- Operations
- Operations
- Drag Callbacks
- Drag and Drop Widget Classes
- XmNdragProc
- Drag Callbacks
- The Preregister Drag Protocol
- Complexity of Drag and Drop Programs
- Drag Callbacks
- XmNdragProc
- The Preregister Drag Protocol
- Drag Callbacks
- Drag Sources and Drop Sites
- Drag Callbacks
- DropTransfer
- XmDropTransfer
- Drop Receiver Responsibilities for Dropping
- XmNdropProc
- The Xt Selection Interface
- XmDropTransfer
- Drop Protocol
- XmDropTransfer
- Drop Protocol
- Cancelling a Drop
- Drag and Drop Widget Classes
- XmDropTransfer
- XmDropTransfer
- Dealing with Requests for Transfer
- XmNdropProc
- Drop Protocol
- dynamic protocol
- The Dynamic Drag Protocol
- Drag Protocols
- Drag Protocols
- end module
- Structure of a UIL Module
- end module Clause
- enforceKeyFocus
- Input Focus
- error
- The X Window System
- ErrorDialog
- MessageBox
- event
- Handling Input and Output
- Handling Input and Output
- Event Handling
- Event Handling and Callbacks
- Handling Exposure Events
- A User-Centered Model
- Input, Focus, and Keyboard Navigation
- The X Window System
- Handling Resize Events
- Handling Input Events
- Event Handlers
- The X Window System
- event handler
- Input, Focus, and Keyboard Navigation
- Handling Input and Output
- Event Handlers
- event loop
- Entering the Event Loop
- Structure of a Motif Program
- Entering the Event Loop
- export target
- Targets
- exported
- Fetching Information from UID Files
- Expose
- Handling Exposure Events
- Example of an Expose Procedure
- Exposure and Redisplay
- Handling Exposure Events
- Handling Exposure Events
- Handling Exposure Events
- Handling Exposure Events
- Exposure and Redisplay
- expose method
- Handling Exposure Events
- Exposure and Redisplay
- Resizing and Redisplay
- Handling Exposure Events
- Handling Exposure Events
- Event Handling and Callbacks
- f.focus_color
- Colormaps
- f.kill
- Application Shutdown and Restart
- Application Shutdown and Restart
- f.next_cmap
- Colormaps
- f.prev_cmap
- Colormaps
- f.send_msg
- MWM Messages
- MWM Messages
- file search path
- File Search Paths
- FileSelectionBox
- Example of Application-Defined Scrolling
- Mnemonics and Accelerators
- Choosing a Pathname: FileSelectionBox
- Choosing a Pathname: FileSelectionBox
- Choosing a Pathname: FileSelectionBox
- Mnemonics and Accelerators
- Choosing a Pathname: FileSelectionBox
- Storing Text in a File
- BulletinBoard, Form, MessageBox, SelectionBox
- Making a Selection: SelectionBox
- Choosing a Pathname: FileSelectionBox
- Making a Selection: SelectionBox
- A User-Centered Model
- FileSelectionDialog
- Choosing a Pathname: FileSelectionBox
- focus
- The X Window System
- Focus Models
- Handling Input and Output
- Initial Focus
- Input, Focus, and Keyboard Navigation
- Input Focus
- Input, Focus, and Keyboard Navigation
- Focus Highlights
- Initial Focus
- font
- Font Lists in UIL
- Font Lists in UIL
- Font Lists in UIL
- Fonts, Font Lists, and Font Sets
- Font Lists in UIL
- The X Window System
- font list
- Font List Resource Defaults
- Font List Structure
- Label and Separator
- Font Lists in UIL
- Text and TextField Widgets and Font Lists
- Compound Strings and Font Lists
- Font Lists and Resources
- Compound Strings and Font Lists
- Fonts, Font Lists, and Font Sets
- Compound Strings and Font Lists
- font list element tag
- Compound String Components
- Compound Strings and Font Lists
- Compound String Components
- font set
- Fonts, Font Lists, and Font Sets
- font_table
- Font Lists in UIL
- Font Lists in UIL
- fontset
- Font Lists in UIL
- Font Lists in UIL
- Font Lists in UIL
- Font Lists in UIL
- foreground
- Foregrounds
- ForgetGravity
- Example of an Expose Procedure
- Resizing and Redisplay
- Handling Exposure Events
- Form
- Managers
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- BulletinBoard, Form, MessageBox, SelectionBox
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Setting a Compound String in a Defaults File
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Manager Widgets and Their Children
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Initial Focus
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Form
- Frame
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- BulletinBoard, Form, MessageBox, SelectionBox
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- BulletinBoard and DialogShell
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- FormDialog
- Form
- Frame
- Frame
- Frame
- Frame
- Manager Widgets and Their Children
- Frame
- Frame
- Frame
- Frame
- Frame
- Frame
- Resizing and Redisplay
- Frame
- Frame
- Frame
- Managers
- Frame
- Frame
- Frame
- Gadget
- Building Blocks: Primitive Widgets and Gadgets
- Building Blocks: Primitive Widgets and Gadgets
- Input Focus
- Building Blocks: Primitive Widgets and Gadgets
- Primitives and Gadgets
- Building Blocks: Primitive Widgets and Gadgets
- A User-Centered Model
- XmGadget
- Building Blocks: Primitive Widgets and Gadgets
- Widgets
- Primitives and Gadgets
- Xt Classes
- Core, RectObj, XmPrimitive, and XmGadget Classes
- Basic Controls
- Primitives and Gadgets
- GC
- The X Window System
- geometry
- Window Configuration
- Geometry Management of Pre-Edit and Status Areas
- Widget Geometry
- Text Resources and Geometry
- Managing Geometry
- geometry management
- Managing Geometry
- Widget Geometry
- Geometry Management of Pre-Edit and Status Areas
- geometry_manager method
- Preferred Size and Location
- Exposure and Redisplay
- Moving and Resizing Children
- Widget Class Procedures
- Geometry Change Requests
- XtSetValues
- Geometry Change Requests
- The geometry_manager Procedure
- The geometry_manager Procedure
- Intermediate Geometry Requests
- The resize Procedure
- The geometry_manager Procedure
- Exposure and Redisplay
- Shells and Their Children
- The geometry_manager Procedure
- The resize Procedure
- The geometry_manager Procedure
- The geometry_manager Procedure
- Intermediate Geometry Requests
- Preferred Size and Location
- Shells and Their Children
- The resize Procedure
- Intermediate Geometry Requests
- grab
- Input, Focus, and Keyboard Navigation
- Handling Input and Output
- graphical user interface
- Introduction
- graphics context
- The X Window System
- GXxor
- Using a DrawingArea for Graphics
- header file
- Including Header Files
- Header Files and Libraries
- Including Header Files
- help
- Providing Help
- Activation, Cancellation, and Help
- highlight
- Focus Highlights
- Visual Style
- User Application File
- hotspot
- The X Window System
- Interclient Communication
- icon
- Overview of Drag-Over Effects
- Fetching Information from UID Files
- Overview of Drag-Over Effects
- Icons
- Overview of Drag-Over Effects
- Icons
- Drag States
- Overview of Drag-Over Effects
- Creating a Drag Icon
- Operation Icon
- State Icon
- Overview of Drag-Over Effects
- Icons
- Source Icon
- Icons
- Overview of Drag-Over Effects
- Overview of User Interaction
- iconDecoration
- Icons
- iconImageMaximum
- Icons
- iconImageMinimum
- Icons
- iconPlacement
- Icons
- iconPlacementMargin
- Icons
- identifier
- identifier Declaration
- Structure of a UIL Module
- import target
- Targets
- inactive drop site
- Establishing a Drop Site
- include
- Preparing Localized UID Files
- include Directive
- Structure of a UIL Module
- include Directive
- include file
- Including Header Files
- Including Header Files
- Header Files and Libraries
- incremental transfer
- Drop Protocol
- InformationDialog
- MessageBox
- initial focus
- Initial Focus
- initialization
- Initializing the Intrinsics
- Initializing the Intrinsics
- Initializing MRM
- Widget Initialization
- Application Startup
- initialize method
- Manager Widgets and Their Children
- Using Translations
- Widget Initialization
- initiator
- Overview of Programmer Responsibilities
- Drag Initiator Responsibilities for Dropping
- Drag Initiator Responsibilities for Dragging
- input
- The Problems
- Handling Input and Output
- Input, Focus, and Keyboard Navigation
- Handling Input Events
- input context
- Input Context
- input focus
- Initial Focus
- Handling Input and Output
- input manager
- Input Manager
- input method
- Input Method
- Input Method
- Input Method
- Input Method
- Shells and Their Children
- Input Method
- Input Method
- The Solution
- Input Method
- Targets
- Targets
- insertion cursor
- Selection
- Selection
- instance
- Building Blocks: Primitive Widgets and Gadgets
- Widgets
- Inter-Client Communication Conventions Manual (ICCCM)
- Interclient Communication
- interactivePlacement
- Window Configuration
- interclient communication
- Interclient Communication
- internationalization
- Internationalization
- Intrinsics
- Xt
- Initializing the Intrinsics
- Initializing the Intrinsics
- Using Xlib, Xt, and Motif
- The Xt Selection Interface
- invalid drop site
- Drag States
- ISO character set
- Internationalization and Localization
- KActivate
- Focus Models
- ToggleButtons
- Activation, Cancellation, and Help
- List
- CascadeButtons
- Choosing a Pathname: FileSelectionBox
- PushButtons
- PushButtons
- BulletinBoard
- Activation, Cancellation, and Help
- Menus and Options
- KBeginLine
- Making a Selection: SelectionBox
- Mnemonics and Accelerators
- KCancel
- Drag and Drop Functions
- TearOffMenus
- PopupMenu
- Drop Protocol
- BulletinBoard
- Cancelling the Drag
- Mouse Selection
- Activation, Cancellation, and Help
- PulldownMenu
- Overview of User Interaction
- KCopy
- Keyboard Selection
- KCut
- Keyboard Selection
- KDown
- Tab Groups
- Text and TextField
- Tab Groups
- Text and TextField
- Making a Selection: SelectionBox
- Mnemonics and Accelerators
- Input, Focus, and Keyboard Navigation
- Tab Groups
- KEndLine
- Making a Selection: SelectionBox
- Mnemonics and Accelerators
- KEnter
- Text and TextField
- Text and TextField
- KExtend
- List
- List
- Keyboard Selection
- keyboard focus
- Focus Highlights
- The X Window System
- Input, Focus, and Keyboard Navigation
- Input Focus
- Input, Focus, and Keyboard Navigation
- Focus Models
- keyboard selection
- Keyboard Selection
- keyboard traversal
- Traversing to Obscured Widgets
- Focus Models
- Keyboard Traversal
- Input, Focus, and Keyboard Navigation
- Controlling Keyboard Navigation
- Building Blocks: Primitive Widgets and Gadgets
- keyboardFocusPolicy
- Input Focus
- Focus Models
- Input Focus
- KeyPress
- The X Window System
- Translation Table Format
- Handling Input Events
- Handling Input Events
- Labels
- Mnemonics and Accelerators
- KeyRelease
- Handling Input Events
- Handling Input Events
- Translation Table Format
- keysym
- Bindings for osf Keysyms
- KHelp
- Mouse Selection
- Building Blocks: Primitive Widgets and Gadgets
- Providing Help
- XmPrimitive
- Activation, Cancellation, and Help
- Overview of User Interaction
- KLeft
- Input, Focus, and Keyboard Navigation
- Tab Groups
- Tab Groups
- KMenu
- Menus and Options
- Focus Models
- Focus Models
- PopupMenu
- KMenuBar
- Focus Models
- KNextFamilyWindow
- Focus Models
- KNextField
- XmProcessTraversal
- Tab Groups
- Controlling Tab Group Traversal Order
- Traversing to Obscured Widgets
- Tab Groups
- Input, Focus, and Keyboard Navigation
- Tab Groups
- Controlling Tab Group Traversal Order
- Tab Groups
- Tab Groups
- KNextWindow
- Focus Models
- KPaste
- Keyboard Selection
- KPrevFamilyWindow
- Focus Models
- KPrevField
- Tab Groups
- Controlling Tab Group Traversal Order
- Tab Groups
- Input, Focus, and Keyboard Navigation
- Tab Groups
- XmProcessTraversal
- Tab Groups
- Controlling Tab Group Traversal Order
- Tab Groups
- KPrevWindow
- Focus Models
- KPrimaryCopy
- Keyboard Selection
- KPrimaryCut
- Keyboard Selection
- KRestore
- Mnemonics and Accelerators
- Making a Selection: SelectionBox
- KRight
- Tab Groups
- Tab Groups
- Tab Groups
- Input, Focus, and Keyboard Navigation
- KSelect
- A User-Centered Model
- List
- List
- CascadeButtons
- A User-Centered Model
- ToggleButtons
- Keyboard Selection
- PushButtons
- Focus Models
- Menus and Options
- KSpace
- Text and TextField
- Text and TextField
- KTab
- Text
- Text and TextField
- Text and TextField
- KUp
- Text and TextField
- Tab Groups
- Tab Groups
- Mnemonics and Accelerators
- Input, Focus, and Keyboard Navigation
- Text and TextField
- Making a Selection: SelectionBox
- Label
- Handling Input and Output
- Primitives and Gadgets
- Complexity of Drag and Drop Programs
- Compound Strings and Compound Text
- RowColumn
- Foregrounds
- Labels
- Text
- Overriding Existing Drag Sources
- A Simple Drag Receiver
- A Simple Drag Receiver
- A Simple Drag Receiver
- Managing Geometry
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- Managing Geometry
- ArrowButtons
- Drag Sources and Drop Sites
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- Label and Separator
- Compound Strings and Resources
- Mnemonics and Accelerators
- Labels
- Primitives and Gadgets
- Buttons
- ToggleButtons
- Label and Separator
- Frame
- Basic Controls
- Mnemonics and Accelerators
- Source Icon
- Drag-Under Visual Effects
- Color and Pixmaps
- XtSetValues
- RowColumn
- XmNtraversalOn
- Selections and Drag and Drop
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- Selection
- Text
- Default Colors and Pixmaps
- Labels
- Starting a Drag With XmDragStart
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- Labels, Buttons, and Separators
- Label and Separator
- LabelGadget
- OptionMenu
- Label and Separator
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- MessageBox
- Default Colors and Pixmaps
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- XmNtraversalOn
- OptionMenu
- MessageBox
- Labels
- OptionMenu
- Labels
- OptionMenu
- Scale
- Mnemonics and Accelerators
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- ArrowButtons
- OptionMenu
- ToggleButtons
- OptionMenu
- Labels
- Mnemonics and Accelerators
- RowColumn
- Foregrounds
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- Preparing Localized UID Files
- Localization Without Locales
- Establishing the Language Environment
- Compound Strings in UIL
- Compound Strings in UIL
- Font Lists in UIL
- Compound Strings in UIL
- Message Catalogs and Localization
- Establishing the Language Environment
- Font Lists in UIL
- Locales and Localization
- Compound Strings in UIL
- Establishing the Language Environment
- language environment
- Establishing the Language Environment
- library
- Header Files and Libraries
- link operation
- Drag Operations
- List
- Controlling Tab Group Traversal Order
- Command
- Activation, Cancellation, and Help
- BulletinBoard, Form, MessageBox, SelectionBox
- List
- Tab Groups
- Command
- ScrolledWindow and MainWindow
- List
- List
- Primitives and Gadgets
- Color and Pixmaps
- List
- Starting a Drag With XmDragStart
- Tab Groups
- list Declaration
- List
- Selection Types
- Managing Geometry Using BulletinBoard and DrawingArea
- List
- List
- List
- Tab Groups
- Structure of a UIL Module
- Managing Geometry Using BulletinBoard and DrawingArea
- Overriding Existing Drag Sources
- Complexity of Drag and Drop Programs
- Selection
- List
- List
- Making a Selection: SelectionBox
- Mnemonics and Accelerators
- list Declaration
- Mnemonics and Accelerators
- List
- Drag Sources and Drop Sites
- List
- Choosing a Pathname: FileSelectionBox
- Basic Controls
- List
- list Declaration
- List
- Choosing a Pathname: FileSelectionBox
