Appendix C. Floptical Drive Jumper Settings

There are seven sets of pins, E1 through E7, on the jumper block, as shown in Figure C-1. Pins E1, E2, and E3 define the SCSI address.

The floptical drive supplied by Silicon Graphics is preconfigured to SCSI address 2. There should be a pin on jumper 2, and none on jumpers 1 and 3.

Note: There is a jumper installed on E4; do not remove it.

If the jumpers on the floptical drive do not match Figure C-1, use a pair of needle-nose pliers to remove and install them correctly. To remove the drive, go to “Replacing the Internal Floptical Drive or Second Hard Disk Drive”.

Figure C-1. Floptical Drive Jumpers Set to SCSI Address 2