Chapter 9. Ordering, Removing, and Installing Replacement Parts

This system is designed to be user maintainable. If diagnostic tests identify a faulty part, contact your service organization before removing the faulty part. In some cases you may be instructed to return the workstation.

For information on replacing graphics boards and identifying and removing attached option boards, go to Chapter 5, “Identifying, Installing, and Removing Graphics Boards and Attached Option Boards.”

This chapter tells you how to

Ordering Replacement Parts

If diagnostics have identified a faulty part, remove it, then follow these steps to order a replacement:

  1. Copy the “Part Request Form” directly from the last page of this guide.

  2. Note the name of the faulty part on the copy of the form.

  3. Note the system serial number of your workstation. The number is on a label on the back of the workstation. See Appendix C for the location of the serial number. You may also, from a shell window, enter netstat -ia. Your serial number is the number that begins with 08.

  4. Identify the part number of the faulty part. Silicon Graphics part numbers usually are in this format: 000-0000-000. Your service provider can help you with identifying part numbers.

  5. Contact your service provider for further instructions.

    Your service provider will ask you for the system serial number, configuration information, the part number of the failed component, and a description of the problem.

  6. Pack and ship the faulty part to your service provider if requested.

    For maximum protection to the part, use two sturdy boxes for shipping. Graphics boards, CPU modules, and SIMMs are extremely sensitive to static electricity. Whenever possible, package them in antistatic bags.

    • Place the faulty part and “Part Request Form” into one of the two boxes. Pack them in plenty of packing material so the part won't sustain further damage. Tape the box securely.

    • Place the box containing the faulty part into a larger box and fill the empty space with packing materials. Tape the box securely and affix a mailing label. Ship the box to your service provider.

Replacing the System

If diagnostics have identified a problem with the system, call your service provider. If instructed to return the system, follow these instructions to prepare it for shipping and complete the necessary paperwork.

  1. To preserve your data, remove the disk drives from the system.

  2. Remove any optional memory modules or option boards, or other non Silicon Graphics parts installed on the workstation. Refer to the appropriate section in this chapter to remove the parts.

  3. Remove any external SCSI devices or external parts and cables such as the keyboard, mouse, camera, or monitor. Do not ship these external parts and cables unless told to do so by your service provider.

  4. Make a photocopy of the “Part Request Form” on the last page of this guide.

  5. Complete the “Part Request Form.” You need to know the serial number of your workstation. The number is on a label on the back of the workstation. See Appendix C for the location of the serial number. The serial number allows your service provider to identify the correct replacement system for you.

  6. Pack the workstation in the original packing materials that came with it. The workstation should include all the internal parts (except for the system drive) that it shipped with: power supply, system board, CPU module, graphics board(s), and memory modules.

    Note: It's important that you use the original packing materials to prevent further damage to the workstation and its internal parts. If you don't have the original packing materials, contact your service provider.

  7. Ship the workstation to your service provider.

Replacing Internal Parts

Internal customer replacement parts include the graphics board set, EISA and GIO option boards, texture memory option board, CPU module, PROM chip, power supply, internal drives, and SIMMs. External customer replacement parts include the keyboard, mouse and SCSI devices.

See Chapter 3, “Installing and Removing Memory,” Chapter 4, “Installing and Removing Standalone Option Boards,” and Chapter 5, “Identifying, Installing, and Removing Graphics Boards and Attached Option Boards,” for help replacing parts not found in this chapter.

To replace an internal part, follow the steps below to shut down the system, remove the cover, attach the wrist strap, replace the part, replace the cover, and start up the system.

Shutting Down the System

To shut down the system, follow these steps:

  1. Open the front cover.

    Figure 9-1. Opening the Front Cover

  2. Press and release the power switch on the front of the workstation to shut down the software and power off the system.

    The system powers off automatically.

    Figure 9-2. Powering Off the System

  3. Press the monitor power switch to turn off your monitor.

  4. Disconnect any cables from the back of the Indigo2 IMPACT workstation.

Removing the Cover

Once the system is shut down and all of the cables are disconnected, follow these steps:

  1. Remove the lockbar if you have one installed.

    • Remove the lock from the lockbar at the back of the workstation.