- Selections and Drag and Drop
- Making a Selection: SelectionBox
- Source Icon
- List
- List
- Command
- Focus Highlights
- Tab Groups
- Text
- locale
- Locales and Localization
- Text Conversion
- Using Locales
- localization
- Internationalization and Localization
- Resources and Localization
- Localizing Applications
- MainWindow
- Example of Application-Defined Scrolling
- MainWindow
- ScrolledWindow and MainWindow
- Applications
- Example of Automatic Scrolling
- MainWindow
- MainWindow
- Controlling Tab Group Traversal Order
- MainWindow
- ScrolledWindow and MainWindow
- RowColumn
- MainWindow
- Menus and Options
- Applications
- MainWindow
- An Example
- MainWindow
- MainWindow
- Managers
- MainWindow
- Example of Automatic Scrolling
- Example of Application-Defined Scrolling
- MainWindow
- MainWindow
- MainWindow
- Children
- MAlt BTransfer
- Mouse Selection
- MAlt MShift BTransfer
- Mouse Selection
- managed
- Children
- managed widget
- Making Widgets Visible
- Widget Geometry
- Managing Widgets
- Making Widgets Visible
- Manager
- Managers
- Default Colors and Pixmaps
- ScrollBar
- Handling Input Events
- Managers
- Basic Controls
- Initial Focus
- Managers
- Manager Widgets and Their Children
- Manager Widgets and Their Children
- Default Colors and Pixmaps
- Manager Widgets and Their Children
- Input Focus
- A User-Centered Model
- XmGadget
- Initial Focus
- Default Colors and Pixmaps
- XmGadget
- Managers
- Shells
- Managers
- mapped widget
- Making Widgets Visible
- Mapping Widgets
- maximumClientSize
- Window Configuration
- maximumMaximumSize
- Window Configuration
- memory management
- Resource Values and Memory Management
- menu
- Menus and Dialogs
- Menus and Options
- MenuBar
- Storing Text in a File
- Managing Geometry Using BulletinBoard and DrawingArea
- MenuBar
- Children
- Applications
- MenuBar
- MainWindow
- MainWindow
- MessageBox
- Making a Selection: SelectionBox
- Mnemonics and Accelerators
- Menus and Options
- RowColumn
- RowColumn
- Initial Focus
- ScrolledWindow and MainWindow
- BulletinBoard, Form, MessageBox, SelectionBox
- Focus Models
- Menus and Options
- RowColumn
- PulldownMenu
- MenuBar
- Creating Widgets
- Managers
- Tab Groups
- MenuBar
- MenuShell
- MenuShell
- PulldownMenu
- Font List Resource Defaults
- MenuShell
- Font List Resource Defaults
- MenuShell
- PopupMenu
- MenuShell
- Shells and Their Children
- MenuShell
- PulldownMenu
- MenuShell
- MenuShell
- MenuShell
- Font List Resource Defaults
- MenuBar
- Menu Components: Buttons, RowColumn, MenuShell
- Sensitivity
- Font List Resource Defaults
- Shells
- Shells
- Menus and Dialogs
- PulldownMenu
- message
- MWM Messages
- message catalog
- Message Catalogs and Localization
- MessageBox
- MessageBox
- BulletinBoard, Form, MessageBox, SelectionBox
- MessageBox
- Initial Focus
- BulletinBoard, Form, MessageBox, SelectionBox
- MessageBox
- Buttons
- BulletinBoard, Form, MessageBox, SelectionBox
- Buttons
- MessageBox
- MessageBox
- Color and Pixmaps
- Using Pixmaps
- MessageDialog
- MessageBox
- method
- The resize Procedure
- Widget Class Procedures
- Event Handling and Callbacks
- The resize Procedure
- The geometry_manager Procedure
- Shells and Their Children
- The resize Procedure
- Shells and Their Children
- Event Handling and Callbacks
- Window Configuration
- Using Translations
- Window Configuration
- The resize Procedure
- Using Translations
- Intermediate Geometry Requests
- Handling Resize Events
- The resize Procedure
- Realizing Widgets
- Handling Resize Events
- Intermediate Geometry Requests
- Handling Resize Events
- The resize Procedure
- Managing Widgets
- Handling Resize Events
- Realizing Widgets
- The geometry_manager Procedure
- Preferred Size and Location
- Shells and Their Children
- Widget Class Procedures
- Preferred Size and Location
- Moving and Resizing Children
- The geometry_manager Procedure
- Geometry Change Requests
- Managing Widgets
- XtSetValues
- The geometry_manager Procedure
- Preferred Size and Location
- The geometry_manager Procedure
- XtSetValues
- XtSetValues
- Preferred Size and Location
- Widget Class Procedures
- Moving and Resizing Children
- Preferred Size and Location
- The geometry_manager Procedure
- Manager Widgets and Their Children
- Preferred Size and Location
- Manager Widgets and Their Children
- Setting Resource Values
- Moving and Resizing Children
- Widget Class Procedures
- Moving and Resizing Children
- Geometry Change Requests
- Moving and Resizing Children
- Exposure and Redisplay
- XtSetValues
- Exposure and Redisplay
- Moving and Resizing Children
- Exposure and Redisplay
- Exposure and Redisplay
- The geometry_manager Procedure
- The geometry_manager Procedure
- XtSetValues
- Moving and Resizing Children
- DialogShell
- Resizing and Redisplay
- Resizing and Redisplay
- Widget Initialization
- Resizing and Redisplay
- XtSetValues
- Intermediate Geometry Requests
- Exposure and Redisplay
- XtSetValues
- The geometry_manager Procedure
- The resize Procedure
- Widget Class Procedures
- Handling Exposure Events
- The geometry_manager Procedure
- Widget Class Procedures
- Handling Exposure Events
- Intermediate Geometry Requests
- Handling Exposure Events
- The resize Procedure
- Window Configuration
- Managing Widgets
- Intermediate Geometry Requests
- Window Configuration
- mnemonic
- Handling Input and Output
- Mnemonics and Accelerators
- Handling Input and Output
- Input, Focus, and Keyboard Navigation
- Input, Focus, and Keyboard Navigation
- modal dialog
- Input Mode
- Dialogs
- Dialogs
- modeless dialog
- Dialogs
- Dialogs
- module
- Structure of a UIL Module
- Structure of a UIL Module
- module Clause
- Motif
- Motif
- Motif Resource Manager (MRM)
- Separating Interface from Application
- MRM and Localized UID Files
- Structure of a Program Using UIL and MRM
- UIL and MRM
- Initializing MRM
- Motif Window Manager (MWM)
- Window Configuration
- Motif Window Manager
- Menus and Dialogs
- MWM Properties and Resources
- Focus Models
- Colormaps
- Input Focus
- Application Shutdown and Restart
- Icons
- .motifbind
- Bindings for osf Keysyms
- MotionNotify
- Handling Input Events
- Handling Input Events
- Example of an Input Procedure
- mouse selection
- Mouse Selection
- move operation
- Drag Operations
- MRM and Localized UID Files
- Initializing MRM
- Separating Interface from Application
- UIL and MRM
- Structure of a Program Using UIL and MRM
- MrmCloseHierarchy
- Closing the UID File
- Opening UID Files
- MrmFetchColorLiteral
- Fetching Information from UID Files
- MrmFetchIconLiteral
- Fetching Information from UID Files
- MrmFetchLiteral
- Fetching Information from UID Files
- MrmFetchSetValues
- Fetching Information from UID Files
- MrmFetchWidget
- Fetching Information from UID Files
- Making Widgets Visible
- Making Widgets Visible
- Fetching Information from UID Files
- Defining Callback Procedures
- Fetching Information from UID Files
- Making Widgets Visible
- Fetching Information from UID Files
- MrmFetchWidgetOverride
- Fetching Information from UID Files
- Fetching Information from UID Files
- MrmInitialize
- Initializing MRM
- Initializing MRM
- MrmNcreateCallback
- Fetching Information from UID Files
- Callback Procedures
- MrmOpenHierarchyPerDisplay
- Opening UID Files
- Opening UID Files
- MRM and Localized UID Files
- Opening UID Files
- Opening UID Files
- MRM and Localized UID Files
- Opening UID Files
- MRM and Localized UID Files
- MRM and Localized UID Files
- Opening UID Files
- Opening UID Files
- MrmRegisterNames
- Registering Callbacks and Identifiers
- procedure Declaration
- Defining Callback Procedures
- Registering Callbacks and Identifiers
- Callback Procedures
- identifier Declaration
- MrmRegisterNamesInHierarchy
- Callback Procedures
- Registering Callbacks and Identifiers
- procedure Declaration
- Defining Callback Procedures
- identifier Declaration
- MShift BTransfer
- Mouse Selection
- multiple
- Multiple Screens, Displays, and Applications
- Targets
- Multiple Screens, Displays, and Applications
- Multiple Screens, Displays, and Applications
- MWM Properties and Resources
- Menus and Dialogs
- Bindings for osf Keysyms
- Input Focus
- Window Configuration
- Motif Window Manager
- Application Shutdown and Restart
- Focus Models
- Icons
- Colormaps
- name
- Xlib
- names
- Module-Level Declarations
- Module-Level Declarations
- nested drop sites
- Simulating Nested Drop Sites
- Message Catalogs and Localization
- Message Catalogs and Localization
- no drop site
- Drag States
- nonincremental transfer
- Drop Protocol
- normal mode
- Keyboard Selection
- Selection
- NorthWestGravity
- Window Configuration
- Resizing and Redisplay
- object
- Children
- Fetching Information from UID Files
- list Declaration
- object Declaration
- Fetching Information from UID Files
- Callback Procedures
- list Declaration
- Structure of a UIL Module
- Children
- Fetching Information from UID Files
- Object Type
- Object Type
- object Declaration
- Resource Values
- object type
- Object Type
- objects
- Module-Level Declarations
- Object Type
- off-the-spot input method
- Input Method
- operation
- Drag Operations
- Drag Operations
- Drag Operations
- Drag Operations
- Operations
- operation icon
- Overview of Drag-Over Effects
- Operation Icon
- OptionButton
- OptionMenu
- OptionLabel
- OptionMenu
- OptionMenu
- Menus and Options
- OptionMenu
- Children
- Initial Focus
- RowColumn
- RowColumn
- OptionMenu
- Children
- OptionMenu
- PulldownMenu
- OptionMenu
- Tab Groups
- OptionMenu
- OptionMenu
- osf keysym
- Bindings for osf Keysyms
- OSF/Motif
- Motif
- output
- Handling Input and Output
- over-the-spot input method
- Input Method
- overlapping drop sites
- Overlapping Drop Sites
- OverrideShell
- Xt Classes
- MenuShell
- MenuShell
- Menus and Dialogs
- Shells
- Shells and Their Children
- pane
- PanedWindow
- PanedWindow
- PanedWindow
- Tab Groups
- PanedWindow
- PanedWindow
- PanedWindow
- Manager Widgets and Their Children
- Sharing Text Sources
- PanedWindow
- Managers
- PanedWindow
- PanedWindow
- PanedWindow
- PanedWindow
- PanedWindow
- PanedWindow
- PanedWindow
- PanedWindow
- PanedWindow
- PanedWindow
- PanedWindow
- Managing Geometry
- pending delete
- Selection
- Pixel
- Resource Value Data Types
- The X Window System
- pixmap
- The X Window System
- Images, Pixmaps, and Localization
- Using Pixmaps
- Color and Pixmaps
- plane
- The X Window System
- popup
- Top-Level Widgets
- Multiple Screens, Displays, and Applications
- PopupMenu
- Managing Widgets
- Tab Groups
- Defining Callback Procedures
- RowColumn
- Menus and Options
- PopupMenu
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- PopupMenu
- CascadeButtons
- Shells and Their Children
- Dialogs
- PulldownMenu
- Event Handlers
- PopupMenu
- MenuShell
- MenuShell
- PopupMenu
- Children
- MenuShell
- PopupMenu
- Mnemonics and Accelerators
- PopupMenu
- Menus and Options
- MenuShell
- PopupMenu
- PopupMenu
- Mnemonics and Accelerators
- Labels
- MenuShell
- PopupMenu
- RowColumn
- TearOffMenus
- Initial Focus
- RowColumn
- Position
- Resource Value Data Types
- Arguments that Specify Resource Values
- positionIsFrame
- Window Configuration
- positionOnScreen
- Window Configuration
- pre-edit area
- Input Method
- pre-editing
- Input Method
- preregister protocol
- Drag Protocols
- Drag Protocols
- The Preregister Drag Protocol
- primary selection
- Selection
- Selection Types
- Selection
- Primitive
- Building Blocks: Primitive Widgets and Gadgets
- Core, RectObj, XmPrimitive, and XmGadget Classes
- Default Colors and Pixmaps
- Primitives and Gadgets
- Primitives and Gadgets
- Primitives and Gadgets
- Basic Controls
- Default Colors and Pixmaps
- XmPrimitive
- Primitives and Gadgets
- Building Blocks: Primitive Widgets and Gadgets
- Manager Widgets and Their Children
- XmGadget
- Widgets
- Building Blocks: Primitive Widgets and Gadgets
- Geometry Change Requests
- Input Focus
- Building Blocks: Primitive Widgets and Gadgets
- Labels, Buttons, and Separators
- Manager Widgets and Their Children
- Building Blocks: Primitive Widgets and Gadgets
- Text Resources and Geometry
- Building Blocks: Primitive Widgets and Gadgets
- Default Colors and Pixmaps
- A User-Centered Model
- procedure
- procedure Declaration
- procedure Declaration
- Structure of a UIL Module
- Callback Procedures
- Callback Procedures
- procedures
- list Declaration
- Callback Procedures
- PromptDialog
- Making a Selection: SelectionBox
- Making a Selection: SelectionBox
- property
- The X Window System
- protocol
- Atom and Protocol Management
- Drag and Drop Protocols
- Drag Protocols
- Drag Protocols
- Drag Protocols
- Drag Protocols
- Drop Protocol
- The Preregister Drag Protocol
- Drop Protocol
- Drag Protocols
- The Dynamic Drag Protocol
- Drag Protocols
- Drop Protocol
- Protocols
- PulldownMenu
- Tab Groups
- PulldownMenu
- CascadeButtons
- PulldownMenu
- PulldownMenu
- RowColumn
- PulldownMenu
- OptionMenu
- OptionMenu
- MenuShell
- Menus and Options
- Buttons
- Menus and Options
- Initial Focus
- Menus and Options
- OptionMenu
- Menus and Options
- MenuBar
- MenuShell
- OptionMenu
- CascadeButtons
- CascadeButtons
- Creating Widgets
- Applications
- RowColumn
- Children
- OptionMenu
- MenuShell
- MenuShell
- OptionMenu
- Buttons
- TearOffMenus
- Labels
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- MenuShell
- RowColumn
- Mnemonics and Accelerators
- RowColumn
- Shells and Their Children
- CascadeButtons
- PulldownMenu
- Mnemonics and Accelerators
- CascadeButtons
- PulldownMenu
- Dialogs
- RowColumn
- PulldownMenu
- PushButton
- Adding Callback Procedures
- Mnemonics and Accelerators
- Making a Selection: SelectionBox
- PushButtons
- Adding Callback Procedures
- Mnemonics and Accelerators
- Managing Geometry Using BulletinBoard and DrawingArea
- Adding Callback Procedures
- Labels
- Buttons
- OptionMenu
- Compound Strings and Resources
- Resource Value Data Types
- A User-Centered Model
- Arming and Selection
- Default Colors and Pixmaps
- Primitives and Gadgets
- Buttons
- Arming and Selection
- MessageBox
- DrawnButtons
- Setting a Compound String Programmatically
- Buttons
- Setting a Compound String in a Defaults File
- RowColumn
- Graphics and Text in a DrawingArea
- Buttons
- Example of an Input Procedure
- Buttons
- PushButtonGadget
- Arming and Selection
- Object Type
- PushButtons
- Arming and Selection
- Buttons
- Default Colors and Pixmaps
- qualified resource name
- Xlib
- query_geometry method
- Widget Class Procedures
- Preferred Size and Location
- Preferred Size and Location
- Preferred Size and Location
- QuestionDialog
- MessageBox
- quitTimeout
- Application Shutdown and Restart
- RadioBox
- RadioBox and CheckBox
- Graphics and Text in a DrawingArea
- Buttons
- RadioBox and CheckBox
- Buttons
- Buttons
- ToggleButtons
- RadioBox and CheckBox
- Menus and Options
- RadioBox and CheckBox
- RadioBox and CheckBox
- RadioBox and CheckBox
- RowColumn
- raiseKeyFocus
- Input Focus
- rbg
- Fetching Information from UID Files
- realize method
- Realizing Widgets
- realized widget
- Making Widgets Visible
- Realizing Widgets
- reason
- Atom and Protocol Management
- Focus Callbacks
- receiver
- Drop Receiver Responsibilities for Dragging
- A Simple Drag Receiver
- Drop Receiver Responsibilities for Dropping
- Overview of User Interaction
- RectObj
- Xt Classes
- Managing Geometry
- Core, RectObj, XmPrimitive, and XmGadget Classes
- Building Blocks: Primitive Widgets and Gadgets
- Primitives and Gadgets
- RectObj
- reply
- The X Window System
- request
- The X Window System
- resize method
- The geometry_manager Procedure
- Moving and Resizing Children
- The resize Procedure
- The geometry_manager Procedure
- Intermediate Geometry Requests
- Widget Class Procedures
- Moving and Resizing Children
- Resizing and Redisplay
- Resizing and Redisplay
- Moving and Resizing Children
- The geometry_manager Procedure
- Intermediate Geometry Requests
- The resize Procedure
- The resize Procedure
- Preferred Size and Location
- The resize Procedure
- The geometry_manager Procedure
- Event Handling and Callbacks
- Exposure and Redisplay
- XtSetValues
- Moving and Resizing Children
- The resize Procedure
- Handling Resize Events
- Window Configuration
- XtSetValues
- Handling Resize Events
- Handling Resize Events
- Moving and Resizing Children
- Shells and Their Children
- Moving and Resizing Children
- Handling Resize Events
- resource
- Initial Resource Database
- Resources: User and Program Customization
- User Application File
- Xlib
- Xlib
- Xlib
- The Initial Resource Database
- The Initial Resource Database
- Retrieving Resource Values
- A User-Centered Model
- Application Class Resource File
- Font Lists and Resources
- Screen-Specific Resources
- Font List Resource Defaults
- Resource Value Data Types
- File Search Paths
- Xlib
- Initial Database Components
- Specifying Resource Values
- Xlib
- Resource Values and Memory Management
- Arguments that Specify Resource Values
- Compound Strings and Resources
- Resources: User and Program Customization
- The Initial Resource Database
- Resources and Localization
- Resource Values
- resource manager
- Xlib
- Server or User-Preference Resources
- reverseVideo
- Borders
- Borders
- root window
- The X Window System
- root-window input method
- Input Method
- root_geometry_manager method
- Window Configuration
- Window Configuration
- Window Configuration
- RowColumn
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- RadioBox and CheckBox
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- Creating Widgets
- RowColumn
- Buttons
- Tab Groups
- RowColumn
- PulldownMenu
- Tab Groups
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- RadioBox and CheckBox
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- Shells and Their Children
- ToggleButtons
- PulldownMenu
- PulldownMenu
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- RadioBox and CheckBox
- MenuShell
- Frame
- OptionMenu
- Managers
- RadioBox and CheckBox
- RowColumn
- MenuBar
- Menus and Options
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- RowColumn
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- OptionMenu
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- MenuBar
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- Event Handlers
- RowColumn
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- Menus and Options
- Graphics and Text in a DrawingArea
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- MenuShell
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- PopupMenu
- OptionMenu
- Buttons
- MenuShell
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- PopupMenu
- Menu Components: Buttons, RowColumn, MenuShell
- Manager Widgets and Their Children
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- TearOffMenus
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- RadioBox and CheckBox
- XmNtraversalOn
- PopupMenu
- sash
- PanedWindow
- Scale
- Basic Controls
- Managers
- Example of Automatic Scrolling
- Scale
- Scale
- Scale
- Scale
- Scale
- Scale
- Scale
- Basic Controls
- Scale
- A User-Centered Model
- Example of Automatic Scrolling
- screen
- The X Window System
- Multiple Screens, Displays, and Applications
- Screen-Specific Resources
- Screen-Specific Resources
- ScrollBar
- MainWindow
- Scale
- Tab Groups
- Using a DrawingArea in a ScrolledWindow
- List
- Automatic Scrolling
- Application-Defined Scrolling
- Basic Controls
- Application-Defined Scrolling
- Automatic Scrolling
- Application-Defined Scrolling
- Using a DrawingArea in a ScrolledWindow
- Tab Groups
- List
- MainWindow
- Primitives and Gadgets
- Application-Defined Scrolling
- Automatic Scrolling
- Using a DrawingArea in a ScrolledWindow
- Recognizing a Drag Has Started
- Application-Defined Scrolling
- ScrolledWindow and MainWindow
- Application-Defined Scrolling
- ScrollBar
- Other Resources
- Application-Defined Scrolling
- Text Resources and Geometry
- Other Resources
- ScrolledWindow and MainWindow
- ScrollBar
- Automatic Scrolling
- ScrolledWindow
- Application-Defined Scrolling
- Other Resources
- ScrollBar
- Automatic Scrolling
- ScrollBar
- Application-Defined Scrolling
- ScrollBar
- Automatic Scrolling
- Application-Defined Scrolling
- Color and Pixmaps
- Automatic and Application-Defined Scrolling
- Scale
- Example of Application-Defined Scrolling
- Other Resources
- Automatic Scrolling
- Automatic and Application-Defined Scrolling
- Automatic Scrolling
- Example of Application-Defined Scrolling
- ScrollBar
- ScrollBar
- Automatic Scrolling
- Other Resources
- A Simple Drag Source
- A Simple Drag Source
- A Simple Drag Source
- ScrollBar
- ScrollBar
- Arming and Selection
- Example of Application-Defined Scrolling
- Automatic Scrolling
- ScrolledWindow and MainWindow
- XmNtraversalOn
- Example of Application-Defined Scrolling
- ScrolledWindow and MainWindow
- Scale
- Other Resources
- Graphics and Text in a DrawingArea
- Default Colors and Pixmaps
- Other Resources
- MainWindow
- ScrolledList
- Application-Defined Scrolling
- Object Type
- List
- List
- List
- Creating Widgets
- Choosing a Pathname: FileSelectionBox
- ScrolledWindow and MainWindow
- ScrolledText
- ScrolledWindow and MainWindow
- Application-Defined Scrolling
- ScrolledText
- Object Type
- ScrolledWindow
- Traversing to Obscured Widgets
- Traversing to Obscured Widgets
- ScrolledWindow
- ScrolledWindow
- MainWindow
- Controlling Keyboard Navigation
- Example of Automatic Scrolling
- Automatic Scrolling
- Example of Automatic Scrolling
- Example of Automatic Scrolling
- Other Resources
- Choosing a Pathname: FileSelectionBox
- MainWindow
- MainWindow
- Application-Defined Scrolling
- Application-Defined Scrolling
- ScrolledWindow and MainWindow
- Application-Defined Scrolling
- Automatic Scrolling
- Automatic and Application-Defined Scrolling
- Other Resources
- Automatic Scrolling
- Other Resources
- Automatic and Application-Defined Scrolling
- Other Resources
- Automatic and Application-Defined Scrolling
- Managers
- Automatic Scrolling
- ScrolledText
- ScrolledWindow and MainWindow
- Automatic Scrolling
- Using a DrawingArea in a ScrolledWindow
- Traversing to Obscured Widgets
- Automatic Scrolling
- Other Resources
- Traversing to Obscured Widgets
- Traversing to Obscured Widgets
- Traversing to Obscured Widgets
- Traversing to Obscured Widgets
- Example of Application-Defined Scrolling
- Traversing to Obscured Widgets
- XmNtraversalOn
- Other Resources
- Using a DrawingArea in a ScrolledWindow
- ScrolledWindow and MainWindow
- Automatic Scrolling
- Other Resources
- Using a DrawingArea in a ScrolledWindow
- ScrolledWindow and MainWindow
- List
- ScrolledWindow and MainWindow
- Other Resources
- Other Resources
- Example of Application-Defined Scrolling
- Example of Application-Defined Scrolling
- Other Resources
- Managers
- Automatic Scrolling
- Text Resources and Geometry
- MainWindow
- MainWindow
- Automatic Scrolling
- Automatic Scrolling
- Controlling Keyboard Navigation
- Traversing to Obscured Widgets
- Automatic Scrolling
- ScrollBar
- Other Resources
- Automatic Scrolling
- MainWindow
- ScrolledWindow and MainWindow
- scrolling
- Automatic and Application-Defined Scrolling
- Application-Defined Scrolling
- Example of Application-Defined Scrolling
- Automatic Scrolling
- Example of Automatic Scrolling
- Automatic and Application-Defined Scrolling
- search path
- File Search Paths
- secondary selection
- Selection
- Selection
- Selection Types
- selection
- The Motif Clipboard
- Arming and Selection
- Selection
- The Xt Selection Interface
- Selection
- Selection
- Selections and Drag and Drop
- Text Conversion
- Selection
- Selections
- Selection Types
- Selection Types
- Selection Types
- Selection
- Selection
- Selection
- Mouse Selection
- Selection
- Keyboard Selection
- Incremental Transfers
- Selections and Drag and Drop
- SelectionBox
- Making a Selection: SelectionBox
- Making a Selection: SelectionBox
- Choosing a Pathname: FileSelectionBox
- Making a Selection: SelectionBox
- Making a Selection: SelectionBox
- BulletinBoard, Form, MessageBox, SelectionBox
- Choosing a Pathname: FileSelectionBox
- Choosing a Pathname: FileSelectionBox
- BulletinBoard, Form, MessageBox, SelectionBox
- Command
- Making a Selection: SelectionBox
- Managing Geometry Using BulletinBoard and DrawingArea
- Making a Selection: SelectionBox
- Managing Geometry Using BulletinBoard and DrawingArea
- Mnemonics and Accelerators
- Command
- Making a Selection: SelectionBox
- Mnemonics and Accelerators
- Tab Groups
- BulletinBoard, Form, MessageBox, SelectionBox
- Making a Selection: SelectionBox
- Making a Selection: SelectionBox
- Making a Selection: SelectionBox
- BulletinBoard, Form, MessageBox, SelectionBox
- Buttons
- Making a Selection: SelectionBox
- Buttons
- Initial Focus
- SelectionDialog
- Making a Selection: SelectionBox
- selectionTimeout
- The Xt Selection Interface
- sensitivity
- Sensitivity
- Controlling Keyboard Navigation
- Separator
- PanedWindow
- XmNtraversalOn
- Labels, Buttons, and Separators
- Label and Separator
- Label and Separator
- Primitives and Gadgets
- Separators
- RowColumn
- SeparatorGadget
- MessageBox
- MainWindow
- Separators
- Label and Separator
- XmNtraversalOn
- Scale
- session manager
- Application Shutdown and Restart
- set_values method
- Widget Class Procedures
- Exposure and Redisplay
- Manager Widgets and Their Children
- XtSetValues
- Setting Resource Values
- XtSetValues
- Using Translations
- set_values_almost method
- XtSetValues
- Widget Class Procedures
- XtSetValues
- setlocale
- Establishing the Language Environment
- Compound Strings in UIL
- Establishing the Language Environment
- Locales and Localization
- Using Locales
- shadow
- Shadows
- Visual Style
- Shell
- Xt Classes
- Xt Classes
- Shells and Their Children
- Shells and Their Children
- Widget Geometry
- Xt Classes
- A User-Centered Model
- Icons
- Window Configuration
- Shells
- Shells
- Menus and Dialogs
- Window Managers, ICCCM, and Shells
- Window Configuration
- Window Managers, ICCCM, and Shells
- shutdown
- Application Shutdown and Restart
- source icon
- Source Icon
- Overview of Drag-Over Effects
- stacking
- Overview of Programmer Responsibilities
- startupKeyFocus
- Input Focus
- state
- Drag States
- state icon
- Overview of Drag-Over Effects
- Drag States
- State Icon
- status area
- Input Method
- Text Conversion
- Text Conversion
- Icons
- Application Startup
- Text Conversion
- Application Startup
- Text Conversion
- tab group
- Tab Groups
- Input, Focus, and Keyboard Navigation
- target
- Targets
- Targets
- Text Conversion
- Text Conversion
- Targets
- Text Conversion
- Text Conversion
- Targets
- Text Conversion
- Text Conversion
- Targets
- Targets
- Targets
- Text Conversion
- Text Conversion
- Overview of Programmer Responsibilities
- Text Conversion
- Text Conversion
- Text Conversion
- Targets
- Targets
- Overview of Programmer Responsibilities
- Text Conversion
- Targets
- Text Conversion
- Text Conversion
- Targets
- TearOffMenu
- Dialogs
- TearOffMenus
- TemplateDialog
- MessageBox
- MessageBox
- BulletinBoard, Form, MessageBox, SelectionBox
- Text Conversion
- Selection
- Text and TextField Widgets and Font Lists
- Text Resources and Geometry
- Text and TextField Widgets and Font Lists
- Activation, Cancellation, and Help
- Storing Text in a File
- Sharing Text Sources
- Complexity of Drag and Drop Programs
- Complexity of Drag and Drop Programs
- Tab Groups
- Drag Sources and Drop Sites
- Drag Sources and Drop Sites
- Text Editing and Callbacks
- Selection
- Sharing Text Sources
- Sharing Text Sources
- Text Resources and Geometry
- Including Header Files
- Text Editing and Callbacks
- Selection
- Tab Groups
- Managing Geometry Using BulletinBoard and DrawingArea
- Text
- Managing Geometry Using BulletinBoard and DrawingArea
- Sharing Text Sources
- Focus Callbacks
- Internationalization and Text Input
- Sharing Text Sources
- Text Editing and Callbacks
- Focus Callbacks
- Input Method
- Selection
- Focus Callbacks
- Including Header Files
- Text Editing and Callbacks
- Input Method
- Controlling Tab Group Traversal Order
- Text Resources and Geometry
- Input Method
- Primitives and Gadgets
- Text Editing and Callbacks
- Primitives and Gadgets
- Text
- Localization Without Locales
- Input and the Motif Text Widget
- Text Editing and Callbacks
- Selection
- Text
- Selection
- Selections and Drag and Drop
- Geometry Management of Pre-Edit and Status Areas
- ScrolledWindow and MainWindow
- Mouse Selection
- Keyboard Selection
- Text Editing and Callbacks
- Keyboard Selection
- Geometry Management of Pre-Edit and Status Areas
- Compound Strings and Compound Text
- Compound Strings and Compound Text
- Starting a Drag With XmDragStart
- Text Editing and Callbacks
- Text Editing and Callbacks
- Text Editing and Callbacks
- Text and TextField
- Text
- Basic Controls
- Text and TextField
- Compound Strings and Font Lists
- Obtaining Input
- Overriding Existing Drag Sources
- Compound Strings, Fonts, and Text Display
- Overriding Existing Drag Sources
- Text Resources and Geometry
- An Example
- Color and Pixmaps
- Establishing a Drop Site
- Overriding Existing Drag Sources
- Selections and Drag and Drop
- Text Editing and Callbacks
- List
- Text and TextField
- Text and TextField
- Mnemonics and Accelerators
- Mnemonics and Accelerators
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- Text Editing and Callbacks
- Manager Widgets and Their Children
- Source Icon
- Text
- XmNdropProc
- Text Resources and Geometry
- Selection
- Convenience Routines
- Handling Input and Output
- Selection Types
- Tab Groups
- Changing a Drop Site
- Targets
- ScrolledText
- Text Editing and Callbacks
- Text Resources and Geometry
- XmNdropProc
- Tab Groups
- Selection
- Text Conversion
- Creating Widgets
- Text Editing and Callbacks
- TextField
- Selections and Drag and Drop
- Text Resources and Geometry
- Text
- Selection Types
- Color and Pixmaps
- Focus Callbacks
- Changing a Drop Site
- Text and TextField
- Compound Strings and Font Lists
- Focus Callbacks
- Text Resources and Geometry
- Focus Callbacks
- Activation, Cancellation, and Help
- Text and TextField
- Text Resources and Geometry
- Selection
- Selection
- Input Method
- Text Editing and Callbacks
- Selection
- Input Method
- Selection
- Selection
- Text Resources and Geometry
- Tab Groups
- Selection
- Example of Automatic Scrolling
- Tab Groups
- Input and the Motif Text Widget
- Localization Without Locales
- Text and TextField
- Primitives and Gadgets
- Complexity of Drag and Drop Programs
- Drag Sources and Drop Sites
- Basic Controls
- Geometry Management of Pre-Edit and Status Areas