    • Pull the lockbar through the bezel and out.

  2. Remove the bezel.

    • Press down on the tabs on each side of the bezel, as shown in Figure 9-3.

      Figure 9-3. Releasing the Bezel

    • Pull the bezel away from the chassis, as shown in Figure 9-4.

      Figure 9-4. Removing the Bezel

  3. Remove the top cover.

    • Press up on the tabs on each side of the drive openings, as shown in Figure 9-5.

      Figure 9-5. Releasing the Top Cover

    • Pull up on the cover and rotate it back and away from the chassis, as shown in Figure 9-6.

      Figure 9-6. Removing the Top Cover

Tip: If the cover is difficult to raise, check the locking levers of your drives to be sure they are fully locked. The levers should be pushed all the way to the right.

Attaching the Wrist Strap

Wear the wrist strap to prevent the flow of static electricity, which can damage the board.

Caution: The components inside the Indigo2 IMPACT workstation are extremely sensitive to static electricity; you must wear the wrist strap while replacing parts inside the workstation.

To attach the wrist strap, follow these steps:

  1. Unwrap the first two folds of the band and wrap the exposed adhesive side firmly around your wrist.

  2. Unroll the rest of the band and peel the liner from the copper foil at the opposite end.

  3. Attach the copper foil to a convenient and exposed electrical ground, such as a metal part of the Indigo2 IMPACT workstation.

You are now ready to replace the part.

Removing and Replacing the Part

After you've shut down the system, removed the cover, and attached the wrist strap, turn to one of the following sections to learn how to remove and replace the part:

Removing and Replacing the PROM Chip

In some cases, you might be required to remove and replace the PROM chip on the system board. To reach the PROM chip, you must remove any boards connected to the midplane.

Follow the steps below to remove the boards, locate and remove the PROM chip, and install the new PROM chip.

  1. If you have not already shut down the system, removed the cover, and attached the wrist strap, go to “Shutting Down the System” for instructions.

  2. Remove any GIO or EISA boards that are connected to the midplane. If necessary, see Chapter 4, “Installing and Removing Standalone Option Boards,” or Chapter 5, “Identifying, Installing, and Removing Graphics Boards and Attached Option Boards.”

  3. Locate the PROM chip. It is located in a socket on the system board on the bottom of the workstation. See Figure 9-7.

    Figure 9-7. Locating the PROM Chip on the System Board

  4. Before removing the PROM chip, familiarize yourself with it. Note that it has a semicircular notch at one end, as shown in Figure 9-7. You'll use this notch to orient the new PROM when you install it.

  5. Remove the PROM chip from the system board.

    The PROM chip is seated in a socket that is permanently attached to the system board. Remove the PROM chip with a chip removal tool, included with the PROM upgrade package. The tool looks like a pair of huge tweezers. When you use the tool, be sure to insert it under the PROM chip only, and not under the socket.

    • Insert the chip removal tool between the PROM chip and the socket on the board, as shown in Figure 9-8. Work the chip away from the socket in a rocking motion, pulling up on one side of the chip and then on the other side. It may be difficult to loosen.

    • Continue the rocking motion until the PROM chip is all the way out of the socket.

      Figure 9-8. Removing the PROM Chip

  6. Install the new PROM chip.

    • Grasp the new PROM chip. Orient it above the socket on the system board so the end with the semicircular notch lines up with the notch in the socket. See Figure 9-9.

    • Line up all of the pins on the PROM with the corresponding holes in the socket.

    Make sure you line up the notch on the PROM chip with the notch in the socket and that all the pins are aligned with corresponding holes. If you install the PROM chip backwards, or if the pins are not aligned, you will damage the PROM chip, and the system will not power on.

    Figure 9-9. Lining Up the PROM Chip

  7. Once the pins are lined up, press down firmly on the top of the PROM chip until it is completely and evenly seated in the socket, as shown in Figure 9-10.