- Selection
- Selection
- Selections and Drag and Drop
- Primitives and Gadgets
- Compound Strings and Compound Text
- Establishing a Drop Site
- Example of an Input Procedure
- Example of an Input Procedure
- Text and TextField Widgets and Font Lists
- Text and TextField Widgets and Font Lists
- Text
- Text Editing and Callbacks
- Text Resources and Geometry
- Text
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- Compound Strings, Fonts, and Text Display
- Targets
- The X Window System
- ToggleButton
- Adding Callback Procedures
- Managing Geometry Using BulletinBoard and DrawingArea
- Buttons
- Arming and Selection
- Adding Callback Procedures
- Default Colors and Pixmaps
- Adding Callback Procedures
- RadioBox and CheckBox
- Buttons
- RowColumn
- Menus and Options
- RadioBox and CheckBox
- Adding Callback Procedures
- RadioBox and CheckBox
- Buttons
- RadioBox and CheckBox
- Mnemonics and Accelerators
- ToggleButtons
- RadioBox and CheckBox
- RowColumn
- Primitives and Gadgets
- ToggleButtons
- OptionMenu
- Arming and Selection
- Adding Callback Procedures
- RadioBox and CheckBox
- Labels
- RowColumn
- Arming and Selection
- RadioBox and CheckBox
- ToggleButtonGadget
- Arming and Selection
- Buttons
- Arming and Selection
- ToggleButtons
- RadioBox and CheckBox
- Default Colors and Pixmaps
- top-level widget
- Top-Level Widgets
- TopLevelShell
- Application Startup
- VendorShell
- Multiple Screens, Displays, and Applications
- Xt Classes
- Icons
- Xt Classes
- Multiple Screens, Displays, and Applications
- Top-Level Widgets
- Multiple Screens, Displays, and Applications
- Icons
- Application Shutdown and Restart
- transfer
- Drop Protocol
- Incremental Transfers
- XmDropTransfer
- Dealing with Requests for Transfer
- Drop Protocol
- transfer protocol
- Drop Protocol
- transientDecoration
- Decorations
- Menus and Dialogs
- transientFunctions
- Functions
- Menus and Dialogs
- TransientShell
- Shells and Their Children
- TearOffMenus
- Menus and Dialogs
- Shells
- DialogShell
- Xt Classes
- DialogShell
- Menus and Dialogs
- translation
- Translations and Actions
- Translation Table Format
- Using Translations
- Handling Input and Output
- Input, Focus, and Keyboard Navigation
- traversal
- Focus Models
- Traversing to Obscured Widgets
- Keyboard Traversal
- Building Blocks: Primitive Widgets and Gadgets
- Input, Focus, and Keyboard Navigation
- Controlling Keyboard Navigation
- UID file
- Fetching Information from UID Files
- Opening UID Files
- Closing the UID File
- Structure of a Program Using UIL and MRM
- MRM and Localized UID Files
- MRM and Localized UID Files
- Opening UID Files
- MRM and Localized UID Files
- The Widget Meta-Language Facility
- Preparing Localized UID Files
- Compound Strings in UIL
- Using WML
- Using WML
- Preparing Localized UID Files
- Preparing Localized UID Files
- Compound Strings in UIL
- Font Lists in UIL
- Font Lists in UIL
- Compound Strings in UIL
- UIL and MRM
- Font Lists in UIL
- include Directive
- include Directive
- Object Type
- Structure of a Program Using UIL and MRM
- UIL and Localization
- Compound Strings in UIL
- Preparing Localized UID Files
- Preparing Localized UID Files
- Compound Strings in UIL
- Preparing Localized UID Files
- Preparing Localized UID Files
- Preparing Localized UID Files
- Separating Interface from Application
- Preparing Localized UID Files
- Preparing Localized UID Files
- Preparing Localized UID Files
- Preparing Localized UID Files
- UIL module
- Structure of a UIL Module
- UIL syntax
- list Declaration
- list Declaration
- Font Lists in UIL
- Font Lists in UIL
- Font Lists in UIL
- Font Lists in UIL
- Font Lists in UIL
- Font Lists in UIL
- Font Lists in UIL
- Font Lists in UIL
- Font Lists in UIL
- list Declaration
- end module Clause
- Font Lists in UIL
- Font Lists in UIL
- Font Lists in UIL
- Structure of a UIL Module
- Structure of a UIL Module
- Structure of a UIL Module
- Structure of a UIL Module
- Structure of a UIL Module
- module Clause
- Module-Level Declarations
- Module-Level Declarations
- Module-Level Declarations
- Fetching Information from UID Files
- Fetching Information from UID Files
- Fetching Information from UID Files
- Module-Level Declarations
- Fetching Information from UID Files
- Fetching Information from UID Files
- include Directive
- Fetching Information from UID Files
- include Directive
- Fetching Information from UID Files
- Structure of a UIL Module
- Fetching Information from UID Files
- Fetching Information from UID Files
- value Declaration
- Structure of a UIL Module
- Fetching Information from UID Files
- Fetching Information from UID Files
- Compound Strings in UIL
- Fetching Information from UID Files
- Compound Strings in UIL
- Compound Strings in UIL
- Compound Strings in UIL
- Fetching Information from UID Files
- Compound Strings in UIL
- value Declaration
- Compound Strings in UIL
- Fetching Information from UID Files
- identifier Declaration
- procedure Declaration
- procedure Declaration
- Making Widgets Visible
- object Declaration
- object Declaration
- Object Type
- Object Type
- Object Type
- Children
- Children
- Children
- Children
- Structure of a UIL Module
- Children
- Children
- Resource Values
- Resource Values
- Callback Procedures
- Callback Procedures
- Callback Procedures
- Callback Procedures
- Preparing Localized UID Files
- Callback Procedures
- Preparing Localized UID Files
- Preparing Localized UID Files
- list Declaration
- list Declaration
- list Declaration
- list Declaration
- list Declaration
- list Declaration
- unmanaged
- Fetching Information from UID Files
- Making Widgets Visible
- Children
- useIconBox
- Icons
- usePPosition
- Window Configuration
- Window Configuration
- User Interface Definition (UID) file
- Structure of a Program Using UIL and MRM
- Fetching Information from UID Files
- Closing the UID File
- Opening UID Files
- User Interface Language (UIL)
- UIL and MRM
- The Widget Meta-Language Facility
- UIL and Localization
- Font Lists in UIL
- Separating Interface from Application
- Compound Strings in UIL
- Structure of a Program Using UIL and MRM
- valid drop site
- Drag States
- value
- Structure of a UIL Module
- value Declaration
- Fetching Information from UID Files
- Fetching Information from UID Files
- Fetching Information from UID Files
- Fetching Information from UID Files
- value Declaration
- Xlib
- VendorShell
- Shells and Their Children
- Shells
- Font List Resource Defaults
- Input and the Motif Text Widget
- Input and the Motif Text Widget
- Shells
- Geometry Management of Pre-Edit and Status Areas
- DialogShell
- VendorShell
- Atom and Protocol Management
- Font List Resource Defaults
- VendorShell
- Menus and Dialogs
- Handling Input and Output
- Xt Classes
- Font List Resource Defaults
- Application Shutdown and Restart
- DialogShell
- Shells and Their Children
- Font List Resource Defaults
- DialogShell
- Input Method
- Input, Focus, and Keyboard Navigation
- Shells and Their Children
- MWM Properties and Resources
- Input, Focus, and Keyboard Navigation
- Decorations
- Input Method
- Focus Models
- Functions
- Window Configuration
- Input Focus
- Functions
- Xt Classes
- Input Mode
- Input Manager
- Xt Classes
- Window Groups
- Window Menu
- Input Manager
- visual style
- Visual Style
- WarningDialog
- MessageBox
- wchar_t
- Text Resources and Geometry
- Convenience Routines
- Text
- widget
- Making Widgets Visible
- Making Widgets Visible
- Making Widgets Visible
- Managing Widgets
- Mapping Widgets
- Widgets
- Widget Class Procedures
- Widgets
- Drag and Drop Widget Classes
- Widget Classes and Hierarchy
- Widget Geometry
- Making Widgets Visible
- Widgets
- Widget Initialization
- Creating Widgets
- Widget Geometry
- Building Blocks: Primitive Widgets and Gadgets
- A User-Centered Model
- Top-Level Widgets
- Widgets
- A User-Centered Model
- Realizing Widgets
- Widget Meta-Language (WML)
- The Widget Meta-Language Facility
- Widget Meta-Language Database (WMD) file
- The Widget Meta-Language Facility
- window
- Window Menu
- The X Window System
- Window Groups
- Window Configuration
- Decorations
- Widget Geometry
- Functions
- The X Window System
- Application Startup
- Window Managers, ICCCM, and Shells
- Menus and Dialogs
- A User-Centered Model
- windowMenu
- Window Menu
- Application Startup
- Application Startup
- Application Shutdown and Restart
- Application Shutdown and Restart
- Colormaps
- Colormaps
- Application Shutdown and Restart
- Application Shutdown and Restart
- Application Shutdown and Restart
- Application Shutdown and Restart
- Application Shutdown and Restart
- Application Shutdown and Restart
- Application Shutdown and Restart
- Application Shutdown and Restart
- Input Focus
- Icons
- Input Focus
- Input Focus
- Icons
- Icons
- Icons
- Application Startup
- Window Configuration
- Window Configuration
- Atom and Protocol Management
- Application Shutdown and Restart
- Input Focus
- Atom and Protocol Management
- Atom and Protocol Management
- MWM Messages
- Input Focus
- Atom and Protocol Management
- Atom and Protocol Management
- Application Shutdown and Restart
- Application Shutdown and Restart
- Application Shutdown and Restart
- Application Shutdown and Restart
- Window Configuration
- Input Focus
- Input Focus
- Input Focus
- Menus and Dialogs
- Menus and Dialogs
- WMD file
- The Widget Meta-Language Facility
- The Widget Meta-Language Facility
- WMShell
- Shells and Their Children
- Icons
- Application Shutdown and Restart
- Window Configuration
- Window Configuration
- Icons
- Application Startup
- Input Focus
- Xt Classes
- Window Groups
- Xt Classes
- Application Startup
- Icons
- Icons
- Icons
- Menus and Dialogs
- WorkArea
- Menus and Options
- Buttons
- RowColumn
- RadioBox and CheckBox
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- Frame
- Tab Groups
- RowColumn
- Buttons
- RadioBox and CheckBox
- XmNtraversalOn
- ToggleButtons
- RadioBox and CheckBox
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- RowColumn
- Menus and Options
- RadioBox and CheckBox
- WorkingDialog
- MessageBox
- X
- The X Window System
- X resource manager
- Xlib
- X Toolkit Intrinsics
- Initializing the Intrinsics
- Using Xlib, Xt, and Motif
- Xt
- Initializing the Intrinsics
- The Xt Selection Interface
- X Window System
- The X Window System
- Targets
- MRM and Localized UID Files
- Images, Pixmaps, and Localization
- MRM and Localized UID Files
- Resource File Locations
- Images, Pixmaps, and Localization
- User Application File
- Resource File Locations
- Resource File Locations
- User Application File
- User Application File
- Using Pixmaps
- Using Pixmaps
- Images, Pixmaps, and Localization
- Images, Pixmaps, and Localization
- Images, Pixmaps, and Localization
- XChangeActivePointerGrab
- Visual Style Notes
- XClearArea
- Exposure and Redisplay
- XColor
- Application-Defined Color Generation
- Application-Defined Color Generation
- Application-Defined Color Generation
- XCompoundTextStyle
- Compound Strings and Compound Text
- XConfigureWindow
- The geometry_manager Procedure
- Window Configuration
- Exposure and Redisplay
- XConvertSelection
- The Xt Selection Interface
- XCreateFontSet
- Font List Structure
- Using Locales
- XCreateImage
- Using Pixmaps
- .Xdefaults
- Server or User-Preference Resources
- Per-Host User Resources
- XDrawImageString
- Text Output
- XDrawImageString16
- Text Output
- XDrawString
- Text Output
- XDrawString16
- Text Output
- XDrawText
- Text Output
- Per-Host User Resources
- XEvent
- Adding Callback Procedures
- XExposeEvent
- Handling Exposure Events
- Handling Exposure Events
- XExtentsOfFontSet
- Text Output
- Application Class Resource File
- Resource File Locations
- XFontSet
- Font List Structure
- XFontStruct
- Text Output
- XGetAtomName
- Atom and Protocol Management
- XGetIconSizes
- Icons
- XGetImage
- Using Pixmaps
- XGetSelectionOwner
- The Xt Selection Interface
- XInternAtom
- Atom and Protocol Management
- Xlib
- Xlib
- Using Xlib, Xt, and Motif
- XLoadQueryFont
- Compound Strings and Font Lists
- Compound Strings and Font Lists
- XmActivateProtocol
- Atom and Protocol Management
- XmActivateWMProtocol
- Atom and Protocol Management
- XmAddProtocolCallback
- Atom and Protocol Management
- MWM Messages
- Atom and Protocol Management
- Atom and Protocol Management
- XmAddProtocols
- Atom and Protocol Management
- Atom and Protocol Management
- XmAddTabGroup
- Tab Groups
- Tab Groups
- XmAddWMProtocolCallback
- Input Focus
- Application Shutdown and Restart
- Atom and Protocol Management
- XmAddWMProtocols
- Input Focus
- MWM Messages
- Atom and Protocol Management
- Application Shutdown and Restart
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- Frame
- Frame
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- Frame
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- Frame
- XmAnyCallbackStruct
- Text Editing and Callbacks
- Text Editing and Callbacks
- Text Editing and Callbacks
- Atom and Protocol Management
- Text Editing and Callbacks
- Text Editing and Callbacks
- Text Editing and Callbacks
- Automatic and Application-Defined Scrolling
- Other Resources
- ScrolledText
- XmArrowButton
- Managing Geometry Using BulletinBoard and DrawingArea
- Other Resources
- Automatic Scrolling
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Drag Icon Blending and Attachment
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Drag Icon Blending and Attachment
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Traversing to Obscured Widgets
- Automatic Scrolling
- XmNtraversalOn
- Other Resources
- Other Resources
- Other Resources
- Controlling Keyboard Navigation
- MainWindow
- Other Resources
- Automatic and Application-Defined Scrolling
- XmbDrawImageString
- Text Output
- XmbDrawString
- Text Output
- XmbDrawText
- Text Output
- xmbind
- Bindings for osf Keysyms
- Bindings for osf Keysyms
- Drag Icon Blending and Attachment
- Creating a Drag Icon
- Drag Icon Blending and Attachment
- Creating a Drag Icon
- Visual Style Notes
- Drag Icon Blending and Attachment
- Visual Style Notes
- Drag Icon Blending and Attachment
- Other Resources
- Other Resources
- XmbTextEscapement
- Text Output
- XmbTextExtents
- Text Output
- XmbTextListToTextProperty
- Icons
- Text Conversion
- Text Conversion
- Compound Strings and Compound Text
- Text Conversion
- Application Startup
- XmbTextPerCharExtents
- Text Output
- XmbTextPropertyToTextList
- Text Conversion
- XmBulletinBoard
- Managers
- Font List Resource Defaults
- Shells and Their Children
- BulletinBoard and DialogShell
- Font List Resource Defaults
- Font List Resource Defaults
- BulletinBoard, Form, MessageBox, SelectionBox
- XmCascadeButton
- Primitives and Gadgets
- XmChangeColor
- Application-Defined Color Generation
- Application-Defined Color Generation
- Application-Defined Color Generation
- Application-Defined Color Generation
- Application-Defined Color Generation
- Application-Defined Color Generation
- Application-Defined Color Generation
- Application-Defined Color Generation
- XmClipboardCancelCopy
- Copying Data to the Clipboard
- Copying Data to the Clipboard
- Copying Data to the Clipboard
- XmClipboardCopy
- Copying Data to the Clipboard
- Copying Data to the Clipboard
- Copying Data to the Clipboard
- Copying Data to the Clipboard
- Copying Data to the Clipboard