    Figure 9-10. Pressing the PROM Chip Into the Socket

  8. Visually check to make sure all the pins on the PROM are inserted correctly in the holes on the socket, and the PROM is seated all the way.

  9. Replace any EISA boards or GIO boards that you removed, including the High IMPACT graphics board set. Chapter 4, “Installing and Removing Standalone Option Boards,” or Chapter 5, “Identifying, Installing, and Removing Graphics Boards and Attached Option Boards.”)

  10. You have now finished installing the new PROM chip. To replace the top cover, turn to “Replacing the Cover”.

Removing and Replacing the CPU Module

To replace the CPU module, follow the steps below to remove the 5-1/4" drive tray, remove the CPU module, install the new CPU module, and replace the drive tray.

  1. If you have not already shut down the system, removed the cover, and attached the wrist strap, go to “Shutting Down the System” for instructions.

  2. Remove the 5-1/4" drive tray. If a drive is installed, do not remove the drive from the tray.

    • Disconnect the SCSI cable from the connector on the back of the 5-1/4" drive tray by uncoupling the wire clips from the edges of the connector.

    • Using a Phillips screwdriver, loosen the two captive screws that hold the 5-1/4" drive tray to the chassis. The screws are located below the drive tray on the center front of the chassis.

    • Push the drive tray toward the back of the workstation, and pull up to remove the tray, as shown in Figure 9-11.

      Figure 9-11. Loosening the Screws on the 5-1/4" Drive Tray

  3. Locate the CPU module.

    The CPU module is the large elevated module on the CPU board that is protected by a textured heat sink. It contains the CPU chip, cache, and CPU clock crystal.

  4. Remove the CPU module, as shown in Figure 9-12.

    • Loosen the four captive screws on top of the heat sink.

    • Remove the two Phillips screws on the corners of the module that attach the CPU module to the system board.

    • Disconnect the module connector from the socket on the system board by lifting up on the edges of the module and gently rocking it back and forth.

    • Lift the module up and away from the board.

      Figure 9-12. Removing the CPU Module

  5. Install the new CPU module.

    • Position the new module so that the connector on the bottom of the module aligns with the socket on the board.

    • Press down on top of the module connector until it is securely attached to the socket on the board.

    • Insert and tighten the Phillips screws shown in Figure 9-13 that attach the CPU to the system board.

      Caution: The Phillips screws must be completely tightened for your system to operate properly. Incomplete installation may cause your workstation to operate intermittently or not at all.

    • Tighten the captive screws, shown in Figure 9-13.

      Figure 9-13. Installing New CPU Module

  6. Replace the 5-1/4" drive and tray, as shown in Figure 9-14.

    • Position the drive tray so that the tabs on the sides of the tray fit inside the slot openings in the chassis and the open side of the tray faces the front of the chassis.

      Figure 9-14. Replacing the 5-1/4" Drive Tray

    • Pull the tray towards the front of the workstation about 1/2" to lock it in place.

    • Tighten the two captive screws.

  7. Reattach the SCSI cable to the connector on the back of the drive tray.

    • Insert the SCSI cable into the connector on the back of the drive tray.

    • Slip the wire clips on the SCSI cable over the edges of the connector.

You are finished replacing the CPU module. To replace the top cover, turn to “Replacing the Cover”.

Removing and Replacing the Power Supply in an Indigo2 IMPACT Ready Workstation

Follow the directions for removing and replacing a power supply in an Indigo2 IMPACT workstation, but skip the steps that direct you to connect or disconnect the midplane power cables. In an Indigo2 IMPACT Ready workstation, the midplane power cables should remain terminated to the power supply.

Removing and Replacing the Indigo2 IMPACT Power Supply

To replace the power supply, follow these steps:

  1. If you have not already shut down the system, removed the cover, and attached the wrist strap, go to “Shutting Down the System” for instructions.

  2. Move the workstation, or position yourself so that you are facing the front of the workstation.

  3. Disconnect the SCSI cable from the connector on the back of the 5-1/4" drive tray. See Figure 9-15.

    • Slip the wire clips on the SCSI cable off the edges of the connector.

    • Grasp the SCSI cable connector and disconnect it from the back of the drivetray. Move the cable with your fingers if you need to reposition it.

      Figure 9-15. Locating the SCSI Cable

  4. Remove the 5-1/4" drive tray. Removing the drive tray makes it easier to remove the power supply and install the new one. If there is a drive installed, there is no need to remove the drive from the tray.

    • Loosen the two captive screws that hold the 5-1/4" drive tray to the chassis. The screws are located below the drive tray on the center front of the chassis.

    • Push the drive tray toward the back of the workstation, and pull up on the tabs on the top of the drive tray to remove it, as shown in Figure 9-16.

      Figure 9-16. Removing the Drive Tray

  5. Remove the power supply.

    • Move the workstation, or position yourself so that you are facing the back of the workstation. The power supply is located on the left, as shown in Figure 9-17.

    • Remove the two screws from the side of the chassis and the two screws from the back of the chassis. The two screws on the back of the chassis are offset. See Figure 9-17.

      Figure 9-17. Removing the Power Supply Screws

  6. Disconnect the power cable to the system drives.

    • Disconnect the connector to the disk drives by grasping it and pulling it straight back, away from the disk drives.

    Note: The power supply will be in place when you disconnect the drive cable. Figure 9-18 shows the power supply out of place for illustration purposes.

    Figure 9-18. Disconnecting the Power Cable to the Drives

  7. Disconnect the midplane power cables (ribbon cable and twisted-pair cable) from the midplane, as shown in Figure 9-19.

    • Pinch together the corrugated edges on the ribbon cable connector, and disconnect it from the midplane. See Figure 9-19.

    • Pull gently on the twisted-pair connector to disconnect it from the midplane.

    Note: Skip this step if you have an IMPACT Ready workstation. The midplane power cables in an IMPACT Ready workstation terminate to the power supply and should remain terminated.

    Figure 9-19. Removing the Midplane Power Cables

  8. Disconnect the two power cables from the baseboard.

    • Disconnect the two cables located on the side of the power supply near the memory banks by grasping the strap on each connector and pulling it straight up.

    • Hang each connector by its strap on the two wide hooks that are above the connectors and attached to the side of the power supply. See Figure 9-20.

      Figure 9-20. Removing the Baseboard Power Cables

    Caution: Do not bump the SIMMs located adjacent to the baseboard power cables. The SIMMs can become loose if bumped.

  9. Remove the power supply.

    • Move the power supply toward the front of the workstation about 1/4", as shown in Figure 9-21, by pushing on the flat surfaces around the fan.

      Figure 9-21. Sliding the Power Supply Forward

    • Lift the power supply up and out of the chassis, as shown in Figure 9-22.

      Figure 9-22. Lifting the Power Supply From the Chassis

To replace the power supply, follow these steps.

  1. The new power supply has two midplane power supply cables terminated to the side of the power supply, a ribbon cable and a twisted-pair cable.

    • Pinch together the corrugated edges on the ribbon cable connector, and disconnect it from the terminating bracket. See Figure 9-23.

    • Pull gently on the twisted-pair connector to disconnect it from the terminating bracket.

      Figure 9-23. Disconnecting the Terminated Midplane Power Supply Cables

  2. Before installing the new power supply, connect the power cable located close to the disk drives.

    • Hold the power supply with one hand so that the fan faces the back of the chassis and the power connectors are on the bottom. With your other hand, connect the free end of the power cable (shown in Figure 9-24) to the connector located close to the disk drives.

      The connector is keyed so that you can connect it only one way if you don't force it.

    • Press the connector firmly until seated. Check that it is seated all the way in the socket.

      Figure 9-24. Connecting the Power Cable to the Drives

  3. Install the new power supply, as shown in Figure 9-25.

    • Look at the metal feet on the bottom of the power supply. The metal feet will slide into the holes on the bottom of the chassis.