- Copying Data to the Clipboard
- Copying Data to the Clipboard
- XmClipboardCopyByName
- Copying Data to the Clipboard
- XmClipboardEndCopy
- Copying Data to the Clipboard
- Copying Data to the Clipboard
- Copying Data to the Clipboard
- Copying Data to the Clipboard
- XmClipboardEndRetrieve
- Utility Routines
- Retrieving Data from the Clipboard
- Retrieving Data from the Clipboard
- XmClipboardInquireCount
- Utility Routines
- Utility Routines
- Copying Data to the Clipboard
- XmClipboardInquireFormat
- Utility Routines
- Copying Data to the Clipboard
- XmClipboardInquireLength
- Retrieving Data from the Clipboard
- Utility Routines
- XmClipboardInquirePendingItems
- Copying Data to the Clipboard
- Utility Routines
- Copying Data to the Clipboard
- XmClipboardLock
- Utility Routines
- Utility Routines
- XmClipboardRegisterFormat
- Utility Routines
- XmClipboardRetrieve
- Retrieving Data from the Clipboard
- Retrieving Data from the Clipboard
- XmClipboardStartCopy
- Copying Data to the Clipboard
- Copying Data to the Clipboard
- Copying Data to the Clipboard
- Copying Data to the Clipboard
- Copying Data to the Clipboard
- XmClipboardStartRetrieve
- Retrieving Data from the Clipboard
- Retrieving Data from the Clipboard
- Retrieving Data from the Clipboard
- Utility Routines
- XmClipboardTruncate
- Retrieving Data from the Clipboard
- XmClipboardUndoCopy
- Copying Data to the Clipboard
- XmClipboardUnlock
- Utility Routines
- Utility Routines
- XmClipboardWithdrawFormat
- Copying Data to the Clipboard
- XmColorProc
- Application-Defined Color Generation
- Application-Defined Color Generation
- Application-Defined Color Generation
- MainWindow
- XmCommandGetChild
- Making a Selection: SelectionBox
- Copying Data to the Clipboard
- Copying Data to the Clipboard
- XmNdragProc
- XmNdragProc
- XmNdragProc
- Cancelling the Drag
- Event Handling and Callbacks
- Event Handling and Callbacks
- Focus Callbacks
- Traversing to Obscured Widgets
- XmNdragProc
- Atom and Protocol Management
- Event Handling and Callbacks
- Adding Callback Procedures
- XmCreateBulletinBoardDialog
- DialogShell
- XmCreateDragIcon
- Drag and Drop Functions
- Overview of Programmer Responsibilities
- Overview of Programmer Responsibilities
- Creating a Drag Icon
- XmCreateErrorDialog
- MessageBox
- XmCreateFileSelectionDialog
- Choosing a Pathname: FileSelectionBox
- XmCreateFormDialog
- Form
- XmCreateInformationDialog
- MessageBox
- XmCreateMenuBar
- MenuBar
- Creating Widgets
- XmCreateMessageDialog
- MessageBox
- XmCreateOptionMenu
- OptionMenu
- XmCreatePromptDialog
- Making a Selection: SelectionBox
- XmCreatePulldownMenu
- Creating Widgets
- XmCreateQuestionDialog
- MessageBox
- XmCreateRadioBox
- RadioBox and CheckBox
- XmCreateScrolledList
- List
- Creating Widgets
- XmCreateScrolledText
- ScrolledText
- XmCreateSelectionDialog
- Making a Selection: SelectionBox
- XmCreateSimpleMenuBar
- MenuBar
- XmCreateTemplateDialog
- MessageBox
- XmCreateText
- Creating Widgets
- XmCreateWarningDialog
- MessageBox
- XmCreateWorkingDialog
- MessageBox
- XmCvtCTToXmString
- Text Conversion
- Compound Strings and Compound Text
- Compound Strings and Compound Text
- XmCvtXmStringToCT
- Compound Strings and Compound Text
- Text Conversion
- Compound Strings and Compound Text
- XmDeactivateProtocol
- Atom and Protocol Management
- XmDeactivateWMProtocol
- Atom and Protocol Management
- XmDestroyPixmap
- Using Pixmaps
- Using Pixmaps
- Making a Selection: SelectionBox
- Making a Selection: SelectionBox
- Making a Selection: SelectionBox
- Making a Selection: SelectionBox
- Making a Selection: SelectionBox
- XmDialogShell
- Shells and Their Children
- Shells
- DialogShell
- XmDisplay
- Other Motif Classes
- Drag and Drop Widget Classes
- Visual Style Notes
- Specifying Drag Protocols
- Protocols and Visuals
- Specifying Drag Protocols
- Protocols and Visuals
- Protocols and Visuals
- Visual Style Notes
- Specifying Drag Protocols
- Specifying Drag Protocols
- Specifying Drag Protocols
- Protocols and Visuals
- Specifying Drag Protocols
- Specifying Drag Protocols
- Specifying Drag Protocols
- Drag-Under Visual Effects
- Drag-Under Visual Effects
- Drag-Under Visual Effects
- Drag-Under Visual Effects
- Drag-Under Visual Effects
- Drag-Under Visual Effects
- Drag-Under Visual Effects
- XmDragCancel
- Drag and Drop Functions
- Overview of Programmer Responsibilities
- Cancelling the Drag
- XmDragContext
- Drag and Drop Widget Classes
- Targets
- XmdragDropFinishCallback
- XmNdragDropFinishCallback
- XmDragIcon
- Drag and Drop Widget Classes
- XmDragStart
- Overview of Programmer Responsibilities
- Drag Initiator Responsibilities for Dragging
- Starting a Drag With XmDragStart
- Starting a Drag With XmDragStart
- Starting a Drag With XmDragStart
- Overriding Existing Drag Sources
- Overview of Programmer Responsibilities
- Drag and Drop Functions
- XmDrawingArea
- Handling Exposure Events
- Managers
- XmDrawingAreaCallbackStruct
- Event Handling and Callbacks
- XmDrawnButton
- Managing Geometry Using BulletinBoard and DrawingArea
- Primitives and Gadgets
- XmNdropStartCallback
- XmNdropStartCallback
- Cancelling the Drag
- XmNdropStartCallback
- Drag Callbacks
- Operations
- Drag Callbacks
- XmNdragProc
- Providing Help
- Providing Help
- Providing Help
- XmNdropStartCallback
- Drag Callbacks
- Operations
- XmNdragProc
- Drag Callbacks
- XmNdragProc
- Operations
- Drag Callbacks
- Drag Callbacks
- Simulating Nested Drop Sites
- Operations
- Operations
- Drag Callbacks
- Drag Callbacks
- Simulating Nested Drop Sites
- Drop Site Status
- Operation Icon
- Drag Callbacks
- XmNdragProc
- Drag Callbacks
- XmNdragProc
- Establishing a Drop Site
- Nested Drop Sites
- Establishing a Drop Site
- Drag Callbacks
- Operation Icon
- Drag Callbacks
- Drop Site Status
- Operations
- Simulating Nested Drop Sites
- Simulating Nested Drop Sites
- XmNdragProc
- XmNdragProc
- Drop Site Status
- Nested Drop Sites
- Drag Callbacks
- Simulating Nested Drop Sites
- XmNdragProc
- Drop Site Status
- XmDropSite
- Drag and Drop Widget Classes
- XmDropSiteConfigureStacking\Order
- Overview of Programmer Responsibilities
- Drag and Drop Functions
- Overlapping Drop Sites
- Drag and Drop Functions
- XmDropSiteEndUpdate
- Drag and Drop Functions
- Overview of Programmer Responsibilities
- Changing a Drop Site
- Drag and Drop Functions
- Drag and Drop Functions
- Drag and Drop Functions
- XmDropSiteQueryStackingOrder
- Overlapping Drop Sites
- Drag and Drop Functions
- Overview of Programmer Responsibilities
- Overview of Programmer Responsibilities
- XmDropSiteRegister
- Overview of Programmer Responsibilities
- Establishing a Drop Site
- Establishing a Drop Site
- Drag and Drop Functions
- XmDropSiteRetrieve
- Getting Data about the Current Drop Site
- Overview of Programmer Responsibilities
- Drag and Drop Functions
- Drag and Drop Functions
- XmDropSiteStartUpdate
- Drag and Drop Functions
- Drag and Drop Functions
- Overview of Programmer Responsibilities
- Drag and Drop Functions
- Changing a Drop Site
- Drag and Drop Functions
- XmDropSiteUnregister
- Establishing a Drop Site
- Drag and Drop Functions
- Overview of Programmer Responsibilities
- XmDropSiteUpdate
- Changing a Drop Site
- Changing a Drop Site
- Drag and Drop Functions
- Overview of Programmer Responsibilities
- Drag and Drop Functions
- Drag and Drop Functions
- Drag and Drop Functions
- XmDropTranferStart
- Providing Help
- XmDropTransfer
- Drag and Drop Widget Classes
- XmDropTransfer
- XmDropTransferAdd
- XmDropTransfer
- Drag and Drop Functions
- Processing Each Operation
- Overview of Programmer Responsibilities
- XmDropTransferStart
- XmNdropProc
- Dealing with Requests for Transfer
- XmNdropProc
- Drop Protocol
- Drop Receiver Responsibilities for Dropping
- Drop Protocol
- Drop Protocol
- Providing Help
- XmDropTransfer
- Providing Help
- Overview of Programmer Responsibilities
- Drag and Drop Functions
- Overview of Programmer Responsibilities
- XmDropTransfer
- XmDropTransfer
- Drop Protocol
- XmNdropProc
- XmDropTransfer
- Drop Protocol
- Cancelling a Drop
- Overview of Programmer Responsibilities
- Dealing with Requests for Transfer
- Tab Groups
- XmProcessTraversal
- Controlling Tab Group Traversal Order
- XmProcessTraversal
- Tab Groups
- XmProcessTraversal
- XmProcessTraversal
- XmProcessTraversal
- Tab Groups
- XmProcessTraversal
- Controlling Tab Group Traversal Order
- Tab Groups
- XmProcessTraversal
- Tab Groups
- XmProcessTraversal
- Controlling Tab Group Traversal Order
- Tab Groups
- Controlling Tab Group Traversal Order
- XmProcessTraversal
- Tab Groups
- XmProcessTraversal
- Tab Groups
- Tab Groups
- Tab Groups
- Controlling Tab Group Traversal Order
- Tab Groups
- Tab Groups
- Tab Groups
- XmProcessTraversal
- Tab Groups
- XmProcessTraversal
- XmProcessTraversal
- Tab Groups
- XmProcessTraversal
- XmProcessTraversal
- Controlling Tab Group Traversal Order
- XmProcessTraversal
- Focus Models
- Focus Models
- Selection
- XmNtraversalOn
- Controlling Keyboard Navigation
- Initial Focus
- Tab Groups
- Font Lists in UIL
- Compound Strings in UIL
- Compound Strings in UIL
- XmFileSelectionBoxGetChild
- Making a Selection: SelectionBox
- Font List Structure
- Font List Structure
- Font List Structure
- XmFontList
- Resource Value Data Types
- Font Lists and Resources
- Compound Strings and Font Lists
- Compound String Components
- Using Locales
- Setting a Compound String in a Defaults File
- Using Locales
- Compound Strings in UIL
- Using Locales
- Using Locales
- Preparing Localized UID Files
- Setting a Compound String Programmatically
- Compound Strings and Compound Text
- Compound Strings and Compound Text
- Compound Strings and Font Lists
- Compound Strings and Compound Text
- Localization Without Locales
- Localization Without Locales
- Compound String Components
- Localization Without Locales
- Font Lists in UIL
- Compound Strings and Font Lists
- Text and TextField Widgets and Font Lists
- XmFontListAppendEntry
- Compound Strings and Font Lists
- Font List Structure
- Compound Strings and Font Lists
- XmFontListEntryAppend
- Font List Structure
- XmFontListEntryCreate
- Compound Strings and Font Lists
- Compound Strings and Font Lists
- Font List Structure
- Font List Structure
- XmFontListEntryLoad
- Font List Structure
- Font List Structure
- Font List Structure
- XmFontListFree
- Resource Values and Memory Management
- XmForm
- Managers
- XmFrame
- Managers
- Frame
- Frame
- Frame
- XmGadget
- XmGadget
- Primitives and Gadgets
- Building Blocks: Primitive Widgets and Gadgets
- Building Blocks: Primitive Widgets and Gadgets
- Core, RectObj, XmPrimitive, and XmGadget Classes
- Basic Controls
- XmGetAtomName
- Atom and Protocol Management
- XmGetColorCalculation
- Application-Defined Color Generation
- XmGetColors
- Application-Defined Color Generation
- Application-Defined Color Generation
- Application-Defined Color Generation
- Application-Defined Color Generation
- Application-Defined Color Generation
- Application-Defined Color Generation
- XmGetDragContext
- Drag Callbacks
- Drag and Drop Functions
- Overriding Existing Drag Sources
- Overriding Existing Drag Sources
- XmGetFocusWidget
- Controlling Keyboard Navigation
- XmGetPixmapByDepth
- Images, Pixmaps, and Localization
- Using Pixmaps
- Images, Pixmaps, and Localization
- Images, Pixmaps, and Localization
- Using Pixmaps
- MessageBox
- Images, Pixmaps, and Localization
- Using Pixmaps
- Using Pixmaps
- XmGetTabGroup
- Tab Groups
- XmGetVisibility
- Traversing to Obscured Widgets
- Controlling Keyboard Navigation
- Controlling Keyboard Navigation
- XmGetXmDisplay
- Specifying Drag Protocols
- Drag and Drop Functions
- XmGetXmScreen
- Drag and Drop Functions
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- XmImMbLookupString
- Input Manager
- XmImRegister
- Input Manager
- XmInstallImage
- Using Pixmaps
- Using Pixmaps
- Using Pixmaps
- Using Pixmaps
- XmInternAtom
- Atom and Protocol Management
- XmIsMotifWMRunning
- MWM Information
- XmIsTraversable
- Controlling Keyboard Navigation
- Controlling Keyboard Navigation
- XmLabel
- ArrowButtons
- RowColumn
- Buttons
- Primitives and Gadgets
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- Primitives and Gadgets
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- XmLabelGadget
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- RowColumn
- ArrowButtons
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- PanedWindow
- XmList
- Primitives and Gadgets
- XmMainWindow
- Managers
- XmMainWindowSep1
- MainWindow
- XmMainWindowSep2
- MainWindow
- XmMainWindowSep3
- MainWindow
- XmMainWindowSetAreas
- MainWindow
- MainWindow
- XmManager
- Managers
- Managers
- Managers
- Basic Controls
- XmMenuPosition
- Event Handlers
- PopupMenu
- XmMenuShell
- Menus and Dialogs
- Shells
- Font List Resource Defaults
- Font List Resource Defaults
- Font List Resource Defaults
- Font List Resource Defaults
- Shells and Their Children
- MenuShell
- MenuShell
- RadioBox and CheckBox
- XmNaccelerator
- Mnemonics and Accelerators
- XmNaccelerators
- Mnemonics and Accelerators
- Mnemonics and Accelerators
- Mnemonics and Accelerators
- XmNacceleratorText
- Mnemonics and Accelerators
- XmNactivateCallback
- Text and TextField
- Buttons
- Buttons
- Example of Application-Defined Scrolling
- PushButtons
- CascadeButtons
- RowColumn
- Text Editing and Callbacks
- Text Editing and Callbacks
- Text Editing and Callbacks
- Activation, Cancellation, and Help
- XmNadjustLast
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- XmNadjustMargin
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- XmNalignment
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- Labels
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- XmNallowResize
- PanedWindow
- XmNallowShellResize
- Shells and Their Children
- XmNancestorSensitive
- Sensitivity
- Sensitivity
- Sensitivity
- Sensitivity
- Controlling Keyboard Navigation
- Sensitivity
- Sensitivity
- Focus Models
- XmNanimationMask
- Drag-Under Visual Effects
- Drag-Under Visual Effects
- XmNanimationPixmap
- Drag-Under Visual Effects
- Drag-Under Visual Effects
- Drag-Under Visual Effects
- XmNanimationPixmapDepth
- Drag-Under Visual Effects
- Drag-Under Visual Effects
- XmNanimationStyle
- Drag-Under Visual Effects
- Drag-Under Visual Effects
- XmNapplyCallback
- Making a Selection: SelectionBox
- XmNarmColor
- Arming and Selection
- Arming and Selection
- Default Colors and Pixmaps
- Default Colors and Pixmaps
- XmNarmPixmap
- Default Colors and Pixmaps
- Arming and Selection
- XmNattachment
- Creating a Drag Icon
- Drag Icon Blending and Attachment
- XmNautomaticSelection
- List
- XmNautoUnmanage
- DialogShell
- XmNbackground
- Backgrounds
- Default Colors and Pixmaps
- Application-Defined Color Generation
- Backgrounds
- Application-Defined Color Generation
- XmNbackgroundColor
- Separators
- XmNbackgroundPixmap
- Default Colors and Pixmaps
- Separators
- Backgrounds
- XmNbaseHeight
- Window Configuration
- Window Configuration
- Window Configuration
- Window Configuration
- XmNbaseWidth
- Window Configuration
- Window Configuration
- Window Configuration
- Window Configuration
- XmNblendModel
- Drag Icon Blending and Attachment
- Visual Style Notes
- Creating a Drag Icon
- XmNborderColor
- Borders
- Borders
- Borders
- Default Colors and Pixmaps
- XmNborderPixmap