    • Lower the power supply into the Indigo2 IMPACT chassis as close to the disk drives and side of the chassis as possible. Make sure that the power supply is flat against the bottom of the chassis.

    • Shove the power supply toward the back of the Indigo2 IMPACT chassis, as far as it will go, making sure the metal feet on the bottom of the power supply engage in the holes on the chassis floor.

      If the metal feet do not engage in the holes, raise the power supply and lower it again, making sure it is flat against the bottom of the chassis.

      Figure 9-25. Installing the Power Supply

      Tip: A good test is to lift up the power supply. If the chassis comes up with it, the metal tabs are engaged

  4. Replace the four screws that hold the power supply, as shown in Figure 9-26.

    If the screw holes do not line up, verify that the power supply is seated all the way, and is pushed all the way against the back of the chassis.

    Figure 9-26. Replacing the Screws

  5. Connect the two power cables that attach to the baseboard.

    • Remove the two power supply connectors (located close to the memory banks) from their hooks on the side of the power supply.

    • Connect the two power supply connectors as shown in Figure 9-27. These connectors are not keyed, so make sure you align them correctly before pressing firmly with your thumbs to seat them.

    Caution: The pins the connectors slide onto can easily bend and break. Place the connectors carefully.

    • Check that the two power supply connectors are seated all the way in the sockets.

      Figure 9-27. Connecting the Power Cables to the Baseboard

  6. Connect the midplane power cables (ribbon and twisted-pair) to the gold-colored midplane. (Skip this step if you have an Indigo2 IMPACT ready workstation. The cables must remain terminated to the power supply.)

    • Pinch together the corrugated edges on the ribbon cable connector, and connect it to the midplane. See Figure 9-28.

    • Push gently on the twisted-pair connector to connect it to the midplane.

      Figure 9-28. Connecting the Midplane Power Cables

  7. Move the workstation, or position yourself so that you are facing the front of the workstation.

  8. Replace the 5-1/4" drive and tray, as shown in Figure 9-29.

    • Position the drive tray so that the tabs on the sides of the tray fit inside the slot openings in the chassis and the open side of the tray faces the front of the chassis.

    • Pull the tray toward the front of the workstation about 1/2" to lock it in place.

    • Tighten the two captive screws.

  9. Reattach the SCSI cable to the connector on the back of the drive tray.

    • Push the SCSI cable into the connector on the back of the drive tray.

    • Slip the wire clips on the SCSI cable over the edges of the connector.

      Figure 9-29. Replacing the 5-1/4" Drive Tray

  10. Detach the wrist strap from your wrist and the chassis.

You are finished replacing the power supply. Turn to“Replacing the Cover” to replace the top cover.

Checking and Replacing Faulty SIMMs

Before replacing SIMMs, check to make sure that all SIMMs are seated correctly in their slots.

  1. If you have not already shut down the system, removed the cover, attached the wrist strap, and removed the SCSI cable, power cable, and twisted-pair cable, go to “Shutting Down the System” for instructions.

  2. Check to see that all the SIMMs are installed correctly.

    • A SIMM is installed correctly when it is vertical and perpendicular to the CPU baseboard, and when the latches on the sides of the SIMM fit snugly around it.

    • If the SIMM appears to be leaning, push it into a vertical position.

  3. Replace the drive tray if you removed it. See Figure 9-30.

    • Position the drive tray so that the tabs on the sides of the tray fit inside the slot openings in the chassis and so that the open side of the tray faces the front of the chassis.

    • Push the tray forward about 1/2" to lock it in place.

    • Reattach the SCSI cable to the connector on the back of the drive tray.

    • Push the SCSI cable into the connector on the back of the drive tray.

    • Slip the wire clips on the SCSI cable over the edges of the connector.

    • Tighten the two captive screws.

      Figure 9-30. Replacing the 5-1/4" Drive Tray

  4. Replace the cover and power up the system. See “Replacing the Cover” for instructions.

  5. If the error message still says

    Check or replace SIMM#

    you have a faulty SIMM. Follow the instructions in “Ordering Replacement Parts”. Then contact your service provider for further instructions.

Removing and Replacing Internal Drives

To replace an internal drive, follow these steps:

  1. If you have not already shut down the system, go to “Shutting Down the System” for instructions.

  2. Remove the drive.

    • Locate the lever below the drive.

    • Push on the lever and move it all the way to the left. This releases the drive.

    • Pull the drive all the way out of the slot.

  3. Install the new drive.

    To install the new drive, follow the instructions in “Installing an Internal Drive”.

Replacing the Cover

To replace the top cover, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the tabs on the inside and back of the top cover and the slots on the back of the workstation. See Figure 9-31.

    Figure 9-31. Replacing the Top Cover

  2. Face the front of the workstation.

    • Look through the slots as you lower the cover and move the tabs into place.

    • Slide the tabs into the slots and pull the cover down until it snaps into place. The cover fits tightly over the workstation.

  3. Replace the bezel.

    • Place the tabs on the bottom of the bezel into the grooves in the front of the chassis, as shown in Figure 9-32.

      Figure 9-32. Replacing the Bezel

  4. Tilt the bezel up until it snaps into place.

  5. Reinstall the lockbar if you had one installed.

    • Slide it through the bezel and out the back of the workstation.

    • Reattach the lock.

  6. Close the front panel of the bezel.

  7. Reconnect the power cable to its connector on the back of the Indigo2 IMPACT workstation. If you have removed the monitor cable, reconnect it to the back of your Indigo2 IMPACT workstation.

You are finished replacing the part and are ready to power on the system.

Removing and Replacing External Parts

External replacement parts include the keyboard, mouse, and external SCSI devices. To replace an external part on the Indigo2 IMPACT, shut down the system, replace the part, then start up the system.

Shutting Down and Powering Off the System

To shut down and power off the system, follow these steps:

  1. Open the front cover.

  2. Press and release the power switch on the front of the workstation to shut down the software and power off the system.

    The system powers off automatically.

  3. Press the monitor power switch to turn off your monitor.

  4. Disconnect the power cable from the back of the Indigo2 IMPACT workstation.

To replace the keyboard or mouse, see below for instructions. To replace an external SCSI device, turn to “Replacing External SCSI Devices”.

Replacing the Keyboard or Mouse

To replace the keyboard or mouse, follow these steps:

  1. See “Shutting Down and Powering Off the System” on this page to shut down the system.

  2. Disconnect the mouse or keyboard cable from its port on the back of the workstation.

  3. Connect the new mouse or keyboard cable to the workstation.

  4. Reconnect the power cable to the back of the workstation.

  5. Press and release the power switch on the monitor. Then press and release the power switch on the front of the workstation to power on the system.

Replacing External SCSI Devices

All SCSI devices should be Silicon Graphics supported or they may not work with your system.

To replace an external SCSI device, follow these steps:

  1. Turn to “Shutting Down and Powering Off the System” to shut down the system.

  2. Disconnect the power cable from the SCSI device.

  3. Disconnect the SCSI cable from the back of the Indigo2 IMPACT chassis.

    • Squeeze the clips on both sides of the connector.

    • Pull off the connector.

  4. If you are not going to install another external device, reattach the terminator (which came with your Indigo2 IMPACT workstation) on the SCSI port.

    Note: The terminator that shipped with your Indigo2 IMPACT workstation is a high-density active terminator. The terminator on an external drive may be a low-density terminator. Use only an active high-density terminator to terminate the Indigo2 IMPACT workstation.

    Gently push the terminator into the SCSI connector on the back of the Indigo2 IMPACT chassis until the clips snap into place.

    The SCSI connector is designed so that you can put the terminator on only one way, if you do not force it.

  5. Reconnect the power cable to the back of the workstation.

  6. Press and release the power switch on the monitor. Then press and release the power switch on the front of the workstation to power on the system.

To install a replacement external SCSI device, follow the instructions in “Installing External SCSI Devices”.