- Borders
- Default Colors and Pixmaps
- XmNborderWidth
- MenuShell
- Managing Geometry
- Shells and Their Children
- Moving and Resizing Children
- Window Configuration
- Borders
- DialogShell
- Widget Class Procedures
- XmNbottomAttachment
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- XmNbottomPosition
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- XmNbottomShadowColor
- Application-Defined Color Generation
- Shadows
- Shadows
- Default Colors and Pixmaps
- XmNbottomShadowPixmap
- Default Colors and Pixmaps
- Shadows
- XmNbrowseSelectionCallback
- List
- XmNbuttonFontList
- Font List Resource Defaults
- Font List Resource Defaults
- XmNcancelButton
- BulletinBoard
- Activation, Cancellation, and Help
- XmNcancelCallback
- Making a Selection: SelectionBox
- XmNcascadingCallback
- CascadeButtons
- Buttons
- XmNchildHorizontalAlignment
- Frame
- XmNchildHorizontalSpacing
- Frame
- Frame
- XmNchildPlacement
- Making a Selection: SelectionBox
- Managing Geometry Using BulletinBoard and DrawingArea
- XmNchildren
- XmProcessTraversal
- XmProcessTraversal
- Controlling Tab Group Traversal Order
- XmProcessTraversal
- XmProcessTraversal
- XmProcessTraversal
- XmProcessTraversal
- XmProcessTraversal
- XmNchildType
- Frame
- XmNchildVerticalAlignment
- Frame
- XmNclipWindow
- Automatic Scrolling
- Automatic Scrolling
- Other Resources
- XmNcolormap
- Colormaps
- Colormaps
- XmNcolumns
- Text Resources and Geometry
- Text Resources and Geometry
- Text Resources and Geometry
- Manager Widgets and Their Children
- Text Resources and Geometry
- Text Resources and Geometry
- XmNcommandChangedCallback
- Command
- XmNcommandEnteredCallback
- Command
- XmNcommandWindow
- MainWindow
- XmNcommandWindowLocation
- MainWindow
- XmNconvertProc
- Drop Protocol
- Overview of Programmer Responsibilities
- Drop Protocol
- Drop Protocol
- Starting a Drag With XmDragStart
- XmNdropStartCallback
- Drop Protocol
- Dealing with Requests for Transfer
- Dealing with Requests for Transfer
- Dealing with Requests for Transfer
- Drag Initiator Responsibilities for Dropping
- Dealing with Requests for Transfer
- Dealing with Requests for Transfer
- Overview of Programmer Responsibilities
- Overview of Programmer Responsibilities
- Dealing with Requests for Transfer
- Dealing with Requests for Transfer
- XmNdarkThreshold
- Shadows
- Shadows
- Arming and Selection
- XmNdefaultActionCallback
- List
- List
- XmNdefaultButton
- Activation, Cancellation, and Help
- BulletinBoard
- Initial Focus
- BulletinBoard
- XmNdefaultButtonShadow\Thickness
- PushButtons
- XmNdefaultCopyCursorIcon
- Operation Icon
- XmNdefaultFontList
- Font List Resource Defaults
- XmNdefaultInvalidCursorIcon
- State Icon
- XmNdefaultLinkCursorIcon
- Operation Icon
- XmNdefaultMoveCursorIcon
- Operation Icon
- XmNdefaultNoneCursorIcon
- State Icon
- XmNdefaultPosition
- DialogShell
- XmNdefaultSourceCursorIcon
- Drag Icon Blending and Attachment
- Source Icon
- XmNdefaultValidCursorIcon
- State Icon
- XmNdeleteResponse
- Application Shutdown and Restart
- XmNdestroyCallback
- Creating Widgets
- XmNdialogStyle
- Input Mode
- BulletinBoard
- XmNdialogTitle
- DialogShell
- Application Startup
- XmNdialogType
- MessageBox
- Making a Selection: SelectionBox
- XmNdirSearchProc
- Choosing a Pathname: FileSelectionBox
- XmNdragCallback
- Scale
- XmNdragDropFinishCallback
- Overview of Programmer Responsibilities
- Cancelling a Drop
- Overview of Programmer Responsibilities
- Drag Initiator Responsibilities for Dropping
- XmNdragInitiatorProtocolStyle
- Protocols and Visuals
- Protocols and Visuals
- Protocols and Visuals
- Visual Style Notes
- Specifying Drag Protocols
- Specifying Drag Protocols
- Specifying Drag Protocols
- XmNdragMotionCallback
- Drag Callbacks
- Drag Callbacks
- XmNdragOperations
- XmNdragProc
- Dealing with Requests for Transfer
- Drag Callbacks
- Drag Callbacks
- Establishing a Drop Site
- Operations
- Starting a Drag With XmDragStart
- Overriding Existing Drag Sources
- XmNdragProc
- Starting a Drag With XmDragStart
- XmNdragProc
- Overview of Programmer Responsibilities
- XmNdropStartCallback
- Nested Drop Sites
- Drag Callbacks
- XmNdragProc
- XmNdragProc
- XmNdragProc
- Overview of Programmer Responsibilities
- XmNdragProc
- XmNdragProc
- XmNdragProc
- Drag Callbacks
- XmNdragProc
- Drag Callbacks
- XmNdragProc
- XmNdragProc
- Simulating Nested Drop Sites
- Drag Callbacks
- Drag Callbacks
- Overview of Programmer Responsibilities
- Cancelling the Drag
- Drop Receiver Responsibilities for Dragging
- Drop Receiver Responsibilities for Dragging
- Simulating Nested Drop Sites
- Simulating Nested Drop Sites
- Drag and Drop Example Program
- Overview of Programmer Responsibilities
- XmNdropProc
- Establishing a Drop Site
- Simulating Nested Drop Sites
- Specifying Drag Protocols
- Simulating Nested Drop Sites
- Drag Protocols
- Drop Site Status
- The Dynamic Drag Protocol
- The Dynamic Drag Protocol
- XmNdragReceiverProtocolStyle
- Specifying Drag Protocols
- Specifying Drag Protocols
- Specifying Drag Protocols
- XmNdropFinishCallback
- XmNdragDropFinishCallback
- Overview of Programmer Responsibilities
- Drag Initiator Responsibilities for Dropping
- XmDropTransfer
- Cancelling a Drop
- XmNdropFinishCallback
- Overview of Programmer Responsibilities
- XmNdropStartCallback
- XmNdropFinishedCallback
- Cancelling a Drop
- XmNdropProc
- XmNdropStartCallback
- Overview of Programmer Responsibilities
- XmNdropStartCallback
- Overview of Programmer Responsibilities
- Drop Site Status
- Simulating Nested Drop Sites
- Drop Receiver Responsibilities for Dragging
- Establishing a Drop Site
- Drop Receiver Responsibilities for Dropping
- Simulating Nested Drop Sites
- Drop Receiver Responsibilities for Dropping
- Overview of Programmer Responsibilities
- XmNdropProc
- XmNdropProc
- XmNdropProc
- XmNdropProc
- XmNdropProc
- Cancelling a Drop
- XmNdropProc
- XmNdropProc
- Simulating Nested Drop Sites
- Overview of Programmer Responsibilities
- Cancelling a Drop
- Cancelling a Drop
- Providing Help
- Providing Help
- Overview of Programmer Responsibilities
- Providing Help
- Changing a Drop Site
- XmNdropRectangles
- Specially Shaped Drop Sites
- XmNdropSiteActivity
- Establishing a Drop Site
- XmNdropSiteEnterCallback
- Drag Callbacks
- Drag Callbacks
- XmNdropSiteLeaveCallback
- Drag Callbacks
- XmNdropSiteOperations
- Simulating Nested Drop Sites
- Establishing a Drop Site
- Establishing a Drop Site
- Starting a Drag With XmDragStart
- Drag Callbacks
- Drag Callbacks
- Drag Callbacks
- Drag Callbacks
- Processing Each Operation
- Operations
- XmNdragProc
- XmNdropSiteType
- Nested Drop Sites
- XmNdropStartCallback
- Overview of Programmer Responsibilities
- Overview of Programmer Responsibilities
- Providing Help
- Drag Initiator Responsibilities for Dropping
- XmNdropFinishCallback
- XmNdropStartCallback
- Drop Receiver Responsibilities for Dropping
- XmNdropTransfers
- Dealing with Requests for Transfer
- XmDropTransfer
- XmNdropProc
- XmNeditable
- Text
- XmNeditMode
- Text and TextField
- XmNentryAlignment
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- XmNentryBorder
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- XmNentryCallback
- RowColumn
- RowColumn
- XmNentryClass
- RowColumn
- XmNentryVerticalAlignment
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- XmNexportTargets
- Targets
- Targets
- Dealing with Requests for Transfer
- XmNexposeCallback
- Handling Exposure Events
- Example of an Expose Procedure
- DrawnButtons
- Example of Application-Defined Scrolling
- Example of a Resize Procedure
- Event Handling and Callbacks
- Handling Exposure Events
- Handling Exposure Events
- Example of Application-Defined Scrolling
- Resizing and Redisplay
- Handling Exposure Events
- XmNextendedSelectionCallback
- List
- XmNfileSearchProc
- Choosing a Pathname: FileSelectionBox
- XmNfillOnArm
- Arming and Selection
- XmNfillOnSelect
- Arming and Selection
- ToggleButtons
- XmNfocusCallback
- XmProcessTraversal
- Text Editing and Callbacks
- XmNfocusMovedCallback
- Focus Callbacks
- XmNfontList
- Text Resources and Geometry
- Font List Resource Defaults
- Input and the Motif Text Widget
- Font List Resource Defaults
- Text Resources and Geometry
- XmNforeground
- Default Colors and Pixmaps
- Foregrounds
- Foregrounds
- Application-Defined Color Generation
- XmNforegroundThreshold
- Foregrounds
- XmNfractionBase
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- XmNgainPrimaryCallback
- Text Editing and Callbacks
- Text Editing and Callbacks
- XmNgeometry
- Window Configuration
- Window Configuration
- Window Configuration
- XmNheight
- Using a DrawingArea in a ScrolledWindow
- DialogShell
- Widget Class Procedures
- Window Configuration
- Managing Geometry Using BulletinBoard and DrawingArea
- Borders
- Window Configuration
- Geometry Management of Pre-Edit and Status Areas
- DrawingArea: A General-Purpose Widget
- Shells and Their Children
- Window Configuration
- Text Resources and Geometry
- Window Configuration
- Moving and Resizing Children
- Window Configuration
- Text Resources and Geometry
- Text Resources and Geometry
- Automatic Scrolling
- Shells and Their Children
- Managing Geometry
- MenuShell
- XmNheightInc
- Window Configuration
- Window Configuration
- Window Configuration
- XmNhelpCallback
- Activation, Cancellation, and Help
- Activation, Cancellation, and Help
- Making a Selection: SelectionBox
- XmNhighlightColor
- Focus Highlights
- Default Colors and Pixmaps
- XmNhighlightPixmap
- Focus Highlights
- Default Colors and Pixmaps
- XmNhighlightThickness
- Manager Widgets and Their Children
- DrawnButtons
- XmNhistoryMaxItems
- Command
- XmNhorizontalScrollBar
- Automatic Scrolling
- Other Resources
- XmNhorizontalSpacing
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- XmNiconic
- Icons
- XmNiconMask
- Icons
- XmNiconName
- Icons
- Application Startup
- XmNiconNameEncoding
- Icons
- XmNiconPixmap
- Icons
- XmNiconWindow
- Icons
- XmNiconX
- Icons
- XmNiconY
- Icons
- XmNimportTargets
- Targets
- Targets
- Simulating Nested Drop Sites
- XmNincrement
- Application-Defined Scrolling
- Automatic Scrolling
- Automatic Scrolling
- ScrollBar
- XmNincremental
- XmNdropProc
- XmDropTransfer
- The Xt Selection Interface
- The Xt Selection Interface
- Dealing with Requests for Transfer
- XmNindicatorOn
- Arming and Selection
- ToggleButtons
- XmNindicatorType
- RadioBox and CheckBox
- RowColumn
- RadioBox and CheckBox
- ToggleButtons
- XmNinitialFocus
- Initial Focus
- Initial Focus
- Initial Focus
- Initial Focus
- Initial Focus
- Initial Focus
- Initial Focus
- Initial Focus
- Initial Focus
- Initial Focus
- Initial Focus
- XmNinitialState
- Icons
- XmNinput
- Input Focus
- XmNinputCallback
- Handling Input Events
- Handling Input Events
- Using a DrawingArea for Graphics
- Example of an Input Procedure
- Event Handling and Callbacks
- Handling Input Events
- Handling Input Events
- Handling Input Events
- XmNinputMethod
- Input Method
- XmNinvalidCursorForeground
- State Icon
- XmNisAligned
- RowColumn
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- XmNisHomogeneous
- RadioBox and CheckBox
- RowColumn
- XmNkeyboardFocusPolicy
- Selection
- Input, Focus, and Keyboard Navigation
- Controlling Keyboard Navigation
- Handling Input and Output
- Focus Models
- Input Focus
- Initial Focus
- XmNtraversalOn
- Tab Groups
- Focus Callbacks
- XmNlabelFontList
- Font List Resource Defaults
- XmNlabelInsensitivePixmap
- Default Colors and Pixmaps
- Buttons
- Foregrounds
- XmNlabelPixmap
- Buttons
- Default Colors and Pixmaps
- Foregrounds
- XmNlabelString
- OptionMenu
- Setting a Compound String Programmatically
- Compound Strings and Resources
- XmNlabelType
- Arming and Selection
- Arming and Selection
- ToggleButtons
- Foregrounds
- XmNleftAttachment
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- XmNleftOffset
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- XmNleftPosition
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- XmNleftWidget
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- XmNlightThreshold
- Shadows
- Shadows
- Arming and Selection
- XmNlistSizePolicy
- List
- XmNlosePrimaryCallback
- Text Editing and Callbacks
- Text Editing and Callbacks
- XmNlosingFocusCallback
- Focus Callbacks
- XmProcessTraversal
- Focus Callbacks
- Text Editing and Callbacks
- XmNmapCallback
- TearOffMenus
- RowColumn
- DialogShell
- XmNmappedWhenManaged
- Managing Widgets
- Realizing Widgets
- Mapping Widgets
- DialogShell
- XmNmarginBottom
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- XmNmarginHeight
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- Text Resources and Geometry
- DrawingArea: A General-Purpose Widget
- Managing Geometry Using BulletinBoard and DrawingArea
- Frame
- BulletinBoard
- Manager Widgets and Their Children
- Text Resources and Geometry
- PanedWindow
- XmNmarginLeft
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- XmNmarginRight
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- XmNmarginTop
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- XmNmarginWidth
- DrawingArea: A General-Purpose Widget
- Frame
- Managing Geometry Using BulletinBoard and DrawingArea
- Manager Widgets and Their Children
- BulletinBoard
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- Frame
- PanedWindow
- Text Resources and Geometry
- XmNmask
- Drag Icon Blending and Attachment
- XmNmaxAspectX
- Window Configuration
- XmNmaxAspectY
- Window Configuration
- XmNmaxHeight
- Window Configuration
- Window Configuration
- Window Configuration
- XmNmaximum
- Automatic Scrolling
- ScrollBar
- Automatic Scrolling
- Application-Defined Scrolling
- ScrollBar
- Automatic Scrolling
- ScrollBar
- Example of Application-Defined Scrolling
- Application-Defined Scrolling
- XmNmaxLength
- Text Resources and Geometry
- XmNmaxWidth
- Window Configuration
- Window Configuration
- Window Configuration
- XmNmenuAccelerator
- PopupMenu
- XmNmenuBar
- MainWindow
- XmNmenuHelpWidget
- MenuBar
- XmNmenuHistory
- OptionMenu
- RowColumn
- XmNmenuPost
- PopupMenu
- Event Handlers
- PopupMenu
- XmNmessageWindow
- MainWindow
- MainWindow
- XmNminAspectX
- Window Configuration
- XmNminAspectY
- Window Configuration
- XmNminHeight
- Window Configuration
- Window Configuration
- Window Configuration
- Window Configuration
- XmNminimum
- Example of Application-Defined Scrolling
- Automatic Scrolling
- Automatic Scrolling
- ScrollBar
- Application-Defined Scrolling
- ScrollBar
- ScrollBar
- Application-Defined Scrolling
- XmNminWidth
- Window Configuration
- Window Configuration
- Window Configuration
- Window Configuration
- XmNmnemonic
- Mnemonics and Accelerators
- OptionMenu
- XmNmnemonicCharSet
- OptionMenu
- Mnemonics and Accelerators
- OptionMenu
- XmNmodifyVerifyCallback
- Text Editing and Callbacks
- Text Editing and Callbacks
- Text Editing and Callbacks
- Text Editing and Callbacks
- XmNmodifyVerifyCallbackWcs
- Text Editing and Callbacks
- Text Editing and Callbacks
- Text Editing and Callbacks
- XmNmotionVerifyCallback
- Text Editing and Callbacks
- Text Editing and Callbacks
- XmNmultipleSelectionCallback
- List
- XmNmustMatch
- Making a Selection: SelectionBox
- XmNmwmDecorations
- Decorations
- Menus and Dialogs
- XmNmwmFunctions
- Menus and Dialogs
- Functions
- Functions
- XmNmwmInputMode
- Input Mode
- XmNmwmMenu
- Window Menu
- XmNnavigationType
- XmProcessTraversal
- Tab Groups
- Controlling Tab Group Traversal Order
- Tab Groups
- Controlling Tab Group Traversal Order
- Controlling Tab Group Traversal Order
- Tab Groups
- Controlling Tab Group Traversal Order
- Tab Groups
- Controlling Tab Group Traversal Order
- Controlling Tab Group Traversal Order
- Controlling Tab Group Traversal Order
- Tab Groups
- Tab Groups
- Tab Groups
- Tab Groups
- Tab Groups
- Tab Groups
- Tab Groups
- Tab Groups
- Tab Groups
- Tab Groups
- Tab Groups
- XmProcessTraversal
- XmProcessTraversal
- Tab Groups
- XmProcessTraversal
- XmProcessTraversal
- Tab Groups
- XmProcessTraversal
- XmProcessTraversal
- Tab Groups
- XmProcessTraversal
- XmProcessTraversal
- Tab Groups
- Tab Groups
- Tab Groups
- XmProcessTraversal
- XmProcessTraversal
- Tab Groups
- XmProcessTraversal
- XmProcessTraversal
- XmProcessTraversal
- Controlling Tab Group Traversal Order
- Controlling Tab Group Traversal Order
- XmProcessTraversal
- XmProcessTraversal
- XmNnoMatchCallback
- Making a Selection: SelectionBox
- XmNnoneCursorForeground
- State Icon
- XmNnoResize
- DialogShell
- Functions
- XmNnumColumns
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- XmNnumDropTransfers
- XmNdropProc
- Cancelling a Drop
- XmDropTransfer
- XmDropTransfer
- XmNnumExportTargets
- Targets
- Targets
- XmNnumImportTargets
- Targets
- Targets
- Drag Callbacks
- Drop Site Status
- XmNoffsetX
- Drag Icon Blending and Attachment
- XmNoffsetY
- Drag Icon Blending and Attachment
- XmNokCallback
- Making a Selection: SelectionBox
- Tab Groups
- Tab Groups
- Tab Groups
- Tab Groups
- Tab Groups
- XmNoperationChangedCallback
- Drag Callbacks
- Drag Callbacks
- XmNoperationCursorIcon
- Operation Icon
- XmNorientation
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- XmNoverrideRedirect
- Menus and Dialogs
- XmNpacking
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- XmNpageIncrement
- Using a DrawingArea in a ScrolledWindow
- Scale
- ScrollBar
- Application-Defined Scrolling
- Application-Defined Scrolling
- Automatic Scrolling
- Automatic Scrolling
- XmNpaneMaximum
- PanedWindow
- PanedWindow
- PanedWindow
- XmNpaneMinimum
- PanedWindow
- PanedWindow
- PanedWindow
- XmNpendingDelete
- Selection
- XmNpixmap
- Drag Icon Blending and Attachment
- Drag Icon Blending and Attachment
- XmNpopupEnabled
- PopupMenu
- PopupMenu
- XmNpositionIndex
- PanedWindow
- XmNpreeditType
- Input and the Motif Text Widget
- Input Method
- Input Manager
- XmNprocessingDirection
- ScrollBar
- XmNpushButtonEnabled
- DrawnButtons
- XmNqualifySearchDataProc
- Choosing a Pathname: FileSelectionBox
- XmNradioAlwaysOne
- RadioBox and CheckBox
- RadioBox and CheckBox
- XmNradioBehavior
- RadioBox and CheckBox
- RowColumn
- RadioBox and CheckBox
- RadioBox and CheckBox
- RadioBox and CheckBox
- RadioBox and CheckBox
- XmNrecomputeSize
- Labels
- XmNrefigureMode
- PanedWindow
- XmNresizable
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- XmNresizeCallback
- Moving and Resizing Children
- Event Handling and Callbacks
- DrawnButtons
- Using a DrawingArea in a ScrolledWindow
- Handling Resize Events
- Moving and Resizing Children
- Resizing and Redisplay
- Resizing and Redisplay
- Moving and Resizing Children
- Example of a Resize Procedure
- Example of Application-Defined Scrolling
- Application-Defined Scrolling
- Handling Exposure Events
- Moving and Resizing Children
- Example of Application-Defined Scrolling
- Moving and Resizing Children
- Application-Defined Scrolling
- Moving and Resizing Children
- Event Handling and Callbacks
- Moving and Resizing Children
- XmNresizeHeight
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- Text Resources and Geometry
- Text Resources and Geometry
- Text Resources and Geometry
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- Manager Widgets and Their Children
- Text Resources and Geometry
- Text Resources and Geometry
- Text Resources and Geometry
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- Text Resources and Geometry
- Text Resources and Geometry
- XmNresizePolicy
- Managing Geometry Using BulletinBoard and DrawingArea
- Moving and Resizing Children
- Using a DrawingArea in a ScrolledWindow
- BulletinBoard
- DrawingArea: A General-Purpose Widget
- XmNresizeWidth
- Text Resources and Geometry
- Text Resources and Geometry
- Text Resources and Geometry
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- Text Resources and Geometry
- Text Resources and Geometry
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- Text Resources and Geometry
- Manager Widgets and Their Children
- XmNrightAttachment
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- XmNrightPosition
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- XmNrightWidget
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- XmNrows
- Text Resources and Geometry
- Text Resources and Geometry
- Manager Widgets and Their Children
- Text Resources and Geometry
- Text Resources and Geometry
- Text Resources and Geometry
- XmNrubberPositioning
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- XmNsashHeight
- PanedWindow
- XmNsashIndent
- PanedWindow
- XmNsashShadowThickness
- PanedWindow
- XmNsashWidth
- PanedWindow
- XmNscaleMultiple
- Scale
- XmNscreen
- Multiple Screens, Displays, and Applications
- XmNscrollBarDisplayPolicy
- Other Resources
- Automatic Scrolling
- ScrolledText
- XmNscrollBarPlacement
- Other Resources
- XmNscrolledWindowMarginHeight
- Other Resources
- XmNscrolledWindowMarginWidth
- Other Resources
- XmNscrollHorizontal
- Text Resources and Geometry
- Text Resources and Geometry
- XmNscrollingPolicy
- MainWindow
- Controlling Keyboard Navigation
- Traversing to Obscured Widgets
- Other Resources
- Automatic Scrolling
- Other Resources
- ScrolledText
- XmNtraversalOn
- Automatic and Application-Defined Scrolling
- Other Resources
- Other Resources
- XmNscrollLeftSide
- Text Resources and Geometry
- XmNscrollTopSide
- Text Resources and Geometry
- XmNscrollVertical
- Text Resources and Geometry
- Text Resources and Geometry
- XmNselectColor
- Arming and Selection
- Arming and Selection
- XmNselectInsensitivePixmap
- Arming and Selection
- Default Colors and Pixmaps
- XmNselectionPolicy
- List
- XmNselectPixmap
- Arming and Selection
- Default Colors and Pixmaps
- XmNsensitive
- Focus Models
- Sensitivity
- Sensitivity
- Sensitivity
- Controlling Keyboard Navigation
- Sensitivity
- XmNseparatorOn
- PanedWindow
- XmNshadowThickness
- DrawnButtons
- ScrolledText
- Resizing and Redisplay
- Manager Widgets and Their Children
- XmNshadowType
- Frame
- XmNshowSeparator
- MainWindow
- XmNsingleSelectionCallback
- List
- XmNskipAdjust
- PanedWindow
- XmNsliderSize
- Using a DrawingArea in a ScrolledWindow
- Application-Defined Scrolling
- Automatic Scrolling
- Example of Application-Defined Scrolling
- ScrollBar
- Application-Defined Scrolling
- Example of Application-Defined Scrolling
- Application-Defined Scrolling
- ScrollBar
- XmNsource
- Sharing Text Sources
- Sharing Text Sources
- XmNsourceCursorIcon
- Protocols and Visuals
- Source Icon
- Drag Icon Blending and Attachment
- XmNsourcePixmapIcon
- Visual Style Notes
- Protocols and Visuals
- Source Icon
- XmNspacing
- PanedWindow
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- Other Resources
- XmNstateCursorIcon
- State Icon
- XmNstringDirection
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Labels
- Frame
- List
- Frame
- XmNsubMenuId
- PulldownMenu
- OptionMenu
- CascadeButtons
- MenuBar
- XmNtearOffMenuActivateCallback
- TearOffMenus
- XmNtearOffMenuDeactivate\Callback
- TearOffMenus
- XmNtearOffModel
- TearOffMenus
- XmNtextAccelerators
- Making a Selection: SelectionBox
- Mnemonics and Accelerators
- XmNtextFontList
- Font List Resource Defaults
- XmNtitle
- Application Startup
- XmNtitleEncoding
- Application Startup
- Application Startup
- XmNtopAttachment
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- XmNtopLevelEnterCallback
- Drag Callbacks
- Visual Style Notes
- Visual Style Notes
- XmNtopLevelLeaveCallback
- Drag Callbacks
- XmNtopOffset
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- XmNtopPosition
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- XmNtopShadowColor
- Shadows
- Shadows
- Default Colors and Pixmaps
- Application-Defined Color Generation
- XmNtopShadowPixmap
- Shadows
- Default Colors and Pixmaps
- XmNtopWidget
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- XmNtransferProc
- Drop Protocol
- Drop Protocol
- Processing Each Operation
- Processing Each Operation
- Cancelling a Drop
- Drop Protocol
- Overview of Programmer Responsibilities
- Dealing with Requests for Transfer
- XmNdropFinishCallback
- Overview of Programmer Responsibilities
- Drop Receiver Responsibilities for Dropping
- XmNdropProc
- Drop Protocol
- Drop Protocol
- Drop Protocol
- XmDropTransfer
- XmDropTransfer
- XmDropTransfer
- XmNtransferStatus
- Drop Protocol
- Drop Protocol
- XmNdropProc
- Cancelling a Drop
- XmNtransient
- Menus and Dialogs
- Menus and Dialogs
- XmNtransientFor
- Menus and Dialogs
- Menus and Dialogs
- XmNtranslations
- Using Translations
- Using Translations
- Using Translations
- Using Translations
- Using Translations
- Using Translations
- Mnemonics and Accelerators
- Using Translations
- Using Translations
- Using Translations
- Using Translations
- XmNtraversalOn
- Initial Focus
- XmNtraversalOn
- XmNtraversalOn
- XmNtraversalOn
- XmNtraversalOn
- Input Focus
- Controlling Keyboard Navigation
- Focus Models
- XmNtraversalOn
- Controlling Keyboard Navigation
- XmNtraversalOn
- XmNtraverseObscuredCallback
- Traversing to Obscured Widgets
- Controlling Keyboard Navigation
- Traversing to Obscured Widgets
- Example of Automatic Scrolling
- Traversing to Obscured Widgets
- Traversing to Obscured Widgets
- Controlling Keyboard Navigation
- Traversing to Obscured Widgets
- XmNtroughColor
- Arming and Selection
- Default Colors and Pixmaps
- Arming and Selection
- XmNunmapCallback
- TearOffMenus
- RowColumn
- DialogShell
- XmNuseAsyncGeometry
- Window Configuration
- XmNvalidCursorForeground
- State Icon
- XmNvalue
- Automatic Scrolling
- Automatic Scrolling
- Application-Defined Scrolling
- Application-Defined Scrolling
- Example of Application-Defined Scrolling
- ScrollBar
- Example of Application-Defined Scrolling
- Text Resources and Geometry
- Automatic Scrolling
- Text Resources and Geometry
- Text Resources and Geometry
- Manager Widgets and Their Children
- Automatic Scrolling
- XmNvalueChangedCallback
- Text Editing and Callbacks
- Text Editing and Callbacks
- Scale
- ToggleButtons
- Buttons
- RowColumn
- ScrollBar
- Application-Defined Scrolling
- Example of Application-Defined Scrolling
- Example of Application-Defined Scrolling
- XmNvalueWcs
- Text Resources and Geometry
- Text Resources and Geometry
- XmNverticalScrollBar
- Automatic Scrolling
- Other Resources
- XmNverticalSpacing
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- XmNvisibleItemCount
- List
- XmNvisibleWhenOff
- ToggleButtons
- RadioBox and CheckBox
- RowColumn
- RadioBox and CheckBox
- XmNvisualPolicy
- ScrolledText
- XmNwaitForWm
- Window Configuration
- XmNwidth
- Window Configuration
- Window Configuration
- DrawingArea: A General-Purpose Widget
- DialogShell
- Managing Geometry
- Text Resources and Geometry
- Widget Class Procedures
- Borders
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Shells and Their Children
- Moving and Resizing Children
- Text Resources and Geometry
- Automatic Scrolling
- Using a DrawingArea in a ScrolledWindow
- Text Resources and Geometry
- Window Configuration
- Window Configuration
- MenuShell
- Managing Geometry Using BulletinBoard and DrawingArea
- Window Configuration
- XmNwidthInc
- Window Configuration
- Window Configuration
- Window Configuration
- XmNwindowGroup
- Menus and Dialogs
- Window Groups
- XmNwinGravity
- Window Configuration
- Window Configuration
- Window Configuration
- XmNwmTimeout
- Window Configuration
- XmNwordWrap
- Text Resources and Geometry
- Text Resources and Geometry
- XmNworkWindow
- Other Resources
- XmNx
- Window Configuration
- Automatic Scrolling
- DialogShell
- MenuShell
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Shells and Their Children
- Widget Class Procedures
- Managing Geometry
- Using a DrawingArea in a ScrolledWindow
- Window Configuration
- Moving and Resizing Children
- XmNy
- Moving and Resizing Children
- Using a DrawingArea in a ScrolledWindow
- Shells and Their Children
- Automatic Scrolling
- Widget Class Procedures
- MenuShell
- Window Configuration
- Window Configuration
- Managing Geometry
- DialogShell
- RadioBox and CheckBox
- XmOptionButtonGadget
- OptionMenu
- XmOptionLabelGadget
- OptionMenu
- XMoveWindow
- Exposure and Redisplay
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- XmPanedWindow
- Managers
- Buttons
- Arming and Selection
- Arming and Selection
- Foregrounds
- ToggleButtons
- Focus Models
- XmNtraversalOn
- Selection
- Focus Callbacks
- XmPrimitive
- Core, RectObj, XmPrimitive, and XmGadget Classes
- XmPrimitive
- XmGadget
- Labels, Buttons, and Separators
- Building Blocks: Primitive Widgets and Gadgets
- Building Blocks: Primitive Widgets and Gadgets
- Primitives and Gadgets
- Primitives and Gadgets
- Primitives and Gadgets
- Building Blocks: Primitive Widgets and Gadgets
- Basic Controls
- Building Blocks: Primitive Widgets and Gadgets
- XmProcessTraversal
- Input, Focus, and Keyboard Navigation
- XmProcessTraversal
- Input Focus
- Traversing to Obscured Widgets
- XmProcessTraversal
- Focus Callbacks
- XmProcessTraversal
- XmProcessTraversal
- XmProcessTraversal
- XmPushButton
- Primitives and Gadgets
- Making a Selection: SelectionBox
- MessageBox
- Managing Geometry Using BulletinBoard and DrawingArea
- XmRegisterSegmentEncoding
- Compound Strings and Compound Text
- XmRemoveProtocolCallback
- Atom and Protocol Management
- XmRemoveProtocols
- Atom and Protocol Management
- XmRemoveTabGroup
- Tab Groups
- Tab Groups
- XmRemoveWMProtocolCallback
- Atom and Protocol Management
- XmRemoveWMProtocols
- Atom and Protocol Management
- Managing Geometry Using BulletinBoard and DrawingArea
- Moving and Resizing Children
- Using a DrawingArea in a ScrolledWindow
- DrawingArea: A General-Purpose Widget
- Moving and Resizing Children
- DrawingArea: A General-Purpose Widget
- Managing Geometry Using BulletinBoard and DrawingArea
- DrawingArea: A General-Purpose Widget
- Managing Geometry Using BulletinBoard and DrawingArea
- XmRowColumn
- Managers
- XmScale
- Managers
- Basic Controls
- XmScaleGetValue
- Scale
- XmScaleSetValue
- Scale
- XmScreen
- Operation Icon
- Drag Icon Blending and Attachment
- Visual Style Notes
- Foregrounds
- Shadows
- Drag and Drop Widget Classes
- Arming and Selection
- Other Motif Classes
- The Preregister Drag Protocol
- Choosing the Protocol and Visual Style
- Drag-Over Visual Effects
- Drag-Over Visual Effects
- Drag-Over Visual Effects
- Drag-Over Visual Effects
- Drag-Over Visual Effects
- Source Icon
- State Icon
- State Icon
- Operation Icon
- XmScrollBar
- Primitives and Gadgets
- XmScrollBarGetValues
- ScrollBar
- XmScrollBarSetValues
- ScrollBar
- XmScrolledWindow
- Managers
- XmScrolledWindowSetAreas
- Other Resources
- XmScrollVisible
- Traversing to Obscured Widgets
- Traversing to Obscured Widgets
- XmSelectionBoxGetChild
- Making a Selection: SelectionBox
- XmSeparator
- Primitives and Gadgets
- XmSetColorCalculation
- Application-Defined Color Generation
- Application-Defined Color Generation
- Application-Defined Color Generation
- Application-Defined Color Generation
- XmSetProtocolHooks
- Atom and Protocol Management
- XmSetWMProtocolHooks
- Atom and Protocol Management
- Other Resources
- ScrolledText
- Automatic Scrolling
- Tab Groups
- Tab Groups
- Tab Groups
- Tab Groups
- Tab Groups
- Tab Groups
- XmProcessTraversal
- Tab Groups
- XmProcessTraversal
- Tab Groups
- Tab Groups
- Controlling Tab Group Traversal Order
- Controlling Tab Group Traversal Order
- Controlling Tab Group Traversal Order
- Tab Groups
- Controlling Tab Group Traversal Order
- Tab Groups
- Tab Groups
- XmString
- Resources and Localization
- Compound Strings and Resources
- Compound Strings and Font Lists
- Frame
- Frame
- XmStringBaseline
- Text Output
- XmStringCreate
- Localization Without Locales
- Compound Strings and Font Lists
- Setting a Compound String Programmatically
- XmStringCreateLocalized
- Compound Strings and Font Lists
- Using Locales
- Setting a Compound String Programmatically
- Setting a Compound String Programmatically
- XmStringCreateLtoR
- Compound Strings and Font Lists
- XmStringDraw
- Text Output
- XmStringDrawImage
- Text Output
- XmStringExtent
- Text Output
- XmStringFree
- Resource Values and Memory Management
- XmStringHeight
- Text Output
- XmStringTable
- Resource Values and Memory Management
- XmStringWidth
- Text Output
- Tab Groups
- Tab Groups
- Tab Groups
- Tab Groups
- Tab Groups
- Tab Groups
- Tab Groups
- Tab Groups
- Tab Groups
- Tab Groups
- XmTargetsAreCompatible
- Simulating Nested Drop Sites
- Drag and Drop Functions
- Overview of Programmer Responsibilities
- TearOffMenus
- XmText
- Primitives and Gadgets
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- XmTextBlockRec
- Text Editing and Callbacks
- Text Editing and Callbacks
- XmTextBlockRecWcs
- Text Editing and Callbacks
- Text Editing and Callbacks
- XmTextField
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- Primitives and Gadgets
- XmTextGetSource
- Sharing Text Sources
- XmTextPosition
- Text Resources and Geometry
- XmTextSetSource
- Sharing Text Sources
- XmTextSource
- Sharing Text Sources
- XmTextVerifyCallbackStruct
- Text Editing and Callbacks
- Text Editing and Callbacks
- Focus Callbacks
- Text Editing and Callbacks
- Text Editing and Callbacks
- Text Editing and Callbacks
- XmTextVerifyCallbackStructWcs
- Text Editing and Callbacks
- Text Editing and Callbacks
- Text Editing and Callbacks
- XmToggleButton
- Primitives and Gadgets
- Managing Geometry Using BulletinBoard and DrawingArea
- XmToggleButtonCallbackStruct
- Adding Callback Procedures
- Other Resources
- Other Resources
- Cancelling a Drop
- XmNdropProc
- XmTranslateKey
- Bindings for osf Keysyms
- XmProcessTraversal
- XmProcessTraversal
- XmProcessTraversal
- XmProcessTraversal
- XmProcessTraversal
- XmProcessTraversal
- XmProcessTraversal
- XmProcessTraversal
- XmProcessTraversal
- XmProcessTraversal
- XmTraverseObscuredCallbackStruct
- Traversing to Obscured Widgets
- XmUninstallImage
- Using Pixmaps
- Using Pixmaps
- XmVaCreateSimpleMenuBar
- MenuBar
- ScrolledText
- Text Resources and Geometry
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- Controlling Keyboard Navigation
- Controlling Keyboard Navigation
- Controlling Keyboard Navigation
- Managing Geometry Using RowColumn
- xnlLanguage
- Establishing the Language Environment
- File Search Paths
- Resource File Locations
- Localization Without Locales
- Establishing the Language Environment
- Establishing the Language Environment
- Establishing the Language Environment
- XOpenDisplay
- Multiple Screens, Displays, and Applications
- Initializing the Intrinsics
- XQueryBestSize
- Protocols and Visuals
- xrdb
- Server or User-Preference Resources
- Screen-Specific Resources
- Xrm
- Xlib
- XrmParseCommand
- Command-Line Specifications
- XSetInputFocus
- Input Focus
- XSetLocaleModifiers
- Establishing the Language Environment
- XSetSelectionOwner
- The Xt Selection Interface
- XSetWMColormapWindows
- Colormaps
- XStdICCTextStyle
- Icons
- Application Startup
- XStringWidth
- Text Output
- XSupportsLocale
- Establishing the Language Environment
- Xt
- Initializing the Intrinsics
- Initializing the Intrinsics
- Xt
- Using Xlib, Xt, and Motif
- The Xt Selection Interface
- XtActionProc
- Actions
- XtAddCallback
- Adding Callback Procedures
- XtAddCallbacks
- Adding Callback Procedures
- XtAddEventHandler
- PopupMenu
- Event Handlers
- Event Handlers
- XtAddExposureToRegion
- Handling Exposure Events
- XtAppAddActions
- Actions
- Actions
- Actions
- Actions
- Overriding Existing Drag Sources
- XtAppContext
- Initializing the Intrinsics
- XtAppCreateShell
- Initializing the Intrinsics
- Applications
- Multiple Screens, Displays, and Applications
- Colormaps
- Multiple Screens, Displays, and Applications
- Fetching Information from UID Files
- Multiple Screens, Displays, and Applications
- Creating Widgets
- XtAppGetSelectionTimeout
- The Xt Selection Interface
- XtAppInitialize
- File Search Paths
- VendorShell
- Initializing the Intrinsics
- Colormaps
- The Initial Resource Database
- Initializing the Intrinsics
- Command-Line Specifications
- Establishing the Language Environment
- Initializing the Intrinsics
- Applications
- Application Class Resource File
- Using Locales
- Initializing the Intrinsics
- Creating Widgets
- Fetching Information from UID Files
- Initializing the Intrinsics
- XtAppMainLoop
- Entering the Event Loop
- Entering the Event Loop
- XtAppSetFallbackResources
- Application Class Resource File
- XtAppSetSelectionTimeout
- The Xt Selection Interface
- XtArgVal
- Arguments that Specify Resource Values
- Resource Value Data Types
- Arguments that Specify Resource Values
- XtAugmentTranslations
- Using Translations
- XtCallbackProc
- Adding Callback Procedures
- XtConfigureWidget
- Moving and Resizing Children
- The geometry_manager Procedure
- Moving and Resizing Children
- Widget Class Procedures
- Widget Class Procedures
- The geometry_manager Procedure
- Using a DrawingArea in a ScrolledWindow
- The resize Procedure
- Moving and Resizing Children
- Exposure and Redisplay
- Widget Class Procedures
- XtCreateApplicationContext
- Initializing the Intrinsics
- XtCreateManagedWidget
- Managing Widgets
- XtCreatePopupShell
- Multiple Screens, Displays, and Applications
- MenuShell
- XtCreateWidget
- Creating Widgets
- Creating Widgets
- XtCWQueryOnly
- Intermediate Geometry Requests
- Intermediate Geometry Requests
- XtDestroyWidget
- Creating Widgets
- XtDisownSelection
- The Xt Selection Interface
- XtDisplayInitalize
- Initial Database Components
- Initial Resource Database
- XtDisplayInitialize
- Per-Host User Resources
- Screen-Specific Resources
- Server or User-Preference Resources
- Resource File Locations
- Multiple Screens, Displays, and Applications
- Resource File Locations
- Multiple Screens, Displays, and Applications
- Resource File Locations
- Resource File Locations
- Resource File Locations
- Resource File Locations
- User Application File
- The Initial Resource Database
- Initializing the Intrinsics
- Opening UID Files
- File Search Paths
- Application Class Resource File
- Application Class Resource File
- The Initial Resource Database
- Application Startup
- Initializing the Intrinsics
- File Search Paths
- Command-Line Specifications
- The Initial Resource Database
- Command-Line Specifications
- XtEventHandler
- Event Handlers
- XtExposeNoCompress
- Handling Exposure Events
- XTextExtents
- Text Output
- XTextExtents16
- Text Output
- XTextStyle
- Text Conversion
- XtFree
- Resource Values and Memory Management
- XtGeometryAlmost
- XtSetValues
- Intermediate Geometry Requests
- Preferred Size and Location
- Geometry Change Requests
- The geometry_manager Procedure
- Geometry Change Requests
- Intermediate Geometry Requests
- XtGeometryDone
- XtSetValues
- The geometry_manager Procedure
- Intermediate Geometry Requests
- Exposure and Redisplay
- Intermediate Geometry Requests
- Intermediate Geometry Requests
- The geometry_manager Procedure
- The geometry_manager Procedure
- The geometry_manager Procedure
- The resize Procedure
- Preferred Size and Location
- The geometry_manager Procedure
- The resize Procedure
- XtGeometryNo
- Geometry Change Requests
- Preferred Size and Location
- XtSetValues
- Shells and Their Children
- Window Configuration
- XtGeometryYes
- Intermediate Geometry Requests
- The geometry_manager Procedure
- XtSetValues
- The geometry_manager Procedure
- The geometry_manager Procedure
- Geometry Change Requests
- Window Configuration
- The geometry_manager Procedure
- The geometry_manager Procedure
- Exposure and Redisplay
- The resize Procedure
- The resize Procedure
- The geometry_manager Procedure
- Intermediate Geometry Requests
- Intermediate Geometry Requests
- Preferred Size and Location
- XtGetSelectionRequest
- The Xt Selection Interface
- XtGetSelectionValue
- The Xt Selection Interface
- XtGetSelectionValueIncremental
- The Xt Selection Interface
- XtGetSelectionValues
- The Xt Selection Interface
- XtGetSelectionValuesIncremental
- The Xt Selection Interface
- XtGetValues
- Geometry Management of Pre-Edit and Status Areas
- XmDropTransfer
- Resource Value Data Types
- Retrieving Resource Values
- MenuShell
- Shells and Their Children
- Widgets
- Manager Widgets and Their Children
- Sharing Text Sources
- Specifying Drag Protocols
- Overriding Existing Drag Sources
- OptionMenu
- Resource Values and Memory Management
- XtGrabNone
- Multiple Screens, Displays, and Applications
- XtInsertEventHandler
- Event Handlers
- XtInstallAccelerators
- Mnemonics and Accelerators
- Mnemonics and Accelerators
- XtIsSensitive
- Sensitivity
- XtMakeGeometryRequest
- The geometry_manager Procedure
- Geometry Change Requests
- Geometry Change Requests
- The geometry_manager Procedure
- The geometry_manager Procedure
- Geometry Change Requests
- Intermediate Geometry Requests
- Geometry Change Requests
- The geometry_manager Procedure
- Geometry Change Requests
- Exposure and Redisplay
- The geometry_manager Procedure
- Geometry Change Requests
- Geometry Change Requests
- XtMakeResizeRequest
- Geometry Change Requests
- XtMalloc
- Resource Values and Memory Management
- XtManageChild
- Managing Widgets
- Managing Widgets
- Managing Widgets
- Managing Widgets
- XtManageChildren
- Managing Widgets
- Managing Widgets
- XtMapWidget
- Mapping Widgets
- XtMoveWidget
- Widget Class Procedures
- Moving and Resizing Children
- The geometry_manager Procedure
- Widget Class Procedures
- Using a DrawingArea in a ScrolledWindow
- Exposure and Redisplay
- Moving and Resizing Children
- The geometry_manager Procedure
- XtNameToWidget
- MessageBox
- Making a Selection: SelectionBox
- XtNew
- Resource Values and Memory Management
- XtOpenDisplay
- The Initial Resource Database
- Initializing the Intrinsics
- File Search Paths
- Command-Line Specifications
- XtOverrideTranslations
- Using Translations
- XtOwnSelection
- The Xt Selection Interface
- XtOwnSelectionIncremental
- The Xt Selection Interface
- The Xt Selection Interface
- XtParseAcceleratorTable
- Mnemonics and Accelerators
- XtParseTranslationTable
- Using Translations
- XtPopup
- Multiple Screens, Displays, and Applications
- DialogShell
- XtQueryGeometry
- Preferred Size and Location
- Preferred Size and Location
- Preferred Size and Location
- Widget Class Procedures
- Preferred Size and Location
- Preferred Size and Location
- XtRealizeWidget
- Realizing Widgets
- Realizing Widgets
- Realizing Widgets
- XtRemoveAllCallbacks
- Automatic Scrolling
- Adding Callback Procedures
- XtRemoveCallback
- Adding Callback Procedures
- XtRemoveCallbacks
- Adding Callback Procedures
- XtResizeWidget
- Using a DrawingArea in a ScrolledWindow
- Widget Class Procedures
- Widget Class Procedures
- Moving and Resizing Children
- Widget Class Procedures
- The geometry_manager Procedure
- Moving and Resizing Children
- Exposure and Redisplay
- Moving and Resizing Children
- Window Configuration
- The geometry_manager Procedure
- The resize Procedure
- XtResolvePathname
- File Search Paths
- Message Catalogs and Localization
- Images, Pixmaps, and Localization
- Images, Pixmaps, and Localization
- Opening UID Files
- Opening UID Files
- Using Locales
- Using Pixmaps
- Using Pixmaps
- Using Locales
- Localization Without Locales
- Resource File Locations
- Establishing the Language Environment
- Resource File Locations
- MRM and Localized UID Files
- MRM and Localized UID Files
- XtSelectionCallbackProc
- XmNdropProc
- XtSetArg
- Arguments that Specify Resource Values
- XtSetKeyboardFocus
- Input Focus
- XtSetLanguageProc
- Establishing the Language Environment
- Establishing the Language Environment
- Establishing the Language Environment
- Establishing the Language Environment
- XtSetSensitive
- Input Focus
- Sensitivity
- RowColumn
- Sensitivity
- Sensitivity
- Sensitivity
- Sensitivity
- XtSetValues
- Handling Resize Events
- Moving and Resizing Children
- Moving and Resizing Children
- Moving and Resizing Children
- Moving and Resizing Children
- Using a DrawingArea in a ScrolledWindow
- Using a DrawingArea in a ScrolledWindow
- Overriding Existing Drag Sources
- Overriding Existing Drag Sources
- XmDropTransfer
- Sharing Text Sources
- Window Configuration
- Window Configuration
- Icons
- Other Resources
- Automatic Scrolling
- MainWindow
- MainWindow
- MainWindow
- PanedWindow
- Widget Class Procedures
- Widgets
- Setting Resource Values
- Resources: User and Program Customization
- Retrieving Resource Values
- XtSetValues
- XtSetValues
- Resource Value Data Types
- XtSetValues
- The resize Procedure
- Setting Resource Values
- Resource Values and Memory Management
- OptionMenu
- Manager Widgets and Their Children
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- Managing Geometry Using Form
- RadioBox and CheckBox
- Message Catalogs and Localization
- Geometry Management of Pre-Edit and Status Areas
- Color and Pixmaps
- Application-Defined Color Generation
- Sensitivity
- Tab Groups
- Tab Groups
- Tab Groups
- Controlling Tab Group Traversal Order
- Using Translations
- XtToolkitInitialize
- Initializing the Intrinsics
- XtUnmanageChild
- Managing Widgets
- Managing Widgets
- XtUnmanageChildren
- Managing Widgets
- Managing Widgets
- XtUnmapWidget
- Mapping Widgets
- XtUnspecifiedWindowGroup
- Window Groups
- XtVaCreateManagedWidget
- Managing Widgets
- XtVaCreatePopupShell
- MenuShell
- XtVaCreateWidget
- Creating Widgets
- XtVaGetValues
- Retrieving Resource Values
- XtVaNestedList
- Arguments that Specify Resource Values
- XtVaSetValues
- Setting Resource Values
- XtVaTypedArg
- Arguments that Specify Resource Values
- Resource Value Data Types
- XtWidgetGeometry
- The geometry_manager Procedure
- The geometry_manager Procedure
- XtSetValues
- Preferred Size and Location
- Preferred Size and Location
- Preferred Size and Location
- Geometry Change Requests
- Geometry Change Requests
- Resource File Locations
- User Application File
- User Application File
- XwcTextListToTextProperty
- Text Conversion
- XwcTextPropertyToTextList
- Text Conversion
- XWMGeometry
- Window Configuration